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Functional Analysis, Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control
by Francis ClarkeFunctional analysis owes much of its early impetus to problems that arise in the calculus of variations. In turn, the methods developed there have been applied to optimal control, an area that also requires new tools, such as nonsmooth analysis. This self-contained textbook gives a complete course on all these topics. It is written by a leading specialist who is also a noted expositor. This book provides a thorough introduction to functional analysis and includes many novel elements as well as the standard topics. A short course on nonsmooth analysis and geometry completes the first half of the book whilst the second half concerns the calculus of variations and optimal control. The author provides a comprehensive course on these subjects, from their inception through to the present. A notable feature is the inclusion of recent, unifying developments on regularity, multiplier rules, and the Pontryagin maximum principle, which appear here for the first time in a textbook. Other major themes include existence and Hamilton-Jacobi methods. The many substantial examples, and the more than three hundred exercises, treat such topics as viscosity solutions, nonsmooth Lagrangians, the logarithmic Sobolev inequality, periodic trajectories, and systems theory. They also touch lightly upon several fields of application: mechanics, economics, resources, finance, control engineering. Functional Analysis, Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control is intended to support several different courses at the first-year or second-year graduate level, on functional analysis, on the calculus of variations and optimal control, or on some combination. For this reason, it has been organized with customization in mind. The text also has considerable value as a reference. Besides its advanced results in the calculus of variations and optimal control, its polished presentation of certain other topics (for example convex analysis, measurable selections, metric regularity, and nonsmooth analysis) will be appreciated by researchers in these and related fields.
Functional Analysis for the Applied Mathematician (Textbooks in Mathematics)
by null Todd Arbogast null Jerry L. BonaFunctional Analysis for the Applied Mathematician is a self-contained volume providing a rigorous introduction to functional analysis and its applications. Students from mathematics, science, engineering, and certain social science and interdisciplinary programs will benefit from the material. It is accessible to graduate and advanced undergraduate students with a solid background in undergraduate mathematics and an appreciation of mathematical rigor. Students are called upon to actively engage with the material, to the point of proving some of the basic results or their straightforward generalizations, both within the text and within the generous set of exercises.Features: Replete with exercises and examples Suitable for graduate students and advanced undergraduates Develops the basics of functional analysis, exploring the interplay between algebraic linear space theory and topology Presents a variety of applications, often dealing with partial differential equations and their numerical approximation Doubles as a reference book with an extensive index listing the concepts and results
Functional Analysis for the Applied Sciences (Universitext)
by Gheorghe MoroşanuThis advanced graduate textbook presents main results and techniques in Functional Analysis and uses them to explore other areas of mathematics and applications. Special attention is paid to creating appropriate frameworks towards solving significant problems involving differential and integral equations. Exercises at the end of each chapter help the reader to understand the richness of ideas and methods offered by Functional Analysis. Some of the exercises supplement theoretical material, while others relate to the real world. This textbook, with its friendly exposition, focuses on different problems in physics and other applied sciences and uniquely provides solutions to most of the exercises. The text is aimed toward graduate students and researchers in applied mathematics, physics, and neighboring fields of science.
A Functional Analysis Framework for Modeling, Estimation and Control in Science and Engineering
by null H.T. BanksA Modern Framework Based on Time-Tested MaterialA Functional Analysis Framework for Modeling, Estimation and Control in Science and Engineering presents functional analysis as a tool for understanding and treating distributed parameter systems. Drawing on his extensive research and teaching from the past 20 years, the author explains how functional
Functional Analysis, Holomorphy, and Approximation Theory (Lecture Notes In Pure And Applied Mathematics Ser. #83)
by Guido I. ZapataThis book contains papers on complex analysis, function spaces, harmonic analysis, and operators, presented at the International seminar on Functional Analysis, Holomorphy, and Approximation Theory held in 1979. It is addressed to mathematicians and advanced graduate students in mathematics.
Functional Analysis in Applied Mathematics and Engineering (Studies In Advanced Mathematics Ser. #31)
by Michael PedersenPresenting excellent material for a first course on functional analysis , Functional Analysis in Applied Mathematics and Engineering concentrates on material that will be useful to control engineers from the disciplines of electrical, mechanical, and aerospace engineering.This text/reference discusses:rudimentary topologyBanach's fixed point theorem with applicationsL^p-spacesdensity theorems for testfunctionsinfinite dimensional spacesbounded linear operatorsFourier seriesopen mapping and closed graph theoremscompact and differential operatorsHilbert-Schmidt operatorsVolterra equationsSobolev spacescontrol theory and variational analysisHilbert Uniqueness Methodboundary element methodsFunctional Analysis in Applied Mathematics and Engineering begins with an introduction to the important, abstract basic function spaces and operators with mathematical rigor, then studies problems in the Hilbert space setting. The author proves the spectral theorem for unbounded operators with compact inverses and goes on to present the abstract evolution semigroup theory for time dependent linear partial differential operators. This structure establishes a firm foundation for the more advanced topics discussed later in the text.
Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications
by Tynysbek Sh. Kalmenov Erlan D. Nursultanov Michael V. Ruzhansky Makhmud A. SadybekovThis volume presents current research in functional analysis and its applications to a variety of problems in mathematics and mathematical physics. The book contains over forty carefully refereed contributions to the conference "Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications" (Astana, Kazakhstan, October 2017). Topics covered include the theory of functions and functional spaces; differential equations and boundary value problems; the relationship between differential equations, integral operators and spectral theory; and mathematical methods in physical sciences. Presenting a wide range of topics and results, this book will appeal to anyone working in the subject area, including researchers and students interested to learn more about different aspects and applications of functional analysis.
Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications—II: ICAAM, Lefkosa, Cyprus, September 6–9, 2018 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #351)
by Allaberen Ashyralyev Tynysbek Sh. Kalmenov Michael V. Ruzhansky Makhmud A. Sadybekov Durvudkhan SuraganFunctional analysis is an important branch of mathematical analysis which deals with the transformations of functions and their algebraic and topological properties. Motivated by their large applicability to real life problems, applications of functional analysis have been the aim of an intensive study effort in the last decades, yielding significant progress in the theory of functions and functional spaces, differential and difference equations and boundary value problems, differential and integral operators and spectral theory, and mathematical methods in physical and engineering sciences. The present volume is devoted to these investigations. The publication of this collection of papers is based on the materials of the mini-symposium "Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications" organized in the framework of the Fourth International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2018, September 6–9, 2018). Presenting a wide range of topics and results, this book will appeal to anyone working in the subject area, including researchers and students interested to learn more about different aspects and applications of functional analysis. Many articles are written by experts from around the world, strengthening international integration in the fields covered. The contributions to the volume, all peer reviewed, contain numerous new results.This volume contains four different chapters. The first chapter contains the contributed papers focusing on various aspects of the theory of functions and functional spaces. The second chapter is devoted to the research on difference and differential equations and boundary value problems. The third chapter contains the results of studies on differential and integral operators and on the spectral theory. The fourth chapter is focused on the simulation of problems arising in real-world applications of applied sciences.
Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Calculus of Variations (UNITEXT #157)
by Pablo PedregalThis book aims at introducing students into the modern analytical foundations to treat problems and situations in the Calculus of Variations solidly and rigorously. Since no background is taken for granted or assumed, as the textbook pretends to be self-contained, areas like basic Functional Analysis and Sobolev spaces are studied to the point that chapters devoted to these topics can be utilized by themselves as an introduction to these important parts of Analysis. The material in this regard has been selected to serve the needs of classical variational problems, leaving broader treatments for more advanced and specialized courses in those areas. It should not be forgotten that problems in the Calculus of Variations historically played a crucial role in pushing Functional Analysis as a discipline on its own right. The style is intentionally didactic. After a first general chapter to place optimization problems in infinite-dimensional spaces in perspective, the first part of the book focuses on the initial important concepts in Functional Analysis and introduces Sobolev spaces in dimension one as a preliminary, simpler case (much in the same way as in the successful book of H. Brezis). Once the analytical framework is covered, one-dimensional variational problems are examined in detail including numerous examples and exercises. The second part dwells, again as a first-round, on another important chapter of Functional Analysis that students should be exposed to, and that eventually will find some applications in subsequent chapters. The first chapter of this part examines continuous operators and the important principles associated with mappings between functional spaces; and another one focuses on compact operators and their fundamental and remarkable properties for Analysis. Finally, the third part advances to multi-dimensional Sobolev spaces and the corresponding problems in the Calculus of Variations. In this setting, problems become much more involved and, for this same reason, much more interesting and appealing. In particular, the final chapter dives into a number of advanced topics, some of which reflect a personal taste. Other possibilities stressing other kinds of problems are possible. In summary, the text pretends to help students with their first exposure to the modern calculus of variations and the analytical foundation associated with it. In particular, it covers an extended introduction to basic functional analysis and to Sobolev spaces. The tone of the text and the set of proposed exercises will facilitate progressive understanding until the need for further challenges beyond the topics addressed here will push students to more advanced horizons.
Functional Analysis Tools for Practical Use in Sciences and Engineering
by Carlos A. de MouraThis textbook describes selected topics in functional analysis as powerful tools of immediate use in many fields within applied mathematics, physics and engineering. It follows a very reader-friendly structure, with the presentation and the level of exposition especially tailored to those who need functional analysis but don’t have a strong background in this branch of mathematics. For every tool, this work emphasizes the motivation, the justification for the choices made, and the right way to employ the techniques. Proofs appear only when necessary for the safe use of the results. The book gently starts with a road map to guide reading. A subsequent chapter recalls definitions and notation for abstract spaces and some function spaces, while Chapter 3 enters dual spaces. Tools from Chapters 2 and 3 find use in Chapter 4, which introduces distributions. The Linear Functional Analysis basic triplet makes up Chapter 5, followed by Chapter 6, which introduces the concept of compactness. Chapter 7 brings a generalization of the concept of derivative for functions defined in normed spaces, while Chapter 8 discusses basic results about Hilbert spaces that are paramount to numerical approximations. The last chapter brings remarks to recent bibliographical items. Elementary examples included throughout the chapters foster understanding and self-study. By making key, complex topics more accessible, this book serves as a valuable resource for researchers, students, and practitioners alike that need to rely on solid functional analysis but don’t need to delve deep into the underlying theory.
Functional Analytic Methods for Heat Green Operators: Heat Kernel Asymptotics via the Weyl-Hörmander Calculus (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2354)
by Kazuaki TairaThis monograph guides the reader to the mathematical crossroads of heat equations and differential geometry via functional analysis. Following the recent trend towards constructive methods in the theory of partial differential equations, it makes extensive use of the ideas and techniques from the Weyl–Hörmander calculus of pseudo-differential operators to study heat Green operators through concrete calculations for the Dirichlet, Neumann, regular Robin and hypoelliptic Robin boundary conditions. Further, it provides detailed coverage of important examples and applications in elliptic and parabolic problems, illustrated with many figures and tables. A unified mathematical treatment for solving initial boundary value problems for the heat equation under general Robin boundary conditions is desirable, and leads to an extensive study of various aspects of elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations. The principal ideas are explicitly presented so that a broad spectrum of readers can easily understand the problem and the main results. The book will be of interest to readers looking for a functional analytic introduction to the meeting point of partial differential equations, differential geometry and probability.
Functional Analytic Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Chapman And Hall/crc Pure And Applied Mathematics Ser. #204)
by Hiroki TanabeCombining both classical and current methods of analysis, this text present discussions on the application of functional analytic methods in partial differential equations. It furnishes a simplified, self-contained proof of Agmon-Douglis-Niremberg's Lp-estimates for boundary value problems, using the theory of singular integrals and the Hilbert transform.
Functional and Constraint Logic Programming: 28th International Workshop, WFLP 2020, Bologna, Italy, September 7, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12560)
by Michael Hanus Claudio Sacerdoti CoenThis book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Functional and Constraint Logic Programming, WFLP 2020, held in Bologna, Italy, in September 2020.Due to the COVID-19, the workshop was held online. From the 19 full papers submitted, 8 were accepted for presentation at the workshop. The accepted papers cover different programming areas of functional and logic programming, including code generation, verification, and debugging.
Functional and Impulsive Differential Equations of Fractional Order: Qualitative Analysis and Applications
by Ivanka Stamova Gani StamovThe book presents qualitative results for different classes of fractional equations, including fractional functional differential equations, fractional impulsive differential equations, and fractional impulsive functional differential equations, which have not been covered by other books. It manifests different constructive methods by demonstrating how these techniques can be applied to investigate qualitative properties of the solutions of fractional systems. Since many applications have been included, the demonstrated techniques and models can be used in training students in mathematical modeling and in the study and development of fractional-order models.
Functional and Logic Programming: 15th International Symposium, FLOPS 2020, Akita, Japan, September 14–16, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12073)
by Keisuke Nakano Konstantinos SagonasThis book constitutes the proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming, FLOPS 2020, held in Akita, Japan*, in September 2020. The 12 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 25 submissions. They cover all aspects of the design, semantics, theory, applications, implementations, and teaching of declarative programming focusing on topics such as functional programming, logic programming, declarative programming, constraint programming, formal method, model checking, program transformation, program refinement, and type theory. *The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Functional and Shape Data Analysis
by Anuj Srivastava Eric P. KlassenThis textbook for courses on function data analysis and shape data analysis describes how to define, compare, and mathematically represent shapes, with a focus on statistical modeling and inference. It is aimed at graduate students in analysis in statistics, engineering, applied mathematics, neuroscience, biology, bioinformatics, and other related areas. The interdisciplinary nature of the broad range of ideas covered--from introductory theory to algorithmic implementations and some statistical case studies--is meant to familiarize graduate students with an array of tools that are relevant in developing computational solutions for shape and related analyses. These tools, gleaned from geometry, algebra, statistics, and computational science, are traditionally scattered across different courses, departments, and disciplines; Functional and Shape Data Analysis offers a unified, comprehensive solution by integrating the registration problem into shape analysis, better preparing graduate students for handling future scientific challenges. Recently, a data-driven and application-oriented focus on shape analysis has been trending. This text offers a self-contained treatment of this new generation of methods in shape analysis of curves. Its main focus is shape analysis of functions and curves--in one, two, and higher dimensions--both closed and open. It develops elegant Riemannian frameworks that provide both quantification of shape differences and registration of curves at the same time. Additionally, these methods are used for statistically summarizing given curve data, performing dimension reduction, and modeling observed variability. It is recommended that the reader have a background in calculus, linear algebra, numerical analysis, and computation.
Functional Data Analysis in Biomechanics: A Concise Review of Core Techniques, Applications and Emerging Areas (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)
by Edward Gunning John Warmenhoven Andrew J. Harrison Norma BargaryThis book provides a concise discussion of fundamental functional data analysis (FDA) techniques for analysing biomechanical data, along with an up-to-date review of their applications. The core of the book covers smoothing, registration, visualisation, functional principal components analysis and functional regression, framed in the context of the challenges posed by biomechanical data and accompanied by an extensive case study and reproducible examples using R. This book proposes future directions based on recently published methodological advancements in FDA and emerging sources of data in biomechanics. This is a vibrant research area, at the intersection of applied statistics, or more generally, data science, and biomechanics and human movement research. This book serves as both a contextual literature review of FDA applications in biomechanics and as an introduction to FDA techniques for applied researchers. In particular, it provides a valuable resource for biomechanics researchers seeking to broaden or deepen their FDA knowledge.
Functional Data Analysis with R (ISSN)
by Ciprian M. Crainiceanu Jeff Goldsmith Andrew Leroux Erjia CuiEmerging technologies generate data sets of increased size and complexity that require new or updated statistical inferential methods and scalable, reproducible software. These data sets often involve measurements of a continuous underlying process, and benefit from a functional data perspective. Functional Data Analysis with R presents many ideas for handling functional data including dimension reduction techniques, smoothing, functional regression, structured decompositions of curves, and clustering. The idea is for the reader to be able to immediately reproduce the results in the book, implement these methods, and potentially design new methods and software that may be inspired by these approaches.Features: Functional regression models receive a modern treatment that allows extensions to many practical scenarios and development of state-of-the-art software. The connection between functional regression, penalized smoothing, and mixed effects models is used as the cornerstone for inference. Multilevel, longitudinal, and structured functional data are discussed with emphasis on emerging functional data structures. Methods for clustering functional data before and after smoothing are discussed. Multiple new functional data sets with dense and sparse sampling designs from various application areas are presented, including the NHANES linked accelerometry and mortality data, COVID-19 mortality data, CD4 counts data, and the CONTENT child growth study. Step-by-step software implementations are included, along with a supplementary website (www.FunctionalDataAnalysis.com) featuring software, data, and tutorials. More than 100 plots for visualization of functional data are presented. Functional Data Analysis with R is primarily aimed at undergraduate, master's, and PhD students, as well as data scientists and researchers working on functional data analysis. The book can be read at different levels and combines state-of-the-art software, methods, and inference. It can be used for self-learning, teaching, and research, and will particularly appeal to anyone who is interested in practical methods for hands-on, problem-forward functional data analysis. The reader should have some basic coding experience, but expertise in R is not required.
Functional Differential Equations and Applications: FDEA-2019, Ariel, Israel, September 22–27 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #379)
by Alexander Domoshnitsky Alexander Rasin Seshadev PadhiThis book discusses delay and integro-differential equations from the point of view of the theory of functional differential equations. This book is a collection of selected papers presented at the international conference of Functional Differential Equations and Applications (FDEA-2019), 7th in the series, held at Ariel University, Israel, from August 22–27, 2019. Topics covered in the book include classical properties of functional differential equations as oscillation/non-oscillation, representation of solutions, sign properties of Green's matrices, comparison of solutions, stability, control, analysis of boundary value problems, and applications. The primary audience for this book includes specialists on ordinary, partial and functional differential equations, engineers and doctors dealing with modeling, and researchers in areas of mathematics and engineering.
Functional Dynamic Equations on Time Scales
by Svetlin G. GeorgievThis book is devoted to the qualitative theory of functional dynamic equations on time scales, providing an overview of recent developments in the field as well as a foundation to time scales, dynamic systems, and functional dynamic equations. It discusses functional dynamic equations in relation to mathematical physics applications and problems, providing useful tools for investigation for oscillations and nonoscillations of the solutions of functional dynamic equations on time scales. Practice problems are presented throughout the book for use as a graduate-level textbook and as a reference book for specialists of several disciplines, such as mathematics, physics, engineering, and biology.
Functional Encryption (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)
by Khairol Amali Bin Ahmad Khaleel Ahmad Uma N. DulhareThis book provides awareness of methods used for functional encryption in the academic and professional communities. The book covers functional encryption algorithms and its modern applications in developing secure systems via entity authentication, message authentication, software security, cyber security, hardware security, Internet of Thing (IoT), cloud security, smart card technology, CAPTCHA, digital signature, and digital watermarking. This book is organized into fifteen chapters; topics include foundations of functional encryption, impact of group theory in cryptosystems, elliptic curve cryptography, XTR algorithm, pairing based cryptography, NTRU algorithms, ring units, cocks IBE schemes, Boneh-Franklin IBE, Sakai-Kasahara IBE, hierarchical identity based encryption, attribute based Encryption, extensions of IBE and related primitives, and digital signatures.Explains the latest functional encryption algorithms in a simple way with examples;Includes applications of functional encryption in information security, application security, and network security;Relevant to academics, research scholars, software developers, etc.
Functional Equations in Mathematical Analysis
by Themistocles RASSIAS Janusz BrzdekThe stability problem for approximate homomorphisms, or the Ulam stability problem, was posed by S. M. Ulam in the year 1941. The solution of this problem for various classes of equations is an expanding area of research. In particular, the pursuit of solutions to the Hyers-Ulam and Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability problems for sets of functional equations and ineqalities has led to an outpouring of recent research. This volume, dedicated to S. M. Ulam, presents the most recent results on the solution to Ulam stability problems for various classes of functional equations and inequalities. Comprised of invited contributions from notable researchers and experts, this volume presents several important types of functional equations and inequalities and their applications to problems in mathematical analysis, geometry, physics and applied mathematics. "Functional Equations in Mathematical Analysis" is intended for researchers and students in mathematics, physics, and other computational and applied sciences.
Functional Equations with Causal Operators (Stability And Control Ser. #Vol. 16)
by C. CorduneanuFunctional equations encompass most of the equations used in applied science and engineering: ordinary differential equations, integral equations of the Volterra type, equations with delayed argument, and integro-differential equations of the Volterra type. The basic theory of functional equations includes functional differential equations with cau
Functional Linear Algebra (Textbooks in Mathematics)
by Hannah RobbinsLinear algebra is an extremely versatile and useful subject. It rewards those who study it with powerful computational tools, lessons about how mathematical theory is built, examples for later study in other classes, and much more. Functional Linear Algebra is a unique text written to address the need for a one-term linear algebra course where students have taken only calculus. It does not assume students have had a proofs course. The text offers the following approaches: More emphasis is placed on the idea of a linear function, which is used to motivate the study of matrices and their operations. This should seem natural to students after the central role of functions in calculus. Row reduction is moved further back in the semester and vector spaces are moved earlier to avoid an artificial feeling of separation between the computational and theoretical aspects of the course. Chapter 0 offers applications from engineering and the sciences to motivate students by revealing how linear algebra is used. Vector spaces are developed over R, but complex vector spaces are discussed in Appendix A.1. Computational techniques are discussed both by hand and using technology. A brief introduction to Mathematica is provided in Appendix A.2. As readers work through this book, it is important to understand the basic ideas, definitions, and computational skills. Plenty of examples and problems are provided to make sure readers can practice until the material is thoroughly grasped. Author Dr. Hannah Robbins is an associate professor of mathematics at Roanoke College, Salem, VA. Formerly a commutative algebraist, she now studies applications of linear algebra and assesses teaching practices in calculus. Outside the office, she enjoys hiking and playing bluegrass bass.
A Functional Start to Computing with Python (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing)
by null Ted HermanA Functional Start to Computing with Python enables students to quickly learn computing without having to use loops, variables, and object abstractions at the start. Requiring no prior programming experience, the book draws on Python's flexible data types and operations as well as its capacity for defining new functions. Along with the specifics of