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Inleiding in de gezondheidszorg (Basiswerk AG)

by M. van der Burgt E. van Mechelen-Gevers

Dit boek geeft dokters-, apothekers- en tandartsassistenten in opleiding een volle¬dig en actueel beeld van de gezondheids¬zorg in Nederland. Het boek geeft antwoord op vragen als: hoe zit het nu met eigen risico? Wie mag welke medische gegevens zien? En waarom is het zo moeilijk om zorgkosten in de hand te houden? Ook is het boek zeer geschikt als naslag¬werk in de praktijk. Inleiding in de gezondheidszorg beschrijft verschillende soorten zorg en taken van zorgverleners in de eerste en tweede lijn. In deze vierde, herziene druk leest u over preventie, voorlichting, patiëntrechten, financiering van de zorg en gezondheids¬beleid en -wetgeving. Ook laat het boek zien wat de recente ontwikkelingen zijn op het gebied van bijvoorbeeld het Elek¬tronisch Patiënten Dossier, het Landelijk Schakelpunt, het klachtrecht, de uitbrei¬ding van prenatale testen en de opkomst van budgetpolissen. Er is de afgelopen jaren veel veranderd in de gezondheidszorg en de veranderingen gaan door. Daarom hebben de auteurs niet geprobeerd om volledig te zijn. Wel willen ze graag dat de informatie praktijkgericht is en dat studenten en assisterenden hun beroepspraktijk herkennen in dit boek. Marieke van der Burgt werkte als docent medische vakken en patiëntenvoorlich¬ting aan het hbo en mbo. Zij is auteur van diverse boeken voor zorgopleidingen van het hbo en mbo en nascholingspro¬gramma’s. Els van Mechelen-Gevers werkte als diëtist in alle velden van de gezondheidszorg en als docent aan Fontys Hogeschool. Zij is auteur van diverse boeken voor zorgoplei¬dingen van het hbo en mbo.

Inleiding in de gezondheidszorg (Basiswerk AG)

by Wendy Spijkers Marieke van der Burgt

Dit studieboek geeft dokters-, apothekers- en tandartsassistenten in opleiding een breed en actueel beeld van de gezondheidszorg in Nederland en is daarom geschikt voor alle mbo-AG-opleidingen. In dit boek worden de inrichting en organisatie van de gezondheidszorg in Nederland op een heldere manier in kaart gebracht. Het boek geeft antwoord op vragen als: hoe zit het met het eigen risico? Wie mag welke medische gegevens inzien? Waar wordt het geld voor de gezondheidszorg aan uitgegeven, en hoe kan het dat de zorgkosten zo moeilijk in de hand te houden zijn? Ook is het boek zeer geschikt als naslagwerk in de praktijk.Inleiding in de gezondheidszorg beschrijft verschillende soorten zorgverlening en taken van zorgverleners in de eerste en tweede lijn. In deze vijfde, geactualiseerde druk staan preventie, voorlichting, wetgeving en financiering van de zorg centraal. Ook is er aandacht voor recente ontwikkelingen: het Landelijk Schakelpunt, het klachtrecht, vergoedingen van geneesmiddelen, het project Samen beslissen, en wetgeving rond dwang in de zorg. Infographics maken complexe wetten en beleid in één oogopslag duidelijk.Marieke van der Burgt werkte jarenlang als docent op hbo- en mbo-zorgopleidingen. Wendy Spijkers is werkzaam als tandarts. Samen schreven zij eerder een boek voor zorgopleidingen in het mbo.  

Inleiding in de gezondheidszorg (Basiswerk AG)

by Els van Mechelen-Gevers

Hoe zit het met het eigen risico? Mag je zonder verwijzing naar de fysiotherapeut? Bestaat het persoonsgebonden budget nog? Kun je door de marktwerking niet meer zelf je ziekenhuis en dokter kiezen? Deze tweede, herziene druk van Inleiding in de gezondheidszorg biedt een actueel beeld van de gezondheidszorg met antwoord op deze vragen. Naast een beschrijving van de soorten zorg (eerste- en tweedelijnszorg, informele zorg, complementaire en alternatieve zorg) en de taken van zorgverleners behandelt het boek uitgebreid preventie en voorlichting, patiëntenrechten en -plichten, gezond blijven (arbo, milieu), financiering van de zorg en gezondheidsbeleid. In aparte hoofdstukken wordt het kwaliteitsbeleid beschreven en wat te doen als er iets (bijna) fout is gegaan. Ook de relevante wetten worden in dit boek op een toegankelijke wijze behandeld en toegelicht. Het boek wordt afgesloten met literatuurverwijzingen, een trefwoordenregister en een praktische begrippenlijst. Ook na grote veranderingen in 2006, de invoering van de zorgverzekeringswet en meer marktwerking, blijft de gezondheidszorg in beweging. Daarom zijn in deze druk recente veranderingen toegevoegd aan de overzichtelijke en toegankelijke beschrijving van de gezondheidszorg. Verder komt de voortdurende kostenstijging aan bod. In een nieuwe paragraaf wordt kort en helder uitgelegd hoe het komt dat de kosten alsmaar toenemen en waarom het zo moeilijk is om de kosten in de hand te houden.

Inleiding in de psychopathologie

by Ron Van Deth

Dit boek is primair geschreven voor zorgprofessionals (in opleiding) die op zoek zijn naar een handzaam en verantwoord overzicht van de psychische stoornissen, zoals die in de DSM-5 worden onderscheiden. Behalve de verschijningsvorm, krijgen oorzaken en behandeling ruim aandacht. Ieder hoofdstuk schetst een breed klinisch beeld van de verschillende stoornissen en gaat systematisch in op de volgende aspecten: Kenmerken: affectieve, somatische, gedrags- en cognitieve symptomenDiagnose: veelgebruikte vragenlijsten, differentiële diagnostiek en beslisbomenPrevalentie: life-timeprevalentie en jaarprevalentie Etiologie: biologisch, psychologisch en psychosociaal perspectiefBehandeling: biologische, psychologische en psychosociale aanpakPrognose: het beloop van de stoornis. Naast de DSM-5 is dit boek gebaseerd op klinisch-psychologische en psychiatrische handboeken uit binnen- en buitenland. Met het oog op de praktijk komen in elk hoofdstuk ook Nederlandse richtlijnen en protocollen aan bod. Daarmee hebben (aankomend) klinisch- en GZ-psychologen, huisartsen, POH-GGZ, psychotherapeuten, psychiaters en andere behandelaars in de zorg de meest recente èn relevante kennis van psychische stoornissen binnen handbereik.

Inleiding in evidence-based medicine: Klinisch handelen gebaseerd op bewijsmateriaal

by M. Offringa, W.J.J. Assendelft and R.J.P.M. Scholten

Bij de behandeling van patiënten is het nemen van de juiste beslissingen van levensbelang. Om te bepalen of behandelingen veilig en effectief zijn, is het gebruik van het juiste bewijsmateriaal onontbeerlijk. Evidence–based medicine is een methode om de keuzes die u maakt te onderbouwen met bewijsmateriaal uit betrouwbaar wetenschappelijk onderzoek.In Inleiding in evidence–based medicine wordt op een overzichtelijke manier uiteengezet wat evidence–based medicine precies inhoudt. Het boek bevat praktische tips over hoe u het beste kunt zoeken naar literatuur met behulp van metazoekmachines, en bespreekt de moderne methoden om artikelen kritisch te beoordelen. Verder komen de evidence–based richtlijnen, het toepassen van bewijs op individuele patiënten en de Cochrane Collaboration aan bod.Deze derde, herziene druk van Inleiding in evidence–based medicine is geactualiseerd en uitgebreid. De nieuwste kennisbestanden en tools die beschikbaar zijn voor de praktische toepassing van evidence–based medicine komen aan bod. Speciale aandacht wordt besteed aan de rol die evidence–based medicine speelt bij de zorg voor individuele patiënten. Dit helpt zorgverleners om in het consult de beste algemene kennis te combineren met patiëntspecifieke overwegingen.

Inleiding in evidence-based medicine: Klinisch handelen gebaseerd op bewijsmateriaal

by R.J.P.M. Scholten M. Offringa W.J.J. Assendelft

Dit boek zet voor studenten, docenten, onderzoekers en professionals in de gezondheidszorg overzichtelijk uiteen wat evidence-based medicine in detail inhoudt. Het geeft praktische tips over het zoeken naar literatuur met behulp van (meta-)zoekmachines en behandelt moderne methoden om artikelen kritisch te beoordelen. Met evidence-based medicine zijn externe verantwoording, transparantie en standaardisatie belangrijke sturings- en ordeningsprincipes in de zorg geworden. Dat draagt in belangrijke mate bij aan de kwaliteit en veiligheid van de zorg.Deze editie van Inleiding in evidence-based medicine is helemaal geactualiseerd. Het bespreekt achtereenvolgens het stellen van de juiste vragen, het zoeken en selecteren van literatuur en het kritisch beoordelen van artikelen. Vervolgens gaat het boek in op secundair onderzoek en evidence-based richtlijnen. Verder komen het toepassen van evidence-based medicine in de eigen praktijk en Cochrane aan bod. Bovendien wordt aandacht besteed aan de rol die evidence-based medicine speelt bij de zorg voor individuele patiënten. Zo kunnen zorgverleners in het consult de beste algemene kennis combineren met patiëntspecifieke overwegingen.

Inleiding wetenschappelijk onderzoek voor het gezondheidsonderwijs

by Anneke Jong Marja Legius Lieven Maesschalck Henk Vandenbroele Marc Glorieux Marijke Visser

De rol van onderzoek in het hbo-onderwijs wordt steeds duidelijker. Praktijk en theorie moeten nauw samenwerken bij enerzijds het oplossen van praktijkproblemen, anderzijds bij het genereren van kennis rondom deze oplossingen. Inleiding wetenschappelijk onderzoek voor het gezondheidsonderwijs helpt studenten om de wereld van onderzoek eigen te maken. Nieuw in deze editie is een hoofdstuk over praktijkgericht onderzoek. Daarnaast geeft het boek een inleiding op de principes van goed onderzoek, en gaat in op onder andere de manier waarop onderzoek in de praktijk van de gezondheidszorg kan werken, ethische aspecten rondom onderzoek doen en methoden en technieken van kwantitatief onderzoek, inclusief meetinstrumenten, van kwalitatief onderzoek en van onderzoek dat onder verzamelbegrippen valt. De kracht van dit boek is dat in begrijpelijke taal wordt uitgelegd waar het om draait bij het doen van onderzoek en het toepassen ervan in de praktijk. Het is een must voor bachelorstudenten, maar is ook een prettig naslagwerk voor mensen die een professional master doen en voor mensen die in de praktijk (mede) verantwoordelijk zijn voor innovatieve, evidence-based zorg. Voor docenten van opleidingen in de gezondheidszorg is dit boek een handig naslagwerk bij de lessen over verantwoorde zorg, evidence-based practice en interpretatie van vakliteratuur. Aan het boek zijn digitale verrijkingen in de vorm van verdiepingsopdrachten en toetsvragen per hoofdstuk toegevoegd. Bovendien is het volledige boek digitaal te raadplegen. De auteurs zijn experts uit de gezondheidszorg en de wetenschap van Vlaanderen en Nederland. De 6e druk is inhoudelijk niet gewijzigd ten opzichte van de 5e druk.

Innate Antiviral Immunity: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #1656)

by Karen Mossman

This book explores methods to study the complex and evolving interplay between a virus and its host that range from model systems to the detection of chemical molecules. The collection starts with the application of humanized mice and zebrafish as model organisms to study virus-host interactions and induction of innate immune responses. Subsequent chapters outline diverse methods to detect small interfering RNAs, microRNAs, and virus-derived dsRNA from a variety of cells, tissues, and organisms, as well as to interrogating the cytosolic RNA and DNA sensing pathways, including using RNA PAMPs as molecular tools, purification of cGAMP from virus particles and infected cells, and mechanisms to visualize the subcellular localization and activation of the adaptor proteins MAVS and STING. Cutting-edge methods, including high-throughput and genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 screens, chromosome conformation capture, and whole-exome sequencing, are described to identify novel mediators, pathways, and variants underlying host susceptibility. Given the importance of studying these pathways and players under physiologic conditions, methods describing the isolation of primary mouse sensory neurons and group 2 innate lymphoid cells are also provided. Finally, this collection comes full circle back to the whole organism level and concludes with epidemiological methods to investigate virus-host interactions and the induction of innate immunity. Written for the Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Innate Antiviral Immunity: Methods and Protocols spans a diverse array of approaches to study and elucidate the intricacies of this vital area of study.

Innate Immune Regulation and Cancer Immunotherapy

by Rong-Fu Wang

Innate and adaptive immunity play important roles in immunosurveillance and tumor destruction. However, increasing evidence suggests that tumor-infiltrating immune cells may have a dual function: inhibiting or promoting tumor growth and progression. Although regulatory T (Treg) cells induce immune tolerance by suppressing host immune responses against self- or non self-antigens, thus playing critical roles in preventing autoimmune diseases, they might inhibit antitumor immunity and promote tumor growth. Recent studies demonstrate that elevated proportions of Treg cells are present in various types of cancers and suppress antitumor immunity. Furthermore, tumor-specific Treg cells can inhibit immune responses only when they are exposed to antigens presented by tumor cells. Therefore, Treg cells at tumor sites have detrimental effects on immunotherapy directed to cancer.

Innate Immune System of Skin and Oral Mucosa

by Nava Dayan Philip W. Wertz

An in-depth look at cutting-edge research on the body's innate immune systemInnate immunity is the body's first line of protection against potential microbial, viral, and environmental attacks, and the skin and oral mucosa are two of the most powerful barriers that which we rely on to stay well. The definitive book on the subject, Innate Immune System of Skin and Oral Mucosa: Properties and Impact in Pharmaceutics, Cosmetics, and Personal Care Products provides a comprehensive overview of these systems, including coverage of antimicrobial peptides and lipids and microbial challenges and stressors that can influence innate immunity.Designed to help experts and newcomers alike in fields like dermatology, oral pathology, cosmetics, personal care, and pharmaceuticals, the book is filled with suggestions to assist research and development. Looking at the many challenges facing the innate immune system, including the impact of topically applied skin products and medications, Innate Immune System of Skin and Oral Mucosa paves the way for next generation treatment avenues, preventative approaches, and drug development.

Innate Immunity

by Eric Vivier Jonathan Ewbank

This volume contains chapters dealing with the isolation and functional characterization of cells involved in innate immunity in mouse and man, including mast cells and eosinophils, and with several chapters focusing on natural killer cells. These approaches and models are being used to dissect the complex interplay between hosts and pathogens, and contribute to developing strategies to help fight infection.

Innate Lymphoid Cells (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1365)

by Xiao-Hong Sun

This book aims to systemically summarize the key findings about Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) and present the consensus of current views and prospective. ILCs are a class of newly recognized immune cells which play an instructive role in shaping immunity in physiological and pathological conditions. This book discusses the differentiation of ILC, the relation of ILCs with respiratory function, inflammation in the gut, skin disorders, cancer, neurobiology and microbes. The knowledge included in this book is valuable for both basic immunologists and clinicians in understanding the heterogenetic immune responses in disease and health.

Innate Tolerance in the CNS

by Miguel A. Perez-Pinzon John H. Zhang Jeffrey M. Gidday

Cerebral preconditioning is a phenomenon wherein a mild insult or stress induces cellular and tissue adaptation or tolerance to a later, severe injury, therefore reflecting the efficacy of endogenous mechanisms of cerebrovascular protection. Initially identified for rapid cardiac protection, preconditioning has expanded to all aspects of CNS protection from ischemia, trauma and potentially neurodegeneration. Many different stimuli or stressors have been identified as preconditioning agents, suggesting a downstream convergence of mechanisms and underscoring the potential for translational application of preconditioning in the clinic. Moreover, the fundamental mechanisms responsible for preconditioning-induced tolerance will help in the design novel pharmacological approaches for neuroprotection. While stroke and many other brain injuries are not predictable, in some populations (e.g., metabolic syndrome, patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy, aneurysm clipping, or with recent TIAs) the risk for stroke is identifiable and significant, and preconditioning may represent a useful strategy for neuroprotection. For unpredictable injuries, post-conditioning the brain - or inducing endogenous protective mechanisms after the initial injury - can also abrogate the extent of injury. Finally, remote pre- and post-conditioning methods have been developed in animals, and are now being tested in clinical trials, wherein a brief, noninjurious stress to a noncerebral tissue (i.e., skeletal muscle) can provide protection to the CNS and thereby allows clinicians the opportunity to circumvent concerns regarding the direct preconditioning of neurological tissues.

The Inner Apprentice: An Awareness-Centred Approach to Vocational Training for General Practice, Second Edition

by Roger Neighbour

Highly Commended in the 2005 BMA Medical Book Competition The first edition of The Inner Apprentice proved to be a landmark publication. Now in its second edition, it includes an additional chapter in which questions the assumptions about the relevance of awareness-based teaching in the overcrowded curriculum of contemporary vocational training – and suggests that the curiosity they engender is more important than ever. This book offers many new ideas, techniques and educational tools, and will be of interest to general practice trainers and trainees, and anyone involved in an individual teaching relationship.

An Inner Approach to Cranial Osteopathy

by Timothy Marris

This book is for the current Cranial Osteopathic practitioner. It looks into Cranial Osteopathy from a more profound 'inner' approach to help the practitioner to understand Cranial Osteopathy from a deeper and broader perspective. The book starts by taking the reader on an 'inner' journey of understanding more about themselves as the practitioner, discussing the 'osteopathic toolbox', and the need to be 'inner centred' when diagnosing and treating. It then looks at aspects of diagnosis - of tissue and fluid states - giving the reader several 'inner' considerations which they should apply when assessing a patient. The book then looks at the whole body and using an 'inner' approach to assess and treat each area. Each chapter gives an overview of the relevant anatomy and discusses the osteopathic relevance and new ways of working. Case studies/clinical experiences are described and 'hands on' exercises, which can be accessed via audio files, are given for the reader to practise. These exercises should be done 'at the treatment table' and will prepare the reader to use the approaches described with their patients. The audio leads the listener through a 'guided tour' of the anatomy and explains the exercise while they use their hands to feel what the author is describing.This guide will help Cranial Osteopathic practitioners enhance their skills, knowledge and understanding to a much-advanced level.

The Inner Consultation: How to Develop an Effective and Intuitive Consulting Style, Second Edition (Radcliffe Ser.)

by Roger Neighbour

The Inner Consultation, Second Edition sets out the author’s thoughts on how consulting skills, and methods of teaching them, have evolved in the 17 years since the book’s first publication. It also develops the theme of ‘curiosity’ as the key requirement for patient-centred consulting and provides a practical consultation model with five checkpoints to work to, advice for developing skills, and suggestions for doctors to ensure they know the cues in the consultation that require their full attention. All general practitioners, GP registrars, and medical professionals will find this book essential and thought-provoking reading.

The Inner Life of the Dying Person

by Allan Kellehear

This unique book recounts the experience of facing one's death solely from the dying person's point of view rather than from the perspective of caregivers, survivors, or rescuers. Such unmediated access challenges assumptions about the emotional and spiritual dimensions of dying, showing readers that -- along with suffering, loss, anger, sadness, and fear -- we can also feel courage, love, hope, reminiscence, transcendence, transformation, and even happiness as we die.A work that is at once psychological, sociological, and philosophical, this book brings together testimonies of those dying from terminal illness, old age, sudden injury or trauma, acts of war, and the consequences of natural disasters and terrorism. It also includes statements from individuals who are on death row, in death camps, or planning suicide. Each form of dying addressed highlights an important set of emotions and narratives that often eclipses stereotypical renderings of dying and reflects the numerous contexts in which this journey can occur outside of hospitals, nursing homes, and hospices. Chapters focus on common emotional themes linked to dying, expanding and challenging them through first-person accounts and analyses of relevant academic and clinical literature in psycho-oncology, palliative care, gerontology, military history, anthropology, sociology, cultural and religious studies, poetry, and fiction. The result is an all-encompassing investigation into an experience that will eventually include us all and is more surprising and profound than anyone can imagine.

The Inner Life of the Dying Person

by Allan Kellehear

This unique book recounts the experience of facing one's death solely from the dying person's point of view rather than from the perspective of caregivers, survivors, or rescuers. Such unmediated access challenges assumptions about the emotional and spiritual dimensions of dying, showing readers that -- along with suffering, loss, anger, sadness, and fear -- we can also feel courage, love, hope, reminiscence, transcendence, transformation, and even happiness as we die.A work that is at once psychological, sociological, and philosophical, this book brings together testimonies of those dying from terminal illness, old age, sudden injury or trauma, acts of war, and the consequences of natural disasters and terrorism. It also includes statements from individuals who are on death row, in death camps, or planning suicide. Each form of dying addressed highlights an important set of emotions and narratives that often eclipses stereotypical renderings of dying and reflects the numerous contexts in which this journey can occur outside of hospitals, nursing homes, and hospices. Chapters focus on common emotional themes linked to dying, expanding and challenging them through first-person accounts and analyses of relevant academic and clinical literature in psycho-oncology, palliative care, gerontology, military history, anthropology, sociology, cultural and religious studies, poetry, and fiction. The result is an all-encompassing investigation into an experience that will eventually include us all and is more surprising and profound than anyone can imagine.

The Inner Physician: Why And How To Practise Big Picture Medicine

by Roger Neighbour

In this final volume of his best-selling 'Inner' trilogy, Roger Neighbour explores the relationship between a doctor's professional and private selves. He suggests that the mind of every doctor retains an untrained 'ordinary human being' part - their Inner Physician - which makes an important, though often neglected, contribution to medical practice. This 'Inner Physician', which he also describes as the 'amateur within' or the 'expert minus the expertise', plays a major role in diagnosis and treatment, and is the chief source of insight, empathy and clinical acumen. Roger shows that skilled use of the Inner Physician is one thing that distinguishes the generalist from the specialist.

The Inner Power of Stillness: A practical guide for therapists and practitioners

by Alexander Filmer-Lorch Margaret Anne Gill Caroline Barrow

The Inner Power of Stillness is not just another book about therapeutic presence, mindfulness and meditation. It explores and highlights the next evolutionary step, leading us beyond the already well-researched teachings of these topics, by looking at the multidimensional scale of stillness from an entirely different point of view.The focal point is the inner development by therapists, practitioners and teachers of the mainly dormant potential of stillness and the storage capacity of stillness-stimulus and imprints in our tissue/fascia, as well as their benefits, use and application in a treatment or teaching environment.The Inner Power of Stillness endeavours to illuminate the lost value of stillness for the therapist and practitioner both as a person and as a professional. The authors anchor the possibility of this inner evolution of the power of stillness to the latest research into tissue and cell memory.They introduce the concept of a potential new modality called 'stillness-memory', and build upon this new understanding a logical and practical framework in which science and philosophy truly inform each other.This opens up access to a much larger scale of new ideas and possibilities which, providing the transformative teachings they embody are put into practice, carry the potential for practitioners to be the best person and the best professional they can be, without compromising their own overall health and wellbeing.In-depth knowledge of how to arrive at this promising new modality, as well as how to apply it in everyday work and life, is at the heart of the book. It covers topics such as working from your inner power of stillness, the insightful self and, most importantly, the practitioner's toolkit.Some thought-provoking themes that might be of great value to therapists, teachers and practitioners who intend to dedicate some of their time to working for the greater good can be found at the end of the book, where consideration is given to a universal view of compassion and the solace that stillness can bring to people who are nearing the end of their life and final departure.The book concludes with a philosophical note acknowledging the timeless nature of ancient wisdom, and the ever more important relevance and role of the philosopher in our modern world today.The Inner Power of Stillness is a comprehensive guide for people working with people. It provides practical knowledge that will revolutionise the way practitioners help others:Working from a greater perspective, being aware of the whole as well as the parts, and responding to the cause and not only the effect.Working from an internal place of stillness.Innovative and practical exercises and techniques to dissolve friction/struggles in sustaining a state of authentic therapeutic presence, mindfulness and meditation.Simple exercises to help clients build long-term memory of stillness as a foundation for successful mindfulness and meditation practice.Includes Forewords from John Matthew Upledger, Lauren Walker and Charles Ridley

The Inner Touch: Archaeology Of A Sensation

by Daniel Heller-Roazen

The Inner Touch presents the archaeology of a single sense: the sense of being sentient. Aristotle was perhaps the first to define this faculty when in his treatise On the Soul he identified a sensory power, irreducible to the five senses, by which animals perceive that they are perceiving: the simple "sense," as he wrote, "that we are seeing and hearing." After him, thinkers returned, time and again, to define and redefine this curious sensation. The classical Greek and Roman philosophers as well as the medieval Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin thinkers who followed them all investigated a power they called "the common sense," which one ancient author likened to "a kind of inner touch, by which we are able to grasp ourselves." Their many findings were not lost with the waning of the Middle Ages. From Montaigne and Francis Bacon to Locke, Leibniz, and Rousseau, from nineteenth-century psychiatry and neurology to Proust and Walter Benjamin, the writers and thinkers of the modern period have turned knowingly and unknowing to the terms of older traditions in exploring the perception that every sensitive being possesses of its life. The Inner Touch reconstructs and reconsiders the history of this perception. In twenty-five concise chapters that move freely among ancient, medieval, and modern cultures, Daniel Heller-Roazen investigates a set of exemplary phenomena that have played central roles in philosophical, literary, psychological, and medical accounts of the nature of animal existence. Here sensation and self-sensation, sleeping and waking, aesthetics and anesthetics, perception and apperception, animal nature and human nature, consciousness and unconsciousness, all acquire a new meaning. The Inner Touch proposes an original, elegant, and far-reaching philosophical inquiry into a problem that has never been more pressing: what it means to feel that one is alive.Winner of the Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies

Inner War: A German WWII Survivor’s Journey from Pain to Peace

by Gerda Robinson

It is sometimes difficult to remember that in war there are innocents on all sides who suffer. German citizens who had no connection to the atrocities committed by their countrymen nonetheless endured great hardships because of them. In The Inner War, author Gerda Hartwich Robinson narrates her story as a German survivor of World War II. She tells how her life’s journey included hunger, fear, neglect, and physical and emotional abuse, and how she carried these injustices in her mind and body for many years, leading to debilitating back pain, headaches, panic attacks, depression, and feelings of inadequacy. In this touching memoir, Robinson shows that the tragedies of war don’t end when the last bomb is dropped or the last prisoner freed; they continue in subtle but devastating ways. Like many German citizens during and after the war, Robinson was simply trying to survive a terrifying situation she had nothing to do with. She describes how her spirit was devastated by hopelessness, and how she entertained thoughts of suicide. The Inner War shares lessons she learned at a chronic pain rehabilitation center that allowed her to start on a path to peace and love.

The Inner Workings of Life

by Eberhard O. Voit

Living systems are dynamic and extremely complex and their behaviour is often hard to predict by studying their individual parts. Systems biology promises to reveal and analyse these highly connected, regulated and adaptable systems, using mathematical modelling and computational analysis. This new systems approach is already having a broad impact on biological research and has potentially far-reaching implications for our understanding of life. Written in an informal and non-technical style, this book provides an accessible introduction to systems biology. Self-contained vignettes each convey a key theme and are intended to enlighten, provoke and interest readers of different academic disciplines, but also to offer new insight to those working in the field. Using a minimum amount of jargon and no mathematics, Voit manages to convey complex ideas and give the reader a genuine sense of the excitement that systems biology brings with it, as well as the current challenges and opportunities.

The Inner World of Medical Students: Listening to Their Voices in Poetry

by Johanna Shapiro

This is a practical and comprehensive guide to communication in family medicine for doctors nurses and staff in the primary healthcare team. It brings together all facets of communication in healthcare including involvement of patients staff and external workers. It shows how to address all aspects of communication in relation to one-to-one situations teaching and groups and encourages the reader to reflect on their own clinical and work experience. Using think boxes exercises and references this is an accessible guide relevant to all members of the practice team.

Innere Medizin

by Wolfgang Piper

Innere Medizin ist lernbar! Ganz egal ob im klinischen Studienabschnitt oder im PJ - internistische Fragestellungen und Krankheitsbilder werden Ihnen immer und überall begegnen. Spätestens im Examen müssen Sie fit sein in der Inneren Medizin - und der Piper hilft Ihnen dabei. Dieses Lehrbuch beinhaltet die gesamte Innere Medizin in übersichtlichen, gut gegliederten Texten. Hier wird Verständnis für die Zusammenhänge großgeschrieben - denn Verstehen kommt vor dem Pauken. Deshalb werden auch wichtige physiologische und pathophysiologische Grundlagen wiederholt, bevor es zu Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie weitergeht. · Mit allen relevanten Krankheitsbildern · Mehr als 600 Fotos, Zeichnungen und Grafiken · Lerntabellen und Übersichten Der ideale Begleiter während des Studiums und in der täglichen Praxis: Innere Medizin zum schnellen Nachschlagen oder konzentriertem Lesen - so wie man es gerade braucht.

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