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Fast Track to Differential Equations: Applications-Oriented – Comprehensible – Compact
by Albert FässlerThis compact introduction to the ordinary differential equations and their applications is aimed at anyone who, in their studies, is confronted voluntarily or involuntarily with this versatile subject. Numerous examples from physics, technology, biomathematics, cosmology, economy and optimization allow a quick and motivating approach - abstract proofs and unnecessary formalism are avoided as far as possible. In the foreground is the modelling of ordinary differential equations of the 1st and 2nd order as well as their analytical and numerical solution methods, in which the theory is briefly dealt with before the application examples. In addition, codes show exemplarily how even more demanding questions can be answered and meaningfully represented with the help of a computer algebra system. In the first chapter the necessary previous knowledge from integral and differential calculus is treated. A large number of exercises including solutions round off the work.
Fast Transverse Beam Instability Caused by Electron Cloud Trapped in Combined Function Magnets (Springer Theses)
by Sergey A. AntipovThis thesis presents profound insights into the origins and dynamics of beam instabilities using both experimental observations and numerical simulations. When the Recycler Ring, a high-intensity proton beam accelerator at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, was commissioned, it became evident that the Recycler beam experiences a very fast instability of unknown nature. This instability was so fast that the existing dampers were ineffective at suppressing it. The nature of this phenomenon, alongside several other poorly understood features of the beam, became one of the biggest puzzles in the accelerator community. The author investigated a hypothesis that the instability arises from an interaction with a dense cloud of electrons accompanying the proton beam. He studied the phenomena experimentally by comparing the dynamics of stable and unstable beams, by numerically simulating the build-up of the electron cloud and its interaction with the beam, and by constructing an analytical model of an electron cloud-driven instability with the electrons trapped in combined-function dipole magnets. He has devised a method to stabilize the beam by a clearing bunch, which conclusively revealed that the instability is caused by the electron cloud, trapped in a strong magnetic field. Finally, he conducted measurements of the microwave propagation through a single dipole magnet. These measurements have confirmed the presence of the electron cloud in combined-function magnets.
Fast Variables in Stochastic Population Dynamics
by George William Albert ConstableIn this thesis two variants of the fast variable elimination method are developed. They are intuitive, simple to implement and give results which are in very good agreement with those found from numerical simulations. The relative simplicity of the techniques makes them ideal for applying to problems featuring demographic stochasticity, for experts and non-experts alike. Within the context of mathematical modelling, fast variable elimination is one of the central tools with which one can simplify a multivariate problem. When used in the context of of deterministic systems, the theory is quite standard, but when stochastic effects are present, it becomes less straightforward to apply. While the introductory and background chapters form an excellent primer to the theory of stochastic population dynamics, the techniques developed can be applied to systems exhibiting a separation of timescales in a variety of fields including population genetics, ecology and epidemiology.
Faster Isn't Smarter: Messages about Math, Teaching, and Learning in the 21st Century
by Cathy L. SeeleyFeaturing 41 entirely updated messages and four new ones, this second edition continues to offer straight talk and common sense about some of today's most important, thought-provoking issues in education. With themes ranging from equity, intelligence, and the incredible potential of all students to challenging students to think with a problem-centered approach focused on student engagement and classroom discourse, the book provides a base for lively discussion among elementary, middle, and high school teachers; leaders; policymakers; and families. Entirely updated, including new messages.
Fat Chance: Probability from 0 to 1
by Benedict Gross Joe Harris Emily RiehlIn a world where we are constantly being asked to make decisions based on incomplete information, facility with basic probability is an essential skill. This book provides a solid foundation in basic probability theory designed for intellectually curious readers and those new to the subject. Through its conversational tone and careful pacing of mathematical development, the book balances a charming style with informative discussion. This text will immerse the reader in a mathematical view of the world, giving them a glimpse into what attracts mathematicians to the subject in the first place. Rather than simply writing out and memorizing formulas, the reader will come out with an understanding of what those formulas mean, and how and when to use them. Readers will also encounter settings where probabilistic reasoning does not apply or where intuition can be misleading. This book establishes simple principles of counting collections and sequences of alternatives, and elaborates on these techniques to solve real world problems both inside and outside the casino. Pair this book with the HarvardX online course for great videos and interactive learning: https://harvardx.link/fat-chance.
Fat-Tailed Distributions: Data, Diagnostics and Dependence
by Daan Nieboer Roger M. Cooke Jolanta MisiewiczThis title is written for the numerate nonspecialist, and hopes to serve three purposes. First it gathers mathematical material from diverse but related fields of order statistics, records, extreme value theory, majorization, regular variation and subexponentiality. All of these are relevant for understanding fat tails, but they are not, to our knowledge, brought together in a single source for the target readership. Proofs that give insight are included, but for most fussy calculations the reader is referred to the excellent sources referenced in the text. Multivariate extremes are not treated. This allows us to present material spread over hundreds of pages in specialist texts in twenty pages. Chapter 5 develops new material on heavy tail diagnostics and gives more mathematical detail. Since variances and covariances may not exist for heavy tailed joint distributions, Chapter 6 reviews dependence concepts for certain classes of heavy tailed joint distributions, with a view to regressing heavy tailed variables. Second, it presents a new measure of obesity. The most popular definitions in terms of regular variation and subexponentiality invoke putative properties that hold at infinity, and this complicates any empirical estimate. Each definition captures some but not all of the intuitions associated with tail heaviness. Chapter 5 studies two candidate indices of tail heaviness based on the tendency of the mean excess plot to collapse as data are aggregated. The probability that the largest value is more than twice the second largest has intuitive appeal but its estimator has very poor accuracy. The Obesity index is defined for a positive random variable X as: Ob(X) = P (X1 +X4 > X2 +X3|X1 1 then Ob(X) Third and most important, we hope to convince the reader that fat tail phenomena pose real problems; they are really out there and they seriously challenge our usual ways of thinking about historical averages, outliers, trends, regression coefficients and confidence bounds among many other things. Data on flood insurance claims, crop loss claims, hospital discharge bills, precipitation and damages and fatalities from natural catastrophes drive this point home. While most fat tailed distributions are "bad", research in fat tails is one distribution whose tail will hopefully get fatter.
Fatal Misconception: The Struggle to Control World Population
by Matthew ConnellyListen to a short interview with Matthew Connelly Host: Chris Gondek | Producer: Heron & Crane Fatal Misconception is the disturbing story of our quest to remake humanity by policing national borders and breeding better people. As the population of the world doubled once, and then again, well-meaning people concluded that only population control could preserve the "quality of life." This movement eventually spanned the globe and carried out a series of astonishing experiments, from banning Asian immigration to paying poor people to be sterilized. Supported by affluent countries, foundations, and non-governmental organizations, the population control movement experimented with ways to limit population growth. But it had to contend with the Catholic Church's ban on contraception and nationalist leaders who warned of "race suicide." The ensuing struggle caused untold suffering for those caught in the middle--particularly women and children. It culminated in the horrors of sterilization camps in India and the one-child policy in China. Matthew Connelly offers the first global history of a movement that changed how people regard their children and ultimately the face of humankind. It was the most ambitious social engineering project of the twentieth century, one that continues to alarm the global community. Though promoted as a way to lift people out of poverty--perhaps even to save the earth--family planning became a means to plan other people‘s families. With its transnational scope and exhaustive research into such archives as Planned Parenthood and the newly opened Vatican Secret Archives, Connelly's withering critique uncovers the cost inflicted by a humanitarian movement gone terribly awry and urges renewed commitment to the reproductive rights of all people.
The Fatherland Files
by Alan CliffordIn this exciting novel, an unsuspecting cardiologist becomes embroiled in a plot involving pharmaceuticals, international espionage, and the Neo-Nazi movement. A scientifically accurate twist on the average mystery story, the plot will hook all audiences.
Fatigue and Corrosion in Metals
by Pietro Paolo MilellaThis textbook, suitable for students, researchers and engineers, gathers the experience of more than 20 years of teaching fracture mechanics, fatigue and corrosion to professional engineers and running experimental tests and verifications to solve practical problems in engineering applications. As such, it is a comprehensive blend of fundamental knowledge and technical tools to address the issues of fatigue and corrosion. The book initiates with a systematic description of fatigue from a phenomenological point of view, since the early signs of submicroscopic damage in few surface grains and continues describing, step by step, how these precursors develop to become mechanically small cracks and, eventually, macrocracks whose growth is governed by fracture mechanics. But fracture mechanics is also introduced to analyze stress corrosion and corrosion assisted fatigue in a rather advanced fashion. The author dedicates a particular attention to corrosion starting with an electrochemical treatment that mechanical engineers with a rather limited knowledge of electrochemistry will well digest without any pain. The electrochemical introduction is considered an essential requirement to the full understanding of corrosion that is essentially an electrochemical process. All stress corrosion aspects are treated, from the generalized film rupture-anodic dissolution process that is the base of any corrosion mechanism to the aggression occurring in either mechanically or thermally sensitized alloys up to the universe of hydrogen embrittlement, which is described in all its possible modes of appearance. Multiaxial fatigue and out-of-phase loading conditions are treated in a rather comprehensive manner together with damage progression and accumulation that are not linear processes. Load spectra are analyzed also in the frequency domain using the Fourier transform in a rather elegant fashion full of applications that are generally not considered at all in fatigue textbooks, yet they deserve a special place and attention. The issue of fatigue cannot be treated without a probabilistic approach unless the designer accepts the shame of one-out-of-two pieces failure. The reader is fully introduced to the most promising and advanced analytical tools that do not require a normal or lognormal distribution of the experimental data, which is the most common case in fatigue. But the probabilistic approach is also used to introduce the fundamental issue of process volume that is the base of any engineering application of fatigue, from the probability of failure to the notch effect, from the metallurgical variability and size effect to the load type effect. Fractography plays a fundamental role in the post mortem analysis of fatigue and corrosion failures since it can unveil the mystery encrypted in any failure.
Fatigue and Fracture Reliability Engineering
by J. J. Xiong R. A. ShenoiFatigue and Fracture Reliability Engineering is an attempt to present an integrated and unified approach to reliability determination of fatigue and fracture behaviour, incorporating probability, statistics and other related areas. A series of original and practical approaches, are suggested in Fatigue and Fracture Reliability Engineering, including new techniques in determining fatigue and fracture performances. It also carries out an investigation into static and fatigue properties, and into the failure mechanisms of unnotched and notched CFR composite laminates with different lay-ups to optimize the stacking sequence effect. Further benefits include: a novel convergence-divergence counting procedure to extract all load cycles from a load history of divergence-convergence waves;practical scatter factor formulae to determine the safe fatigue crack initiation and propagation lives from the results of a single full-scale test of a complete structure; anda nonlinear differential kinetic model for describing the dynamical behaviour of an atom at a fatigue crack tip.Fatigue and Fracture Reliability Engineering is intended for practising engineers in marine, civil construction, aerospace, offshore, automotive and chemical industries. It is also useful reading for researchers on doctoral programmes, and is appropriate for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in any mechanically-oriented engineering discipline.
Fault Diagnosis Inverse Problems: Solution with Metaheuristics (Studies in Computational Intelligence #763)
by Lídice Camps Echevarría Orestes Llanes Santiago Haroldo Fraga Campos Velho Antônio José Silva NetoThis book presents a methodology based on inverse problems for use in solutions for fault diagnosis in control systems, combining tools from mathematics, physics, computational and mathematical modeling, optimization and computational intelligence. This methodology, known as fault diagnosis – inverse problem methodology or FD-IPM, unifies the results of several years of work of the authors in the fields of fault detection and isolation (FDI), inverse problems and optimization. The book clearly and systematically presents the main ideas, concepts and results obtained in recent years. By formulating fault diagnosis as an inverse problem, and by solving it using metaheuristics, the authors offer researchers and students a fresh, interdisciplinary perspective for problem solving in these fields. Graduate courses in engineering, applied mathematics and computing also benefit from this work.
Fault-tolerant Control and Diagnosis for Integer and Fractional-order Systems: Fundamentals of Fractional Calculus and Differential Algebra with Real-Time Applications (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #328)
by Rafael Martínez-Guerra Fidel Meléndez-Vázquez Iván Trejo-ZúñigaThis book is about algebraic and differential methods, as well as fractional calculus, applied to diagnose and reject faults in nonlinear systems, which are of integer or fractional order. This represents an extension of a very important and widely studied problem in control theory, namely fault diagnosis and rejection (using differential algebraic approaches), to systems presenting fractional dynamics, i.e. systems whose dynamics are represented by derivatives and integrals of non-integer order. The authors offer a thorough overview devoted to fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control applied to fractional-order and integer-order dynamical systems, and they introduce new methodologies for control and observation described by fractional and integer models, together with successful simulations and real-time applications. The basic concepts and tools of mathematics required to understand the methodologies proposed are all clearly introduced and explained. Consequently, the book is useful as supplementary reading in courses of applied mathematics and nonlinear control theory. This book is meant for engineers, mathematicians, physicists and, in general, to researchers and postgraduate students in diverse areas who have a minimum knowledge of calculus. It also contains advanced topics for researchers and professionals interested in the area of states and faults estimation.
Fear of a Black Universe: An Outsider's Guide to the Future of Physics
by Stephon AlexanderIn this important guide to science and society, a cosmologist argues that physics must embrace the excluded, listen to the unheard, and be unafraid of being wrong. Years ago, cosmologist Stephon Alexander received life-changing advice: to discover real physics, he needed to stop memorizing and start taking risks. In Fear of a Black Universe, Alexander shows that great physics requires us to think outside the mainstream -- to improvise and rely on intuition. His approach leads him to three principles that shape all theories of the universe: the principle of invariance, the quantum principle, and the principle of emergence. Alexander uses them to explore some of physics' greatest mysteries, from what happened before the big bang to how the universe makes consciousness possible. Drawing on his experience as a Black physicist, he makes a powerful case for diversifying our scientific communities. Compelling and empowering, Fear of a Black Universe offers remarkable insight into the art of physics.
Feast For 10
by Cathryn FalwellA counting book that features an African-American family shopping for food, preparing dinner, and sitting down to eat. Lively read-aloud text paired with bright collage illustrations.
A Feature-Centric View of Information Retrieval (The Information Retrieval Series #27)
by Donald MetzlerCommercial Web search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing are used every day by millions of people across the globe. With their ever-growing refinement and usage, it has become increasingly difficult for academic researchers to keep up with the collection sizes and other critical research issues related to Web search, which has created a divide between the information retrieval research being done within academia and industry. Such large collections pose a new set of challenges for information retrieval researchers. In this work, Metzler describes highly effective information retrieval models for both smaller, classical data sets, and larger Web collections. In a shift away from heuristic, hand-tuned ranking functions and complex probabilistic models, he presents feature-based retrieval models. The Markov random field model he details goes beyond the traditional yet ill-suited bag of words assumption in two ways. First, the model can easily exploit various types of dependencies that exist between query terms, eliminating the term independence assumption that often accompanies bag of words models. Second, arbitrary textual or non-textual features can be used within the model. As he shows, combining term dependencies and arbitrary features results in a very robust, powerful retrieval model. In addition, he describes several extensions, such as an automatic feature selection algorithm and a query expansion framework. The resulting model and extensions provide a flexible framework for highly effective retrieval across a wide range of tasks and data sets. A Feature-Centric View of Information Retrieval provides graduate students, as well as academic and industrial researchers in the fields of information retrieval and Web search with a modern perspective on information retrieval modeling and Web searches.
Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series)
by Max Kuhn Kjell JohnsonThe process of developing predictive models includes many stages. Most resources focus on the modeling algorithms but neglect other critical aspects of the modeling process. This book describes techniques for finding the best representations of predictors for modeling and for nding the best subset of predictors for improving model performance. A variety of example data sets are used to illustrate the techniques along with R programs for reproducing the results.
Feature Engineering for Machine Learning and Data Analytics (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series)
by Guozhu Dong Huan LiuFeature engineering plays a vital role in big data analytics. Machine learning and data mining algorithms cannot work without data. Little can be achieved if there are few features to represent the underlying data objects, and the quality of results of those algorithms largely depends on the quality of the available features. Feature Engineering for Machine Learning and Data Analytics provides a comprehensive introduction to feature engineering, including feature generation, feature extraction, feature transformation, feature selection, and feature analysis and evaluation. The book presents key concepts, methods, examples, and applications, as well as chapters on feature engineering for major data types such as texts, images, sequences, time series, graphs, streaming data, software engineering data, Twitter data, and social media data. It also contains generic feature generation approaches, as well as methods for generating tried-and-tested, hand-crafted, domain-specific features. The first chapter defines the concepts of features and feature engineering, offers an overview of the book, and provides pointers to topics not covered in this book. The next six chapters are devoted to feature engineering, including feature generation for specific data types. The subsequent four chapters cover generic approaches for feature engineering, namely feature selection, feature transformation based feature engineering, deep learning based feature engineering, and pattern based feature generation and engineering. The last three chapters discuss feature engineering for social bot detection, software management, and Twitter-based applications respectively. This book can be used as a reference for data analysts, big data scientists, data preprocessing workers, project managers, project developers, prediction modelers, professors, researchers, graduate students, and upper level undergraduate students. It can also be used as the primary text for courses on feature engineering, or as a supplement for courses on machine learning, data mining, and big data analytics.
Feedback: How to Destroy or Save the World
by Péter ÉrdiThe book offers an exciting, non-technical intellectual journey around applying feedback control to emerging and managing local and global crises, thus keeping the world on a sustainable trajectory. There is a narrow border between destruction and prosperity: to ensure reasonable growth but avoid existential risk, we must find the fine-tuned balance between positive and negative feedback. This book addresses readers belonging to various generations, such as: young people growing up in a world where everything seems to be falling apart; people in their 30s and 40s who are thinking about how to live a fulfilling life; readers in their 50s and 60s thinking back on life; and Baby Boomers reflecting on their past successes and failures. Albert-László Barabási, Robert Gray Dodge Professor of Network Science, Northeastern University: “In a world where interconnectedness has fostered global prosperity, it has also introduced vulnerabilities that can escalate local failures into worldwide crises. “Feedback” by Peter Erdi explores this double-edged sword, offering a solution through the power of feedback mechanisms. These tools are designed to mitigate the negative impacts of connectedness, steering the complexity of modern life towards outcomes that enhance human welfare.” Patrick Grim, Philosopher in Residence Visiting Scholar Center for Complex Systems University of Michigan: “Érdi demonstrates that many of the critical problems we face—from climate crises to economic instability to the threat of terrorism—operate as runaway feedback loops. The first challenge is to understand them. The second is to introduce control mechanisms on the model of biological homeostasis—a different form of feedback—that will guide us toward a more sustainable social future. Érdi applies the analytic tools of complex systems to some of the most complex issues we face.” Ichiro Tsuda, Specially Appointed Professor at Sapporo City University, Sapporo, Japan, leaving Chubu University Academy of Emerging Sciences (Director and Professor), Chubu University, Japan: “This book is dangerous, because of making your own consideration on feedback impossible to stop by a continual feedback process of yourself. Nevertheless, you must be given a method of finding very narrow boundaries between prosperity and destruction, therefore this book is extremely valuable. We all must read.”
Feedback Arc Set: A History of the Problem and Algorithms (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
by Robert KudelićThe main aim of the book is to give a review of all relevant information regarding a well-known and important problem of Feedback Arc Set (FAS). This review naturally also includes a history of the problem, as well as specific algorithms. To this point such a work does not exist: There are sources where one can find incomplete and perhaps untrustworthy information. With this book, information about FAS can be found easily in one place: formulation, description, theoretical background, applications, algorithms etc. Such a compendium will be of help to people involved in research, but also to people that want to quickly acquaint themselves with the problem and need reliable information. Thus research, professional work and learning can proceed in a more streamlined and faster way.
Feedback Control in Systems Biology
by Carlo Cosentino Declan BatesLike engineering systems, biological systems must also operate effectively in the presence of internal and external uncertainty-such as genetic mutations or temperature changes, for example. It is not surprising, then, that evolution has resulted in the widespread use of feedback, and research in systems biology over the past decade has shown that
Feedback in digitalen Lernumgebungen: Eine Interventionsstudie zu dem Lernpfad „Quadratische Funktionen erkunden“ (Studien zur theoretischen und empirischen Forschung in der Mathematikdidaktik)
by Elena de VriesOpen Educational Resources werden heute von der breiten Masse wahrgenommen und als gewinnbringende Unterrichtsmaterialien ausgewiesen, sofern sie unter pädagogischen bzw. fachdidaktischen Gesichtspunkten entwickelt und eingesetzt werden. Im Rahmen dieser Analyse wird eine digitale Lernumgebung – ein Lernpfad – zum Einstieg in das Themenfeld quadratische Funktionen konzipiert. Es werden zwei Versionen der Lernumgebung umgesetzt, die sich einzig durch das implementierte Feedback unterschieden. Auf dieser Grundlage wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob ein Lernpfad zu quadratischen Funktionen mit elaboriertem Feedback einen positiveren Einfluss auf die Mathematikleistung von Schülerinnen und Schülern hat als der gleiche Lernpfad mit KCR Feedback.
Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers
by Karl Johan Aström Richard M. Murray<p>This book provides an introduction to the mathematics needed to model, analyze, and design feedback systems. It is an ideal textbook for undergraduate and graduate students, and is indispensable for researchers seeking a self-contained reference on control theory. Unlike most books on the subject, Feedback Systems develops transfer functions through the exponential response of a system, and is accessible across a range of disciplines that utilize feedback in physical, biological, information, and economic systems. <p>Karl Åström and Richard Murray use techniques from physics, computer science, and operations research to introduce control-oriented modeling. They begin with state space tools for analysis and design, including stability of solutions, Lyapunov functions, reachability, state feedback observability, and estimators. The matrix exponential plays a central role in the analysis of linear control systems, allowing a concise development of many of the key concepts for this class of models. Åström and Murray then develop and explain tools in the frequency domain, including transfer functions, Nyquist analysis, PID control, frequency domain design, and robustness. They provide exercises at the end of every chapter, and an accompanying electronic solutions manual is available. Feedback Systems is a complete one-volume resource for students and researchers in mathematics, engineering, and the sciences. <p> <li>Covers the mathematics needed to model, analyze, and design feedback systems <li>Serves as an introductory textbook for students and a self-contained resource for researchers <li>Includes exercises at the end of every chapter <li>Features an electronic solutions manual <li>Offers techniques applicable across a range of disciplines</li>
Feferman on Foundations: Logic, Mathematics, Philosophy (Outstanding Contributions To Logic Ser. #13)
by Gerhard Jäger Wilfried SiegThis volume honours the life and work of Solomon Feferman, one of the most prominent mathematical logicians of the latter half of the 20th century. In the collection of essays presented here, researchers examine Feferman’s work on mathematical as well as specific methodological and philosophical issues that tie into mathematics. Feferman’s work was largely based in mathematical logic (namely model theory, set theory, proof theory and computability theory), but also branched out into methodological and philosophical issues, making it well known beyond the borders of the mathematics community.With regard to methodological issues, Feferman supported concrete projects. On the one hand, these projects calibrate the proof theoretic strength of subsystems of analysis and set theory and provide ways of overcoming the limitations imposed by Gödel’s incompleteness theorems through appropriate conceptual expansions. On the other, they seek to identify novel axiomatic foundations for mathematical practice, truth theories, and category theory.In his philosophical research, Feferman explored questions such as “What is logic?” and proposed particular positions regarding the foundations of mathematics including, for example, his “conceptual structuralism.” The contributing authors of the volume examine all of the above issues. Their papers are accompanied by an autobiography presented by Feferman that reflects on the evolution and intellectual contexts of his work. The contributing authors critically examine Feferman’s work and, in part, actively expand on his concrete mathematical projects. The volume illuminates Feferman’s distinctive work and, in the process, provides an enlightening perspective on the foundations of mathematics and logic.
by Hans-Jörg G. DierschFEFLOW is an acronym of Finite Element subsurface FLOW simulation system and solves the governing flow, mass and heat transport equations in porous and fractured media by a multidimensional finite element method for complex geometric and parametric situations including variable fluid density, variable saturation, free surface(s), multispecies reaction kinetics, non-isothermal flow and multidiffusive effects. FEFLOW comprises theoretical work, modeling experiences and simulation practice from a period of about 40 years. In this light, the main objective of the present book is to share this achieved level of modeling with all required details of the physical and numerical background with the reader. The book is intended to put advanced theoretical and numerical methods into the hands of modeling practitioners and scientists. It starts with a more general theory for all relevant flow and transport phenomena on the basis of the continuum approach, systematically develops the basic framework for important classes of problems (e. g. , multiphase/multispecies non-isothermal flow and transport phenomena, discrete features, aquifer-averaged equations, geothermal processes), introduces finite-element techniques for solving the basic balance equations, in detail discusses advanced numerical algorithms for the resulting nonlinear and linear problems and completes with a number of benchmarks, applications and exercises to illustrate the different types of problems and ways to tackle them successfully (e. g. , flow and seepage problems, unsaturated-saturated flow, advective-diffusion transport, saltwater intrusion, geothermal and thermohaline flow).