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Showing 901 through 925 of 25,285 results

Alcohol, Social Work, and Helping (Routledge Revivals)

by Stewart Collins

First published in 1990, Alcohol, Social Work and Helping provides coherent and imaginative advice on how to counsel the growing number of clients whose use of alcohol causes of problems. It locates intervention within societal and agency contexts and tackles such practical issues as: how to work with a problem drinker; which short-term goals to suggest; what kind of help to apply; and how to assist in the event of a relapse. The contributors, with backgrounds in academic, statutory, and voluntary settings, focus on key areas of intervention, family, and group contexts, and there is a chapter on the particular circumstances and needs of women. All relevant information – both general and specialized – is presented in a clear, easy-to-read style, and is aimed at developing existing knowledge and skills. This book will be of interest to students of health, social work, and sociology.

Alfonso's Rectifying the Curved: ​A Fourteenth-Century Hebrew Geometrical-Philosophical Treatise (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences)

by Ruth Glasner Avinoam Baraness

This volume offers a new English translation, introduction, and detailed commentary on Sefer Meyasher 'Aqov, (The Rectifying of the Curved), a 14th-century Hebrew treatise on the foundation of geometry. The book is a mixture of two genres: philosophical discussion and formal, Euclidean-type geometrical writing. A central issue is the use of motion and superposition in geometry, which is analyzed in depth through dialog with earlier Arab mathematicians. The author, Alfonso, was identified by Gita Gluskina (the editor of the 1983 Russian edition) as Alfonso of Valladolid, the converted Jew Abner of Burgos. Alfonso lived in Castile, rather far from the leading cultural centers of his time, but nonetheless at the crossroad of three cultures. He was raised in the Jewish tradition and like many Sephardic Jewish intellectuals was versed in Greek-Arabic philosophy and science. He also had connections with some Christian nobles and towards the end of his life converted to Christianity. Driven by his ambition to solve the problem of the quadrature of the circle, as well as other open geometrical problems, Alfonso acquired surprisingly wide knowledge and became familiar with several episodes in Greek and Arabic geometry that historians usually consider not to have been known in the West in the fourteenth century. Sefer Meyasher 'Aqov reflects his wide and deep erudition in mathematics and philosophy, and provides new evidence on cultural transmission around the Mediterranean.

Algebra: An Applied Approach, Fifth Edition

by Richard N. Aufmann Joanne S. Lockwood

In the fifth edition of Algebra: Introductory and Intermediate, the focus remains on the Aufmann Interactive Method (AIM), as in the previous editions. Students are encouraged to be active participants in the classroom and in their own studies as they work through the How To examples and the paired Examples and You Try It problems. All lessons, exercise sets, tests, and supplements are organized around a carefully constructed hierarchy of objectives. This "objective-based" approach not only serves the needs of students, in terms of helping them to clearly organize their thoughts around the content, but instructors as well, as they work to design syllabi, lesson plans, and other administrative documents.

Algebra: Structure and Method, Book 1

by Richard G. Brown Mary P. Dolciani Robert H. Sorgenfrey William L. Cole

Algebra, Structure and Method textbook for ninth grade students.

Algebra: Structure and Method, Book 1

by Richard G. Brown Mary P. Dolciani Robert H. Sorgenfrey William L. Cole

An algebra book requires a different type of reading than a novel or a short story. Every sentence in a math book is full of information and logically linked to the surrounding sentences. You should read the sentences carefully and think about their meaning.

Algebra: Polynomials, Galois Theory and Applications

by Frédéric Butin

Suitable for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in mathematics and computer science, this precise, self-contained treatment of Galois theory features detailed proofs and complete solutions to exercises. Originally published in French as Algèbre — Polynômes, théorie de Galois et applications informatiques, this 2017 Dover Aurora edition marks the volume's first English-language publication.The three-part treatment begins by providing the essential introduction to Galois theory. The second part is devoted to the algebraic, normal, and separable Galois extensions that constitute the center of the theory and examines abelian, cyclic, cyclotomic, and radical extensions. This section enables readers to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the Galois group of a polynomial. The third part deals with applications of Galois theory, including excellent discussions of several important real-world applications of these ideas, including cryptography and error-control coding theory. Symbolic computation via the Maple computer algebra system is incorporated throughout the text (though other software of symbolic computation could be used as well), along with a large number of very interesting exercises with full solutions.

Algebra: Concepts and Applications (Volume One)

by Jerry Cummins Carol Malloy Kay Mcclain Yvonne Mojica Jack Price

Algebra: Concepts & Applications, is a comprehensive Algebra 1 program that is available in full and two-volume editions. Algebra: Concepts & Applications uses a clean lesson design with many detailed examples and straightforward narration that make Algebra 1 topics inviting and Algebra 1 content understandable. Volume 1 contains Chapters 1-8 of Algebra: Concepts & Applications plus an initial section called Chapter A. Chapter A includes a pretest, lessons on prerequisite concepts, and a post test. Designed for students who are challenged by high school mathematics, the 2006 edition has many new features and support components.<P> <i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. To explore further access options with us, please contact us through the Book Quality link on the right sidebar. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these. </i>

Algebra: Concepts and Applications

by Jerry Cummins Carol Malloy Kay Mcclain Yvonne Mojica Jack Price

An ideal program for struggling students "Glencoe Algebra: Concepts and Applications" covers all the Algebra 1 concepts. This program is designed for students who are challenged by high school mathematics.

Algebra: Concepts and Applications, Volume Two

by Jerry Cummins Carol Malloy Kay Mcclain Yvonne Mojica Jack Price

Algebra: Concepts & Applications, is a comprehensive Algebra 1 program that is available in full and two-volume editions. Algebra: Concepts & Applicationsuses a clean lesson design with many detailed examples and straightforward narration that make Algebra 1 topics inviting and Algebra 1 content understandable. Volume 1 contains Chapters 1-8 ofAlgebra: Concepts & Applicationsplus an initial section called Chapter A. Chapter A includes a pretest, lessonson prerequisite concepts, and a posttest. Designed for students who are challenged by high school mathematics, the 2007 edition has many new features and support components.

Algebra: Concepts and Applications

by Glencoe McGraw-Hill Staff

An ideal program for struggling students Glencoe Algebra: Concepts and Applications covers all the Algebra 1 concepts. This program is designed for students who are challenged by high school mathematics.

Algebra (Dover Books on Mathematics #Volume 110)

by Larry C. Grove

This graduate-level text is intended for initial courses in algebra that begin with first principles but proceed at a faster pace than undergraduate-level courses. It employs presentations and proofs that are accessible to students, and it provides numerous concrete examples.Exercises appear throughout the text, clarifying concepts as they arise; additional exercises, varying widely in difficulty, are included at the ends of the chapters. Subjects include groups, rings, fields and Galois theory, modules, and structure of rings and algebras. Further topics encompass infinite Abelian groups, transcendental field extensions, representations and characters of finite groups, Galois groups, and additional areas.Based on many years of classroom experience, this self-contained treatment breathes new life into abstract concepts.

Algebra: Form And Function

by Deborah Hughes-Hallett Eric Connally William G. Mccallum

This book offers a fresh approach to algebra that focuses on teaching readers how to truly understand the principles, rather than viewing them merely as tools for other forms of mathematics. It relies on a storyline to form the backbone of the chapters and make the material more engaging. Conceptual exercise sets are included to show how the information is applied in the real world. Using symbolic notation as a framework, business professionals will come away with a vastly improved skill set.

Algebra: A Combined Approach

by K. Elayn Martin-Gay

Algebra textbook

Algebra: Gruppen – Ringe – Körper

by Christian Karpfinger

Dieses Lehrbuch zur Algebra bietet eine Einführung in die grundlegenden Begriffe und Methoden der modernen Algebra. Es werden die Themen eines Grundkurses zur Algebra ausführlich und motivierend behandelt.Die Algebra wird von vielen Studierenden als sehr abstrakt empfunden. Daher hat sich der Autor bemüht, die Ergebnisse und Begriffe mit zahlreichen Beispielen zu unterlegen. Die Beweisführungen sind ausführlich, gelegentlich werden sogar verschiedene Beweise aufgezeigt. Die Kapitel sind in kleine Lerneinheiten unterteilt. Diese Lerneinheiten führen Schritt für Schritt an die Ergebnisse heran und können durch diese Darstellung vom Leser besser nachvollzogen werden. Der Autor hat stets darauf geachtet, dass erst dann neue Begriffe und Konzepte eingeführt werden, wenn ein gewisses Vertrauen im Umgang mit den bis dahin entwickelten Begriffen und Konzepten besteht. Das Vorgehen wird stets motiviert, schwierige Sachverhalte werden ausführlich erklärt und an Beispielen erprobt. DieLeser erhalten dadurch einen einfachen Zugang zu dem nicht ganz leichten Thema der Algebra.Die zahlreichen Aufgaben unterschiedlicher Schwierigkeitsgrade zum Ende der Kapitel überprüfen das Gelernte und fördern das tiefere Verständnis der Theorie. Das Buch wurde für die 6. Auflage vollständig durchgesehen und um zwei Beweise des quadratischen Reziprozitätsgesetzes ergänzt. Zudem erhalten Sie Zugang auf 300 Flashcards (Springer-Nature-Flashcards-App), mit denen Sie Ihr Verständnis der Theorie auf spielerische Weise testen und einüben können.

Algebra: Gruppen - Ringe - Körper

by Christian Karpfinger Kurt Meyberg

Dieses vierfarbige Lehrbuch wendet sich an Studierende der Mathematik in Bachelor- und Lehramts-Studieng#65533;ngen. Es bietet in einem Band ein lebendiges Bild der mathematischen Inhalte, die #65533;blicherweise im ersten Studienjahr behandelt werden (und etliches mehr). Mathematik-Studierende finden wichtige Begriffe, S#65533;tze und Beweise ausf#65533;hrlich und mit vielen Beispielen erkl#65533;rt und werden an grundlegende Konzepte und Methoden herangef#65533;hrt. Im Mittelpunkt stehen das Verst#65533;ndnis der mathematischen Zusammenh#65533;nge und des Aufbaus der Theorie sowie die Strukturen und Ideen wichtiger S#65533;tze und Beweise. Es wird nicht nur ein in sich geschlossenes Theoriengeb#65533;ude dargestellt, sondern auch verdeutlicht, wie es entsteht und wozu die Inhalte sp#65533;ter ben#65533;tigt werden. Herausragende Merkmale sind: durchg#65533;ngig vierfarbiges Layout mit mehr als 600 Abbildungen pr#65533;gnant formulierte Kerngedanken bilden die Abschnitts#65533;berschriften Selbsttests in kurzen Abst#65533;nden erm#65533;glichen Lernkontrollen w#65533;hrend des Lesens farbige Merkk#65533;sten heben das Wichtigste hervor ,,Unter-der-Lupe"-Boxen zoomen in Beweise hinein, motivieren und erkl#65533;ren Details ,,Hintergrund-und-Ausblick"-Boxen stellen Zusammenh#65533;nge zu anderen Gebieten und weiterf#65533;hrenden Themen her Zusammenfassungen zu jedem Kapitel sowie #65533;bersichtsboxen mehr als 400 Verst#65533;ndnisfragen, Rechenaufgaben und Aufgaben zu Beweisen deutsch-englisches Symbol- und Begriffsglossar Der inhaltliche Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Themen der Vorlesungen Analysis 1 und 2 sowie Linearer Algebra 1 und 2. Behandelt werden dar#65533;ber hinaus Inhalte und Methodenkompetenzen, die vielerorts im ersten Studienjahr der Mathematikausbildung vermittelt werden. Auf der Website zum Buch www. matheweb. de finden Sie Hinweise, L#65533;sungswege und Ergebnisse zu allen Aufgaben Zusatzmaterialien wie Maple-Worksheets zu verschiedenen Themen des Buchs die M#65533;glichkeit, zu den Kapiteln Fragen zu stellen Das Buch wird allen Studierenden der Mathematik vom Beginn des Studiums bis in h#65533;here Semester hinein ein verl#65533;sslicher Begleiter sein.

Algebra: Gruppen - Ringe - Körper

by Christian Karpfinger Kurt Meyberg

Dieses Lehrbuch zur Algebra bietet eine Einführung in die grundlegenden Begriffe und Methoden der modernen Algebra. Es werden die Themen eines Grundkurses zur Algebra ausführlich und motivierend behandelt. Die Algebra wird von vielen Studierenden als sehr abstrakt empfunden. Daher haben sich die Autoren bemüht, die Ergebnisse und Begriffe mit zahlreichen Beispielen zu unterlegen. Die Beweisführungen sind ausführlich, die Kapitel sind in kleine Lerneinheiten unterteilt. Diese Lerneinheiten führen Schritt für Schritt an die Ergebnisse heran und können durch diese Darstellung vom Leser besser nachvollzogen werden. Die zahlreichen Aufgaben unterschiedlicher Schwierigkeitsgrade zum Ende der Kapitel überprüfen das Gelernte und fördern das tiefere Verständnis der Theorie. Das Buch wurde für die 5. Auflage vollständig durchgesehen und um einen ausführlichen Abschnitt zum semidirekten Produkt von Gruppen erweitert. Zudem wurden Lösungsmethoden inklusive Beispiele für manche typischen Aufgabenstellungen übersichtlich zusammengestellt, z.B. zum Nachweis der Reduzibilität bzw. Irreduzibilität von Polynomen.

Algebra: Form and Function (Second Edition)

by William G. Mccallum Elliot J. Marks Aysegul Sahin Ellen Schmierer Pat Shure Adam H. Spiegler Carl Swenson Eric Connally Deborah Hughes-Hallett Philip Cheifetz Ann Davidian Selin Kalaycýoðlu Brigitte Lahme Patti Frazer Lock David Lovelock

Algebra: Form and Function offers a fresh approach to algebra that focuses on teaching readers how to truly understand the principles, rather than viewing them merely as tools for other forms of mathematics. Meant for a College Algebra course, Algebra: Form and Function is an introduction to one of the fundamental aspects of modern society. Algebraic equations describe the laws of science, the principles of engineering, and the rules of business. The power of algebra lies in the efficient symbolic representation of complex ideas, which also presents the main difficulty in learning it. It is easy to forget the underlying structure of algebra and rely instead on a surface knowledge of algebraic manipulations. Most students rely on surface knowledge of algebraic manipulations without understanding the underlying structure of algebra that allows them to see patterns and apply it to multiple situations: McCallum focuses on the structure from the start.

Algebra: A Combined Course: Concepts With Applications

by Charles P. McKeague

A Combined Course: Concepts With Applications

Algebra: The Easy Way to Learn Algebra

by Hugh Neill

Algebra: A Complete Introduction is the most comprehensive yet easy-to-use introduction to using Algebra.Written by a leading expert, this book will help you if you are studying for an important exam or essay, or if you simply want to improve your knowledge. The book covers all the key areas of algebra including elementary operations, linear equations, formulae, simultaneous equations, quadratic equations, logarithms, variation, laws and sequences.Everything you will need is here in this one book. Each chapter includes not only an explanation of the knowledge and skills you need, but also worked examples and test questions.Chapter 1: The meaning of algebraChapter 2: Elementary operations in algebraChapter 3: Brackets and operations with themChapter 4: Positive and negative numbersChapter 5: Equations and expressionsChapter 6: Linear equationsChapter 7: FormulaeChapter 8: Simultaneous equationsChapter 9: Linear inequalitiesChapter 10: Straight-line graphs; coordinatesChapter 11: Using inequalities to define regionsChapter 12: Multiplying algebraical expressions Chapter 13: FactorsChapter 14: FractionsChapter 15: Graphs of quadratic functionsChapter 16: Quadratic equationsChapter 17: IndicesChapter 18: LogarithmsChapter 19: Ratio and proportionChapter 20: VariationChapter 21: The determination of lawsChapter 22: Rational and irrational numbers and surdsChapter 23: Arithmetical and geometric sequences

Algebra: A Complete Introduction (Teach Yourself)

by Hugh Neill P. Abbott

Algebra: A Complete Introduction is the most comprehensive yet easy-to-use introduction to using Algebra. Written by a leading expert, this book will help you if you are studying for an important exam or essay, or if you simply want to improve your knowledge. <P><P>The book covers all the key areas of algebra including elementary operations, linear equations, formulae, simultaneous equations, quadratic equations, logarithms, variation, laws and sequences.<P>Everything you will need is here in this one book. Each chapter includes not only an explanation of the knowledge and skills you need, but also worked examples and test questions.

Algebra: A Complete Introduction (Teach Yourself)

by Hugh Neill P. Abbott

Algebra: A Complete Introduction is the most comprehensive yet easy-to-use introduction to using Algebra.<P><P>Written by a leading expert, this book will help you if you are studying for an important exam or essay, or if you simply want to improve your knowledge. The book covers all the key areas of algebra including elementary operations, linear equations, formulae, simultaneous equations, quadratic equations, logarithms, variation, laws and sequences.Everything you will need is here in this one book. <P>Each chapter includes not only an explanation of the knowledge and skills you need, but also worked examples and test questions.Chapter 1: The meaning of algebra; Chapter 2: Elementary operations in algebra; Chapter 3: Brackets and operations with them; Chapter 4: Positive and negative numbers; Chapter 5: Equations and expressions; Chapter 6: Linear equations;Chapter 7: Formulae; Chapter 8: Simultaneous equations;Chapter 9: Linear inequalities;Chapter 10: Straight-line graphs; coordinates;Chapter 11: Using inequalities to define regions;Chapter 12: Multiplying algebraical expressions Chapter 13: Factors;Chapter 14: Fractions;Chapter 15: Graphs of quadratic functions;Chapter 16: Quadratic equations;Chapter 17: Indices;Chapter 18: Logarithms;Chapter 19: Ratio and proportion;Chapter 20: Variation;Chapter 21: The determination of laws;Chapter 22: Rational and irrational numbers and surds; Chapter 23: Arithmetical and geometric sequences

Algebra: Essentials and Applications

by Holt Rinehart Winston

Algebra Essentials and Applications is focused, organized, and easy to follow. The program shows your students how to read, write, and understand the unique language of mathematics, so that they are prepared for every type of problem-solving and assessment situation.

Algebra: A Computational Introduction (Studies in Advanced Mathematics)

by John Scherk

<p>Adequate texts that introduce the concepts of abstract algebra are plentiful. None, however, are more suited to those needing a mathematical background for careers in engineering, computer science, the physical sciences, industry, or finance than Algebra: A Computational Introduction. Along with a unique approach and presentation, the author demonstrates how software can be used as a problem-solving tool for algebra. A variety of factors set this text apart. Its clear exposition, with each chapter building upon the previous ones, provides greater clarity for the reader. The author first introduces permutation groups, then linear groups, before finally tackling abstract groups. He carefully motivates Galois theory by introducing Galois groups as symmetry groups. He includes many computations, both as examples and as exercises. All of this works to better prepare readers for understanding the more abstract concepts. <p>By carefully integrating the use of Mathematica throughout the book in examples and exercises, the author helps readers develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the material. The numerous exercises and examples along with downloads available from the Internet help establish a valuable working knowledge of Mathematica and provide a good reference for complex problems encountered in the field.</p>

Algebra: A Teaching and Source Book

by Ernest Shult David Surowski

This book presents a graduate-level course on modern algebra. It can be used as a teaching book - owing to the copious exercises - and as a source book for those who wish to use the major theorems of algebra. The course begins with the basic combinatorial principles of algebra: posets, chain conditions, Galois connections, and dependence theories. Here, the general Jordan-Holder Theorem becomes a theorem on interval measures of certain lower semilattices. This is followed by basic courses on groups, rings and modules; the arithmetic of integral domains; fields; the categorical point of view; and tensor products. Beginning with introductory concepts and examples, each chapter proceeds gradually towards its more complex theorems. Proofs progress step-by-step from first principles. Many interesting results reside in the exercises, for example, the proof that ideals in a Dedekind domain are generated by at most two elements. The emphasis throughout is on real understanding as opposed to memorizing a catechism and so some chapters offer curiosity-driven appendices for the self-motivated student.


by The University of Chicago School Mathematics Project Susan A. Brown R. James Breunlin

NIMAC-sourced textbook

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