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IX Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering and XXVIII Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering: Proceedings of CLAIB and CBEB 2022, October 24–28, 2022, Florianópolis, Brazil—Volume 2: Biomedical Signal Processing and Micro- and Nanotechnologies (IFMBE Proceedings #99)

by Jefferson Luiz Brum Marques Cesar Ramos Rodrigues Daniela Ota Hisayasu Suzuki José Marino Neto Renato García Ojeda

This book reports on the latest research and developments in Biomedical Engineering, with a special emphasis on topics of interest and findings achieved in Latin America. This first volume of a 4-volume set covers advances in biomedical image and signal processing, biomedical optics, and wearable and assistive medical devices. Throughout the book, a special emphasis is given to low-cost technologies and to their development for and applications in clinical settings. Based on the IX Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and the XXVIII Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), held jointly, and virtually on October 24-28, 2022, from Florianópolis, Brazil, this book provides researchers and professionals in the biomedical engineering field with extensive information on new technologies and current challenges for their clinical applications..

IX Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering and XXVIII Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering: Proceedings of CLAIB and CBEB 2022, October 24–28, 2022, Florianópolis, Brazil—Volume 3: Biomechanics, Biomedical Devices and Assistive Technologies (IFMBE Proceedings #100)

by Jefferson Luiz Brum Marques Cesar Ramos Rodrigues Daniela Ota Hisayasu Suzuki José Marino Neto Renato García Ojeda

This book reports on the latest research and developments in Biomedical Engineering, with a special emphasis on topics of interest and findings achieved in Latin America. This third volume of a 4-volume set covers advances in biomechanical analysis and modeling, neural network based methods for medical diagnosis and therapy, and robots and human-machine interface for rehabilitation. Throughout the book, a special emphasis is given to low-cost technologies and to their development for and applications in clinical settings. Based on the IX Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and the XXVIII Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), held jointly, and virtually on October 24-28, 2022, from Florianópolis, Brazil, this book provides researchers and professionals in the biomedical engineering field with extensive information on new technologies and current challenges for their clinical applications..

IX Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering and XXVIII Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering: Proceedings of CLAIB and CBEB 2022, October 24–28, 2022, Florianópolis, Brazil—Volume 1: Bioengineering and Biomaterials (IFMBE Proceedings #98)

by Jefferson Luiz Brum Marques Cesar Ramos Rodrigues Daniela Ota Hisayasu Suzuki José Marino Neto Renato García Ojeda

This book reports on the latest research and developments in Biomedical Engineering, with a special emphasis on topics of interest and findings achieved in Latin America. This first volume of a 4-volume set covers advances in modeling and simulation of biological and biomedical systems, mechanical characterization, and biological evaluation of biomaterials for medical applications, including tissues regeneration. It also covers some related special topics, such as advanced methodologies for agricultural and food production and public health management. Throughout the book, a special emphasis is given to low-cost technologies and to their development for and applications in clinical settings. Based on the IX Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and the XXVIII Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), held jointly, and virtually on October 24-28, 2022, from Florianópolis, Brazil, this book provides researchers and professionals in the biomedical engineering field with extensive information on new technologies and current challenges for their clinical applications..

IX Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering and XXVIII Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering: Proceedings of CLAIB and CBEB 2022, October 24–28, 2022, Florianópolis, Brazil—Volume 4: Clinical Engineering and Health Technologies (IFMBE Proceedings #101)

by Jefferson Luiz Brum Marques Cesar Ramos Rodrigues Daniela Ota Hisayasu Suzuki José Marino Neto Renato García Ojeda

This book reports on the latest research and developments in Biomedical Engineering, with a special emphasis on topics of interest and findings achieved in Latin America. This fourth volume of a 4-volume set focuses on health technology assessment, quality of healthcare technologies, and innovation in health technologies. It discusses advances in medical device monitoring, issues in patient safety, methods for medical error analysis and medical data management, and other related topics. Throughout the book, a special emphasis is given to low-cost technologies and to their development for and applications in clinical settings. Based on the IX Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and the XXVIII Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), held jointly, and virtually on October 24-28, 2022, from Florianópolis, Brazil, this book provides researchers and professionals in the biomedical engineering field with extensive information on new technologies and current challenges for their clinical applications..

The Ixodid Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) of Southern Africa

by Ivan G. Horak Heloise Heyne Roy Williams G. James Gallivan Arthur M. Spickett J. Dürr Bezuidenhout Agustín Estrada-Peña

This is a comprehensive work summarizing the current state of knowledge of the biology of the hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) of Southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho and Maputo Province, Mozambique). It provides an overview of the history of tick research in Southern Africa and the evolution of our knowledge of the ticks’ distribution and biology, as well as the methods used to determine tick distribution, abundance and host preference. The morphologies of most of the tick species known to occur in Southern Africa are described and illustrated, and their distributions are described and mapped in relation to the biomes of the region. The known hosts for each tick species are listed, and the tick’s host preferences are discussed. Information on most species life cycle in the laboratory and the field, and their seasonal occurrence, is summarized. The diseases of animals and humans transmitted or caused by each tick species are summarized in relation to tick ecology. Aspects of the biology of the major hosts relevant to tick infestations are described, and extensive tick/host and host/tick lists are provided for each country

J Wave Syndromes

by Charles Antzelevitch Gan-Xin Yan

This book delineates the state of the art of the diagnosis and treatment of J wave syndromes, as well as where future research needs to be directed. It covers basic science, translational and clinical aspects of these syndromes. The authors are leading experts in their respective fields, who have contributed prominently to the literature concerning these topics. J wave syndromes are one of the hottest topics in cardiology today. Cardiac arrhythmias associated with Brugada syndrome (BrS) or an early repolarization (ER) pattern in the inferior or infero-lateral ECG leads are thought to be mechanistically linked to accentuation of transient outward current (Ito)-mediated J waves. Although BrS and ER syndrome (ERS) differ with respect to magnitude and lead location of abnormal J waves, they are thought to represent a continuous spectrum of phenotypic expression termed J wave syndromes. ERS is divided into three subtypes with the most severe, Type 3, displaying an ER pattern globally in the inferior, lateral and right precordial leads. BrS has been linked to mutations in 19 different genes, whereas ERS has been associated with mutations in 7 different genes. There is a great deal of confusion as to how to properly diagnose and treat the J wave syndromes as well as confusion about the underlying mechanisms. The demonstration of successful epicardial ablation of BrS has provided new therapeutic options for the management of this syndrome for which treatment alternatives are currently very limited, particularly in the case of electrical storms caused by otherwise uncontrollable recurrent VT/VF. An early repolarization pattern is observed in 2-5% of the US population. While it is clear that the vast majority of individuals exhibiting an ER pattern are not at risk for sudden cardiac death, the challenge moving forward is to identify those individuals who truly are at risk and to design safe and effective treatments.

The JAAPA QRS Review for Pas: Study Plan and Guide for PANCE and PANRE

by Reamer L. Bushardt Dawn M. Colomb-Lippa Amy M. Klingler Harrison Reed

Using the popular JAAPA Quick Recertification Series (QRS) format developed by PAs for PAs, this unique review presents up-to-date coverage of all certification and recertification topics, including preventive medicine, identification and treatment of illness, and diagnostic testing, accompanied by pre-and post-tests that help readers easily assess their knowledge and target areas for further study. This approach, designed by learning experts in partnership with leading clinicians and PA faculty, has been used successfully for more than a decade and is tailored for PAs. Combined with hands-on study tools and proven techniques to maximize learning and test-taking, this resource not only prepares students and PAs for success on the PANCE and PANRE but helps users self-assess their baseline knowledge and save time in preparation for any exam.

Jabbed: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government Stick It to You and Your Family

by Brett Wilcox

Jabbed demonstrates that the medical procedure hailed as the greatest medical advancement in history—vaccines—is a racket run by criminals and gullible believers who have replaced vaccine science with the religion of vaccinology. Vaccine marketers teach believers to fear, shame, and scapegoat anyone foolish enough to question the sanctity of vaccines. Such an environment is not the domain of science; rather it’s the breeding ground of tyranny.Jabbed exposes this tyranny. From polio and smallpox to medical journals, medical curricula, congressional hearings, regulatory policies, White House statements, and executive orders, Jabbed shines light on the dark underbelly of Big Pharma, Big Medicine, and Big Government.A vaccine informed public is the only thing that will have the power to stop vaccine industry sociopaths and to hold them accountable for their crimes.Jabbed informs and immunizes against three of the most dangerous epidemics in history: tyranny, greed, and corruption. Once immunized, the growing vaccine-informed community will have the power to stand up and dismantle the vaccine paradigm and program and to punish the perpetrators of what may well be the greatest medical fraud ever perpetrated on the human race: vaccines.

Jahresabschluss, Kostenrechnung und Finanzierung im Krankenhaus: Grundlagen und Zusammenhänge verstehen

by Gerald Schmola

Der Jahresabschluss, die Kostenrechnung sowie die Finanzierung im Krankenhaussektor sind für Nicht-Ökonomen oftmals sehr komplex und kaum zu durchschauen. Insbesondere leitende Ärzte und Pflegekräfte, Betriebs- und Personalräte oder aber auch Quereinsteiger im Krankenhausbereich finden kaum kompakte und verständliche Darstellungen der Zahlenwelt eines Krankenhauses. Das vorliegende Buch schließt diese Lücke: Es gibt eine allgemeine Einführung in die Themenfelder und geht zudem auf die Besonderheiten des Jahresabschlusses, der Kostenrechnung sowie der Finanzierung von Kliniken ein. Der Leser kann sich durch Selbst-Studium die wichtigsten Grundlagen zur Finanzierung im Krankenhaus aneignen, sodass eine fachliche Diskussion mit Betriebswirten in Gesundheitseinrichtungen möglich wird. Das Werk richtet sich auch an Bachelorstudierende mit Bezug zum Gesundheitswesen sowie an Teilnehmer von MBA-Programmen für Nicht-Betriebswirte.

Jähzorn: Psychotherapeutische Antworten auf ein unberechenbares Gefühl

by Theodor Itten

Die zerstörerische Wucht des Jähzorns ist bekannt, sozialwissenschaftlich wurde sie bisher tabuisiert. Beruflich und privat sind wir Zeugen von Ausbrüchen des Jähzorns. Zur Untermauerung dieser Beobachtungen wurden an die 600 Personen zu ihren persönlichen Erfahrungen mit Jähzorn befragt. Das Ergebnis: 24 % der Befragten sind jähzornig. Das im Jahr 2007 erstmalig, im deutschsprachigen Raum, veröffentlichte Buch zum plötzlichen, anfallsmässigen Zorn, bietet einen vielschichtigen, interessanten Gang durch die Kulturgeschichte und Sozialpsychologie des Jähzorns. Es gibt Antworten auf folgende Fragen: „Wo kommt der Jähzorn her? Wie zeigt sich Jähzorn? Was können wir tun?“ Verschiedene Perspektiven und Erfahrungen von Täter und Opfer werden geschildert und im sozialkulturellen Kontext erläutert. Bewegende Einzelfallstudien liefern zahlreiche hilfreiche Hinweise und Einsichten zum Verständnis des Jähzorns. Die psychotherapeutischen Antworten auf dieses unberechenbare Gefühl sind in der dritten, überarbeiteten Auflage, vielfältigere und facettenreichere Quellen. Möglichkeiten von therapeutischen Aspekten der Selbstbefähigung werden aufgezeigt, mit gepflegter, dauerhafter Übung sind sie auch umsetzbar. Ein Buch für Betroffene, Angehörige und Wirkende in helfenden, therapeutischen Berufen.

Jak-Stat Signaling: From Basics to Disease

by Mathias Müller Thomas Decker

JAK tyrosine kinases and STAT transcription factors constitute a signaling pathway, which is activated by cytokines. By activating gene transcription it regulates essential biological responses to environmental cues. The Jak-Stat pathway is involved in the regulation of cell development, differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis. Improper function may contribute to hematopoietic malignancies and cancer. This book provides comprehensive insights into the latest basic and clinical developments in the field. The first part reviews recent findings and new technologies pertaining to basics of Jak-Stat function. The second part describes the evolution of Jak-Stat signaling and the role of the pathway in invertebrate organisms. The third part focuses on Jak-Stat signaling in hematopoietic cells under both physiological and pathophysiological conditions. Finally, chapters in the fourth section describe the relationship of Jak-Stat signaling to various states of disease, particularly infection, leukemias and solid cancers. The book is intended for all scientists in molecular biology, biochemistry and cell biology dealing with biomedical issues.

JAK-STAT Signaling in Diseases

by Ritobrata Goswami

JAK-STAT pathway is one of the few signal transduction pathways that transduce signals involved in multiple homeostatic biological processes including cell differentiation and proliferation, cell death, hematopoiesis and immune responses. JAK-STAT is an elegant pathway that is relatively simple and evolutionary conserved as gene expression is regulated by external parameters. Activated by growth factors or cytokines, this signal transduction cascade regulates the transcription of genes at the nucleus. Mutations and polymorphisms in JAK-STAT pathway are associated with inflammatory diseases and cancers that could impede regular homeostasis. Features: Details activation and microRNA-mediated regulation of JAK-STAT pathway Provides exclusive information about the association of the pathway in various diseases including allergic inflammation, neuro-inflammatory disorder, atopic dermatitis hematopoietic malignancies, cardiovascular disorder, renal disorder, immunodeficiency, liver fibrosis, diabetes and obesity that affect individuals across the globe Clinical relevance of the signaling cascade has been discussed in context of novel class of therapeutics that targets this pathway. An overview of JAK-STAT signaling pathway and the structure-function relationship of different domains of the cascade are discussed. This book provides detailed information on various diseases that are associated with JAK-STAT pathway. It will act as a very good reference book for basic science researchers, academicians, industry professionals involved in translational research leading to product development. This book will excite future professionals towards better understanding of the regulation of this pathway, its association with other signaling cascades to design novel therapeutics.

James Herriot: The Life Of A Country Vet

by Graham Lord

Lord writes a revealing and affectionate biography of the remarkable veterinarian and beloved author who enlightened readers with All Things Bright and Beautiful and All Creatures Great and Small.

James Herriot: The Life of a Country Vet

by Graham Lord

Alf Wight, a modest Scottish writer, better known as James Herriot, wrote books that became worldwide best sellers, films, audiobooks, and a much-loved television show. In The Life of a Country Vet, Graham Lord has written a detailed and affectionate biography of this remarkable man. Lord carefully documents Wight's life, beginning with his childhood in Glasgow and his years in veterinary college. Following his development as a writer, the source of his pen name, and his struggles to get published. Along the way, we encounter some extraordinary events and hidden tragedies in this seemingly magical life. Millions of fans laughed and cried at Wight's delightful stories of life as a vet. Lord reveals that some of the stories were utterly true, and some were utterly fictional. He illuminates the real relationships between the memorable characters that inhabit the books. This warm yet insightful portrait by Lord - who knew his subject very well - will be enjoyed by Wight's myriad of fans. It also dispels the myths that have grown around the life of one of the most famous and deeply loved vets the world has known.

James Herriot: The Life of a Country Vet

by Graham Lord

Alf Wight, a modest Scottish writer, better known as James Herriot, wrote books that became worldwide best sellers, films, audiobooks, and a much-loved television show. In The Life of a Country Vet, Graham Lord has written a detailed and affectionate biography of this remarkable man. Lord carefully documents Wight's life, beginning with his childhood in Glasgow and his years in veterinary college. Following his development as a writer, the source of his pen name, and his struggles to get published. Along the way, we encounter some extraordinary events and hidden tragedies in this seemingly magical life. Millions of fans laughed and cried at Wight's delightful stories of life as a vet. Lord reveals that some of the stories were utterly true, and some were utterly fictional. He illuminates the real relationships between the memorable characters that inhabit the books. This warm yet insightful portrait by Lord - who knew his subject very well - will be enjoyed by Wight's myriad of fans. It also dispels the myths that have grown around the life of one of the most famous and deeply loved vets the world has known.

James Herriot's Animal Stories

by James Herriot

Few authors in memory have delighted readers around the world thoroughly as the beloved veterinarian James Herriot. And, with his recent volumes of hugely popular illustrated tales—James Herriot's Cat Stories and James Herriot's Favorite Dog Stories—his name has been introduced to a whole new generation of readers. Now, this gorgeous new collection finally brings together ten of his best-loved stories celebrating all the creatures in his wonderful world—creatures bright and beautiful, great and small. Here are lambs, horses, cows, dogs, even a whimsical pig or two, along with their colorful human counterparts—all brought vividly to life by Herriot's storytelling magic. From a prickly horse young James encountered early in his veterinary-school experience, through Dorothy the goat—star of the entrancing holiday tale "There's Christmas—and Christmas"—we are reacquainted with all the charming companions of Herriot's Yorkshire menagerie. Once again illuminated by the radiant watercolors of Lesley Holmes, each of Herriot's animal friends is rendered with the kind of warmth and humor that comes with old, familiar friendship. With a special introduction by Herriot's own son Jim, the stories in this bright new collection will warm readers of every age.

James Herriot's Cat Stories

by James Herriot

Kittens and cats of all kinds abound in this book and, like their flesh-and-blood counterparts, they will purr their way into the hearts and minds of everyone who hears their stories. This warm and joyful volume of stories collects some of the Yorkshire vet's favorite tales about one of his favorite animals―each memoir as memorable and heartwarming as the last.

Jan de Vries: A Life in Healing

by Jan de Vries

Jan de Vries: A Life in Healing is the complete life story of the world-renowned health guru. It recounts his journey from childhood in wartime Holland through an amazing 50-year career, during which he has earned a global reputation as a leader in the field of alternative medicine.De Vries has encountered many obstacles in his fight to achieve recognition for the benefits of alternative medicine and he was once even threatened with imprisonment. Throughout these struggles he has remained true to his principles and his success can be measured by the large number of conventional doctors who have come to support his work.In this extraordinary autobiography, de Vries also looks back over his long and fruitful working relationship with Alfred Vogel, the famous Swiss naturopath. De Vries was the only person to whom Vogel taught his unique healing methods and he shares many of the secrets and methods he learned from this remarkable man.Jan de Vries has helped hundreds of thousands of patients during his long career and in this absorbing account he includes invaluable advice for daily living and achieving good physical, mental and spiritual health.

The Jan de Vries Guide to Health and Vitality

by Jan de Vries

This helpful and informative new publication by world-renowned alternative health guru Jan de Vries is a straightforward and constructive guide to maintaining good health by natural means. Packed full of useful tips and revealing new case studies, the book covers a wide range of issues and offers advice on how to: keep fit and healthy; give up common addictions such as alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and sugar; prevent allergies; enjoy exercise and maintain a healthy digestive system. Jan de Vries also suggests natural ways to cultivate healthy skin, hair and nails, relieve stress and boost the immune system. He also provides some important new information on dealing with Alzheimer's disease. Added to these tips, there is further advice on how to standardise sleeping patterns, ways to achieve optimum sexuality and fertility, and the best means of obtaining an overall sense of health, happiness and vitality in the long term.

Jan Gösta Waldenström and His World: The Life and Work of a Giant in Science, Medicine and Humanity (Springer Biographies)

by Frank Wollheim

Jan Waldenström (1906-1996) was the leading Swedish internist of the twentieth century. The first chapter of the book presents his remarkable family including five generations of physicians. Born in Stockholm, we follow JW to medical school at Uppsala University during 1924–33. In 1934–5, he spent a year in the laboratory of Nobel Laureate Hans Fischer in Munich. In 1937, he defended a landmark thesis on acute intermittent porphyria. As “Docent” (assistant professor) in Uppsala, he discovered two new diseases in 1943. In 1944–5, he spent 7 months in the US commissioned by the Swedish Health Board. This started friendships with leading colleagues and scientists. With time, JW fostered a worldwide network of contacts and became a most influential international star. But this was just the beginning. The book follows Waldenström's remarkable career including his description of chronic active hepatitis as a new disease, his introduction of nuclear medicine in Sweden, his pioneering of the concept of the concept of poly- and monoclonal gammopathies, and many more highly significant achievements. His legacy is emphasized by Waldenström lectures, Waldenström Prizes, and by the International Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia Foundation, IWMF, and the Bing Center for Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia at the Dana Farber Institute of Cancer Institute of the Harvard University in Boston. And now, not least, by this comprehensive biography.

Janeway Immunologie

by Kenneth Murphy Casey Weaver Lothar Seidler

Jetzt wieder auf dem neuesten Stand: DIE Einführung in die Immunologie für Studierende der Biowissenschaften und der MedizinDer Janeway, das bewährte und viel gelobte Standardlehrbuch der Immunologie, liegt nun erneut in einer vollständig überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Fassung vor. Das Werk führt den Leser in gewohnter Souveränität durch alle Aspekte des Immunsystems – vom ersten Einsatz der angeborenen Immunität bis zur Erzeugung der adaptiven Immunantwort, von den vielfältigen klinischen Konsequenzen normaler und pathologischer immunologischer Reaktionen bis zur Evolution des Immunsystems.In der 9. Auflage sind unter anderem neue Erkenntnisse zur modularen Immunantwort, zur Klassenwechsel-Rekombination, zur Vielfalt der CD4-T-Zellen, zu Chemokin-Netzwerken, zur Umgehung der Immunabwehr durch Pathogene und zur Immuntherapie von Krebs integriert. Zahlreiche neue Abbildungen veranschaulichen die im Text erläuterten Prozesse und Konzepte. Der umfangreiche Anhang zu den Methoden der Immunologie ist um etliche neue Techniken erweitert worden. Zudem wurden die Verständnisfragen an den Kapitelenden komplett überarbeitet. Das in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzte Werk besticht durch seine Aktualität, seine konzeptionelle Geschlossenheit und seine ansprechende Illustration. Es bleibt damit in diesem unverändert rasant fortschreitenden Fachgebiet ein hochaktueller und verlässlicher Begleiter.Stimmen zu früheren Auflagen:Dieses Buch bringt Studenten und Wissenschaftlern die Immunologie aktuell und in hervorragender Weise näher. Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Müller-Lantzsch, Universitätskliniken HomburgDie neue Auflage ist kaum noch zu schlagen. Prof. Dr. Stefan H.E. Kaufmann, Max-Planck-Institut für Infektionsbiologie, BerlinHervorragend. Dieses Lehrbuch genügt sämtlichen Ansprüchen! Prof. Dr. Andreas Dotzauer, Uni BremenDas Buch besticht durch die hervorragende Vermittlung von Grundlagenwissen, das es in weiterer Folge ermöglicht, auch die komplexen Zusammenhänge bei klinisch-immunologischen Fragestellungen zu verstehen. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sipos, Medizinische Universitätsklinik WienDie auf das wesentliche reduzierten graphischen Darstellungen haben einen besonderen didaktischen Wert, vor allem angesichts der Komplexität dieses Fachgebiets. Prof. Dr. Arne Skerra, TU MünchenUnter den Immunologie-Lehrbüchern nimmt dieses sicher heute den vorderen Rang ein. Es macht Vergnügen, sich von ihm bilden zu lassen. BiospektrumAlles in allem ein wunderbar gestaltetes, umfassendes Lehrbuch, dessen Schwerpunkt deutlich auf der Erklärung grundlegender Mechanismen der Immunabwehr liegt. Naturwissenschaftliche RundschauDas Buch ist didaktisch hervorragend, vor allem auch in den Abbildungen, und bietet am Ende der Kapitel prägnante Zusammenfassungen, Fragen zum Überprüfen des Gelernten und Hinweise auf Originalarbeiten. Pharmazie in unserer Zeit Uneingeschränkt empfehlenswert; es eignet sich besonders für Biologiestudenten zur Prüfungsvorbereitung, für Mediziner als Nachschlagewerk, aber auch für Studenten und Dozenten anderer Fächer. Chirurgische PraxisDieses packende moderne Lehrbuch [bietet] jungen Biologen und Medizinern die gegenwärtig beste Möglichkeit, die Mechanismen des Immunsystems in ihrem evolutionären und funktionellen Kontext und medizinischen Bezug kennen zu lernen und vielleicht für ihre eigene zukünftige Tätigkeit zu entdecken. Prof. Dr. Klaus Rajewsky im Vorwort zur 5. Auflage

Janeway's Immunobiology (Tenth Edition)

by Casey Weaver Kenneth M. Murphy Leslie J. Berg

The gold standard, with the most up-to-date research and resources Immunobiology is the premier text for immunology at the advanced undergraduate, graduate, and medical school levels. Beginning students appreciate the book’s clear writing and informative illustrations, while advanced students and working immunologists value its comprehensive scope. Every chapter is reviewed with experts to ensure accuracy, authority, currency, and depth. The Tenth Edition is supported by InQuizitive, Norton’s award-winning, easy-to-use adaptive learning tool that helps students learn immunological terms and apply them conceptually. This purchase offers access to the digital ebook only.

Jan's Story

by Barry Petersen Katie Couric

When CBS News Correspondent Barry Petersen married the love of his life twenty-five years ago, he never thought his vow, "until death do us part," would have an expiration date. But Early Onset Alzheimer's claimed Jan Petersen, Barry's beautiful wife, at 55, leaving her unable to remember Barry or their life together.

January First: A Child's Descent into Madness and Her Father's Struggle to Save Her

by Michael Schofield

Michael Schofield's daughter January is at the mercy of her imaginary friends, except they aren't the imaginary friends that most young children have; they are hallucinations. And January is caught in the conflict between our world and their world, a place she calls Calalini. Some of these hallucinations, like "24 Hours," are friendly and some, like "400 the Cat" and "Wednesday the Rat," bite and scratch her until she does what they want. They often tell her to scream at strangers, jump out of buildings, and attack her baby brother. At six years old, January Schofield, "Janni," to her family, was diagnosed with schizophrenia, one of the worst mental illnesses known to man. What's more, schizophrenia is 20 to 30 times more severe in children than in adults and in January's case, doctors say, she is hallucinating 95 percent of the time that she is awake. Potent psychiatric drugs that would level most adults barely faze her. January First captures Michael and his family's remarkable story in a narrative that forges new territory within books about mental illness. In the beginning, readers see Janni's incredible early potential: her brilliance, and savant-like ability to learn extremely abstract concepts. Next, they witnesses early warning signs that something is not right, Michael's attempts to rationalize what's happening, and his descent alongside his daughter into the abyss of schizophrenia. Their battle has included a two-year search for answers, countless medications and hospitalizations, allegations of abuse, despair that almost broke their family apart and, finally, victories against the illness and a new faith that they can create a life for Janni filled with moments of happiness. A compelling, unsparing and passionate account, January First vividly details Schofield's commitment to bring his daughter back from the edge of insanity. It is a father's soul-baring memoir of the daily struggles and challenges he and his wife face as they do everything they can to help Janni while trying to keep their family together. From the Hardcover edition.

Japan and Global Health: Human Security Agenda in the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Daisuke Akimoto

This book examines the development of Japan’s human security diplomacy for global health in the pre- and post-COVID-19 world. In the light of global health politics and human security studies, it attempts to clarify Japan’s financial and diplomatic contributions to the Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi), the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) Facility, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund), the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), official development assistance (ODA) related to global health, the Global Health Innovative Technology Fund (GHIT Fund) to combat neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) in preparation for future pandemics, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to enhance the global health system. Moreover, the Japanese Business Leaders’ Coalition for Global Health in collaboration with the Bill & Melida Gates Foundation in the field of innovative technology, such as an application of artificial intelligence (AI) for global health will be scrutinized. In addition, this research investigates implications of Japan’s Global Health Strategy for Japan’s global health diplomacy at the event of the G7/G8 summits, especially the 2023 G7 Hiroshima Summit. Finally, this book identifies multiple global health actors that constitute the emerging and changing global health architecture in the post-COVID-19 world.

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