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Innovation in Vaccinology

by Selene Baschieri

Prevention of infectious diseases by vaccination is one of the most significant achievements of modern medicine. During the 20th century, the average human life span in the developed world was about 70 years and it is expected to increase, with a significant portion of this increase directly attributed to vaccination. Since the first empiric vaccination trials, knowledge and technology have enormously evolved and new vaccination strategies are emerging on the market. Indeed, in spite of the great success, conventional vaccination strategies sometimes may result ineffective and, above all, may raise safety concerns. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of some of the technology platforms that have been realized or are currently under development to try to address unsolved and new issues in the field of vaccine development. Common denominator of all thematic areas described herein is the multidisciplinary teamwork. Most of the enabling technologies have been established by putting in the "melting pot" expertise in fields that, at first glance, may appear very far apart. I hope that this collection of articles will make the readers aware that vaccinology is rapidly taking a new direction, ceasing to be an empirical science.

Innovation of Diagnosis and Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer

by Hiroki Yamaue

This collection of chapters describes in detail the latest insights into the evaluation of resectability and neoadjuvant therapy to pancreaticoduodenectomy and distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer. Shedding light on immunotherapy and gene therapy, this volume comprehensively covers treatments and procedures for the disease, allowing surgeons and trainees to gain an overview and explore innovative treatments. It also provides information on various cases using tools such as endoscopic ultrasound, MDCT, PET for diagnosis and laparoscopy and robotic resection methods. Edited and authored by pioneering professionals, Diagnosis and Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer is a valuable resource for gastroenterologists, medical oncologists, surgical oncologist and general surgeons interested in treatment of pancreatic cancer care.

Innovation with Information Technologies in Healthcare

by Lyle Berkowitz Chris Mccarthy

This book provides an extensive review of what innovation means in healthcare, with real-life examples and guidance on how to successfully innovate with IT in healthcare.

Innovationen im Gesundheitswesen: Rechtliche und ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen und Potentiale

by Roman Grinblat Daniela Etterer Philipp Plugmann

Initiatoren von Innovationen im Gesundheitswesen müssen eine ganze Reihe von zum Teil vielschichtigen Herausforderungen meistern – hier gilt es, rechtliche, regulative wie ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen im Blick zu behalten und dennoch alle Potentiale zu heben. Dieses Fachbuch gibt aus verschiedenen Perspektiven einen breiten Überblick darüber, wie Recht und Ökonomie das Gesundheitswesen beeinflussen, prägen und verändern. Dabei werden auch interdisziplinäre Einflüsse von Schlüsseltechnologien wie Künstlicher Intelligenz eingebunden sowie Themen des Datenschutzes und Haftungsfragen analysiert und bearbeitet, die gegenwärtig und zukünftig bei Fragestellungen zu Innovationen bei Medizinprodukten, Medikamenten und Apps eine Rolle spielen. Insofern wagt das Buch über den Status quo hinaus eine Prognose in die weitere Entwicklung des deutschen Gesundheitswesens. Dabei behält es stets auch den Praxisbezug im Blick und verweist auf verschiedene Best-Practice-Beispiele.

Innovationen in der Gesundheitsversorgung: Neue Ansätze und Impulse für Prävention, Gesundheitsförderung und Homecare

by Julia Plugmann Philipp Plugmann

Während Digitalisierung, Innovationen, Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich Medizintechnik und -produkte und Life Science die Diagnose- und Therapieverfahren verbessern und viele Fortschritte ermöglichen, werden andererseits durch den demografischen Wandel, den zunehmenden Fachkräftemangel, den Druck auf den deutschen Mittelstand und den immer stärker werdenden internationalen Wettbewerb, gesundheitsökonomische Grenzen für die Bezahlbarkeit unserer Gesundheit gesetzt, die Auswirkungen auf Quantität und Qualität der deutschen und europäischen Gesundheitsversorgung haben werden.Deshalb ist es besonders wichtig, rechtzeitig die Innovationspotenziale dieser Branche auszuloten und zu heben. Die Beiträge in diesem Buch zu Themen wie Cybersicherheit, betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement, personalisierte Prävention, Psychologie, Technologie und Home Care liefern neue Ansätze und Impulse und leiten konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen für etablierte Unternehmen und Start-Ups in der Gesundheitswirtschaft ab.

Innovationen und Innovationsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen: Technologien, Produkte und Dienstleistungen voranbringen

by Mario A. Pfannstiel Kristin Kassel Christoph Rasche

Im aktuellen Gesundheitsmarkt entstehen vielfältige innovative Produkte und Dienstleistungen, die dazu beitragen, die Qualität und Sicherheit der medizinischen Versorgung weiter zu steigern. Voraussetzung für die Entstehung von Innovationen sind Akteure, die Potenziale und Lösungswege aufspüren und den Mut haben kreative Ideen in die Tat umzusetzen sowie ein innovationsfreundliches Klima in Unternehmen. Dazu gehören Handlungsspielräume zum Ausprobieren, Erproben und Experimentieren für Mitarbeiter und auf der Führungsebene eine Akzeptanz für ein gewisses Maß an Fehlschlägen, die bei der Suche nach Lösungen entstehen. Nur so können Innovationen den Ausgangspunkt für den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg von Unternehmen bilden und zur treibenden Kraft in der Gesundheitswirtschaft werden.Dieses Buch stellt Best-Practice-Beispiele vor und zeigt dabei auf, welche Ansätze, Vorgehensweisen und Methoden sich für das Erreichen von unternehmerischen Innovationszielen besonders gut eignen. Zugleich bietet es einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz von Innovationsmanagement für Entscheidungsträger, Praktiker und Wissenschaftler.

Innovationen verbreiten, optimieren und evaluieren

by Norbert Donner-Banzhoff Stefan Bösner

Das Buch richtet sich an Wissenschaftler, die sich mit dem noch relativ jungen medizinischen Feld der Versorgungsforschung beschäftigen. Der Leser findet eine gut verständliche und nachvollziehbare Anleitung, um erste eigene Schritte zu gehen. Und der geübte Versorgungsforscher kann das fundierte und durch die reichhaltige Projektarbeit der Autoren reflektierte Wissen nutzen, um neue Ideen zu entwickeln. Methodische Überlegungen zu qualitativen und quantitativen Verfahren werden von zahlreichen Beispielen unterlegt, die es dem Leser erlauben, ein eigenes Vorsorgungsforschungsprojekt zu konzipieren und durchzuführen. Hierbei sprechen die Autoren mögliche Fallstricke auf dem Weg an und ermutigen den Leser, sich auch noch auf der Zielgeraden eine gesunde Portion Selbstkritik zu bewahren. Gute Versorgungsforschung ist wegen der komplexen Materie eben kein leichtes, aber ein durchaus lohnendes Unterfangen.

Innovations and Advances in Wound Healing

by Seung-Kyu Han

This book presents state of the art knowledge on new techniques and materials that can improve functional and aesthetic results in wound healing while reducing invasiveness, based on the author's extensive personal experience. The aim is to equip the practitioner with all the information required in order to select a strategy that will accelerate wound healing and minimize both the risk of complications and scar formation after the wound has fully healed. The opening chapters set the stage by providing an overview of wound healing, including brief descriptions of the anatomy of the skin, the wound healing process, and advanced wound dressings. A full description follows of the various methodologies employed in repairing acute wounds with the goal of achieving optimal functional and cosmetic outcomes while utilizing the safest and least invasive method. Treatment protocols that have proven successful in closing nonhealing and/or delayed healing chronic wounds are then presented. The closing chapter addresses aesthetic procedures using advanced technology in wound healing. The text is supported by more than 1170 full color photos.

Innovations and Advances in Wound Healing

by Seung-Kyu Han

This book presents state of the art knowledge on new techniques and materials that can improve functional and aesthetic results in wound healing while reducing invasiveness, based on the author's extensive personal experience. The aim is to equip the practitioner with all the information required in order to select a strategy that will accelerate wound healing and minimize both the risk of complications and scar formation after the wound has fully healed. The opening chapters set the stage by providing an overview of wound healing, including brief descriptions of the anatomy of the skin, the wound healing process, and advanced wound dressings. A full description follows of the various methodologies employed in repairing acute wounds with the goal of achieving optimal functional and cosmetic outcomes while utilizing the safest and least invasive method. Treatment protocols that have proven successful in closing nonhealing and/or delayed healing chronic wounds are then presented. In addition, a chapter addresses aesthetic procedures using advanced technology in wound healing. The closing chapter presents author’s experience with the establishment a hospital wound dressing team. The text is supported by 1,411 full color photos. Since the publication of the second edition, there have been many notable advances in wound healing research. The third edition is expanded and updated to reflect the advancements and new information. Key revisions include new chapters and/or sections on recently developed dressings such as a bioelectric dressing, a fluorescence imaging device of bacteria, usefulness of fibrin glue to support wound healing, graft of 3D-printed micronized adipose tissue, significance of skin hydration level for wound healing, novel staged excision technique to reduce scar length, newly developed risk scoring system to predict wound healing outcomes in diabetic patients, expanded coverage of cell therapy, new devices such as extracorporeal shock wave therapy, and automated SVF cell isolation system.

Innovations and Developments of Technologies in Medicine, Biology and Healthcare: Proceedings of the IEEE EMBS International Student Conference (ISC) (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1360)

by Natalia Piaseczna Magdalena Gorczowska Agnieszka Łach

This book constitutes the proceeding from IEEE EMBS International Student Conference (ISC) held online in Zabrze, 11-12th December, 2020. The conference was organized in cooperation between Students from Silesian University of Technology (Gliwice, Poland) and AGH University of Science and Technology (Kraków, Poland). The book consists of twenty full papers. Each submission included in this proceeding was subjected to a review process and accepted by the Conference Program Committee.IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) is the world’s largest international society of biomedical engineers. The organization’s 12,000 members reside in some 97 countries around the world. EMBS provides its members with access to the people, practices, information, ideas, and opinions that are shaping one of the fastest-growing fields in science.The International Student Conference is a special event organized by students for students. It creates an open environment for students, researchers, and scientists for presenting results of their recent work and learning about new trends in biomedical engineering. The conference is an opportunity to inspire students towards an academic career and encourage them to share their research experience.

Innovations and New Developments in Craniomaxillofacial Reconstruction

by Julio Acero

This book provides a comprehensive review of the new technologies that are having a tremendous impact on the complex field of craniomaxillofacial reconstructive surgery. Readers will find detailed information on the technologies themselves, their indications, and their benefits. The coverage encompasses the use of biomaterials and tissue engineering, virtual planning and CAD/CAM techniques, the various applications of computer-assisted surgery, and intraoperative navigation. Robotic surgery, endoscopic approaches, and piezoelectric surgery are each addressed within individual chapters. New developments in craniofacial pediatric surgery are discussed, and the book concludes by examining the present and future of facial transplantation. The text is supported by numerous high-quality color illustrations, and the team of authors comprises prestigious international leaders in the specialty. The book will be of value for all who are interested in learning about the innovations and developments that are reducing morbidity and improving outcomes in patients who require craniomaxillofacial reconstruction.

Innovations for Next-Generation Antibody-Drug Conjugates (Cancer Drug Discovery and Development)

by Marc Damelin

Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) stand at the verge of a transformation. Scores of clinical programs have yielded only a few regulatory approvals, but a wave of technological innovation now empowers us to overcome past technical challenges. This volume focuses on the next generation of ADCs and the innovations that will enable them. The book inspires the future by integrating the field’s history with novel strategies and cutting-edge technologies. While the book primarily addresses ADCs for solid tumors, the last chapter explores the emerging interest in using ADCs to treat other diseases. The therapeutic rationale of ADCs is strong: to direct small molecules to the desired site of action (and away from normal tissues) by conjugation to antibodies or other targeting moieties. However, the combination of small and large molecules imposes deep complexity to lead optimization, pharmacokinetics, toxicology, analytics and manufacturing. The field has made significant advances in all of these areas by improving target selection, ADC design, manufacturing methods and clinical strategies. These innovations will inspire and educate scientists who are designing next-generation ADCs with the potential to transform the lives of patients.

Innovations in Behavioural Health Architecture

by Stephen Verderber

Innovations in Behavioural Health Architecture is the most comprehensive book written on this topic in more than 40 years. It examines the ways in which healthcare architecture can contribute, as a highly valued informational and reference source, to the provision of psychiatric and addictive disorder treatment in communities around the world. It provides an overview of the need for a new generation of progressively planned and designed treatment centres – both inpatient and outpatient care environments – and the advantages, challenges, and opportunities associated with meeting the burgeoning need for treatment settings of this type. Additional chapters address the specifics of geriatric psychiatry and its architectural ramifications in light of the rapid aging of societies globally and provide a comprehensive compendium of planning and design considerations for these places in both inpatient and outpatient care contexts. Finally, the book presents an expansive and fully illustrated set of international case studies that express state-of-the-art advancements in architecture for behavioural healthcare.

Innovations in Biomedical Engineering (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1223)

by Marek Gzik Zbigniew Paszenda Ewa Pietka Ewaryst Tkacz Krzysztof Milewski

This book presents a compact study on recent concepts and advances in biomedical engineering. The ongoing advancement of civilization and related technological innovations are increasingly affecting many aspects of our lives. These changes are also visible in the development and practical application of new methods for medical diagnosis and treatment, which in turn are closely linked to expanding knowledge of the functions of the human body. This development is possible primarily due to the increasing cooperation of scientists from various disciplines, and related activities are referred to as “biomedical engineering.” The combined efforts of doctors, physiotherapists and engineers from various fields of science have helped achieve dynamic advances in medicine that would have been impossible in the past. The reader will find here papers on biomaterials, biomechanics, as well as the use of information technology and engineering modeling methods in medicine. The respective papers will promote the development of biomedical engineering as a vital field of science, based on cooperation between doctors, physiotherapists and engineers. The editors would like to thank all the people who contributed to the creation of this book – both the authors, and those involved in technical aspects.

Innovations in Biomedical Engineering (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #409)

by Marek Gzik Zbigniew Paszenda Ewa Piętka Ewaryst Tkacz Krzysztof Milewski Jacek Jurkojć

This book presents the latest developments in the field of biomedical engineering and includes practical solutions and strictly scientific considerations. The development of new methods of treatment, advanced diagnostics or personalized rehabilitation requires close cooperation of experts from many fields, including, among others, medicine, biotechnology and finally biomedical engineering. The latter, combining many fields of science, such as computer science, materials science, biomechanics, electronics not only enables the development and production of modern medical equipment, but also participates in the development of new directions and methods of treatment.The presented monograph is a collection of scientific papers on the use of engineering methods in medicine. The topics of the work include both practical solutions and strictly scientific considerations expanding knowledge about the functioning of the human body.We believe that the presented works will have an impact on the development of the field of science, which is biomedical engineering, constituting a contribution to the discussion on the directions of development of cooperation between doctors, physiotherapists and engineers.We would also like to thank all the people who contributed to the creation of this monograph—both the authors of all the works and those involved in technical works.

Innovations in Biomedical Engineering

by Marek Gzik Ewaryst Tkacz Zbigniew Paszenda Ewa Piętka

This book presents the proceedings of the "Innovations in Biomedical Engineering IBE'2016" Conference held on October 16-18, 2016 in Poland, discussing recent research on innovations in biomedical engineering. The past decade has seen the dynamic development of more and more sophisticated technologies, including biotechnologies, and more general technologies applied in the area of life sciences. As such the book covers the broadest possible spectrum of subjects related to biomedical engineering innovations. Divided into four parts, it presents state-of-the-art achievements in: * engineering of biomaterials, * modelling and simulations in biomechanics, * informatics in medicine * signal analysis The book helps bridge the gap between technological and methodological engineering achievements on the one hand and clinical requirements in the three major areas diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation on the other.

Innovations in Biomedical Engineering 2023 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #875)

by Marek Gzik Zbigniew Paszenda Ewa Piętka Ewaryst Tkacz Krzysztof Milewski Jacek Jurkojć

This book presents a collection of scientific articles on recent research on innovations in biomedical engineering. Articles are divided into two chapters covering broad areas of experimental research and biomedical engineering, engineering of biomaterials as well as informatics and modelling in biomedical engineering. Given its scope, it offers a valuable resource for practitioners, researchers, and students alike. The topics include not only theoretical considerations but also practical applications of research conducted in cooperation between engineers, doctors, and physiotherapists.

Innovations in Cancer and Palliative Care Education: v. 4, Prognosis

by Lorna Foyle Janis Hostad

This work includes Foreword by Nigel Sykes, Medical Director, St Christopher's Hospice, London. This practical, evidence-based guide has been specifically designed for teachers in cancer and palliative care. It is completely up-to-date and covers the recent complex changes in cancer and palliative care delivery, offering a range of different, creative approaches. Ideal for training, the text includes highlighted key points, self help questions for reflection, and references where applicable. It provides invaluable guidance for all healthcare professionals with palliative care teaching responsibilities, including undergraduate and postgraduate healthcare educators and Macmillan lecturers. '[This] book gives us a three-dimensional view of how to respond to the demands on cancer and palliative care education today, set particularly in a British context but, of course, capable of extrapolation to other settings. These three dimensions of innovation can be summarised as: What do you teach? How do you teach it? To whom do you teach it? Innovation in all three aspects simultaneously may be difficult to achieve, but all who have a responsibility for education are faced with the challenges of making their teaching more effective (and demonstrating that they have done so), keeping abreast of advancing knowledge and clinical practice, and of reaching out to groups of learners who hitherto have been neglected. Of significant help to anyone in this field whose concern is the delivery of effective and appropriate education.' - Nigel Sykes, in the Foreword.

Innovations in Endoscopic Ear Surgery

by Seiji Kakehata Tsukasa Ito Daisuke Yamauchi

This book focuses on endoscopic ear surgery, an area that has been the focus of cutting-edge research around the globe, particularly in Italy, the United States and Japan. Ear surgery has begun to catch up with other fields of medicine in incorporating the endoscope into surgical procedures, and endoscopic, minimally invasive ear surgery is garnering international attention. Innovations in Endoscopic Ear Surgery presents the work of the Japanese “school” of surgeons involved in advancing endoscopic ear surgery and, in particular, transcanal endoscopic ear surgery (TEES). This book not only seeks to explain TEES in detail to allay surgeons’ concerns regarding this procedure, it also describes the recent advances such as the incorporation of powered instruments to extend the range of TEES; combining TEES with the latest techniques in regenerative medicine; taking advantage of the progress in computer technology such as 3D simulations and virtual reality and more. Innovations in Endoscopic Ear Surgery is designed to help smooth the learning curve for beginners as well as guide all readers onto the new paths which endoscopic ear surgery is embarking upon.

Innovations in Food Technology: Current Perspectives and Future Goals

by Pragya Mishra Raghvendra Raman Mishra Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji

This book gathers a collection of essays that describe recent innovations in food technology including food processing, packaging, food safety, and novel ingredients. By 2050, the world will face the challenge of having to feed an estimated 9 billion people. In order to meet that challenge, innovations in food research are of the utmost importance. The book is divided into four sections, each of which explores an important aspect like food processing, food microbiology, and nutritional security. Written by respected scholars in the field, the respective chapters discuss a range of new and enhanced food materials, as well as processing innovations to extend shelf life and reduce toxic effects. The book also addresses the health potential of various nutraceuticals, bio-absorption of metals and their positive impacts on living systems, as well as methods for reducing food wastage, preventing the loss of nutritive value, and preserving or enhancing palatability.Given its scope, the book will be highly interesting for food scientists, both in academia and the food industry. It will also benefit advanced graduate students and senior researchers.

Innovations in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

by Prateek Sharma Nageshwar Reddy

This book covers novel innovations in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy. The procedures included in the book are related to procedures relating to Esophagus, Stomach, Duodenum, Biliary Tract, Pancreas and Colon. The chapters are based on novel techniques which are Gastric Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy, Endoscopic Gastrojejunostomy, Tunnel Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection, Endoscopic Ultrasound Guided Biliary and Gall Bladder Drainage, Endoscopic Esophageal Plication, Submucosal Tunneling Endoscopic Resection, Anti-reflux Mucosectomy, Radiofrequency Ablation of Biliary Tract, Esophagus. It also covers Endoscopic Gastric Sleeve, Full Thickness Resection, Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of Colon, Esophagus and Stomach, Duodenal Mucosal Resurfacing, Electronic Chromoendoscopy, Stenting for Pancreatic Walled Off Necrosis, Esophageal Cryotherapy and Gastric Balloons. All the procedures are explained by an expert in the field with succinct drawings and images. This collection is to enhance learning interface for newly trained gastroenterologists, experienced gastroenterologist and endoscopists in general who want to know about these procedures.

Innovations in Global Mental Health

by Samuel O. Okpaku

Over the course of the last decade, political and mental entities at large have embraced global mental health: the idea that psychiatric health is vital to improved quality of life. Physicians globally have implemented guidelines recommended by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in 2007, thereby breaking down barriers to care and improving quality of life in areas where these practices have been implemented. Programs for training and education have expanded as a result. Clinicians benefit more from both local resources in some regions as well as in international collaboration and technological advancements. Even amidst all of these positive outcomes, clinicians still face some stumbling blocks. With worldwide statistics estimating that 450 million people struggle with mental, neuropsychiatric, and neurological disorders—25 percent of the world’s non-communicable disease burden—rising to these challenges prove to be no small feat, even in wealthy Western nations. Various articles and books have been published on global mental health, but few of them thoroughly cover the clinical, research, innovative, and social implications as they pertain to psychiatry; often, only one of these aspects is covered. A comprehensive text that can keep pace with the rapidly evolving literature grows more and more valuable each day as clinicians struggle to piece together the changes around the world that leave open the possibility for improved outcomes in care. This book seeks to boldly rectify this situation by identifying innovative models of service delivery, training, education, research funding, and payment systems that have proven to be exemplary in implementation and scalability or have potential for scalability. Chapters describe specific barriers and challenges, illuminating effective strategies for improved outcomes. This text is the first peer-reviewed resource to gather prestigious physicians in global mental health from around the world and disseminate their expertise in the medical community at large in a format that is updateable, making it a truly cutting-edge resource in a world constantly changed by medical, scientific, and technological advances. Innovations in Global Mental Health is the ultimate resource for psychiatrists, psychologists, primary care physicians, hospitalists, policy makers, and all medical professionals at the forefront of global mental health and its implications for the future.

Innovations in Health Literacy Research: Workshop Summary

by Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

Nearly nine out of 10 adults have difficulty using everyday health information to make good health decisions. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) Roundtable on Health Literacy held a meeting on May 27, 2010, to explore areas for research in health literacy, the relationship between health literacy and health disparities, and ways to apply information technology to improve health literacy.

Innovations in HIV Prevention Research and Practice through Community Engagement

by Scott D. Rhodes

HIV continues to be a profound challenge facing communities nationally and internationally. Until a vaccine or a cure is found, prevention remains a most crucial line of defense. However, the successes made to reduce exposure and transmission have not benefited all communities equally. HIV continues to affect vulnerable communities, and HIV-related health disparities are growing. The work documented in Innovations in HIV Prevention Research and Practice through Community Engagement spotlights the effectiveness of community involvement to reduce HIV infections in the United States. This timely resource introduces the concepts of community engagement, partnership, and community-based participatory research (CBPR). Contributors provide detailed examples of these concepts in which diverse research partners blend their unique insights and skills to arrive at an authentic understanding of phenomena and inform the translation of best practices and processes to enhance equity in HIV prevention and treatment. Equitable interactive collaboration is central to these efforts, in which community members and representatives from organizations, the scientific and medical sectors, and other relevant agencies nurture long-term health improvement through sustained teamwork. Challenges and barriers to effective engagement are identified, as are characteristics of successful partnerships. Included in the book: Details of a multigenerational HIV prevention intervention in a rural southeastern community. The challenges and successes of developing, implementing, and evaluating an intervention for higher-risk predominately heterosexual black men in college. The history of gay community involvement in HIV prevention and its contributions to the theory and current practice of engagement. Next steps in the integration of HIV-related policy change and research. Community engagement within American Indian communities. Keys to sustaining a CBPR partnership to prevent HIV within ethnic, sexual, and gender minority communities. Innovations in HIV Prevention Research and Practice through Community Engagement offers researchers and practitioners in public health, community health, and medicine guidance on community engagement that is both inspiring and realistic. "Community engagement and knowledge continue to be essential to prevent HIV infections. This book is a compilation of the state-of-the-science of engagement and delves deeper into the meaning and utilization of community-based participatory research, with implications that reach beyond the HIV epidemic to public health and medicine in general. " - Laura C. Leviton, PhD, Senior Advisor for Evaluation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, NJ

Innovations in Hospice Architecture

by Stephen Verderber Ben J. Refuerzo

This fully revised, new edition of Innovations in Hospice Architecture responds to the need for an up-to-date, theoretically based reference book summarizing key historical and recent developments with respect to this rapidly evolving building type. This Second Edition presents: an overview of the historical origins of the contemporary hospice the diverse variations on the basic premise of hospice care a review of the scant architectural literature published on this subject to date a broad series of case studies of exemplary hospices around the world planning and design concepts for palliative care environments. Case study projects are from Japan, Canada, Europe, Africa, Australia, Indonesia, China, the United States and South America. Thirty-six case studies are individually presented and comparatively analysed, and prognostications for the future of hospice architecture are examined. Each case includes floor plans, technical drawings and beautiful, full colour illustrations. Through an in-depth discussion of the inner profundities of hospice architecture, the book presents this type as a humane, genuine expression of the spiritual, physical and psychosocial dimensions of the contemporary death and dying movement. Written with a broad audience in mind, the book provides both technical and conceptual information, blending narrative, images and diagrammation so that the audience may understand and articulate the complexities of this specialized building type in professional practice contexts.

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