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From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations II
by Patrícia Gonçalves Ana Jacinta SoaresThis book focuses on mathematical problems concerning different applications in physics, engineering, chemistry and biology. It covers topics ranging from interacting particle systems to partial differential equations (PDEs), statistical mechanics and dynamical systems. The purpose of the second meeting on Particle Systems and PDEs was to bring together renowned researchers working actively in the respective fields, to discuss their topics of expertise and to present recent scientific results in both areas. Further, the meeting was intended to present the subject of interacting particle systems, its roots in and impacts on the field of physics and its relation with PDEs to a vast and varied public, including young researchers. The book also includes the notes from two mini-courses presented at the conference, allowing readers who are less familiar with these areas of mathematics to more easily approach them. The contributions will be of interest to mathematicians, theoretical physicists and other researchers interested in interacting particle systems, partial differential equations, statistical mechanics, stochastic processes, kinetic theory, dynamical systems and mathematical modeling aspects.
From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations III
by Patrícia Gonçalves Ana Jacinta Jacinta SoaresThe main focus of this book is on different topics in probability theory, partial differential equations and kinetic theory, presenting some of the latest developments in these fields. It addresses mathematical problems concerning applications in physics, engineering, chemistry and biology that were presented at the Third International Conference on Particle Systems and Partial Differential Equations, held at the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal in December 2014. The purpose of the conference was to bring together prominent researchers working in the fields of particle systems and partial differential equations, providing a venue for them to present their latest findings and discuss their areas of expertise. Further, it was intended to introduce a vast and varied public, including young researchers, to the subject of interacting particle systems, its underlying motivation, and its relation to partial differential equations. This book will appeal to probabilists, analysts and those mathematicians whose work involves topics in mathematical physics, stochastic processes and differential equations in general, as well as those physicists whose work centers on statistical mechanics and kinetic theory.
From Polynomials to Sums of Squares
by T.H JacksonFrom Polynomials to Sums of Squares describes a journey through the foothills of algebra and number theory based around the central theme of factorization. The book begins by providing basic knowledge of rational polynomials, then gradually introduces other integral domains, and eventually arrives at sums of squares of integers. The text is complemented with illustrations that feature specific examples. Other than familiarity with complex numbers and some elementary number theory, very little mathematical prerequisites are needed. The accompanying disk enables readers to explore the subject further by removing the tedium of doing calculations by hand. Throughout the text there are practical activities involving the computer.
From Probability to Finance: Lecture Notes of BICMR Summer School on Financial Mathematics (Mathematical Lectures from Peking University)
by Ying JiaoThis volume presents a collection of lecture notes of mini-courses taught at BICMR Summer School of Financial Mathematics, from May 29 to June 9, 2017. Each chapter is self-contained and corresponds to one mini-course which deals with a distinguished topic, such as branching processes, enlargement of filtrations, Hawkes processes, copula models and valuation adjustment analysis, whereas the global topics cover a wide range of advanced subjects in financial mathematics, from both theoretical and practical points of view. The authors include world-leading specialists in the domain and also young active researchers.This book will be helpful for students and those who work on probability and financial mathematics.
From Protein Structure to Function with Bioinformatics
by Daniel J. RigdenThis book is about protein structural bioinformatics and how it can help understand and predict protein function. It covers structure-based methods that can assign and explain protein function based on overall folds, characteristics of protein surfaces, occurrence of small 3D motifs, protein-protein interactions and on dynamic properties. Such methods help extract maximum value from new experimental structures, but can often be applied to protein models. The book also, therefore, provides comprehensive coverage of methods for predicting or inferring protein structure, covering all structural classes from globular proteins and their membrane-resident counterparts to amyloid structures and intrinsically disordered proteins. The book is split into two broad sections, the first covering methods to generate or infer protein structure, the second dealing with structure-based function annotation. Each chapter is written by world experts in the field. The first section covers methods ranging from traditional homology modelling and fold recognition to fragment-based ab initio methods, and includes a chapter, new for the second edition, on structure prediction using evolutionary covariance. Membrane proteins and intrinsically disordered proteins are each assigned chapters, while two new chapters deal with amyloid structures and means to predict modes of protein-protein interaction. The second section includes chapters covering functional diversity within protein folds and means to assign function based on surface properties and recurring motifs. Further chapters cover the key roles of protein dynamics in protein function and use of automated servers for function inference. The book concludes with two chapters covering case studies of structure prediction, based respectively on crystal structures and protein models, providing numerous examples of real-world usage of the methods mentioned previously. This book is targeted at postgraduate students and academic researchers. It is most obviously of interest to protein bioinformaticians and structural biologists, but should also serve as a guide to biologists more broadly by highlighting the insights that structural bioinformatics can provide into proteins of their interest.
From Reactive Systems to Cyber-Physical Systems: Essays Dedicated to Scott A. Smolka on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11500)
by Ezio Bartocci Rance Cleaveland Radu Grosu Oleg SokolskyThis Festschrift is in honor of Scott A. Smolka, Professor in the Stony Brook University, USA, on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Scott A. Smolka made fundamental research contributions in a number of areas, including process algebra, model checking, probabilistic processes, runtime verification, and the modeling and analysis of cardiac cells, neural circuits and flocking behaviors. He is perhaps best known for the algorithm he and Paris Kanellakis invented for checking bi-simulation. The title of this volume From Reactive Systems to Cyber-Physical Systems reflects Scott's main research focus throughout his career. It contains the papers written by his closest friends and collaborators. The contributions cover a wide spectrum of the topics related to Scott's research scientific interests, including model repair for probabilistic systems, runtime verification, model checking, cardiac dynamics simulation and machine learning.
From Real to Complex Analysis
by R. H. Dyer D. E. EdmundsThe purpose of this book is to provide an integrated course in real and complex analysis for those who have already taken a preliminary course in real analysis. It particularly emphasises the interplay between analysis and topology. Beginning with the theory of the Riemann integral (and its improper extension) on the real line, the fundamentals of metric spaces are then developed, with special attention being paid to connectedness, simple connectedness and various forms of homotopy. The final chapter develops the theory of complex analysis, in which emphasis is placed on the argument, the winding number, and a general (homology) version of Cauchy's theorem which is proved using the approach due to Dixon. Special features are the inclusion of proofs of Montel's theorem, the Riemann mapping theorem and the Jordan curve theorem that arise naturally from the earlier development. Extensive exercises are included in each of the chapters, detailed solutions of the majority of which are given at the end. From Real to Complex Analysis is aimed at senior undergraduates and beginning graduate students in mathematics. It offers a sound grounding in analysis; in particular, it gives a solid base in complex analysis from which progress to more advanced topics may be made.
From scientific instrument to industrial machine
by Sjir Van Loo Richard DoornbosArchitectural stress is the inability of a system design to respond to new market demands. It is an important yet often concealed issue in high tech systems. In From scientific instrument to industrial machine, we look at the phenomenon of architectural stress in embedded systems in the context of a transmission electron microscope system built by FEI Company. Traditionally, transmission electron microscopes are manually operated scientific instruments, but they also have enormous potential for use in industrial applications. However, this new market has quite different characteristics. There are strong demands for cost-effective analysis, accurate and precise measurements, and ease-of-use. These demands can be translated into new system qualities, e.g. reliability, predictability and high throughput, as well as new functions, e.g. automation of electron microscopic analyses, automated focusing and positioning functions. From scientific instrument to industrial machine takes a pragmatic approach to the problem of architectural stress. In particular, it describes the outcomes of the Condor project, a joint endeavour by a consortium of industrial and academic partners. In this collaboration an integrated approach was essential to successfully combine various scientific results and show the first steps towards a new direction. System modelling and prototyping were the key techniques to develop better understanding and innovative solutions to the problems associated with architectural stress. From scientific instruments to industrial machine is targeted mainly at industrial practitioners, in particular system architects and engineers working on high tech systems. It can therefore be read without particular knowledge of electron microscope systems or microscopic applications. The book forms a bridge between academic and applied science, and high tech industrial practice. By showing the approaches and solutions developed for the electron microscope, it is hoped that system designers will gain some insights in how to deal with architectural stress in similar challenges in the high tech industry.
From Servant to Queen: A Journey through Victorian Mathematics
by John HeardWith a few notable exceptions, pure mathematics in Britain at the beginning of the nineteenth century was mainly a recreation for amateurs. Drawing on primary sources, John Heard provides an engaging account of the process by which it rose to become an academic discipline of repute which by the First World War was led by G. H. Hardy, and supported by the internationally-respected London Mathematical Society. In chronicling that rise, this book describes key contributions and the social environment in which mathematicians operated, using contemporary commentary where appropriate. No mathematical knowledge is required, and readers with a wide range of interests and backgrounds will find much to enjoy here. The material is presented from an impartial point of view, and provides full references to help any researchers who want to dig deeper into the original sources. The result is a unique insight into the world of Victorian mathematics and science.
From Shortest Paths to Reinforcement Learning: A MATLAB-Based Tutorial on Dynamic Programming (EURO Advanced Tutorials on Operational Research)
by Paolo BrandimarteDynamic programming (DP) has a relevant history as a powerful and flexible optimization principle, but has a bad reputation as a computationally impractical tool. This book fills a gap between the statement of DP principles and their actual software implementation. Using MATLAB throughout, this tutorial gently gets the reader acquainted with DP and its potential applications, offering the possibility of actual experimentation and hands-on experience. The book assumes basic familiarity with probability and optimization, and is suitable to both practitioners and graduate students in engineering, applied mathematics, management, finance and economics.
From Smart City to Smart Factory for Sustainable Future: Conceptual Framework, Scenarios, and Multidiscipline Perspectives (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1062)
by Marek Pagac Jiri Hajnys Tomasz Kozior Hoang-Sy Nguyen Van Dung Nguyen Akash NagThis volume includes the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on "From Smart City to Smart Factory for a Sustainable Future" (SCFF24), held at VSB - Technical University of Ostrava from May 14 to 16, 2024. The conference was organized in collaboration with university and institute partners from Czech Republic, Poland, India, and Vietnam. SCFF24 covers a broad range of topics, with a particular focus on the application of technologies in Smart Cities and Smart Factories to achieve a Sustainable Future. The Conference aims to bring together participants from diverse fields to share their knowledge, innovative ideas, and solutions to current challenges that hinder progress toward a more modern and sustainable life that we all share. In light on this, it also serves as a platform for the mutual exchange of experiences and the formation of enduring international collaborations. This book offers a comprehensive and multi-perspective view, providing readers with insights into the latest technological possibilities from voices around the world, with the hope of raising awareness and fostering further advancements in these fields.
From Software Engineering to Formal Methods and Tools, and Back: Essays Dedicated to Stefania Gnesi on the Occasion of Her 65th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11865)
by Maurice H. ter Beek Alessandro Fantechi Laura SeminiThis volume was published in honor of Stefania Gnesi’s 65th birthday. The Festschrift volume contains 32 papers written by close collaborators and friends of Stefania and was presented to her on October 8, 2019 one-day colloquium held in Porto, Portugal, The Festschrift consists of eight sections, seven of which reflect the main research areas to which Stefania has contributed. Following a survey of Stefania's legacy in research and a homage by her thesis supervisor, these seven sections are ordered according to Stefania's life cycle in research, from software engineering to formal methods and tools, and back: Software Engineering; Formal Methods and Tools; Requirements Engineering; Natural Language Processing; Software Product Lines; Formal Verification; and Applications.
From Special Relativity to Feynman Diagrams
by Riccardo D'Auria Mario TrigianteThis book, now in its second edition, provides an introductory course on theoretical particle physics with the aim of filling the gap that exists between basic courses of classical and quantum mechanics and advanced courses of (relativistic) quantum mechanics and field theory. After a concise but comprehensive introduction to special relativity, key aspects of relativistic dynamics are covered and some elementary concepts of general relativity introduced. Basics of the theory of groups and Lie algebras are explained, with discussion of the group of rotations and the Lorentz and Poincaré groups. In addition, a concise account of representation theory and of tensor calculus is provided. Quantization of the electromagnetic field in the radiation range is fully discussed. The essentials of the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms are reviewed, proceeding from systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom and extending the discussion to fields. The final four chapters are devoted to development of the quantum field theory, ultimately introducing the graphical description of interaction processes by means of Feynman diagrams. The book will be of value for students seeking to understand the main concepts that form the basis of contemporary theoretical particle physics and also for engineers and lecturers. An Appendix on some special relativity effects is added.
From Statistics to Mathematical Finance
by Dietmar Ferger Wenceslao González Manteiga Thorsten Schmidt Jane-Ling WangThis book, dedicated to Winfried Stute on the occasion of his 70th birthday, presents a unique collection of contributions by leading experts in statistics, stochastic processes, mathematical finance and insurance. The individual chapters cover a wide variety of topics ranging from nonparametric estimation, regression modelling and asymptotic bounds for estimators, to shot-noise processes in finance, option pricing and volatility modelling. The book also features review articles, e. g. on survival analysis.
From STEM to STEAM: A Study of Art from the Perspective of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)
by Arthur David SniderThis book provides readers with an introductory overview of art from the perspective of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The author utilizes well-known and important works of art to demonstrate how STEM concepts apply to them. The book’s examples include a structural analysis of Michelangelo’s David. The author covers major breakthroughs in art history, such as the discovery of perspective. The book also discusses other important elements of art, such as color, from a scientific point of view. The author ensures that readers will understand the art terms used by comparing them with terms used in STEM fields of study.
From Sugar to Splenda
by Bert Fraser-ReidMore than just coincidence connects a Tate & Lyle lawsuit and artificial sweetener to Jamaican-born Chemist Bert Fraser-Reid. From his first experience of Chemistry through his diabetic father, to his determination and drive as a Chemistry student in Canada, Fraser-Reid weaves a remarkable tale integrating science, law and autobiographical anecdotes. This book arises from the lawsuit brought by Tate & Lyle against companies accused of infringing its patents for sucralose, the sweet ingredient in the artificial sweetener SPLENDA which is made by chlorinating sugar. From a 1958 undergraduate intern witnessing the pioneering experiments on sugar chlorination, to being the 1991 recipient of the world's premiere prize for carbohydrate chemistry, Fraser-Reid was groomed for his role as expert witness in the mentioned lawsuit. Nevertheless, it seems more than his career links Fraser-Reid to the case.
From Text to 'Lived' Resources
by Birgit Pepin Ghislaine Gueudet Luc TroucheWhat kinds of curriculum materials do mathematics teachers select and use, and how? This question is complex, in a period of deep evolutions of teaching resources, with the proficiency of online resources in particular. How do teachers learn from these materials, and in which ways do they 'tailor' them for their use and pupil learning? Teachers collect resources, select, transform, share, implement, and revise them. Drawing from the French term « ingénierie documentaire »,we call these processes « documentation ». The literal English translation is « to work with documents », but the meaning it carries is richer. Documentation refers to the complex and interactive ways that teachers work with resources; in-class and out-of-class, individually, but also collectively.
From the Golden Rectangle to the Fibonacci Sequences (Springer Texts in Education)
by Opher Liba Bat-Sheva IlanyThe book takes us on a fascinating journey through one of the most beautiful and fascinating topics of mathematics. It presents a wealth of information about the golden ratio and the Fibonacci sequence. The book introduces the reader to novel perspectives to classic mathematical concepts and problems. The book’s structure engages with the reader actively, leading to more profound understanding, satisfaction and deep insights in learning mathematics. The book strengthens and expands the readers' mathematical knowledge, allowing them a glimpse of several advanced academic concepts. It demonstrates and instils the essence of mathematical research, along the lines of George Polya: observation, conjecture, proof, implementation, generalization and raising new questions.
From Trotsky to Gödel: The Life of Jean van Heijenoort
by Anita Burdman FefermanThis story of a highly intelligent observer of the turbulent 20th century who was intimately involved as the secretary and bodyguard to Leon Trotsky is based on extensive interviews with the subject, Jean van Heijenoort, and his family, friends, and colleagues. The author has captured the personal drama and the professional life of her protagonist--ranging from the political passion of a young intellectual to the scientific and historic work in the most abstract and yet philosophically important area of logic--in a very readable narrative.
From Unimodal to Multimodal Machine Learning: An Overview (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
by Blaž ŠkrljWith the increasing amount of various data types, machine learning methods capable of leveraging diverse sources of information have become highly relevant. Deep learning-based approaches have made significant progress in learning from texts and images in recent years. These methods enable simultaneous learning from different types of representations (embeddings). Substantial advancements have also been made in joint learning from different types of spaces. Additionally, other modalities such as sound, physical signals from the environment, and time series-based data have been recently explored. Multimodal machine learning, which involves processing and learning from data across multiple modalities, has opened up new possibilities in a wide range of applications, including speech recognition, natural language processing, and image recognition.From Unimodal to Multimodal Machine Learning: An Overview gradually introduces the concept of multimodal machine learning, providing readers with the necessary background to understand this type of learning and its implications. Key methods representative of different modalities are described in more detail, aiming to offer an understanding of the peculiarities of various types of data and how multimodal approaches tend to address them (although not yet in some cases). The book examines the implications of multimodal learning in other domains and presents alternative approaches that offer computationally simpler yet still applicable solutions. The final part of the book focuses on intriguing open research problems, making it useful for practitioners who wish to better understand the limitations of existing methods and explore potential research avenues to overcome them
From Zero to Infinity: What Makes Numbers Interesting
by null Constance ReidFrom Zero to Infinity is a combination of number lore, number history, and sparkling descriptions of the simply stated but exceedingly difficult problems posed by the most ordinary numbers that first appeared in 1955 and has been kept in print continuously ever since.
Front Tracking for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
by Nils Henrik Risebro Helge HoldenThis is the second edition of a well-received book providing the fundamentals of the theory hyperbolic conservation laws. Several chapters have been rewritten, new material has been added, in particular, a chapter on space dependent flux functions and the detailed solution of the Riemann problem for the Euler equations. Hyperbolic conservation laws are central in the theory of nonlinear partial differential equations and in science and technology. The reader is given a self-contained presentation using front tracking, which is also a numerical method. The multidimensional scalar case and the case of systems on the line are treated in detail. A chapter on finite differences is included. From the reviews of the first edition: "It is already one of the few best digests on this topic. The present book is an excellent compromise between theory and practice. Students will appreciate the lively and accurate style. " D. Serre, MathSciNet "I have read the book with great pleasure, and I can recommend it to experts as well as students. It can also be used for reliable and very exciting basis for a one-semester graduate course. " S. Noelle, Book review, German Math. Soc. "Making it an ideal first book for the theory of nonlinear partial differential equations. . . an excellent reference for a graduate course on nonlinear conservation laws. " M. Laforest, Comp. Phys. Comm.
Frontier Applications of Nature Inspired Computation (Springer Tracts in Nature-Inspired Computing)
by Neeraj Gupta Tomonobu Senjyu Mahdi Khosravy Nilesh PatelThis book addresses the frontier advances in the theory and application of nature-inspired optimization techniques, including solving the quadratic assignment problem, prediction in nature-inspired dynamic optimization, the lion algorithm and its applications, optimizing the operation scheduling of microgrids, PID controllers for two-legged robots, optimizing crane operating times, planning electrical energy distribution systems, automatic design and evaluation of classification pipelines, and optimizing wind-energy power generation plants. The book also presents a variety of nature-inspired methods and illustrates methods of adapting these to said applications. Nature-inspired computation, developed by mimicking natural phenomena, makes a significant contribution toward the solution of non-convex optimization problems that normal mathematical optimizers fail to solve. As such, a wide range of nature-inspired computing approaches has been used in multidisciplinary engineering applications. Written by researchers and developers from a variety of fields, this book presents the latest findings, novel techniques and pioneering applications.
Frontiers in Algorithmics
by Jianxin Wang Chee YapThis book constitutes the proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Frontiers in Algorithmics, FAW 2015, held in Guilin, China, in July 2015. The 28 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 65 submissions. They deal with graph algorithms, approximation algorithms, combinatorial optimization, parameterized algorithms, and online algorithms.
Frontiers in Analysis and Probability: In the Spirit of the Strasbourg-Zürich Meetings
by Nalini Anantharaman Ashkan Nikeghbali Michael Th. RassiasThe volume presents extensive research devoted to a broad spectrum of mathematical analysis and probability theory. Subjects discussed in this Work are those treated in the so-called Strasbourg–Zürich Meetings. These meetings occur twice yearly in each of the cities, Strasbourg and Zürich, venues of vibrant mathematical communication and worldwide gatherings. The topical scope of the book includes the study of monochromatic random waves defined for general Riemannian manifolds, notions of entropy related to a compact manifold of negative curvature, interacting electrons in a random background, lp-cohomology (in degree one) of a graph and its connections with other topics, limit operators for circular ensembles, polyharmonic functions for finite graphs and Markov chains, the ETH-Approach to Quantum Mechanics, 2-dimensional quantum Yang–Mills theory, Gibbs measures of nonlinear Schrödinger equations, interfaces in spectral asymptotics and nodal sets. Contributions in this Work are composed by experts from the international community, who have presented the state-of-the-art research in the corresponding problems treated. This volume is expected to be a valuable resource to both graduate students and research mathematicians working in analysis, probability as well as their interconnections and applications.