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Fractional Cauchy Transforms (Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
by Rita A. HibschweilerPresenting new results along with research spanning five decades. Fractional Cauchy Transforms provides a full treatment of the topic, from its roots in classical complex analysis to its current state. Self-contained, it includes introductory material and classical results, such as those associated with complex-valued measures on the unit circle, that form the basis of the developments that follow. The authors focus on concrete analytic questions, with functional analysis providing the general framework., After examining basic properties, the authors study integral means and relationships between the fractional Cauchy transforms and the Hardy and Dirichlet spaces. They then study radial and nontangential limits, followed by chapters devoted to multipliers, composition operators, and univalent functions. The final chapter gives an analytic characterization of the family of Cauchy transforms when considered as functions defined in the complement of the unit circle.
Fractional Differential Equations: Modeling, Discretization, and Numerical Solvers (Springer INdAM Series #50)
by Angelamaria Cardone Marco Donatelli Fabio Durastante Roberto Garrappa Mariarosa Mazza Marina PopolizioThe content of the book collects some contributions related to the talks presented during the INdAM Workshop "Fractional Differential Equations: Modelling, Discretization, and Numerical Solvers", held in Rome, Italy, on July 12–14, 2021. All contributions are original and not published elsewhere. The main topic of the book is fractional calculus, a topic that addresses the study and application of integrals and derivatives of noninteger order. These operators, unlike the classic operators of integer order, are nonlocal operators and are better suited to describe phenomena with memory (with respect to time and/or space). Although the basic ideas of fractional calculus go back over three centuries, only in recent decades there has been a rapid increase in interest in this field of research due not only to the increasing use of fractional calculus in applications in biology, physics, engineering, probability, etc., but also thanks to the availability of new and more powerful numerical tools that allow for an efficient solution of problems that until a few years ago appeared unsolvable. The analytical solution of fractional differential equations (FDEs) appears even more difficult than in the integer case. Hence, numerical analysis plays a decisive role since practically every type of application of fractional calculus requires adequate numerical tools. The aim of this book is therefore to collect and spread ideas mainly coming from the two communities of numerical analysts operating in this field - the one working on methods for the solution of differential problems and the one working on the numerical linear algebra side - to share knowledge and create synergies. At the same time, the book intends to realize a direct bridge between researchers working on applications and numerical analysts. Indeed, the book collects papers on applications, numerical methods for differential problems of fractional order, and related aspects in numerical linear algebra.The target audience of the book is scholars interested in recent advancements in fractional calculus.
Fractional Differential Equations: An Approach via Fractional Derivatives (Applied Mathematical Sciences #206)
by Bangti JinThis graduate textbook provides a self-contained introduction to modern mathematical theory on fractional differential equations. It addresses both ordinary and partial differential equations with a focus on detailed solution theory, especially regularity theory under realistic assumptions on the problem data. The text includes an extensive bibliography, application-driven modeling, extensive exercises, and graphic illustrations throughout to complement its comprehensive presentation of the field. It is recommended for graduate students and researchers in applied and computational mathematics, particularly applied analysis, numerical analysis and inverse problems.
Fractional Diffusion and Wave Equations: Well-posedness and Inverse Problems
by Yong ZhouThis monograph delves into the theory of time-fractional diffusion and wave equations, presenting a comprehensive exploration of recent advancements in the field. Key topics include well-posedness, regularity, and approximate controllability of Cauchy problems, as well as the existence and regularity of terminal value problems. Detailed examples illustrate the applications of these equations, demonstrating their practical relevance. The content is rooted in research conducted by the author and other experts over the past five years, offering a thorough foundation for further study. This work is an invaluable resource for researchers, graduate students, and PhD candidates in the fields of differential equations, applied analysis, and related areas.
Fractional Diffusion Equations And Anomalous Diffusion
by Luiz Roberto Evangelista Ervin Kaminski LenziAnomalous diffusion has been detected in a wide variety of scenarios, from fractal media, systems with memory, transport processes in porous media, to fluctuations of financial markets, tumour growth, and complex fluids. Providing a contemporary treatment of this process, this book examines the recent literature on anomalous diffusion and covers a rich class of problems in which surface effects are important, offering detailed mathematical tools of usual and fractional calculus for a wide audience of scientists and graduate students in physics, mathematics, chemistry and engineering. Including the basic mathematical tools needed to understand the rules for operating with the fractional derivatives and fractional differential equations, this self-contained text presents the possibility of using fractional diffusion equations with anomalous diffusion phenomena to propose powerful mathematical models for a large variety of fundamental and practical problems in a fast-growing field of research.
Fractional Dispersive Models and Applications: Recent Developments and Future Perspectives (Nonlinear Systems and Complexity #37)
by Panayotis G. Kevrekidis Jesús Cuevas-MaraverThis book explores the role of fractional calculus and associated partial differential equations in modeling multiscale phenomena and overlapping macroscopic & microscopic scales, offering an innovative and powerful tool for modeling complex systems. While integer order PDEs have a long-standing history, the novel setting of fractional PDEs opens up new possibilities for the simulation of multi-physics phenomena. The book examines a range of releavant examples that showcase the seamless transition from wave propagation to diffusion or from local to non-local dynamics in both continuum and discrete systems. These systems have been argued as being particularly relevant in contexts such as nonlinear optics, lattice nonlinear dynamical systems, and dispersive nonlinear wave phenomena, where the exploration of the potential fractionality has emerged as a highly active topic for current studies.The volume consists of contributions from a diverse group of active scholars and expertsacross different fields, providing a detailed examination of the field's past, present, and future state-of-the-art in the interplay of fractional PDEs and nonlinear wave phenomena. It is intended to be of wide interest to both seasoned researchers and beginners in the Field of Nonlinear Science. This book sets the stage for the next decade of research and beyond and is a timely and relevant reference of choice for this crucial junction of current research.
Fractional Dynamic Calculus and Fractional Dynamic Equations on Time Scales
by Svetlin G. GeorgievPedagogically organized, this monograph introduces fractional calculus and fractional dynamic equations on time scales in relation to mathematical physics applications and problems. Beginning with the definitions of forward and backward jump operators, the book builds from Stefan Hilger’s basic theories on time scales and examines recent developments within the field of fractional calculus and fractional equations. Useful tools are provided for solving differential and integral equations as well as various problems involving special functions of mathematical physics and their extensions and generalizations in one and more variables. Much discussion is devoted to Riemann-Liouville fractional dynamic equations and Caputo fractional dynamic equations. Intended for use in the field and designed for students without an extensive mathematical background, this book is suitable for graduate courses and researchers looking for an introduction to fractional dynamic calculus and equations on time scales.
Fractional Dynamics, Anomalous Transport and Plasma Science: Lectures From Chaos2017
by Christos H. SkiadasThis book collects interrelated lectures on fractal dynamics, anomalous transport and various historical and modern aspects of plasma sciences and technology. The origins of plasma science in connection to electricity and electric charges and devices leading to arc plasma are explored in the first contribution by Jean-Marc Ginoux and Thomas Cuff. The second important historic connection with plasmas was magnetism and the magnetron. Victor J. Law and Denis P. Dowling, in the second contribution, review the history of the magnetron based on the development of thermionic diode valves and related devices. In the third chapter, Christos H Skiadas and Charilaos Skiadas present and apply diffusion theory and solution strategies to a number of stochastic processes of interest. Anomalous diffusion by the fractional Fokker-Planck equation and Lévy stable processes are studied by Johan Anderson and Sara Moradi in the fourth contribution. They consider the motion of charged particles in a 3-dimensional magnetic field in the presence of linear friction and of a stochastic electric field. Analysis of low-frequency instabilities in a low-temperature magnetized plasma is presented by Dan-Gheorghe Dimitriu, Maricel Agop in the fifth chapter. The authors refer to experimental results of the Innsbruck Q-machine and provide an analytical formulation of the related theory. In chapter six, Stefan Irimiciuc, Dan-Gheorghe Dimitriu, Maricel Agop propose a theoretical model to explain the dynamics of charged particles in a plasma discharge with a strong flux of electrons from one plasma structure to another. The theory and applications of fractional derivatives in many-particle disordered large systems are explored by Z.Z. Alisultanov, A.M. Agalarov, A.A. Potapov, G.B. Ragimkhanov. In chapter eight, Maricel Agop, Alina Gavrilut¸ and Gabriel Crumpei explore the motion of physical systems that take place on continuous but non-differentiable curves (fractal curves). Finally in the last chapter S.L. Cherkas and V.L. Kalashnikov consider the perturbations of a plasma consisting of photons, baryons, and electrons in a linearly expanding (Milne-like) universe taking into account the metric tensor and vacuum perturbations.
Fractional Equations and Models: Theory and Applications (Developments in Mathematics #61)
by Trifce Sandev Živorad TomovskiFractional equations and models play an essential part in the description of anomalous dynamics in complex systems. Recent developments in the modeling of various physical, chemical and biological systems have clearly shown that fractional calculus is not just an exotic mathematical theory, as it might have once seemed. The present book seeks to demonstrate this using various examples of equations and models with fractional and generalized operators. Intended for students and researchers in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and engineering, it systematically offers a wealth of useful tools for fractional calculus.
Fractional Fields and Applications
by Jacques Istas Serge CohenThis book focuses mainly on fractional Brownian fields and their extensions. It has been used to teach graduate students at Grenoble and Toulouse's Universities. It is as self-contained as possible and contains numerous exercises, with solutions in an appendix. After a foreword by Stéphane Jaffard, a long first chapter is devoted to classical results from stochastic fields and fractal analysis. A central notion throughout this book is self-similarity, which is dealt with in a second chapter with a particular emphasis on the celebrated Gaussian self-similar fields, called fractional Brownian fields after Mandelbrot and Van Ness's seminal paper. Fundamental properties of fractional Brownian fields are then stated and proved. The second central notion of this book is the so-called local asymptotic self-similarity (in short lass), which is a local version of self-similarity, defined in the third chapter. A lengthy study is devoted to lass fields with finite variance. Among these lass fields, we find both Gaussian fields and non-Gaussian fields, called Lévy fields. The Lévy fields can be viewed as bridges between fractional Brownian fields and stable self-similar fields. A further key issue concerns the identification of fractional parameters. This is the raison d'être of the statistics chapter, where generalized quadratic variations methods are mainly used for estimating fractional parameters. Last but not least, the simulation is addressed in the last chapter. Unlike the previous issues, the simulation of fractional fields is still an area of ongoing research. The algorithms presented in this chapter are efficient but do not claim to close the debate.
Fractional Graph Theory: A Rational Approach to the Theory of Graphs (Dover Books on Mathematics #Vol. 46)
by Daniel H. Ullman Prof. Edward R. ScheinermanA unified treatment of the most important results in the study of fractional graph concepts, this volume explores the various ways in which integer-valued concepts can be modified to derive nonintegral values. It begins with the general fractional theory of hypergraphs and presents in-depth coverage of fundamental and advanced topics. Subjects include fractional matching, fractional coloring, fractional edge coloring, fractional arboricity via matroid methods, and fractional isomorphism. The final chapter examines additional topics such as fractional domination, fractional intersection numbers, and fractional aspects of partially ordered sets.Challenging exercises reinforce the contents of each chapter, and the authors provide substantial references and bibliographic materials. A comprehensive reference for researchers, this volume also constitutes an excellent graduate-level text for students of graph theory and linear programming.
Fractional-in-Time Semilinear Parabolic Equations and Applications (Mathématiques et Applications #84)
by Ciprian G. Gal Mahamadi WarmaThis book provides a unified analysis and scheme for the existence and uniqueness of strong and mild solutions to certain fractional kinetic equations. This class of equations is characterized by the presence of a nonlinear time-dependent source, generally of arbitrary growth in the unknown function, a time derivative in the sense of Caputo and the presence of a large class of diffusion operators. The global regularity problem is then treated separately and the analysis is extended to some systems of fractional kinetic equations, including prey-predator models of Volterra–Lotka type and chemical reactions models, all of them possibly containing some fractional kinetics. Besides classical examples involving the Laplace operator, subject to standard (namely, Dirichlet, Neumann, Robin, dynamic/Wentzell and Steklov) boundary conditions, the framework also includes non-standard diffusion operators of "fractional" type, subject to appropriate boundary conditions.This book is aimed at graduate students and researchers in mathematics, physics, mathematical engineering and mathematical biology, whose research involves partial differential equations.
Fractional Integral Transforms: Theory and Applications
by Ahmed I. ZayedFractional Integral Transforms: Theory and Applications presents over twenty-five integral transforms, many of which have never before been collected in one single volume. Some transforms are classic, such as Laplace, Fourier, etc, and some are relatively new, such as the Fractional Fourier, Gyrator, Linear Canonical, Special Affine Fourier Transforms, as well as, continuous Wavelet, Ridgelet, and Shearlet transforms.The book provides an overview of the theory of fractional integral transforms with examples of such transforms, before delving deeper into the study of important fractional transforms, including the fractional Fourier transform. Applications of fractional integral transforms in signal processing and optics are highlighted. The book’s format has been designed to make it easy for readers to extract the essential information they need to learn the about the fundamental properties of each transform. Supporting proofs and explanations are given throughout.Features Brings together integral transforms never before collected into a single volume A useful resource on fractional integral transforms for researchers and graduate students in mathematical analysis, applied mathematics, physics and engineering Written in an accessible style with detailed proofs and emphasis on providing the reader with an easy access to the essential properties of important fractional integral transforms Ahmed I. Zayed is a Professor of Mathematics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, DePaul University, Chicago, and was the Chair of the department for 20 years, from 2001 until 2021. His research interests varied over the years starting with generalized functions and distributions to sampling theory, applied harmonic analysis, special functions and integral transforms. He has published two books and edited seven research monographs. He has written 22 book chapters, published 118 research articles, and reviewed 173 publications for the Mathematical Review and 81 for the Zentralblatt für Mathematik (zbMath). He has served on the Editorial Boards of 22 scientific research journals and has refereed over 200 research papers submitted to prestigious journals, among them are IEEE, SIAM, Amer. Math. Soc., Math Physics, and Optical Soc. Journals.
Fractional Integrals, Potentials, and Radon Transforms (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics)
by Boris RubinFractional Integrals, Potentials, and Radon Transforms, Second Edition presents recent developments in the fractional calculus of functions of one and several real variables, and shows the relation of this field to a variety of areas in pure and applied mathematics. In this thoroughly revised new edition, the book aims to explore how fractional integrals occur in the study of diverse Radon type transforms in integral geometry.Beyond some basic properties of fractional integrals in one and many dimensions, this book also contains a mathematical theory of certain important weakly singular integral equations of the first kind arising in mechanics, diffraction theory and other areas of mathematical physics. The author focuses on explicit inversion formulae that can be obtained by making use of the classical Marchaud’s approach and its generalization, leading to wavelet type representations.New to this Edition Two new chapters and a new appendix, related to Radon transforms and harmonic analysis of linear operators commuting with rotations and dilations have been added. Contains new exercises and bibliographical notes along with a thoroughly expanded list of references. This book is suitable for mathematical physicists and pure mathematicians researching in the area of integral equations, integral transforms, and related harmonic analysis.
The Fractional Laplacian
by C. PozrikidisThe fractional Laplacian, also called the Riesz fractional derivative, describes an unusual diffusion process associated with random excursions. The Fractional Laplacian explores applications of the fractional Laplacian in science, engineering, and other areas where long-range interactions and conceptual or physical particle jumps resulting in an irregular diffusive or conductive flux are encountered. Presents the material at a level suitable for a broad audience of scientists and engineers with rudimentary background in ordinary differential equations and integral calculus Clarifies the concept of the fractional Laplacian for functions in one, two, three, or an arbitrary number of dimensions defined over the entire space, satisfying periodicity conditions, or restricted to a finite domain Covers physical and mathematical concepts as well as detailed mathematical derivations Develops a numerical framework for solving differential equations involving the fractional Laplacian and presents specific algorithms accompanied by numerical results in one, two, and three dimensions Discusses viscous flow and physical examples from scientific and engineering disciplines Written by a prolific author well known for his contributions in fluid mechanics, biomechanics, applied mathematics, scientific computing, and computer science, the book emphasizes fundamental ideas and practical numerical computation. It includes original material and novel numerical methods.
Fractional Order Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications
by Hemen DuttaA guide to the new research in the field of fractional order analysis Fractional Order Analysis contains the most recent research findings in fractional order analysis and its applications. The authors—noted experts on the topic—offer an examination of the theory, methods, applications, and the modern tools and techniques in the field of fractional order analysis. The information, tools, and applications presented can help develop mathematical methods and models with better accuracy. Comprehensive in scope, the book covers a range of topics including: new fractional operators, fractional derivatives, fractional differential equations, inequalities for different fractional derivatives and fractional integrals, fractional modeling related to transmission of Malaria, and dynamics of Zika virus with various fractional derivatives, and more. Designed to be an accessible text, several useful, relevant and connected topics can be found in one place, which is crucial for an understanding of the research problems of an applied nature. This book: Contains recent development in fractional calculus Offers a balance of theory, methods, and applications Puts the focus on fractional analysis and its interdisciplinary applications, such as fractional models for biological models Helps make research more relevant to real-life applications Written for researchers, professionals and practitioners, Fractional Order Analysis offers a comprehensive resource to fractional analysis and its many applications as well as information on the newest research.
Fractional Order Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization
by Micael Couceiro Pedram GhamisiThis book examines the bottom-up applicability of swarm intelligence to solving multiple problems, such as curve fitting, image segmentation, and swarm robotics. It compares the capabilities of some of the better-known bio-inspired optimization approaches, especially Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) and the recently proposed Fractional Order Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization (FODPSO), and comprehensively discusses their advantages and disadvantages. Further, it demonstrates the superiority and key advantages of using the FODPSO algorithm, such as its ability to provide an improved convergence towards a solution, while avoiding sub-optimality. This book offers a valuable resource for researchers in the fields of robotics, sports science, pattern recognition and machine learning, as well as for students of electrical engineering and computer science.
Fractional Order Signal Processing
by Indranil Pan Saptarshi DasThe book tries to briefly introduce the diverse literatures in the field of fractional order signal processing which is becoming an emerging topic among an interdisciplinary community of researchers. This book is aimed at postgraduate and beginning level research scholars who would like to work in the field of Fractional Order Signal processing (FOSP). The readers should have preliminary knowledge about basic signal processing techniques. Prerequisite knowledge of fractional calculus is not essential and is exposited at relevant places in connection to the appropriate signal processing topics. Basic signal processing techniques like filtering, estimation, system identification, etc. in the light of fractional order calculus are presented along with relevant application areas. The readers can easily extend these concepts to varied disciplines like image or speech processing, pattern recognition, time series forecasting, financial data analysis and modeling, traffic modeling in communication channels, optics, biomedical signal processing, electrochemical applications and many more. Adequate references are provided in each category so that the researchers can delve deeper into each area and broaden their horizon of understanding. Available MATLAB tools to simulate FOSP theories are also introduced so that the readers can apply the theoretical concepts right-away and gain practical insight in the specific domain.
Fractional Processes and Fractional-Order Signal Processing
by Hu Sheng Yangquan Chen Tianshuang QiuFractional processes are widely found in science, technology and engineering systems. In Fractional Processes and Fractional-order Signal Processing, some complex random signals, characterized by the presence of a heavy-tailed distribution or non-negligible dependence between distant observations (local and long memory), are introduced and examined from the 'fractional' perspective using simulation, fractional-order modeling and filtering and realization of fractional-order systems. These fractional-order signal processing (FOSP) techniques are based on fractional calculus, the fractional Fourier transform and fractional lower-order moments. Fractional Processes and Fractional-order Signal Processing: presents fractional processes of fixed, variable and distributed order studied as the output of fractional-order differential systems; introduces FOSP techniques and the fractional signals and fractional systems point of view; details real-world-application examples of FOSP techniques to demonstrate their utility; and provides important background material on Mittag-Leffler functions, the use of numerical inverse Laplace transform algorithms and supporting MATLAB® codes together with a helpful survey of relevant webpages. Readers will be able to use the techniques presented to re-examine their signals and signal-processing methods. This text offers an extended toolbox for complex signals from diverse fields in science and engineering. It will give academic researchers and practitioners a novel insight into the complex random signals characterized by fractional properties, and some powerful tools to analyze those signals.
Fractional Thermoelasticity
by Yuriy PovstenkoThis book is devoted to fractional thermoelasticity, i. e. thermoelasticity based on the heat conduction equation with differential operators of fractional order. Readers will discover how time-fractional differential operators describe memory effects and space-fractional differential operators deal with the long-range interaction. Fractional calculus, generalized Fourier law, axisymmetric and central symmetric problems and many relevant equations are featured in the book. The latest developments in the field are included and the reader is brought up to date with current research. The book contains a large number of figures, to show the characteristic features of temperature and stress distributions and to represent the whole spectrum of order of fractional operators. This work presents a picture of the state-of-the-art of fractional thermoelasticity and is suitable for specialists in applied mathematics, physics, geophysics, elasticity, thermoelasticity and engineering sciences. Corresponding sections of the book may also be used as additional reading material for courses on heat and mass transfer, continuum mechanics, thermal stresses as well as in fractional calculus and its applications for graduate and postgraduate students. Extensive references are included in order to stimulate further studies.
Fractional Thermoelasticity (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications #278)
by Yuriy PovstenkoThis new edition offers expanded coverage of fractional calculus, including Riemann–Liouville fractional integrals, Riemann–Liouville and Caputo fractional derivatives, Riesz fractional operators, and Mittag-Leffler and Wright functions. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive examination of fractional heat conduction and related theories of thermoelasticity. Readers will gain insights into the concepts of time and space nonlocality and their impact on the generalizations of Fourier's law in thermoelasticity. This edition presents a detailed formulation of the problem of heat conduction in different domains and the associated thermal stresses, covering topics such as the fundamental solution to the Dirichlet problem, constant boundary conditions for temperature, and the fundamental solution to the physical Neumann problem. New insights into time-harmonic heat impact on the boundary have also been added. Cracks in the framework of fractional thermoelasticity are also considered.
The Fractional Trigonometry: With Applications to Fractional Differential Equations and Science
by Tom T. Hartley Carl F. LorenzoAddresses the rapidly growing field of fractional calculus and provides simplified solutions for linear commensurate-order fractional differential equations The Fractional Trigonometry: With Applications to Fractional Differential Equations and Science is the result of the authors' work in fractional calculus, and more particularly, in functions for the solutions of fractional differential equations, which is fostered in the behavior of generalized exponential functions. The authors discuss how fractional trigonometry plays a role analogous to the classical trigonometry for the fractional calculus by providing solutions to linear fractional differential equations. The book begins with an introductory chapter that offers insight into the fundamentals of fractional calculus, and topical coverage is then organized in two main parts. Part One develops the definitions and theories of fractional exponentials and fractional trigonometry. Part Two provides insight into various areas of potential application within the sciences. The fractional exponential function via the fundamental fractional differential equation, the generalized exponential function, and R-function relationships are discussed in addition to the fractional hyperboletry, the R1-fractional trigonometry, the R2-fractional trigonometry, and the R3-trigonometric functions. The Fractional Trigonometry: With Applications to Fractional Differential Equations and Science also: Presents fractional trigonometry as a tool for scientists and engineers and discusses how to apply fractional-order methods to the current toolbox of mathematical modelers Employs a mathematically clear presentation in an e ort to make the topic broadly accessible Includes solutions to linear fractional differential equations and generously features graphical forms of functions to help readers visualize the presented concepts Provides effective and efficient methods to describe complex structures The Fractional Trigonometry: With Applications to Fractional Differential Equations and Science is an ideal reference for academic researchers, research engineers, research scientists, mathematicians, physicists, biologists, and chemists who need to apply new fractional calculus methods to a variety of disciplines. The book is also appropriate as a textbook for graduate- and PhD-level courses in fractional calculus. Carl F. Lorenzo is Distinguished Research Associate at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. His past positions include chief engineer of the Instrumentation and Controls Division and chief of the Advanced Controls Technology and Systems Dynamics branches at NASA. He is internationally recognized for his work in the development and application of the fractional calculus and fractional trigonometry. Tom T. Hartley, PhD, is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Akron. Dr Hartley is a recognized expert in fractional-order systems, and together with Carl Lorenzo, has solved fundamental problems in the area including Riemann's complementary-function initialization function problem. He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Vanderbilt University.
Fractions, Decimals & Percents: GRE Math Preparation Guide
by The Editors at the Manhattan GREThis book provides an in-depth look at the array of GRE questions that test knowledge of Fractions, Decimals, and Percents. Learn to see the connections among these part-whole relationships and practice implementing strategic shortcuts.
Fractions For Dummies
by Mark ZegarelliAn easy, straightforward, and fun guide for learning fractions and its counterparts Fractions For Dummies is the perfect strategy guide for both understanding and using one of math's most common (and most challenging) topic areas. You'll explore current solving strategies for fraction-related problems, and you'll also discover how to solve problems involving fractions' closely related cousins, decimals and percentages. Dive deep into the basics of these topics before moving on to more advanced uses, such as word problems, with the help of author and experienced math teacher Mark Zegarelli. This straightforward and intuitive book also includes: Techniques for working with mixed numbers (numbers that include whole amounts and fractions) and more Ways to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions with whole numbers and with each other Strategies for helping and supporting the young student in your life who's struggling with fractions, decimals, and/or percentages It's time you showed these math areas who's boss. Fractions For Dummies shows you just how easy fractions and the like can be!
Fractions in Disguise: A Math Adventure (Charlesbridge Math Adventures)
by Edward Einhorn&“No question—a large fraction of parents and teachers will be reaching for this&” entertaining math adventure that introduces simplified and reduced fractions with intrigue and humor (Kirkus) When a valuable fraction goes missing, George Cornelius Factor (a.k.a. GCF) vows to track it down. Knowing that the villainous Dr. Brok likes to disguise his ill-gotten fractions, G.C.F. invents a Reducer—half ray gun, half calculator— that strips away the disguise, reducing the fraction to its lowest common denominator and revealing its true form. With the Reducer in hand, George seeks out Dr. Brok in hopes of retrieving the missing fraction. Equal parts action and humor add up to a wholly entertaining introduction to simplifying fractions. David Clark&’s illustrations are packed with humorous details as well as clearly defined fractions and their corresponding reduction equations.