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by Bernhard Stier Nikolaus Weissenrieder Karl Otfried Schwab

In diesem übersichtlichen Nachschlagewerk finden Kinder- und Jugendärzte, aber auch Allgemeinmediziner in Praxen und Kliniken die Hilfestellung, die für die praktische Tätigkeit gebraucht wird. Die allgemeine Versorgung von Kindern oder Erwachsenen wird Jugendlichen mit ihren oftmals spezifischen Problemen und ihrer besonderen Lebenssituation nicht gerecht. Das Buch unterstützt Ärzte, die Jugendliche behandeln, u.a. bei spezieller Jugendmedizin z.B. in Kardiologie, Onkologie und Neurologie, bei chronischen Erkrankungen und Transition, beim Umgang mit jugendlichen Migranten, Störungen in der Pubertätsentwicklung, Essstörungen, Verhaltensauffälligkeiten und Suchtverhalten.Das Buch ist aus dem Alltag an Praxen und Kliniken heraus entstanden, verständlich geschrieben und klar strukturiert.

Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant 'Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big

by Jose Canseco

A star of Major League Baseball tells the story of wide-spread use of steroids throughout the sport.

Julien's Primer of Drug Action

by Claire D. Advokat Robert M. Julien Joseph E. Comaty

In its 40th anniversary edition, A Primer of Drug Action continues to evolve side by side with the field it covers, drawing on the expertise of its authors in medicine, basic science, and clinical science to offer the most current and comprehensive guide to psychopharmacology available.

Julien’s Primer of Drug Action: A Comprehensive Guide to the Actions, Uses, and Side Effects of Psychoactive Drugs (Fourteenth Edition)

by Robert M. Julien Claire D. Advokat Joseph E. Comaty

Julien’s Primer of Drug Action continues to evolve side by side with the field it covers providing a thoroughly up to date look at psychotherapeutic and recreational drugs, including the latest research and the newest formulations. <P><P> The thoroughly updated 14th edition features: <br> New coverage of opioids of abuse, and drugs used to treat of opioid dependence and opioid overdose. <br>New research on the use of marijuana to treat Alzheimers, PTSD, and Epilepsy. <br>New coverage of pharmacological, physiological, and psychoactive effects of synthetic marijuana including its toxicity. <br>New research on Cannabidiol (CBD) and its therapeutic uses <br>New research of the efficacy of antipsychotics to treat dementia, Parkinson’s, bipolar, OCD, PTSD, <br>New research on hallucinogenics for the treatment of various disorders including MDMA for the treatment of PTSD, Psilocybin for treatment of depression and end-of-life anxiety, and Ayahuasca to treat psychiatric disorders <br>The use of genetic testing to predict effectiveness of antidepressant treatment <br>New research on the use of ketamine for the treatment of depression

Julius Caesar's Disease: A New Diagnosis

by Francesco M. Galassi Hutan Ashrafian

In this groundbreaking study, two medical historians present a provocative new diagnosis of the ailment that famously afflicted Julius Caesar. It is generally accepted as a historical fact that Julius Caesar suffered from epilepsy, an illness which in classical times was sometimes associated with divinely bestowed genius. The ancient sources describe several episodes when, sometimes at critical junctures, one of the most accomplished military commanders in history was incapacitated by a condition referred to as morbus comitialis. But does the evidence of his illness really suggest a diagnosis of epilepsy? And if it was not epilepsy that afflicted Caesar, what was it? These are the questions that doctors Francesco M. Galassi and Hutan Ashrafian seek to answer by applying modern medical knowledge to the symptoms and circumstances described by primary source documents—including statements made by Caesar himself. The result is a fascinating piece of historical-pathological detective work that challenges received wisdom about one of the most famous men of all time.

Jumping From a Derailed Brain

by Conor Geary

<p>A man who battled mental illness and depression details how he overcame his struggles with OCD, bipolar disorder, and Tourette’s Syndrome.<p> <p>Growing up, Conor Geary was so miserable he seriously considered ending his own life. Struggling with obsessive-compulsive and bipolar disorders, as well as Tourette’s Syndrome, Geary became increasing tormented by thoughts of suicide. In this inspiring memoir, Geary reveals how his acceptance of his disabilities, as well his growing relationship with God, helped him to heal his heart and mind. A poignant personal account of one man’s journey from a disordered mind and debilitating thoughts to a happy marriage and satisfying family life, Jumping from a Derailed Brain is a must-read for anyone who has ever battled mental illness and depression.<p>

Junctures in Women's Leadership: Health Care and Public Health (Junctures: Case Studies in Women's Leadership)

by Mary E. O'Dowd Elizabeth Ryan Dawn Thomas Elizabeth Hoover Denise Rodgers Mary Wachter Ann Marie Hill Raquel Mazon Jeffers Christina Tan Heather Howard Patricia Findley Colleen Blake Alexander Bartke Christina Chesnakov Grace Ibitamuno Erica Reed Akanksha Arya Carson Clay Suzanne Willard Jacqueline Hunterdon-Anderson

Junctures in Women’s Leadership: Health Care and Public Health offers an eclectic compilation of case studies telling the stories of women leaders in public health and health care, from Katsi Cook, Mohawk midwife, to Virginia Apgar, Katharine Dexter McCormick and Florence Schorske Wald, to Marilyn Tavenner, Suerie Moon, and more. The impact of their work is extraordinarily relevant to the current public discourse including subjects such as the global COVID-19 pandemic, disparities in health outcomes, prevention of disease and the impact of the Affordable Care Act. The leadership lessons gleaned from these chapters can be applied to a broad array of disciplines within government, private business, media, philanthropy, pharmaceutical, environmental and health sectors. Each chapter is authored by a well versed and accomplished woman, demonstrating the book’s theme that there are many paths within health care and public health. The case study format provides an introductory section providing biographical and historical background, setting the stage for a juncture, or decision point, and the resolution. The women are compelling characters and worth knowing.

Jungian Psychotherapy with Medical Professionals: Healing the Healer

by Suzanne Hales

Jungian Psychotherapy with Medical Professionals guides therapists, clinicians, and healthcare workers through the transformative healing process of Jungian psychology, demonstrating how the new spirit of medicine will originate from the relationship between the healer and the healed. Through extensive experience and scientific research gathered over the past four decades working closely with physicians, Suzanne Hales presents the telling of their stories that have been historically hushed or hidden away. Hales offers a lifeline for healthcare workers as she weaves together the stories of physicians and their patients with gripping honesty, presenting an intimate glimpse of what happens in the lives of healers and the healed. The book offers support to the healer in need of healing, provides hope for wholeness and restoration, and advocates for those who spend their lifetime advocating for others. The book is of great interest to Jungian analysts, therapists, and trainees, and it is essential reading for anyone working in healthcare, including physicians and healers of all kinds in the landscape of modern medicine.

Jungle Laboratories: Mexican Peasants, National Projects, and the Making of the Pill

by Gabriela Soto Laveaga

In the 1940s chemists discovered that barbasco, a wild yam indigenous to Mexico, could be used to mass-produce synthetic steroid hormones. Barbasco spurred the development of new drugs, including cortisone and the first viable oral contraceptives, and positioned Mexico as a major player in the global pharmaceutical industry. Yet few people today are aware of Mexico's role in achieving these advances in modern medicine. In Jungle Laboratories, Gabriela Soto Laveaga reconstructs the story of how rural yam pickers, international pharmaceutical companies, and the Mexican state collaborated and collided over the barbasco. By so doing, she sheds important light on a crucial period in Mexican history and challenges us to reconsider who can produce science. Soto Laveaga traces the political, economic, and scientific development of the global barbasco industry from its emergence in the 1940s, through its appropriation by a populist Mexican state in 1970, to its obsolescence in the mid-1990s. She focuses primarily on the rural southern region of Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, where the yam grew most freely and where scientists relied on local, indigenous knowledge to cultivate and harvest the plant. Rural Mexicans, at first unaware of the pharmaceutical and financial value of barbasco, later acquired and deployed scientific knowledge to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies, lobby the Mexican government, and ultimately transform how urban Mexicans perceived them. By illuminating how the yam made its way from the jungles of Mexico, to domestic and foreign scientific laboratories where it was transformed into pills, to the medicine cabinets of millions of women across the globe, Jungle Laboratories urges us to recognize the ways that Mexican peasants attained social and political legitimacy in the twentieth century, and positions Latin America as a major producer of scientific knowledge.

Jung's Psychology and its Social Meaning: An introductory statement of C G Jung's psychological theories and a first interpretation of their significance for the social sciences (International Library Of Psychology Ser.)

by Ira Progoff

Routledge is now re-issuing this prestigious series of 204 volumes originally published between 1910 and 1965. The titles include works by key figures such asC.G. Jung, Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Otto Rank, James Hillman, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney and Susan Isaacs. Each volume is available on its own, as part of a themed mini-set, or as part of a specially-priced 204-volume set. A brochure listing each title in the "International Library of Psychology" series is available upon request.

The Junior Doctor's Guide to Cardiology

by Mann Ian Critoph Christopher Coats Caroline

'The transition between medical student and junior doctor is both stressful and demanding. The learning curve is extremely steep, and even more so in the world of specialist medicine - Senior doctors expect a lot of their juniors and, as a result, people often feel out of their depth and may feel too embarrassed to tell their seniors when they don't understand something - ' - from the Preface Boost your confidence. This is a user-friendly manual for the junior doctor. Concise and easy to read, it is invaluable for day-to-day clinical cardiology while out on the wards. It provides a logical, stepwise guide through the more common problems encountered in cardiology and assists with clinical practice and decision making. Complications, prognoses and comprehensive explanations of investigations aid in understanding why certain tests are requested and how to interpret their results. The Junior Doctor's Guide to Cardiology helps you to make informed, confident decisions and gives you the assurance to optimise your time in cardiology. When I first entered medical school, a very wise senior tutor said to me, 'Collins, learn the basics and you won't go far wrong!' The problem is in defining the basics and how to identify them. I am sure this book will help you and hopefully entice you into the wonderful and expanding world of cardiology - good luck and don't forget 'learn the basics!' From the foreword by Peter Collins

The Junior Doctor's Guide to Gastroenterology

by Louisa Baxter Neel Sharma Ian Mann

'Becoming a first year doctor is a stressful are suddenly member of a medical team. People often feel out of their comfort zone, and are commonly too embarrassed to ask for help or advice - ' Gastroenterology concerns a large number of patients and is a commonly encountered area of medicine that all doctors are exposed to, even if they are working in a different specialty. It covers disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, gallbladder and liver. This practical, user-firendly guide to gastroenterology for the junior doctor consolidates knowledge on common gastroenterological problems. Its unique approach offers logical explanations of investigations and ways to interpret results; it also outlines complications, prognoses and management and contains vital information on running successful ward rounds. Concise and easy to read, The Junior Doctor's Guide to Gastroenterology helps you to make informed, confident decisions and gives you the assurance to optimise your time in gastroenterology.

The Junior Medical Officer's Guide to the Hospital Universe: A Survival Manual

by John Shi

Key Features:• Comprehensive and universal resource • Enables JMOs to understand and deal with the day-to-day working of hospitals and associated systems • Considers the practicalities of these new environments, including shift work and industrial, employment and financial aspects • Focuses on streamlining necessary yet onerous administrative tasks, aiding their smooth and systematic completion • Liberates the time and energy required to become true and effective doctors in training

Juniper: The Girl Who Was Born Too Soon

by Thomas French Kelley French

A micro-preemie fights for survival in this extraordinary and gorgeously told memoir by her parents, both award-winning journalists.Juniper French was born four months early, at 23 weeks gestation. She weighed 1 pound, 4 ounces, and her twiggy body was the length of a Barbie doll. Her head was smaller than a tennis ball, her skin was nearly translucent, and through her chest you could see her flickering heart. Babies like Juniper, born at the edge of viability, trigger the question: Which is the greater act of love--to save her, or to let her go?Kelley and Thomas French chose to fight for Juniper's life, and this is their incredible tale. In one exquisite memoir, the authors explore the border between what is possible and what is right. They marvel at the science that conceived and sustained their daughter and the love that made the difference. They probe the bond between a mother and a baby, between a husband and a wife. They trace the journey of their family from its fragile beginning to the miraculous survival of their now thriving daughter.

Junk Food Politics: How Beverage and Fast Food Industries Are Reshaping Emerging Economies

by Eduardo J. Gómez

Why do sugary beverage and fast food industries thrive in the emerging world?An interesting public health paradox has emerged in some developing nations. Despite government commitment to eradicating noncommunicable diseases and innovative prevention programs aimed at reducing obesity and type 2 diabetes, sugary beverage and fast food industries are thriving. But political leaders in countries such as Mexico, Brazil, India, China, and Indonesia are reluctant to introduce policies regulating the marketing and sale of their products, particularly among vulnerable groups like children and the poor. Why?In Junk Food Politics, Eduardo J. Gómez argues that the challenge lies with the strategic politics of junk food industries in these countries. Industry leaders have succeeded in creating supportive political coalitions by, ironically, partnering with governments to promote soda taxes, food labeling, and initiatives focused on public awareness and exercise while garnering presidential support (and social popularity) through contributions to government anti-hunger and anti-poverty campaigns. These industries have also manipulated scientific research by working with academic allies while creating their own support bases among the poor through employment programs and community services. Taken together, these tactics have hampered people's ability to mobilize in support of stricter regulation for the marketing and sale of unhealthy products made by companies such as Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and Nestlé.Drawing on detailed historical case studies, Junk Food Politics proposes an alternative political science framework that emphasizes how junk food corporations restructure politics and society before agenda-setting ever takes place. This pathbreaking book also reveals how these global corporations further their policy influence through the creation of transnational nongovernmental organizations that support industry views.

Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text And Atlas, 13th Edition

by Anthony Mescher

The histology text the medical field turns to first -- authoritative, concise, beautifully illustrated, and completely up-to-date More than 600 full-color illustrations For more than three decades, Junquiera's Basic Histology has been unmatched in its ability to explain the relationship between cell and tissue structure with their function in the human body. Updated to reflect the latest research in the field and enhanced with more than 600 full-color illustrations, the thirteenh edition of Junqueira's represents the most comprehensive and modern approach to understanding medical histology available anywhere.

Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text And Atlas

by Anthony Mescher

For more than three decades, Junquiera's Basic Histology has been unmatched in its ability to explain the relationship between cell and tissue structure with their function in the human body. Updated to reflect the latest research in the field and enhanced with more than 600 full-color illustrations, the thirteenh edition of Junqueira's represents the most comprehensive and modern approach to understanding medical histology available anywhere.

Junqueira's functionele histologie

by Anthony L. Mescher E. Wisse C.P.H. Vreuls J.L. Hillebrands

Dit boek geeft een gedetailleerde beschrijving van de microscopische structuur van het menselijk lichaam. Het is een leerboek en een naslagwerk, voor professionals en studenten in de geneeskunde, tandheelkunde, biomedische wetenschappen, biologie, biotechnologie en diergeneeskunde, en de paramedische beroepsopleidingen. Bij het boek hoort ook een online leeromgeving met 300 toetsvragen. Junqueira’s functionele histologie geeft een duidelijke, feitelijke beschrijving van de structuur en de functie van alle cellen en weefsels in het menselijk lichaam. Dat gebeurt in begrijpelijke, dagelijkse taal. Het boek bevat de beste illustraties uit de Amerikaanse uitgave, aangevuld met veel foto’s die de Nederlandstalige redacteuren hebben toegevoegd. Daardoor bent u snel op de hoogte van de functie van bepaalde cellen, weefsels en organen en bent u ook in staat om aan anderen uit te leggen hoe de natuur in elkaar zit en welke rollen deze structuren in het lichaam vervullen.De eerste druk van de Nederlandstalige ‘Junqueira’ verscheen in 1981. Sindsdien zijn bij elke volgende druk, en dit is alweer de zestiende, één of meer aspecten van het boek grondig verbeterd. In deze druk werd een hoofdstuk Embryologie toegevoegd en werden de hoofdstukken in een meer logische volgorde gezet. Dit boek is bewerkt door Eddie Wisse (bioloog), Celien Vreuls (klinisch patholoog anatoom) en Jan-Luuk Hillebrands (medisch bioloog). De auteurs zijn of waren verbonden aan universiteiten in Nederland en Vlaanderen.  

The Jupiter Plague

by Harry Harrison

Unexpectedly, the long-lost first manned Jupiter probe has returned--but only a madman would have tried to land it at Kennedy International!The result is the biggest air disaster in history. And that's only the beginning: now comes THE JUPITER PLAGUE.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Jurisprudence as Ideology (Sociology of Law and Crime)

by Valerie Kerruish

In Jurisprudence as Ideology, Valerie Kerruish asks how it is that people who are put down, let down and kept down by law can be thought to have a general political obligation to obey it. She engages with contemporary issues in socialist, feminist and critical legal theory, and links these issues to debates in jurisprudence and the philosophy and sociology of law.

A Jurisprudence of the Body (Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies)

by Michael Thomson Chris Dietz Mitchell Travis

This book brings together a range of theoretical perspectives to consider fundamental questions of health law and the place of the body within it. Health, and more recently health law, has long been animated by discussions of particular bodies - whether they are disordered, diseased, or disabled - but each of these classificatory regimes claim some knowledge about the body. This edited collection aims to uncover and challenge the fundamental assumptions that underpin medico-legal knowledge claims about such bodies. This exploration is achieved through a mix of perspectives, but many contributors look towards embodiment as a perspective that understands bodies to be shaped by their institutional contexts. Much of this work alerts us to the idea that medical practitioners not only respond to healthcare issues, but also create them through their own understandings of ‘normality’ and ‘fixing’. Bodies, as a result, cannot be understood outside of, or as separate to, their medical and legal contexts. This compelling book pushes the possibility of new directions in health care and health justice.

Just a GP: Diaries from a Career in General Practice

by Denis Pereira Gray

‘With General Practice currently facing existential challenges, it is truly inspirational to be reminded what determined individuals, with a clear set of intensely human values, can achieve… This is the story of an extraordinary career during a profoundly important phase in the history of British medicine – someone who was justifiably proud to be “just a GP”.’Sir David Haslam CBE FRCGPPast President and Chairman of Council, Royal College of General PractitionersPast President, British Medical AssociationPast Chair, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)This autobiography from Sir Denis Pereira Gray offers a unique insight into the life and career of a hugely distinguished and influential general practitioner, from what led him to study medicine, learning his craft in the 1960s, through years of clinical practice and research to senior leadership roles within and outside the Royal College of General Practitioners.Through detailed diaries enlivened by wonderful anecdotes, both personal and professional, Sir Denis shares candidly with the reader a lifetime of experience gained and lessons learned, highly applicable today when general practice is facing many challenges and detractors.Both informative and inspirational, Just a GP is an essential read for many who have journeyed through the profession with Sir Denis and those who are in the midst of or contemplating a career in general practice today.

Just and Lasting Change: When Communities Own Their Futures

by Daniel C. Taylor Carl E. Taylor

The classic guide to transforming developing communities sustainably—and for the better.How can public health workers, policy experts, and medical professionals work with members of developing nations to promote social change in rapid, cost-effective, and locally appropriate ways? In Just and Lasting Change, Daniel C. and Carl E. Taylor present readers with an innovative, proven, and site-specific guide to helping communities thrive through growing their own change in partnership with experts, donors, and government.The Taylors built their decades-long careers by partnering with key thinkers to combat inequity, environmental degradation, and globalization. The SEED-SCALE model they describe enables people (wherever they might live) to transform their communities by analyzing their local context in relation to the global, taking appropriate actions based on their priorities and resources, and assessing what succeeding actions may be needed to continue making progress.Just and Lasting Change describes, step by step, how the SEED-SCALE model can be effectively implemented. Drawing from a variety of engaging personal experiences and case studies, this wide-ranging book describes early attempts to promote social development a century ago, as well as current efforts in South America, Africa, and Asia. It also reveals how community-based social change unfolded in America, spurred at different points by Abraham Lincoln's leadership style and the Green Bay Packers's ownership model, and presents readers with thematic global examples from the anti-smoking campaign, Green Revolution, Child Survival Revolution, and urban agriculture. The second edition of this pathbreaking handbook offers a hopeful description of how people have improved the quality of life in diverse communities around the world and is fully revised and updated with Five completely new chapters Thirteen years of scholarship and global evidence Contributions from leading international experts in community-based development and public health

Just and Lasting Change: When Communities Own Their Futures

by Daniel C. Taylor Carl E. Taylor

This revised and updated guide presents a proven method for policy and health professionals to promote community-based progress in developing nations. Daniel C. and Carl E. Taylor built their decades-long careers by partnering with key thinkers to combat inequity, environmental degradation, and globalization. Their innovative SEED-SCALE model enables people to transform their communities by analyzing their local context in relation to the global, taking appropriate actions based on their priorities and resources, and assessing what next steps may be needed for continuing progress.Just and Lasting Change describes, step by step, how the SEED-SCALE model can be effectively implemented. Drawing from a variety of personal experiences and case studies, the authors describe historical attempts to promote social development, as well as current efforts in South America, Africa, and Asia. This wide-ranging book touches on examples of community-based change from Abraham Lincoln&’s leadership style to the Green Bay Packers&’s ownership model. It also explores thematic global examples from the anti-smoking campaign, Green Revolution, Child Survival Revolution, and urban agriculture. This second edition is fully revised and updated with: Five completely new chapters Thirteen years of scholarship and global evidence New contributions from leading international experts in community-based development and public health

Just Care: Messy Entanglements of Disability, Dependency, and Desire (D/C: Dis/color)

by Akemi Nishida

Just Care is Akemi Nishida’s thoughtful examination of care injustice and social justice enabled through care. The current neoliberal political economy has turned care into a business opportunity for the healthcare industrial complex and a mechanism of social oppression and control. Nishida analyzes the challenges people negotiate whether they are situated as caregivers, receivers, or both. Also illuminated is how people with disabilities come together to assemble community care collectives and bed activism (resistance and visions emerging from the space of bed) to reimagine care as a key element for social change. The structure of care, Nishida writes, is deeply embedded in and embodies the cruel social order—based on disability, race, gender, migration status, and wealth—that determines who survives or deteriorates. Simultaneously, many marginalized communities treat care as the foundation of activism. Using interviews, focus groups, and participant observation with care workers and people with disabilities, Just Care looks into lives unfolding in the assemblage of Medicaid long-term care programs, community-based care collectives, and bed activism. Just Care identifies what care does, and asks: Are some people’s needs more sacred and urgent than others?

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