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Tutorium Analysis 1 und Lineare Algebra 1: Mathematik von Studierenden für Studierende erklärt und kommentiert

by Martin Kreh Florian Modler Maja Boldt

Dieses Buch erleichtert euch im ersten Semester des Mathematikstudiums den Einstieg und Umstieg von der Schulmathematik in die Hochschulmathematik. Die Autor*innen machen euch den Einstieg ins Mathestudium so leicht wie möglich: Sie helfen euch dabei, übliche Erstsemester-Fehler zu vermeiden und die Schwierigkeiten zu überstehen, die im ersten Semester ganz normal sind. Schwer verständliche Themen behandeln die Autor*innen besonders ausführlich, auf häufige Fehler weisen sie euch hin. Die essenziellen Inhalte des ersten Semesters werden hier in 21 einzelnen Kapiteln abgedeckt, die jeweils aus zwei sehr verschiedenen Teilen bestehen: Im jeweils ersten Teil findet ihr die mathematisch exakten Definitionen, Sätze und Beweise, die euch auch in euren Vorlesungen begegnen werden. Im jeweils zweiten Teil findet ihr sehr ausführliche und möglichst anschauliche Erklärungen, Hilfen und Beispiele. Bei Fragen und Verständnisproblemen könnt ihr in diesem kommentierten Teil nachschauen. Solltet ihr also irgendeine Definition in der Vorlesung nicht auf Anhieb verstehen, schlagt sie einfach hier nach. Außerdem steht jeweils eine Probeklausur zur Analysis und zur Linearen Algebra zur Verfügung, damit ihr euer erworbenes Wissen testen könnt. Natürlich gibt es dazu auch Musterlösungen. Für die 5. Auflage wurde das Buch nochmals überarbeitet und um gut 230 Flashcards ergänzt, die im Browser oder in der SN-Flashcards-App online abrufbar sind. Mit den Flashcards könnt ihr auch zwischendurch und unterwegs gut weiterlernen und die Inhalte verinnerlichen.

Tutorium Analysis 1 und Lineare Algebra 1: Mathematik von Studenten für Studenten erklärt und kommentiert

by Florian Modler Martin Kreh

Dieses Buch soll Ihnen als Mathematik-Erstsemester den Einstieg und Umstieg von der Schulmathematik in die Hochschulmathematik erleichtern und Ihnen somit helfen, viele der üblichen Erstsemester-Fehler zu vermeiden. Denn aller Anfang ist schwer und die Autoren wollen versuchen, Ihnen den Anfang so leicht wie möglich zu machen und Ihnen helfen, Schwierigkeiten zu überstehen, die im ersten Semester ganz normal sind. Das Buch ist anders als alle anderen, denn es wurde von Studenten geschrieben, die Erfahrung als Tutor, Übungsleiter und Korrektoren haben. Dadurch wissen die Autoren zum einen, welche Themen schwer verständlich sind und besonders ausführlich behandelt werden müssen und zum anderen kennen sie häufige Fehler und können auf diese hinweisen. In dem Buch gibt es einen mathematischen Teil, den der Student für Prüfungen beherrschen muss. Bei Fragen oder Problemen kann er dann in dem kommentierten Teil nachschauen und dort ausführliche Erklärungen, Hilfen und Beispiele der Autoren finden. So verfügt der Leser über zweierlei: Einerseits über die mathematisch exakte Definition oder den mathematisch präzisen Satz und Beweis und anderseits über Hilfen und Anschauungen, die ebenso wichtig sind, um den Stoff zu verstehen.Das Buch ist in der 4. Auflage um weitere Beispiele und zwei Beispielklausuren ergänzt worden. Stimmen zur 1. Auflage: „Es handelt sich also um ein sehr empfehlenswertes Buch für Einsteiger in das Studienfach Mathematik, welches sowohl umfangreich als auch verständlich gestaltet ist.“ Maik Messerschmidt auf„Super für den Studienbeginn! Kann dieses Buch nur jedem empfehlen, der im ersten Semester eine Vorlesung in Analysis oder Linearer Algebra hört! Habe schon einige Mathebücher durch und einige Sachen hatte ich trotzdem noch nicht richtig verstanden. Mit Hilfe dieses Buches jedoch wurden viele (komplizierte) Sachverhalte viel verständlicher.“ Kundenrezension auf

Tutorium Analysis 2 und Lineare Algebra 2: Mathematik von Studenten für Studenten erklärt und kommentiert

by Florian Modler Martin Kreh

Nach dem großen Erfolg von "Tutorium Analysis 1 und Lineare Algebra 1" erscheint nun ein Fortsetzungsband der beiden Autoren, mit dem sie den Zweitsemestern und allen, die Analysis 2 und Lineare Algebra 2 oder verwandte Vorlesungen hören müssen, wieder unterstützend unter die Arme greifen.Das Konzept bleibt das Altbewährte: Es gibt wieder einen mathematischen Teil, in dem die Definitionen, Sätze und Beweise stehen, und einen erklärenden Teil, in dem die schwierigen Definitionen und Sätze auf gewohnte lockere und lustige Art und Weise mit vielen Beispielen und Abbildungen mit Leben gefüllt werden.Das Buch ist für die zweite Auflage vollständig durchgesehen und an etlichen Stellen geändert und weiter verbessert.

Tutorium Mathe für Biologen: Von Studenten für Studenten

by Lorenz Adlung Christian Hopp Alexandra Köthe Niko Schnellbächer Oskar Staufer

Warum ein Mathebuch für Biologen von Studenten für Studenten?Wir wissen, was man an Mathe für Bio wirklich für die Prüfungen und die Bachelorarbeit braucht. Wir haben selbst Bio oder Mathe/Physik studiert und hautnah erlebt, wie unglaublich beliebt Mathe für Biologen ist. Neben einer „natürlichen Abneigung“ liegt es oft daran, dass die Lehre selten anwendungsbezogen ist. Wir haben uns bemüht, in einem Buch nur das aufzuführen, was man als Biologe wirklich benötigt und alles andere konsequent wegzulassen. Es gibt ständig Bezüge zu Publikationen aus den modernen Biowissenschaften. Solche relevanten Beispiele werden euch bestimmt hilfreich sein. Und das Beste: Das Buch ist garantiert häschenfrei! Wir rechnen nicht mit Hasenpopulationen sondern aktuellen Beispielen wie z.B. Signalwegen. Inhaltlich deckt das Buch den Stoff der ersten Mathevorlesungen für Biologen an den meisten Unis ab. Falls ihr mehr wissen möchtet, findet ihr uns auch auf Facebook unter „häschenfreie Mathe“.

The Twelve-Bug Day (Mouse Math)

by Lisa Harkrader

Each read-aloud book in the Mouse Math series focuses on a single, basic math concept and features adorable mice, Albert and Wanda, who live in a People House. Entertaining fiction stories capture kids&’ imaginations as the mice learn about numbers, shapes, sizes, and more. Over 3 million copies sold worldwide!A dozen bugs? That&’s a lot! Still, Albert is sure he&’ll find all twelve on the class field trip to the insect zoo. After all he loves bugs. What he doesn&’t love? Subtraction. But if he counts down, bug by bug, he might just win lunch with the famous entomologist, Arizona Brown! Every Mouse Math title includes back matter activities that support and extend reading comprehension and math skills, plus free online activities. (Math Concept: Subtraction)

Twelve Landmarks of Twentieth-Century Analysis

by D. Choimet H. Queffélec Michaël Monerau Danièle Gibbons Greg Gibbons

The striking theorems showcased in this book are among the most profound results of twentieth-century analysis. The authors' original approach combines rigorous mathematical proofs with commentary on the underlying ideas to provide a rich insight into these landmarks in mathematics. Results ranging from the proof of Littlewood's conjecture to the Banach–Tarski paradox have been selected for their mathematical beauty as well as educative value and historical role. Placing each theorem in historical perspective, the authors paint a coherent picture of modern analysis and its development, whilst maintaining mathematical rigour with the provision of complete proofs, alternative proofs, worked examples, and more than 150 exercises and solution hints. This edition extends the original French edition of 2009 with a new chapter on partitions, including the Hardy–Ramanujan theorem, and a significant expansion of the existing chapter on the Corona problem.

Twenty Interviews With Psychometric Society Presidents: What’s on the Mind of the Psychometrician?

by Lisa D. Wijsen

Twenty Interviews with Psychometric Society Presidents tells the stories of the people who are the driving forces of psychometric research, teaching and practice. In semi-structured interviews, twenty presidents of the Psychometric Society share how they moved into the psychometric field, what inspired them to pursue this path, and what still drives them to do their research. They also reflect on the current status, history, and future of their own field, considering psychometrics' most significant historical achievements, as well as the major challenges that lie ahead. This curated collection provides a wealth of historical knowledge that is relevant for every practicing psychometrician. Introspective and insightful, it exhibits the wide array of opinions and visions in the field. Readers are invited to critically reflect on what holds this diverse field together, and what challenges and opportunities are on the horizon.

Twenty Is Too Many

by Kate Duke

Twenty guinea pigs can be too many--especially if all of them are crammed on a small and tipsy boat. In this charming and boisterous book about subtraction, the guinea pigs begin to jump ship, each in his or her own funny and unique way. While children follow the story of the ever-shrinking gang of guinea pigs, they can count the furry pals leaping on and around oversized numerals representing the number of cavorting cavies on the page. A simple equation that shows the subtraction is printed along the bottom of each spread, reinforcing the concept.Like its successful predecessor, One Guinea Pig Is Not Enough, this book tells a story while teaching a number concept.

Twenty Lectures on Algorithmic Game Theory

by Tim Roughgarden

Computer science and economics have engaged in a lively interaction over the past fifteen years, resulting in the new field of algorithmic game theory. Many problems that are central to modern computer science, ranging from resource allocation in large networks to online advertising, involve interactions between multiple self-interested parties. Economics and game theory offer a host of useful models and definitions to reason about such problems. The flow of ideas also travels in the other direction, and concepts from computer science are increasingly important in economics. This book grew out of the author's Stanford University course on algorithmic game theory, and aims to give students and other newcomers a quick and accessible introduction to many of the most important concepts in the field. The book also includes case studies on online advertising, wireless spectrum auctions, kidney exchange, and network management.

Twinderella, A Fractioned Fairy Tale

by Corey Rosen Schwartz

Turns out you only know half of the story of Cinderella. Learn the rest in this mathmatically enjoyable fractioned fairy tale!Cinderella had a twin sister, Tinderella. They each did half the housework, half the mending, and half the mean step-sister tending. But when they meet only one prince, what will they do? The whole story has twice the magic and double the fun! From the author The Three Ninja Pigs comes the fractioned fairy tale of Cinderella and her less-famous sister.

Twisted Isospectrality, Homological Wideness, and Isometry: A Sample of Algebraic Methods in Isospectrality (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics)

by Gunther Cornelissen Norbert Peyerimhoff

The question of reconstructing a geometric shape from spectra of operators (such as the Laplace operator) is decades old and an active area of research in mathematics and mathematical physics. This book focusses on the case of compact Riemannian manifolds, and, in particular, the question whether one can find finitely many natural operators that determine whether two such manifolds are isometric (coverings).The methods outlined in the book fit into the tradition of the famous work of Sunada on the construction of isospectral, non-isometric manifolds, and thus do not focus on analytic techniques, but rather on algebraic methods: in particular, the analogy with constructions in number theory, methods from representation theory, and from algebraic topology.The main goal of the book is to present the construction of finitely many “twisted” Laplace operators whose spectrum determines covering equivalence of two Riemannian manifolds.The book has a leisure pace and presents details and examples that are hard to find in the literature, concerning: fiber products of manifolds and orbifolds, the distinction between the spectrum and the spectral zeta function for general operators, strong isospectrality, twisted Laplacians, the action of isometry groups on homology groups, monomial structures on group representations, geometric and group-theoretical realisation of coverings with wreath products as covering groups, and “class field theory” for manifolds. The book contains a wealth of worked examples and open problems. After perusing the book, the reader will have a comfortable working knowledge of the algebraic approach to isospectrality. This is an open access book.

Twisted Logic: Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Big Questions

by Leighton Vaughan Williams

Twisted Logic: Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Big Questions delves into the intriguing world of twisted logic, where everyday conundrums, bewildering paradoxes, and life's big questions are investigated and decoded. Crafted for the curious mind, this book sheds light on how our intuition and common sense can often mislead us. Without the need for technical jargon or mathematical prowess, it serves as your personal compass through fascinating intellectual landscapes and ultimate explorations. From the quirky corners of Bayesian reasoning to practical strategies in daily choices, this is your companion for a clearer way of thinking.Features: A comprehensive toolkit to refine your cognitive processes and avoid common pitfalls. Insights into the oddities of probability, strategy, and fate that govern our lives. A fresh perspective on everyday decisions and life's larger dilemmas, including finding everything from a place to eat to a new home to a life partner. Practical advice on optimising daily routines, such as determining the best time of day to arrange important appointments. Thought-provoking 'When Should We?' questions that challenge us to think critically about decision-making in our lives. Prepare to challenge your perceptions and unveil hidden truths. Twisted Logic is an enlightening adventure that promises to transform the mundane into the extraordinary. Embark on a journey where the only thing certain is the thrill of the unknown.

Twistor Sigma Models: Gravity, Amplitudes, and Flat Space Holography (Springer Theses)

by Atul Sharma

In recent decades, twistor theory has grown into an irreplaceable tool for the study of scattering amplitudes in gauge theory and gravity. This book introduces the reader to cutting-edge advances in twistor theory and its applications to general relativity. The problem of graviton scattering in four dimensions is shown to be dual to dramatically simpler computations in a two-dimensional CFT known as a twistor sigma model. Twistor sigma models are the first step toward a holographic description of gravity in asymptotically flat space-times. They underpin the infinitely many asymptotic symmetries of flat space physics discovered in celestial holography, and extend them to exciting new arenas like curved space-times. They also yield intrinsically mathematical results in the field of hyperkähler manifolds. This volume will be of broad interest to students and researchers looking for an accessible entry point into twistor geometry, scattering amplitudes, and celestial holography. It will also provide an invaluable reference for specialists by bringing together results from a host of different disciplines.

Twistor Theory

by Author

Presents the proceedings of the recently held conference at the University of Plymouth. Papers describe recent work by leading researchers in twistor theory and cover a wide range of subjects, including conformal invariants, integral transforms, Einstein equations, anti-self-dual Riemannian 4-manifolds, deformation theory, 4-dimensional conformal structures, and more.;The book is intended for complex geometers and analysts, theoretical physicists, and graduate students in complex analysis, complex differential geometry, and mathematical physics.

Twists, Tilings, and Tessellations: Mathematical Methods for Geometric Origami (AK Peters/CRC Recreational Mathematics Series)

by Robert J. Lang

Twists, Tilings, and Tessellation describes the underlying principles and mathematics of the broad and exciting field of abstract and mathematical origami, most notably the field of origami tessellations. It contains folding instructions, underlying principles, mathematical concepts, and many beautiful photos of the latest work in this fast-expanding field.

Two Algebraic Byways from Differential Equations: Gröbner Bases and Quivers (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics #28)

by Kenji Iohara Philippe Malbos Masa-Hiko Saito Nobuki Takayama

This edited volume presents a fascinating collection of lecture notes focusing on differential equations from two viewpoints: formal calculus (through the theory of Gröbner bases) and geometry (via quiver theory). Gröbner bases serve as effective models for computation in algebras of various types. Although the theory of Gröbner bases was developed in the second half of the 20th century, many works on computational methods in algebra were published well before the introduction of the modern algebraic language. Since then, new algorithms have been developed and the theory itself has greatly expanded. In comparison, diagrammatic methods in representation theory are relatively new, with the quiver varieties only being introduced – with big impact – in the 1990s. Divided into two parts, the book first discusses the theory of Gröbner bases in their commutative and noncommutative contexts, with a focus on algorithmic aspects and applications of Gröbner bases to analysis on systems of partial differential equations, effective analysis on rings of differential operators, and homological algebra. It then introduces representations of quivers, quiver varieties and their applications to the moduli spaces of meromorphic connections on the complex projective line. While no particular reader background is assumed, the book is intended for graduate students in mathematics, engineering and related fields, as well as researchers and scholars.

Two and Three Dimensional Calculus: with Applications in Science and Engineering

by Phil Dyke

Covers multivariable calculus, starting from the basics and leading up to the three theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes, but always with an eye on practical applications. Written for a wide spectrum of undergraduate students by an experienced author, this book provides a very practical approach to advanced calculus—starting from the basics and leading up to the theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes. It explains, clearly and concisely, partial differentiation, multiple integration, vectors and vector calculus, and provides end-of-chapter exercises along with their solutions to aid the readers’ understanding. Written in an approachable style and filled with numerous illustrative examples throughout, Two and Three Dimensional Calculus: with Applications in Science and Engineering assumes no prior knowledge of partial differentiation or vectors and explains difficult concepts with easy to follow examples. Rather than concentrating on mathematical structures, the book describes the development of techniques through their use in science and engineering so that students acquire skills that enable them to be used in a wide variety of practical situations. It also has enough rigor to enable those who wish to investigate the more mathematical generalizations found in most mathematics degrees to do so. Assumes no prior knowledge of partial differentiation, multiple integration or vectors Includes easy-to-follow examples throughout to help explain difficult concepts Features end-of-chapter exercises with solutions to exercises in the book. Two and Three Dimensional Calculus: with Applications in Science and Engineering is an ideal textbook for undergraduate students of engineering and applied sciences as well as those needing to use these methods for real problems in industry and commerce.

Two (Bookworms Count on It!)

by Dana Meachen Rau

Publisher's summary: Identifies things that inherently come in twos and lists other examples. The simple and engaging text and photos of Count On It! accomplish two things at once: They teach children how to count as well as to read. The direct correspondence between image and text and consistent format make these books ideal for the beginning reader and mathematician.

Two-Dimensional Calculus

by Robert Osserman

The basic component of several-variable calculus, two-dimensional calculus is vital to mastery of the broader field. This extensive treatment of the subject offers the advantage of a thorough integration of linear algebra and materials, which aids readers in the development of geometric intuition. An introductory chapter presents background information on vectors in the plane, plane curves, and functions of two variables. Subsequent chapters address differentiation, transformations, and integration. Each chapter concludes with problem sets, and answers to selected exercises appear at the end of the book.

The Two-Dimensional Ising Model: Second Edition

by Barry M. Mccoy Prof. Tai Tsun Wu

"Of all the systems in statistical mechanics on which exact calculations have been performed," declare the authors of this text, "the two-dimensional Ising model is not only the most thoroughly investigated; it is also the richest and most profound." Originally published in 1973, this is the definitive survey of the Ising model, a mathematical model of ferromagnetism in statistical mechanics. This updated edition of the classic text features an extensive section on new developments. Geared toward advanced undergraduates and graduate students of physics, it is also suitable for physicists working in statistical mechanics and related fields. Following a brief introductory chapter, the book explores statistical mechanics, the one-dimensional Ising model, dimer statistics, specific heat of Onsager's lattice in the absence of a magnetic field, boundary specific heat and magnetization, and boundary spin-spin correlation functions. Subsequent chapters cover the correlation functions, Wiener-Hopf sum equations, spontaneous magnetization, behavior of the correlation functions, asymptotic expansion, and boundary hysteresis and spin probability functions. Two other chapters examine Ising models with random impurities in terms of specific heat and boundary effects. The book concludes with a new chapter examining developments in the field since 1973.

Two-dimensional Product Cubic Systems, Vol. VII: Self- Quadratic Vector Fields

by Albert C. Luo

This book is the seventh of 15 related monographs, concerns nonlinear dynamics and singularity of cubic dynamical systems possessing a product-cubic vector field and a self-univariate quadratic vector field. The equilibrium singularity and bifurcation dynamics are discussed. The saddle-source (sink) is the appearing bifurcations for saddle and source (sink). The double-saddle equilibriums are the appearing bifurcations of the saddle-source and saddle-sink, and also the appearing bifurcations of the network of saddles, sink and source. The infinite-equilibriums for the switching bifurcations include: • inflection-saddle infinite-equilibriums, • hyperbolic-source (sink) infinite-equilibriums, • up-down (down-up) saddle infinite-equilibriums, • inflection-source (sink) infinite-equilibriums.

The Two-Dimensional Riemann Problem in Gas Dynamics (Monographs And Surveys In Pure And Applied Mathematics Ser. #98)

by Jiequan Li Tong Zhang Shuli Yang

The Riemann problem is the most fundamental problem in the entire field of non-linear hyperbolic conservation laws. Since first posed and solved in 1860, great progress has been achieved in the one-dimensional case. However, the two-dimensional case is substantially different. Although research interest in it has lasted more than a century, it has yielded almost no analytical demonstration. It remains a great challenge for mathematicians.This volume presents work on the two-dimensional Riemann problem carried out over the last 20 years by a Chinese group. The authors explore four models: scalar conservation laws, compressible Euler equations, zero-pressure gas dynamics, and pressure-gradient equations. They use the method of generalized characteristic analysis plus numerical experiments to demonstrate the elementary field interaction patterns of shocks, rarefaction waves, and slip lines. They also discover a most interesting feature for zero-pressure gas dynamics: a new kind of elementary wave appearing in the interaction of slip lines-a weighted Dirac delta shock of the density function. The Two-Dimensional Riemann Problem in Gas Dynamics establishes the rigorous mathematical theory of delta-shocks and Mach reflection-like patterns for zero-pressure gas dynamics, clarifies the boundaries of interaction of elementary waves, demonstrates the interesting spatial interaction of slip lines, and proposes a series of open problems. With applications ranging from engineering to astrophysics, and as the first book to examine the two-dimensional Riemann problem, this volume will prove fascinating to mathematicians and hold great interest for physicists and engineers.

Two-dimensional Self and Product Cubic Systems, Vol. II: Crossing-linear and Self-quadratic Product Vector Field

by Albert C. Luo

This book is the thirteenth of 15 related monographs on Cubic Dynamical Systems, discusses self- and product-cubic systems with a crossing-linear and self-quadratic products vector field. Equilibrium series with flow singularity are presented and the corresponding switching bifurcations are discussed through up-down saddles, third-order concave-source (sink), and up-down-to-down-up saddles infinite-equilibriums. The author discusses how equilibrium networks with paralleled hyperbolic and hyperbolic-secant flows exist in such cubic systems, and the corresponding switching bifurcations obtained through the inflection-source and sink infinite-equilibriums. In such cubic systems, the appearing bifurcations are: saddle-source (sink) hyperbolic-to-hyperbolic-secant flows double-saddle third-order saddle, sink and source third-order saddle-source (sink)

Two-dimensional Two Product Cubic Systems, Vol. III: Self-linear and Crossing Quadratic Product Vector Fields

by Albert C. Luo

This book is the eleventh of 15 related monographs on Cubic Systems, examines self-linear and crossing-quadratic product systems. It discusses the equilibrium and flow singularity and bifurcations, The double-inflection saddles featured in this volume are the appearing bifurcations for two connected parabola-saddles, and also for saddles and centers. The parabola saddles are for the appearing bifurcations of saddle and center. The inflection-source and sink flows are the appearing bifurcations for connected hyperbolic and hyperbolic-secant flows. Networks of higher-order equilibriums and flows are presented. For the network switching, the inflection-sink and source infinite-equilibriums exist, and parabola-source and sink infinite-equilibriums are obtained. The equilibrium networks with connected hyperbolic and hyperbolic-secant flows are discussed. The inflection-source and sink infinite-equilibriums are for the switching bifurcation of two equilibrium networks.

Two-dimensional Two-product Cubic Systems Vol. X: Crossing-linear and Self-quadratic Product Vector Fields

by Albert C. Luo

This book is the tenth of 15 related monographs, discusses product-cubic nonlinear systems with two crossing-linear and self-quadratic products vector fields and the dynamic behaviors and singularity are presented through the first integral manifolds. The equilibrium and flow singularity and bifurcations discussed in this volume are for the appearing and switching bifurcations. The double-saddle equilibriums described are the appearing bifurcations for saddle source and saddle-sink, and for a network of saddles, sink and source. The infinite-equilibriums for the switching bifurcations are also presented, specifically: · Inflection-saddle infinite-equilibriums, · Hyperbolic (hyperbolic-secant)-sink and source infinite-equilibriums · Up-down and down-up saddle infinite-equilibriums, · Inflection-source (sink) infinite-equilibriums.

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