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Showing 28,526 through 28,550 of 55,665 results

Japan's Shifting Status in the World and the Development of Japan's Medical Insurance Systems

by Yoneyuki Sugita

This book explains the origins and early developments of Japanese medical insurance systems from the 1920s to the 1950s. It closely examines the changes in the systems and the symbiotic relationship between Japan’s status in international relations and the development of domestic medical insurance systems. While previous studies have regarded the origins and development of Japanese medical insurance systems as merely a domestic issue and pay little attention to the role or effects of international affairs, this book closely examines the changes in these systems by looking at the enactment of the Health Insurance Law in 1922, the establishment of the National Health Insurance in 1938, the epoch-making reforms of 1942, numerous plans in the early Allied occupation period, and Japan’s social security plan in 1950. In doing so, it shows that there was indeed a symbiotic relationship between Japan’s status in international relations and the changing nature of domestic medical insurance systems. It also reveals that Japan’s status in international relations set the framework within which interested groups, primarily the government, made rational choices. This book is a valuable resource for academics, researchers and students who have an interest in the Japanese medical insurance systems.

Japan's Wartime Medical Atrocities: Comparative Inquiries in Science, History, and Ethics (Asia's Transformations)

by Jing-Bao Nie

Prior to and during the Second World War, the Japanese Army established programs of biological warfare throughout China and elsewhere. In these “factories of death,” including the now-infamous Unit 731, Japanese doctors and scientists conducted large numbers of vivisections and experiments on human beings, mostly Chinese nationals. However, as a result of complex historical factors including an American cover-up of the atrocities, Japanese denials, and inadequate responses from successive Chinese governments, justice has never been fully served. This volume brings together the contributions of a group of scholars from different countries and various academic disciplines. It examines Japan’s wartime medical atrocities and their postwar aftermath from a comparative perspective and inquires into perennial issues of historical memory, science, politics, society and ethics elicited by these rebarbative events. The volume’s central ethical claim is that the failure to bring justice to bear on the systematic abuse of medical research by Japanese military medical personnel more than six decades ago has had a profoundly retarding influence on the development and practice of medical and social ethics in all of East Asia. The book also includes an extensive annotated bibliography selected from relevant publications in Japanese, Chinese and English.

¡Jaque al relojero!

by Manuel Jarén Nebot

Crees que sabes quién eres. Pero no tienes ni idea de quién puedes llegar a ser. California. Un joven periodista español con un contrato en precario es enviado a realizar un reportaje a Argentina sobre unas fosas comunes que han aparecido en la cordillera. En Sudáfrica, un reconocido veterinario especialista en fauna salvaje es contratado por el Gobierno ruso para tratar a los elefantes del zoo de Moscú de una extraña dolencia que los hace envejecer prematuramente. Cuando viaja hasta allí, comprueba que el problema es mucho mayor de lo que imaginaba. Sin poder evitarlo, ambos serán engullidos por situaciones que no controlan y se encontrarán en una búsqueda que los unirá para siempre. El destino implacable jugará con ellos, pero avanzarán con el firme propósito de dar respuesta a una pregunta que todavía la ciencia no ha resuelto y que puede suponer un cambio radical en la concepción de la existencia de la vida. De nuevo, fiel a su estilo directo y enérgico, Manuel Carlos Jarén Nebot vuelve a conformar un thriller absorbente y poderoso, lleno de intrigas, acción y rigurosamente documentado, donde nada es lo que parece y en el que todos tendrán que pagar un coste muy alto para llegar a conocer algo que muy pocos saben.

The JASPER Model for Children with Autism: Promoting Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement, and Regulation

by Connie Kasari Amanda C. Gulsrud Stephanie Y. Shire Christina Strawbridge

This full-color, clinician-friendly manual is the authoritative guide to implementing the Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement, and Regulation (JASPER) intervention. With a strong evidence base, JASPER provides a clear, flexible structure to bolster early skills core to social communication development. The authors show how to assess 1- to 8-year-olds with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), set treatment targets, choose engaging play materials, tailor JASPER strategies to each individual, and troubleshoot common challenges. In a convenient large-size format, the manual features case examples, learning exercises, and reproducible clinical tools. At the companion website, clinicians can download and print the reproducible materials as well as a supplemental annotated bibliography.

Jellyfish Age Backwards: Nature's Secrets to Longevity

by Nicklas Brendborg

This eye-opening book offers a "clear and captivating" (Dr. Kris Verburgh​)scientific deep dive into how plants and animals have already unlocked the secrets to immortality–and the lessons they hold for us all. Recent advances in medicine and technology have expanded our understanding of aging across the animal kingdom, and our own timeless quest for the fountain of youth. Yet, despite modern humans living longer today than ever before, the public&’s understanding of what is possible is limited to our species—until now. In this spunky, effervescent debut, the key to immortality is revealed to be a superpower within reach. With mind-bending stories from the natural world and our own, Jellyfish Age Backwards reveals lifespans we cannot imagine and physiological gifts that feel closer to magic than reality: There is a Greenland shark that was 286 years old when the Titanic sank, and is currently 390, making it older than the United States. Scientists predict it will live for another 100 years. Trees and lobsters don&’t &“age&” in the way we know it. They simply get bigger and bigger. There are forms of radiation that have been known to actually increase the lifespans of certain species, from tortoises to naked mole-rats. There's a species of jellyfish, the size of a fingernail, that can age forwards, then, when threatened, age backwards and begin the process all over again. Mixing cutting-edge research and stories from habitats all around the world, molecular biologist Nicklas Brendborg explores extended life cycles in all its varieties. Along the way, we meet a man who fasted for over a year; a woman who edited her own DNA; redwoods that survive thousands of years; and in the soil of Easter Island, the key to eternal youth. Jellyfish Age Backwards is a love letter to the immense power of nature, and what the immortal lives of many of earth's animals and plants can teach us about the secrets to longevity. Shortlisted for the Royal Society Science Book PrizeA New York Times Editor's Choice PickA Sunday Times (UK) Best Book of the Year

Jenseits der Masken: Ideen und Übungen für ein authentisches und selbstbestimmtes Leben

by Oliver Florig

Herauszufinden, wer Sie eigentlich sind und sein möchten, stellt eine große Herausforderung dar: Dieser Ratgeber unterstützt Sie dabei. Der Wunsch, wirklich man selbst zu sein, zählt zu den großen Sehnsüchten moderner westlicher Menschen. Man selbst zu werden setzt voraus, sich auf die Schliche zu kommen: In welcher Weise vermeide ich es, ich selbst zu sein? Welche Erwartungen anderer und welche inneren Muster steuern mich bisher? Was liegt mir eigentlich am Herzen? Was sind meine Aufgaben im Leben? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, darf, kann, muss man sich zugleich mit seiner inneren Stimme und der Welt auseinandersetzen. Dabei zeigt sich auch: Man selbst wird man dann, wenn man nicht krampfhaft um sich selbst kreist, sondern ein Leben lebt, das den eigenen Einsichten und Werten entspricht. Aus dem Inhalt: Neue Perspektiven aus Psychologie und Philosophie – Fragen zur Anwendung auf Ihre konkrete Lebenssituation – Fallbeispiele – Übungen und Beobachtungsaufgaben. Über den Autor: Dr. Oliver Florig ist als Therapeut, Coach und Paarberater mit Praxis in Kempten und Heidelberg tätig. Anlass für dieses Buch war eine Frage, die ihm in seiner Praxis immer wieder begegnet, nämlich die Frage, was es heißt, ein authentisches und selbstbestimmtes Leben zu führen.

A Jerk, a Jihad, and a Virus: A Novel

by Gary F. Jones

Veterinary virologist Jason Mitchell can't keep his mouth shut, can't lie convincingly, and can't follow orders. He's an unlikely candidate to help the CIA locate and destroy a deadly hybrid virus stolen from Jason's lab at the University of Minnesota. From Washington to Djibouti, From Minneapolis to Yemen, Marines cringe, Senators turn livid, and CIA agents shudder as Jason struggles to prevent the virus from becoming a biological weapon in the hands of jihadists. Jason and Ann Hartman, veterinarians, lovers, and graduate students, conduct a study of BCV in calves, a common virus that causes diarrhea in cattle. A recently arrived Chinese student accidentally exposes the calves to the SARS virus, a close relative of BCV. The calves and the Chinese student develop a severe and puzzling pneumonia. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) isolates a hybrid BCV-SARS virus from the Chinese student and the calves. The FBI is notified of the new and dangerous virus. Ahmed, more con man than graduate student, discovers samples of Jason's that contain the virus. He steals them and flees to Yemen where he pretends to be a devout Muslim to get funding from a jihadist group. The jihadists believe the virus will be valuable as a biological weapon and as bait to lure the CIA into military action that will kill innocent civilians and increase hatred of the US. Jason and an unconventional CIA agent redefine "thinking outside the box" as they con Ahmed, dodge bullets, and thwart the jihadists.

Jesse: A Mother's Story

by Marianne Leone

Jesse Cooper was an honor-roll student who loved to windsurf and write poetry. He also had severe cerebral palsy and was quadriplegic, unable to speak, and wracked by seizures. He died suddenly at age seventeen. In fiercely honest, surprisingly funny, and sometimes heartbreaking prose, Jesse’s mother, Marianne Leone, chronicles her transformation by the remarkable life and untimely death of her child. An unforgettable memoir of joy, grief, and triumph, Knowing Jesse unlocks the secret of unconditional love and speaks to all families who strive to do right by their children.

Jesse Ventura's Marijuana Manifesto: How Lies, Corruption, and Propaganda Kept Cannabis Illegal

by Jesse Ventura Jen Hobbs Steve Kubby

New York Times Bestselling Author!In this groundbreaking book – for the first time in paperback and fully-updated with all the latest legal information - outspoken freethinker Jesse Ventura lays out his philosophy. Now more than ever before, our country needs full legalization of medical/recreational marijuana and hemp. Seemingly with every day that goes by we find out more positive things about marijuana, a medicinal plant in abundant supply, yet legalization finds stronger resistance from government agencies and big business.Find out why the US government patented CBD and what Big Pharma companies have exclusive rights to create marijuana medication and why the DEA can’t be trusted.Jesse Ventura’s Marijuana Manifesto calls for an end to the War on Drugs. Legalizing marijuana will serve to rejuvenate our pathetic economy and just might make people a little happier. Ventura’s book will show us all how we can take our country back.“More celebs than ever are jumping on the ‘Legalize’ bandwagon. Why? Because it’s safe now. It won’t impact your career anymore. But Jesse Ventura has been a solid proponent of legal cannabis for decades. In Jesse Ventura’s Marijuana Manifesto, he lays out the good sense of legalization, as well as the sheer insanity of prohibition. As a proud American, he pulls no punches calling out the political elite. - Dan Skye, High Times editor-in-chief“Ventura is ultimately quite convincing about the ineffectuality of the War on Drugs, and on the contradictions and corruptions of the Drug Enforcement Administration, a particular bugbear of his.” - Michael Lindgren, The Washington Post

Jesús Sana

by André Cronje

Además de los mejores doctores, personal y avances médicos, el hombre todavía se enfrenta a limitaciones. Pero los enfermos siguen buscando una cura, y la esperanza viene en diferentes pociones, lugares y etiquetas. Donde termina la medicina, la fe comienza a esperar un milagro de Dios.

Jet Fuel Toxicology

by Mark L. Witten Errol Zeiger Glenn D. Ritchie

Currently serving as a resource for the National Center for Toxological Research in their work with the Gulf Coast oil spill, this book presents current research conducted primarily by the airforce on the toxic effects of JP-8 jet fuel on the pulmonary, immune, dermal, and nervous systems. In all, the book considers 13 toxicology studies

Jetplasma in Praxis und Klinik: The Precise Cold Physical Plasma

by Hans-Robert Metelmann Philine Henriette Doberschütz Christian Seebauer

Dieses Fachbuch beschreibt den praxisbezogenen Umgang mit den verschiedenen Gerätetypen, die mit Kaltplasma arbeiten, insbesondere die Jetplasma-Medizingeräte: Sie bieten Plasma nicht wie andere Geräte teppichartig flächig an, sondern mit einem schlanken Handgerät in einem sehr feinen, düsenartigen Strahl. Damit erlauben sie eine punktgenaue Applikation des Plasmas und eine präzise Einwirkung auf das Gewebe, wie sie z.B. dem Arbeiten mit einem Skalpell, einem Zahnarztbohrer oder einer feinen Pipette entspricht. Das Buch vermittelt mit zahlreichen Schemazeichnungen, Anwendungshinweisen und klinischen Abbildungen den richtigen Einsatz von Jetplasma-Medizingeräten, um das volle Potenzial präziser Plasmamedizin nutzen zu können. Das Buch wendet sich an die Fachbereiche Dermatologie, Chirurgie, insbesondere die plastische Chirurgie, Augenheilkunde und Zahnmedizin.The management of delayed wound healing and infected wounds is a challenging task in clinical medicine. This handbook aims to help physicians, dentists and nursing staff take advantage of an innovative and evidence-based treatment option for wound therapy: cold jet plasma. Focused on the practical approach and the current state of research, the authors provide detailed instructions, clinical case reports, and a review of the guideline recommendations for he rational therapeutic use of cold physical plasma.

Jewish Bioethics

by Yechiel Michael Barilan

This book presents the discourse in Jewish law and rabbinic literature on bioethical issues, highlighting practical problems in their socio-historical contexts. Yechiel Michael Barilan discusses end-of-life care, abortion, infertility treatments, the brain death debate, and the organ market. Barilan also presents the theology and spirituality of Jewish medical law, the communal responsibility for healthcare, and the charitable sick-care societies that flourished in the Jewish communities until the beginning of the twentieth century.

Jewish Hospital & Cincinnati Jews in Medicine, The (American Heritage)

by Frederic Krome

Cincinnati Jewish Hospital has remained a beacon of service to the city for more than a century and a half. Although it always accepted patients regardless of their heritage or faith, the institution maintains its Jewish identity. Founded in 1850, the Hospital weathered depressions and wars while reflecting changes that occurred within the Jewish community and the city. Cincinnati's Jewish health professionals pioneered medical education, new treatments for polio and the introduction of new psychological treatments for children. Author Frederic Krome explores the fascinating history of the Cincinnati Jewish Hospital and the many contributions Cincinnati Jews made to the field of medicine.

Jewish Perspectives on Theology and the Human Experience of Disability

by William Gaventa

A re-examination of Jewish scripture and teachings about disabilitiesFew people are untouched by the issue of disability, whether personally or through a friend or relative. Jewish Perspectives on Theology and the Human Experience of Disability shares moving insights from around the world and across the broad spectrum of Judaism on how and why the Jewish community is incomplete without the presence and participation of the disabled. Authors representing each of the three main movements of Judaism-Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform-examine theology, scripture, ethics, practical theology, religious education, and personal experience to understand and apply the lessons and wisdom of the past to issues of the present.Authors from Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia reflect on their theological understandings of specific disabilities and on disability as a whole. Jewish Perspectives on Theology and the Human Experience of Disability re-examines tradition, teachings, and beliefs to shatter stereotypes of Judaism and common interpretations of scripture. This unique book addresses several disabilities (blindness, deafness, intellectual disabilities, autism, learning disabilities), and a wide range of topics, including human rights and disabilities, Jewish laws concerning niddah, misconceptions about disabilities in the Hebrew Bible, Jewish community programs to include people with disabilities, and the need to educate American Jews about Jewish genetic diseases.Jewish Perspectives on Theology and the Human Experience of Disability examines: three methods that allow Jews who are blind to participate in the Torah service the spiritual needs of people with learning disabilities the attitude of Jewish Law toward marriage and parenthood on people with intellectual disabilities how the rabbis of the Mishnah incorporated Greco-Roman beliefs about the connections between hearing, speech, and intelligence into Jewish law a sampling of opinions issued on matters concerning disabilities by the Responsa Committee of the Central Conference of American Rabbis how the Jewish sages have made participation by people with disabilities possible and much moreJewish Perspectives on Theology and the Human Experience of Disability also includes reviews of Judaism and Disability: Portrayals in Ancient Texts from the Tanach through the Bavil and Disability in Jewish Law, as well as comprehensive resource collections. This book is an essential read for clergy and lay leaders involved in the support of people with disabilities, for the families of people with disabilities, and for anyone working with the disabled.

Jews, Medicine, and Medieval Society: A Phenomenology Of Miscarriage

by Joseph Shatzmiller

Jews were excluded from most professions in medieval, predominantly Christian Europe. Bigotry was widespread, yet Jews were accepted as doctors and surgeons, administering not only to other Jews but to Christians as well. Why did medieval Christians suspend their fear and suspicion of the Jews, allowing them to inspect their bodies, and even, at times, to determine their survival? What was the nature of the doctor-patient relationship? Did the law protect Jewish doctors in disputes over care and treatment?Joseph Shatzmiller explores these and other intriguing questions in the first full social history of the medieval Jewish doctor. Based on extensive archival research in Provence, Spain, and Italy, and a deep reading of the widely scattered literature, Shatzmiller examines the social and economic forces that allowed Jewish medical professionals to survive and thrive in thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Europe. His insights will prove fascinating to scholars and students of Judaica, medieval history, and the history of medicine.

JFK's Secret Doctor: The Remarkable Life of Medical Pioneer and Legendary Rock Climber Hans Kraus

by Susan E.B. Schwartz

Set against the grand panorama of twentieth-century world events, it captures the remarkable life and spirit of climbing and medical visionary Hans Kraus (1905-1966). Kraus was taught English by James Joyce, escaped Nazi dominated Europe, and was JFK’s secret back specialist. A legendary rock climber known for hair-raising ascents on two continents, Kraus lived a life filled with tragedy and triumph, intense passion, verve, and a whole lot of guts, glory, and wit. One of the great unsung medical pioneers of the twentieth century, Kraus made headline news throughout the second half of the 1950s, was a guest of honor at Eisenhower’s White House, and was the subject of cover stories in major magazines throughout America, including Sports Illustrated. His pioneering work in muscles and fitness uncovered a shocking truth about a lack of fitness in American children, and his work curing back pain brought him into the Kennedy White House and inner circle of Camelot. Here now is the life of Hans Kraus, including the behind-the-scenes story of Kennedy’s crippling back problems, based on new documentation, including White House medical records and interviews with two Kennedy White House doctors. Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Arcade imprint, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in history--books about World War II, the Third Reich, Hitler and his henchmen, the JFK assassination, conspiracies, the American Civil War, the American Revolution, gladiators, Vikings, ancient Rome, medieval times, the old West, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

Jillian's Story: How Vision Therapy Changed My Daughter's Life (Jillian's Story Ser.)

by Robin Benoit Jillian Benoit

The “inspiring and beautifully told” story of one mother’s determination to help her child overcome amblyopia (Susan R. Barry, PhD, author of Coming to Our Senses).Vision challenges present a real and devastating problem among children in the USA—the correlation between vision-related learning challenges and juvenile delinquency is shocking. Jillian’s Story: How Vision Therapy Changed My Daughter’s Life shares how one family triumphed over vision problems. At the age of five, Jillian Benoit was diagnosed with amblyopia, a condition in which a child is born with good vision in one eye and extremely weak vision in the other—Jillian had been legally blind in one eye since birth, and no one knew it. After receiving the diagnosis, the Benoit family embarked on a six-year journey to improve Jillian’s vision. It wasn’t until after eye patches, thick glasses, visits to doctors’ offices, and constant struggles with academics that Robin Benoit took matters into her own hands and discovered the wonders of vision therapy. A truly inspiring tale of determination, Jillian’s Story offers a deeply personal account along with life-changing information on vision therapy.“A fascinating book that should be required reading for any parent who is struggling with the challenges of a child who is a victim of medical system that is sometimes blind.” —Todd Huston, author of More Than Mountains“Jillian’s parents prove that knowledge and answers are out there if people have the endurance to find them—a true and beautiful message of faith, hope, and love.” —Carol Dean Schreiner, author of Laugh for the Health of It!

JIMD Reports - Case and Research Reports, 2011/2

by Ssiem

JIMD Reports publishes case and short research reports in the area of inherited metabolic disorders. Case reports highlight some unusual or previously unrecorded feature relevant to the disorder, or serve as an important reminder of clinical or biochemical features of a Mendelian disorder.

JIMD Reports - Case and Research Reports, 2012/4 (JIMD Reports #9)

by Johannes Zschocke Garry Brown Eva Morava Verena Peters K Michael Gibson

JIMD Reports publishes case and short research reports in the area of inherited metabolic disorders. Case reports highlight some unusual or previously unrecorded feature relevant to the disorder, or serve as an important reminder of clinical or biochemical features of a Mendelian disorder.

JIMD Reports - Case and Research Reports, Volume 13

by Johannes Zschocke K. Michael Gibson Garry Brown Eva Morava Verena Peters

JIMD Reports publishes case and short research reports in the area of inherited metabolic disorders. Case reports highlight some unusual or previously unrecorded feature relevant to the disorder or serve as an important reminder of clinical or biochemical features of a Mendelian disorder.

JIMD Reports - Volume 10

by Garry Brown K Michael Gibson Johannes Zschocke Verena Peters Eva Morava

JIMD Reports publishes case and short research reports in the area of inherited metabolic disorders. Case reports highlight some unusual or previously unrecorded feature relevant to the disorder, or serve as an important reminder of clinical or biochemical features of a Mendelian disorder.

JIMD Reports, Volume 25

by Eva Morava Matthias Baumgartner Marc Patterson Shamima Rahman Johannes Zschocke Verena Peters

JIMD Reports publishes case and short research reports in the area of inherited metabolic disorders. Case reports highlight some unusual or previously unrecorded feature relevant to the disorder, or serve as an important reminder of clinical or biochemical features of a Mendelian disorder.

JIMD Reports, Volume 25

by Eva Morava Matthias Baumgartner Marc Patterson Shamima Rahman Johannes Zschocke Verena Peters

JIMD Reports publishes case and short research reports in the area of inherited metabolic disorders. Case reports highlight some unusual or previously unrecorded feature relevant to the disorder, or serve as an important reminder of clinical or biochemical features of a Mendelian disorder.

JIMD Reports, Volume 28

by Eva Morava Matthias Baumgartner Marc Patterson Shamima Rahman Johannes Zschocke Verena Peters

JIMD Reports publishes case and short research reports in the area of inherited metabolic disorders. Case reports highlight some unusual or previously unrecorded feature relevant to the disorder, or serve as an important reminder of clinical or biochemical features of a Mendelian disorder.

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