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A First Course in Structural Equation Modeling
by George A. Marcoulides Tenko RaykovIn this book, authors Tenko Raykov and George A. Marcoulides introduce students to the basics of structural equation modeling (SEM) through a conceptual, nonmathematical approach. For ease of understanding, the few mathematical formulas presented are used in a conceptual or illustrative nature, rather than a computational one. Featuring examples from EQS, LISREL, and Mplus, A First Course in Structural Equation Modeling is an excellent beginner’s guide to learning how to set up input files to fit the most commonly used types of structural equation models with these programs. The basic ideas and methods for conducting SEM are independent of any particular software. Highlights of the Second Edition include: • Review of latent change (growth) analysis models at an introductory level • Coverage of the popular Mplus program • Updated examples of LISREL and EQS • A CD that contains all of the text’s LISREL, EQS, and Mplus examples. A First Course in Structural Equation Modeling is intended as an introductory book for students and researchers in psychology, education, business, medicine, and other applied social, behavioral, and health sciences with limited or no previous exposure to SEM. A prerequisite of basic statistics through regression analysis is recommended. The book frequently draws parallels between SEM and regression, making this prior knowledge helpful.
A First Course in Systems Biology
by Eberhard VoitA First Course in Systems Biology is an introduction for advanced undergraduate and graduate students to the growing field of systems biology. Its main focus is the development of computational models and their applications to diverse biological systems. The book begins with the fundamentals of modeling, then reviews features of the molecular inventories that bring biological systems to life and discusses case studies that represent some of the frontiers in systems biology and synthetic biology. In this way, it provides the reader with a comprehensive background and access to methods for executing standard systems biology tasks, understanding the modern literature, and launching into specialized courses or projects that address biological questions using theoretical and computational means. New topics in this edition include: default modules for model design, limit cycles and chaos, parameter estimation in Excel, model representations of gene regulation through transcription factors, derivation of the Michaelis-Menten rate law from the original conceptual model, different types of inhibition, hysteresis, a model of differentiation, system adaptation to persistent signals, nonlinear nullclines, PBPK models, and elementary modes. The format is a combination of instructional text and references to primary literature, complemented by sets of small-scale exercises that enable hands-on experience, and large-scale, often open-ended questions for further reflection.
A First Course in the Design of Experiments: A Linear Models Approach
by John H. SkillingsMost texts on experimental design fall into one of two distinct categories. There are theoretical works with few applications and minimal discussion on design, and there are methods books with limited or no discussion of the underlying theory. Furthermore, most of these tend to either treat the analysis of each design separately with little attempt to unify procedures, or they will integrate the analysis for the designs into one general technique.A First Course in the Design of Experiments: A Linear Models Approach stands apart. It presents theory and methods, emphasizes both the design selection for an experiment and the analysis of data, and integrates the analysis for the various designs with the general theory for linear models. The authors begin with a general introduction then lead students through the theoretical results, the various design models, and the analytical concepts that will enable them to analyze virtually any design. Rife with examples and exercises, the text also encourages using computers to analyze data. The authors use the SAS software package throughout the book, but also demonstrate how any regression program can be used for analysis.With its balanced presentation of theory, methods, and applications and its highly readable style, A First Course in the Design of Experiments proves ideal as a text for a beginning graduate or upper-level undergraduate course in the design and analysis of experiments.
A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations
by Arieh IserlesNumerical analysis presents different faces to the world. For mathematicians it is a bona fide mathematical theory with an applicable flavour. For scientists and engineers it is a practical, applied subject, part of the standard repertoire of modelling techniques. For computer scientists it is a theory on the interplay of computer architecture and algorithms for real-number calculations. The tension between these standpoints is the driving force of this book, which presents a rigorous account of the fundamentals of numerical analysis of both ordinary and partial differential equations. The point of departure is mathematical but the exposition strives to maintain a balance between theoretical, algorithmic and applied aspects of the subject. In detail, topics covered include numerical solution of ordinary differential equations by multistep and Runge-Kutta methods; finite difference and finite elements techniques for the Poisson equation; a variety of algorithms to solve large, sparse algebraic systems; methods for parabolic and hyperbolic differential equations and techniques of their analysis. The book is accompanied by an appendix that presents brief back-up in a number of mathematical topics. Dr Iserles concentrates on fundamentals: deriving methods from first principles, analysing them with a variety of mathematical techniques and occasionally discussing questions of implementation and applications. By doing so, he is able to lead the reader to theoretical understanding of the subject without neglecting its practical aspects. The outcome is a textbook that is mathematically honest and rigorous and provides its target audience with a wide range of skills in both ordinary and partial differential equations.
A First Course in the Sporadic SICs (SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics #41)
by Blake C. StaceyThis book focuses on the Symmetric Informationally Complete quantum measurements (SICs) in dimensions 2 and 3, along with one set of SICs in dimension 8. These objects stand out in ways that have earned them the moniker of "sporadic SICs". By some standards, they are more approachable than the other known SICs, while by others they are simply atypical. The author forays into quantum information theory using them as examples, and the author explores their connections with other exceptional objects like the Leech lattice and integral octonions. The sporadic SICs take readers from the classification of finite simple groups to Bell's theorem and the discovery that "hidden variables" cannot explain away quantum uncertainty.While no one department teaches every subject to which the sporadic SICs pertain, the topic is approachable without too much background knowledge. The book includes exercises suitable for an elective at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level.
A First Course in Topology: An Introduction to Mathematical Thinking
by Robert A ConoverStudents must prove all of the theorems in this undergraduate-level text, which features extensive outlines to assist in study and comprehension. Thorough and well-written, the treatment provides sufficient material for a one-year undergraduate course. The logical presentation anticipates students' questions, and complete definitions and expositions of topics relate new concepts to previously discussed subjects.Most of the material focuses on point-set topology with the exception of the last chapter. Topics include sets and functions, infinite sets and transfinite numbers, topological spaces and basic concepts, product spaces, connectivity, and compactness. Additional subjects include separation axioms, complete spaces, and homotopy and the fundamental group. Numerous hints and figures illuminate the text.
A First Course in Topos Quantum Theory (Lecture Notes in Physics #868)
by Cecilia FloriIn the last five decades various attempts to formulate theories of quantum gravity have been made, but none has fully succeeded in becoming the quantum theory of gravity. One possible explanation for this failure might be the unresolved fundamental issues in quantum theory as it stands now. Indeed, most approaches to quantum gravity adopt standard quantum theory as their starting point, with the hope that the theory's unresolved issues will get solved along the way. However, these fundamental issues may need to be solved before attempting to define a quantum theory of gravity. The present text adopts this point of view, addressing the following basic questions: What are the main conceptual issues in quantum theory? How can these issues be solved within a new theoretical framework of quantum theory? A possible way to overcome critical issues in present-day quantum physics - such as a priori assumptions about space and time that are not compatible with a theory of quantum gravity, and the impossibility of talking about systems without reference to an external observer - is through a reformulation of quantum theory in terms of a different mathematical framework called topos theory. This course-tested primer sets out to explain to graduate students and newcomers to the field alike, the reasons for choosing topos theory to resolve the above-mentioned issues and how it brings quantum physics back to looking more like a "neo-realist" classical physics theory again.
A First Course in Wavelets with Fourier Analysis
by Francis J. Narcowich Albert BoggessA comprehensive, self-contained treatment of Fourier analysis and wavelets--now in a new editionThrough expansive coverage and easy-to-follow explanations, A First Course in Wavelets with Fourier Analysis, Second Edition provides a self-contained mathematical treatment of Fourier analysis and wavelets, while uniquely presenting signal analysis applications and problems. Essential and fundamental ideas are presented in an effort to make the book accessible to a broad audience, and, in addition, their applications to signal processing are kept at an elementary level.The book begins with an introduction to vector spaces, inner product spaces, and other preliminary topics in analysis. Subsequent chapters feature:The development of a Fourier series, Fourier transform, and discrete Fourier analysisImproved sections devoted to continuous wavelets and two-dimensional waveletsThe analysis of Haar, Shannon, and linear spline waveletsThe general theory of multi-resolution analysisUpdated MATLAB code and expanded applications to signal processingThe construction, smoothness, and computation of Daubechies' waveletsAdvanced topics such as wavelets in higher dimensions, decomposition and reconstruction, and wavelet transformApplications to signal processing are provided throughout the book, most involving the filtering and compression of signals from audio or video. Some of these applications are presented first in the context of Fourier analysis and are later explored in the chapters on wavelets. New exercises introduce additional applications, and complete proofs accompany the discussion of each presented theory. Extensive appendices outline more advanced proofs and partial solutions to exercises as well as updated MATLAB routines that supplement the presented examples.A First Course in Wavelets with Fourier Analysis, Second Edition is an excellent book for courses in mathematics and engineering at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also a valuable resource for mathematicians, signal processing engineers, and scientists who wish to learn about wavelet theory and Fourier analysis on an elementary level.
A First Course on Orthogonal Polynomials: Classical Orthogonal Polynomials and Related Topics
by Kenier Castillo José Carlos PetronilhoA First Course on Orthogonal Polynomials: Classical Orthogonal Polynomials and Related Topics provides an introduction to orthogonal polynomials and special functions aimed at graduate students studying these topics for the first time. A large part of its content is essentially inspired by the works of Pascal Maroni on the so-called algebraic theory of orthogonal polynomials, which distinguishes it from other contributions in the field.Features Suitable for a graduate course in orthogonal polynomials Can be used for a short course on the algebraic theory of orthogonal polynomials and its applicability to the study of the “old” classical orthogonal polynomials Includes numerous exercises for each topic Real and complex analysis are the only prerequisites
A First Course on Symmetry, Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics: The Foundations of Physics (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)
by Gabor Kunstatter Saurya DasThis book provides an in-depth and accessible description of special relativity and quantum mechanics which together form the foundation of 21st century physics. A novel aspect is that symmetry is given its rightful prominence as an integral part of this foundation. The book offers not only a conceptual understanding of symmetry, but also the mathematical tools necessary for quantitative analysis. As such, it provides a valuable precursor to more focused, advanced books on special relativity or quantum mechanics.Students are introduced to several topics not typically covered until much later in their education.These include space-time diagrams, the action principle, a proof of Noether's theorem, Lorentz vectors and tensors, symmetry breaking and general relativity. The book also provides extensive descriptions on topics of current general interest such as gravitational waves, cosmology, Bell's theorem, entanglement and quantum computing.Throughout the text, every opportunity is taken to emphasize the intimate connection between physics, symmetry and mathematics.The style remains light despite the rigorous and intensive content. The book is intended as a stand-alone or supplementary physics text for a one or two semester course for students who have completed an introductory calculus course and a first-year physics course that includes Newtonian mechanics and some electrostatics. Basic knowledge of linear algebra is useful but not essential, as all requisite mathematical background is provided either in the body of the text or in the Appendices. Interspersed through the text are well over a hundred worked examples and unsolved exercises for the student.
A First Course on Symmetry, Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics: The Foundations of Physics (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)
by Gabor Kunstatter Saurya DasThis book provides an in-depth and accessible description of special relativity and quantum mechanics which together form the foundation of 21st century physics. A novel aspect is that symmetry is given its rightful prominence as an integral part of this foundation. The book offers not only a conceptual understanding of symmetry, but also the mathematical tools necessary for quantitative analysis. As such, it provides a valuable precursor to more focused, advanced books on special relativity or quantum mechanics.Students are introduced to several topics not typically covered until much later in their education.These include space-time diagrams, the action principle, a proof of Noether's theorem, Lorentz vectors and tensors, symmetry breaking and general relativity. The book also provides extensive descriptions on topics of current general interest such as gravitational waves, cosmology, Bell's theorem, entanglement and quantum computing.Throughout the text, every opportunity is taken to emphasize the intimate connection between physics, symmetry and mathematics.The style remains light despite the rigorous and intensive content. The book is intended as a stand-alone or supplementary physics text for a one or two semester course for students who have completed an introductory calculus course and a first-year physics course that includes Newtonian mechanics and some electrostatics. Basic knowledge of linear algebra is useful but not essential, as all requisite mathematical background is provided either in the body of the text or in the Appendices. Interspersed through the text are well over a hundred worked examples and unsolved exercises for the student.
First Differential Measurements of tZq Production and Luminosity Determination Using Z Boson Rates at the LHC (Springer Theses)
by David WalterThis thesis describes two groundbreaking measurements in the precision frontier at the LHC: the first ever differential measurement of the Z-associated single top quark (tZq) production, and the luminosity measurement using Z boson production rate for the first time in CMS. Observed only in 2018, the tZq process is of great importance in probing top quark electroweak couplings. These couplings are natural places for new phenomena to happen in the top quark sector of the standard model. Yet, they are the least explored directly. One has to obtain a firm understanding of the modeling of sensitive distributions to new top-Z interactions. The present analysis marks a major milestone in this long-term effort. All distributions relevant for new phenomena, and/or modeling of tZq, are studied in full depth using advanced Machine Learning techniques.The luminosity and its uncertainty contributes to every physics result of the experiment. The method minutely developed in this thesis provides a complementary measurement that results in a significant overall reduction of uncertainties.
The First Discriminant Theory of Linearly Separable Data: From Exams and Medical Diagnoses with Misclassifications to 169 Microarrays for Cancer Gene Diagnosis
by Shuichi ShinmuraThis book deals with the first discriminant theory of linearly separable data (LSD), Theory3, based on the four ordinary LSD of Theory1 and 169 microarrays (LSD) of Theory2. Furthermore, you can quickly analyze the medical data with the misclassified patients which is the true purpose of diagnoses. Author developed RIP (Optimal-linear discriminant function finding the combinatorial optimal solution) as Theory1 in decades ago, that found the minimum misclassifications. RIP discriminated 63 (=26−1) models of Swiss banknote (200*6) and found the minimum LSD: basic gene set (BGS). In Theory2, RIP discriminated Shipp microarray (77*7129) which was LSD and had only 32 nonzero coefficients (first Small Matryoshka; SM1). Because RIP discriminated another 7,097 genes and found SM2, the author developed the Matryoshka feature selection Method 2 (Program 3), that splits microarray into many SMs. Program4 can split microarray into many BGSs. Then, the wide columnLSD (Revolution-0), such as microarray (n Theory3 shows the surprising results of six ordinary data re-analyzed by Theory1 and Theory2 knowledge. Essence of Theory3 is described by using cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) data. RIP discriminates CPD data (240*19) and finds two misclassifications unique for cesarean and natural-born groups. CPD238 omitting two patients becomes LSD, which is the first case selection method. Program4 finds BGS (14 vars.) the only variable selection method for Theory3. 32 (=25) models, including BGS, become LSD among (219−1) models. Because Program2 confirms BGS has the minimum average error rate, BGS is the most compact and best model satisfying Occam’s Razor. With this book, physicians obtain complete diagnostic results for disease, and engineers can become a true data scientist, by obtaining integral knowledge ofstatistics and mathematical programming with simple programs.
The First Five Years of Teaching Mathematics (FIRSTMATH): Concepts, Methods and Strategies for Comparative International Research
by Maria Teresa Tatto Michael C. Rodriguez Mark D. Reckase Wendy M. Smith Kiril Bankov James PippinThis book reports on an innovative study into the first five years of mathematics teaching: FIRSTMATH. For the first time, the study has developed a viable methodology to analyze the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of beginning mathematics teachers as well as instruments to explore the contexts where they work. The book provides a step by step account of this exploratory (proof-of-concept) research study, using a comparative and international approach, and introduces readers to the challenges entailed.The FIRSTMATH study promises the development of methods and strategies to make it possible for teacher educators and future teachers to examine (and improve on) their own practices in an important STEM area.
First Grade Math with Confidence Instructor Guide (Math with Confidence #5)
by Kate SnowEasy-to-use, comprehensive coverage of all essential first grade math topics. This scripted, open-and-go program from math educator Kate Snow will give you the tools you need to teach math with confidence—even if you’ve never taught math before. Short, engaging, and hands-on lessons will help your child develop a strong understanding of math, step by step. Counting, comparing, and writing numbers to 100 Addition and subtraction facts to 20 Addition and subtraction word problems Beginning place-value and mental math Shapes, money, time, and measurement
A First Graduate Course in Abstract Algebra (Pure and Applied Mathematics #266)
by W. J. Wickless<p>Since abstract algebra is so important to the study of advanced mathematics, it is critical that students have a firm grasp of its principles and underlying theories before moving on to further study. To accomplish this, they require a concise, accessible, user-friendly textbook that is both challenging and stimulating. A First Graduate Course in Abstract Algebra is just such a textbook. <p>Divided into two sections, this book covers both the standard topics (groups, modules, rings, and vector spaces) associated with abstract algebra and more advanced topics such as Galois fields, noncommutative rings, group extensions, and Abelian groups. The author includes review material where needed instead of in a single chapter, giving convenient access with minimal page turning. He also provides ample examples, exercises, and problem sets to reinforce the material. <p>This book illustrates the theory of finitely generated modules over principal ideal domains, discusses tensor products, and demonstrates the development of determinants. It also covers Sylow theory and Jordan canonical form.A First Graduate Course in Abstract Algebra is ideal for a two-semester course, providing enough examples, problems, and exercises for a deep understanding. Each of the final three chapters is logically independent and can be covered in any order, perfect for a customized syllabus.</p>
First Hitting Time Regression Models: Lifetime Data Analysis Based on Underlying Stochastic Processes
by Chrysseis CaroniThis book aims to promote regression methods for analyzing lifetime (or time-to-event) data that are based on a representation of the underlying process, and are therefore likely to offer greater scientific insight compared to purely empirical methods. In contrast to the rich statistical literature, the regression methods actually employed in lifetime data analysis are limited, particularly in the biomedical field where D. R. Cox’s famous semi-parametric proportional hazards model predominates. Practitioners should become familiar with more flexible models. The first hitting time regression models (or threshold regression) presented here represent observed events as the outcome of an underlying stochastic process. One example is death occurring when the patient’s health status falls to zero, but the idea has wide applicability – in biology, engineering, banking and finance, and elsewhere. The central topic is the model based on an underlying Wiener process, leading to lifetimes following the inverse Gaussian distribution. Introducing time-varying covariates and many other extensions are considered. Various applications are presented in detail.
A First Introduction to Quantum Physics (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)
by Pieter KokIn this undergraduate textbook, the author develops the quantum theory from first principles based on very simple experiments: a photon travelling through beam splitters to detectors, an electron moving through a Stern-Gerlach machine, and an atom emitting radiation. From the physical description of these experiments follows a natural mathematical description in terms of matrices and complex numbers. The first part of the book examines how experimental facts force us to let go of some deeply held preconceptions and develops this idea into a mathematical description of states, probabilities, observables, and time evolution using physical applications. The second part of the book explores more advanced topics, including the concept of entanglement, the process of decoherence, and extension of the quantum theory to the situation of a particle in a one-dimensional box. Here, the text makes contact with more traditional treatments of quantum mechanics. The remaining chapters delve deeply into the idea of uncertainty relations and explore what the quantum theory says about the nature of reality. The book is an ideal and accessible introduction to quantum physics, with modern examples and helpful end-of-chapter exercises.
A First Look at Perturbation Theory (Dover Books on Physics)
by James E. Mann Jr. James G. SimmondsUndergraduates in engineering and the physical sciences receive a thorough introduction to perturbation theory in this useful and accessible text. Students discover methods for obtaining an approximate solution of a mathematical problem by exploiting the presence of a small, dimensionless parameter -- the smaller the parameter, the more accurate the approximate solution. Knowledge of perturbation theory offers a twofold benefit: approximate solutions often reveal the exact solution's essential dependence on specified parameters; also, some problems resistant to numerical solutions may yield to perturbation methods. In fact, numerical and perturbation methods can be combined in a complementary way.The text opens with a well-defined treatment of finding the roots of polynomials whose coefficients contain a small parameter. Proceeding to differential equations, the authors explain many techniques for handling perturbations that reorder the equations or involve an unbounded independent variable. Two disparate practical problems that can be solved efficiently with perturbation methods conclude the volume.Written in an informal style that moves from specific examples to general principles, this elementary text emphasizes the "why" along with the "how"; prerequisites include a knowledge of one-variable calculus and ordinary differential equations. This newly revised second edition features an additional appendix concerning the approximate evaluation of integrals.
First Measurement of the Running of the Top Quark Mass (Springer Theses)
by Matteo M. DefranchisIn this thesis, the first measurement of the running of the top quark mass is presented. This is a fundamental quantum effect that had never been studied before. Any deviation from the expected behaviour can be interpreted as a hint of the presence of physics beyond the Standard Model. All relevant aspects of the analysis are extensively described and documented. This thesis also describes a simultaneous measurement of the inclusive top quark-antiquark production cross section and the top quark mass in the simulation. The measured cross section is also used to precisely determine the values of the top quark mass and the strong coupling constant by comparing to state-of-the-art theoretical predictions. All the theoretical and experimental aspects relevant to the results presented in this thesis are discussed in the initial chapters in a concise but complete way, which makes the material accessible to a wider audience.
First Numbers: Touch-and-Trace Early Learning Fun! (Little Groovers)
by Angie HewittPresenting a fun and engaging way to introduce early learning concepts to young children! Kids can use their finger to follow the grooves on each page to learn numbers 1-10. They can practice their numbers by tracing the grooves with their fingers from one snail all the way up to ten leaping frogs.The Little Groovers series is an excellent way for children to:Develop hand-eye coordinationEncourage motor skills developmentBoost learning through interactive playFirst Numbers is an engaging and colorful way to introduce early concepts to toddlers. Practice again and again with this new board book series to get children ready for preschool and prewriting.
First-order and Stochastic Optimization Methods for Machine Learning (Springer Series in the Data Sciences)
by Guanghui LanThis book covers not only foundational materials but also the most recent progresses made during the past few years on the area of machine learning algorithms. In spite of the intensive research and development in this area, there does not exist a systematic treatment to introduce the fundamental concepts and recent progresses on machine learning algorithms, especially on those based on stochastic optimization methods, randomized algorithms, nonconvex optimization, distributed and online learning, and projection free methods. This book will benefit the broad audience in the area of machine learning, artificial intelligence and mathematical programming community by presenting these recent developments in a tutorial style, starting from the basic building blocks to the most carefully designed and complicated algorithms for machine learning.
First-Order Modal Logic (Synthese Library #480)
by Melvin Fitting Richard L. MendelsohnThis is a thorough treatment of first-order modal logic. The book covers such issues as quantification, equality (including a treatment of Frege's morning star/evening star puzzle), the notion of existence, non-rigid constants and function symbols, predicate abstraction, the distinction between nonexistence and nondesignation, and definite descriptions, borrowing from both Fregean and Russellian paradigms.
First-Order Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 1 (Dover Books on Mathematics #2)
by Rutherford Aris Hyun-Ku Rhee Neal R. AmundsonThis first volume of a highly regarded two-volume text is fully usable on its own. After going over some of the preliminaries, the authors discuss mathematical models that yield first-order partial differential equations; motivations, classifications, and some methods of solution; linear and semilinear equations; chromatographic equations with finite rate expressions; homogeneous and nonhomogeneous quasilinear equations; formation and propagation of shocks; conservation equations, weak solutions, and shock layers; nonlinear equations; and variational problems. Exercises appear at the end of most sections. This volume is geared to advanced undergraduates or first-year grad students with a sound understanding of calculus and elementary ordinary differential equations. 1986 edition. 189 black-and-white illustrations. Author and subject indices.
First-Order Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 1 (Dover Books on Mathematics #1)
by Hyun-Ku Rhee Rutherford Aris Neal R. AmundsonThis first volume of a highly regarded two-volume text is fully usable on its own. After going over some of the preliminaries, the authors discuss mathematical models that yield first-order partial differential equations; motivations, classifications, and some methods of solution; linear and semilinear equations; chromatographic equations with finite rate expressions; homogeneous and nonhomogeneous quasilinear equations; formation and propagation of shocks; conservation equations, weak solutions, and shock layers; nonlinear equations; and variational problems. Exercises appear at the end of most sections. This volume is geared to advanced undergraduates or first-year grad students with a sound understanding of calculus and elementary ordinary differential equations. 1986 edition. 189 black-and-white illustrations. Author and subject indices.