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Automatic Control of Atmospheric and Space Flight Vehicles: Design and Analysis with MATLAB® and Simulink® (Control Engineering)
by Ashish TewariAutomatic Control of Atmospheric and Space Flight Vehicles is perhaps the first book on the market to present a unified and straightforward study of the design and analysis of automatic control systems for both atmospheric and space flight vehicles. Covering basic control theory and design concepts, it is meant as a textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students in modern courses on flight control systems. In addition to the basics of flight control, this book covers a number of upper-level topics and will therefore be of interest not only to advanced students, but also to researchers and practitioners in aeronautical engineering, applied mathematics, and systems/control theory.
Automatic Generation Of Algorithms (Advances in Metaheuristics)
by null Victor ParadaIn the rapidly evolving domain of computational problem-solving, this book delves into the cutting-edge Automatic Generation of Algorithms (AGA) paradigm, a groundbreaking approach poised to redefine algorithm design for optimization problems. Spanning combinatorial optimization, machine learning, genetic programming, and beyond, it investigates AGA's transformative capabilities across diverse application areas. The book initiates by introducing fundamental combinatorial optimization concepts and NPhardness significance, laying the foundation for understanding AGA's necessity and potential. It then scrutinizes the pivotal Master Problem concept in AGA and the art of modeling for algorithm generation. The exploration progresses with integrating genetic programming and synergizing AGA with evolutionary computing. Subsequent chapters delve into the AGA-machine learning intersection, highlighting their shared optimization foundation while contrasting divergent objectives. The automatic generation of metaheuristics is examined, aiming to develop versatile algorithmic frameworks adaptable to various optimization problems. Furthermore, the book explores applying reinforcement learning techniques to automatic algorithm generation. Throughout, it invites readers to reimagine algorithmic design boundaries, offering insights into AGA's conceptual underpinnings, practical applications, and future directions, serving as an invitation for researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts in computer science, operations research, artificial intelligence, and beyond to embark on a journey toward computational excellence where algorithms are born, evolved, and adapted to meet ever-changing real-world problem landscapes.
Automatic Language Identification in Texts (Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies)
by Tommi Jauhiainen Marcos Zampieri Timothy Baldwin Krister LindénThis book provides readers with a brief account of the history of Language Identification (LI) research and a survey of the features and methods most used in LI literature. LI is the problem of determining the language in which a document is written and is a crucial part of many text processing pipelines. The authors use a unified notation to clarify the relationships between common LI methods. The book introduces LI performance evaluation methods and takes a detailed look at LI-related shared tasks. The authors identify open issues and discuss the applications of LI and related tasks and proposes future directions for research in LI.
Automatic trend estimation (SpringerBriefs in Physics)
by Maria Cr˘aciun C˘alin Vamos¸Our book introduces a method to evaluate the accuracy of trend estimation algorithms under conditions similar to those encountered in real time series processing. This method is based on Monte Carlo experiments with artificial time series numerically generated by an original algorithm. The second part of the book contains several automatic algorithms for trend estimation and time series partitioning. The source codes of the computer programs implementing these original automatic algorithms are given in the appendix and will be freely available on the web. The book contains clear statement of the conditions and the approximations under which the algorithms work, as well as the proper interpretation of their results. We illustrate the functioning of the analyzed algorithms by processing time series from astrophysics, finance, biophysics, and paleoclimatology. The numerical experiment method extensively used in our book is already in common use in computational and statistical physics.
Automation 2017: Innovations in Automation, Robotics and Measurement Techniques (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #550)
by Roman Szewczyk Małgorzata Kaliczyńska Cezary ZielińskiThis book consists of papers presented at Automation 2017, an international conference held in Warsaw from March 15 to 17, 2017. It discusses research findings associated with the concepts behind INDUSTRY 4. 0, with a focus on offering a better understanding of and promoting participation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Each chapter presents a detailed analysis of a specific technical problem, in most cases followed by a numerical analysis, simulation and description of the results of implementing the solution in a real-world context. The theoretical results, practical solutions and guidelines presented are valuable for both researchers working in the area of engineering sciences and practitioners looking for solutions to industrial problems.
Automation of Finite Element Methods
by Peter Wriggers Jože KorelcNew finite elements are needed as well in research as in industry environments for the development of virtual prediction techniques. The design and implementation of novel finite elements for specific purposes is a tedious and time consuming task, especially for nonlinear formulations. The automation of this process can help to speed up this process considerably since the generation of the final computer code can be accelerated by order of several magnitudes. This book provides the reader with the required knowledge needed to employ modern automatic tools like AceGen within solid mechanics in a successful way. It covers the range from the theoretical background, algorithmic treatments to many different applications. The book is written for advanced students in the engineering field and for researchers in educational and industrial environments.
Automobile Engineering for Sixth Semester Mechanical Engineering
by Nagaraja S Santhosh N Madhusudhan M.Automobile Engineering is a branch of study which teaches manufacturing, designing, mechanical mechanisms as well as the specific operations of automobiles. It is an introduction to vehicle engineering which deals with motorcycles, cars, buses trucks etc. It includes domain specific knowledge of mechanical, electronic, software and safety elements.The text book contains neat sketches and salient points to help students and readers understand the principles of automobile engineering. The theoretical questions are included at the end of each module to make the book a complete unit in all aspects.
Automorphic Forms: Research in Number Theory from Oman (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #115)
by Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama Bernhard Heim Mehiddin Al-Baali Florian RuppThis edited volume presents a collection of carefully refereed articles covering the latest advances in Automorphic Forms and Number Theory, that were primarily developed from presentations given at the 2012 "International Conference on Automorphic Forms and Number Theory," held in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. The present volume includes original research as well as some surveys and outlines of research altogether providing a contemporary snapshot on the latest activities in the field and covering the topics of: Borcherds products Congruences and Codes Jacobi forms Siegel and Hermitian modular forms Special values of L-series Recently, the Sultanate of Oman became a member of the International Mathematical Society. In view of this development, the conference provided the platform for scientific exchange and collaboration between scientists of different countries from all over the world. In particular, an opportunity was established for a close exchange between scientists and students of Germany, Oman, and Japan. The conference was hosted by the Sultan Qaboos University and the German University of Technology in Oman.
Automorphic Forms and Even Unimodular Lattices: Kneser Neighbors of Niemeier Lattices (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge / A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics #69)
by Gaëtan Chenevier Jean LannesThis book includes a self-contained approach of the general theory of quadratic forms and integral Euclidean lattices, as well as a presentation of the theory of automorphic forms and Langlands' conjectures, ranging from the first definitions to the recent and deep classification results due to James Arthur.Its connecting thread is a question about lattices of rank 24: the problem of p-neighborhoods between Niemeier lattices. This question, whose expression is quite elementary, is in fact very natural from the automorphic point of view, and turns out to be surprisingly intriguing. We explain how the new advances in the Langlands program mentioned above pave the way for a solution. This study proves to be very rich, leading us to classical themes such as theta series, Siegel modular forms, the triality principle, L-functions and congruences between Galois representations.This monograph is intended for any mathematician with an interest in Euclidean lattices, automorphic forms or number theory. A large part of it is meant to be accessible to non-specialists.
Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations: Volume 1
by Fred Diamond Payman L. Kassaei Minhyong KimAutomorphic forms and Galois representations have played a central role in the development of modern number theory, with the former coming to prominence via the celebrated Langlands program and Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. This two-volume collection arose from the 94th LMS-EPSRC Durham Symposium on 'Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations' in July 2011, the aim of which was to explore recent developments in this area. The expository articles and research papers across the two volumes reflect recent interest in p-adic methods in number theory and representation theory, as well as recent progress on topics from anabelian geometry to p-adic Hodge theory and the Langlands program. The topics covered in volume one include the Shafarevich Conjecture, effective local Langlands correspondence, p-adic L-functions, the fundamental lemma, and other topics of contemporary interest.
Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations: Volume 2
by Fred Diamond Payman L. Kassaei Minhyong KimAutomorphic forms and Galois representations have played a central role in the development of modern number theory, with the former coming to prominence via the celebrated Langlands program and Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. This two-volume collection arose from the 94th LMS-EPSRC Durham Symposium on 'Automorphic Forms and Galois Representations' in July 2011, the aim of which was to explore recent developments in this area. The expository articles and research papers across the two volumes reflect recent interest in p-adic methods in number theory and representation theory, as well as recent progress on topics from anabelian geometry to p-adic Hodge theory and the Langlands program. The topics covered in volume two include curves and vector bundles in p-adic Hodge theory, associators, Shimura varieties, the birational section conjecture, and other topics of contemporary interest.
Automorphic Representations and L-Functions for the General Linear Group
by Dorian Goldfeld Joseph HundleyThis modern, graduate-level textbook does not assume prior knowledge of representation theory. Includes numerous concrete examples and over 250 exercises.
Automorphisms and Equivalence Relations in Topological Dynamics
by David B. Ellis Robert EllisFocusing on the role that automorphisms and equivalence relations play in the algebraic theory of minimal sets provides an original treatment of some key aspects of abstract topological dynamics. Such an approach is presented in this lucid and self-contained book, leading to simpler proofs of classical results, as well as providing motivation for further study. Minimal flows on compact Hausdorff spaces are studied as icers on the universal minimal flow M. The group of the icer representing a minimal flow is defined as a subgroup of the automorphism group G of M, and icers are constructed explicitly as relative products using subgroups of G. Many classical results are then obtained by examining the structure of the icers on M, including a proof of the Furstenberg structure theorem for distal extensions. This book is designed as both a guide for graduate students, and a source of interesting new ideas for researchers.
Automorphisms in Birational and Affine Geometry: Levico Terme, Italy, October 2012 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #79)
by James Mckernan Ivan Cheltsov Ciro Ciliberto Hubert Flenner Yuri G. Prokhorov Mikhail ZaidenbergThe main focus of this volume is on the problem of describing the automorphism groups of affine and projective varieties, a classical subject in algebraic geometry where, in both cases, the automorphism group is often infinite dimensional. The collection covers a wide range of topics and is intended for researchers in the fields of classical algebraic geometry and birational geometry (Cremona groups) as well as affine geometry with an emphasis on algebraic group actions and automorphism groups. It presents original research and surveys and provides a valuable overview of the current state of the art in these topics. Bringing together specialists from projective, birational algebraic geometry and affine and complex algebraic geometry, including Mori theory and algebraic group actions, this book is the result of ensuing talks and discussions from the conference "Groups of Automorphisms in Birational and Affine Geometry" held in October 2012, at the CIRM, Levico Terme, Italy. The talks at the conference highlighted the close connections between the above-mentioned areas and promoted the exchange of knowledge and methods from adjacent fields.
Automorphisms of Finite Groups (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
by Inder Bir Passi Mahender Singh Manoj Kumar YadavThe book describes developments on some well-known problems regarding the relationship between orders of finite groups and that of their automorphism groups. It is broadly divided into three parts: the first part offers an exposition of the fundamental exact sequence of Wells that relates automorphisms, derivations and cohomology of groups, along with some interesting applications of the sequence. The second part offers an account of important developments on a conjecture that a finite group has at least a prescribed number of automorphisms if the order of the group is sufficiently large. A non-abelian group of prime-power order is said to have divisibility property if its order divides that of its automorphism group. The final part of the book discusses the literature on divisibility property of groups culminating in the existence of groups without this property. Unifying various ideas developed over the years, this largely self-contained book includes results that are either proved or with complete references provided. It is aimed at researchers working in group theory, in particular, graduate students in algebra.
Automotive Science and Mathematics
by Allan BonnickAutomotive technicians and students need a firm grasp of science and technology in order to fully appreciate and understand how mechanisms and systems of modern vehicles work. Automotive Science and Mathematics presents the necessary principles and applications with all the examples and exercises relating directly to motor vehicle technology and repair, making it easy for automotive students and apprentices to relate the theory back to their working practice.The coverage of this book is based on the syllabus requirements of the BTEC First in Vehicle Technology, BTEC National in Vehicle Repair and Technology, and the IMI Certificate and Diploma in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair, but will help all automotive students and apprentices at levels 2 and 3 and up to and including HNC/HND, foundation and first degree with their studies and in achieving the Key Skill 'Application of Number' at levels 2 and 3. The book is designed to cater for both light and heavy vehicle courses.Full worked solutions of most exercises are available as a free download for lecturers only from http://textbooks.elsevier.com.Allan Bonnick is a motor vehicle education and training consultant and was formerly Head of Motor Vehicle Engineering, Eastbourne College. He is the author of several established automotive engineering textbooks.
Autonomic Computing: Concepts, Infrastructure, and Applications
by Manish Parashar Salim HaririThe complexity of modern computer networks and systems, combined with the extremely dynamic environments in which they operate, is beginning to outpace our ability to manage them. Taking yet another page from the biomimetics playbook, the autonomic computing paradigm mimics the human autonomic nervous system to free system developers and administrators from performing and overseeing low-level tasks. Surveying the current path toward this paradigm, Autonomic Computing: Concepts, Infrastructure, and Applications offers a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art research and implementations in this emerging area.This book begins by introducing the concepts and requirements of autonomic computing and exploring the architectures required to implement such a system. The focus then shifts to the approaches and infrastructures, including control-based and recipe-based concepts, followed by enabling systems, technologies, and services proposed for achieving a set of "self-*" properties, including self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization, and self-protection. In the final section, examples of real-world implementations reflect the potential of emerging autonomic systems, such as dynamic server allocation and runtime reconfiguration and repair.Collecting cutting-edge work and perspectives from leading experts, Autonomic Computing: Concepts, Infrastructure, and Applications reveals the progress made and outlines the future challenges still facing this exciting and dynamic field.
Autonomic Computing in Cloud Resource Management in Industry 4.0 (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)
by Tanupriya Choudhury Bhupesh Kumar Dewangan Ravi Tomar Bhupesh Kumar Singh Teoh Teik Toe Nguyen Gia NhuThis book describes the next generation of industry—Industry 4.0—and how it holds the promise of increased flexibility in manufacturing, along with automation, better quality, and improved productivity. The authors discuss how it thus enables companies to cope with the challenges of producing increasingly individualized products with a short lead-time to market and higher quality. The authors posit that intelligent cloud services and resource sharing play an important role in Industry 4.0 anticipated Fourth Industrial Revolution. This book serves the different issues and challenges in cloud resource management CRM techniques with proper propped solution for IT organizations. The book features chapters based on the characteristics of autonomic computing with its applicability in CRM. Each chapter features the techniques and analysis of each mechanism to make better resource management in cloud.
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. Best and Visionary Papers: AAMAS 2023 Workshops, London, UK, May 29 –June 2, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14456)
by Francesco Amigoni Arunesh SinhaThis book contains visionary and best papers from the workshops held at the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2023, held in London, UK, during May 29–June 2, 2023.The 12 regular papers, 5 best papers and 7 visionary papers, presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of more than 110 contributions to the workshops. They focus on emerging topics and new trends in the area of autonomous agents and multiagent systems and stem from the following workshops:- Workshop on Autonomous Robots and Multirobot Systems (ARMS)- Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Agents (ALA)- Workshop on Interdisciplinary Design of Emotion Sensitive Agents (IDEA)- Workshop on Rebellion and Disobedience in Artificial Intelligence (RaD-AI)- Workshop on Neuro-symbolic AI for Agent and Multi-Agent Systems (NeSyMAS)- Workshop on Multiagent Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty (MSDM)- Workshop on Citizen-Centric Multi-Agent Systems (C-MAS)
Autonomous Consumer Business
by Julian MorgenEine immer mehr digital vernetzte Welt führt zu einer sehr großen Menge von unterschiedlichen Daten, die in Echtzeit generiert werden („Big Data“). Ein großer Teil dieser Datenproduzenten sind Nutzer von Social Media oder auch smarten Geräten, wie bspw. Fitnesstrackern oder mit dem Internet verbundenen Waschmaschinen („IoT“). Unternehmen, die sich diese Daten aus der direkten Lebenswelt der Konsumenten zu Nutze machen, können sehr präzise Einblicke bspw. über Einstellungen, Verhalten oder auch die Bedürfnisse potenzieller Kunden erhalten, wodurch der Weg zu einer „automatisierten Vermarktung“ geebnet wird. Zielsetzung dieses Buches ist die Entwicklung eines Konzeptes für ein Autonomous Consumer Business (ACB), das als maximal eigenständig agierendes und durch Künstliche Intelligenz getragenes Geschäftsmodell verstanden wird, bei dem Unternehmen die Bedürfnisse auf der Konsumentenseite automatisch erkennen und durch entsprechende Leistungsangebote befriedigen können. Weiterhin werden zentrale Bestimmungsgrößen, welche die konsumentenseitige Inanspruchnahme eines ACB im besonderen Maße beeinflussen, sowie potenzielle Kundengruppen empirisch identifiziert, wodurch Hinweise zur konkreten Ausgestaltung eines ACB gewonnen werden können.
Autonomous Driving and Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems: Applications, Development, Legal Issues, and Testing (Chapman & Hall/CRC Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Series)
by Lentin JosephAutonomous Driving and Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS): Applications, Development, Legal Issues, and Testing outlines the latest research related to autonomous cars and advanced driver-assistance systems, including the development, testing, and verification for real-time situations of sensor fusion, sensor placement, control algorithms, and computer vision. Features: Co-edited by an experienced roboticist and author and an experienced academic Addresses the legal aspect of autonomous driving and ADAS Presents the application of ADAS in autonomous vehicle parking systems With an infinite number of real-time possibilities that need to be addressed, the methods and the examples included in this book are a valuable source of information for academic and industrial researchers, automotive companies, and suppliers.
Autonomy and Unmanned Vehicles: Augmented Reactive Mission And Motion Planning Architecture (Cognitive Science And Technology Ser.)
by Somaiyeh MahmoudZadeh Reza Bairam Zadeh David M.W. PowersThis book addresses higher–lower level decision autonomy for autonomous vehicles, and discusses the addition of a novel architecture to cover both levels. The proposed framework’s performance and stability are subsequently investigated by employing different meta-heuristic algorithms. The performance of the proposed architecture is shown to be largely independent of the algorithms employed; the use of diverse algorithms (subjected to the real-time performance of the algorithm) does not negatively affect the system’s real-time performance. By analyzing the simulation results, the book demonstrates that the proposed model provides perfect mission timing and task management, while also guaranteeing secure deployment. Although mainly intended as a research work, the book’s review chapters and the new approaches developed here are also suitable for use in courses for advanced undergraduate or graduate students.
Auxiliary Polynomials in Number Theory
by David MasserThis unified account of various aspects of a powerful classical method, easy to understand in its simplest forms, is illustrated by applications in several areas of number theory. As well as including diophantine approximation and transcendence, which were mainly responsible for its invention, the author places the method in a broader context by exploring its application in other areas, such as exponential sums and counting problems in both finite fields and the field of rationals. Throughout the book, the method is explained in a 'molecular' fashion, where key ideas are introduced independently. Each application is the most elementary significant example of its kind and appears with detailed references to subsequent developments, making it accessible to advanced undergraduates as well as postgraduate students in number theory or related areas. It provides over 700 exercises both guiding and challenging, while the broad array of applications should interest professionals in fields from number theory to algebraic geometry.
Awareness in Logic and Epistemology: A Conceptual Schema and Logical Study of The Underlying Main Epistemic Concepts (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science #52)
by Claudia Fernández-FernándezThis book creates a conceptual schema that acts as a correlation between Epistemology and Epistemic Logic. It connects both fields and offers a proper theoretical foundation for the contemporary developments of Epistemic Logic regarding the dynamics of information. It builds a bridge between the view of Awareness Justification Internalism, and a dynamic approach to Awareness Logic. The book starts with an introduction to the main topics in Epistemic Logic and Epistemology and reviews the disconnection between the two fields. It analyses three core notions representing the basic structure of the conceptual schema: “Epistemic Awareness”, “Knowledge” and “Justification”. Next, it presents the Explicit Aware Knowledge (EAK) Schema, using a diagram of three ellipses to illustrate the schema, and a formal model based on a neighbourhood-model structure, that shows one concrete application of the EAK-Schema into a logical structure. The book ends by presenting conclusions and final remarks about the uses and applications of the EAK-Schema. It shows that the most important feature of the schema is that it serves both as a theoretical correlate to the dynamic extensions of Awareness Logic, providing it with a philosophical background, and as an abstract conceptual structure for a re-interpretation of Epistemology.
Awesome Games and Activities for Kids with Numeracy Difficulties: How to Feel Smart and In Control about Doing Mathematics with a Neurodiverse Brain
by Judy HornigoldHas maths ever made you feel anxious, confused or like you just don't get it? This is an entertaining collection of mathematical games and curiosities for you to astound your family and friends with. You don't have to follow the chapters in a certain order - you can use this book however you would like, whether you want to get creative, play a game or impress your friends with a clever trick.Designed to spark a child's enthusiasm for maths and make learning simple, this book will help children to grasp the fundamental concepts in maths through exploration and play. This book will appeal to all learning styles and abilities but is particularly relevant for those with specific learning difficulties such as dyscalculia. Building self-esteem and promoting a growth mindset, these activities will help readers to effortlessly develop their number skills, empowering even the least confident learner with a deeper understanding of maths.