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The Formative 5: Everyday Assessment Techniques for Every Math Classroom (Corwin Mathematics Series)

by Francis Fennell Beth McCord Kobett Jon A. Wray

Move the needle on math instruction with these 5 assessment techniques! Mathematics education experts Fennell, Kobett, and Wray offer five of the most impactful and proven formative assessment techniques you can implement—Observations, Interviews, “Show Me,” Hinge Questions, and Exit Tasks— every day. You’ll find that this palette of classroom-based techniques will truly assess learning and inform teaching. This book gives you a concise, research-based, classroom-dedicated plan with lots of tools to guide your daily use of The Formative 5. K-8 teachers will learn to Directly connect assessment to planning and teaching Engineer effective classroom questioning, discussions, and learning tasks Provide success criteria and feedback that moves students forward Includes a book study guide, samples, and a companion website with downloadables and multi-media examples.

The Formative 5 in Action, Grades K-12: Updated and Expanded From The Formative 5: Everyday Assessment Techniques for Every Math Classroom (Corwin Mathematics Series)

by Francis M. Fennell Beth McCord Kobett Jonathan A. Wray

Leverage formative assessment in mathematics every single day For fans of the bestselling book The Formative 5: Everyday Assessment Techniques for Every Math Classroom comes this updated and expanded edition for understanding and implementing highly effective, research-backed formative assessment techniques into seamless, daily practice with students in grades K-12. The Formative 5 in Action serves as an interactive guide that steers teachers toward successful implementation of the formative five techniques of observation, interviews, Show Me, hinge questions, and exit tasks. This updated guidebook offers: More than 120 minutes of video examples of the five techniques in action in real K-12 classrooms, showing teachers not just what to do but how to do it An engaging format with built-in reflection exercises and activities that foster individual professional learning and promote PLC study through discussion and collaboration An explicit emphasis on providing effective and timely feedback to students while harnessing student strengths throughout teaching and learning Comprehensive responses to teachers’ frequently asked questions that have surfaced since the publication of the first book The research is clear – the authors’ five formative assessment techniques lead to greater attention to planning, stronger instruction for teachers, and better achievement for students. The Formative 5 in Action is a truly engaging resource that helps mathematics teachers and instructional leaders engage in classroom-based formative assessment with precision, intentionality, and ease.

The Formative 5 in Action, Grades K-12: Updated and Expanded From The Formative 5: Everyday Assessment Techniques for Every Math Classroom (Corwin Mathematics Series)

by Francis M. Fennell Beth McCord Kobett Jonathan A. Wray

Leverage formative assessment in mathematics every single day For fans of the bestselling book The Formative 5: Everyday Assessment Techniques for Every Math Classroom comes this updated and expanded edition for understanding and implementing highly effective, research-backed formative assessment techniques into seamless, daily practice with students in grades K-12. The Formative 5 in Action serves as an interactive guide that steers teachers toward successful implementation of the formative five techniques of observation, interviews, Show Me, hinge questions, and exit tasks. This updated guidebook offers: More than 120 minutes of video examples of the five techniques in action in real K-12 classrooms, showing teachers not just what to do but how to do it An engaging format with built-in reflection exercises and activities that foster individual professional learning and promote PLC study through discussion and collaboration An explicit emphasis on providing effective and timely feedback to students while harnessing student strengths throughout teaching and learning Comprehensive responses to teachers’ frequently asked questions that have surfaced since the publication of the first book The research is clear – the authors’ five formative assessment techniques lead to greater attention to planning, stronger instruction for teachers, and better achievement for students. The Formative 5 in Action is a truly engaging resource that helps mathematics teachers and instructional leaders engage in classroom-based formative assessment with precision, intentionality, and ease.

Formeln und Begriffe der Analysis: Für Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften (essentials)

by Bernd Luderer

Die wichtigsten mathematischen Formeln und Begriffe aus dem Gebiet Analysis für Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften und verwandter Richtungen werden präsentiert. Dieses essential ist nützlich als Ergänzung zum Studium, beim Selbststudium, als Nachschlagewerk zum täglichen Gebrauch und in der Klausur. Enthalten ist in übersichtlicher Weise alles Wichtige zu komplexen Zahlen, Definition und Eigenschaften zahlreicher Funktionen, Differenzial- und Integralrechnung, einschließlich Doppel- und Dreifachintegrale, sowie gewöhnlichen Differenzialgleichungen.

The Formula

by Luke Dormehl

A fascinating guided tour of the complex, fast-moving, and influential world of algorithms what they are, why they re such powerful predictors of human behavior, and where they re headed next. Algorithms exert an extraordinary level of influence on our everyday lives - from dating websites and financial trading floors, through to online retailing and internet searches - Google's search algorithm is now a more closely guarded commercial secret than the recipe for Coca-Cola. Algorithms follow a series of instructions to solve a problem and will include a strategy to produce the best outcome possible from the options and permutations available. Used by scientists for many years and applied in a very specialized way they are now increasingly employed to process the vast amounts of data being generated, in investment banks, in the movie industry where they are used to predict success or failure at the box office and by social scientists and policy makers. What if everything in life could be reduced to a simple formula? What if numbers were able to tell us which partners we were best matched with not just in terms of attractiveness, but for a long-term committed marriage? Or if they could say which films would be the biggest hits at the box office, and what changes could be made to those films to make them even more successful? Or even who is likely to commit certain crimes, and when? This may sound like the world of science fiction, but in fact it is just the tip of the iceberg in a world that is increasingly ruled by complex algorithms and neural networks. In The Formula, Luke Dormehl takes readers inside the world of numbers, asking how we came to believe in the all-conquering power of algorithms; introducing the mathematicians, artificial intelligence experts and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs who are shaping this brave new world, and ultimately asking how we survive in an era where numbers can sometimes seem to create as many problems as they solve.

Formulas Useful for Linear Regression Analysis and Related Matrix Theory: It's Only Formulas But We Like Them

by Simo Puntanen George P. Styan Jarkko Isotalo

This is an unusual book because it contains a great deal of formulas. Hence it is a blend of monograph, textbook, and handbook.It is intended for students and researchers who need quick access to useful formulas appearing in the linear regression model and related matrix theory. This is not a regular textbook - this is supporting material for courses given in linear statistical models. Such courses are extremely common at universities with quantitative statistical analysis programs.

Formulation of Uncertainty Relation Between Error and Disturbance in Quantum Measurement by Using Quantum Estimation Theory

by Yu Watanabe

In this thesis, quantum estimation theory is applied to investigate uncertainty relations between error and disturbance in quantum measurement. The author argues that the best solution for clarifying the attainable bound of the error and disturbance is to invoke the estimation process from the measurement outcomes such as signals from a photodetector in a quantum optical system. The error and disturbance in terms of the Fisher information content have been successfully formulated and provide the upper bound of the accuracy of the estimation. Moreover, the attainable bound of the error and disturbance in quantum measurement has been derived. The obtained bound is determined for the first time by the quantum fluctuations and correlation functions of the observables, which characterize the non-classical fluctuation of the observables. The result provides the upper bound of our knowledge obtained by quantum measurements. The method developed in this thesis will be applied to a broad class of problems related to quantum measurement to build a next-generation clock standard and to successfully detect gravitational waves.

Formulations: Architecture, Mathematics, Culture (Writing Architecture)

by Andrew Witt

An investigation of mathematics as it was drawn, encoded, imagined, and interpreted by architects on the eve of digitization in the mid-twentieth century.In Formulations, Andrew Witt examines the visual, methodological, and cultural intersections between architecture and mathematics. The linkages Witt explores involve not the mystic transcendence of numbers invoked throughout architectural history, but rather architecture&’s encounters with a range of calculational systems—techniques that architects inventively retooled for design. Witt offers a catalog of mid-twentieth-century practices of mathematical drawing and calculation in design that preceded and anticipated digitization as well as an account of the formal compendia that became a cultural currency shared between modern mathematicians and modern architects. Witt presents a series of extensively illustrated &“biographies of method&”—episodes that chart the myriad ways in which mathematics, particularly the mathematical notion of modeling and drawing, was spliced into the creative practice of design. These include early drawing machines that mechanized curvature; the incorporation of geometric maquettes—&“theorems made flesh&”—into the toolbox of design; the virtualization of buildings and landscapes through surveyed triangulation and photogrammetry; formal and functional topology; stereoscopic drawing; the economic implications of cubic matrices; and a strange synthesis of the technological, mineral, and biological: crystallographic design. Trained in both architecture and mathematics, Witt uses mathematics as a lens through which to understand the relationship between architecture and a much broader set of sciences and visual techniques. Through an intercultural exchange with other disciplines, he argues, architecture adapted not only the shapes and surfaces of mathematics but also its values and epistemic ideals.

Forschend durch Haus und Garten: Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Experimente für die ganze Familie

by Matthias Müller Christina Walther

Dieses Buch lädt mit 20 „alltäglichen“ Experimenten die ganze Familie zum Forschen und Entdecken im häuslichen Umfeld ein: Die teils offenen Fragen fordern zu genauem Beobachten und systematischer Auseinandersetzung mit den mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Zusammenhängen auf; die Erkenntnisse und die dazugehörigen wissenschaftlichen Konzepte werden im Anschluss beschrieben und eingeordnet, regen aber zugleich dazu an, eigenständig weitere Fragestellungen zu entwickeln. Den erzählerischen Rahmen bilden liebevoll geschilderte Geschichten, die Menschen jeden Alters zu einem aufmerksamen und forschenden Blick im eigenen Alltag ermutigen. Denn ob in Küche, Bad oder Garten: Wer mit offenen Augen durch die Welt geht, wird überall spannende Forschungsobjekte finden und entsprechende Fragen stellen – egal, ob es um perfekte Stöpsel, leuchtende Pflanzen oder nimmervolle Fässer geht. Die beschriebenen Experimente können zuhause mit alltäglichen bzw. leicht zu beschaffenden Gegenständen und Materialien durchgeführt werden; sie wurden im Rahmen des Schülerforschungszentrums in Jena praktisch erprobt und evaluiert. Die vorgeschlagene Entdeckungsreise kann allein oder auch gemeinsam mit der Familie (Geschwister, Eltern, Großeltern etc.) unternommen werden.

Forschungsinstitute für Zahlentheorie in Indien: Im 20. Jahrhundert

by Purabi Mukherji

Dieses Buch versucht, die schrittweise Entwicklung der wichtigsten Forschungsinstitute zur Zahlentheorie in Südindien, Punjab, Mumbai, Bengalen und Bihar zu beschreiben, einschließlich der Gründung des Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) in Mumbai, einem bahnbrechenden Ereignis in der Geschichte der Zahlentheorie-Forschung in Indien. Die Forschung zur Zahlentheorie in Indien begann in der modernen Zeit mit dem Auftreten des ikonischen Genies Srinivasa Ramanujan, das Mathematiker auf der ganzen Welt inspirierte. Das Buch diskutiert die nationale und internationale Wirkung der Forschung indischer Zahlentheoretiker und enthält eine sorgfältig zusammengestellte, umfassende Bibliographie bedeutender indischer Zahlentheoretiker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Es ist wichtig für die historische Dokumentation und eine wertvolle Ressource für Forscher auf diesem Gebiet. Das Buch diskutiert auch kurz die Bedeutung der Zahlentheorie in der modernen Mathematik, einschließlich Anwendungen der Ergebnisse indigener Zahlentheoretiker in praktischen Bereichen. Da das Buch aus der Perspektive der Wissenschaftsgeschichte geschrieben ist, wurden technische Fachbegriffe und mathematische Ausdrücke so weit wie möglich vermieden.Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz durchgeführt. Eine anschließende menschliche Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem in Bezug auf den Inhalt.

Forschungsmethoden in Psychologie und Sozialwissenschaften für Bachelor

by Margrit Schreier Gerald Echterhoff Jana F. Bauer Nicole Weydmann Walter Hussy

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet einen leichten Einstieg und verständlichen Gesamtüberblick über die quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden der Psychologie und angrenzender Sozialwissenschaften: alle wichtigen Verfahren, ihre Logik und Einsatzgebiete, Stärken und Schwachpunkte und auch neuere Entwicklungen. Methoden sind das Fundament der Psychologie und aller Sozialwissenschaften und deshalb allgegenwärtig im Studium. Doch das Thema weckt bei manchen auch Sorgen, insbesondere wenn unter Zeit- und Erfolgsdruck gelernt werden muss. Aber: Keine Angst vor den Forschungsmethoden! Die 3. Auflage wurde vollständig überarbeitet und enthält Fallbeispiele, Definitionen, Tipps für die Praxis, Lernziele, Kontrollfragen und vertiefende Literatur. Lern-Tools für Studierende sowie Abbildungen und Foliensätze zum Download für Dozierende finden sich darüber hinaus auf

Fortran 2018 with Parallel Programming

by Subrata Ray

The programming language Fortran dates back to 1957 when a team of IBM engineers released the first Fortran Compiler. During the past 60 years, the language had been revised and updated several times to incorporate more features to enable writing clean and structured computer programs. The present version is Fortran 2018. Since the dawn of the computer era, there had been a constant demand for a “larger” and “faster” machine. To increase the speed there are three hurdles. The density of the active components on a VLSI chip cannot be increased indefinitely and with the increase of the density heat dissipation becomes a major problem. Finally, the speed of any signal cannot exceed the velocity of the light. However, by using several inexpensive processors in parallel coupled with specialized software and hardware, programmers can achieve computing speed similar to a supercomputer. This book can be used to learn the modern Fortran from the beginning and the technique of developing parallel programs using Fortran. It is for anyone who wants to learn Fortran. Knowledge beyond high school mathematics is not required. There is not another book on the market yet which deals with Fortran 2018 as well as parallel programming. FEATURES Descriptions of majority of Fortran 2018 instructions Numerical Model String with Variable Length IEEE Arithmetic and Exceptions Dynamic Memory Management Pointers Bit handling C-Fortran Interoperability Object Oriented Programming Parallel Programming using Coarray Parallel Programming using OpenMP Parallel Programming using Message Passing Interface (MPI) THE AUTHOR Dr Subrata Ray, is a retired Professor, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata.

Fortschritte in der nicht-invasiven biomedizinischen Signalverarbeitung mit ML

by Abdulhamit Subasi Saeed Mian Qaisar Humaira Nisar

Dieses Buch präsentiert Fortschritte in der biomedizinischen Technologie. IoT und Machine Learning haben neue Ansätze im mobilen Gesundheitswesen ermöglicht, mit Fokus auf kontinuierlicher Überwachung kritischer Gesundheitssituationen. Intelligente Hybridisierung von IoT, drahtlosen Implantaten und Cloud-Computing wird derzeit von verschiedenen Einrichtungen entwickelt und getestet. Biomedizinische Signale und Bildmodalitäten werden nicht-invasiv erfasst und erfordern eine mehrkanalige Erfassung für wirksame Überwachung. Automatisierte Gesundheitssysteme basieren auf Signal- und Bildaufnahme, Vorverarbeitung, Merkmalsextraktion und Klassifikation. Das Buch beschreibt zeitgenössische Ansätze in der biomedizinischen Signalerfassung und -verarbeitung mit maschinellem und tiefem Lernen. Jedes Kapitel ist eigenständig und bietet eine umfassende Übersicht über Theorien, Algorithmen und Herausforderungen im Bereich moderner Gesundheitssysteme.

A Forward-Backward SDEs Approach to Pricing in Carbon Markets (Mathematics of Planet Earth)

by Jean-François Chassagneux Hinesh Chotai Mirabelle Muûls

In Mathematical Finance, the authors consider a mathematical model for the pricing of emissions permits. The model has particular applicability to the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) but could also be used to consider the modeling of other cap-and-trade schemes. As a response to the risk of Climate Change, carbon markets are currently being implemented in regions worldwide and already represent more than $30 billion. However, scientific, and particularly mathematical, studies of these carbon markets are needed in order to expose their advantages and shortcomings, as well as allow their most efficient implementation. This Brief reviews mathematical properties such as the existence and uniqueness of solutions for the pricing problem, stability of solutions and their behavior. These fit into the theory of fully coupled forward-backward stochastic differential equations (FBSDEs) with irregular coefficients. The authors present a numerical algorithm to compute the solution to these non-standard FBSDEs. They also carry out a case study of the UK energy market. This involves estimating the parameters to be used in the model using historical data and then solving a pricing problem using the aforementioned numerical algorithm. The Brief is of interest to researchers in stochastic processes and their applications, and environmental and energy economics. Most sections are also accessible to practitioners in the energy sector and climate change policy-makers.

Fostering Children's Mathematical Power: An Investigative Approach To K-8 Mathematics Instruction

by Arthur J. Baroody Ronald T. Coslick

Teachers have the responsibility of helping all of their students construct the disposition and knowledge needed to live successfully in a complex and rapidly changing world. To meet the challenges of the 21st century, students will especially need mathematical power: a positive disposition toward mathematics (curiosity and self confidence), facility with the processes of mathematical inquiry (problem solving, reasoning and communicating), and well connected mathematical knowledge (an understanding of mathematical concepts, procedures and formulas). This guide seeks to help teachers achieve the capability to foster children's mathematical power - the ability to excite them about mathematics, help them see that it makes sense, and enable them to harness its might for solving everyday and extraordinary problems. The investigative approach attempts to foster mathematical power by making mathematics instruction process-based, understandable or relevant to the everyday life of students. Past efforts to reform mathematics instruction have focused on only one or two of these aims, whereas the investigative approach accomplishes all three. By teaching content in a purposeful context, an inquiry-based fashion, and a meaningful manner, this approach promotes chilren's mathematical learning in an interesting, thought-provoking and comprehensible way. This teaching guide is designed to help teachers appreciate the need for the investigative approach and to provide practical advice on how to make this approach happen in the classroom. It not only dispenses information, but also serves as a catalyst for exploring, conjecturing about, discussing and contemplating the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Fostering Collateral Creativity in School Mathematics: Paying Attention to Students’ Emerging Ideas in the Age of Technology (Mathematics Education in the Digital Era #23)

by Sergei Abramovich Viktor Freiman

This book explores the topic of using technology, both physical and digital, to motivate creative mathematical thinking among students who are not considered ‘mathematically advanced.’ The book reflects the authors’ experience of teaching mathematics to Canadian and American teacher candidates and supervising several field-based activities by the candidates. It consists of eight chapters and an Appendix which includes details of constructing computational learning environments.Specifically, the book demonstrates how the appropriate use of technology in the teaching of mathematics can create conditions for the emergence of what may be called ‘collateral creativity,’ a notion similar to Dewey’s notion of collateral learning. Just as collateral learning does not result from the immediate goal of the traditional curriculum, collateral creativity does not result from the immediate goal of traditional problem solving. Rather, mathematical creativity emerges as a collateral outcome of thinking afforded by the use of technology. Furthermore, collateral creativity is an educative outcome of one’s learning experience with pedagogy that motivates students to ask questions about computer-generated or tactile-derived information and assists them in finding answers to their own or the teacher’s questions. This book intends to provide guidance to teachers for fostering collateral creativity in their classrooms.

Fostering Development in Midlife and Older Age: A Positive Psychology Perspective

by Irina Catrinel Crăciun

This handbook integrates and discusses a growing evidence base concerning individual development across middle and late adulthood. The book includes a comprehensive analysis of what growth implies within midlife and older age and considers how different developmental areas are intertwined (i.e., physical, cognitive, social and emotional development as well as personality growth). As the gap between theory and practice still constitutes an issue in developmental research, the handbook also aims to provide illustrative examples of prevention and intervention from a positive psychology perspective. These were selected to represent a variety of topics, relevant for individual development where research informs practice, ranging from happiness, grandparenthood, love and sexuality to loneliness, depression, anxiety, suicide prevention and coping with death. This handbook is a must-have resource for students and researchers working in developmental psychology, health psychology, gerontology and, public health. It will also be of interest to practitioners such as counsellors, life coaches, psychotherapists, organizational psychologists, health professionals, social workers or public health planners.

Fostering Innovation for Agriculture 4.0: A Comprehensive Plant Germplasm System

by Miguel Angel Rapela

The scientific and technical development of any kind of germplasm is regulated by a vast network of treaties, conventions, international agreements, and national and regional legislation. These regulations govern biotechnological innovations in plants and microorganisms, access to and use of plant genetic resources, and biosafety. This complex mix has made it difficult to arrive at global interpretations, due to overlaps, gaps, ambiguities, contradictions, and lack of consistency. The big picture is even more complex, as a series of scientific developments – gene editing in particular – have in some cases rendered these international regulatory frameworks obsolete.This book puts forward an innovative approach: a “Comprehensive Plant Germplasm System”. The System is a cooperative game theory-based proposal for a binding international convention which would supersede all other conventions, treaties, national and regional legislation covering native varieties and traditional developments, heterogeneous plant varieties, microorganisms, biotechnological inventions, plant genetic resources, and biosafety regulation. In short, it offers a comprehensive framework regarding intellectual property, biosafety, and business regulation and covers all types of germplasm.If applied, the system is expected to yield higher productivity rates in crops and improved food biodiversity, as well as a new paradigm based on the promotion of innovation for “Agriculture 4.0.”

Fostering Success of Ethnic and Racial Minorities in STEM: The Role of Minority Serving Institutions

by Dina C. Maramba Marybeth Gasman Robert T. Palmer

To maintain competitiveness in the global economy, United States policymakers and national leaders are increasing their attention to producing workers skilled in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Given the growing minority population in the country, it is critical that higher education policies, pedagogies, climates, and initiatives are effective in promoting racial and ethnic minority students’ educational attainment in STEM. Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) have shown efficacy in facilitating the success of racial and ethnic minority students in STEM and are collectively responsible for producing nearly one-third of the nation’s minority STEM graduates. In Fostering Success of Ethnic and Racial Minorities in STEM, well-known contributors share salient institutional characteristics, unique aspects of climate, pedagogy, and programmatic initiatives at MSIs that are instrumental in enhancing the success of racial and ethnic minority students in STEM education. This book provides recommendations on institutional practice, policy, and lessons that any institution can use on their campus to foster better retention and persistence among minority students. Higher Education leaders and administrators interested in encouraging achievement among racial and ethnic minority students in STEM education will find this book a welcomed and timely addition to the discourse on promoting minority student success.

Foundation Mathematics for Computer Science

by John Vince

John Vince describes a range of mathematical topics to provide a foundation for an undergraduate course in computer science, starting with a review of number systems and their relevance to digital computers, and finishing with differential and integral calculus. Readers will find that the author's visual approach will greatly improve their understanding as to why certain mathematical structures exist, together with how they are used in real-world applications. Each chapter includes full-colour illustrations to clarify the mathematical descriptions, and in some cases, equations are also coloured to reveal vital algebraic patterns. The numerous worked examples will consolidate comprehension of abstract mathematical concepts. Foundation Mathematics for Computer Science covers number systems, algebra, logic, trigonometry, coordinate systems, determinants, vectors, matrices, geometric matrix transforms, differential and integral calculus, and reveals the names of the mathematicians behind such inventions. During this journey, John Vince touches upon more esoteric topics such as quaternions, octonions, Grassmann algebra, Barycentric coordinates, transfinite sets and prime numbers. Whether you intend to pursue a career in programming, scientific visualisation, systems design, or real-time computing, you should find the author's literary style refreshingly lucid and engaging, and prepare you for more advanced texts.

Foundation Mathematics for Computer Science: A Visual Approach

by John Vince

In this second edition of Foundation Mathematics for Computer Science, John Vince has reviewed and edited the original book and written new chapters on combinatorics, probability, modular arithmetic and complex numbers. These subjects complement the existing chapters on number systems, algebra, logic, trigonometry, coordinate systems, determinants, vectors, matrices, geometric matrix transforms, differential and integral calculus. During this journey, the author touches upon more esoteric topics such as quaternions, octonions, Grassmann algebra, Barrycentric coordinates, transfinite sets and prime numbers. John Vince describes a range of mathematical topics to provide a solid foundation for an undergraduate course in computer science, starting with a review of number systems and their relevance to digital computers, and finishing with differential and integral calculus. Readers will find that the author’s visual approach will greatly improve their understanding as to why certain mathematical structures exist, together with how they are used in real-world applications. This second edition includes new, full-colour illustrations to clarify the mathematical descriptions, and in some cases, equations are also coloured to reveal vital algebraic patterns. The numerous worked examples will help consolidate the understanding of abstract mathematical concepts. Whether you intend to pursue a career in programming, scientific visualisation, artificial intelligence, systems design, or real-time computing, you should find the author’s literary style refreshingly lucid and engaging, and prepare you for more advanced texts.

Foundation Mathematics for Computer Science: A Visual Approach

by John Vince

In this book, John Vince has reviewed and edited the third edition and added chapters on statistics, Georg Riemann’s hypothesis, eigen vectors, curves, analytic geometry and Fourier analysis. These subjects complement the existing chapters on visual mathematics, numbers, algebra, logic, combinatorics, probability, modular arithmetic, trigonometry, coordinate systems, determinants, vectors, complex numbers, matrices, geometric matrix transforms, differential and integral calculus. During this journey, the author touches upon more esoteric topics such as quaternions, octonions, Grassmann algebra, barycentric coordinates, transfinite sets and prime numbers. John Vince describes a range of mathematical topics that provide a solid foundation for an undergraduate course in computer science, starting with a review of number systems and their relevance to digital computers and finishing with calculating area and volume using calculus. Readers will find that the author’s visual approach should greatly improve their understanding as to why certain mathematical structures exist, together with how they are used in real-world applications. This book includes new, full-colour illustrations to clarify the mathematical descriptions, and in some cases, equations are also coloured to reveal vital algebraic patterns. The numerous worked examples will help consolidate the understanding of abstract mathematical concepts. Whether you intend to pursue a career in programming, scientific visualization, artificial intelligence, systems design or real-time computing, you should find the author’s literary style refreshingly lucid and engaging and prepare you for more advanced texts.

Foundation Mathematics for Science and Engineering Students

by Philip Prewett

This compact textbook provides a foundation in mathematics for STEM students entering university. The book helps students from different disciplines and backgrounds make the transition to university. Based on the author’s teaching for many years, the book can be used as a textbook and a resource for lecturers and professors. Its accessibility is such that it is can also be used by students in their final year in school before university and help them continue their mathematical studies at college. The book is designed so that students will return to the book repeatedly as their undergraduate careers progress. Although compact and concise, it loses no rigour. All the topics are carefully explained meaningfully, not just presented as a set of rules or rote-learned procedures.

Foundation Mathematics for the Physical Sciences

by K. F. Riley M. P. Hobson

This tutorial-style textbook develops the basic mathematical tools needed by first and second year undergraduates to solve problems in the physical sciences. Students gain hands-on experience through hundreds of worked examples, self-test questions and homework problems. Each chapter includes a summary of the main results, definitions and formulae. Over 270 worked examples show how to put the tools into practice. Around 170 self-test questions in the footnotes and 300 end-of-section exercises give students an instant check of their understanding. More than 450 end-of-chapter problems allow students to put what they have just learned into practice. Hints and outline answers to the odd-numbered problems are given at the end of each chapter. Complete solutions to these problems can be found in the accompanying Student Solutions Manual. Fully-worked solutions to all problems, password-protected for instructors, are available at www. cambridge. org/foundation.

Foundational and Applied Statistics for Biologists Using R

by Ken A. Aho

Full of biological applications, exercises, and interactive graphical examples, Foundational and Applied Statistics for Biologists Using R presents comprehensive coverage of both modern analytical methods and statistical foundations. The author harnesses the inherent properties of the R environment to enable students to examine the code of complica

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