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Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra: ICACGA 2022, Denver, CO, USA, October 2–5 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #445)
by Dietmar Hildenbrand Eckhard Hitzer David William Honorio Araujo Da SilvaHow Geometric Algebra can naturally serve for constructing solutions for pattern recognition, machine learning, data compression, games, robotics, quantum computing, data encoding, to cite a few. Moreover, there is ample evidence that further research on GA and related areas can significantly expand the number of real-world applications in a wide variety of areas. A mathematical system that is very easy to handle, highly robust and superior performance for engineering applications. Good thematic introduction for engineers and researchers new to the subject. Extensive illustrations and code examples. Thematically well structured with many hands on examples. Learning about GA and how to use it for daily tasks in engineering research and development.
Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra: First International Conference, ICACGA 2022, Denver, CO, USA, October 2-5, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13771)
by David W. Silva Eckhard Hitzer Dietmar HildenbrandThis book constitutes the post-conference proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra, ICACGA 2022, held in Denver, CO, USA, during October 2-5, 2022. The 18 full papers presented in this book together with 12 abstracts of invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 24 submissions. The papers are grouped in the following topical sections: geometric applications; computer science applications; technological applications; and applications to physics and mathematics.
Advanced Computational Methods and Design for Greener Aviation (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences #59)
by Tero Tuovinen Jacques Periaux Jordi Pons-Prats Gabriel Bugeda Dietrich KnoerzerThis book presents a selection of scientific and technical results utilizing new computational methods, tools, and technologies in Aeronautical Design. Delve into the forefront of aerospace technology with this collection of articles featuring insights from the from the ECCOMAS CM3 2021 Thematic Conference in Barcelona and from the Special Technology Sessions of the ECCOMAS Congress 2022 in Oslo. Explore advancements in aeronautics design, numerical methods, and industrial technologies, including aerodynamic optimization and additive manufacturing, with contributions from leading experts and from research projects funded by the European Union. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a student, this volume offers invaluable insights into the future of aviation and transportation.
Advanced Computational Methods in Mechanical and Materials Engineering (Computational Intelligence Techniques)
by Kumar Ashwani Gori Yatika Dutt Nitesh Singla Kumar Maurya AmbrishThis book provides in-depth knowledge to solve engineering, geometrical, mathematical, and scientific problems with the help of advanced computational methods with a focus on mechanical and materials engineering. Divided into three subsections covering design and fluids, thermal engineering and materials engineering, each chapter includes exhaustive literature review along with thorough analysis and future research scope. Major topics covered pertains to computational fluid dynamics, mechanical performance, design, and fabrication including wide range of applications in industries as automotive, aviation, electronics, nuclear and so forth. Covers computational methods in design and fluid dynamics with a focus on computational fluid dynamics Explains advanced material applications and manufacturing in labs using novel alloys and introduces properties in material Discusses fabrication of graphene reinforced magnesium metal matrix for orthopedic applications Illustrates simulation and optimization gear transmission, heat sink and heat exchangers application Provides unique problem-solution approach including solutions, methodology, experimental setup, and results validation This book is aimed at researchers, graduate students in mechanical engineering, computer fluid dynamics,fluid mechanics, computer modeling, machine parts, and mechatronics.
Advanced Computer Architecture: 11th Conference, ACA 2016, Weihai, China, August 22-23, 2016, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #626)
by Junjie Wu Lian LiThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference on Advanced Computer Architecture, ACA 2016, held in Weihai, China, in August 2016. The 17 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 89 submissions. The papers address issues such as processors and circuits; high performance computing; GPUs and accelerators; cloud and data centers; energy and reliability; intelligence computing and mobile computing.
Advanced Computing: Accelerating Computational Science And Engineering (cse) (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering #93)
by Hans-Joachim Bungartz Michael Bader Tobias WeinzierlThis proceedings volume collects review articles that summarize research conducted at the Munich Centre of Advanced Computing (MAC) from 2008 to 2012. The articles address the increasing gap between what should be possible in Computational Science and Engineering due to recent advances in algorithms, hardware, and networks, and what can actually be achieved in practice; they also examine novel computing architectures, where computation itself is a multifaceted process, with hardware awareness or ubiquitous parallelism due to many-core systems being just two of the challenges faced. Topics cover both the methodological aspects of advanced computing (algorithms, parallel computing, data exploration, software engineering) and cutting-edge applications from the fields of chemistry, the geosciences, civil and mechanical engineering, etc. , reflecting the highly interdisciplinary nature of the Munich Centre of Advanced Computing.
Advanced Computing and Intelligent Technologies: Proceedings of ICACIT 2023 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #958)
by Marcin Paprzycki Monica Bianchini Ankush Ghosh Rabindra Nath Shaw Sanjoy DasThis book gathers selected high-quality research papers presented at International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Technologies (ICACIT 2023), which is organized by Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Regional Campus Manipur (IGNTU-RCM), during December 8–9, 2023. It discusses emerging topics pertaining to advanced computing, intelligent technologies and networks including AI and machine learning, data mining, big data analytics, high-performance computing network performance analysis, Internet of things networks, wireless sensor networks, and others. The book offers an asset for researchers from both academia and industries involved in advanced studies.
Advanced Computing and Intelligent Technologies: Proceedings of ICACIT 2021 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #218)
by Vincenzo Piuri Monica Bianchini Rabindra Nath Shaw Sanjoy DasThis book gathers selected high-quality research papers presented at International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Technologies (ICACIT 2021) held at NCR New Delhi, India, during March 20–21, 2021, jointly organized by Galgotias University, India, and Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics Università Di Siena, Italy. It discusses emerging topics pertaining to advanced computing, intelligent technologies, and networks including AI and machine learning, data mining, big data analytics, high-performance computing network performance analysis, Internet of things networks, wireless sensor networks, and others. The book offers a valuable asset for researchers from both academia and industries involved in advanced studies.
Advanced Computing and Intelligent Technologies: Proceedings of ICACIT 2022 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #914)
by Rabindra Nath Shaw Sanjoy Das Vincenzo Piuri Monica BianchiniThis book gathers selected high-quality research papers presented at International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Technologies (ICACIT 2022), held at BIHER Chennai India, during March 12–13, 2022, jointly organized by Institute of Higher Education and Research Chennai 600073, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Regional Campus Manipur, India, and Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics Università Di Siena, Italy. It discusses emerging topics pertaining to advanced computing, intelligent technologies and networks including AI and machine learning, data mining, big data analytics, high performance computing network performance analysis, Internet of things networks, wireless sensor networks, and others. The book offers a valuable asset for researchers from both academia and industries involved in advanced studies.
Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics: 13th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM, December 18-20, 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria, Revised Selected Papers (Studies in Computational Intelligence #961)
by Ivan Georgiev Hristo Kostadinov Elena LilkovaThis book gathers the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, BGSIAM'18, held in Sofia, Bulgaria. The general theme of BGSIAM'18 was industrial and applied mathematics with particular focus on: mathematical physics, numerical analysis, high performance computing, optimization and control, mathematical biology, stochastic modeling, machine learning, digitization and imaging, advanced computing in environmental, biomedical and engineering applications.
Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics: 14th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM, December 17-19, 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria, Revised Selected Papers (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1111)
by Ivan Georgiev Hristo Kostadinov Elena LilkovaThis book gathers the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, BGSIAM'19, held in Sofia, Bulgaria. The general theme of BGSIAM'19 was industrial and applied mathematics with particular focus on mathematical physics, numerical analysis, high-performance computing, optimization and control, mathematical biology, stochastic modeling, machine learning, digitization and imaging, and advanced computing in environmental, biomedical, and engineering applications.
Advanced Computing, Machine Learning, Robotics and Internet Technologies: First International Conference, AMRIT 2023, Silchar, India, March 10–11, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Part II (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1954)
by Prodipto Das Shahin Ara Begum Rajkumar BuyyaThis two-volume set constitutes selected papers presented during the First International Conference on Advanced Computing, Machine Learning, Robotics and Internet Technologies, AMRIT 2023, held in Silchar, India, in March 2023.The 20 full papers and 27 short papers presented were thoroughly reviewed and selected from 110 submissions. They cover the following topics: artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, image processing, data science, soft computing techniques, computer networks and security, computer architecture and algorithms.
Advanced Computing, Machine Learning, Robotics and Internet Technologies: First International Conference, AMRIT 2023, Silchar, India, March 10–11, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Part I (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1953)
by Prodipto Das Shahin Ara Begum Rajkumar BuyyaThis two-volume set constitutes selected papers presented during the First International Conference on Advanced Computing, Machine Learning, Robotics and Internet Technologies, AMRIT 2023, held in Silchar, India, in March 2023.The 20 full papers and 27 short papers presented were thoroughly reviewed and selected from 110 submissions. They cover the following topics: artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, image processing, data science, soft computing techniques, computer networks and security, computer architecture and algorithms.
Advanced Computing Strategies for Engineering: 25th EG-ICE International Workshop 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 10-13, 2018, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10864)
by Ian F. Smith Bernd DomerThis double volume set ( LNAI 10863-10864) constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 25th International Workshop, EG-ICE 2018, held in Lausanne, Switzerland, in June 2018. The 58 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 108 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on Advanced Computing in Engineering, Computer Supported Construction Management, Life-Cycle Design Support, Monitoring and Control Algorithms in Engineering, and BIM and Engineering Ontologies.
Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications—ICACTA 2020 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)
by Hari Vasudevan Antonis Michalas Narendra Shekokar Meera NarvekarThis book features selected papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications, held at SVKM’s Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering, Mumbai, India, from 28 to 29 February 2020. Covering recent advances in next-generation computing, the book focuses on recent developments in intelligent computing, such as linguistic computing, statistical computing, data computing and ambient applications.
Advanced Concepts, Methodologies and Technologies for Transportation and Logistics (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #572)
by Riccardo Rossi Jacek Żak Yuval HadasThis book is a collection of original papers produced by the members of the Euro Working Group on Transportation (EWGT) in the last several years (2015-2017). The respective chapters present the results of various research projects carried out by the members of the EWGT and extended versions of presentations given at the last several meetings of the EWGT. The book offers a representative sampling of the EWGT's research activities and covers the state-of-the-art in quantitative oriented transportation/logistics research. It highlights a range of advanced concepts, methodologies and technologies, divided into four major thematic streams: Multiple Criteria Analysis in Transportation and Logistics; Urban Transportation and City Logistics; Road Safety and Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing in Transportation and Logistics. The book is intended for academics/researchers, analysts, business consultants, and graduate students who are interested in advanced techniques of mathematical modeling and computational procedures applied in transportation and logistics.
Advanced Construction Mathematics
by Surinder VirdiAdvanced Construction Mathematics covers the range of topics that a student must learn in order to achieve success in Level 3 and 4 mathematics for the Pearson BTEC National and BTEC HNC/HND in Construction, Building Services, and Civil Engineering. Packed with easy to follow examples, its 18 chapters cover algebra (equations, transposition and evaluation of formulae), differentiation, integration, statistics and numerous other core concepts and their application in the construction/civil engineering field. The book explains technical processes before applying mathematical techniques to solve practical problems which gradually build in complexity. Each chapter contains self-test exercises and answers and numerous illustrations to simplify the essential maths required at Levels 3 and 4. The book is also a useful recap or primer for students on BSc or non-cognate MSc Construction and Civil Engineering degrees.
Advanced Control and Intelligent Computing Applications: 8th International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation, LSMS 2024 and 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment, ICSEE 2024, Suzhou, China, September 13–15, 2024, Proceedings, Part IV (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2219)
by Chen Peng Yulong Wang Yanpeng Guan Qing Sun Zhi Chen Yajian ZhangThe five-volume set constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation, LSMS 2024, and of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment, ICSEE 2024, which were held during September 13-15, in Suzhou, China. The 29 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from over 496 submissions. The LSMS and ICSEE international conference series aim to bring together international researchers and practitioners in the fields of advanced methods for life system modeling and simulation, as well as advanced intelligent computing theory, methodologies, and engineering applications in achieving net zero across all sectors to tackle the global climate change challenge.
Advanced Data Analysis in Neuroscience: Integrating Statistical and Computational Models (Bernstein Series in Computational Neuroscience)
by Daniel DurstewitzThis book is intended for use in advanced graduate courses in statistics / machine learning, as well as for all experimental neuroscientists seeking to understand statistical methods at a deeper level, and theoretical neuroscientists with a limited background in statistics. It reviews almost all areas of applied statistics, from basic statistical estimation and test theory, linear and nonlinear approaches for regression and classification, to model selection and methods for dimensionality reduction, density estimation and unsupervised clustering. Its focus, however, is linear and nonlinear time series analysis from a dynamical systems perspective, based on which it aims to convey an understanding also of the dynamical mechanisms that could have generated observed time series. Further, it integrates computational modeling of behavioral and neural dynamics with statistical estimation and hypothesis testing. This way computational models in neuroscience are not only explanat ory frameworks, but become powerful, quantitative data-analytical tools in themselves that enable researchers to look beyond the data surface and unravel underlying mechanisms. Interactive examples of most methods are provided through a package of MatLab routines, encouraging a playful approach to the subject, and providing readers with a better feel for the practical aspects of the methods covered. "Computational neuroscience is essential for integrating and providing a basis for understanding the myriads of remarkable laboratory data on nervous system functions. Daniel Durstewitz has excellently covered the breadth of computational neuroscience from statistical interpretations of data to biophysically based modeling of the neurobiological sources of those data. His presentation is clear, pedagogically sound, and readily useable by experts and beginners alike. It is a pleasure to recommend this very well crafted discussion to experimental neuroscientists as well as mathematically well versed Physicists. The book acts as a window to the issues, to the questions, and to the tools for finding the answers to interesting inquiries about brains and how they function. " Henry D. I. Abarbanel Physics and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego "This book delivers a clear and thorough introduction to sophisticated analysis approaches useful in computational neuroscience. The models described and the examples provided will help readers develop critical intuitions into what the methods reveal about data. The overall approach of the book reflects the extensive experience Prof. Durstewitz has developed as a leading practitioner of computational neuroscience. " Bruno B. Averbeck
Advanced Data Mining and Applications: 20th International Conference, ADMA 2024, Sydney, NSW, Australia, December 3–5, 2024, Proceedings, Part V (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15391)
by Quan Z. Sheng Gill Dobbie Jing Jiang Xuyun Zhang Wei Emma Zhang Yannis Manolopoulos Jia Wu Wathiq Mansoor Congbo MaThis six-volume set, LNAI 15387-15392, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, ADMA 2024, held in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, during December 3–5, 2024. The 159 full papers presented here were carefully reviewed and selected from 422 submissions. These papers have been organized under the following topical sections across the different volumes: - Part I : Applications; Data mining. Part II : Data mining foundations and algorithms; Federated learning; Knowledge graph. Part III : Graph mining; Spatial data mining. Part IV : Health informatics. Part V : Multi-modal; Natural language processing. Part VI : Recommendation systems; Security and privacy issues.
Advanced Data Mining and Applications: 20th International Conference, ADMA 2024, Sydney, NSW, Australia, December 3–5, 2024, Proceedings, Part III (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15389)
by Quan Z. Sheng Gill Dobbie Jing Jiang Xuyun Zhang Wei Emma Zhang Yannis Manolopoulos Jia Wu Wathiq Mansoor Congbo MaThis six-volume set, LNAI 15387-15392, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, ADMA 2024, held in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, during December 3–5, 2024. The 159 full papers presented here were carefully reviewed and selected from 422 submissions. These papers have been organized under the following topical sections across the different volumes: - Part I : Applications; Data mining. Part II : Data mining foundations and algorithms; Federated learning; Knowledge graph. Part III : Graph mining; Spatial data mining. Part IV : Health informatics. Part V : Multi-modal; Natural language processing. Part VI : Recommendation systems; Security and privacy issues.
Advanced Data Mining and Applications: 20th International Conference, ADMA 2024, Sydney, NSW, Australia, December 3–5, 2024, Proceedings, Part VI (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15392)
by Quan Z. Sheng Gill Dobbie Jing Jiang Xuyun Zhang Wei Emma Zhang Yannis Manolopoulos Jia Wu Wathiq Mansoor Congbo MaThis six-volume set, LNAI 15387-15392, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, ADMA 2024, held in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, during December 3–5, 2024. The 159 full papers presented here were carefully reviewed and selected from 422 submissions. These papers have been organized under the following topical sections across the different volumes: - Part I : Applications; Data mining. Part II : Data mining foundations and algorithms; Federated learning; Knowledge graph. Part III : Graph mining; Spatial data mining. Part IV : Health informatics. Part V : Multi-modal; Natural language processing. Part VI : Recommendation systems; Security and privacy issues.
Advanced Data Mining and Applications: 20th International Conference, ADMA 2024, Sydney, NSW, Australia, December 3–5, 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15388)
by Quan Z. Sheng Gill Dobbie Jing Jiang Xuyun Zhang Wei Emma Zhang Yannis Manolopoulos Jia Wu Wathiq Mansoor Congbo MaThis six-volume set, LNAI 15387-15392, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, ADMA 2024, held in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, during December 3–5, 2024. The 159 full papers presented here were carefully reviewed and selected from 422 submissions. These papers have been organized under the following topical sections across the different volumes: - Part I : Applications; Data mining. Part II : Data mining foundations and algorithms; Federated learning; Knowledge graph. Part III : Graph mining; Spatial data mining. Part IV : Health informatics. Part V : Multi-modal; Natural language processing. Part VI : Recommendation systems; Security and privacy issues.
Advanced Data Mining and Applications: 20th International Conference, ADMA 2024, Sydney, NSW, Australia, December 3–5, 2024, Proceedings, Part IV (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15390)
by Quan Z. Sheng Gill Dobbie Jing Jiang Xuyun Zhang Wei Emma Zhang Yannis Manolopoulos Jia Wu Wathiq Mansoor Congbo MaThis six-volume set, LNAI 15387-15392, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, ADMA 2024, held in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, during December 3–5, 2024. The 159 full papers presented here were carefully reviewed and selected from 422 submissions. These papers have been organized under the following topical sections across the different volumes: - Part I : Applications; Data mining. Part II : Data mining foundations and algorithms; Federated learning; Knowledge graph. Part III : Graph mining; Spatial data mining. Part IV : Health informatics. Part V : Multi-modal; Natural language processing. Part VI : Recommendation systems; Security and privacy issues.
Advanced Data Mining and Applications: 20th International Conference, ADMA 2024, Sydney, NSW, Australia, December 3–5, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15387)
by Quan Z. Sheng Gill Dobbie Jing Jiang Xuyun Zhang Wei Emma Zhang Yannis Manolopoulos Jia Wu Wathiq Mansoor Congbo MaThis six-volume set, LNAI 15387-15392, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, ADMA 2024, held in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, during December 3–5, 2024. The 159 full papers presented here were carefully reviewed and selected from 422 submissions. These papers have been organized under the following topical sections across the different volumes: - Part I : Applications; Data mining. Part II : Data mining foundations and algorithms; Federated learning; Knowledge graph. Part III : Graph mining; Spatial data mining. Part IV : Health informatics. Part V : Multi-modal; Natural language processing. Part VI : Recommendation systems; Security and privacy issues.