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Fehlerkultur in Organisationen: Eine organisationsethnografische Studie in der stationären Altenpflege (Organisation und Pädagogik #33)
by Kerstin BestvaterIm Zentrum dieser Studie steht die Frage nach der Verflechtung der Fehlerkultur mit den Entscheidungs- und Handlungspraktiken in einer Alten- und Pflegeeinrichtung. Dafür wurde mit der pädagogischen Organisationsethnografie ein explorativer Zugang zum Forschungsgegenstand gewählt, der einen tiefen Einblick in die soziale Welt der Altenpflege gewährt. Kernstück ist eine konzeptualisierende Darstellung feldtypischer Praktiken und eine gegenstandsbezogene Theorieentwicklung, die im Sinne der Grounded Theory umgesetzt wurde. Das genuine Dilemma der Altenpflege zwischen Wirtschaftlichkeit und Pflegeethos führt zu Praxismustern, die als Problemlösungsstrategien auch die Fehlerkultur prägen.
Feistel Ciphers
by Valerie Nachef Jacques Patarin Emmanuel VolteThis book provides a survey on different kinds of Feistel ciphers, with their definitions and mathematical/computational properties. Feistel ciphers are widely used in cryptography in order to obtain pseudorandom permutations and secret-key block ciphers. In Part 1, we describe Feistel ciphers and their variants. We also give a brief story of these ciphers and basic security results. In Part 2, we describe generic attacks on Feistel ciphers. In Part 3, we give results on DES and specific Feistel ciphers. Part 4 is devoted to improved security results. We also give results on indifferentiability and indistinguishability.
Female Employment and Gender Gaps in China (Hitotsubashi University IER Economic Research Series #48)
by Xinxin MaThis open access book investigates female employment and the gender gap in the labor market and households during China’s economic transition period. It provides the reader with academic evidence for understanding the mechanism of female labor force participation, the determinants of the gender gap in the labor market, and the impact of policy transformation on women’s wages and employment in China from an economics perspective. The main content of this book includes three parts―women’s family responsibilities and women’s labor supply (child care, parent care, and women’s employment), the gender gap in the labor market and society (gender gaps in wages, Communist Party membership, and participation in social activity), and the impacts of policy transformation on women’s wages and employment (the social security system and the educational expansion policy on women’s wages and employment) in China. This book provides academic evidence about these issues based on economics theories and econometric analysis methods using many kinds of long-term Chinese national survey data. This book is highly recommended to readers who are interested in up-to-date and in-depth empirical studies of the gender gap and women’s employment in China during the economic transition period. This book is of interest to various groups such as readers who are interested in the Chinese economy, policymakers, and scholars with econometric analysis backgrounds.
Female Innovators Who Changed Our World: How Women Shaped STEM (Trailblazing Women Ser.)
by Emma GreenWe are not all born with equal opportunities. Yet there have been countless of women who have overcome a range of barriers such as prejudice, illness, and personal tragedy to advance our understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). They used their knowledge to change the world, and their stories are fascinating. This book offers a concise introduction of the lives of 46 women, taking you into the cultural and social context of the world they lived in. Through their intelligence, courage, and resilience, they used STEM to defy expectations and inspire generations to follow in their footsteps. Some of them invented items we use day-to-day and discovered causes and treatments for epidemics that ostracised whole sections of society, whilst others campaigned for the reproductive rights of women and harnessed mathematics to send people into space and break ciphers. These women are proof that females can and did have a hugely significant role in shaping the world we live in today.
Fermat's Enigma: The Epic Quest to Solve the World's Greatest Mathematical Problem
by Simon Singhxn + yn = zn, where n represents 3, 4, 5, ...no solution"I have discovered a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain."With these words, the seventeenth-century French mathematician Pierre de Fermat threw down the gauntlet to future generations. What came to be known as Fermat's Last Theorem looked simple; proving it, however, became the Holy Grail of mathematics, baffling its finest minds for more than 350 years. In Fermat's Enigma--based on the author's award-winning documentary film, which aired on PBS's "Nova"--Simon Singh tells the astonishingly entertaining story of the pursuit of that grail, and the lives that were devoted to, sacrificed for, and saved by it. Here is a mesmerizing tale of heartbreak and mastery that will forever change your feelings about mathematics.
Fermi-Aufgaben im inklusiven Mathematikunterricht der Grundschule: Eine qualitative Studie zu Lösungsstrategien und kooperativem Lernen „Aus der Sache heraus“ (Bielefelder Schriften zur Didaktik der Mathematik #16)
by Nina FlottmannIn ihrem Buch beschäftigt sich Nina Flottmann mit Lösungsstrategien, die Kinder beim Modellieren ausgewählter Fermi-Aufgaben wählen und anwenden, als auch mit den kooperativen Mustern, die beim Lernen am gemeinsamen Gegenstand abbildbar sind. Im Zentrum stehen dabei die konzeptionellen Eckpfeiler des bildungspolitisch begründeten Anspruchs des Von- und Miteinanderlernens, als auch der inklusive Mathematikunterricht und seine wissenschaftliche Rahmung, die Wahl von geeigneten Aufgaben für den Mathematikunterricht und das Postulat des Lernens am gemeinsamen Gegenstand. Die Arbeit ist an der Schnittstelle von Mathematikdidaktik und Erziehungswissenschaft zu verorten und nimmt die zunehmende Heterogenität der Schüler*innen zum Ausgangspunkt.
Fermions and Anomalies in Quantum Field Theories (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)
by Loriano BonoraThis book presents a modern view of anomalies in quantum field theories. It is divided into six parts. The first part is preparatory covering an introduction to fermions, a description of the classical symmetries, and a short introduction to conformal symmetry. The second part of the book is devoted to the relation between anomalies and cohomology. The third part deals with perturbative methods to compute gauge, diffeomorphism and trace anomalies. In the fourth part the same anomalies are calculated with non-perturbative heat-kernel-like methods. Part five is devoted to the family's index theorem and its application to chiral anomalies, and to the differential characters and their applications to global anomalies. Part six is devoted to special topics including a complete calculation of trace and diffeomorphism anomalies of a Dirac fermion in a MAT background in two dimensions, Wess-Zumino terms in field theories, sigma models, their local and global anomalies and their cancelation, and finally the analysis of the worldsheet, sigma model, and target space anomalies of string and superstring theories. The book is targeted to researchers and graduate students.
Fertility, Education, Growth, and Sustainability
by David De La CroixFertility choices depend not only on the surrounding culture but also on economic incentives, which have important consequences for inequality, education and sustainability. This book outlines parallels between demographic development and economic outcomes, explaining how fertility, growth and inequality are related. It provides a set of general equilibrium models where households choose their number of children, analysed in four domains. First, inequality is particularly damaging for growth as human capital is kept low by the mass of grown-up children stemming from poor families. Second, the cost of education can be an important determining factor on fertility. Third, fertility is sometimes viewed as a strategic variable in the power struggle between different cultural, ethnic and religious groups. Finally, fertility might be affected by policies targeted at other objectives. Incorporating new findings with the discussion of education policy and sustainability this book is a significant addition to the literature on growth.
Fertility, Family, and Social Welfare between France and Empire: The Colonial Politics of Population (New Directions in Welfare History)
by Margaret Cook Andersen Melissa K. ByrnesThis edited volume focuses on social welfare and medicine within the French Empire and brings together important currents in both imperial history and the history of medicine. The book covers a broad period from the ‘first colonial empires’ that existed prior to 1830, the ‘new imperialism’ of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the process of decolonisation in the mid-twentieth century, and the ‘afterlives’ of colonial regimes in France and newly-independent states. Building on recent scholarship, this volume examines the extension of imperialism into the post-colonial period. The chapters examine a range of topics developing our understanding of the reasons why colonial states saw the family as a site for biopolitical intervention. The authors argue that experts built a racialised body of knowledge about colonial populations through census data and medical understandings of problems such as child mortality and infertility. They show that by analysing and compiling data on fertility, population growth (or decline), and health, this fuelled interventions designed to ensure a stable workforce, and that protecting children and mothers, vaccinating vulnerable populations, and creating modern, sanitary housing were all initiatives also aimed at serving larger goals of preserving colonial rule. Finally, the book shows that social welfare projects during the French Empire reflected concerns about race, differential fertility, and migration that continued well after decolonisation.
Fertility, Living Arrangements, Care and Mobility
by Dylan Kneale Ernestina Coast John StillwellMany parts of the world are experiencing rapid demographic restructuring, resulting in an ageing population with increasingly significant work and care pressures on cohorts less able or willing to provide support. This book examines some of the important trends that have underpinned reductions in fertility, including delayed child-bearing and increased childlessness. It demonstrates how relationships between partners have resulted in new living arrangements with changing attitudes from marriage to co-habitation as the social norm, and it considers the health and well-being for particular at risk groups such as the elderly and stepparents as well as aspects of mobility such as household migration and commuting to school. The book brings together a series of studies that all involve quantitative analyses of secondary data from censuses, surveys or administrative records. The trends and patterns reported provide new and interesting insights into behaviour of the household and the roles of adults and children, and point to questions of critical importance for practitioners and policy makers.
Fertility of Immigrants
by Nadja MilewskiThis book examines fertility patterns of post-war labor migrants and their descendants in Germany. It includes an introduction to the post-war migration history of Germany and a thorough review of the international literature on fertility of migrants and cultural sub-groups. The author uses data from the German Socio-economic Panel Study and applies event-history techniques to test a set of competing hypotheses derived from the literature. The analysis finds evidence for the effects of adaptation, socialization and composition, as well as for an interrelation of events. It does not however find evidence for a disruptive influence of migration on childbearing behavior. The book shows the advantages of a longitudinal research design over the conventional cross-sectional approach and sets a new standard for research on the fertility of international migrants and their descendants in western European receiving societies.
Fertility of Malian Tamasheq Repatriated Refuees: The Imapact of Forced Migration
by Sara RandallThe National Academies Press (NAP)--publisher for the National Academies--publishes more than 200 books a year offering the most authoritative views, definitive information, and groundbreaking recommendations on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and health. Our books are unique in that they are authored by the nation's leading experts in every scientific field.
Fertility Rates and Population Decline
by Ann Buchanan Anna RotkirchWhile many worry about population overload, this book highlights the dramatic fall in fertility rates globally exploring questions such as why are parents having fewer babies? Will this lead to population decline? What will be the impact of a world with fewer children and can social policy reverse fertility decline?
The Fertility Transition in Iran
by Meimanat Hosseini-Chavoshi Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi Peter McdonaldConfounding all conventional wisdom, the fertility rate in the Islamic Republic of Iran fell from around 7.0 births per woman in the early 1980s to 1.9 births per woman in 2006. That this, the largest and fastest fall in fertility ever recorded, should have occurred in one of the world's few Islamic Republics demands explanation. This book, based upon a decade of research is the first to attempt such an explanation. The book documents the progress of the fertility decline and displays its association with social and economic characteristics. It addresses an explanation of the phenomenal fall of fertility in this Islamic context by considering the relevance of standard theories of fertility transition. The book is rich in data as well as the application of different demographic methods to interpret the data. All the available national demographic data are used in addition to two major surveys conducted by the authors. Demographic description is preceded by a socio-political history of Iran in recent decades, providing a context for the demographic changes. The authors conclude with their views on the importance of specific socio-economic and political changes to the demographic transition. Their concluding arguments suggest continued low fertility in Iran. The book is recommended to not only demographers, social scientists, and gender specialists, but also to policy makers and those who are interested in social and demographic changes in Iran and other Islamic countries in the Middle East. It is also a useful reference for demography students and researchers who are interested in applying fertility theories in designing surveys and analysing data.
Fertility Transition in the Developing World (SpringerBriefs in Population Studies)
by John Bongaarts Dennis HodgsonThis open access book provides an overview and analysis of the causes and consequences of the massive and highly consequential transition in reproductive behaviour that occurred in Asia, Latin America, and Africa since the mid-20th century. In the 1950s contraceptive use was rare and women typically spend most of their reproductive years bearing and rearing children. By 2020 fertility and contraceptive use in Asia and Latin America reached levels commonly observed in the developed world. Africa’s fertility is still high, but transitions have started in all countries. This monograph is the first to provide a comprehensive analysis of these trends and their determinants, covering changes in reproductive behaviour (e.g., use of contraception and abortion), preferences (e.g., desire to limit and space births) and the role of socioeconomic development (e.g., education). The role of government policies and in particular family planning programs is discussed in depth. Particular attention is given to provide a balanced assessment of several political and scientific controversies that have beset the field. As such this book provides an interesting read for a wide audience of undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and public health policy makers.
Festschrift in Honor of Peter Schmidt
by Robin C. Sickles William C. HorraceFrom Robin Sickles: As I indicated to you some months ago Professor William Horrace and I would like Springer to publish a Festschrift in Honor of Peter Schmidt, our professor. Peter's accomplishments are legendary among his students and the profession. I have a bit of that student perspective in my introductory and closing remarks on the website for the conference we had in his honor this last July. I have attached the conference program from which selected papers will come (as well as from students who were unable to attend). You will also find the names of his students (40) on the website. A top twenty economics department could be started up from those 40 students. Papers from some festschrifts have a thematic link among the papers based on subject material. What I think is unique to this festschrift is that the theme running through the papers will be Peter's remarkable legacy left to his students to frame a problem and then analyze and examine it in depth using rigorous techniques but rarely just for the purpose of showcasing technical refinements per se. I think this would be a book that graduate students would find invaluable in their early research careers and seasoned scholars would find invaluable in both their and their students' research.
Festschrift in Honor of R. Dennis Cook: Fifty Years of Contribution to Statistical Science
by Efstathia Bura Bing LiIn honor of professor and renowned statistician R. Dennis Cook, this festschrift explores his influential contributions to an array of statistical disciplines ranging from experimental design and population genetics, to statistical diagnostics and all areas of regression-related inference and analysis. Since the early 1990s, Prof. Cook has led the development of dimension reduction methodology in three distinct but related regression contexts: envelopes, sufficient dimension reduction (SDR), and regression graphics. In particular, he has made fundamental and pioneering contributions to SDR, inventing or co-inventing many popular dimension reduction methods, such as sliced average variance estimation, the minimum discrepancy approach, model-free variable selection, and sufficient dimension reduction subspaces.A prolific researcher and mentor, Prof. Cook is known for his ability to identify research problems in statistics that are both challenging and important, as well as his deep appreciation for the applied side of statistics. This collection of Prof. Cook's collaborators, colleagues, friends, and former students reflects the broad array of his contributions to the research and instructional arenas of statistics.
Fetal, Infant and Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis: International Workshop, FIFI 2017, and 4th International Workshop, OMIA 2017, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2017, Québec City, QC, Canada, September 14, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10554)
by M. Jorge Cardoso, Tal Arbel, Andrew Melbourne, Hrvoje Bogunovic, Pim Moeskops, Xinjian Chen, Ernst Schwartz, Mona Garvin, Emma Robinson, Emanuele Trucco, Michael Ebner, Yanwu Xu, Antonios Makropoulos, Adrien Desjardin and Tom VercauterenThis book constitutes the refereed joint proceedings of the International Workshop on Fetal and Infant Image Analysis, FIFI 2017, and the 6th International Workshop on Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis, OMIA 2017, held in conjunction with the 20th International Conference on Medical Imaging and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2017, in Québec City, QC, Canada, in September 2017. The 8 full papers presented at FIFI 2017 and the 20 full papers presented at OMIA 2017 were carefully reviewed and selected. The FIFI papers feature research on advanced image analysis approaches focused on the analysis of growth and development in the fetal, infant and paediatric period. The OMIA papers cover various topics in the field of ophthalmic image analysis.
Few Body Dynamics, Efimov Effect and Halo Nuclei (SpringerBriefs in Physics)
by Vidya Sagar Bhasin Indranil MazumdarThis book presents an overview of the different few-body techniques developed in nuclear physics and their applications to explore the structural properties of neutron-rich unstable nuclei, the so-called halo nuclei. Formal theory of two- and three-body scattering are discussed in a compact and abridged form to initiate the beginners who want to investigate the problems of halo nuclei within the framework of three-body models. Readers gain in-depth knowledge about the methods involved to solve the two- and three-body scattering problem and a special focus is put on the Faddeev approach. In this sense, the authors address both the graduate students and senior researchers. Subsequently, a detailed analysis of the Efimov effect in three-body systems is presented and the search for the effect in atomic nuclei, both Borromean and non-Borromean is addressed. The book also presents a detailed account of how to analyze, within the framework of a 3-body approach and using realistic short range forces, the structural properties of halo nuclei. Finally, the authors discuss the recent progress in effective field theory by setting up the integral equations for 3-body scattering and applying it to study low energy scattering of neutrons off halo nuclear targets.
A Few Things I Know About Her: A Personally Machine Learning Inspired Approach to Understand Surrounding Nature (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #219)
by Bruno ApolloniThis book reconsiders key issues, such as description and explanation, which affect data analytics. For starters: the soul does not exist. Once released from this cumbersome roommate, we are left with complex biological systems: namely, ourselves, who must configure their environment in terms of worlds that are compatible with what they sense. Far from supplying yet another cosmogony, the book provides the cultivated reader with computational tools for describing and understanding data arising from his surroundings, such as climate parameters or stock market trends, even the win/defeat story of his son football team. Besides the superposition of the very many universes considered by quantum mechanics, we aim to manage families of worlds that may have generated those data through the key feature of their compatibility. Starting from a sharp engineering of ourselves in term of pairs consisting of genome plus a neuron ensemble, we toss this feature in different cognitive frameworks within a span of exploitations ranging from probability distributions to the latest implementations of machine learning. From the perspective of human society as an ensemble of the above pairs, the book also provides scientific tools for analyzing the benefits and drawbacks of the modern paradigm of the world as a service.
Feynman Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Physics
by Lukong Cornelius FaiThis book provides an ideal introduction to the use of Feynman path integrals in the fields of quantum mechanics and statistical physics. It is written for graduate students and researchers in physics, mathematical physics, applied mathematics as well as chemistry. The material is presented in an accessible manner for readers with little knowledge of quantum mechanics and no prior exposure to path integrals. It begins with elementary concepts and a review of quantum mechanics that gradually builds the framework for the Feynman path integrals and how they are applied to problems in quantum mechanics and statistical physics. Problem sets throughout the book allow readers to test their understanding and reinforce the explanations of the theory in real situations.Features: Comprehensive and rigorous yet, presents an easy-to-understand approach. Applicable to a wide range of disciplines. Accessible to those with little, or basic, mathematical understanding.
Feynman's Rainbow: A Search for Beauty in Physics and in Life
by Leonard MlodinowAcademic scientist turned Hollywood screen writer, Mlodinow recounts his first year on the faculty at California Technical Institute, beginning in winter 1981, and his interactions there with renowned physicist Richard Feynman during his last years. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Fiber Bundles: Statistical Models and Applications
by James U. Gleaton David Han James D. Lynch Hon Keung Ng Fabrizio RuggeriThis book presents a critical overview of statistical fiber bundle models, including existing models and potential new ones. The authors focus on both the physical and statistical aspects of a specific load-sharing example: the breakdown for circuits of capacitors and related dielectrics. In addition, they investigate some areas of open research.This book is designed for graduate students and researchers in statistics, materials science, engineering, physics, and related fields, as well as practitioners and technicians in materials science and mechanical engineering.
Fibonacci and Catalan Numbers
by Ralph GrimaldiDiscover the properties and real-world applications of the Fibonacci and the Catalan numbersWith clear explanations and easy-to-follow examples, Fibonacci and Catalan Numbers: An Introduction offers a fascinating overview of these topics that is accessible to a broad range of readers.Beginning with a historical development of each topic, the book guides readers through the essential properties of the Fibonacci numbers, offering many introductory-level examples. The author explains the relationship of the Fibonacci numbers to compositions and palindromes, tilings, graph theory, and the Lucas numbers.The book proceeds to explore the Catalan numbers, with the author drawing from their history to provide a solid foundation of the underlying properties. The relationship of the Catalan numbers to various concepts is then presented in examples dealing with partial orders, total orders, topological sorting, graph theory, rooted-ordered binary trees, pattern avoidance, and the Narayana numbers.The book features various aids and insights that allow readers to develop a complete understanding of the presented topics, including:Real-world examples that demonstrate the application of the Fibonacci and the Catalan numbers to such fields as sports, botany, chemistry, physics, and computer scienceMore than 300 exercises that enable readers to explore many of the presented examples in greater depthIllustrations that clarify and simplify the conceptsFibonacci and Catalan Numbers is an excellent book for courses on discrete mathematics, combinatorics, and number theory, especially at the undergraduate level. Undergraduates will find the book to be an excellent source for independent study, as well as a source of topics for research. Further, a great deal of the material can also be used for enrichment in high school courses.
Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers with Applications (Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley Series of Texts, Monographs and Tract #51)
by Thomas KoshyVolume II provides an advanced approach to the extended gibonacci family, which includes Fibonacci, Lucas, Pell, Pell-Lucas, Jacobsthal, Jacobsthal-Lucas, Vieta, Vieta-Lucas, and Chebyshev polynomials of both kinds. This volume offers a uniquely unified, extensive, and historical approach that will appeal to both students and professional mathematicians. As in Volume I, Volume II focuses on problem-solving techniques such as pattern recognition; conjecturing; proof-techniques, and applications. It offers a wealth of delightful opportunities to explore and experiment, as well as plentiful material for group discussions, seminars, presentations, and collaboration.In addition, the material covered in this book promotes intellectual curiosity, creativity, and ingenuity. Volume II features: A wealth of examples, applications, and exercises of varying degrees of difficulty and sophistication. Numerous combinatorial and graph-theoretic proofs and techniques. A uniquely thorough discussion of gibonacci subfamilies, and the fascinating relationships that link them. Examples of the beauty, power, and ubiquity of the extended gibonacci family. An introduction to tribonacci polynomials and numbers, and their combinatorial and graph-theoretic models. Abbreviated solutions provided for all odd-numbered exercises. Extensive references for further study. This volume will be a valuable resource for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students, as well as for independent study projects, undergraduate and graduate theses. It is the most comprehensive work available, a welcome addition for gibonacci enthusiasts in computer science, electrical engineering, and physics, as well as for creative and curious amateurs.