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Showing 24,776 through 24,800 of 27,258 results

Student Solutions Manual for Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, 2nd edition

by Mitchal Dichter

This official Student Solutions Manual includes solutions to the odd-numbered exercises featured in the second edition of Steven Strogatz's classic text Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering. The textbook and accompanying Student Solutions Manual are aimed at newcomers to nonlinear dynamics and chaos, especially students taking a first course in the subject. Complete with graphs and worked-out solutions, this manual demonstrates techniques for students to analyze differential equations, bifurcations, chaos, fractals, and other subjects Strogatz explores in his popular book.

Student Solutions Manual for Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, 2nd edition

by Mitchal Dichter

This official Student Solutions Manual includes solutions to the odd-numbered exercises featured in the second edition of Steven Strogatz's classic text Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering. The textbook and accompanying Student Solutions Manual are aimed at newcomers to nonlinear dynamics and chaos, especially students taking a first course in the subject. Complete with graphs and worked-out solutions, this manual demonstrates techniques for students to analyze differential equations, bifurcations, chaos, fractals, and other subjects Strogatz explores in his popular book.

Student Solutions Manual for Single Variable Calculus

by Daniel Anderson Jeffery A. Cole Daniel Drucker

Provides completely worked-out solutions to all odd-numbered exercises within the text, giving students a way to check their answers and ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer.

Student Solutions Manual to Accompany College Algebra Essentials

by John Coburn

Algebra textbook

Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Loss Models: From Data to Decisions (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)

by Gordon E. Willmot Harry H. Panjer Stuart A. Klugman

Loss Models: From Data to Decisions, Fifth Edition continues to supply actuaries with a practical approach to the key concepts and techniques needed on the job. With updated material and extensive examples, the book successfully provides the essential methods for using available data to construct models for the frequency and severity of future adverse outcomes. The book continues to equip readers with the tools needed for the construction and analysis of mathematical models that describe the process by which funds flow into and out of an insurance system. Focusing on the loss process, the authors explore key quantitative techniques including random variables, basic distributional quantities, and the recursive method, and discuss techniques for classifying and creating distributions. Parametric, non-parametric, and Bayesian estimation methods are thoroughly covered along with advice for choosing an appropriate model. Throughout the book, numerous examples showcase the real-world applications of the presented concepts, with an emphasis on calculations and spreadsheet implementation. Loss Models: From Data to Decisions, Fifth Edition is an indispensable resource for students and aspiring actuaries who are preparing to take the SOA and CAS examinations. The book is also a valuable reference for professional actuaries, actuarial students, and anyone who works with loss and risk models.

Student Solutions Manual Trigonometry: A Unit Circle Approach 9th Edition

by Michael Sullivan

This Trigonometry Solutions Manual provides fully worked solutions to odd-numbered exercises.

Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

by Dr Gregory J. Privitera

Gregory J. Privitera’s Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition includes a review of chapter learning objectives, chapter outlines and key terms, essential statistical formulas, special tips and insights for students, and chapter summaries. To help students practice skills, the guide offers word searches and crossword puzzles for each chapter, extensive practice quizzes linked to chapter learning objectives, and “SPSS in Focus” exercises which complement those in Privitera’s core text, Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition.

Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

by Dr Gregory J. Privitera

Gregory J. Privitera’s Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition includes a review of chapter learning objectives, chapter outlines and key terms, essential statistical formulas, special tips and insights for students, and chapter summaries. To help students practice skills, the guide offers word searches and crossword puzzles for each chapter, extensive practice quizzes linked to chapter learning objectives, and “SPSS in Focus” exercises which complement those in Privitera’s core text, Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition.

Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications

by Kathrynn A. Adams Eva Kung McGuire (aka: Lawrence)

The third edition of the Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications by Kathrynn A. Adams and Eva K. McGuire gives students even more opportunities to practice and apply their knowledge in statistics and research methods. Written by the authors of Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications, the third edition of the study guide follows the third edition of the textbook for straightforward assigning and practice. New features include practice quizzes to give students both recognition and recall activities for better retention. Learning objectives and brief chapter summaries from the main text remind students of what they′ve learned and orient students toward the exercises. In-depth exercises encourage students to build on their knowledge, requiring students to think critically and actively engage with the material. These exercises have been condensed and focus on moving students through the learning objectives at a quick pace. At the end of most chapters, "Your Research" sections encourage students to apply concepts to their own projects. Now placed at the end of book, the IBM® SPSS® workbook provides instructions for performing statistical calculations. Included in this workbook are additional exercises to practice data analysis and interpretation using the software. Answers to quizzes are listed immediately after each quiz in the book while answers to exercises are listed on the instructor resources website.

Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications

by Kathrynn A. Adams Eva Kung McGuire (aka: Lawrence)

The third edition of the Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications by Kathrynn A. Adams and Eva K. McGuire gives students even more opportunities to practice and apply their knowledge in statistics and research methods. Written by the authors of Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications, the third edition of the study guide follows the third edition of the textbook for straightforward assigning and practice. New features include practice quizzes to give students both recognition and recall activities for better retention. Learning objectives and brief chapter summaries from the main text remind students of what they′ve learned and orient students toward the exercises. In-depth exercises encourage students to build on their knowledge, requiring students to think critically and actively engage with the material. These exercises have been condensed and focus on moving students through the learning objectives at a quick pace. At the end of most chapters, "Your Research" sections encourage students to apply concepts to their own projects. Now placed at the end of book, the IBM® SPSS® workbook provides instructions for performing statistical calculations. Included in this workbook are additional exercises to practice data analysis and interpretation using the software. Answers to quizzes are listed immediately after each quiz in the book while answers to exercises are listed on the instructor resources website.

Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

by Dr Gregory J. Privitera

The Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, Third Edition includes a review of chapter learning objectives, chapter outlines and key terms, essential statistical formulas, special tips and insights for students, and chapter summaries. To help students practice skills, the guide offers word searches and crossword puzzles for each chapter, extensive practice quizzes linked to chapter learning objectives, and “SPSS in Focus” exercises which complement those in the core text.

Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

by Dr Gregory J. Privitera

The Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, Third Edition includes a review of chapter learning objectives, chapter outlines and key terms, essential statistical formulas, special tips and insights for students, and chapter summaries. To help students practice skills, the guide offers word searches and crossword puzzles for each chapter, extensive practice quizzes linked to chapter learning objectives, and “SPSS in Focus” exercises which complement those in the core text.

Student Study Guide With SPSS Workbook for Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

by Dr Gregory J. Privitera

The Student Study Guide With SPSS Workbook for Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, by Gregory J. Privitera, includes a review of chapter learning objectives, chapter outlines and key terms, essential statistical formulas, special tips and insights for students, and chapter summaries. To help students practice skills, the guide offers word searches and crossword puzzles for each chapter, extensive practice quizzes linked to chapter learning objectives, and “SPSS in Focus” exercises which complement those in the book.

Student Workbook, Saxon Math 1, Part 1

by Nancy Larson Linda Mathews

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Student Workbook, Saxon Math 1, Part 2

by Nancy Larson Linda Mathews

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Student Workbook, Saxon Math 2, Part 1

by Nancy Larson Roseann Paolino Maureen Hannan

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Student Workbook, Saxon Math 2, Part 2

by Nancy Larson Roseann Paolino Maureen Hannan

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Student Workbook, Saxon Math 3, Part 2

by Nancy Larson Sharon Molster Orio Jeanne Honore Miller

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Student Workbook, Saxon Math K, Part 1

by Nancy Larson Ellen Fenty-Morrison

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Students' and Teachers' Values, Attitudes, Feelings and Beliefs in Mathematics Classrooms: Selected Papers from the 22nd MAVI Conference

by Jeppe Skott Hanna Palmér

This contributed volume is an exciting product of the 22nd MAVI conference, which presents cutting-edge research on affective issues in teaching and learning math. The teaching and learning of mathematics is highly dependent on students’ and teachers’ values, attitudes, feelings, beliefs and motivations towards mathematics and mathematics education. These peer-reviewed contributions provide critical insights through their theoretically and methodologically diverse analyses of relevant issues related to affective factors in teaching and learning math and offer new tools and strategies by which to evaluate affective factors in students’ and teachers’ mathematical activities in the classroom. Among the topics discussed: The relationship between proxies for learning and mathematically related beliefs.Teaching for entrepreneurial and mathematical competences.Prospective teachers’ conceptions of the concepts mean, median, and mode.Prospective teachers’ approach to reasoning and proofThe impact of assessment on students’ experiences of mathematics. Through its thematic connections to teacher education, professional development, assessment, entrepreneurial competences, and reasoning and proof, Students' and Teachers' Values, Attitudes, Feelings and Beliefs in Mathematics Classrooms proves to be a valuable resource for educators, practitioners, and students for applications at primary, secondary, and university levels.

Students’ Collaborative Problem Solving in Mathematics Classrooms: An Empirical Study (Perspectives on Rethinking and Reforming Education)

by Yiming Cao

This open access book provides key insights into the social fundamentals of learning and indications of social interactive modes conducive and restrictive of that learning in China. Combining theoretical and technical advances in an innovative research design, this book focuses on collaborative problem solving in mathematics to increase the visibility of social interactions in teachers’ designing, students’ learning and teachers’ instructional intervention. It also explores students’ cognitive and social interaction as well as teacher intervention in students’ group collaboration.

A Student's Guide to Fourier Transforms

by J. F. James

Fourier transform theory is of central importance in a vast range of applications in physical science, engineering, and applied mathematics. This new edition of a successful student text provides a concise introduction to the theory and practice of Fourier transforms, using qualitative arguments wherever possible and avoiding unnecessary mathematics. After a brief description of the basic ideas and theorems, the power of the technique is then illustrated by referring to particular applications in optics, spectroscopy, electronics and telecommunications. The rarely discussed but important field of multi-dimensional Fourier theory is covered, including a description of computer-aided tomography (CAT-scanning). The final chapter discusses digital methods, with particular attention to the fast Fourier transform. Throughout, discussion of these applications is reinforced by the inclusion of worked examples. The book assumes no previous knowledge of the subject, and will be invaluable to students of physics, electrical and electronic engineering, and computer science.

A Student's Guide to Geophysical Equations

by William Lowrie

The advent of accessible student computing packages has meant that geophysics students can now easily manipulate datasets and gain first-hand modeling experience - essential in developing an intuitive understanding of the physics of the Earth. Yet to gain a more in-depth understanding of physical theory, and to develop new models and solutions, it is necessary to be able to derive the relevant equations from first principles. This compact, handy book fills a gap left by most modern geophysics textbooks, which generally do not have space to derive all of the important formulae, showing the intermediate steps. This guide presents full derivations for the classical equations of gravitation, gravity, tides, earth rotation, heat, geomagnetism and foundational seismology, illustrated with simple schematic diagrams. It supports students through the successive steps and explains the logical sequence of a derivation - facilitating self-study and helping students to tackle homework exercises and prepare for exams.

A Student’s Guide to Infinite Series and Sequences

by Bernhard W. Bach Jr.

Why study infinite series? Not all mathematical problems can be solved exactly or have a solution that can be expressed in terms of a known function. In such cases, it is common practice to use an infinite series expansion to approximate or represent a solution. <P><P>This informal introduction for undergraduate students explores the numerous uses of infinite series and sequences in engineering and the physical sciences. The material has been carefully selected to help the reader develop the techniques needed to confidently utilize infinite series. <P>The book begins with infinite series and sequences before moving onto power series, complex infinite series and finally onto Fourier, Legendre, and Fourier-Bessel series. With a focus on practical applications, the book demonstrates that infinite series are more than an academic exercise and helps students to conceptualize the theory with real world examples and to build their skill set in this area.<P> An informal, plain language approach enables the student to get to grips with the material quickly.<P> A focus on practical real-world examples ensures a complex topic is accessible for students.<P> The early introduction of complex numbers allows the reader to apply infinite series to applications that are typically only addressed in high level mathematics courses.<P>

A Student's Guide to Lagrangians and Hamiltonians

by Patrick Hamill

A concise but rigorous treatment of variational techniques, focussing primarily on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian systems, this book is ideal for physics, engineering and mathematics students. The book begins by applying Lagrange's equations to a number of mechanical systems. It introduces the concepts of generalized coordinates and generalized momentum. Following this the book turns to the calculus of variations to derive the Euler–Lagrange equations. It introduces Hamilton's principle and uses this throughout the book to derive further results. The Hamiltonian, Hamilton's equations, canonical transformations, Poisson brackets and Hamilton–Jacobi theory are considered next. The book concludes by discussing continuous Lagrangians and Hamiltonians and how they are related to field theory. Written in clear, simple language and featuring numerous worked examples and exercises to help students master the material, this book is a valuable supplement to courses in mechanics.

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