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Understandable Statistics: Concepts and Methods (Tenth Edition)

by Charles Henry Brase Corrinne Pellillo Brase

Understandable Statistics: Concepts and Methods, Tenth Edition is a thorough, yet accessible program designed to help readers overcome their apprehensions about statistics. The authors provide clear guidance and informal advice while showing the links between statistics and the world.

Understanding Advanced Statistical Methods (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)

by Peter Westfall Kevin S. Henning

Providing a much-needed bridge between elementary statistics courses and advanced research methods courses, Understanding Advanced Statistical Methods helps students grasp the fundamental assumptions and machinery behind sophisticated statistical topics, such as logistic regression, maximum likelihood, bootstrapping, nonparametrics, and Bayesian me

Understanding Analysis

by Stephen Abbott

This lively introductory text exposes the student to the rewards of a rigorous study of functions of a real variable. In each chapter, informal discussions of questions that give analysis its inherent fascination are followed by precise, but not overly formal, developments of the techniques needed to make sense of them. By focusing on the unifying themes of approximation and the resolution of paradoxes that arise in the transition from the finite to the infinite, the text turns what could be a daunting cascade of definitions and theorems into a coherent and engaging progression of ideas. Acutely aware of the need for rigor, the student is much better prepared to understand what constitutes a proper mathematical proof and how to write one. Fifteen years of classroom experience with the first edition of Understanding Analysis have solidified and refined the central narrative of the second edition. Roughly 150 new exercises join a selection of the best exercises from the first edition, and three more project-style sections have been added. Investigations of Euler's computation of ζ(2), the Weierstrass Approximation ­ Theorem, and the gamma function are now among the book's cohort of seminal results serving as motivation and payoff for the beginning student to master the methods of analysis. Review of the first edition: "This is a dangerous book. Understanding Analysis is so well-written and the development of the theory so w ell-motivated that exposing students to it could well lead them to expect such excellence in all their textbooks. . . . Understanding Analysis is perfectly titled; if your students read it, that's what's going to happen. . . . This terrific book will become the text of choice for the single-variable introductory analysis course . . . " -- Steve Kennedy, MAA Reviews

Understanding Analysis and its Connections to Secondary Mathematics Teaching (Springer Texts in Education)

by Nicholas H. Wasserman Timothy Fukawa-Connelly Keith Weber Juan Pablo Mejía Ramos Stephen Abbott

Getting certified to teach high school mathematics typically requires completing a course in real analysis. Yet most teachers point out real analysis content bears little resemblance to secondary mathematics and report it does not influence their teaching in any significant way. This textbook is our attempt to change the narrative. It is our belief that analysis can be a meaningful part of a teacher's mathematical education and preparation for teaching. This book is a companion text. It is intended to be a supplemental resource, used in conjunction with a more traditional real analysis book.The textbook is based on our efforts to identify ways that studying real analysis can provide future teachers with genuine opportunities to think about teaching secondary mathematics. It focuses on how mathematical ideas are connected to the practice of teaching secondary mathematics–and not just the content of secondary mathematics itself. Discussions around pedagogy are premised on the belief that the way mathematicians do mathematics can be useful for how we think about teaching mathematics. The book uses particular situations in teaching to make explicit ways that the content of real analysis might be important for teaching secondary mathematics, and how mathematical practices prevalent in the study of real analysis can be incorporated as practices for teaching.This textbook will be of particular interest to mathematics instructors–and mathematics teacher educators–thinking about how the mathematics of real analysis might be applicable to secondary teaching, as well as to any prospective (or current) teacher who has wondered about what the purpose of taking such courses could be.

Understanding and Applying Basic Statistical Methods Using R

by Rand R. Wilcox

Features a straightforward and concise resource for introductory statistical concepts, methods, and techniques using R Understanding and Applying Basic Statistical Methods Using R uniquely bridges the gap between advances in the statistical literature and methods routinely used by non-statisticians. Providing a conceptual basis for understanding the relative merits and applications of these methods, the book features modern insights and advances relevant to basic techniques in terms of dealing with non-normality, outliers, heteroscedasticity (unequal variances), and curvature. Featuring a guide to R, the book uses R programming to explore introductory statistical concepts and standard methods for dealing with known problems associated with classic techniques. Thoroughly class-room tested, the book includes sections that focus on either R programming or computational details to help the reader become acquainted with basic concepts and principles essential in terms of understanding and applying the many methods currently available. Covering relevant material from a wide range of disciplines, Understanding and Applying Basic Statistical Methods Using R also includes: Numerous illustrations and exercises that use data to demonstrate the practical importance of multiple perspectives Discussions on common mistakes such as eliminating outliers and applying standard methods based on means using the remaining data Detailed coverage on R programming with descriptions on how to apply both classic and more modern methods using R A companion website with the data and solutions to all of the exercises Understanding and Applying Basic Statistical Methods Using R is an ideal textbook for an undergraduate and graduate-level statistics courses in the science and/or social science departments. The book can also serve as a reference for professional statisticians and other practitioners looking to better understand modern statistical methods as well as R programming.

Understanding and Applying Research Design

by Martin Lee Abbott Jennifer Mckinney

A fresh approach to bridging research design with statistical analysis While good social science requires both research design and statistical analysis, most books treat these two areas separately. Understanding and Applying Research Design introduces an accessible approach to integrating design and statistics, focusing on the processes of posing, testing, and interpreting research questions in the social sciences.The authors analyze real-world data using SPSS software, guiding readers on the overall process of science, focusing on premises, procedures, and designs of social scientific research. Three clearly organized sections move seamlessly from theoretical topics to statistical techniques at the heart of research procedures, and finally, to practical application of research design:Premises of Research introduces the research process and the capabilities of SPSS, with coverage of ethics, Empirical Generalization, and Chi Square and Contingency Table AnalysisProcedures of Research explores key quantitative methods in research design including measurement, correlation, regression, and causationDesigns of Research outlines various design frameworks, with discussion of survey research, aggregate research, and experimentsThroughout the book, SPSS software is used to showcase the discussed techniques, and detailed appendices provide guidance on key statistical procedures and tips for data management. Numerous exercises allow readers to test their comprehension of the presented material, and a related website features additional data sets and SPSS code.Understanding and Applying Research Design is an excellent book for social sciences and education courses on research methods at the upper-undergraduate level. The book is also an insightful reference for professionals who would like to learn how to pose, test, and interpret research questions with confidence.

Understanding and Changing the World: From Information to Knowledge and Intelligence

by Joseph Sifakis

This book discusses the importance of knowledge as an intangible asset, separate from physical entities, that can enable us to understand and/or change the world. It provides a thorough treatment of knowledge, one that is free of ideological and philosophical preconceptions, and which relies exclusively on concepts and principles from the theory of computing and logic. It starts with an introduction to knowledge as truthful and useful information, and its development and management by computers and humans. It analyses the relationship between computational processes and physical phenomena, as well as the processes of knowledge production and application by humans and computers. In turn, the book presents autonomous systems that are called upon to replace humans in complex operations as a step toward strong AI, and discusses the risks – real or hypothetical – of the careless use of these systems. It compares human and machine intelligence, attempting to answer the question of whether and to what extent computers, as they stand today, can approach human-level situation awareness and decision-making. Lastly, the book explains the functioning of individual consciousness as an autonomous system that manages short- and long-term objectives on the basis of value criteria and accumulated knowledge. It discusses how individual values are shaped in society and the role of institutions in fostering and maintaining a common set of values for strengthening social cohesion. The book differs from books on the philosophy of science in many respects, e.g. by considering knowledge in its multiple facets and degrees of validity and truthfulness. It follows the dualist tradition of logicians, emphasizing the importance of logic and language and considering an abstract concept of information very different from the one used in the physical sciences. From this perspective, it levels some hopefully well-founded criticism at approaches that consider information and knowledge as nothing more than the emergent properties of physical phenomena. The book strikes a balance between popular books that sidestep fundamental issues and focus on sensationalism, and scientific or philosophical books that are not accessible to non-experts. As such, it is intended for a broad audience interested in the role of knowledge as a driver for change and development, and as a common good whose production and application could shape the future of humanity.

Understanding and Conducting Research in the Health Sciences

by Christopher J. Cunningham Bart L. Weathington David J. Pittenger

A comprehensive introduction to behavioral and social science research methods in the health sciencesUnderstanding and Conducting Research in the Health Sciences is designed to develop and facilitate the ability to conduct research and understand the practical value of designing, conducting, interpreting, and reporting behavioral and social science research findings in the health science and medical fields. The book provides complete coverage of the process behind these research methods, including information-gathering, decision formation, and results presentation.Examining the application of behavioral and social science research methodologies within the health sciences, the book focuses on implementing and developing relevant research questions, collecting and managing data, and communicating various research perspectives. An essential book for readers looking to possess an understanding of all aspects of conducting research in the health science field, Understanding and Conducting Research in the Health Sciences features:Various research designs that are appropriate for use in the health sciences, including single-participant, multi-group, longitudinal, correlational, and experimental designsStep-by-step coverage of single-factor and multifactor studies as well as single-subject and nonexperimental methodsAccessible chapter explanations, real-world examples, and numerous illustrations throughoutGuidance regarding how to write about research within the formatting styles of the American Medical Association and the American Psychological AssociationThe book is an excellent educational resource for healthcare and health service practitioners and researchers who are interested in conducting and understanding behavioral and social science research done within the health sciences arena. The book is also a useful resource for students taking courses in the fields of medicine, public health, epidemiology, biostatistics, and the health sciences.

Understanding and Interpreting Machine Learning in Medical Image Computing Applications: First International Workshops, Mlcn 2018, Dlf 2018, And Imimic 2018, Held In Conjunction With Miccai 2018, Granada, Spain, September 16-20, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11038)

by Danail Stoyanov Zeike Taylor Seyed Mostafa Kia Ipek Oguz Mauricio Reyes Anne Martel Lena Maier-Hein Andre F. Marquand Edouard Duchesnay Tommy Löfstedt Bennett Landman M. Jorge Cardoso Carlos A. Silva Sergio Pereira Raphael Meier

This book constitutes the refereed joint proceedings of the First International Workshop on Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging, MLCN 2018, the First International Workshop on Deep Learning Fails, DLF 2018, and the First International Workshop on Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing, iMIMIC 2018, held in conjunction with the 21st International Conference on Medical Imaging and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2018, in Granada, Spain, in September 2018. The 4 full MLCN papers, the 6 full DLF papers, and the 6 full iMIMIC papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected. The MLCN contributions develop state-of-the-art machine learning methods such as spatio-temporal Gaussian process analysis, stochastic variational inference, and deep learning for applications in Alzheimer's disease diagnosis and multi-site neuroimaging data analysis; the DLF papers evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of DL and identify the main challenges in the current state of the art and future directions; the iMIMIC papers cover a large range of topics in the field of interpretability of machine learning in the context of medical image analysis.

Understanding and Managing Socioeconomic Systems Behaviour: Applications of Qualitative and Quantitative System Dynamics and Agent-Based Modelling in Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals, Finance, Arts and Culture, Sociology and Education Systems (Contributions to Management Science)

by Rossen Kazakov Penka Petrova Yavora Kazakova

This book illustrates effective decision-making in complex socio-economic systems utilising system dynamics and agent-based simulation modelling approaches. It provides practical guidance on the application of conceptual and numerical modelling and simulation for analysing economic, strategic, regulatory, sociological and ethical questions from a complex systems perspective. Its theoretical, methodological and practical illustrations will enhance readers’ understanding of the application of simulation modelling for effective systems management. By virtually experimenting with alternative management scenarios, it will help them improve decision-making and control mechanisms. The book explores practical examples from the fields of pharmaceuticals, healthcare, finance, sociology, education and culture from a strategic, regulatory and ethics perspective. As such, it offers a valuable resource for managers, both at for-profit corporations and non-profit organisations, public policymakers and regulators alike.

Understanding and Teaching Primary Mathematics

by Tony Cotton

Written by an education consultant with widespread experience of teaching mathematics in the UK and internationally, Understanding and Teaching Primary Mathematics seamlessly combines pedagogy and subject knowledge to build confidence and equip you with all the skills and know-how you need to successfully teach mathematics to children of any age. This 3rd edition has been fully updated to reflect the latest research developments and initiatives in the field, as well as key changes to both the UK National Curriculum and International Baccalaureate, including a brand new chapter on 'Algebra' and a reworked focus on the early years. Extra features also include helpful call-outs to the book's revised and updated companion website, which offers a shared site with a range of resources relevant to both this book and its new companion volume, Teaching for Mathematical Understanding. Stimulating, accessible and well-illustrated, with comprehensive coverage of subject knowledge and pedagogy, Understanding and Teaching Primary Mathematics is an essential purchase for trainee and practising teachers alike. Companion website features new to this edition include: video clips in which the author demonstrates the concepts covered in the book through teaching to a real class PowerPoint presentations which provide support for those using the book as a part of a teacher training course updated weblinks to external sites with useful teaching information and resources

Understanding and Teaching Primary Mathematics

by Tony Cotton

Written by an experienced teacher and teacher educator with widespread experience of teaching mathematics in the UK and internationally, the bestselling Understanding and Teaching Primary Mathematics combines pedagogy and subject knowledge to build confidence and equip you with all the skills and know-how you need to successfully teach mathematics to children of any age.This fifth edition has been completely updated to include the latest developments in learning and teaching mathematics, including mastery approaches, a Singapore approach and the use of manipulatives in the primary classroom. There are new activities for you to use in your teaching and links to the dedicated website, which contains materials to develop a personal portfolio, more activities to use in your classroom and presentations and podcasts to support your further professional development to reflect the latest research developments. It covers all areas of the mathematics curriculum and will allow you to become a confident teacher of mathematics through developing your own subject knowledge.Tony draws on his many years of experience teaching mathematics and working with early career teachers to share classroom activities which will support you in learning mathematics through engaging in mathematical activity with your learners.

Understanding and Teaching Primary Mathematics in Australia

by Tony Cotton Jess Greenbaum Michael Minas

Written by experienced teacher educator and author, Tony Cotton, and two Australian primary teachers, Jess Greenbaum and Michael Minas, Understanding and Teaching Primary Mathematics in Australia combines pedagogy and mathematics subject knowledge to build teachers’ confidence both in their mathematical subject knowledge and in their ability to teach mathematics effectively. The book covers all the key areas of the Australian Curriculum for mathematics from teaching number and calculation strategies to exploring geometry and statistics. There are also chapters that deal with the teaching of mathematics in the Early Years, inclusive approaches to mathematics teaching and teaching mathematics using ICT. Stimulating, accessible and containing a wealth of practical ideas for use in the classroom, Understanding and Teaching Primary Mathematics in Australia is an essential text for graduate and practicing teachers alike.

Understanding Atmospheric Rivers Using Machine Learning (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Manish Kumar Goyal Shivam Singh

This book delves into the characterization, impacts, drivers, and predictability of atmospheric rivers (AR). It begins with the historical background and mechanisms governing AR formation, giving insights into the global and regional perspectives of ARs, observing their varying manifestations across different geographical contexts. The book explores the key characteristics of ARs, from their frequency and duration to intensity, unraveling the intricate relationship between atmospheric rivers and precipitation. The book also focus on the intersection of ARs with large-scale climate oscillations, such as El Niño and La Niña events, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The chapters help understand how these climate phenomena influence AR behavior, offering a nuanced perspective on climate modeling and prediction. The book also covers artificial intelligence (AI) applications, from pattern recognition to prediction modeling and early warning systems. A case study on AR prediction using deep learning models exemplifies the practical applications of AI in this domain. The book culminates by underscoring the interdisciplinary nature of AR research and the synergy between atmospheric science, climatology, and artificial intelligence

Understanding Audiences, Customers, and Users via Analytics: An Introduction to the Employment of Web, Social, and Other Types of Digital People Data (Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services)

by Bernard J. Jansen Kholoud K. Aldous Joni Salminen Hind Almerekhi Soon-gyo Jung

This book presents the foundations of using analytics from the laboratory, social media platforms, and the web. The authors cover key topics including analytics strategy, data gathering approaches, data preprocessing, data quality assessment, analytical methods, tools, and validation methods. The book includes chapters explaining web analytics, social media analytics, and how to create an analytics strategy. The authors also cover on data sources, such as online surveys, crowdsourcing, eye tracking, mouse tracking, social media APIs, search logs, and analytics triangulation. The book also discusses analytical tools for social media analytics, search analytics, persona analytics, user studies, and website analytics. The authors conclude by examining the validity of online analytics.

Understanding Basic Statistics

by Charles Henry Brase Corrinne Pellillo Brase

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Understanding Basic Statistics

by Charles Henry Brase Corrinne Pellillo Brase

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Understanding Basic Statistics

by Charles Henry Brase Corrinne Pellillo Brase

UNDERSTANDING BASIC STATISTICS provides plenty of guidance and informal advice as it demonstrates the links between statistics and the real world. Its reader-friendly approach helps you grasp the concepts and see how they relate to your life. A complete technology package, including JMP statistical software, gives you the tools you need to practice what you're learning and succeed in the course.

Understanding Basic Statistics

by Charles Henry Brase Corrinne Pellillo Brase

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Understanding Basic Statistics

by Charles Henry Brase Corrinne Pellillo Brase

A condensed and more streamlined version of the very popular and widely used UNDERSTANDABLE STATISTICS, Ninth Edition, this book offers instructors an effective way to teach the essentials of statistics, including early coverage of Regression, within a more limited time frame. Designed to help students overcome their apprehension about statistics, UNDERSTANDING BASIC STATISTICS, Fifth Edition, is a thorough yet approachable text that provides plenty of guidance and informal advice demonstrating the links between statistics and the world. The strengths of the text include an applied approach that helps students realize the real-world significance of statistics, an accessible exposition, and a new, complete technology package. The Fifth Edition addresses the growing importance of developing students' critical thinking and statistical literacy skills with the introduction of new features and exercises throughout the text. The use of the graphing calculator, Microsoft Excel, Minitab, and SPSS is covered but not required.

Understanding Basic Statistics (Fourth Edition)

by Charles Henry Brase Corrinne Pellillo Brase

Welcome to the exciting world of statistics! We have written this text to make statistics accessible to everyone, including those with a limited mathematics background. Statistics affects all aspects of our lives. Whether we are testing new medical devices or determining what will entertain us, applications of statistics are so numerous that, in a sense, we are limited only by our own imagination in discovering new uses for statistics.

Understanding Basic Statistics Sixth Edition

by Charles Henry Brase Corrinne Pellillo Brase

UNDERSTANDING BASIC STATISTICS, Sixth Edition, provides plenty of guidance and informal advice demonstrating the links between statistics and the real world. Thorough yet abbreviated, the text offers a reader-friendly style and a new, complete technology package to supplement learning.

Understanding Biostatistics

by Anders Källén

Understanding Biostatistics looks at the fundamentals of biostatistics, using elementary statistics to explore the nature of statistical tests.This book is intended to complement first-year statistics and biostatistics textbooks. The main focus here is on ideas, rather than on methodological details. Basic concepts are illustrated with representations from history, followed by technical discussions on what different statistical methods really mean. Graphics are used extensively throughout the book in order to introduce mathematical formulae in an accessible way.Key features:Discusses confidence intervals and p-values in terms of confidence functions. Explains basic statistical methodology represented in terms of graphics rather than mathematical formulae, whilst highlighting the mathematical basis of biostatistics. Looks at problems of estimating parameters in statistical models and looks at the similarities between different models. Provides an extensive discussion on the position of statistics within the medical scientific process. Discusses distribution functions, including the Guassian distribution and its importance in biostatistics. This book will be useful for biostatisticians with little mathematical background as well as those who want to understand the connections in biostatistics and mathematical issues.

Understanding Biplots

by Sugnet Gardner Lubbe Niel J. Le Roux John C. Gower

Biplots are a graphical method for simultaneously displaying two kinds of information; typically, the variables and sample units described by a multivariate data matrix or the items labelling the rows and columns of a two-way table. This book aims to popularize what is now seen to be a useful and reliable method for the visualization of multidimensional data associated with, for example, principal component analysis, canonical variate analysis, multidimensional scaling, multiplicative interaction and various types of correspondence analysis.Understanding Biplots:* Introduces theory and techniques which can be applied to problems from a variety of areas, including ecology, biostatistics, finance, demography and other social sciences.* Provides novel techniques for the visualization of multidimensional data and includes data mining techniques.* Uses applications from many fields including finance, biostatistics, ecology, demography.* Looks at dealing with large data sets as well as smaller ones.* Includes colour images, illustrating the graphical capabilities of the methods.* Is supported by a Website featuring R code and datasets.Researchers, practitioners and postgraduate students of statistics and the applied sciences will find this book a useful introduction to the possibilities of presenting data in informative ways.


by National Research Council of the National Academies

The U.S. economy is highly dynamic: businesses open and close, workers switch jobs and start new enterprises, and innovative technologies redefine the workplace and enhance productivity. With globalization markets have also become more interconnected. Measuring business activity in this rapidly evolving environment increasingly requires tracking complex interactions among firms, establishments, employers, and employees. Understanding Business Dynamics presents strategies for improving the accuracy, timeliness, coverage, and integration of data that are used in constructing aggregate economic statistics, as well as in microlevel analyses of topics ranging from job creation and destruction and firm entry and exit to innovation and productivity. This book offers recommendations that could be enacted by federal statistical agencies to modernize the measurement of business dynamics, particularly the production of information on small and young firms that can have a disproportionately large impact in rapidly expanding economic sectors. It also outlines the need for effective coordination of existing survey and administrative data sources, which is essential to improving the depth and coverage of business data.

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