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Finite Element Analysis
by M Moatamedi Hassan A. KhawajaFinite element analysis has become the most popular technique for studying engineering structures in detail. It is particularly useful whenever the complexity of the geometry or of the loading is such that alternative methods are inappropriate. The finite element method is based on the premise that a complex structure can be broken down into finitely many smaller pieces (elements), the behaviour of each of which is known or can be postulated. These elements might then be assembled in some sense to model the behaviour of the structure. Intuitively this premise seems reasonable, but there are many important questions that need to be answered. In order to answer them it is necessary to apply a degree of mathematical rigour to the development of finite element techniques. The approach that will be taken in this book is to develop the fundamental ideas and methodologies based on an intuitive engineering approach, and then to support them with appropriate mathematical proofs where necessary. It will rapidly become clear that the finite element method is an extremely powerful tool for the analysis of structures (and for other field problems), but that the volume of calculations required to solve all but the most trivial of them is such that the assistance of a computer is necessary. As stated above, many questions arise concerning finite element analysis. Some of these questions are associated with the fundamental mathematical formulations, some with numerical solution techniques, and others with the practical application of the method. In order to answer these questions, the engineer/analyst needs to understand both the nature and limitations of the finite element approximation and the fundamental behaviour of the structure. Misapplication of finite element analysis programs is most likely to arise when the analyst is ignorant of engineering phenomena.
Finite Element Analysis for Biomedical Engineering Applications
by Z. C. YangFinite element analysis has been widely applied to study biomedical problems. This book aims to simulate some common medical problems using finite element advanced technologies, which establish a base for medical researchers to conduct further investigations. This book consists of four main parts: (1) bone, (2) soft tissues, (3) joints, and (4) implants. Each part starts with the structure and function of the biology and then follows the corresponding finite element advanced features, such as anisotropic nonlinear material, multidimensional interpolation, XFEM, fiber enhancement, UserHyper, porous media, wear, and crack growth fatigue analysis. The final section presents some specific biomedical problems, such as abdominal aortic aneurysm, intervertebral disc, head impact, knee contact, and SMA cardiovascular stent. All modeling files are attached in the appendixes of the book. This book will be helpful to graduate students and researchers in the biomedical field who engage in simulations of biomedical problems. The book also provides all readers with a better understanding of current advanced finite element technologies. Details finite element modeling of bone, soft tissues, joints, and implants Presents advanced finite element technologies, such as fiber enhancement, porous media, wear, and crack growth fatigue analysis Discusses specific biomedical problems, such as abdominal aortic aneurysm, intervertebral disc, head impact, knee contact, and SMA cardiovascular stent Explains principles for modeling biology Provides various descriptive modeling files
Finite Element Analysis of Composite Materials using Abaqus® (Composite Materials)
by Ever J. BarberoDeveloped from the author’s course on advanced mechanics of composite materials, Finite Element Analysis of Composite Materials with Abaqus® shows how powerful finite element tools tackle practical problems in the structural analysis of composites. This Second Edition includes two new chapters on "Fatigue" and "Abaqus Programmable Features" as well as a major update of chapter 10 "Delaminations" and significant updates throughout the remaining chapters. Furthermore, it updates all examples, sample code, and problems to Abaqus 2020. Unlike other texts, this one takes theory to a hands-on level by actually solving problems. It explains the concepts involved in the detailed analysis of composites, the mechanics needed to translate those concepts into a mathematical representation of the physical reality, and the solution of the resulting boundary value problems using Abaqus. The reader can follow a process to recreate every example using Abaqus graphical user interface (CAE) by following step-by-step directions in the form of pseudo-code or watching the solutions on YouTube. The first seven chapters provide material ideal for a one-semester course. Along with offering an introduction to finite element analysis for readers without prior knowledge of the finite element method, these chapters cover the elasticity and strength of laminates, buckling analysis, free edge stresses, computational micromechanics, and viscoelastic models for composites. Emphasizing hereditary phenomena, the book goes on to discuss continuum and discrete damage mechanics as well as delaminations and fatigue. The text also shows readers how to extend the capabilities of Abaqus via "user subroutines" and Python scripting. Aimed at advanced students and professional engineers, this textbook features 62 fully developed examples interspersed with the theory, 82 end-of-chapter exercises, and 50+ separate pieces of Abaqus pseudo-code that illustrate the solution of example problems. The author’s website offers the relevant Abaqus and MATLAB model files available for download, enabling readers to easily reproduce the examples and complete the exercises. Video recording of solutions to examples are available on YouTube with multilingual captions.
Finite Element Analysis of Composite Materials Using ANSYS
by Ever J. BarberoDesigning structures using composite materials poses unique challenges, especially due to the need for concurrent design of both material and structure. Students are faced with two options: textbooks that teach the theory of advanced mechanics of composites, but lack computational examples of advanced analysis, and books on finite element analysis
Finite Element Analysis of Rotating Beams
by Ranjan GanguliThis book addresses the solution of rotating beam free-vibration problems using the finite element method. It provides an introduction to the governing equation of a rotating beam, before outlining the solution procedures using Rayleigh-Ritz, Galerkin and finite element methods. The possibility of improving the convergence of finite element methods through a judicious selection of interpolation functions, which are closer to the problem physics, is also addressed. The book offers a valuable guide for students and researchers working on rotating beam problems - important engineering structures used in helicopter rotors, wind turbines, gas turbines, steam turbines and propellers - and their applications. It can also be used as a textbook for specialized graduate and professional courses on advanced applications of finite element analysis.
Finite Element Analysis of Structures through Unified Formulation
by Marco Petrolo Enrico Zappino Maria Cinefra Erasmo CarreraThe finite element method (FEM) is a computational tool widely used to design and analyse complex structures. Currently, there are a number of different approaches to analysis using the FEM that vary according to the type of structure being analysed: beams and plates may use 1D or 2D approaches, shells and solids 2D or 3D approaches, and methods that work for one structure are typically not optimized to work for another. Finite Element Analysis of Structures Through Unified Formulation deals with the FEM used for the analysis of the mechanics of structures in the case of linear elasticity. The novelty of this book is that the finite elements (FEs) are formulated on the basis of a class of theories of structures known as the Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF). It formulates 1D, 2D and 3D FEs on the basis of the same 'fundamental nucleus' that comes from geometrical relations and Hooke's law, and presents both 1D and 2D refined FEs that only have displacement variables as in 3D elements. It also covers 1D and 2D FEs that make use of 'real' physical surfaces rather than 'artificial' mathematical surfaces which are difficult to interface in CAD/CAE software. Key features: Covers how the refined formulation can be easily and conveniently used to analyse laminated structures, such as sandwich and composite structures, and to deal with multifield problems Shows the performance of different FE models through the 'best theory diagram' which allows different models to be compared in terms of accuracy and computational cost Introduces an axiomatic/asymptotic approach that reduces the computational cost of the structural analysis without affecting the accuracy Introduces an innovative 'component-wise' approach to deal with complex structures Accompanied by a website hosting the dedicated software package MUL2 (www.mul2.com) Finite Element Analysis of Structures Through Unified Formulation is a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners, and is also a useful source of information for graduate students in civil, mechanical and aerospace engineering.
Finite Element and Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Transient Wave Equations
by Gary Cohen Sébastien PernetThis monograph presents numerical methods for solving transient wave equations (i. e. in time domain). More precisely, it provides an overview of continuous and discontinuous finite element methods for these equations, including their implementation in physical models, an extensive description of 2D and 3D elements with different shapes, such as prisms or pyramids, an analysis of the accuracy of the methods and the study of the Maxwell's system and the important problem of its spurious free approximations. After recalling the classical models, i. e. acoustics, linear elastodynamics and electromagnetism and their variational formulations, the authors present a wide variety of finite elements of different shapes useful for the numerical resolution of wave equations. Then, they focus on the construction of efficient continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods and study their accuracy by plane wave techniques and a priori error estimates. A chapter is devoted to the Maxwell's system and the important problem of its spurious-free approximations. Treatment of unbounded domains by Absorbing Boundary Conditions (ABC) and Perfectly Matched Layers (PML) is described and analyzed in a separate chapter. The two last chapters deal with time approximation including local time-stepping and with the study of some complex models, i. e. acoustics in flow, gravity waves and vibrating thin plates. Throughout, emphasis is put on the accuracy and computational efficiency of the methods, with attention brought to their practical aspects. This monograph also covers in details the theoretical foundations and numerical analysis of these methods. As a result, this monograph will be of interest to practitioners, researchers, engineers and graduate students involved in the numerical simulation of waves.
Finite Element and Reduced Dimension Methods for Partial Differential Equations
by Zhendong LuoThis book aims to provide with some approaches for lessening the unknowns of the FE methods of unsteady PDEs. It provides a very detailed theoretical foundation of finite element (FE) and mixed finite element (MFE) methods in the first 2 chapters, and then Chapter 3 provides the FE and MFE methods to solve unsteady partial differential equations (PDEs). In the following 2 chapters, the principle and application of two proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) methods are introduced in detail. This book can be used as both the introduction of FE method and the gateway to the FE frontier. For readers who want to learn the FE and MFE methods for solving various steady and unsteady PDEs, they will find the first 3 chapters very helpful. While those who care about engineering applications may jump to the last 2 chapters that introduce the construction of dimension reduction models and their applications to practical process calculations. This part could help them to improve the calculation efficiency and save CPU runtime so as to do wonders for their engineering calculations.
A Finite Element Approach for Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids (Lecture Notes on Numerical Methods in Engineering and Sciences)
by Arkadiusz ŻakThis book focuses on wave propagation phenomena in elastic solids modelled by the use of the finite element method. Although the latter is a well-established and popular numerical tool used by engineers and researchers all around the word the process of modelling of wave propagation can still be a challenge. The book introduces a reader to the problem by presenting a historical background and offering a broad perspective on the development of modern science and numerical methods. The principles of wave phenomena are clearly presented to the reader as well as the necessary background for understanding the finite element method, which is the following chapter of the book is viewed from the modeller point-of-view. Apart from the principles the book also addresses more advanced topics and problems including the use of the spectral-finite element method, the spline-based finite element method as well as the problems of undesired and hidden properties of discrete numerical models.
Finite Element Approximation of Boundary Value Problems (Compact Textbooks in Mathematics)
by Franz ChoulyThis textbook provides an accessible introduction to the mathematical foundations of the finite element method for a broad audience. The author accomplishes this, in part, by including numerous exercises and illustrations. Each chapter begins with a clear outline to help make complex concepts more approachable without sacrificing depth. Structurally, the book begins with the simplest type of finite element method: low order, piecewise continuous, Lagrange finite elements. With this, crucial questions about the stability and approximation errors are answered. Of particular note is the author’s coverage of two specific topics that often go overlooked in introductory material. The first is the numerical treatment of boundary conditions, especially the Nitsche technique. The second is a detailed explanation of the discretization error using specific techniques of a posteriori error estimation. With the book’s compact yet thorough treatment of these areas, readers will have a clear understanding of how mathematical analysis tools can be used in practice. Finite Element Approximation of Boundary Value Problems will be suitable as a supplementary textbook in applied mathematics courses for graduate students, and may also be used for self-study.
The Finite Element Method: Theory, Implementation, and Applications
by Fredrik Bengzon Mats G. LarsonThis book gives an introduction to the finite element method as a general computational method for solving partial differential equations approximately. Our approach is mathematical in nature with a strong focus on the underlying mathematical principles, such as approximation properties of piecewise polynomial spaces, and variational formulations of partial differential equations, but with a minimum level of advanced mathematical machinery from functional analysis and partial differential equations. In principle, the material should be accessible to students with only knowledge of calculus of several variables, basic partial differential equations, and linear algebra, as the necessary concepts from more advanced analysis are introduced when needed. Throughout the text we emphasize implementation of the involved algorithms, and have therefore mixed mathematical theory with concrete computer code using the numerical software MATLAB is and its PDE-Toolbox. We have also had the ambition to cover some of the most important applications of finite elements and the basic finite element methods developed for those applications, including diffusion and transport phenomena, solid and fluid mechanics, and also electromagnetics.
The Finite Element Method: A Primer
by Jacobo BielakThis textbook introduces the widely used numerical technique FEM in various engineering disciplines for the analysis of structures, heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and other physical phenomena. Appropriate for interested senior undergraduate engineering students and beginner graduate students in a one-semester introductory course, this book provides a clear understanding of the main issues in FEM. Looking at the FEM as a variational approximation method that uses localized piecewise polynomial basis functions for the solution of boundary-value problems (BVP) and initial boundary-value problems (IBVP), the book uses examples to apply this technique to various problems of physical interest, e.g., elasticity, heat conduction, advection-diffusion, etc. One-dimensional (1D) problems are presented first to make it easier to grasp the fundamental concepts associated with the formulation and application of the FEM; then, the methodology is extended to more challenging 2D and 3D problems that involve somewhat greater mathematical complexity. For simplicity, the book deals with problems that are specified in terms of a single set of state variables, such as displacements or temperature. Finally, due to the introductory nature of this text, only linear problems are considered.
The Finite Element Method: From Theory to Practice
by Patrick Ciarlet Eric LunevilleThe finite element method, which emerged in the 1950s to deal with structural mechanics problems, has since undergone continuous development. Using partial differential equation models, it is now present in such fields of application as mechanics, physics, chemistry, economics, finance and biology. It is also used in most scientific computing software, and many engineers become adept at using it in their modeling and numerical simulation activities. This book presents all the essential elements of the finite element method in a progressive and didactic way: the theoretical foundations, practical considerations of implementation, algorithms, as well as numerical illustrations created in MATLAB. Original exercises with detailed answers are provided at the end of each chapter.
Finite Element Method (Wiley-iste Ser.)
by Gouri Dhatt Emmanuel Lefrançois Gilbert TouzotThis book offers an in-depth presentation of the finite element method, aimed at engineers, students and researchers in applied sciences.The description of the method is presented in such a way as to be usable in any domain of application. The level of mathematical expertise required is limited to differential and matrix calculus.The various stages necessary for the implementation of the method are clearly identified, with a chapter given over to each one: approximation, construction of the integral forms, matrix organization, solution of the algebraic systems and architecture of programs. The final chapter lays the foundations for a general program, written in Matlab, which can be used to solve problems that are linear or otherwise, stationary or transient, presented in relation to applications stemming from the domains of structural mechanics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer.
Finite Element Method: Applications in Solids, Structures, and Heat Transfer (Mechanical Engineering)
by Michael R. GoszThe finite element method (FEM) is the dominant tool for numerical analysis in engineering, yet many engineers apply it without fully understanding all the principles. Learning the method can be challenging, but Mike Gosz has condensed the basic mathematics, concepts, and applications into a simple and easy-to-understand reference.Finite Element Method: Applications in Solids, Structures, and Heat Transfer navigates through linear, linear dynamic, and nonlinear finite elements with an emphasis on building confidence and familiarity with the method, not just the procedures. This book demystifies the assumptions made, the boundary conditions chosen, and whether or not proper failure criteria are used. It reviews the basic math underlying FEM, including matrix algebra, the Taylor series expansion and divergence theorem, vectors, tensors, and mechanics of continuous media.The author discusses applications to problems in solid mechanics, the steady-state heat equation, continuum and structural finite elements, linear transient analysis, small-strain plasticity, and geometrically nonlinear problems. He illustrates the material with 10 case studies, which define the problem, consider appropriate solution strategies, and warn against common pitfalls. Additionally, 35 interactive virtual reality modeling language files are available for download from the CRC Web site.For anyone first studying FEM or for those who simply wish to deepen their understanding, Finite Element Method: Applications in Solids, Structures, and Heat Transfer is the perfect resource.
The Finite Element Method: Fundamentals and Applications in Civil, Hydraulic, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
by ZhuA comprehensive review of the Finite Element Method (FEM), this book provides the fundamentals together with a wide range of applications in civil, mechanical and aeronautical engineering. It addresses both the theoretical and numerical implementation aspects of the FEM, providing examples in several important topics such as solid mechanics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer, appealing to a wide range of engineering disciplines. Written by a renowned author and academician with the Chinese Academy of Engineering, The Finite Element Method would appeal to researchers looking to understand how the fundamentals of the FEM can be applied in other disciplines. Researchers and graduate students studying hydraulic, mechanical and civil engineering will find it a practical reference text.
Finite Element Method Analysis for Ice Class Vessels (Synthesis Lectures on Ocean Systems Engineering)
by Alexander Arnfinn OlsenThis book provides ship designers with clear guidance on alternative design procedures for hull side structures, power requirements, and propeller strength assessment based on the Finite Element Method for Baltic Ice Class Vessels. Through this comprehensive guide, readers will learn the intricacies of designing vessels capable of navigating the harsh ice conditions of the Baltic Sea. The chapters cover topics such as ice strengthening designs using direct calculation approaches, power requirement calculations for ice class vessels, and strength analysis of propellers. The authors present an expert analysis of these critical aspects, offering practical solutions and methodologies that are essential for marine engineers and naval architects. This book is a must-read for anyone involved in the design and construction of ice-class vessels, providing invaluable insights into the latest research and best practices in the field. This guide is indispensable for naval architects, marine engineering students, marine surveyors, and professionals working in maritime defense and shipping registries. It serves as a reference for academics and students in marine design and engineering, as well as a textbook for marine engineering courses. With contributions from experienced practitioners in the field, this book offers both theoretical perspectives and practical case studies that will benefit anyone involved in the design and operation of ice-class vessels.
The Finite Element Method and Applications in Engineering Using ANSYS®
by Ibrahim Guven Erdogan MadenciThis textbook offers theoretical and practical knowledge of the finite element method. The book equips readers with the skills required to analyze engineering problems using ANSYS®, a commercially available FEA program. Revised and updated, this new edition presents the most current ANSYS® commands and ANSYS® screen shots, as well as modeling steps for each example problem. This self-contained, introductory text minimizes the need for additional reference material by covering both the fundamental topics in finite element methods and advanced topics concerning modeling and analysis. It focuses on the use of ANSYS® through both the Graphics User Interface (GUI) and the ANSYS® Parametric Design Language (APDL). Extensive examples from a range of engineering disciplines are presented in a straightforward, step-by-step fashion. Key topics include: * An introduction to FEM * Fundamentals and analysis capabilities of ANSYS® * Fundamentals of discretization and approximation functions * Modeling techniques and mesh generation in ANSYS® * Weighted residuals and minimum potential energy * Development of macro files * Linear structural analysis * Heat transfer and moisture diffusion * Nonlinear structural problems * Advanced subjects such as submodeling, substructuring, interaction with external files, and modification of ANSYS®-GUI Supplementary materials for this book may be downloaded from http://extras. springer. com. This convenient online feature, which includes color figures, screen shots and input files for sample problems, allows for regeneration on the reader's own computer. Students, researchers, and practitioners alike will find this an essential guide to predicting and simulating the physical behavior of complex engineering systems.
The Finite Element Method with Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Applications
by Erian A. BaskharoneIntended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, the first four chapters of this book are devoted to the introduction of the finite element concept. The focus then covers two essential areas - heat transfer and fluid mechanics: topics with different finite element formulations. Heat transfer applications begin with the classical one-dimensional thin-rod problem, followed by the two-dimensional heat transfer problem including a variety of boundary conditions. Finally, a complicated-geometry three-dimensional problem, involving a cooled radial turbine rotor, is presented, with the cooling passages treated as 'heat sinks' in the finite element analysis. For fluid mechanics, the concept of 'nodeless' degrees of freedom is introduced, with real-life fluid-flow applications. The time-dependent finite-element analysis topic is addressed through the problem of unsteady stator/rotor flow interaction within a turbomachinery stage. Finally, the concept of 'virtually-deformable finite elements', as it relates to the problem of fluid-induced vibration, is explained in detail with many practical applications.
Finite Element Methods: Superconvergence, Post-Processing, and A Posterior Estimates (Lecture Notes In Pure And Applied Mathematics Ser.)
by M. Křížek P. Neittaanmäki R. Stenberg""Based on the proceedings of the first conference on superconvergence held recently at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. Presents reviewed papers focusing on superconvergence phenomena in the finite element method. Surveys for the first time all known superconvergence techniques, including their proofs.
finite element methods: fifty years of the Courant element (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
by M. Křížek P. Neittaanmäki R. StenbergThese proceedings originated from a conference commemorating the 50th anniversary of the publication of Richard Courant's seminal paper, Variational Methods for Problems of Equilibrium and Vibration. These papers address fundamental questions in numerical analysis and the special problems that occur in applying the finite element method to various
Finite Element Methods: Parallel-Sparse Statics and Eigen-Solutions
by Duc Thai NguyenThis new edition includes three new chapters, 7 through 9, that have very broad, practical applications in engineering and science. In addition, the author’s latest research results incorporated into the new textbook demonstrates better performance than the popular METIS software for partitioning graphs, partitioning finite element meshes, and producing fill-reducing orderings for sparse matrices. The new Chapter 8, and its pre-requisite, Chapter 7, present a state-of-the-art algorithm for computing the shortest paths for real-life (large-scale) transportation networks with minimum computational time. This approach has not yet appeared in any existing textbooks and it could open the doors for other transportation engineering applications. Chapter 9 vastly expands the scope of the previous edition by including sensitivity (gradient) computation and MATLAB’s built-in function “fmincon” for obtaining the optimum (or best) solution for general engineering problems.
Finite Element Methods
by Jonathan WhiteleyThis book presents practical applications of the finite element method to general differential equations. The underlying strategy of deriving the finite element solution is introduced using linear ordinary differential equations, thus allowing the basic concepts of the finite element solution to be introduced without being obscured by the additional mathematical detail required when applying this technique to partial differential equations. The author generalizes the presented approach to partial differential equations which include nonlinearities. The book also includes variations of the finite element method such as different classes of meshes and basic functions. Practical application of the theory is emphasised, with development of all concepts leading ultimately to a description of their computational implementation illustrated using Matlab functions. The target audience primarily comprises applied researchers and practitioners in engineering, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students.
Finite Element Methods for Eigenvalue Problems (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics)
by Jiguang Sun Aihui ZhouThis book covers finite element methods for several typical eigenvalues that arise from science and engineering. Both theory and implementation are covered in depth at the graduate level. The background for typical eigenvalue problems is included along with functional analysis tools, finite element discretization methods, convergence analysis, techniques for matrix evaluation problems, and computer implementation. The book also presents new methods, such as the discontinuous Galerkin method, and new problems, such as the transmission eigenvalue problem.
Finite Element Methods for Incompressible Flow Problems
by Volker JohnThis book explores finite element methods for incompressible flow problems: Stokes equations, stationary Navier-Stokes equations and time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations. It focuses on numerical analysis, but also discusses the practical use of these methods and includes numerical illustrations. It also provides a comprehensive overview of analytical results for turbulence models. The proofs are presented step by step, allowing readers to more easily understand the analytical techniques.