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Free Convection Film Flows and Heat Transfer
by De-Yi ShangThis book presents recent developments in our systematic studies of hydrodynamics and heat and mass transfer in laminar free convection, accelerating film boiling and condensation of Newtonian fluids, as well as accelerating film flow of non-Newtonian power-law fluids (FFNF). These new developments provided in this book are (i) novel system of analysis models based on the developed New Similarity Analysis Method; (ii) a system of advanced methods for treatment of gas temperature- dependent physical properties, and liquid temperature- dependent physical properties; (iii) the organically combined models of the governing mathematical models with those on treatment model of variable physical properties; (iv) rigorous approach of overcoming a challenge on accurate solution of three-point boundary value problem related to two-phase film boiling and condensation; and (v) A pseudo-similarity method of dealing with thermal boundary layer of FFNF for greatly simplifies the heat-transfer analysis and numerical calculation. A system of practical application equations on heat and mass transfer are provided in each chapter, which are formulated based on the rigorous numerical solutions with consideration of variable physical properties. In addition, in the second edition, other new research developments are further included on resolving an even big challenge associated with investigations of laminar free film condensation of vapour-gas mixture. They involve the novel methods for treatment of concentration- and temperature- dependent physical properties of vapour-gas mixture, and for rigorous solution of interfacial vapour saturation temperature, which have lead to rigorous analysis and calculation results on two-phase film flow velocity, temperature, and concentration fields, as well as condensate heat and mass transfer.
Free Probability and Random Matrices
by James A. Mingo Roland SpeicherThis volume opens the world of free probability to a wide variety of readers. From its roots in the theory of operator algebras, free probability has intertwined with non-crossing partitions, random matrices, applications in wireless communications, representation theory of large groups, quantum groups, the invariant subspace problem, large deviations, subfactors, and beyond. This book puts a special emphasis on the relation of free probability to random matrices, but also touches upon the operator algebraic, combinatorial, and analytic aspects of the theory. The book serves as a combination textbook/research monograph, with self-contained chapters, exercises scattered throughout the text, and coverage of important ongoing progress of the theory. It will appeal to graduate students and all mathematicians interested in random matrices and free probability from the point of view of operator algebras, combinatorics, analytic functions, or applications in engineering and statistical physics.
Free Resolutions in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
by David Eisenbud Craig HunekeThe selected contributions in this volume originated at the Sundance conference, which was devoted to discussions of current work in the area of free resolutions. The papers include new research, not otherwise published, and expositions that develop current problems likely to influence future developments in the field.
Free Will & Action: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind and Action #6)
by Filip Grgić Davor PećnjakThis book consists of eleven new essays that provide new insights into classical and contemporary issues surrounding free will and human agency. They investigate topics such as the nature of practical knowledge and its role in intentional action; mental content and explanations of action; recent arguments for libertarianism; the situationist challenge to free will; freedom and a theory of narrative configuration; the moral responsibility of the psychopath; and free will and the indeterminism of quantum mechanics. Also tackling some historical precursors of contemporary debates, taken together these essays demonstrate the need for an approach that recognizes the multifaceted nature of free will. This book provides essential reading for anyone interested in the current scholarship on free will.
The Freedom Bible: An A-to-Z Guide to Exercising Your Individual Rights, Protecting Your Privacy, Liberating Yourself from Corporate and Government Overreach
by Ted AdamsLearn How to Protect Your Family&’s Freedom!Freedom is the foundation on which America was born and continues to thrive. If you believe in the strength of freedom as more than an ideal, you can find smart ways to exercise it in all parts of your life! The Freedom Bible is your A-to-Z guide to knowing your individual rights and seeking more control and freedom through the decisions you face every day.Own healthcare decisions for you and your familyMake choices that direct your dollars where you want—for example, made in America, not overseasKnow your options to challenge governing boards—from home ownership associations to school boardsReduce your reliance on &“the grid&”Escape the invasiveness of all kinds of technologyGuard your privacy and free speech on social mediaAnd much more!Get freedom from…· Big Government· Big Tech· Dependence on Overseas Goods· Employer &“Requirements&”· HOAs· Social media jail· Spam callers· Taxes· And More!
Freedom in Mathematics
by Pierre Cartier Jean Dhombres Gerhard Heinzmann Cédric VillaniThis book challengesthe views put forward by Pierre Cartier, one of the anchors of the famousBourbaki group, and Cédric Villani, one of the most brilliant mathematicians ofhis generation, who received the Fields Medal in 2010. Jean Dhombres, mathematicianand science historian, and Gerhard Heinzmann, philosopher of science and also aspecialist in mathematics engage in a fruitful dialogue with the twomathematicians, prompting readers to reflect on mathematical activity and itssocial consequences in history as well as in the modern world. Cédric Villani'spopular success proves once again that a common awareness has developed, albeitin a very confused way, of the major role of mathematics in the constructionand efficiency of natural sciences, which are at the origin of ourtechnologies. Despite this, the idea that mathematics cannot be shared remains firmlyentrenched, a perceived failing that has even been branded a lack of culture byvocal forces in the media as well as cultural and political establishment. The authors explore three majordirections in their dialogue: the highly complex relationship betweenmathematics and reality, the subject of many debates and opposing viewpoints; thefreedom that the construction of mathematics has given humankind by enabling themto develop the natural sciences as well as mathematical research; and the responsibilitywith which the scientific community and governments should address the role ofmathematics in research and education policies.
Frege, Dedekind, and Peano on the Foundations of Arithmetic (Routledge Revivals)
by Donald GilliesFirst published in 1982, this reissue contains a critical exposition of the views of Frege, Dedekind and Peano on the foundations of arithmetic. The last quarter of the 19th century witnessed a remarkable growth of interest in the foundations of arithmetic. This work analyses both the reasons for this growth of interest within both mathematics and philosophy and the ways in which this study of the foundations of arithmetic led to new insights in philosophy and striking advances in logic. This historical-critical study provides an excellent introduction to the problems of the philosophy of mathematics - problems which have wide implications for philosophy as a whole. This reissue will appeal to students of both mathematics and philosophy who wish to improve their knowledge of logic.
Frequency Domain Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Systems based on Volterra Series Expansion
by Xingjian Jing Ziqiang LangThis book is a systematic summary of some new advances in the area of nonlinear analysis and design in the frequency domain, focusing on the application oriented theory and methods based on the GFRF concept, which is mainly done by the author in the past 8 years. The main results are formulated uniformly with a parametric characteristic approach, which provides a convenient and novel insight into nonlinear influence on system output response in terms of characteristic parameters and thus facilitate nonlinear analysis and design in the frequency domain. The book starts with a brief introduction to the background of nonlinear analysis in the frequency domain, followed by recursive algorithms for computation of GFRFs for different parametric models, and nonlinear output frequency properties. Thereafter the parametric characteristic analysis method is introduced, which leads to the new understanding and formulation of the GFRFs, and nonlinear characteristic output spectrum (nCOS) and the nCOS based analysis and design method. Based on the parametric characteristic approach, nonlinear influence in the frequency domain can be investigated with a novel insight, i. e. , alternating series, which is followed by some application results in vibration control. Magnitude bounds of frequency response functions of nonlinear systems can also be studied with a parametric characteristic approach, which result in novel parametric convergence criteria for any given parametric nonlinear model whose input-output relationship allows a convergent Volterra series expansion. This book targets those readers who are working in the areas related to nonlinear analysis and design, nonlinear signal processing, nonlinear system identification, nonlinear vibration control, and so on. It particularly serves as a good reference for those who are studying frequency domain methods for nonlinear systems.
Freude an Geometrie – Zum Gedenken an Hans Schupp: Vorträge auf der 36. Herbsttagung des Arbeitskreises Geometrie in der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik vom 10. bis 12. September 2021 in Saarbrücken
by Andreas Filler Anselm Lambert Marie-Christine von der BankHans Schupp verstarb im Mai 2021 im Alter von 86 Jahren. Neben seinen weitreichenden Beiträgen zur Didaktik der Stochastik war er auch in der Geometrie substantiell breit aufgestellt und hat zahlreiche, didaktisch begründete, konstruktive Vorschläge zur Re-Geometrisierung des Mathematikunterrichts publiziert. In diesem Feld gibt es in der schulischen Praxis aber leider weiterhin Defizite und großen Nachholbedarf. Dies war Grund genug, um uns auf unserer Tagung mit dem Erbe von Hans Schupp und – darauf aufbauend – mit der Weiterentwicklung des Geometrieunterrichts zu beschäftigen. Dieser Tagungsband enthält daher zwölf Beitrage zu Themen des Geometrieunterrichts, die an Ideen und Arbeiten von Hans Schupp anknüpfen.
The Friction of Life: An investigation on Renato Caccioppoli's life
by Lorenza FoschiniNaples, May 8, 1959. Renato Caccioppoli, a mathematical genius, prodigious pianist, captivating storyteller, highly cultured and multilingual, believed to be the grandson of the anarchist movement founder Mikhail Bakunin, takes his own life by shooting himself in the back of the head in his residence at Palazzo Cellammare.Adored by students and colleagues, a symbol of freedom and non-conformity for an entire generation, Caccioppoli enchanted not only some of the most celebrated intellectuals of the century – André Gide, Pablo Neruda, Eduardo De Filippo, Benedetto Croce, Alberto Moravia, Elsa Morante – but also, and above all, the people of Naples, who have always regarded him with amazed admiration. Persecuted by the fascist regime, afflicted by what the writer and friend Paola Masino would describe as "the friction of life," his death permanently places him in the city's history.This meticulous and well-documented investigation tells us who Caccioppoli truly was and offers us an un-stereotyped and, in some ways, unprecedented portrayal of a legendary Naples.
Friedrich Waismann: The Open Texture of Analytic Philosophy (History of Analytic Philosophy)
by Dejan Makovec Stewart ShapiroThis edited collection covers Friedrich Waismann's most influential contributions to twentieth-century philosophy of language: his concepts of open texture and language strata, his early criticism of verificationism and the analytic-synthetic distinction, as well as their significance for experimental and legal philosophy. In addition, Waismann's original papers in ethics, metaphysics, epistemology and the philosophy of mathematics are here evaluated. They introduce Waismann's theory of action along with his groundbreaking work on fiction, proper names and Kafka's Trial. Waismann is known as the voice of Ludwig Wittgenstein in the Vienna Circle. At the same time we find in his works a determined critic of logical positivism and ordinary language philosophy, who anticipated much later developments in the analytic tradition and devised his very own vision for its future.
Friend of Numbers: The Life of Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan (Incredible Lives for Young Readers)
by Priya NarayananA memorable, inspiring introduction to a groundbreaking figure in STEM history.Growing up in southern India during British rule, Srinivasa Ramanujan was fascinated by numbers: they made patterns only he could see. Soon he spent as much time as he could in the world of mathematics, exploring concepts and trying to publish his ideas. In 1914, twenty-six-year-old Ramanujan sailed to England to work with the acclaimed mathematician G.H. Hardy. Cambridge University was so different from home, but Ramanujan&’s love of numbers kept him going. He had big questions to ask—and important discoveries to make!This captivating biography follows the short but brilliant life of a man recognized as a genius in his time and our own. With bright, occasionally amusing art and compelling back matter, Friend of Numbers is an unforgettable portrait of one of history&’s most incredible mathematical minds.
Fringe Benefits, Labour Costs and Social Security (Routledge Revivals)
by G. L. Reid D. J. RobertsonOriginally published in 1965, this book is concerned with an important yet neglected part of economic life ‘fringe benefits’ which employers provide for and on behalf of their employees apart from wages and salaries. The book sets out results of an inquiry into the costs of supplementary labour costs for manual workers, with an account of the various influences which help to explain differences in expenditure by different firms. The book then gives comparative figures for Western European countries and considers some of the economic effects of the European levels of supplementary labour costs. The situation in the USA is discussed, as is the relationship of employer-financed welfare schemes and State social security programmes. Chapters on pensions, sick pay and redundancy payments are included as well as those dealing with the history of paid holidays and subsidized welfare facilities such as canteens.
Frogs, Fleas and Painted Cube s: Quadratic Relationships (Texas)
by Glenda Lappan James T. Fey William M. Fitzgerald Susan N. Friel Elizabeth Difanis PhillipsNIMAC-sourced textbook
Frogs, Fleas, and Painted Cubes, Quadratic Relationships
by Glenda Lappan James T. Fey William M. FitzgeraldNIMAC-sourced textbook
From Action Systems to Distributed Systems: The Refinement Approach
by Luigia Petre Emil SekerinskiFormal methods traditionally address the question of transforming software engineering into a mature engineering discipline. This essentially refers to trusting that the software-intensive systems that form our society's infrastructures are behaving according to their specifications. More recently, formal methods are also used to understand propert
From Analysis to Visualization: A Celebration of the Life and Legacy of Jonathan M. Borwein, Callaghan, Australia, September 2017 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #313)
by Richard P. Brent David H. Bailey Regina S. Burachik Naomi Simone Borwein Judy-anne Heather Osborn Brailey Sims Qiji J. ZhuStudents and researchers from all fields of mathematics are invited to read and treasure this special Proceedings. A conference was held 25 –29 September 2017 at Noah’s On the Beach, Newcastle, Australia, to commemorate the life and work of Jonathan M. Borwein, a mathematician extraordinaire whose untimely passing in August 2016 was a sorry loss to mathematics and to so many members of its community, a loss that continues to be keenly felt. A polymath, Jonathan Borwein ranks among the most wide ranging and influential mathematicians of the last 50 years, making significant contributions to an exceptional diversity of areas and substantially expanding the use of the computer as a tool of the research mathematician. The contributions in this commemorative volume probe Dr. Borwein's ongoing legacy in areas where he did some of his most outstanding work: Applied Analysis, Optimization and Convex Functions; Mathematics Education; Financial Mathematics; plus Number Theory, Special Functions and Pi, all tinged by the double prisms of Experimental Mathematics and Visualization, methodologies he championed.
From Animals to Animats 15: 15th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, SAB 2018, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, August 14-17, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10994)
by Poramate Manoonpong Jørgen Christian Larsen Xiaofeng Xiong John Hallam Jochen TrieschThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, SAB 2018, held in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, in August 2018.The 21 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 39 submissions. They cover the main areas in animat research, including the animat approach and methodology, perception and motor control, action selection and navigation, learning and adaptation, and collective and social behavior.
From Animals to Animats 17: 17th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, SAB 2024, Irvine, CA, USA, September 9–12, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14993)
by Oliver Brock Jeffrey KrichmarThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, SAB 2024, held in Irvine, CA, USA, during September 9–12, 2024. The 26 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 30 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Bio-Inspired Navigation; Biomimetic Robots; Collective Behavior; Evolutionary Approaches to Adaptive Behavior; Motor Learning and Problem Solving and Decision-Making.
From Approximate Variation to Pointwise Selection Principles (SpringerBriefs in Optimization)
by Vyacheslav V. ChistyakovThe book addresses the minimization of special lower semicontinuous functionals over closed balls in metric spaces, called the approximate variation. The new notion of approximate variation contains more information about the bounded variation functional and has the following features: the infimum in the definition of approximate variation is not attained in general and the total Jordan variation of a function is obtained by a limiting procedure as a parameter tends to zero. By means of the approximate variation, we are able to characterize regulated functions in a generalized sense and provide powerful compactness tools in the topology of pointwise convergence, conventionally called pointwise selection principles. The book presents a thorough, self-contained study of the approximate variation and results which were not published previously in book form. The approximate variation is illustrated by a large number of examples designed specifically for this study. The discussion elaborates on the state-of-the-art pointwise selection principles applied to functions with values in metric spaces, normed spaces, reflexive Banach spaces, and Hilbert spaces. The highlighted feature includes a deep study of special type of lower semicontinuous functionals though the applied methods are of a general nature. The content is accessible to students with some background in real analysis, general topology, and measure theory. Among the new results presented are properties of the approximate variation: semi-additivity, change of variable formula, subtle behavior with respect to uniformly and pointwise convergent sequences of functions, and the behavior on improper metric spaces. These properties are crucial for pointwise selection principles in which the key role is played by the limit superior of the approximate variation. Interestingly, pointwise selection principles may be regular, treating regulated limit functions, and irregular, treating highly irregular functions (e.g., Dirichlet-type functions), in which a significant role is played by Ramsey’s Theorem from formal logic.
From Arithmetic to Zeta-Functions
by Jürgen Sander Jörn Steuding Rasa SteudingThis book collects more than thirty contributions in memory of Wolfgang Schwarz, most of which were presented at the seventh International Conference on Elementary and Analytic Number Theory (ELAZ), held July 2014 in Hildesheim, Germany. Ranging from the theory of arithmetical functions to diophantine problems, to analytic aspects of zeta-functions, the various research and survey articles cover the broad interests of the well-known number theorist and cherished colleague Wolfgang Schwarz (1934-2013), who contributed over one hundred articles on number theory, its history and related fields. Readers interested in elementary or analytic number theory and related fields will certainly find many fascinating topical results among the contributions from both respected mathematicians and up-and-coming young researchers. In addition, some biographical articles highlight the life and mathematical works of Wolfgang Schwarz.
From beliefs to dynamic affect systems in mathematics education
by Birgit Pepin Bettina Roesken-WinterThis book connects seminal work in affect research and moves forward to provide a developing perspective on affect as the "decisive variable" of the mathematics classroom. In particular, the book contributes and investigates new conceptual frameworks and new methodological 'tools' in affect research and introduces the new field of 'collectives' to explore affect systems in diverse settings. Investigated by internationally renowned scholars, the book is build up in three dimensions. The first part of the book provides an overview of selected theoretical frames - theoretical lenses - to study the mosaic of relationships and interactions in the field of affect. In the second part the theory is enriched by empirical research studies and provides relevant findings in terms of developing deeper understandings of individuals' and collectives' affective systems in mathematics education. Here pupil and teacher beliefs and affect systems are examined more closely. The final part investigates the methodological tools used and needed in affect research. How can the different methodological designs contribute data which help us to develop better understandings of teachers' and pupils' affect systems for teaching and learning mathematics and in which ways are knowledge and affect related?
From Calculus to Analysis
by Steen PedersenThis textbook features applications including a proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, space filling curves, and the theory of irrational numbers. In addition to the standard results of advanced calculus, the book contains several interesting applications of these results. The text is intended to form a bridge between calculus and analysis. It is based on the authors lecture notes used and revised nearly every year over the last decade. The book contains numerous illustrations and cross references throughout, as well as exercises with solutions at the end of each section.
From Calculus to Analysis
by Rinaldo B. SchinaziThis comprehensive textbook is intended for a two-semester sequence in analysis. The first four chapters present a practical introduction to analysis by using the tools and concepts of calculus. The last five chapters present a first course in analysis. The presentation is clear and concise, allowing students to master the calculus tools that are crucial in understanding analysis. From Calculus to Analysis prepares readers for their first analysis course--important because many undergraduate programs traditionally require such a course. Undergraduates and some advanced high-school seniors will find this text a useful and pleasant experience in the classroom or as a self-study guide. The only prerequisite is a standard calculus course.
From Classical Analysis to Analysis on Fractals: A Tribute to Robert Strichartz, Volume 1 (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
by Patricia Alonso Ruiz Michael Hinz Kasso A. Okoudjou Luke G. Rogers Alexander TeplyaevOver the course of his distinguished career, Robert Strichartz (1943-2021) had a substantial impact on the field of analysis with his deep, original results in classical harmonic, functional, and spectral analysis, and in the newly developed analysis on fractals. This is the first volume of a tribute to his work and legacy, featuring chapters that reflect his mathematical interests, written by his colleagues and friends. An introductory chapter summarizes his broad and varied mathematical work and highlights his profound contributions as a mathematical mentor. The remaining articles are grouped into three sections – functional and harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces, analysis on manifolds, and analysis on fractals – and explore Strichartz’ contributions to these areas, as well as some of the latest developments.