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First Complex Systems Digital Campus World E-Conference 2015
by Paul Bourgine Pierre Collet Pierre ParrendThis book contains the proceedings as well as invited papers for the first annual conference of the UNESCO Unitwin Complex System Digital Campus (CSDC), which is an international initiative gathering 120 Universities on four continents, and structured in ten E-Departments. First Complex Systems Digital Campus World E-Conference 2015 features chapters from the latest research results on theoretical questions of complex systems and their experimental domains. The content contained bridges the gap between the individual and the collective within complex systems science and new integrative sciences on topics such as: genes to organisms to ecosystems, atoms to materials to products, and digital media to the Internet. The conference breaks new ground through a dedicated video-conferencing system - a concept at the heart of the international UNESCO UniTwin, embracing scientists from low-income and distant countries. This book promotes an integrated system of research, education, and training. It also aims at contributing to global development by taking into account its social, economic, and cultural dimensions. First Complex Systems Digital Campus World E-Conference 2015 will appeal to students and researchers working in the fields of complex systems, statistical physics, computational intelligence, and biological physics.
A First Course in Abstract Algebra: Rings, Groups, and Fields, Third Edition
by Marlow Anderson Todd FeilLike its popular predecessors, this text develops ring theory first by drawing on students' familiarity with integers and polynomials. This unique approach motivates students in studying abstract algebra and helps them understand the power of abstraction. This edition makes it easier to teach unique factorization as an optional topic and reorganizes the core material on rings, integral domains, and fields. Along with new exercises on Galois theory, it also includes a more detailed treatment of permutations as well as new chapters on Sylow theorems.
A First Course in Analysis (Cambridge Mathematical Textbooks)
by John B. ConwayThis rigorous textbook is intended for a year-long analysis or advanced calculus course for advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate students. Starting with detailed, slow-paced proofs that allow students to acquire facility in reading and writing proofs, it clearly and concisely explains the basics of differentiation and integration of functions of one and several variables, and covers the theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes. Minimal prerequisites are assumed, and relevant linear algebra topics are reviewed right before they are needed, making the material accessible to students from diverse backgrounds. Abstract topics are preceded by concrete examples to facilitate understanding, for example, before introducing differential forms, the text examines low-dimensional examples. The meaning and importance of results are thoroughly discussed, and numerous exercises of varying difficulty give students ample opportunity to test and improve their knowledge of this difficult yet vital subject.
A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods (Springer Texts in Statistics)
by Peter Hoff<p>1. A self-contained introduction to probability, exchangeability and Bayes’ rule provides a theoretical understanding of the applied material. <p>2. Numerous examples with R-code that can be run "as-is" allow the reader to perform the data analyses themselves. <p>3. The development of Monte Carlo and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods in the context of data analysis examples provides motivation for these computational methods.</p>
A First Course in Boundary Element Methods (Mathematical Engineering)
by Steven L. Crouch Sofia G. MogilevskayaThis textbook delves into the theory and practical application of boundary integral equation techniques, focusing on their numerical solution for boundary value problems within potential theory and linear elasticity. Drawing parallels between single and double layer potentials in potential theory and their counterparts in elasticity, the book introduces various numerical procedures, namely boundary element methods, where unknown quantities reside on the boundaries of the region of interest. Through the approximation of boundary value problems into systems of algebraic equations, solvable by standard numerical methods, the text elucidates both indirect and direct approaches. While indirect methods involve single or double layer potentials separately, yielding physically ambiguous results, direct methods combine potentials using Green’s or Somigliana’s formulas, providing physically meaningful solutions. Tailored for beginning graduate students, this self-contained textbook offers detailed analytical and numerical derivations for isotropic and anisotropic materials, prioritizing simplicity in presentation while progressively advancing towards more intricate mathematical concepts, particularly focusing on two-dimensional problems within potential theory and linear elasticity.
A First Course in Category Theory (Universitext)
by Ana AgoreThis textbook provides a first introduction to category theory, a powerful framework and tool for understanding mathematical structures. Designed for students with no previous knowledge of the subject, this book offers a gentle approach to mastering its fundamental principles.Unlike traditional category theory books, which can often be overwhelming for beginners, this book has been carefully crafted to offer a clear and concise introduction to the subject. It covers all the essential topics, including categories, functors, natural transformations, duality, equivalence, (co)limits, and adjunctions. Abundant fully-worked examples guide readers in understanding the core concepts, while complete proofs and instructive exercises reinforce comprehension and promote self-study. The author also provides background material and references, making the book suitable for those with a basic understanding of groups, rings, modules, topological spaces, and set theory.Based on the author's course at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the book is perfectly suited for classroom use in a first introductory course in category theory. Its clear and concise style, coupled with its detailed coverage of key concepts, makes it equally suited for self-study.
A First Course in Causal Inference (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)
by Peng DingThe past decade has witnessed an explosion of interest in research and education in causal inference, due to its wide applications in biomedical research, social sciences, artificial intelligence etc. This textbook, based on the author's course on causal inference at UC Berkeley taught over the past seven years, only requires basic knowledge of probability theory, statistical inference, and linear and logistic regressions. It assumes minimal knowledge of causal inference, and reviews basic probability and statistics in the appendix. It covers causal inference from a statistical perspective and includes examples and applications from biostatistics and econometrics.Key Features: All R code and data sets available at Harvard Dataverse. Solutions manual available for instructors. Includes over 100 exercises. This book is suitable for an advanced undergraduate or graduate-level course on causal inference, or postgraduate and PhD-level course in statistics and biostatistics departments.
A First Course in Chaotic Dynamical Systems: Theory And Experiment
by Robert L. DevaneyA First Course in Chaotic Dynamical Systems: Theory and Experiment is the first book to introduce modern topics in dynamical systems at the undergraduate level. <P><P>Accessible to readers with only a background in calculus, the book integrates both theory and computer experiments into its coverage of contemporary ideas in dynamics. It is designed as a gradual introduction to the basic mathematical ideas behind such topics as chaos, fractals, Newton's method, symbolic dynamics, the Julia set, and the Mandelbrot set, and includes biographies of some of the leading researchers in the field of dynamical systems. Mathematical and computer experiments are integrated throughout the text to help illustrate the meaning of the theorems presented. Chaotic Dynamical Systems Software, Labs 1-6 is a supplementary laboratory software package, available separately, that allows a more intuitive understanding of the mathematics behind dynamical systems theory. Combined with A First Course in Chaotic Dynamical Systems, it leads to a rich understanding of this emerging field.
A First Course In Chaotic Dynamical Systems: Theory And Experiment (Studies In Nonlinearity Ser.)
by Robert L. DevaneyA First Course in Chaotic Dynamical Systems: Theory and Experiment is the first book to introduce modern topics in dynamical systems at the undergraduate level. Accessible to readers with only a background in calculus, the book integrates both theory and computer experiments into its coverage of contemporary ideas in dynamics. It is designed as a gradual introduction to the basic mathematical ideas behind such topics as chaos, fractals, Newton's method, symbolic dynamics, the Julia set, and the Mandelbrot set, and includes biographies of some of the leading researchers in the field of dynamical systems. Mathematical and computer experiments are integrated throughout the text to help illustrate the meaning of the theorems presented. Chaotic Dynamical Systems Software, Labs 1-6 is a supplementary labouratory software package, available separately, that allows a more intuitive understanding of the mathematics behind dynamical systems theory. Combined with A First Course in Chaotic Dynamical Systems , it leads to a rich understanding of this emerging field.
A First Course In Chaotic Dynamical Systems: Theory And Experiment
by Robert L. DevaneyA First Course in Chaotic Dynamical Systems: Theory and Experiment, Second Edition The long-anticipated revision of this well-liked textbook offers many new additions. In the twenty-five years since the original version of this book was published, much has happened in dynamical systems. Mandelbrot and Julia sets were barely ten years old when the first edition appeared, and most of the research involving these objects then centered around iterations of quadratic functions. This research has expanded to include all sorts of different types of functions, including higher-degree polynomials, rational maps, exponential and trigonometric functions, and many others. Several new sections in this edition are devoted to these topics. The area of dynamical systems covered in A First Course in Chaotic Dynamical Systems: Theory and Experiment, Second Edition is quite accessible to students and also offers a wide variety of interesting open questions for students at the undergraduate level to pursue. The only prerequisite for students is a one-year calculus course (no differential equations required); students will easily be exposed to many interesting areas of current research. This course can also serve as a bridge between the low-level, often non-rigorous calculus courses, and the more demanding higher-level mathematics courses. Features More extensive coverage of fractals, including objects like the Sierpinski carpet and othersthat appear as Julia sets in the later sections on complex dynamics, as well as an actualchaos "game." More detailed coverage of complex dynamical systems like the quadratic familyand the exponential maps. New sections on other complex dynamical systems like rational maps. A number of new and expanded computer experiments for students to perform. About the Author Robert L. Devaney is currently professor of mathematics at Boston University. He received his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley under the direction of Stephen Smale. He taught at Northwestern University and Tufts University before coming to Boston University in 1980. His main area of research is dynamical systems, primarily complex analytic dynamics, but also including more general ideas about chaotic dynamical systems. Lately, he has become intrigued with the incredibly rich topological aspects of dynamics, including such things as indecomposable continua, Sierpinski curves, and Cantor bouquets.
A First Course in Computational Algebraic Geometry
by Wolfram Decker Gerhard PfisterA First Course in Computational Algebraic Geometry is designed for young students with some background in algebra who wish to perform their first experiments in computational geometry. Originating from a course taught at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, the book gives a compact presentation of the basic theory, with particular emphasis on explicit computational examples using the freely available computer algebra system, Singular. Readers will quickly gain the confidence to begin performing their own experiments.
A First Course in Differential Equations (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
by J. David LoganThe third edition of this concise, popular textbook on elementary differential equations gives instructors an alternative to the many voluminous texts on the market. It presents a thorough treatment of the standard topics in an accessible, easy-to-read, format. The overarching perspective of the text conveys that differential equations are about applications. This book illuminates the mathematical theory in the text with a wide variety of applications that will appeal to students in physics, engineering, the biosciences, economics and mathematics. Instructors are likely to find that the first four or five chapters are suitable for a first course in the subject. This edition contains a healthy increase over earlier editions in the number of worked examples and exercises, particularly those routine in nature. Two appendices include a review with practice problems, and a MATLAB® supplement that gives basic codes and commands for solving differential equations. MATLAB® is not required; students are encouraged to utilize available software to plot many of their solutions. Solutions to even-numbered problems are available on springer. com. From the reviews of the second edition: "The coverage of linear systems in the plane is nicely detailed and illustrated. . . . Simple numerical methods are illustrated and the use of Maple and MATLAB is encouraged. . . . select Dave Logan's new and improved text for my course. " --Robert E. O'Malley, Jr. , SIAM Review, Vol. 53 (2), 2011 "Aims to provide material for a one-semester course that emphasizes the basic ideas, solution methods, and an introduction to modeling. . . . The book that results offers a concise introduction to the subject for students of mathematics, science and engineering who have completed the introductory calculus sequence. . . . This book is worth a careful look as a candidate text for the next differential equations course you teach. " --William J. Satzer, MAA Reviews, January, 2011
A First Course in Differential Equations, Modeling, and Simulation
by Carlos A. Smith Scott W. CampbellA First Course in Differential Equations, Modeling, and Simulation shows how differential equations arise from applying basic physical principles and experimental observations to engineering systems. Avoiding overly theoretical explanations, the textbook also discusses classical and Laplace transform methods for obtaining the analytical solution of
A First Course In Differential Equations With Modeling Applications
by Dennis G. ZillStraightforward and easy to read, A FIRST COURSE IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH MODELING APPLICATIONS, 11th Edition, gives you a thorough overview of the topics typically taught in a first course in differential equations. Your study of differential equations and its applications will be supported by a bounty of pedagogical aids, including an abundance of examples, explanations, ""Remarks"" boxes, definitions, and more.
A First Course in Differential Geometry
by Izu VaismanThis book proposes a new approach which is designed to serve as an introductory course in differential geometry for advanced undergraduate students. It is based on lectures given by the author at several universities, and discusses calculus, topology, and linear algebra.
A First Course in Differential Geometry: Surfaces in Euclidean Space
by Lyndon Woodward John BoltonDifferential geometry is the study of curved spaces using the techniques of calculus. It is a mainstay of undergraduate mathematics education and a cornerstone of modern geometry. It is also the language used by Einstein to express general relativity, and so is an essential tool for astronomers and theoretical physicists. This introductory textbook originates from a popular course given to third year students at Durham University for over twenty years, first by the late L. M. Woodward and later by John Bolton (and others). It provides a thorough introduction by focusing on the beginnings of the subject as studied by Gauss: curves and surfaces in Euclidean space. While the main topics are the classics of differential geometry - the definition and geometric meaning of Gaussian curvature, the Theorema Egregium, geodesics, and the Gauss–Bonnet Theorem - the treatment is modern and student-friendly, taking direct routes to explain, prove and apply the main results. It includes many exercises to test students' understanding of the material, and ends with a supplementary chapter on minimal surfaces that could be used as an extension towards advanced courses or as a source of student projects.
A First Course in Ergodic Theory
by Karma Dajani Charlene KalleA First Course in Ergodic Theory provides readers with an introductory course in Ergodic Theory. This textbook has been developed from the authors’ own notes on the subject, which they have been teaching since the 1990s. Over the years they have added topics, theorems, examples and explanations from various sources. The result is a book that is easy to teach from and easy to learn from — designed to require only minimal prerequisites. Features Suitable for readers with only a basic knowledge of measure theory, some topology and a very basic knowledge of functional analysis Perfect as the primary textbook for a course in Ergodic Theory Examples are described and are studied in detail when new properties are presented.
A First Course in Functional Analysis (Dover Books on Mathematics)
by Prof. Martin DavisThis introduction to functional analysis is based on the lecture notes of Martin Davis, a distinguished professor of mathematics. The treatment demonstrates the essential unity of mathematics without assuming more background than can be expected of advanced undergraduates and graduate students majoring in mathematics.A self-contained exposition of Gelfand's proof of Wiener's theorem, this volume explores set theoretic preliminaries, normed linear spaces and algebras, functions on Banach spaces, homomorphisms on normed linear spaces, and analytic functions into a Banach space. Numerous problems appear throughout the book.
A First Course in Functional Analysis
by Orr Moshe ShalitWritten as a textbook, A First Course in Functional Analysis is an introduction to basic functional analysis and operator theory, with an emphasis on Hilbert space methods. The aim of this book is to introduce the basic notions of functional analysis and operator theory without requiring the student to have taken a course in measure theory as a prerequisite. It is written and structured the way a course would be designed, with an emphasis on clarity and logical development alongside real applications in analysis. The background required for a student taking this course is minimal; basic linear algebra, calculus up to Riemann integration, and some acquaintance with topological and metric spaces.
A First Course in Fuzzy and Neural Control
by Hung T. Nguyen Nadipuram R. Prasad Carol L. Walker Elbert A. WalkerAlthough the use of fuzzy control methods has grown nearly to the level of classical control, the true understanding of fuzzy control lags seriously behind. Moreover, most engineers are well versed in either traditional control or in fuzzy control-rarely both. Each has applications for which it is better suited, but without a good understanding of
A First Course in Fuzzy Logic (Textbooks in Mathematics)
by Hung T. Nguyen Carol L. Walker Elbert A. Walker<p>A First Course in Fuzzy Logic, Fourth Edition is an expanded version of the successful third edition. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory and applications of fuzzy logic. <p>This popular text offers a firm mathematical basis for the calculus of fuzzy concepts necessary for designing intelligent systems and a solid background for readers to pursue further studies and real-world applications. <p>New in the Fourth Edition: <p> <li>Features new results on fuzzy sets of type-2 <li>Provides more information on copulas for modeling dependence structures <li>Includes quantum probability for uncertainty modeling in social sciences, especially in economics</li> <p>With its comprehensive updates, this new edition presents all the background necessary for students, instructors and professionals to begin using fuzzy logic in its many—applications in computer science, mathematics, statistics, and engineering. </p>
A First Course in Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Dynamical Systems, and Biomathematics: Theory and Applications (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing #432)
by Rodney Carlos Bassanezi Weldon A. Lodwick Laécio Carvalho de BarrosThis book provides an essential introduction to the field of dynamical models. Starting from classical theories such as set theory and probability, it allows readers to draw near to the fuzzy case. On one hand, the book equips readers with a fundamental understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of fuzzy sets and fuzzy dynamical systems. On the other, it presents some concepts of derivatives, integrals and differential equations applied to the context of fuzzy functions. Each of the major topics is accompanied by examples, worked-out exercises, and exercises to be completed. Moreover, many applications to real problems are presented, mainly in biomathematics where the so-called p-fuzzy systems play an important role. The book has been developed on the basis of the authors’ lectures to university students and is accordingly primarily intended as a textbook for both upper-level undergraduates and graduates in applied mathematics, statistics, and engineering. It also offers a valuable resource for practitioners such as mathematical consultants and modelers, and for researchers alike, as it may provide both groups with new ideas and inspirations for projects in the fields of fuzzy logic and biomathematics. This thoroughly updated second edition includes a new chapter on fuzzy optimization, which also presents an application in carbon markets analysis and modeling
A First Course in Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Dynamical Systems, and Biomathematics: Theory and Applications (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing #347)
by Laécio Carvalho de Barros Rodney Carlos Bassanezi Weldon Alexander LodwickThis book provides an essential introduction to the field of dynamical models. Starting from classical theories such as set theory and probability, it allows readers to draw near to the fuzzy case. On one hand, the book equips readers with a fundamental understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of fuzzy sets and fuzzy dynamical systems. On the other, it demonstrates how these theories are used to solve modeling problems in biomathematics, and presents existing derivatives and integrals applied to the context of fuzzy functions. Each of the major topics is accompanied by examples, worked-out exercises, and exercises to be completed. Moreover, many applications to real problems are presented. The book has been developed on the basis of the authors' lectures to university students and is accordingly primarily intended as a textbook for both upper-level undergraduates and graduates in applied mathematics, statistics, and engineering. It also offers a valuable resource for practitioners such as mathematical consultants and modelers, and for researchers alike, as it may provide both groups with new ideas and inspirations for projects in the fields of fuzzy logic and biomathematics.
A First Course in Geometry (Dover Books on Mathematics)
by Edward T WalshThis introductory text is designed to help undergraduate students develop a solid foundation in geometry. Early chapters progress slowly, cultivating the necessary understanding and self-confidence for the more rapid development that follows. The extensive treatment can be easily adapted to accommodate shorter courses. Starting with the language of mathematics as expressed in the algebra of logic and sets, the text covers geometric sets of points, separation and angles, triangles, parallel lines, similarity, polygons and area, circles, space geometry, and coordinate geometry. Each chapter includes a problem set arranged in order of increasing difficulty as well as review exercises and annotated references suggesting sources for further study. In addition to three helpful Appendixes, the book concludes with answers and hints for selected problems.
A First Course in Graph Theory
by Ping Zhang Gary ChartrandWritten by two of the most prominent figures in the field of graph theory, this comprehensive text provides a remarkably student-friendly approach. Geared toward undergraduates taking a first course in graph theory, its sound yet accessible treatment emphasizes the history of graph theory and offers unique examples and lucid proofs. 2004 edition.