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Fluids Under Pressure (Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics)
by Tomáš Bodnár Giovanni P. Galdi Šárka NečasováThis contributed volume is based on talks given at the August 2016 summer school “Fluids Under Pressure,” held in Prague as part of the “Prague-Sum” series. Written by experts in their respective fields, chapters explore the complex role that pressure plays in physics, mathematical modeling, and fluid flow analysis. Specific topics covered include:Oceanic and atmospheric dynamicsIncompressible flowsViscous compressible flowsWell-posedness of the Navier-Stokes equationsWeak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equationsFluids Under Pressure will be a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers studying fluid flow dynamics.
Fluke: The Maths and Myths of Coincidences
by Joseph MazurWhat are the chances? This is the question we ask ourselves upon encountering seemingly impossible coincidences - the woman who won the lottery four times, the people who missed the train to work on 9/11, the man who bumped into his own brother while on holiday in Greece. But actually the odds are a lot better than any of us would have believed.Coupling lively anecdotes with clear explanations of the principles of probability, Joseph Mazur balances the fun of a great coincidence with the logical thinking of a mathematician. From clairvoyants to financial markets, and from scientific discoveries to DNA evidence, his mantra remains the same - 'If there is any likelihood that something could happen, no matter how small, it is bound to happen to someone at some time.' With a lightness of touch and a witty turn of phrase, Mazur sweeps aside pseudoscience and conspiracy theories, proving that there are rational explanations for even the most extraordinary series of events.
Fluke: The Math And Myth Of Coincidence
by Joseph MazurA mathematical guide to understanding why life can seem to be one big coincidence--and why the odds of just about everything are better than we would think
Fluvial Hydrodynamics: Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Phenomena (GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences)
by Subhasish DeyThis revised second edition of the book presents an improvement of the original version in terms of recent research, corrections, and outline. The state of the art in fluvial hydrodynamics can be examined only through a careful exploration of the theoretical development and applied engineering technology. This second, updated edition focuses, since most up-to-date research findings in the field are presented, on the research aspects that involve a comprehensive knowledge of sediment dynamics in turbulent flows. It begins with the fundamentals of hydrodynamics and particle motion followed by turbulence characteristics related to sediment motion. Sediment dynamics are described from a classical perspective by applying the mean bed shear approach and additionally incorporating a statistical description for the role of turbulence. It is intended to design as a course textbook in graduate / research level and a guide for the field engineers as well, keeping up with modern technological developments. One of the most important additions is that at the end of each chapter, varieties of problems were given. Therefore, as a simple prerequisite, the background of the readers should have a basic knowledge in hydraulics in undergraduate level and an understanding of fundamentals of calculus.
Flux-Corrected Transport
by Dmitri Kuzmin Rainald Löhner Stefan TurekAddressing students and researchers as well as Computational Fluid Dynamics practitioners, this book is the most comprehensive review of high-resolution schemes based on the principle of Flux-Corrected Transport (FCT). The foreword by J.P. Boris and historical note by D.L. Book describe the development of the classical FCT methodology for convection-dominated transport problems, while the design philosophy behind modern FCT schemes is explained by S.T. Zalesak. The subsequent chapters present various improvements and generalizations proposed over the past three decades. In this new edition, recent results are integrated into existing chapters in order to describe significant advances since the publication of the first edition. Also, 3 new chapters were added in order to cover the following topics: algebraic flux correction for finite elements, iterative and linearized FCT schemes, TVD-like flux limiters, acceleration of explicit and implicit solvers, mesh adaptation, failsafe limiting for systems of conservation laws, flux-corrected interpolation (remapping), positivity preservation in RANS turbulence models, and the use of FCT as an implicit subgrid scale model for large eddy simulations.
FME 2003: International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe. Pisa Italy, September 8-14, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #2805)
by Stefania Gnesi Keijiro Araki Dino MandrioliThisvolumecontainstheproceedingsofFM2003,the12thInternationalFormal Methods Europe Symposium which was held in Pisa, Italy on September 8–14, 2003. Formal Methods Europe (FME, www. fmeurope. org) is an independent - sociation which aims to stimulate the use of and research on formal methods for system development. FME conferences began with a VDM Europe symposium in 1987. Since then, the meetings have grown and have been held about once - ery 18 months. Throughout the years the symposia have been notably successful in bringing together researchers, tool developers, vendors, and users, both from academia and from industry. Unlike previous symposia in the series, FM 2003 was not given a speci?c theme. Rather, its main goal could be synthesized as “widening the scope. ” Indeed, the organizers aimed at enlarging the audience and impact of the symposium along several directions. Dropping the su?x ‘E’ from the title of the conference re?ects the wish to welcome participation and contribution from every country; also,contributionsfromoutsidethetraditionalFormalMethodscommunitywere solicited. The recent innovation of including an Industrial Day as an important part of the symposium shows the strong commitment to involve industrial p- ple more and more within the Formal Methods community. Even the traditional and rather fuzzy borderline between “software engineering formal methods” and methods and formalisms exploited in di?erent ?elds of engineering was so- what challenged.
FME 2003: Formal Methods
by Dion Mandrioli Stefania Gnesi Keijiro ArakiThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, FME 2003, held in Pisa, Italy in September 2003. The 44 revised full papers presented together with 5 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 144 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on industrial issues, control systems and applications, communication system verfication, co-specification and compilers, composition, Java, object-orientation and modularity, model checking, parallel processes, program checking and testing, B method, and security.
Focal Points in Negotiation
by Rudolf Schuessler Jan-Willem van der RijtFocal Points in Negotiation is the first work of its kind to analyze the use of focal points beyond the controlled setting of the laboratory or the stylized context of mathematical game theory, in the real world of negotiation. It demonstrates that there are many more ways focal points influence real life situations than the specific, predetermined roles ascribed to them by game theory and rational choice. The book establishes this by identifying the numerous different, often decisive, modes in which focal points function in the various phases of complex negotiations. In doing so, it also demonstrates the necessity of a thorough understanding of focal points for mediators, negotiators, and others. A scholarly work in nature, Focal Points in Negotiation is also suitable for use in the classroom and accessible for a multidisciplinary audience.
Focus Math: Number and Operations and Algebra
by Scott ForesmanMath intervention workbook for first grade
Focus Math: Geometry
by Scott ForesmanfocusMATH identifies at-risk students early and accelerates their learning with instruction that is intensive, balanced, and individualized. All grade levels consist of three units, each built around a specific NCTM Focal Point. This Book C Geometry of Focus MATH discusses on three topics. Topic 1 Identifying Plane Shapes; Topic 2 Working with Plane Shapes; and Topic 3 Solid Figures.
Focus Math: Number and Operations 1
by Scott ForesmanChildren quickly discover that numbers are everywhere. Once they enter elementary school, they learn ways to use those numbers. Sometimes, they need a little help understanding math concepts. Your child can get that support using Pearson products at home.
Focus Math: Number and Operations and Algebra
by Scott ForesmanMath intervention workbook for first grade
A Focus on Addition and Subtraction: Bringing Mathematics Education Research to the Classroom (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning Series)
by Caroline B. Ebby Elizabeth T. Hulbert Rachel M. BroadheadThis innovative text offers a unique approach to making mathematics education research on addition, subtraction, and number concepts readily accessible and understandable to pre-service and in-service teachers of grades K–3. Revealing students’ thought processes with extensive annotated samples of student work and vignettes characteristic of teachers’ experiences, this book provides educators with the knowledge and tools needed to modify their lessons and improve student learning of additive reasoning in the primary grades. Based on research gathered in the Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP), this engaging, easy-to-use resource features practical resources such as: A close focus on student work, including 150+ annotated pieces of student work, to help teachers improve their ability to recognize, assess, and monitor their students’ errors and misconceptions, as well as their developing conceptual understanding; A focus on the OGAP Addition, Subtraction, and Base Ten Number Progressions, based on research conducted with hundreds of teachers and thousands of pieces of student work; In-chapter sections on how Common Core State Standards for Math (CCSSM) are supported by math education research; End-of-chapter questions to allow teachers to analyze student thinking and consider instructional strategies for their own students; Instructional links to help teachers relate concepts from each chapter to their own instructional materials and programs; An accompanying eResource, available online, offers an answer key to Looking Back questions, as well as a copy of the OGAP Additive Framework and the OGAP Number Line Continuum. A Focus on Addition and Subtraction marks the fourth installment of the popular A Focus on… collection, designed to aid the professional development of pre-service and in-service mathematics teachers. Following from previous volumes on ratios and proportions, multiplication and division, and fractions, this newest addition is designed to bridge the gap between what math education researchers know and what teachers need to know in order to better understand evidence in student work and make effective instructional decisions.
A Focus on Fractions: Bringing Mathematics Education Research to the Classroom (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning Series)
by Marjorie M. Petit Robert E. Laird Caroline B. Ebby Edwin L. MarsdenThe third edition of this book offers a unique approach to making mathematics education research on the teaching and learning of fraction concepts readily accessible and understandable to pre-service and in-service K-8 mathematics teachers. Revealing students’ thought processes with extensive annotated samples of student work and vignettes characteristic of classroom teachers’ experience, this book provides teachers a research-based lens to interpret evidence of student thinking, inform instruction and ultimately improve student learning. Based on research gathered in the Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP), and updated throughout, this engaging and easy-to-use resource also features: Two new chapters dedicated to understanding the OGAP Fraction Framework and Progression—based on research conducted with hundreds of teachers—to gather and interpret evidence of student learning along a learning progression, referenced throughout the book so readers can apply the concepts to their instruction; A close focus on student work, including 180+ annotated pieces of student work, to help teachers improve their ability to recognize, assess, and monitor their students’ errors and misconceptions, as well as their developing conceptual understanding; A discussion of decimal fractions, also new to the third edition; In-chapter sections on how Common Core State Standards for Math (CCSSM) are supported by math education research; End-of-chapter Looking Back questions to allow teachers to analyze student thinking and consider instructional strategies for their own students; Instructional links to help teachers relate concepts from each chapter to their own instructional materials and programs; Accompanying online Support Material includes an answer key to Looking Back questions, as well as a copy of the OGAP Fraction Framework and Progression. A Focus on Fractions is part of the popular A Focus on . . . collection, designed to aid the professional development of pre-service and in-service mathematics teachers. As with the other volumes on addition and subtraction, ratios and proportions, and multiplication and division, this updated new edition bridges the gap between what math education researchers know and what teachers need to know in order to better understand evidence in student work and make effective instructional decisions.
A Focus on Fractions: Bringing Research to the Classroom (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning Series)
by Marjorie M. Petit Robert E. Laird Edwin L. Marsden Caroline B. EbbyA Focus on Fractions is a groundbreaking effort to make the mathematics education research on how students develop their understanding of fraction concepts readily accessible and understandable to pre- and in-service K– 8 mathematics educators. Using extensive annotated samples of student work, as well as vignettes characteristic of classroom teachers’ experiences, this book equips educators with the knowledge and tools to reveal students’ thinking so that they can modify their teaching and improve student learning of fraction concepts. A Focus on Fractions 2nd edition includes sections on the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and the Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) Fraction Framework integrated into each chapter as well as a new chapter on the OGAP Fraction Progression and how it can be used for formative assessment purposes. This updated edition assists teachers in translating research findings into their classroom practice by conveying detailed information about how students develop fraction understandings. Additional images and examples serve to flesh out and supplement the newly-introduced concepts in this updated and expanded edition. Special Features: Looking Back Questions at the end of each chapter provide teachers the opportunity to analyze student thinking and consider instructional strategies for their own students. Instructional Links help teachers relate concepts from the chapter to their own instructional materials and programs. Big Ideas frame the chapters and provide a platform for meaningful exploration of the teaching of fractions. Answer Key posted online offers extensive explanations of in-chapter questions. New sections devoted to the CCSSM and OGAP Fraction Progression are woven throughout the book as well as a new stand alone chapter on the OGAP Fraction Progression. The OGAP Fraction Framework is an all-new eResource, now available as a free download from the book’s website: www.routledge.com/9781138816442.
Focus on Geodatabases in ArcGIS Pro (Focus On)
by David W. AllenThis book introduces readers to the geodatabase, the comprehensive information model for representing and managing geographic information across the ArcGIS platform. Sharing best practices for creating and maintaining data integrity, chapter topics include the careful design of a geodatabase schema, building geodatabases that include data integrity rules, populating geodatabases with existing data, working with topologies, editing data using various techniques, building 3D views, and sharing data on the web. Each chapter includes important concepts with hands-on, step-by-step tutorials, sample projects, and datasets, 'Your turn' segments with less instruction, study questions for classroom use, and an independent project. Instructor resources are available by request.
A Focus on Multiplication and Division: Bringing Mathematics Education Research to the Classroom (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning Series)
by Elizabeth T. Hulbert Marjorie M. Petit Caroline B. Ebby Elizabeth P. Cunningham Robert E. LairdThe second edition of this book offers a unique approach to making mathematics education research on the teaching and learning of multiplication and division concepts readily accessible and understandable to preservice and in-service K-6 mathematics teachers. Revealing students’ thought processes with extensive annotated samples of student work and vignettes characteristic of classroom teachers’ experience, this book provides teachers a research-based lens to interpret evidence of student thinking, inform instruction, and ultimately improve student learning. Based on research gathered in the Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) and updated throughout, this engaging and easy-to-use resource also features the following: New chapters on the OGAP Multiplicative Reasoning Framework and Learning Progressions and Using the OGAP Multiplicative Progression to inform instruction and support student learning In-chapter sections on how Common Core State Standards for Math are supported by math education research Case Studies focusing on a core mathematical idea and different types of instructional responses to illustrate how teachers can elicit evidence of student thinking and use that information to inform instruction Big Ideas frame the chapters and provide a platform for meaningful exploration of the teaching of multiplication and division Looking Back Questions at the end of each chapter allow teachers to analyze student thinking and to consider instructional strategies for their own students Instructional Links to help teachers relate concepts from each chapter to their own instructional materials and programs Accompanying online Support Material that includes an answer key to Looking Back questions, as well as a copy of the OGAP Fraction Framework and Progression A Focus on Multiplication and Division is part of the popular A Focus on . . . collection, designed to aid the professional development of preservice and in-service mathematics teachers. As with the other volumes on addition and subtraction, ratios and proportions, and fractions, this updated new edition bridges the gap between what math education researchers know and what teachers need to know to better understand evidence in student work and make effective instructional decisions.
A Focus on Ratios and Proportions: Bringing Mathematics Education Research to the Classroom (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning Series)
by Marjorie M. Petit Robert E. Laird Matthew F. Wyneken Frances R. Huntoon Mary D. Abele-Austin Jean D. SequeiraThis resource offers a groundbreaking effort to make mathematics education research on ratios and proportions readily accessible and understandable to preservice and in-service teachers of grades 6 to 8. Using extensive annotated samples of student work and based on research gathered in the Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP), A Focus on Ratios and Proportions teaches readers how students develop understanding and fluency involving ratio and proportion concepts. Special features include: A close focus on student work, including 150+ annotated pieces of student work, to help teachers improve their ability to recognize, assess and monitor their students’ errors and misconceptions, as well as their developing conceptual understanding. A focus on the OGAP Ratios and Proportions Progression, based on research conducted with hundreds of teachers and thousands of pieces of student work. Sections on how Common Core State Standards for Math (CCSSM) are supported by math education research. Student work samples and vignettes to illuminate the research, as well as end of chapter Looking Back questions and Instructional Links, which allow teachers to analyze evidence of student thinking and strategies and consider instructional responses. An accompanying eResource, available online, offers an answer key as well as extensive explanation of the Looking Back questions. Like A Focus on Multiplication and Division and A Focus on Fractions, this book is designed to bridge the gap between what math education researchers know and what teachers need to know in order to better understand evidence in student work and make effective instructional decisions.
Foil Fun Numbers
by Salina YoonSturdy, sparkling and fabulously fun! A combination of bright, simple illustrations and foil accents makes these board books a great choice for young ones learning colors, numbers, opposites and shapes.
Folding Tech: Using Origami and Nature to Revolutionize Technology
by Karen Latchana KenneySpace probes, self-assembling robots, crash-absorbing cars, and designer proteins all have one thing in common: their use of folding technologies. To develop these technologies, engineers are taking inspiration from an unusual source—origami, the ancient art of paper folding. Examine origami's origins, how it intersects with mathematics, and how it became a tool to solve some of the most complicated challenges in engineering, architecture, technology, and medicine today. Plus, get a close-up look at these technologies with two augmented reality images included in the book!
Foliation Theory in Algebraic Geometry
by Paolo Cascini James Mckernan Jorge Vitório PereiraFeaturing a blend of original research papers and comprehensive surveys from an international team of leading researchers in the thriving fields of foliation theory, holomorphic foliations, and birational geometry, this book presents the proceedings of the conference "Foliation Theory in Algebraic Geometry," hosted by the Simons Foundation in New York City in September 2013. Topics covered include: Fano and del Pezzo foliations; the cone theorem and rank one foliations; the structure of symmetric differentials on a smooth complex surface and a local structure theorem for closed symmetric differentials of rank two; an overview of lifting symmetric differentials from varieties with canonical singularities and the applications to the classification of AT bundles on singular varieties; an overview of the powerful theory of the variety of minimal rational tangents introduced by Hwang and Mok; recent examples of varieties which are hyperbolic and yet the Green-Griffiths locus is the whole of X; and a classification of psuedoeffective codimension one distributions. Foliations play a fundamental role in algebraic geometry, for example in the proof of abundance for threefolds and to a solution of the Green-Griffiths conjecture for surfaces of general type with positive Segre class. The purpose of this volume is to foster communication and enable interactions between experts who work on holomorphic foliations and birational geometry, and to bring together leading researchers to demonstrate the powerful connection of ideas, methods, and goals shared by these two areas of study.
Food Industries
by J. Mark R. Strange J. BurnsThis volume deals with the diverse range of industries concerned with the supply and processing of food in the UK. It covers sources relating to food production and processing, including foodstuffs supplied from abroad, and also fish supply and processing.