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Stochastic Models with Power-Law Tails

by Dariusz Buraczewski Ewa Damek Thomas Mikosch

In this monograph the authors give a systematic approach to theprobabilistic properties of the fixed point equation X=AX+B. Aprobabilistic study of the stochastic recurrence equation X_t=A_tX_{{t-1}}+B_tfor real- and matrix-valued random variables A_t, where (A_t,B_t) constitute aniid sequence, is provided. The classical theory for these equations, includingthe existence and uniqueness of a stationary solution, the tail behavior withspecial emphasis on power law behavior, moments and support, is presented. Theauthors collect recent asymptotic results on extremes, point processes, partialsums (central limit theory with special emphasis on infinite variance stablelimit theory), large deviations, in the univariate and multivariate cases, andthey further touch on the related topics of smoothing transforms, regularlyvarying sequences and random iterative systems. The text gives an introduction to the Kesten-Goldie theory forstochastic recurrence equations of the type X_t=A_tX_{{t-1}}+B_t. It provides the classical results ofKesten, Goldie, Guivarc'h, and others, and gives an overview of recentresults on the topic. It presents the state-of-the-art results in the field ofaffine stochastic recurrence equations and shows relations with non-affinerecursions and multivariate regular variation.

Stochastic Multi-Stage Optimization

by Pierre Carpentier Jean-Philippe Chancelier Guy Cohen Michel De Lara

The focus of the present volume is stochastic optimization of dynamical systems in discrete time where - by concentrating on the role of information regarding optimization problems - it discusses the related discretization issues. There is a growing need to tackle uncertainty in applications of optimization. For example the massive introduction of renewable energies in power systems challenges traditional ways to manage them. This book lays out basic and advanced tools to handle and numerically solve such problems and thereby is building a bridge between Stochastic Programming and Stochastic Control. It is intended for graduates readers and scholars in optimization or stochastic control, as well as engineers with a background in applied mathematics.

Stochastic Narrow Escape in Molecular and Cellular Biology

by David Holcman Zeev Schuss

This book covers recent developments in the non-standard asymptotics of the mathematical narrow escape problem in stochastic theory, as well as applications of the narrow escape problem in cell biology. The first part of the book concentrates on mathematical methods, including advanced asymptotic methods in partial equations, and is aimed primarily at applied mathematicians and theoretical physicists who are interested in biological applications. The second part of the book is intended for computational biologists, theoretical chemists, biochemists, biophysicists, and physiologists. It includes a summary of output formulas from the mathematical portion of the book and concentrates on their applications in modeling specific problems in theoretical molecular and cellular biology. Critical biological processes, such as synaptic plasticity and transmission, activation of genes by transcription factors, or double-strained DNA break repair, are controlled by diffusion in structures that have both large and small spatial scales. These may be small binding sites inside or on the surface of the cell, or narrow passages between subcellular compartments. The great disparity in spatial scales is the key to controlling cell function by structure. This volume reports recent progress on resolving analytical and numerical difficulties in extracting properties from experimental data, biophysical models, and from Brownian dynamics simulations of diffusion in multi-scale structures.

Stochastic Networked Control Systems

by Tamer Başar Serdar Yüksel

Networked control systems are increasingly ubiquitous today, with applications ranging from vehicle communication and adaptive power grids to space exploration and economics. The optimal design of such systems presents major challenges, requiring tools from various disciplines within applied mathematics such as decentralized control, stochastic control, information theory, and quantization. A thorough, self-contained book, Stochastic Networked Control Systems: Stabilization and Optimization under Information Constraints aims to connect these diverse disciplines with precision and rigor, while conveying design guidelines to controller architects. Unique in the literature, it lays a comprehensive theoretical foundation for the study of networked control systems, and introduces an array of concrete tools for work in the field. Salient features included: · Characterization, comparison and optimal design of information structures in static and dynamic teams. Operational, structural and topological properties of information structures in optimal decision making, with a systematic program for generating optimal encoding and control policies. The notion of signaling, and its utilization in stabilization and optimization of decentralized control systems. · Presentation of mathematical methods for stochastic stability of networked control systems using random-time, state-dependent drift conditions and martingale methods. · Characterization and study of information channels leading to various forms of stochastic stability such as stationarity, ergodicity, and quadratic stability; and connections with information and quantization theories. Analysis of various classes of centralized and decentralized control systems. · Jointly optimal design of encoding and control policies over various information channels and under general optimization criteria, including a detailed coverage of linear-quadratic-Gaussian models. · Decentralized agreement and dynamic optimization under information constraints. This monograph is geared toward a broad audience of academic and industrial researchers interested in control theory, information theory, optimization, economics, and applied mathematics. It could likewise serve as a supplemental graduate text. The reader is expected to have some familiarity with linear systems, stochastic processes, and Markov chains, but the necessary background can also be acquired in part through the four appendices included at the end. · Characterization, comparison and optimal design of information structures in static and dynamic teams. Operational, structural and topological properties of information structures in optimal decision making, with a systematic program for generating optimal encoding and control policies. The notion of signaling, and its utilization in stabilization and optimization of decentralized control systems. · Presentation of mathematical methods for stochastic stability of networked control systems using random-time, state-dependent drift conditions and martingale methods. · Characterization and study of information channels leading to various forms of stochastic stability such as stationarity, ergodicity, and quadratic stability; and connections with information and quantization theories. Analysis of various classes of centralized and decentralized control systems. · Jointly optimal design of encoding and control policies over various information channels and under general optimization criteria, including a detailed coverage of linear-quadratic-Gaussian models. · Decentralized agreement and dynamic optimization under information constraints. This monograph is geared toward a broad audience of academic and industrial researchers interested in control theory, information theory, optimization, economics, and applied mathematics. It could likewise serve as a supplemental graduate text. The reader is expected to have some familiarity with linear systems, stochastic processes, and Markov chai...

Stochastic Networks

by Frank Kelly Elena Yudovina

In the past decade the proliferation of local and global communication networks for computer and human communication, the development of parallel computers with large numbers of processors, and the design of flexible and robust manufacturing systems have spurred major advances in our understanding of queuing volume reviews recent progress. While research on queuing networks uses many of the traditional queuing theory insights, it is more concerned with how network components interact than with detailed models of how an individual queue behaves. In the last few years there have been some surprises, in particular with regard to the conditions for stability of multiclass queuing networks, which is covered in this book. It also covers the challenges reflected Brownian motion has set both as a mathematical object and as a modelling paradigm; the usefulness of ideas from the interacting particle system world; the application of large deviation theory; and the developing connections with optimization and dynamical systems theory.

Stochastic Neuron Models

by Lawrence M. Ward Priscilla E. Greenwood

This book describes a large number of open problems in the theory of stochastic neural systems, with the aim of enticing probabilists to work on them. This includes problems arising from stochastic models of individual neurons as well as those arising from stochastic models of the activities of small and large networks of interconnected neurons. The necessary neuroscience background to these problems is outlined within the text, so readers can grasp the context in which they arise. This book will be useful for graduate students and instructors providing material and references for applying probability to stochastic neuron modeling. Methods and results are presented, but the emphasis is on questions where additional stochastic analysis may contribute neuroscience insight. An extensive bibliography is included. Dr. Priscilla E. Greenwood is a Professor Emerita in the Department of Mathematics at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Lawrence M. Ward is a Professor in the Department of Psychology and the Brain Research Centre at the University of British Columbia.

Stochastic Neutron Transport: And Non-Local Branching Markov Processes (Probability and Its Applications)

by Emma Horton Andreas E. Kyprianou

This monograph highlights the connection between the theory of neutron transport and the theory of non-local branching processes. By detailing this frequently overlooked relationship, the authors provide readers an entry point into several active areas, particularly applications related to general radiation transport. Cutting-edge research published in recent years is collected here for convenient reference. Organized into two parts, the first offers a modern perspective on the relationship between the neutron branching process (NBP) and the neutron transport equation (NTE), as well as some of the core results concerning the growth and spread of mass of the NBP. The second part generalizes some of the theory put forward in the first, offering proofs in a broader context in order to show why NBPs are as malleable as they appear to be. Stochastic Neutron Transport will be a valuable resource for probabilists, and may also be of interest to numerical analysts and engineers in the field of nuclear research.

Stochastic Numerical Methods

by Raúl Toral Pere Colet

Stochastic Numerical Methods introduces at Master level the numerical methods that use probability or stochastic concepts to analyze random processes. The book aims at being rather general and is addressed at students of natural sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, etc.) and Engineering, but also social sciences (Economy, Sociology, etc.) where some of the techniques have been used recently to numerically simulate different agent-based models. Examples included in the book range from phase-transitions and critical phenomena, including details of data analysis (extraction of critical exponents, finite-size effects, etc.), to population dynamics, interfacial growth, chemical reactions, etc. Program listings are integrated in the discussion of numerical algorithms to facilitate their understanding. From the contents: Review of Probability Concepts Monte Carlo Integration Generation of Uniform and Non-uniform Random Numbers: Non-correlated Values Dynamical Methods Applications to Statistical Mechanics Introduction to Stochastic Processes Numerical Simulation of Ordinary and Partial Stochastic Differential Equations Introduction to Master Equations Numerical Simulations of Master Equations Hybrid Monte Carlo Generation of n-Dimensional Correlated Gaussian Variables Collective Algorithms for Spin Systems Histogram Extrapolation Multicanonical Simulations

Stochastic Optimal Control and the U.S. Financial Debt Crisis

by Jerome L. Stein

Stochastic Optimal Control (SOC)--a mathematical theory concerned with minimizing a cost (or maximizing a payout) pertaining to a controlled dynamic process under uncertainty--has proven incredibly helpful to understanding and predicting debt crises and evaluating proposed financial regulation and risk management. Stochastic Optimal Control and the U.S. Financial Debt Crisis analyzes SOC in relation to the 2008 U.S. financial crisis, and offers a detailed framework depicting why such a methodology is best suited for reducing financial risk and addressing key regulatory issues. Topics discussed include the inadequacies of the current approaches underlying financial regulations, the use of SOC to explain debt crises and superiority over existing approaches to regulation, and the domestic and international applications of SOC to financial crises. Principles in this book will appeal to economists, mathematicians, and researchers interested in the U.S. financial debt crisis and optimal risk management.

Stochastic Optimal Control in Infinite Dimension

by Giorgio Fabbri Fausto Gozzi Andrzej Święch

Providing an introduction to stochastic optimal control in infinite dimension, this book gives a complete account of the theory of second-order HJB equations in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, focusing on its applicability to associated stochastic optimal control problems. It features a general introduction to optimal stochastic control, including basic results (e. g. the dynamic programming principle) with proofs, and provides examples of applications. A complete and up-to-date exposition of the existing theory of viscosity solutions and regular solutions of second-order HJB equations in Hilbert spaces is given, together with an extensive survey of other methods, with a full bibliography. In particular, Chapter 6, written by M. Fuhrman and G. Tessitore, surveys the theory of regular solutions of HJB equations arising in infinite-dimensional stochastic control, via BSDEs. The book is of interest to both pure and applied researchers working in the control theory of stochastic PDEs, and in PDEs in infinite dimension. Readers from other fields who want to learn the basic theory will also find it useful. The prerequisites are: standard functional analysis, the theory of semigroups of operators and its use in the study of PDEs, some knowledge of the dynamic programming approach to stochastic optimal control problems in finite dimension, and the basics of stochastic analysis and stochastic equations in infinite-dimensional spaces.

Stochastic Optimal Control of Structures

by Jie Li Yongbo Peng

This book proposes, for the first time, a basic formulation for structural control that takes into account the stochastic dynamics induced by engineering excitations in the nature of non-stationary and non-Gaussian processes. Further, it establishes the theory of and methods for stochastic optimal control of randomly-excited engineering structures in the context of probability density evolution methods, such as physically-based stochastic optimal (PSO) control. By logically integrating randomness into control gain, the book helps readers design elegant control systems, mitigate risks in civil engineering structures, and avoid the dilemmas posed by the methods predominantly applied in current practice, such as deterministic control and classical linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control associated with nominal white noises.

Stochastic Optimal Transportation: Stochastic Control with Fixed Marginals (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics)

by Toshio Mikami

In this book, the optimal transportation problem (OT) is described as a variational problem for absolutely continuous stochastic processes with fixed initial and terminal distributions. Also described is Schrödinger’s problem, which is originally a variational problem for one-step random walks with fixed initial and terminal distributions. The stochastic optimal transportation problem (SOT) is then introduced as a generalization of the OT, i.e., as a variational problem for semimartingales with fixed initial and terminal distributions. An interpretation of the SOT is also stated as a generalization of Schrödinger’s problem. After the brief introduction above, the fundamental results on the SOT are described: duality theorem, a sufficient condition for the problem to be finite, forward–backward stochastic differential equations (SDE) for the minimizer, and so on. The recent development of the superposition principle plays a crucial role in the SOT. A systematic method is introduced to consider two problems: one with fixed initial and terminal distributions and one with fixed marginal distributions for all times. By the zero-noise limit of the SOT, the probabilistic proofs to Monge’s problem with a quadratic cost and the duality theorem for the OT are described. Also described are the Lipschitz continuity and the semiconcavity of Schrödinger’s problem in marginal distributions and random variables with given marginals, respectively. As well, there is an explanation of the regularity result for the solution to Schrödinger’s functional equation when the space of Borel probability measures is endowed with a strong or a weak topology, and it is shown that Schrödinger’s problem can be considered a class of mean field games. The construction of stochastic processes with given marginals, called the marginal problem for stochastic processes, is discussed as an application of the SOT and the OT.

Stochastic Optimization for Large-scale Machine Learning

by Vinod Kumar Chauhan

Advancements in the technology and availability of data sources have led to the `Big Data' era. Working with large data offers the potential to uncover more fine-grained patterns and take timely and accurate decisions, but it also creates a lot of challenges such as slow training and scalability of machine learning models. One of the major challenges in machine learning is to develop efficient and scalable learning algorithms, i.e., optimization techniques to solve large scale learning problems. Stochastic Optimization for Large-scale Machine Learning identifies different areas of improvement and recent research directions to tackle the challenge. Developed optimisation techniques are also explored to improve machine learning algorithms based on data access and on first and second order optimisation methods. Key Features: Bridges machine learning and Optimisation. Bridges theory and practice in machine learning. Identifies key research areas and recent research directions to solve large-scale machine learning problems. Develops optimisation techniques to improve machine learning algorithms for big data problems. The book will be a valuable reference to practitioners and researchers as well as students in the field of machine learning.

Stochastic Optimization in Insurance

by Pablo Azcue Nora Muler

The main purpose of the book is to show how a viscosity approach can be used to tackle control problems in insurance. The problems covered are the maximization of survival probability as well as the maximization of dividends in the classical collective risk model. The authors consider the possibility of controlling the risk process by reinsurance as well as by investments. They show that optimal value functions are characterized as either the unique or the smallest viscosity solution of the associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation; they also study the structure of the optimal strategies and show how to find them. The viscosity approach was widely used in control problems related to mathematical finance but until quite recently it was not used to solve control problems related to actuarial mathematical science. This book is designed to familiarize the reader on how to use this approach. The intended audience is graduate students as well as researchers in this area.

Stochastic Optimization Methods

by Kurt Marti

This book examines optimization problems that in practice involve random model parameters. It details the computation of robust optimal solutions, i. e. , optimal solutions that are insensitive with respect to random parameter variations, where appropriate deterministic substitute problems are needed. Based on the probability distribution of the random data and using decision theoretical concepts, optimization problems under stochastic uncertainty are converted into appropriate deterministic substitute problems. Due to the probabilities and expectations involved, the book also shows how to apply approximative solution techniques. Several deterministic and stochastic approximation methods are provided: Taylor expansion methods, regression and response surface methods (RSM), probability inequalities, multiple linearization of survival/failure domains, discretization methods, convex approximation/deterministic descent directions/efficient points, stochastic approximation and gradient procedures and differentiation formulas for probabilities and expectations. In the third edition, this book further develops stochastic optimization methods. In particular, it now shows how to apply stochastic optimization methods to the approximate solution of important concrete problems arising in engineering, economics and operations research.

Stochastic Optimization Methods: Applications in Engineering and Operations Research

by Kurt Marti

This book examines optimization problems that in practice involve random model parameters. It outlines the computation of robust optimal solutions, i.e., optimal solutions that are insensitive to random parameter variations, where appropriate deterministic substitute problems are needed. Based on the probability distribution of the random data and using decision theoretical concepts, optimization problems under stochastic uncertainty are converted into corresponding deterministic problems.Due to the probabilities and expectations involved, the book also shows how to apply approximative solution techniques. Several deterministic and stochastic approximation methods are provided: Taylor expansion methods, regression and response surface methods (RSM), probability inequalities, multiple linearization of survival/failure domains, discretization methods, convex approximation/deterministic descent directions/efficient points, stochastic approximation and gradient procedures, and differentiation formulas for probabilities and expectations.The fourth edition of this classic text has been carefully and thoroughly revised. It includes new chapters on the solution of stochastic linear programs by discretization of the underlying probability distribution, and on solving deterministic optimization problems by means of controlled random search methods and multiple random search procedures. It also presents a new application of stochastic optimization methods to machine learning problems with different loss functions. For the computation of optimal feedback controls under stochastic uncertainty, besides the open-loop feedback procedures, a new method based on Taylor expansions with respect to the gain parameters is presented. The book is intended for researchers and graduate students who are interested in stochastics, stochastic optimization, and control. It will also benefit professionals and practitioners whose work involves technical, economicand/or operations research problems under stochastic uncertainty.

Stochastic Optimization Methods in Finance and Energy

by Michael A. Dempster Giorgio Consigli Marida Bertocchi

This volume presents a collection of contributions dedicated to applied problems in the financial and energy sectors that have been formulated and solved in a stochastic optimization framework. The invited authors represent a group of scientists and practitioners, who cooperated in recent years to facilitate the growing penetration of stochastic programming techniques in real-world applications, inducing a significant advance over a large spectrum of complex decision problems. After the recent widespread liberalization of the energy sector in Europe and the unprecedented growth of energy prices in international commodity markets, we have witnessed a significant convergence of strategic decision problems in the energy and financial sectors. This has often resulted in common open issues and has induced a remarkable effort by the industrial and scientific communities to facilitate the adoption of advanced analytical and decision tools. The main concerns of the financial community over the last decade have suddenly penetrated the energy sector inducing a remarkable scientific and practical effort to address previously unforeseeable management problems. Stochastic Optimization Methods in Finance and Energy: New Financial Products and Energy Markets Strategies aims to include in a unified framework for the first time an extensive set of contributions related to real-world applied problems in finance and energy, leading to a common methodological approach and in many cases having similar underlying economic and financial implications. Part 1 of the book presents 6 chapters related to financial applications; Part 2 presents 7 chapters on energy applications; and Part 3 presents 5 chapters devoted to specific theoretical and computational issues.

Stochastic Orders in Reliability and Risk: In Honor of Professor Moshe Shaked

by Xiaohu Li Haijun Li

Stochastic Orders in Reliability and Risk Management is composed of 19 contributions on the theory of stochastic orders, stochastic comparison of order statistics, stochastic orders in reliability and risk analysis, and applications. These review/exploratory chapters present recent and current research on stochastic orders reported at the International Workshop on Stochastic Orders in Reliability and Risk Management, or SORR2011, which took place in the City Hotel, Xiamen, China, from June 27 to June 29, 2011. The conference's talks and invited contributions also represent the celebration of Professor Moshe Shaked, who has made comprehensive, fundamental contributions to the theory of stochastic orders and its applications in reliability, queueing modeling, operations research, economics and risk analysis. This volume is in honor of Professor Moshe Shaked. The work presented in this volume represents active research on stochastic orders and multivariate dependence, and exemplifies close collaborations between scholars working in different fields. The Xiamen Workshop and this volume seek to revive the community workshop tradition on stochastic orders and dependence and strengthen research collaboration, while honoring the work of a distinguished scholar.

Stochastic Parameterizing Manifolds and Non-Markovian Reduced Equations

by Shouhong Wang Honghu Liu Mickaël D. Chekroun

In this second volume, a general approach is developed to provide approximate parameterizations of the "small" scales by the "large" ones for a broad class of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs). This is accomplished via the concept of parameterizing manifolds (PMs), which are stochastic manifolds that improve, for a given realization of the noise, in mean square error the partial knowledge of the full SPDE solution when compared to its projection onto some resolved modes. Backward-forward systems are designed to give access to such PMs in practice. The key idea consists of representing the modes with high wave numbers as a pullback limit depending on the time-history of the modes with low wave numbers. Non-Markovian stochastic reduced systems are then derived based on such a PM approach. The reduced systems take the form of stochastic differential equations involving random coefficients that convey memory effects. The theory is illustrated on a stochastic Burgers-type equation.

Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

by null Pao-Liu Chow

Explore Theory and Techniques to Solve Physical, Biological, and Financial Problems Since the first edition was published, there has been a surge of interest in stochastic partial differential equations (PDEs) driven by the Levy type of noise. Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Second Edition incorporates these recent developments and impro

Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

by Pao-Liu Chow

As a relatively new area in mathematics, stochastic partial differential equations (PDEs) are still at a tender age and have not yet received much attention in the mathematical community. Filling the void of an introductory text in the field, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations introduces PDEs to students familiar with basic probability theor

Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction

by Wei Liu Michael Röckner

This book provides an introduction to the theory of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) of evolutionary type. SPDEs are one of the main research directions in probability theory with several wide ranging applications. Many types of dynamics with stochastic influence in nature or man-made complex systems can be modelled by such equations. The theory of SPDEs is based both on the theory of deterministic partial differential equations, as well as on modern stochastic analysis. Whilst this volume mainly follows the 'variational approach', it also contains a short account on the 'semigroup (or mild solution) approach'. In particular, the volume contains a complete presentation of the main existence and uniqueness results in the case of locally monotone coefficients. Various types of generalized coercivity conditions are shown to guarantee non-explosion, but also a systematic approach to treat SPDEs with explosion in finite time is developed. It is, so far, the only book where the latter and the 'locally monotone case' is presented in a detailed and complete way for SPDEs. The extension to this more general framework for SPDEs, for example, in comparison to the well-known case of globally monotone coefficients, substantially widens the applicability of the results. In addition, it leads to a unified approach and to simplified proofs in many classical examples. These include a large number of SPDEs not covered by the 'globally monotone case', such as, for exa mple, stochastic Burgers or stochastic 2D and 3D Navier-Stokes equations, stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equations and stochastic surface growth models. To keep the book self-contained and prerequisites low, necessary results about SDEs in finite dimensions are also included with complete proofs as well as a chapter on stochastic integration on Hilbert spaces. Further fundamentals (for example, a detailed account on the Yamada-Watanabe theorem in infinite dimensions) used in the book have added proofs in the appendix. The book can be used as a textbook for a one-year graduate course.

Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

by Sergey V. Lototsky Boris L. Rozovsky

Taking readers with a basic knowledge of probability and real analysis to the frontiers of a very active research discipline, this textbook provides all the necessary background from functional analysis and the theory of PDEs. It covers the main types of equations (elliptic, hyperbolic and parabolic) and discusses different types of random forcing. The objective is to give the reader the necessary tools to understand the proofs of existing theorems about SPDEs (from other sources) and perhaps even to formulate and prove a few new ones. Most of the material could be covered in about 40 hours of lectures, as long as not too much time is spent on the general discussion of stochastic analysis in infinite dimensions. As the subject of SPDEs is currently making the transition from the research level to that of a graduate or even undergraduate course, the book attempts to present enough exercise material to fill potential exams and homework assignments. Exercises appear throughout and are usually directly connected to the material discussed at a particular place in the text. The questions usually ask to verify something, so that the reader already knows the answer and, if pressed for time, can move on. Accordingly, no solutions are provided, but there are often hints on how to proceed. The book will be of interest to everybody working in the area of stochastic analysis, from beginning graduate students to experts in the field.

Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications: Proceedings Of A Conference Held In Trento, Italy, September 30 - October 5 1985 (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics #227)

by Giuseppe Da Prato Luciano Tubaro

Based on the proceedings of the International Conference on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications-V held in Trento, Italy, this illuminating reference presents applications in filtering theory, stochastic quantization, quantum probability, and mathematical finance and identifies paths for future research in the field.Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications analyzes recent developments in the study of quantum random fields, control theory, white noise, and fluid dynamics. It presents precise conditions for nontrivial and well-defined scattering, new Gaussian noise terms, models depicting the asymptotic behavior of evolution equations, and solutions to filtering dilemmas in signal processing.With contributions from more than 40 leading experts in the field, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications is an excellent resource for pure and applied mathematicians; numerical analysts; mathematical physicists; geometers; economists; probabilists; computer scientists; control, electrical, and electronics engineers; and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines.

Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications - VII (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)

by Giuseppe Da Prato Luciand Tubara

Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications gives an overview of current state-of-the-art stochastic PDEs in several fields, such as filtering theory, stochastic quantization, quantum probability, and mathematical finance. Featuring contributions from leading expert participants at an international conference on the subject, this boo

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