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Showing 9,826 through 9,850 of 27,292 results

Frontiers in Computational and Systems Biology

by Jianfeng Feng Wenjiang Fu Fengzhu Sun

This unique volume surveys state-of-the-art research on statistical methods in molecular and systems biology, with contributions from leading experts in the field. Each chapter discusses theoretical aspects, applications to biological problems, and possible future developments. Topics and features: presents the use of thermodynamic models to analyze gene regulatory mechanisms; reviews major algorithms for RNA secondary structure prediction; discusses developments in the area of oligo arrays; examines the application of models of stochastic processes in nonequilibrium thermodynamics and biological signal transduction; describes phylogenetic footprinting methods for TFBS identification; introduces penalized regression-based methods for constructing genetic interaction or regulatory networks; investigates the specific role played by irreversible Markov processes in modeling cellular biochemical systems; explores the concept of gene modules in a transcriptional regulatory network.

Frontiers in Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: Research From Lead Investigators Under Forty - 2018 (Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology)

by Tayfun E. Tezduyar

Computational fluid-structure interaction and flow simulation are challenging research areas that bring solution and analysis to many classes of problems in science, engineering, and technology. Young investigators under the age of 40 are conducting much of the frontier research in these areas, some of which is highlighted in this book. The first author of each chapter took the lead role in carrying out the research presented. The topics covered include Computational aerodynamic and FSI analysis of wind turbines,Simulating free-surface FSI and fatigue-damage in wind-turbine structural systems,Aorta flow analysis and heart valve flow and structure analysis,Interaction of multiphase fluids and solid structures,Computational analysis of tire aerodynamics with actual geometry and road contact, andA general-purpose NURBS mesh generation method for complex geometries.This book will be a valuable resource for early-career researchers and students — not only those interested in computational fluid-structure interaction and flow simulation, but also other fields of engineering and science, including fluid mechanics, solid mechanics and computational mathematics – as it will provide them with inspiration and guidance for conducting their own successful research. It will also be of interest to senior researchers looking to learn more about successful research led by those under 40 and possibly offer collaboration to these researchers.

Frontiers in Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: Research from Lead Investigators Under Forty - 2023 (Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology)

by Tayfun E. Tezduyar

Computational fluid-structure interaction (FSI) and flow simulation are challenging research areas that bring solution and analysis to many classes of problems in science, engineering, and technology. Young investigators under the age of 40 are conducting much of the frontier research in these areas, some of which is highlighted in this volume. The first author of each chapter took the lead role in carrying out the research presented. Some of the topics explored includeDirect flow simulation of objects represented by point cloudsComputational investigation of leaflet flutter in thinner biological heart valve tissuesHigh-fidelity simulation of hydrokinetic energy applicationsHigh-resolution isogeometric analysis of car and tire aerodynamicsComputational analysis of air-blast-structure interactionHeart valve computational flow analysis with boundary layer and leaflet contact representationComputational thermal multi-phase flow for metal additive manufacturingThis volume will be a valuable resource for early-career researchers and students — not only those interested in computational FSI and flow simulation, but also other fields of engineering and science, including fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, and computational mathematics – as it will provide them with inspiration and guidance for conducting their own successful research. It will also be of interest to senior researchers looking to learn more about successful research led by those under 40 and possibly offer collaboration to these researchers.

Frontiers in Computer Education: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Frontiers in Computer Education (ICFCE 2014), Wuhan, China, December 24-25, 2014

by Yuanzhi Wang

This proceedings volume contains selected papers presented at the 2014 International Conference on Frontiers in Computer Education (ICFCE 2014), which was held December 24-25, 2014, in Wuhan, China. The objective of this conference was to provide a forum for different researchers in different fields, especially Computer Education as well as Information Technology, to exchange their various findings. The papers have been grouped under the following overarching themes: Computer Science, Computer Education, Education and Teaching Reform, and Communication and Intelligent Control.

Frontiers in Data Science (Chapman & Hall/CRC Big Data Series)

by Matthias Dehmer and Frank Emmert-Streib

Frontiers in Data Science deals with philosophical and practical results in Data Science. A broad definition of Data Science describes the process of analyzing data to transform data into insights. This also involves asking philosophical, legal and social questions in the context of data generation and analysis. In fact, Big Data also belongs to this universe as it comprises data gathering, data fusion and analysis when it comes to manage big data sets. A major goal of this book is to understand data science as a new scientific discipline rather than the practical aspects of data analysis alone.

Frontiers in Functional Equations and Analytic Inequalities

by George A. Anastassiou John Michael Rassias

This volume presents cutting edge research from the frontiers of functional equations and analytic inequalities active fields. It covers the subject of functional equations in a broad sense, including but not limited to the following topics: Hyperstability of a linear functional equation on restricted domainsHyers–Ulam’s stability results to a three point boundary value problem of nonlinear fractional order differential equationsTopological degree theory and Ulam’s stability analysis of a boundary value problem of fractional differential equationsGeneral Solution and Hyers-Ulam Stability of Duo Trigintic Functional Equation in Multi-Banach SpacesStabilities of Functional Equations via Fixed Point TechniqueMeasure zero stability problem for the Drygas functional equation with complex involutionFourier Transforms and Ulam Stabilities of Linear Differential EquationsHyers–Ulam stability of a discrete diamond–alpha derivative equationApproximate solutions of an interesting new mixed type additive-quadratic-quartic functional equation. The diverse selection of inequalities covered includes Opial, Hilbert-Pachpatte, Ostrowski, comparison of means, Poincare, Sobolev, Landau, Polya-Ostrowski, Hardy, Hermite-Hadamard, Levinson, and complex Korovkin type. The inequalities are also in the environments of Fractional Calculus and Conformable Fractional Calculus. Applications from this book's results can be found in many areas of pure and applied mathematics, especially in ordinary and partial differential equations and fractional differential equations. As such, this volume is suitable for researchers, graduate students and related seminars, and all science and engineering libraries. The exhibited thirty six chapters are self-contained and can be read independently and interesting advanced seminars can be given out of this book.

Frontiers in Games and Dynamic Games: Theory, Applications, and Numerical Methods (Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games #16)

by David Yeung Shravan Luckraz Chee Kian Leong

This contributed volume presents the state-of-the-art of games and dynamic games, featuring several chapters based on plenary sessions at the ISDG-China Chapter Conference on Dynamic Games and Game Theoretic Analysis, which was held from August 3-5, 2017 at the Ningbo campus of the University of Nottingham, China. The chapters in this volume will provide readers with paths to further research, serving as a testimony to the vitality of the field. Experts cover a range of theory and applications related to games and dynamic games, with topics including:Dynamically stable cooperative provision of public goods under non-transferable utilityStrongly time-consistent solutions in cooperative dynamic gamesIncentive Stackelberg games for stochastic systemsStatic and inverse Stackelberg games in political economyCournot and Betrand competition on symmetric R&D networksNumerical Nash equilibria using curvilinear multistart algorithmMarkov chain approximation numerical scheme for infinite-horizon mean field gamesFrontiers in Games and Dynamic Games will appeal to an interdisciplinary audience of researchers, practitioners, and graduate students interested in games and dynamic games.

Frontiers in General Relativity (Lecture Notes in Physics #984)

by Peter A. Hogan Dirk Puetzfeld

This book discusses some of the open questions addressed by researchers in general relativity. Photons and particles play important roles in the theoretical framework, since they are involved in analyzing and measuring gravitational fields and in constructing mathematical models of gravitational fields of various types. The authors highlight this aspect covering topics such as the construction of models of Bateman electromagnetic waves and analogous gravitational waves, the studies of gravitational radiation in presence of a cosmological constant and the gravitational compass or clock compass for providing an operational way of measuring a gravitational field. The book is meant for advanced students and young researchers in general relativity, who look for an updated text which covers in depth the calculations and, equally, takes on new challenges. The reader, along the learning path, is stimulated by provocative examples interspersed in the text that help to find novel representations of the uses of particles and photons.

Frontiers in Genetics Algorithm Theory and Applications (Springer Tracts in Nature-Inspired Computing)

by Mahdi Khosravy Neeraj Gupta Olaf Witkowski

This book reviews recent advances in theory and applications of genetic algorithm (GA). The book is composed of five parts; Part 1 of the book involves the chapters about the advances in GA theory. Part 2 concerns applications in health, society, and economy. Part 3 has an inclusive focus on application in power systems, and Part 4 concerns the applications of GA in electrical vehicle industries. Finally, Part 5 includes applications in signal and image processing.

Frontiers in Interpolation and Approximation (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)

by null N. K. Govil null H. N. Mhaskar null Ram N. Mohapatra null Zuhair Nashed null J. Szabados

Dedicated to the well-respected research mathematician Ambikeshwar Sharma, Frontiers in Interpolation and Approximation explores approximation theory, interpolation theory, and classical analysis. Written by authoritative international mathematicians, this book presents many important results in classical analysis, wavelets, and interpolati

Frontiers in Massive Data Analysis

by Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics National Research Council Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences Committee on the Analysis of Massive Data Board on Mathematical Sciences And Their Applications

Data mining of massive data sets is transforming the way we think about crisis response, marketing, entertainment, cybersecurity and national intelligence. Collections of documents, images, videos, and networks are being thought of not merely as bit strings to be stored, indexed, and retrieved, but as potential sources of discovery and knowledge, requiring sophisticated analysis techniques that go far beyond classical indexing and keyword counting, aiming to find relational and semantic interpretations of the phenomena underlying the data. Frontiers in Massive Data Analysis examines the frontier of analyzing massive amounts of data, whether in a static database or streaming through a system. Data at that scale--terabytes and petabytes--is increasingly common in science (e.g., particle physics, remote sensing, genomics), Internet commerce, business analytics, national security, communications, and elsewhere. The tools that work to infer knowledge from data at smaller scales do not necessarily work, or work well, at such massive scale. New tools, skills, and approaches are necessary, and this report identifies many of them, plus promising research directions to explore. Frontiers in Massive Data Analysis discusses pitfalls in trying to infer knowledge from massive data, and it characterizes seven major classes of computation that are common in the analysis of massive data. Overall, this report illustrates the cross-disciplinary knowledge--from computer science, statistics, machine learning, and application disciplines--that must be brought to bear to make useful inferences from massive data.

Frontiers in Nature-Inspired Industrial Optimization (Springer Tracts in Nature-Inspired Computing)

by Mahdi Khosravy Neeraj Gupta Nilesh Patel

The book provides a collection of recent applications of nature inspired optimization in industrial fields. Different optimization techniques have been deployed, and different problems have been effectively analyzed. The valuable contributions from researchers focus on three ultimate goals (i) improving the accuracy of these techniques, (ii) achieving higher speed and lower computational complexity, and (iii) working on their proposed applications. The book is helpful for active researchers and practitioners in the field.

Frontiers in PDE-Constrained Optimization (The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications #163)

by Harbir Antil Drew P. Kouri Martin-D. Lacasse Denis Ridzal

This volume provides a broad and uniform introduction of PDE-constrained optimization as well as to document a number of interesting and challenging applications. Many science and engineering applications necessitate the solution of optimization problems constrained by physical laws that are described by systems of partial differential equations (PDEs)​. As a result, PDE-constrained optimization problems arise in a variety of disciplines including geophysics, earth and climate science, material science, chemical and mechanical engineering, medical imaging and physics. This volume is divided into two parts. The first part provides a comprehensive treatment of PDE-constrained optimization including discussions of problems constrained by PDEs with uncertain inputs and problems constrained by variational inequalities. Special emphasis is placed on algorithm development and numerical computation. In addition, a comprehensive treatment of inverse problems arising in the oil and gas industry is provided. The second part of this volume focuses on the application of PDE-constrained optimization, including problems in optimal control, optimal design, and inverse problems, among other topics.

Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 10

by Hans-Joachim Lenz Wolfgang Schmid Peter-Theodor Wilrich

The 10th International Workshop on Intelligent Statistical Quality Control took place in Seattle, USA, Aug 18-20, 2010. It was hosted by Professor C. M. Mastrangelo, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle. The workshop was jointly organized by Professors H. J. Lenz, C. M. Mastrangelo, W. Schmid and P.T. Wilrich. The twenty-seven papers in this volume were carefully selected by the scientific program committee, reviewed by its members, revised by the authors and, finally, adapted for this volume by the editors. The book is divided into two parts: Part I "On-line Control" covers fields like control charting, monitoring and surveillance as well as acceptance sampling. Part II "Off-line Control" is devoted to experimental design, process capability analysis and data quality. The purpose of the book is on the one hand to provide insights into important new developments in the area of statistical quality control - especially surveillance and monitoring - and on the other hand to critically discuss methods used in on-line and off-line statistical quality control.

Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 11

by Sven Knoth Wolfgang Schmid

The main focus of this edited volume is on three major areas of statistical quality control: statistical process control (SPC), acceptance sampling and design of experiments. The majority of the papers deal with statistical process control, while acceptance sampling and design of experiments are also treated to a lesser extent. The book is organized into four thematic parts, with Part I addressing statistical process control. Part II is devoted to acceptance sampling. Part III covers the design of experiments, while Part IV discusses related fields. The twenty-three papers in this volume stem from The 11th International Workshop on Intelligent Statistical Quality Control, which was held in Sydney, Australia from August 20 to August 23, 2013. The event was hosted by Professor Ross Sparks, CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics, North Ryde, Australia and was jointly organized by Professors S. Knoth, W. Schmid and Ross Sparks. The papers presented here were carefully selected and reviewed by the scientific program committee, before being revised and adapted for this volume.

Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 12 (Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control)

by Sven Knoth Wolfgang Schmid

This book provides insights into important new developments in the area of statistical quality control and critically discusses methods used in on-line and off-line statistical quality control.The book is divided into three parts: Part I covers statistical process control, Part II deals with design of experiments, while Part III focuses on fields such as reliability theory and data quality. The 12th International Workshop on Intelligent Statistical Quality Control (Hamburg, Germany, August 16 – 19, 2016) was jointly organized by Professors Sven Knoth and Wolfgang Schmid. The contributions presented in this volume were carefully selected and reviewed by the conference’s scientific program committee. Taken together, they bridge the gap between theory and practice, making the book of interest to both practitioners and researchers in the field of quality control.

Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 13 (Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control)

by Sven Knoth Wolfgang Schmid

This contributed book focuses on major aspects of statistical quality control, shares insights into important new developments in the field, and adapts established statistical quality control methods for use in e.g. big data, network analysis and medical applications. The content is divided into two parts, the first of which mainly addresses statistical process control, also known as statistical process monitoring. In turn, the second part explores selected topics in statistical quality control, including measurement uncertainty analysis and data quality.The peer-reviewed contributions gathered here were originally presented at the 13th International Workshop on Intelligent Statistical Quality Control, ISQC 2019, held in Hong Kong on August 12-14, 2019. Taken together, they bridge the gap between theory and practice, making the book of interest to both practitioners and researchers in the field of statistical quality control.

Frontiers in Stochastic Analysis–BSDEs, SPDEs and their Applications: Edinburgh, July 2017 Selected, Revised and Extended Contributions (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #289)

by Samuel N. Cohen István Gyöngy Gonҫalo Dos Reis David Siska Łukasz Szpruch

This collection of selected, revised and extended contributions resulted from a Workshop on BSDEs, SPDEs and their Applications that took place in Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2017 and included the 8th World Symposium on BSDEs. The volume addresses recent advances involving backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) and stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs). These equations are of fundamental importance in modelling of biological, physical and economic systems, and underpin many problems in control of random systems, mathematical finance, stochastic filtering and data assimilation. The papers in this volume seek to understand these equations, and to use them to build our understanding in other areas of mathematics.This volume will be of interest to those working at the forefront of modern probability theory, both established researchers and graduate students.

Frontiers of Algorithmics: 18th International Joint Conference, IJTCS-FAW 2024, Hong Kong SAR, China, July 29-31, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14752)

by Bo Li Minming Li Xiaoming Sun

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Theoretical Computer Science-Frontier of Algorithmic Wisdom (IJTCS-FAW 2024), consisting of the 18th International Conference on Frontier of Algorithmic Wisdom (FAW) and the 5th International Joint Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (IJTCS), held in Hong Kong, SAR, China, during July 29-31, 2024. FAW started as the Frontiers of Algorithmic Workshop in 2007 at Lanzhou, China, and was held annually from 2007 to 2021 and published archival proceedings. IJTCS, the International joint theoretical Computer Science Conference, started in 2020, aimed to bring in presentations covering active topics in selected tracks in theoretical computer science. To accommodate the diversified new research directions in theoretical computer science, FAW and IJTCS joined their forces together to organize an event for information exchange of new findings and work of enduring value in the field. The 20 full papers and 3 short papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 43 submissions. They focused tracks on algorithms, blockchain theory, computational economics and algorithmic game theory.

Frontiers of Algorithmics: 17th International Joint Conference, IJTCS-FAW 2023 Macau, China, August 14–18, 2023 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13933)

by Minming Li Xiaoming Sun Xiaowei Wu

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Theoretical Computer Science-Frontier of Algorithmic Wisdom (IJTCS-FAW 2023), consisting of the 17th International Conference on Frontier of Algorithmic Wisdom (FAW) and the 4th International Joint Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (IJTCS), held in Macau, China, during August 14–18, 2023.FAW started as the Frontiers of Algorithmic Workshop in 2007 at Lanzhou, China, and was held annually from 2007 to 2021 and published archival proceedings. IJTCS, the International joint theoretical Computer Science Conference, started in 2020, aimed to bring in presentations covering active topics in selected tracks in theoretical computer science. To accommodate the diversified new research directions in theoretical computer science, FAW and IJTCS joined their forces together to organize an event for information exchange of new findings and work of enduring value in the field. The 21 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 34 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: algorithmic game theory; algorithms and data structures; combinatorial optimization; and computational economics.

The Frontiers of Applied Demography

by David A. Swanson

This book details cutting-edge methods and findings that may shape the future of applied demography. Inside, readers will discover new insights into the databases, substantive issues, and methodological approaches that can help them to improve how they use demography in decision making and planning problems in both public and private settings. The topics and perspectives are found in the book's 23 chapters, which are organized into three major sections: (I) Demographic Information for Decision-Making: Case Studies; (II) Data: Issues and Analyses; and (III) Projection and Estimation Methods: Evaluations, Examples, and Discussions. Coverage includes chapters on migration, demographic market analysis, future courtroom needs, trends in the needs of the elderly, access to health care, longitudinal data systems, census costs, and new approaches to small area estimation and projection methods. The case studies represent a wide range of countries, including Australia, Canada, China, England, India, Japan, and the United States of America. Overall, this edited volume collects papers that were presented at different conferences, including the 8th international conference on population geographies (University of Queensland, 2015), the 2014 Applied Demography Conference (San Antonio, Texas, USA), and the annual conference of the Canadian Population Society. Applied demography touches many aspects of our lives and its practitioners continue to push methodological and empirical boundaries. This book documents the steady evolution of this field. It shows demographers, sociologists, economists, planners, marketers, and others how they can improve the quality and relevance of demographic information now and in the future.

Frontiers of Combining Systems: 12th International Symposium, FroCoS 2019, London, UK, September 4-6, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11715)

by Andreas Herzig Andrei Popescu

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems, FroCoS 2019, held in London, UK, in September 2019, colocated with the 28th International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, TABLEAUX 2019. The 20 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 30 submissions. They present research on the development of techniques and methods for the combination and integration of formal systems, their modularization and analysis. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: automated theorem proving and model building, combinations of systems, constraint solving, description logics, interactive theorem proving, modal and epistemic logics, and rewriting and unification.

Frontiers of Combining Systems: 13th International Symposium, FroCoS 2021, Birmingham, UK, September 8–10, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12941)

by Boris Konev Giles Reger

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems, FroCoS 2021, held in Birmingham, UK, in September 2021.

Frontiers of Combining Systems: 14th International Symposium, FroCoS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, September 20–22, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14279)

by Uli Sattler Martin Suda

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems, FroCoS 2023, held in Prague, Czech Republic, in September 2023. The symposium was co-located with the 32nd International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, TABLEAUX 2023.The 14 papers presented were thorouhgly reviewed and selected from the 22 high-quality paper submissions. They are grouped in the volume according to the following topic classification: analysis of programs and equations; unification; decidable fragments; frameworks; higher-order theorem proving.This is an open access book.

Frontiers of Digital Transformation: Applications of the Real-World Data Circulation Paradigm

by Kazuya Takeda Ichiro Ide Victor Muhandiki

Proposing the concept of real-world data circulation (RWDC), this book presents various practical and industry-related studies in human, mechanical, and social data domains. RWDC is a new field of study, established by the information technology (IT) community.In the real world, the speed of data transmission between computers surpassed that of human communications long ago and has since expanded exponentially. As a result, the origin of the majority of data has become non-human, mechanical, or natural sources; in fact, humans are merely the source of a small part of the current data explosion. Such expanding data transmission does not simply consist of single source–destination pairs, but actually circulates over a complex network connecting numerous sources and destinations. Such circulation is an important aspect of the underlying systems. Based on this concept, in order to tame and control the massive amount of data originating from non-human sources, the authors have been considering the insertion of acquisition, analysis, and implementation processes in the flow of data circulation. This book introduces the outcome of the RWDC degree program organized at Nagoya University, Japan, collecting contributions from graduate students enrolled in the program from various research fields targeting diverse applications. Through examples of RWDC, the resulting creation of social value is illustrated. This book will be useful not only for those working on the topics discussed, but also to anyone who is interested in RWDC, digital transformation, and Industry 4.0.

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