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Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2018: 38th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 19–23, 2018, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10991)
by Hovav Shacham Alexandra BoldyrevaThe three volume-set, LNCS 10991, LNCS 10992, and LNCS 10993, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 38th Annual International Cryptology Conference, CRYPTO 2018, held in Santa Barbara, CA, USA, in August 2018. The 79 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 351 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: secure messaging; implementations and physical attacks prevention; authenticated and format-preserving encryption; cryptoanalysis; searchable encryption and differential privacy; secret sharing; encryption; symmetric cryptography; proofs of work and proofs of stake; proof tools; key exchange; symmetric cryptoanalysis; hashes and random oracles; trapdoor functions; round optimal MPC; foundations; lattices; lattice-based ZK; efficient MPC; quantum cryptography; MPC; garbling; information-theoretic MPC; oblivious transfer; non-malleable codes; zero knowledge; and obfuscation.
Advances in Cybersecurity Management
by Kevin Daimi Cathryn PeoplesThis book concentrates on a wide range of advances related to IT cybersecurity management. The topics covered in this book include, among others, management techniques in security, IT risk management, the impact of technologies and techniques on security management, regulatory techniques and issues, surveillance technologies, security policies, security for protocol management, location management, GOS management, resource management, channel management, and mobility management. The authors also discuss digital contents copyright protection, system security management, network security management, security management in network equipment, storage area networks (SAN) management, information security management, government security policy, web penetration testing, security operations, and vulnerabilities management. The authors introduce the concepts, techniques, methods, approaches and trends needed by cybersecurity management specialists and educators for keeping current their cybersecurity management knowledge. Further, they provide a glimpse of future directions where cybersecurity management techniques, policies, applications, and theories are headed. The book is a rich collection of carefully selected and reviewed manuscripts written by diverse cybersecurity management experts in the listed fields and edited by prominent cybersecurity management researchers and specialists.
Advances in Data Clustering: Theory and Applications
by Fadi Dornaika Denis Hamad Joseph Constantin Vinh Truong HoangClustering, a foundational technique in data analytics, finds diverse applications across scientific, technical, and business domains. Within the theme of “Data Clustering,” this book assumes substantial importance due to its indispensable clustering role in various contexts. As the era of online media facilitates the rapid generation of large datasets, clustering emerges as a pivotal player in data mining and machine learning. At its core, clustering seeks to unveil heterogeneous groups within unlabeled data, representing a crucial unsupervised task in machine learning. The objective is to automatically assign labels to each unlabeled datum with minimal human intervention. Analyzing this data allows for categorization and drawing conclusions applicable across diverse application domains. The challenge with unlabeled data lies in defining a quantifiable goal to guide the model-building process, constituting the central theme of clustering. This book presents concepts and different methodologies of data clustering. For example, deep clustering of images, semi-supervised deep clustering, deep multi-view clustering, etc. This book can be used as a reference for researchers and postgraduate students in related research background.
Advances in Data Science (Association for Women in Mathematics Series #26)
by Ilke Demir Yifei Lou Xu Wang Kathrin WelkerThis volume highlights recent advances in data science, including image processing and enhancement on large data, shape analysis and geometry processing in 2D/3D, exploration and understanding of neural networks, and extensions to atypical data types such as social and biological signals. The contributions are based on discussions from two workshops under Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM), namely the second Women in Data Science and Mathematics (WiSDM) Research Collaboration Workshop that took place between July 29 and August 2, 2019 at the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM) in Providence, Rhode Island, and the third Women in Shape (WiSh) Research Collaboration Workshop that took place between July 16 and 20, 2018 at Trier University in Robert-Schuman-Haus, Trier, Germany. These submissions, seeded by working groups at the conference, form a valuable source for readers who are interested in ideas and methods developed in interdisciplinary research fields. The book features ideas, methods, and tools developed through a broad range of domains, ranging from theoretical analysis on graph neural networks to applications in health science. It also presents original results tackling real-world problems that often involve complex data analysis on large multi-modal data sources.
Advances in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence: ICDSAI 2022, IIT Patna, India, April 23 – 24 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #403)
by Rajiv Misra Nishtha Kesswani Muttukrishnan Rajarajan Bharadwaj Veeravalli Imene Brigui Ashok Patel T. N. SinghWith the intriguing development of technologies in several industries along with the advent of accrescent and ubiquitous computational resources, it creates an ample number of opportunities to develop innovative intelligence technologies in order to solve the wide range of uncertainties, imprecision, and vagueness issues in various real-life problems. Hybridizing modern computational intelligence with traditional computing methods has attracted researchers and academicians to focus on developing innovative AI techniques using data science. International Conference on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (ICDSAI) 2022, organized on April 23-24, 2022 by the Indian Institute of Technology, Patna at NITIE Mumbai (India) in collaboration with the International Association of Academicians (IAASSE) USA collected scientific and technical contributions with respect to models, tools, technologies, and applications in the field of modern Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, covering the entire range of concepts from theory to practice, including case studies, works-in-progress, and conceptual explorations.
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: 28th European Conference, ADBIS 2024, Bayonne, France, August 28–31, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14918)
by Richard Chbeir Yannis Manolopoulos Johann Gamper Joe TekliThis volume LNCS 14918 constitutes the refereed proceedings of 28th European Conference, ADBIS 2024, held in Bayonne, France, during August 28-31, 2024. The 15 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 43 submissions. The conference focuses on Algebra, Models, Schemata, Discovery and Data Analysis, Algorithms and Optimization, Access Methods and Query Processing, Advanced Architectures, Machine Learning, Large Language Models.
Advances in Degradation Modeling: Applications to Reliability, Survival Analysis, and Finance (Statistics for Industry and Technology)
by Nikolaos Limnios Waltraud Kahle N. Balakrishnan Catherine Huber-Carol M. S. NikulinThis volume is a collection of invited chapters covering recent advances in accelerated life testing and degradation models. The book covers a wide range of applications to areas such as reliability, quality control, the health sciences, economics and finance. It is an excellent reference for researchers and practitioners in applied probability and statistics, industrial statistics, the health sciences, quality control, economics, and finance.
Advances in Design Engineering II: Proceedings of the XXX International Congress INGEGRAF, 24-25 June, 2021, Valencia, Spain (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
by Francisco Cavas Martínez Guillermo Peris-Fajarnes Paz Morer Camo Ismael Lengua Lengua Beatriz Defez GarcíaThis book contains the papers presented at the XXX International Congress INGEGRAF, “Digital Engineering, its application in Research, Development and Innovation”, held on 24–25 June 2021 in Valencia, Spain.The book reports on cutting-edge topics in product design and manufacturing, such as industrial methods for integrated product and process design; innovative design; and computer-aided design. Further topics covered include virtual simulation and reverse engineering; additive manufacturing; product manufacturing; engineering methods in medicine and education; representation techniques; and nautical, engineering and construction, aeronautics and aerospace design and modeling. The book has six sections, reflecting the focus and primary themes of the conference. The contributions presented here will not only provide researchers, engineers, and experts in a range of industrial engineering subfields with extensive information to support their daily work; but also they are intended to stimulate new research directions, advanced applications of the methods discussed, and future interdisciplinary collaborations.
Advances in Design Engineering III: Proceedings of the XXXI INGEGRAF International Conference 29–30 June, 1 July 2022, Málaga, Spain (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
by Francisco Cavas-Martínez Manuel D. Marín Granados Ramón Mirálbes Buil Oscar D. de-Cózar-MacíasThis book contains the papers presented at the XXXI International Congress INGEGRAF “Graphic Expression: reunion, reflection, representation,” held on June 29–30 and July 1, 2021, in Málaga, Spain. It reports on cutting-edge topics in product design and manufacturing, such as industrial methods for integrated product and process design, innovative design and computer-aided design. Further topics covered include virtual simulation and reverse engineering, additive manufacturing, product manufacturing,engineering methods in medicine and education, representation techniques and nautical, engineering and construction, aeronautics and aerospace design and modeling. The book is divided into six main sections, reflecting the focus and primary themes of the conference. The contributions presented here provide researchers, engineers and experts in a range of industrial engineering subfields with extensive information to support their daily work; but also they are intended to stimulate new research directions, advanced applications of the methods discussed and future interdisciplinary collaborations.
Advances in DEA Theory and Applications: With Extensions to Forecasting Models
by Kaoru ToneA key resource and framework for assessing the performance of competing entities, including forecasting models Advances in DEA Theory and Applications provides a much-needed framework for assessing the performance of competing entities with special emphasis on forecasting models. It helps readers to determine the most appropriate methodology in order to make the most accurate decisions for implementation. Written by a noted expert in the field, this text provides a review of the latest advances in DEA theory and applications to the field of forecasting. Designed for use by anyone involved in research in the field of forecasting or in another application area where forecasting drives decision making, this text can be applied to a wide range of contexts, including education, health care, banking, armed forces, auditing, market research, retail outlets, organizational effectiveness, transportation, public housing, and manufacturing. This vital resource: Explores the latest developments in DEA frameworks for the performance evaluation of entities such as public or private organizational branches or departments, economic sectors, technologies, and stocks Presents a novel area of application for DEA; namely, the performance evaluation of forecasting models Promotes the use of DEA to assess the performance of forecasting models in a wide area of applications Provides rich, detailed examples and case studies Advances in DEA Theory and Applications includes information on a balanced benchmarking tool that is designed to help organizations examine their assumptions about their productivity and performance.
Advances in Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems: ICDEA, Osaka, Japan, July 2016 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #212)
by Christian Pötzsche Saber Elaydi Yoshihiro Hamaya Hideaki MatsunagaThis volume contains the proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, held at Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan, in July 2016. The conference brought together both experts and novices in the theory and applications of difference equations and discrete dynamical systems. The volume features papers in difference equations and discrete dynamical systems with applications to mathematical sciences and, in particular, mathematical biology and economics. This book will appeal to researchers, scientists, and educators who work in the fields of difference equations, discrete dynamical systems, and their applications.
Advances in Differential Equations and Applications (SEMA SIMAI Springer Series #4)
by Fernando Casas Vicente MartínezThe book contains a selection of contributions given at the 23th Congress on Differential Equations and Applications (CEDYA) / 13th Congress of Applied Mathematics (CMA) that took place at Castellon, Spain, in 2013. CEDYA is renowned as the congress of the Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SEMA) and constitutes the main forum and meeting point for applied mathematicians in Spain. The papers included in this book have been selected after a thorough refereeing process and provide a good summary of the recent activity developed by different groups working mainly in Spain on applications of mathematics to several fields of science and technology. The purpose is to provide a useful reference of academic and industrial researchers working in the area of numerical analysis and its applications.
Advances in Digital Health and Medical Bioengineering: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering, EHB-2023, November 9–10, 2023, Bucharest, Romania – Volume 1: Medical Devices, Measurements, and Artificial Intelligence Applications (IFMBE Proceedings #109)
by Hariton-Nicolae Costin Ratko Magjarević Gladiola Gabriela PetroiuThis book gathers the proceedings of the 11th International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering, EHB 2023, held in hybrid form on November 9–10, 2023, in/from Bucharest, Romania. This first volume of a three-volume set reports on advances in medical devices and instrumentation, for a wide range of applications including medical diagnosis and therapy, rehabilitation, and medical data management. It also describes the use of artificial intelligence in medicine for detecting and modeling diseases, health monitoring, medical decision making, and related applications. All in all, this book offers extensive and timely information to researchers and professionals in bioengineering, health informatics and related interdisciplinary fields.
Advances in Discrete Differential Geometry
by Alexander I. BobenkoThis is one of the first books on a newly emerging field of discrete differential geometry and an excellent way to access this exciting area. It surveys the fascinating connections between discrete models in differential geometry and complex analysis, integrable systems and applications in computer graphics. The authors take a closer look at discrete models in differential geometry and dynamical systems. Their curves are polygonal, surfaces are made from triangles and quadrilaterals, and time is discrete. Nevertheless, the difference between the corresponding smooth curves, surfaces and classical dynamical systems with continuous time can hardly be seen. This is the paradigm of structure-preserving discretizations. Current advances in this field are stimulated to a large extent by its relevance for computer graphics and mathematical physics. This book is written by specialists working together on a common research project. It is about differential geometry and dynamical systems, smooth and discrete theories, and on pure mathematics and its practical applications. The interaction of these facets is demonstrated by concrete examples, including discrete conformal mappings, discrete complex analysis, discrete curvatures and special surfaces, discrete integrable systems, conformal texture mappings in computer graphics, and free-form architecture. This richly illustrated book will convince readers that this new branch of mathematics is both beautiful and useful. It will appeal to graduate students and researchers in differential geometry, complex analysis, mathematical physics, numerical methods, discrete geometry, as well as computer graphics and geometry processing.
Advances in Discretization Methods: Discontinuities, Virtual Elements, Fictitious Domain Methods (SEMA SIMAI Springer Series #12)
by Giulio Ventura Elena BenvenutiThis book gathers selected contributions on emerging research work presented at the International Conference eXtended Discretization MethodS (X-DMS), held in Ferrara in September 2015. It highlights the most relevant advances made at the international level in the context of expanding classical discretization methods, like finite elements, to the numerical analysis of a variety of physical problems. The improvements are intended to achieve higher computational efficiency and to account for special features of the solution directly in the approximation space and/or in the discretization procedure. The methods described include, among others, partition of unity methods (meshfree, XFEM, GFEM), virtual element methods, fictitious domain methods, and special techniques for static and evolving interfaces. The uniting feature of all contributions is the direct link between computational methodologies and their application to different engineering areas.
Advances in Disordered Systems, Random Processes and Some Applications
by Pierluigi Contucci Cristian GiardinàThis book offers a unified perspective on the study of complex systems for scholars of various disciplines, including mathematics, physics, computer science, biology, economics and social science. The contributions, written by leading scientists, cover a broad set of topics, including new approaches to data science, the connection between scaling limits and conformal field theories, and new ideas on the Legendre duality approach in statistical mechanics of disordered systems. The volume moreover explores results on extreme values of correlated random variables and their connection with the Riemann zeta functions, the relation between diffusion phenomena and complex systems, and the Brownian web, which appears as the universal scaling limit of several probabilistic models. Written for researchers from a broad range of scientific fields, this text examines a selection of recent developments in complex systems from a rigorous perspective. Includes accounts of recent probabilistic methods used to investigate scaling limits from discrete to continuum models. Maths and physics are presented side by side in order to solve current open problems in disordered systems. Readers will be exposed to an up-to-date treatment of large databases, as well as to their theoretical modelisation.
Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning: Proceedings of ICADCML 2024, Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #955)
by Kuan-Ching Li Asis Kumar Tripathy Mahasweta Sarkar Jyoti Prakash Sahoo Umakanta NandaThis book is a collection of peer-reviewed best selected research papers presented at the Fifth International Conference on Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning (ICADCML 2024), organized by the School of Electronics and Engineering, VIT - AP University, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, India, during January 5–6, 2024. This book presents recent innovations in the field of scalable distributed systems in addition to cutting-edge research in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain in distributed environments.
Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning: Proceedings of ICADCML 2024, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1015)
by Kuan-Ching Li Asis Kumar Tripathy Mahasweta Sarkar Jyoti Prakash Sahoo Umakanta NandaThis book is a collection of peer-reviewed best selected research papers presented at the Fifth International Conference on Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning (ICADCML 2024), organized by School of Electronics and Engineering, VIT - AP University, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, India, during 5–6 January 2024. This book presents recent innovations in the field of scalable distributed systems in addition to cutting edge research in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain in distributed environments.
Advances in Dual Integral Equations
by B.N. Mandal Nanigopal MandalThe effectiveness of dual integral equations for handling mixed boundary value problems has established them as an important tool for applied mathematicians. Their many applications in mathematical physics have prompted extensive research over the last 25 years, and many researchers have made significant contributions to the methodology of solving and to the applications of dual integral equations. However, until now, much of this work has been available only in the form of research papers scattered throughout different journals.In Advances in Dual Integral Equations, the authors systematically present some of the recent developments in dual integral equations involving various special functions as kernel. They examine dual integral equations with Bessel, Legendre, and trigonometric functions as kernel plus dual integral equations involving inverse Mellin transforms. These can be particularly useful in studying certain mixed boundary value problems involving homogeneous media in continuum mechanics. However, when dealing with problems involving non-homogenous media, the corresponding equations may have different kernels. This application prompts the authors to conclude with a discussion of hybrid dual integral equations-mixed kernels with generalized associated Legendre functions and mixed kernels involving Bessel functions.Researchers in the theory of elasticity, fluid dynamics, and mathematical physics will find Advances in Dual Integral Equations a concise, one-stop resource for recent work addressing special functions as kernel.
Advances in Dynamic and Evolutionary Games: Theory, Applications, and Numerical Methods (Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games #14)
by Frank Thuijsman Florian WagenerThis contributed volume considers recent advances in dynamic games and their applications, based on presentations given at the 16th Symposium of the International Society of Dynamic Games, held July 9-12, 2014, in Amsterdam. Written by experts in their respective disciplines, these papers cover various aspects of dynamic game theory including differential games, evolutionary games, and stochastic games. They discuss theoretical developments, algorithmic methods, issues relating to lack of information, and applications in areas such as biological or economical competition, stability in communication networks, and maintenance decisions in an electricity market, just to name a few. Advances in Dynamic and Evolutionary Games presents state-of-the-art research in a wide spectrum of areas. As such, it serves as a testament to the vitality and growth of the field of dynamic games and their applications. It will be of interest to an interdisciplinary audience of researchers, practitioners, and advanced graduate students.
Advances in Dynamic and Mean Field Games: Theory, Applications, And Numerical Methods (Annals Of The International Society Of Dynamic Games Ser. #15)
by Joseph Apaloo Bruno ViscolaniThis contributed volume considers recent advances in dynamic games and their applications, based on presentations given at the 17th Symposium of the International Society of Dynamic Games, held July 12-15, 2016, in Urbino, Italy. Written by experts in their respective disciplines, these papers cover various aspects of dynamic game theory including mean-field games, stochastic and pursuit-evasion games, and computational methods for dynamic games. Topics covered include Pedestrian flow in crowded environments Models for climate change negotiations Nash Equilibria for dynamic games involving Volterra integral equations Differential games in healthcare markets Linear-quadratic Gaussian dynamic games Aircraft control in wind shear conditions Advances in Dynamic and Mean-Field Games presents state-of-the-art research in a wide spectrum of areas. As such, it serves as a testament to the continued vitality and growth of the field of dynamic games and their applications. It will be of interest to an interdisciplinary audience of researchers, practitioners, and graduate students.
Advances in Dynamic Games: Theory, Applications, and Numerical Methods for Differential and Stochastic Games (Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games #12)
by Pierre Cardaliaguet Ross CressmanThis book focuses on various aspects of dynamic game theory, presenting state-of-the-art research and serving as a testament to the vitality and growth of the field of dynamic games and their applications. Its contributions, written by experts in their respective disciplines, are outgrowths of presentations originally given at the 14th International Symposium of Dynamic Games and Applications held in Banff. Advances in Dynamic Games covers a variety of topics, ranging from evolutionary games, theoretical developments in game theory and algorithmic methods to applications, examples, and analysis in fields as varied as mathematical biology, environmental management, finance and economics, engineering, guidance and control, and social interaction. Featured throughout are valuable tools and resources for researchers, practitioners, and graduate students interested in dynamic games and their applications to mathematics, engineering, economics, and management science.
Advances in Dynamic Games: Theory, Applications, and Numerical Methods (Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games #13)
by Vlastimil Křivan Georges ZaccourThis contributed volume focuses on aspects of dynamic game theory including differential games, evolutionary games, and stochastic games. It covers theoretical developments, algorithmic methods, and applications to fields as varied as mathematical biology, environmental management, economics, engineering, guidance and control, and social interaction. It will be of interest to an interdisciplinary audience of researchers, practitioners, and advanced graduate students. Advances in Dynamic Games presents state-of-the-art research that serves as a testament to the vitality and growth of the field of dynamic games and their applications. Its contributions, written by experts in their respective disciplines, are outgrowths of presentations originally given at the 15th International Symposium of Dynamic Games and Applications held July 19-22, 2012, in Bysice, Czech Republic.
Advances in Dynamic Games: Games of Conflict, Evolutionary Games, Economic Games, and Games Involving Common Interest (Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games #17)
by Jérôme Renault David M. RamseyThis contributed volume collects talks originally given at the 18th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, held in Grenoble, France from July 9-12, 2018. Chapters present state-of-the-art research in the field of dynamic games and are written by leading experts in this active area. Featuring a broad overview of recent advances as well as a wide range of applications, this book is organized into four sections: games of conflict, evolutionary games, economic games, and games involving common interest. Within these sections, specific topics covered include:Pursuit-evasion gamesPartnership formation gamesReplicator dynamicsLoad balancing congestion gamesEquilibrium coalition structuresAdvances in Dynamic Games will be of particular interest to researchers and doctoral students studying game theory.
Advances in Dynamical Systems and Control (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #69)
by Mikhail Z. Zgurovsky Victor A. SadovnichiyFocused on recent advances, this book covers theoretical foundations as well as various applications. It presents modern mathematical modeling approaches to the qualitative and numerical analysis of solutions for complex engineering problems in physics, mechanics, biochemistry, geophysics, biology and climatology. Contributions by an international team of respected authors bridge the gap between abstract mathematical approaches, such as applied methods of modern analysis, algebra, fundamental and computational mechanics, nonautonomous and stochastic dynamical systems on the one hand, and practical applications in nonlinear mechanics, optimization, decision making theory and control theory on the other. As such, the book will be of interest to mathematicians and engineers working at the interface of these fields.