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Showing 9,926 through 9,950 of 27,297 results

Functional Statistics and Applications

by Elias Ould Saïd Idir Ouassou Mustapha Rachdi

This volume, which highlights recent advances in statistical methodology and applications, is divided into two main parts. The first part presents theoretical results on estimation techniques in functional statistics, while the second examines three key areas of application: estimation problems in queuing theory, an application in signal processing, and the copula approach to epidemiologic modelling. The book's peer-reviewed contributions are based on papers originally presented at the Marrakesh International Conference on Probability and Statistics held in December 2013.

Functional Urban Areas in Poland: Demographic Trends and Migration Patterns (The Urban Book Series)

by Sławomir Kurek Mirosław Wójtowicz Jadwiga Gałka

This book explores demographic changes in Functional Urban Areas (FUAs) in Poland since 1990. Functional Urban Areas, introduced by ESPON, refer to functional territorial units that can be defined as travel-to-work-area, representing strong integration between urban cores and their immediate hinterland. The functional urban area consists of a city plus its commuting zone. It fills a significant gap in the academic literature by providing a deep and thorough analysis of the process of population change in Polish FUAs over the past 30 years. In particular, this empirical research work addresses population growth and decline; the main components of population growth including fertility, mortality and migration; age composition; and the pace of population ageing. The book argues that the transformations of urban structures are triggered by second demographic transition (SDT) and suburbanization processes. Based on data from the Central Statistical Office, this comparative study on FUAs in Poland, which employs a division into core and commuting zones, reveals essential similarities and differences in population development, making it possible to construct a demographic typology of FUAs and investigate their spatial arrangements. A unique and innovative book, it will appeal to geographers, demographers, urbanists, city planners and policymakers, as well as students, academic researchers and others involved in urban studies.

Functionals of Finite Riemann Surfaces

by Menahem Schiffer Donald C. Spencer

This advanced monograph on finite Riemann surfaces, based on the authors' 1949-50 lectures at Princeton University, remains a fundamental book for graduate students. Suitable for graduate-level courses, the text begins with three chapters that offer a development of the classical theory along historical lines, examining geometrical and physical considerations, existence theorems for finite Riemann surfaces, and relations between differentials. Subsequent chapters explore bilinear differentials, surfaces imbedded in a given surface, integral operators, and variations of surfaces and of their functionals. The book concludes with a look at applications of the variational method and remarks on generalization to higher dimensional Kahler manifolds.

Functionals of Multidimensional Diffusions with Applications to Finance

by Eckhard Platen Jan Baldeaux

This research monograph provides an introduction to tractable multidimensional diffusion models, where transition densities, Laplace transforms, Fourier transforms, fundamental solutions or functionals can be obtained in explicit form. The book also provides an introduction to the use of Lie symmetry group methods for diffusions, which allows to compute a wide range of functionals. Besides the well-known methodology on affine diffusions it presents a novel approach to affine processes with applications in finance. Numerical methods, including Monte Carlo and quadrature methods, are discussed together with supporting material on stochastic processes. Applications in finance, for instance, on credit risk and credit valuation adjustment are included in the book. The functionals of multidimensional diffusions analyzed in this book are significant for many areas of application beyond finance. The book is aimed at a wide readership, and develops an intuitive and rigorous understanding of the mathematics underlying the derivation of explicit formulas for functionals of multidimensional diffusions.

Functions and Change: A Modeling Approach to College Algebra (3rd Edition)

by Bruce Crauder Benny Evans Alan Noell

This edition provides an alternative to a traditional college algebra course for students who either will not take another math course or may go on to a business calculus course. An informal approach offers clear explanations that leave out unnecessary technicalities so that students who are not comfortable with algebra will easily understand the concepts.

Functions and Generality of Logic

by Hourya Benis-Sinaceur Marco Panza Gabriel Sandu

This book examines three connected aspects of Frege's logicism: the differences between Dedekind's and Frege's interpretation of the term 'logic' and related terms and reflects on Frege's notion of function, comparing its understanding and the role it played in Frege's and Lagrange's foundational programs. It concludes with an examination of the notion of arbitrary function, taking into account Frege's, Ramsey's and Russell's view on the subject. Composed of three chapters, this book sheds light on important aspects of Dedekind's and Frege's logicisms. The first chapter explains how, although he shares Frege's aim at substituting logical standards of rigor to intuitive imports from spatio-temporal experience into the deductive presentation of arithmetic, Dedekind had a different goal and used or invented different tools. The chapter highlights basic dissimilarities between Dedekind's and Frege's actual ways of doing and thinking. The second chapter reflects on Frege's notion of a function, in comparison with the notions endorsed by Lagrange and the followers of the program of arithmetization of analysis. It remarks that the foundational programs pursued by Lagrange and Frege are crucially different and based on a different idea of what the foundations of mathematics should be like. However, despite this contrast, the notion of function plays similar roles in the two programs, and this chapter emphasizes the similarities. The third chapter traces the development of thinking about Frege's program in the foundations of mathematics, and includes comparisons of Frege's, Russell's and Ramsey's views. The chapter discusses earlier papers written by Hintikka, Sandu, Demopoulos and Trueman. Although the chapter's main focus is on the notion of arbitrary correlation, it starts out by discussing some aspects of the connection between this notion and Dedekind Theorem.

Functions and Graphs

by I. M. Gelfand E. E. Shnol E. G. Glagoleva

The second in a series of systematic studies by a celebrated mathematician I. M. Gelfand and colleagues, this volume presents students with a well-illustrated sequence of problems and exercises designed to illuminate the properties of functions and graphs. Since readers do not have the benefit of a blackboard on which a teacher constructs a graph, the authors abandoned the customary use of diagrams in which only the final form of the graph appears; instead, the book's margins feature step-by-step diagrams for the complete construction of each graph. The first part of the book employs simple functions to analyze the fundamental methods of constructing graphs. The second half deals with more complicated and refined questions concerning linear functions, quadratic trinomials, linear fractional functions, power functions, and rational functions.

Functions Modeling Change: A Preparation For Calculus

by Eric Connally Deborah Hughes-Hallett Andrew M. Gleason

The third edition of this ground-breaking text continues the authors' goal - a targeted introduction to precalculus that carefully balances concepts with procedures. Overall, this text is designed to provide a solid foundation to precalculus that focuses on a small number of key topics thereby emphasizing depth of understanding rather than breath of coverage. Developed by the Calculus Consortium, FMC 3e is flexible enough to be thought-provoking for well-prepared students while still remaining accessible to students with weaker backgrounds. As multiple representations encourage students to reflect on the material, each function is presented symbolically, numerically, graphically and verbally (the Rule of Four). Additionally, a large number of real-world applications, examples and problems enable students to create mathematical models that will help them understand and interpret the world in which they live.

Functions Modeling Change: A Preparation for Calculus (2nd Edition)

by Eric Connally Elliot J. Marks Jerry Morris Karen Rhea Pat Shure Carl Swenson Katherine Yoshiwara Deborah Hughes-Hallett Frank Avenoso Philip Cheifetz Ann Davidian Daniel E. Flath Andrew M. Gleason Brigitte Lahme Patti Frazer Lock

This is a new edition of the precalculus text developed by the Consortium based at Harvard University and funded by a National Science Foundation Grant. The text is thought-provoking for well-prepared students while still accessible to students with weaker backgrounds. It provides numerical and graphical approaches as well as algebraic approaches to give students another way of mastering the material. This approach encourages students to persist, thereby lowering failure rates. A large number of real-world examples and problems enable students to create mathematical models that will help them understand the world in which they live. The focus is on those topics that are essential to the study of calculus and these topics are treated in depth. Linear, exponential, power, and periodic functions are introduced before polynomial and rational functions to take advantage of their use to model physical phenomena. Building on the Consortium's Rule of Four: Each function is represented symbolically, numerically, graphically, and verbally where appropriate.

Functions of a Complex Variable

by null Hemant Kumar Pathak null Ravi Agarwal null Yeol Je Cho

Functions of a Complex Variable provides all the material for a course on the theory of functions of a complex variable at the senior undergraduate and beginning graduate level. Also suitable for self-study, the book covers every topic essential to training students in complex analysis. It also incorporates special topics to enhance students' under

Functions of Least Gradient (Monographs in Mathematics #110)

by José M. Mazón Wojciech Górny

This book is devoted to the least gradient problem and its variants. The least gradient problem concerns minimization of the total variation of a function with prescribed values on the boundary of a Lipschitz domain. It is the model problem for studying minimization problems involving functionals with linear growth. Functions which solve the least gradient problem for their own boundary data, which arise naturally in the study of minimal surfaces, are called functions of least gradient. The main part of the book is dedicated to presenting the recent advances in this theory. Among others are presented an Euler–Lagrange characterization of least gradient functions, an anisotropic counterpart of the least gradient problem motivated by an inverse problem in medical imaging, and state-of-the-art results concerning existence, regularity, and structure of solutions. Moreover, the authors present a surprising connection between the least gradient problem and the Monge–Kantorovich optimal transport problem and some of its consequences, and discuss formulations of the least gradient problem in the nonlocal and metric settings. Each chapter is followed by a discussion section concerning other research directions, generalizations of presented results, and presentation of some open problems. The book is intended as an introduction to the theory of least gradient functions and a reference tool for a general audience in analysis and PDEs. The readers are assumed to have a basic understanding of functional analysis and partial differential equations. Apart from this, the text is self-contained, and the book ends with five appendices on functions of bounded variation, geometric measure theory, convex analysis, optimal transport, and analysis in metric spaces.

Functions of Omega-Bounded Type: Basic Theory (Frontiers in Mathematics)

by Armen M. Jerbashian Joel E. Restrepo

The book gives the basic results of the theory of the spaces Apω of functions holomorphic in the unit disc, halfplane and in the finite complex plane, which depend on functional weights ω permitting any rate of growth of a function near the boundary of the domain. This continues and essentially improves M.M. Djrbashian's theory of spaces Apα (1945) of functions holomorphic in the unit disc, the English translation of the detailed and complemented version of which (1948) is given in Addendum to the book. Besides, the book gives the ω-extensions of M. M. Djrbashian's two factorization theories of functions meromorphic in the unit disc of 1945-1948 and 1966-1975 to classes of functions delta-subharmonic in the unit disc and in the half-plane.The book can be useful for a wide range of readers. It can be a good handbook for Master, PhD students and Postdoctoral Researchers for enlarging their knowledge and analytical methods, as well as a useful resource for scientists who want to extend their investigation fields.

Functions of Two Variables (Second Edition)

by Sean Dineen

<p>Multivariate calculus, as traditionally presented, can overwhelm students who approach it directly from a one-variable calculus background. There is another way-a highly engaging way that does not neglect readers' own intuition, experience, and excitement. One that presents the fundamentals of the subject in a two-variable context and was set forth in the popular first edition of Functions of Two Variables. <p>The second edition goes even further toward a treatment that is at once gentle but rigorous, atypical yet logical, and ultimately an ideal introduction to a subject important to careers both within and outside of mathematics. The author's style remains informal and his approach problem-oriented. He takes care to motivate concepts prior to their introduction and to justify them afterwards, to explain the use and abuse of notation and the scope of the techniques developed. <p>Functions of Two Variables, Second Edition includes a new section on tangent lines, more emphasis on the chain rule, a rearrangement of several chapters, refined examples, and more exercises. It maintains a balance between intuition, explanation, methodology, and justification, enhanced by diagrams, heuristic comments, examples, exercises, and proofs.</p>

Functor Categories, Model Theory, Algebraic Analysis and Constructive Methods: FCMTCCT2 2022, Almería, Spain, July 11–15, Invited and Selected Contributions (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #450)

by Alexander Martsinkovsky

This volume comprises selected contributions by the participants of the second "Functor Categories, Model Theory, Algebraic Analysis and Constructive Methods" conference, which took place at the University of Almería, Spain, in July 2022.The conference was devoted to several seemingly unrelated fields: functor categories, model theory of modules, algebraic analysis (including linear control systems), and constructive category theory, to mention just a few. The fact that these fields are actually related is a very recent realization. The connections between these disciplines are changing in real time, and the goal of this volume is to provide an initial reference point for this emerging interdisciplinary field.Besides research articles, the volume includes two extended lectures: one on constructive methods in algebraic analysis and the other on the functorial approach to algebraic systems theory. Hence, in addition to its interestfor researchers, the volume will also be an invaluable resource for newcomers.

Fundamental and Applied Sciences in Asia: International Conference on Science Technology and Social Sciences (ICSTSS 2018)

by Nor Azizah Yacob Duratul Ain Tholibon Nor Yuziah Mohd Yunus Zadariana Jamil Syuhada Mohd Tahir

This book gathers selected science and technology papers presented at the 2018 International Conference on Science Technology and Social Sciences (ICSTSS 2018), organised bi-annually by Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, Malaysia. Based on the theme “Redesigning Education for Industrial Revolution”, the papers in this book address a broad range of topics in the fundamental and applied sciences, including computer science, engineering, environmental and management, furniture, forestry, health and medicine, material science, mathematics, plantation and agrotechnology, sport science and statistics, covering theoretical, numerical and experimental studies. The book serves as a platform for disseminating research findings by academicians of local, regional and global prominence, as a catalyst to inspire positive innovations in the development of the region. It provides a significant point of reference for academicians and students: for academicians, it is a good source of information to conduct further research; for students, it is the latest point of reference on research conducted in their fields of study. The carefully reviewed papers intend to facilitate the creation of new knowledge through the exchange of ideas, strategies and innovations in various science and technology disciplines, and to contribute towards enhancing the learning environment.

Fundamental Aspects of Operational Risk and Insurance Analytics

by Marcelo G. Cruz Pavel V. Shevchenko Gareth W. Peters

A one-stop guide for the theories, applications, andstatistical methodologies essential to operational riskProviding a complete overview of operational risk modeling andrelevant insurance analytics, Fundamental Aspects of OperationalRisk and Insurance Analytics: A Handbook of Operational Riskoffers a systematic approach that covers the wide range of topicsin this area. Written by a team of leading experts in the field,the handbook presents detailed coverage of the theories,applications, and models inherent in any discussion of thefundamentals of operational risk, with a primary focus on BaselII/III regulation, modeling dependence, estimation of risk models,and modeling the data elements.Fundamental Aspects of Operational Risk and Insurance Analytics:A Handbook of Operational Risk begins with coverage on the fourdata elements used in operational risk framework as well asprocessing risk taxonomy. The book then goes further in-depth intothe key topics in operational risk measurement and insurance, forexample diverse methods to estimate frequency and severity models.Finally, the book ends with sections on specific topics, such asscenario analysis; multifactor modeling; and dependence modeling. Aunique companion with Advances in Heavy Tailed Risk Modeling: AHandbook of Operational Risk, the handbook also features:Discussions on internal loss data and key risk indicators,which are both fundamental for developing a risk-sensitiveframeworkGuidelines for how operational risk can be inserted into afirm's strategic decisionsA model for stress tests of operational risk under the UnitedStates Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR)programA valuable reference for financial engineers, quantitativeanalysts, risk managers, and large-scale consultancy groupsadvising banks on their internal systems, the handbook is alsouseful for academics teaching postgraduate courses on themethodology of operational risk.

Fundamental Aspects of Plasma Chemical Physics

by Annarita Laricchiuta Domenico Bruno Mario Capitelli

Fundamental Aspects of Plasma Chemical Physics: Transport develops basic and advanced concepts of plasma transport to the modern treatment of the Chapman-Enskog method for the solution of the Boltzmann transport equation. The book invites the reader to consider actual problems of the transport of thermal plasmas with particular attention to the derivation of diffusion- and viscosity-type transport cross sections, stressing the role of resonant charge-exchange processes in affecting the diffusion-type collision calculation of viscosity-type collision integrals. A wide range of topics is then discussed including (1) the effect of non-equilibrium vibrational distributions on the transport of vibrational energy, (2) the role of electronically excited states in the transport properties of thermal plasmas, (3) the dependence of transport properties on the multitude of Saha equations for multi-temperature plasmas, and (4) the effect of the magnetic field on transport properties. Throughout the book, worked examples are provided to clarify concepts and mathematical approaches. This book is the second of a series of three published by the Bari group on fundamental aspects of plasma chemical physics. The first book, Fundamental Aspects of Plasma Chemical Physics: Thermodynamics, is dedicated to plasma thermodynamics; and the third, Fundamental Aspects of Plasma Chemical Physics: Kinetics, deals with plasma kinetics.

Fundamental Concepts for New Clinical Trialists (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series #77)

by Scott Evans Naitee Ting

Fundamental Concepts for New Clinical Trialists describes the core scientific concepts of designing, data monitoring, analyzing, and reporting clinical trials as well as the practical aspects of trials not typically discussed in statistical methodology textbooks. The first section of the book provides background information about clinical trials. I

Fundamental Concepts of Abstract Algebra

by Gertrude Ehrlich

A text in abstract algebra for undergraduate mathematics majors, this volume contains enough material for a two-semester course. It presents extensive coverage of set theory, groups, rings, modules, vector spaces, and fields. Examples, definitions, theorems, and proofs appear throughout, along with numerous practice exercises at the end of each section. 1991 edition.

Fundamental Concepts of Geometry (Dover Books on Mathematics)

by Bruce E. Meserve

Fundamental Concepts of Geometry demonstrates in a clear and lucid manner the relationships of several types of geometry to one another. This highly regarded work is a superior teaching text, especially valuable in teacher preparation, as well as providing an excellent overview of the foundations and historical evolution of geometrical concepts. Professor Meserve (University of Vermont) offers students and prospective teachers the broad mathematical perspective gained from an elementary treatment of the fundamental concepts of mathematics. The clearly presented text is written on an undergraduate (or advanced secondary-school) level and includes numerous exercises and a brief bibliography. An indispensable taddition to any math library, this helpful guide will enable the reader to discover the relationships among Euclidean plane geometry and other geometries; obtain a practical understanding of "proof"; view geometry as a logical system based on postulates and undefined elements; and appreciate the historical evolution of geometric concepts.

Fundamental Discrete Structures (University Texts in the Mathematical Sciences)

by V. Ravichandran Atul Kumar Razdan

This book serves as a core text in discrete mathematics. It discusses topics such as symbolic logic, enumerative combinatorics, algebraic structures, graph theory, and related applications to computer science and other allied subjects. The presentation of related concepts is suitable for sophomore, junior, and senior-level undergraduate students. Exercises provided at the end of each chapter are designed to help the reader have an active learning experience throughout the study.

Fundamental Groups and Covering Spaces

by null Elon Lages Lima

This introductory textbook describes fundamental groups and their topological soul mates, the covering spaces. The author provides several illustrative examples that touch upon different areas of mathematics, but in keeping with the books introductory aim, they are all quite elementary. Basic concepts are clearly defined, proofs are complete, and n

Fundamental Math and Physics for Scientists and Engineers

by Hannah Yevick David Yevick

This text summarizes the core undergraduate physics curriculum together with the mathematics frequently encountered in engineering and physics calculations, focusing on content relevant to practical applications.Covers major undergraduate physics topics including the complete Physics GRE subject examination syllabusOverview of key results in undergraduate applied mathematics and introduces scientific programmingPresents simple, coherent derivations and illustrations of fundamental concepts

Fundamental Mathematical Analysis (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)

by Robert Magnus

This textbook offers a comprehensive undergraduate course in real analysis in one variable. Taking the view that analysis can only be properly appreciated as a rigorous theory, the book recognises the difficulties that students experience when encountering this theory for the first time, carefully addressing them throughout.Historically, it was the precise description of real numbers and the correct definition of limit that placed analysis on a solid foundation. The book therefore begins with these crucial ideas and the fundamental notion of sequence. Infinite series are then introduced, followed by the key concept of continuity. These lay the groundwork for differential and integral calculus, which are carefully covered in the following chapters. Pointers for further study are included throughout the book, and for the more adventurous there is a selection of "nuggets", exciting topics not commonly discussed at this level. Examples of nuggets include Newton's method, the irrationality of π, Bernoulli numbers, and the Gamma function.Based on decades of teaching experience, this book is written with the undergraduate student in mind. A large number of exercises, many with hints, provide the practice necessary for learning, while the included "nuggets" provide opportunities to deepen understanding and broaden horizons.

Fundamental Mathematical Modeling of Additive Manufacturing (Springer Tracts in Additive Manufacturing)

by Juha Jeronen Tero Tuovinen Matti Kurki

This book elucidates the fundamental thermomechanical behaviour inherent in the 3D printing process within a laser-based powder bed fusion (L-PBF) system. It presents foundational concepts and provides in-depth derivations of the governing equations. The analysis encompasses arbitrary anisotropic linear viscoelastic materials, accounting for thermal effects. The authors leverage the theory of axially moving materials, a framework previously employed in the analysis of production processes within the process industry. They introduce a coordinate frame that moves in tandem with the printing laser, adopting an Eulerian perspective towards the in-motion solid. Designed for graduate students and researchers, this book is poised to foster a profound comprehension and spur innovative technological advancements in the realm of additive manufacturing.

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