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Advances in Mathematical Inequalities and Applications (Trends in Mathematics)
by Praveen Agarwal Silvestru Sever Dragomir Mohamed Jleli Bessem SametThis book is a collection of original research and survey articles on mathematical inequalities and their numerous applications in diverse areas of mathematics and engineering. It includes chapters on convexity and related concepts; inequalities for mean values, sums, functions, operators, functionals, integrals and their applications in various branches of mathematics and related sciences; fractional integral inequalities; and weighted type integral inequalities. It also presents their wide applications in biomathematics, boundary value problems, mechanics, queuing models, scattering, and geomechanics in a concise, but easily understandable way that makes the further ramifications and future directions clear. The broad scope and high quality of the contributions make this book highly attractive for graduates, postgraduates and researchers. All the contributing authors are leading international academics, scientists, researchers and scholars.
Advances in Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Methods for Materials and Structures: The Jacob Aboudi Volume (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications #168)
by Leslie Banks-Sills Rivka GilatThis work presents a collection of papers, written by leading authors in honor of Professor Jacob Aboudi. Jacob Aboudi served as Head of the Department of Solid Mechanics, Materials and Structures, as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and as Incumbent of the Diane and Arthur Belfer Chair of Mechanics and Biomechanics. Aboudi has published more than 200 papers, 2 books and is a leading authority in the field of composite materials. The papers in this volume cover a wide spectrum of topics in the forefront of research in experimental methods and mathematical modeling of materials and structures. Subjects treated include developments in materials science, theoretical and applied mechanics, applied mathematics, applied physics, computational methods in engineering, mechanical and civil engineering. Both theoretical and experimental approaches are presented. As this book reflects the state of the art, possible engineering applications and future research directions are suggested.
Advances in Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing: International Conference on Recent Developments in Mathematics, Dubai, 2022 – Volume 2 (Trends in Mathematics)
by Firuz Kamalov R. Sivaraj Ho-Hon LeungThis volume collects the proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Developments in Mathematics (ICRDM), held at Canadian University Dubai, UAE, in August 2022. This is the second of two volumes, with this volume focusing on more applied topics, particularly mathematical modeling and scientific computing, and the first covering recent advances in algebra and analysis. Each chapter identifies existing research problems, the techniques needed to solve them, and a thorough analysis of the obtained results. Advances in Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing will appeal to a range of postgraduate students, researchers, and industry professionals interested in exploring recent advancements in applied mathematics.
Advances in Mathematical Modeling, Optimization and Optimal Control (Springer Optimization and Its Applications #109)
by Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty Adam Korytowski Helmut Maurer Maciej SzymkatThis book contains anin-depth presentation of the plenary talks given from the 16th French--German--Polish Conference onOptimization, held in Kraków, Poland in 2013. Each chapter in this book exhibitsa comprehensive look at new theoretical results and applications inmathematical modeling, optimization, and optimal control. Students andresearchers involved in image processing, partial differential inclusions,shape optimization, optimal control theory and its applications to medical andrehabilitation technology, will find this book valuable. The first chapter by Martin Burger provides an overview ofrecent developments related to Bregman distances, which are vital tool ininverse problems and image processing. The chapter by Piotr Kalita studies theoperator version of a first order in time partial differential inclusion andits time discretization. In the chapter by Günter Leugering, Jan SokoÅ,owski andAntoni Å»ochowski, nonsmooth shape optimization problems for variational inequalitiesare considered. The next chapter, by Katja Mombaur is devoted to applicationsof optimal control and inverse optimal control in the field of medical andrehabilitation technology, in particular in human movement analysis, therapyand improvement by means of medical devices. The final chapter, by NikolaiOsmolovskii and Helmut Maurer provides a survey on no-gap second orderoptimality conditions in the calculus of variations and optimal control, and adiscussion of their further development.
Advances in Mathematical Modelling, Applied Analysis and Computation: Proceedings of ICMMAAC 2023 – Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #952)
by Jagdev Singh George A. Anastassiou Dumitru Baleanu Devendra KumarThis book gathers selected research articles presented in the “6th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Applied Analysis and Computation (ICMMAAC)”, held at JECRC University, Jaipur, during August 3–5, 2023. This book is focused on articles dealing with necessary theory and techniques in a balanced manner, and contributes towards solving mathematical problems arising in physics, engineering, chemistry, biological systems, medicine, networking system, control systems, environmental sciences, social issues of current interest and more. Annually held since 2018, the ICMMAAC conference aimed, in particular, to foster cooperation among practitioners and theoreticians in these fields. This proceedings is an invaluable resource for researchers, academicians and professionals associated or interested in current advances in different aspects of mathematical modelling, computational algorithms and analysis necessary for handling real-world problems.
Advances in Mathematical Modelling, Applied Analysis and Computation: Proceedings of ICMMAAC 2023 – Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #953)
by Jagdev Singh George A. Anastassiou Dumitru Baleanu Devendra KumarThis book gathers selected research articles presented in the “6th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Applied Analysis and Computation (ICMMAAC)”, held at JECRC University, Jaipur, during August 3–5, 2023. This book is focused on articles dealing with necessary theory and techniques in a balanced manner, and contributes towards solving mathematical problems arising in physics, engineering, chemistry, biological systems, medicine, networking system, control systems, environmental sciences, social issues of current interest and more. Annually held since 2018, the ICMMAAC conference aimed, in particular, to foster cooperation among practitioners and theoreticians in these fields. This proceedings is an invaluable resource for researchers, academicians and professionals associated or interested in current advances in different aspects of mathematical modelling, computational algorithms and analysis necessary for handling real-world problems.
Advances in Mathematical Sciences: AWM Research Symposium, Houston, TX, April 2019 (Association for Women in Mathematics Series #21)
by Bahar Acu Donatella Danielli Marta Lewicka Arati Pati Saraswathy Rv Miranda Teboh-EwungkemThis volume highlights the mathematical research presented at the 2019 Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Research Symposium held at Rice University, April 6-7, 2019. The symposium showcased research from women across the mathematical sciences working in academia, government, and industry, as well as featured women across the career spectrum: undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, and professionals. The book is divided into eight parts, opening with a plenary talk and followed by a combination of research paper contributions and survey papers in the different areas of mathematics represented at the symposium: algebraic combinatorics and graph theory algebraic biologycommutative algebraanalysis, probability, and PDEstopologyapplied mathematicsmathematics education
Advances in Mathematics and Applications: Celebrating 50 years of the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing, University of Campinas
by Carlile Lavor Francisco A. GomesThis book celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (IMECC) of the University of Campinas, Brazil, by offering reviews of selected research developed at one of the most prestigious mathematics institutes in Latin America. Written by senior professors at the IMECC, it covers topics in pure and applied mathematics and statistics ranging from differential geometry, dynamical systems, Lie groups, and partial differential equations to computational optimization, mathematical physics, stochastic process, time series, and more. A report on the challenges and opportunities of research in applied mathematics - a highly active field of research in the country - and highlights of the Institute since its foundation in 1968 completes this historical volume, which is unveiled in the same year that the International Mathematical Union (IMU) names Brazil as a member of the Group V of countries with the most relevant contributions in mathematics.
Advances in Mathematics Education Research on Proof and Proving: An International Perspective (ICME-13 Monographs)
by Andreas J. Stylianides Guershon HarelThis book explores new trends and developments in mathematics education research related to proof and proving, the implications of these trends and developments for theory and practice, and directions for future research. With contributions from researchers working in twelve different countries, the book brings also an international perspective to the discussion and debate of the state of the art in this important area. The book is organized around the following four themes, which reflect the breadth of issues addressed in the book: * Theme 1: Epistemological issues related to proof and proving; * Theme 2: Classroom-based issues related to proof and proving; * Theme 3: Cognitive and curricular issues related to proof and proving; and * Theme 4: Issues related to the use of examples in proof and proving. Under each theme there are four main chapters and a concluding chapter offering a commentary on the theme overall.
Advances in Matrix Inequalities (Springer Optimization and Its Applications #176)
by Mohammad Bagher Ghaemi Nahid Gharakhanlu Themistocles M. Rassias Reza SaadatiThis self-contained monograph unifies theorems, applications and problem solving techniques of matrix inequalities. In addition to the frequent use of methods from Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, Global Analysis, Linear Algebra, Approximations Theory, Difference and Functional Equations and more, the reader will also appreciate techniques of classical analysis and algebraic arguments, as well as combinatorial methods. Subjects such as operator Young inequalities, operator inequalities for positive linear maps, operator inequalities involving operator monotone functions, norm inequalities, inequalities for sector matrices are investigated thoroughly throughout this book which provides an account of a broad collection of classic and recent developments. Detailed proofs for all the main theorems and relevant technical lemmas are presented, therefore interested graduate and advanced undergraduate students will find the book particularly accessible. In addition to several areas of theoretical mathematics, Matrix Analysis is applicable to a broad spectrum of disciplines including operations research, mathematical physics, statistics, economics, and engineering disciplines. It is hoped that graduate students as well as researchers in mathematics, engineering, physics, economics and other interdisciplinary areas will find the combination of current and classical results and operator inequalities presented within this monograph particularly useful.
Advances in Mechanics: Selected Contributions to the 15th International Moroccan Congress of Mechanics, May 24-27, 2022, CMM 2022, Casablanca, Morocco (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
by Said Aniss Miloud Rahmoune Somia Mordane Mohamed Elamine Ait Ali Rabha Khatyr Fakher Chaari Mohamed HaddarThis book reports on innovative research in solid and fluid mechanics, and thermal engineering, giving a special emphasis on methods, modeling, and simulation tools for analyzing material behavior and energy systems. It gathers the best papers presented at 15th International Moroccan Congress of Mechanics "Congrès de Mécanique", CMM 2022, held on May 24-27, 2022, in Casablanca, Morocco, and organized by the Moroccan Society of Mechanics (SMSM) and the Faculty of Science Ain Chock of the University of Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco. With a good balance of theory and practice, the book offers a timely snapshot of current advances in mechanics, and a source of inspiration for future research and international collaborations.
Advances in Mechanics: Proceedings of the 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics (PCM) and 21st International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM), Gdansk, Poland, 8-11 September 2015
by Michal Kleiber Tadeusz Burczyński Krzysztof Wilde JJarosław Górski Karol Winkelmann Łukasz SmakoszAdvances in Mechanics: Theoretical, Computational and Interdisciplinary Issues covers the domain of theoretical, experimental and computational mechanics as well as interdisciplinary issues, such as industrial applications. Special attention is paid to the theoretical background and practical applications of computational mechanics.This volume
Advances in Meta-Analysis (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences)
by Terri PigottThe subject of the book is advanced statistical analyses for quantitative research synthesis (meta-analysis), and selected practical issues relating to research synthesis that are not covered in detail in the many existing introductory books on research synthesis (or meta-analysis). Complex statistical issues are arising more frequently as the primary research that is summarized in quantitative syntheses itself becomes more complex, and as researchers who are conducting meta-analyses become more ambitious in the questions they wish to address. Also as researchers have gained more experience in conducting research syntheses, several key issues have persisted and now appear fundamental to the enterprise of summarizing research. Specifically the book describes multivariate analyses for several indices commonly used in meta-analysis (e.g., correlations, effect sizes, proportions and/or odds ratios), will outline how to do power analysis for meta-analysis (again for each of the different kinds of study outcome indices), and examines issues around research quality and research design and their roles in synthesis. For each of the statistical topics we will examine the different possible statistical models (i.e., fixed, random, and mixed models) that could be adopted by a researcher. In dealing with the issues of study quality and research design it covers a number of specific topics that are of broad concern to research synthesists. In many fields a current issue is how to make sense of results when studies using several different designs appear in a research literature (e.g., Morris & Deshon, 1997, 2002). In education and other social sciences a critical aspect of this issue is how one might incorporate qualitative (e.g., case study) research within a synthesis. In medicine, related issues concern whether and how to summarize observational studies, and whether they should be combined with randomized controlled trials (or even if they should be combined at all). For each topic, included is a worked example (e.g., for the statistical analyses) and/or a detailed description of a published research synthesis that deals with the practical (non-statistical) issues covered.
Advances in Metaheuristic Algorithms for Optimal Design of Structures
by A. KavehThis book presents efficient metaheuristic algorithms for optimal design of structures. Many of these algorithms are developed by the author and his colleagues, consisting of Democratic Particle Swarm Optimization, Charged System Search, Magnetic Charged System Search, Field of Forces Optimization, Dolphin Echolocation Optimization, Colliding Bodies Optimization, Ray Optimization. These are presented together with algorithms which were developed by other authors and have been successfully applied to various optimization problems. These consist of Particle Swarm Optimization, Big Bang-Big Crunch Algorithm, Cuckoo Search Optimization, Imperialist Competitive Algorithm, and Chaos Embedded Metaheuristic Algorithms. Finally a multi-objective optimization method is presented to solve large-scale structural problems based on the Charged System Search algorithm. The concepts and algorithms presented in this book are not only applicable to optimization of skeletal structures and finite element models, but can equally be utilized for optimal design of other systems such as hydraulic and electrical networks.
Advances in Metaheuristic Algorithms for Optimal Design of Structures
by Ali KavehThis book presents efficient metaheuristic algorithms for optimal design of structures. Many of these algorithms are developed by the author and his graduate students, consisting of Particle Swarm Optimization, Charged System Search, Magnetic Charged System Search, Field of Forces Optimization, Democratic Particle Swarm Optimization, Dolphin Echolocation Optimization, Colliding Bodies Optimization, Ray Optimization. These are presented together with algorithms which are developed by other authors and have been successfully applied to various optimization problems. These consist of Partical Swarm Optimization, Big Band Big Crunch algorithm, Cuckoo Search Optimization, Imperialist Competitive Algorithm and Chaos Embedded Metaheuristic Algorithm. Finally a multi-objective Optimization is presented to Solve large scale structural problems based on the Charged System Search algorithm, In the second edition seven new chapters are added consisting of Enhance colliding bodies optimization, Global sensitivity analysis, Tug of War Optimization, Water evaporation optimization, Vibrating System Optimization and Cyclical Parthenogenesis Optimization algorithm. In the third edition, five new chapters are included consisting of the recently developed algorithms. These are Shuffled Shepherd Optimization Algorithm, Set Theoretical Shuffled Shepherd Optimization Algorithm, Set Theoretical Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization Algorithm, Thermal Exchange Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm, and Water Strider Optimization Algorithm and Its Enhancement. The concepts and algorithm presented in this book are not only applicable to optimization of skeletal structure, finite element models, but can equally be utilized for optimal design of other systems such as hydraulic and electrical networks.
Advances in Metric Fixed Point Theory and Applications
by Yeol Je Cho Mohamed Jleli Mohammad Mursaleen Bessem Samet Calogero VetroThis book collects papers on major topics in fixed point theory and its applications. Each chapter is accompanied by basic notions, mathematical preliminaries and proofs of the main results. The book discusses common fixed point theory, convergence theorems, split variational inclusion problems and fixed point problems for asymptotically nonexpansive semigroups; fixed point property and almost fixed point property in digital spaces, nonexpansive semigroups over CAT(κ) spaces, measures of noncompactness, integral equations, the study of fixed points that are zeros of a given function, best proximity point theory, monotone mappings in modular function spaces, fuzzy contractive mappings, ordered hyperbolic metric spaces, generalized contractions in b-metric spaces, multi-tupled fixed points, functional equations in dynamic programming and Picard operators.This book addresses the mathematical community working with methods and tools of nonlinear analysis. It also serves as a reference, source for examples and new approaches associated with fixed point theory and its applications for a wide audience including graduate students and researchers.
Advances in Microlocal and Time-Frequency Analysis (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
by Jörg Seiler Paolo Boggiatto Elena Cordero Alessandro Oliaro Marco Cappiello Sandro Coriasco Gianluca GarelloThe present volume gathers contributions to the conference Microlocal and Time-Frequency Analysis 2018 (MLTFA18), which was held at Torino University from the 2nd to the 6th of July 2018. The event was organized in honor of Professor Luigi Rodino on the occasion of his 70th birthday. The conference’s focus and the contents of the papers reflect Luigi’s various research interests in the course of his long and extremely prolific career at Torino University.
Advances in Modeling and Simulation: Seminal Research from 50 Years of Winter Simulation Conferences (Simulation Foundations, Methods and Applications)
by Andreas Tolk John Fowler Guodong Shao Enver YücesanThis broad-ranging text/reference presents a fascinating review of the state of the art of modeling and simulation, highlighting both the seminal work of preeminent authorities and exciting developments from promising young researchers in the field. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), the premier international forum for disseminating recent advances in the field of system simulation, the book showcases the historical importance of this influential conference while also looking forward to a bright future for the simulation community. Topics and features: examines the challenge of constructing valid and efficient models, emphasizing the benefits of the process of simulation modeling; discusses model calibration, input model risk, and approaches to validating emergent behaviors in large-scale complex systems with non-linear interactions; reviews the evolution of simulation languages, and the history of the Time Warp algorithm; offers a focus on the design and analysis of simulation experiments under various goals, and describes how data can be "farmed" to support decision making; provides a comprehensive overview of Bayesian belief models for simulation-based decision making, and introduces a model for ranking and selection in cloud computing; highlights how input model uncertainty impacts simulation optimization, and proposes an approach to quantify and control the impact of input model risk; surveys the applications of simulation in semiconductor manufacturing, in social and behavioral modeling, and in military planning and training; presents data analysis on the publications from the Winter Simulation Conference, offering a big-data perspective on the significant impact of the conference. This informative and inspiring volume will appeal to all academics and professionals interested in computational and mathematical modeling and simulation, as well as to graduate students on the path to form the next generation of WSC pioneers.
Advances in Monetary Economics (Routledge Revivals)
by David CurrieFirst published in 1985, Advances in Monetary Economics draws together papers given at the 1984 Money Study Group Conference and additional papers presented in seminars of the same year. The book includes papers on theoretical, empirical and institutional aspects of monetary economics. Each chapter displays a concern with policy in the monetary sphere, both with regards to macroeconomic questions of monetary and fiscal management, and issues of policy at the microeconomic level towards financial institutions and markets. In doing so, the book highlights the importance of monetary economics in policy issues. Advances in Monetary Economics has enduring relevance for those with an interest in the history and development of monetary economics.
Advances in Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization: Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
by P. Pradeep Pratapa G. Saravana Kumar Palaniappan Ramu R. K. AmitThis volume contains select papers presented during the 4th National Conference on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization. It discusses new developments at the core of optimization methods and their application in multiple applications. The papers showcase fundamental problems and applications which include domains such as aerospace, automotive and industrial sectors. The variety of topics and diversity of insights presented in the general field of optimization and its use in design for different applications will be of interest to researchers in academia or industry.
Advances in Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization: Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
by Raviprakash R. Salagame Palaniappan Ramu Indira Narayanaswamy Dhish Kumar SaxenaThis volume contains select papers presented during the 2nd National Conference on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization. It discusses new developments at the core of optimization methods and its application in multiple applications. The papers showcase fundamental problems and applications which include domains such as aerospace, automotive and industrial sectors. The variety of topics and diversity of insights presented in the general field of optimization and its use in design for different applications will be of interest to researchers in academia or industry.
Advances in Multimodal Information Retrieval and Generation (Synthesis Lectures on Computer Vision)
by Chitta Baral Man Luo Tejas Gokhale Neeraj Varshney Yezhou YangThis book provides an extensive examination of state-of-the-art methods in multimodal retrieval, generation, and the pioneering field of retrieval-augmented generation. The work is rooted in the domain of Transformer-based models, exploring the complexities of blending and interpreting the intricate connections between text and images. The authors present cutting-edge theories, methodologies, and frameworks dedicated to multimodal retrieval and generation, aiming to furnish readers with a comprehensive understanding of the current state and future prospects of multimodal AI. As such, the book is a crucial resource for anyone interested in delving into the intricacies of multimodal retrieval and generation. Serving as a bridge to mastering and leveraging advanced AI technologies in this field, the book is designed for students, researchers, practitioners, and AI aficionados alike, offering the tools needed to expand the horizons of what can be achieved in multimodal artificial intelligence.
Advances in Natural Deduction: A Celebration of Dag Prawitz's Work (Trends in Logic #39)
by Luiz Carlos Pereira Edward Hermann Haeusler Valeria De PaivaThis collection of papers, celebrating the contributions of Swedish logician Dag Prawitz to Proof Theory, has been assembled from those presented at the Natural Deduction conference organized in Rio de Janeiro to honour his seminal research. Dag Prawitz's work forms the basis of intuitionistic type theory and his inversion principle constitutes the foundation of most modern accounts of proof-theoretic semantics in Logic, Linguistics and Theoretical Computer Science. The range of contributions includes material on the extension of natural deduction with higher-order rules, as opposed to higher-order connectives, and a paper discussing the application of natural deduction rules to dealing with equality in predicate calculus. The volume continues with a key chapter summarizing work on the extension of the Curry-Howard isomorphism (itself a by-product of the work on natural deduction), via methods of category theory that have been successfully applied to linear logic, as well as many other contributions from highly regarded authorities. With an illustrious group of contributors addressing a wealth of topics and applications, this volume is a valuable addition to the libraries of academics in the multiple disciplines whose development has been given added scope by the methodologies supplied by natural deduction. The volume is representative of the rich and varied directions that Prawitz work has inspired in the area of natural deduction.
Advances in Network Clustering and Blockmodeling (Wiley Series in Computational and Quantitative Social Science)
by Patrick Doreian Vladimir Batagelj Anǔska FerligojProvides an overview of the developments and advances in the field of network clustering and blockmodeling over the last 10 years This book offers an integrated treatment of network clustering and blockmodeling, covering all of the newest approaches and methods that have been developed over the last decade. Presented in a comprehensive manner, it offers the foundations for understanding network structures and processes, and features a wide variety of new techniques addressing issues that occur during the partitioning of networks across multiple disciplines such as community detection, blockmodeling of valued networks, role assignment, and stochastic blockmodeling. Written by a team of international experts in the field, Advances in Network Clustering and Blockmodeling offers a plethora of diverse perspectives covering topics such as: bibliometric analyses of the network clustering literature; clustering approaches to networks; label propagation for clustering; and treating missing network data before partitioning. It also examines the partitioning of signed networks, multimode networks, and linked networks. A chapter on structured networks and coarsegrained descriptions is presented, along with another on scientific coauthorship networks. The book finishes with a section covering conclusions and directions for future work. In addition, the editors provide numerous tables, figures, case studies, examples, datasets, and more. Offers a clear and insightful look at the state of the art in network clustering and blockmodeling Provides an excellent mix of mathematical rigor and practical application in a comprehensive manner Presents a suite of new methods, procedures, algorithms for partitioning networks, as well as new techniques for visualizing matrix arrays Features numerous examples throughout, enabling readers to gain a better understanding of research methods and to conduct their own research effectively Written by leading contributors in the field of spatial networks analysis Advances in Network Clustering and Blockmodeling is an ideal book for graduate and undergraduate students taking courses on network analysis or working with networks using real data. It will also benefit researchers and practitioners interested in network analysis.
Advances in Network Complexity
by Frank Emmert-Streib Matthias Dehmer Abbe MowshowitzA well-balanced overview of mathematical approaches to complex systems ranging from applications in chemistry and ecology to basic research questions on network complexity. Matthias Dehmer, Abbe Mowshowitz, and FrankEmmert-Streib, well-known pioneers in the fi eld, have edited this volume with a view to balancing classical and modern approaches to ensure broad coverage of contemporary research problems.The book is a valuable addition to the literature and a must-have for anyone dealing with network compleaity and complexity issues.