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Fractions In Disguise: A Math Adventure (Charlesbridge Math Adventures Ser.)

by Edward Einhorn David Clark

Fractions, Ratios, and Roots: Rediscover the Basics and Learn About Interesting Applications (essentials)

by Renate Motzer

Renate Motzer introduces the world of fractions and connects them with decimal numbers. She clearly shows that fractions can be understood as parts of a whole, but also as ratios of two quantities. The author clearly shows why roots cannot be exactly indicated by fractions, how to find good approximations and why an unusual addition of fractions can lead to paradoxical results. Furthermore, she explains the use of fractions in percentage and probability calculations in a practical way and finally discusses different ways of forming mean values.This Springer essential is a translation of the original German 1st edition essentials, Brüche, Verhältnisse und Wurzeln by Renate Motzer, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2018. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

Fracture Mechanics

by Alan T. Zehnder

Fracture mechanics is a vast and growing field. This book develops the basic elements needed for both fracture research and engineering practice. The emphasis is on continuum mechanics models for energy flows and crack-tip stress- and deformation fields in elastic and elastic-plastic materials. In addition to a brief discussion of computational fracture methods, the text includes practical sections on fracture criteria, fracture toughness testing, and methods for measuring stress intensity factors and energy release rates. Class-tested at Cornell, this book is designed for students, researchers and practitioners interested in understanding and contributing to a diverse and vital field of knowledge.

Fracture Mechanics of Electrically Passive and Active Composites with Periodic Cracking along the Interface (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering)

by Volodymyr Loboda Sergey Kozinov

This book offers a comprehensive and timely review of the fracture behavior of bimaterial composites consisting of periodically connected components, i.e. of bimaterial composites possessing periodical cracks along the interface. It first presents an overview of the literature, and then analyzes the isotropic, anisotropic and piezoelectric/dielectric properties of bimaterial components, gradually increasing the difficulty of the solutions discussed up to the coupled electromechanical problems. While in the case of isotropic and anisotropic materials it covers the problems generated by an arbitrary set of cracks, for the piezoelectric materials it focuses on studying the influence of the electric permittivity of the crack’s filler, using not only a simple, fully electrically permeable model, but also a physically realistic, semi-permeable model. Throughout the analyses, the effects of the contact of the crack faces are taken into account so as to exclude the physically unrealistic interpenetration of the composite components that are typical of the classical open model. Further, the book derives and examines the mechanical and electromechanical fields, stress and electric intensity factors in detail. Providing extensive information on the fracture processes taking place in composite materials, the book helps readers become familiar with mathematical methods of complex function theory for obtaining exact analytical solutions.

Fractured Vuggy Carbonate Reservoir Simulation (Springer Mineralogy)

by Jun Yao Zhao-Qin Huang

This book solves the open problems in fluid flow modeling through the fractured vuggy carbonate reservoirs. Fractured vuggy carbonate reservoirs usually have complex pore structures, which contain not only matrix and fractures but also the vugs and cavities. Since the vugs and cavities are irregular in shape and vary in diameter from millimeters to meters, modeling fluid flow through fractured vuggy porous media is still a challenge. The existing modeling theory and methods are not suitable for such reservoir. It starts from the concept of discrete fracture and fracture-vug networks model, and then develops the corresponding mathematical models and numerical methods, including discrete fracture model, discrete fracture-vug model, hybrid model and multiscale models. Based on these discrete porous media models, some equivalent medium models and methods are also discussed. All the modeling and methods shared in this book offer the key recent solutions into this area.

Fraenkel: Mengen bilden

by Matthias Wille

Erleben Sie das Wiedererwachen des universitären Lebens nach 1918 aus der Sicht eines Betroffenen. Tauchen Sie ein in die Erziehungs- und Sozialgeschichte der Mathematik zur Zeit der Weimarer Republik und erfahren aus der Perspektive eines jungen Autors das Aufstreben der Firma von Julius Springer zum führenden Mathematikverlag. Dank der Verwendung einer Vielzahl von unveröffentlichten Quellen erhalten Sie einen überaus facettenreichen Eindruck des zeitgenössischen akademischen Milieus. In dieser weltweit ersten umfassenden Studie zu Abraham Adolf Fraenkel werden Ihnen bis dato vollkommen unbekannte Einblicke in die Werkstatt seiner mathematischen Gedanken geboten, die verständlich machen, wie innerhalb kürzester Zeit aus einem Laien ein international renommierter Experte für Mengenlehre wurde. Minutiös wird rekonstruiert, wie er vor exakt 100 Jahren zu seinen wegweisenden Resultaten gelangte, die schließlich zum unaufhaltsamen Aufstieg des modernen mengentheoretischen Paradigmas führten.

Fragebögen: Fundierte Konstruktion, sachgerechte Anwendung und aussagekräftige Auswertung (essentials)

by Stefan Hollenberg

Stefan Hollenberg stellt in diesem essential wichtige Hinweise aus über 40 einschlägigen Fachtexten zur Entwicklung, Konstruktion, Durchführung und Auswertung von schriftlichen Fragebögen zusammen. Es eignet sich besonders gut als Leitfaden für die praktische Anwendung in Studium und Praxis.

Frailty Models in Survival Analysis (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series)

by Andreas Wienke

The concept of frailty offers a convenient way to introduce unobserved heterogeneity and associations into models for survival data. In its simplest form, frailty is an unobserved random proportionality factor that modifies the hazard function of an individual or a group of related individuals. Frailty Models in Survival Analysis presents a compreh

Frame Theory in Data Science (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)

by Zhihua Zhang Palle E. Jorgensen

This book establishes brand-new frame theory and technical implementation in data science, with a special focus on spatial-scale feature extraction, network dynamics, object-oriented analysis, data-driven environmental prediction, and climate diagnosis. Given that data science is unanimously recognized as a core driver for achieving Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, these frame techniques bring fundamental changes to multi-channel data mining systems and support the development of digital Earth platforms. This book integrates the authors' frame research in the past twenty years and provides cutting-edge techniques and depth for scientists, professionals, and graduate students in data science, applied mathematics, environmental science, and geoscience.

Frames and Other Bases in Abstract and Function Spaces

by Isaac Pesenson Quoc Thong Le Gia Azita Mayeli Hrushikesh Mhaskar Ding-Xuan Zhou

The first of a two volume set on novel methods in harmonic analysis, this book draws on a number of original research and survey papers from well-known specialists detailing the latest innovations and recently discovered links between various fields. Along with many deep theoretical results, these volumes contain numerous applications to problems in signal processing, medical imaging, geodesy, statistics, and data science. The chapters within cover an impressive range of ideas from both traditional and modern harmonic analysis, such as: the Fourier transform, Shannon sampling, frames, wavelets, functions on Euclidean spaces, analysis on function spaces of Riemannian and sub-Riemannian manifolds, Fourier analysis on manifolds and Lie groups, analysis on combinatorial graphs, sheaves, co-sheaves, and persistent homologies on topological spaces. Volume I is organized around the theme of frames and other bases in abstract and function spaces, covering topics such as: The advanced development of frames, including Sigma-Delta quantization for fusion frames, localization of frames, and frame conditioning, as well as applications to distributed sensor networks, Galerkin-like representation of operators, scaling on graphs, and dynamical sampling. A systematic approach to shearlets with applications to wavefront sets and function spaces. Prolate and generalized prolate functions, spherical Gauss-Laguerre basis functions, and radial basis functions. Kernel methods, wavelets, and frames on compact and non-compact manifolds.

A Franchise on the Rise: The First Twenty Years of the New York Yankees

by Dom Amore John Sterling

2018 marks 115 years since the inception of the New York Yankees--and what a 115-year period it's been! But how did the team that has since won a league-leading 27 world championships get started? In A Franchise on the Rise, veteran sportswriter Dom Amore takes readers back in time to the first twenty years of the team's existence, from 1903 to 1923, focusing on all the major players and events, including their first ten years as the Highlanders, their move to Yankee Stadium, and their subsequent first World Series in 1923. In doing so, Amore successfully finds the characters' own voices and thereby vividly reconstructs events of more than a century ago. He recounts the snowy night Honus Wagner was offered twenty crisp $1,000 bills to join the new franchise in New York; the story behind the holes punched in the outfield fence that facilitated the stealing of signs in 1909; and why the team thought it may have had the next big superstar in a college football end named George Halas. This is a tale about the business of baseball as it was done at the time and, in many ways, as it still must be done. There was no secret to building a winning organization. It took money and luck, but it also took a group of people working as a team, each allowed to do his job and each doing it superbly.

Frank Ramsey and the Realistic Spirit (History of Analytic Philosophy)

by Steven Methven

This book attempts to explicate and expand upon Frank Ramsey's notion of the realistic spirit. In so doing, it provides a systematic reading of his work, and demonstrates the extent of Ramsey's genius as evinced by both his responses to the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, and the impact he had on Wittgenstein's later philosophical insights.


by Stephen J. Dubner Steven D. Levitt

Through forceful storytelling and wry insight, Levitt and co-author Stephen J. Dubner show that economics is, at root, the study of incentives--how people get what they want, or need, especially when other people want or need the same thing. In Freakonomics, they set out to explore the hidden side of ... well, everything.

Freakonomics Rev Ed: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything

by Stephen J. Dubner Steven D. Levitt

Which is more dangerous, a gun or a swimming pool? What do schoolteachers and sumo wrestlers have in common? Why do drug dealers still live with their moms? How much do parents really matter? How did the legalization of abortion affect the rate of violent crime? These may not sound like typical questions for an econo-mist to ask. But Steven D. Levitt is not a typical economist. He is a much-heralded scholar who studies the riddles of everyday life-from cheating and crime to sports and child-rearing-and whose conclusions turn conventional wisdom on its head. Freakonomics is a groundbreaking collaboration between Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, an award-winning author and journalist. They usually begin with a mountain of data and a simple question. Some of these questions concern life-and-death issues; others have an admittedly freakish quality. Thus the new field of study contained in this book: freakonomics. Through forceful storytelling and wry insight, Levitt and Dubner show that economics is, at root, the study of incentives-how people get what they want, or need, especially when other people want or need the same thing. In Freakonomics, they explore the hidden side of . . . well, everything. The inner workings of a crack gang. The truth about real-estate agents. The myths of campaign finance. The telltale marks of a cheating schoolteacher. The secrets of the Klu Klux Klan. What unites all these stories is a belief that the modern world, despite a great deal of complexity and downright deceit, is not impenetrable, is not unknowable, and-if the right questions are asked-is even more intriguing than we think. All it takes is a new way of looking. Freakonomics establishes this unconventional premise: If morality represents how we would like the world to work, then economics represents how it actually does work. It is true that readers of this book will be armed with enough riddles and stories to last a thousand cocktail parties. But Freakonomics can provide more than that. It will literally redefine the way we view the modern world.

Fréchet Differentiability of Lipschitz Functions and Porous Sets in Banach Spaces (Annals of Mathematics Studies #179)

by Joram Lindenstrauss David Preiss Jaroslav Tišer

This book makes a significant inroad into the unexpectedly difficult question of existence of Fréchet derivatives of Lipschitz maps of Banach spaces into higher dimensional spaces. Because the question turns out to be closely related to porous sets in Banach spaces, it provides a bridge between descriptive set theory and the classical topic of existence of derivatives of vector-valued Lipschitz functions. The topic is relevant to classical analysis and descriptive set theory on Banach spaces. The book opens several new research directions in this area of geometric nonlinear functional analysis. The new methods developed here include a game approach to perturbational variational principles that is of independent interest. Detailed explanation of the underlying ideas and motivation behind the proofs of the new results on Fréchet differentiability of vector-valued functions should make these arguments accessible to a wider audience. The most important special case of the differentiability results, that Lipschitz mappings from a Hilbert space into the plane have points of Fréchet differentiability, is given its own chapter with a proof that is independent of much of the work done to prove more general results. The book raises several open questions concerning its two main topics.

Fredholm and Local Spectral Theory II: With Application to Weyl-type Theorems (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2235)

by Pietro Aiena

This monograph concerns the relationship between the local spectral theory and Fredholm theory of bounded linear operators acting on Banach spaces. The purpose of this book is to provide a first general treatment of the theory of operators for which Weyl-type or Browder-type theorems hold. The product of intensive research carried out over the last ten years, this book explores for the first time in a monograph form, results that were only previously available in journal papers. Written in a simple style, with sections and chapters following an easy, natural flow, it will be an invaluable resource for researchers in Operator Theory and Functional Analysis. The reader is assumed to be familiar with the basic notions of linear algebra, functional analysis and complex analysis.

Free and Moving Boundaries: Analysis, Simulation and Control (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)

by Roland Glowinski Jean-Paul Zolésio

Addressing algebraic problems found in biomathematics and energy, Free and Moving Boundaries: Analysis, Simulation and Control discusses moving boundary and boundary control in systems described by partial differential equations (PDEs). With contributions from international experts, the book emphasizes numerical and theoretical control of mo

Free Boundary Problems: Regularity Properties Near the Fixed Boundary (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2218)

by Darya Apushkinskaya

This book is concerned with several elliptic and parabolic obstacle-type problems with a focus on the cases where the free and fixed boundaries meet. The results presented complement those found in existing books in the subject, which mainly treat regularity properties away from the fixed boundary.The topics include optimal regularity, analysis of global solutions, tangential touch of the free and fixed boundaries, as well as Lipschitz- and $C^1$-regularity of the free boundary. Special attention is given to local versions of various monotonicity formulas.The intended audience includes research mathematicians and advanced graduate students interested in problems with free boundaries.

Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications

by Ioannis Athanasopoulos

Free boundary problems arise in an enormous number of situations in nature and technology. They hold a strategic position in pure and applied sciences and thus have been the focus of considerable research over the last three decades. Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications presents the work and results of experts at the forefront of current research in mathematics, material sciences, chemical engineering, biology, and physics. It contains the plenary lectures and contributed papers of the 1997 International Interdisciplinary Congress proceedings held in Crete.The main topics addressed include free boundary problems in fluid and solid mechanics, combustion, the theory of filtration, and glaciology. Contributors also discuss material science modeling, recent mathematical developments, and numerical analysis advances within their presentations of more specific topics, such as singularities of interfaces, cusp cavitation and fracture, capillary fluid dynamics of film coating, dynamics of surface growth, phase transition kinetics, and phase field models.With the implications of free boundary problems so far reaching, it becomes important for researchers from all of these fields to stay abreast of new developments. Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications provides the opportunity to do just that, presenting recent advances from more than 50 researchers at the frontiers of science, mathematics, and technology.

Free Boundary Problems and Asymptotic Behavior of Singularly Perturbed Partial Differential Equations

by Kelei Wang

This thesis is devoted to the study of the asymptotic behavior of singularly perturbed partial differential equations and some related free boundary problems arising from these two problems. We study the free boundary problems in the singulary limit and give some characterizations, and use this to study the dynamical behavior of competing species when the competition is strong. These results have many applications in physics and biology.

Free Boundary Problems in Fluid Dynamics (Oberwolfach Seminars #54)

by Daniel Tataru Thomas Alazard Albert Ai Mihaela Ifrim

This book, originating from a seminar held at Oberwolfach in 2022, introduces to state-of-the-art methods and results in the study of free boundary problems which are arising from compressible as well as from incompressible Euler’s equations in general. A particular set of such problems is given by gaseous stars considered in a vacuum (modeled via the compressible Euler equations) as well as water waves in their full generality (seen as recasts of incompressible irrotational Euler equations). This is a broad research area which is highly relevant to many real life problems, and in which substantial progress has been made in the last decade.

Free Boundary Problems in PDEs and Particle Systems

by Gioia Carinci Anna De Masi Cristian Giardinà Errico Presutti

In this volume a theory for models of transport in the presence of a free boundary is developed. Macroscopic laws of transport are described by PDE's. When the system is open, there are several mechanisms to couple the system with the external forces. Here a class of systems where the interaction with the exterior takes place in correspondence of a free boundary is considered. Both continuous and discrete models sharing the same structure are analysed. In Part I a free boundary problem related to the Stefan Problem is worked out in all details. For this model a new notion of relaxed solution is proposed for which global existence and uniqueness is proven. It is also shown that this is the hydrodynamic limit of the empirical mass density of the associated particle system. In Part II several other models are discussed. The expectation is that the results proved for the basic model extend to these other cases. All the models discussed in this volume have an interest in problems arising in several research fields such as heat conduction, queuing theory, propagation of fire, interface dynamics, population dynamics, evolution of biological systems with selection mechanisms. In general researchers interested in the relations between PDE's and stochastic processes can find in this volume an extension of this correspondence to modern mathematical physics.

Free Convection Film Flows and Heat Transfer

by De-Yi Shang

This book presents recent developments in our systematic studies of hydrodynamics and heat and mass transfer in laminar free convection, accelerating film boiling and condensation of Newtonian fluids, as well as accelerating film flow of non-Newtonian power-law fluids (FFNF). These new developments provided in this book are (i) novel system of analysis models based on the developed New Similarity Analysis Method; (ii) a system of advanced methods for treatment of gas temperature- dependent physical properties, and liquid temperature- dependent physical properties; (iii) the organically combined models of the governing mathematical models with those on treatment model of variable physical properties; (iv) rigorous approach of overcoming a challenge on accurate solution of three-point boundary value problem related to two-phase film boiling and condensation; and (v) A pseudo-similarity method of dealing with thermal boundary layer of FFNF for greatly simplifies the heat-transfer analysis and numerical calculation. A system of practical application equations on heat and mass transfer are provided in each chapter, which are formulated based on the rigorous numerical solutions with consideration of variable physical properties. In addition, in the second edition, other new research developments are further included on resolving an even big challenge associated with investigations of laminar free film condensation of vapour-gas mixture. They involve the novel methods for treatment of concentration- and temperature- dependent physical properties of vapour-gas mixture, and for rigorous solution of interfacial vapour saturation temperature, which have lead to rigorous analysis and calculation results on two-phase film flow velocity, temperature, and concentration fields, as well as condensate heat and mass transfer.

Free Probability and Random Matrices

by James A. Mingo Roland Speicher

This volume opens the world of free probability to a wide variety of readers. From its roots in the theory of operator algebras, free probability has intertwined with non-crossing partitions, random matrices, applications in wireless communications, representation theory of large groups, quantum groups, the invariant subspace problem, large deviations, subfactors, and beyond. This book puts a special emphasis on the relation of free probability to random matrices, but also touches upon the operator algebraic, combinatorial, and analytic aspects of the theory. The book serves as a combination textbook/research monograph, with self-contained chapters, exercises scattered throughout the text, and coverage of important ongoing progress of the theory. It will appeal to graduate students and all mathematicians interested in random matrices and free probability from the point of view of operator algebras, combinatorics, analytic functions, or applications in engineering and statistical physics.

Free Resolutions in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry

by David Eisenbud Craig Huneke

The selected contributions in this volume originated at the Sundance conference, which was devoted to discussions of current work in the area of free resolutions. The papers include new research, not otherwise published, and expositions that develop current problems likely to influence future developments in the field.

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