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The Knee Sourcebook

by Marc Darrow Laura O'Hare

This is a guide explaining the causes, symptoms, and treatments for common injuries and chronic conditions of the knee. It also makes clear what to do immediately after an injury to avoid more harm and discusses the benefits of remedy versus surgery.

Knee Surgery: The Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Total Knee Recovery

by Daniel Fulham O'Neill

In this age of same-day surgery and do-it-yourself health, Knee Surgery presents an easy-to-do, well-illustrated program of movement for knee rehabilitation - with a special focus on the mind/body connection - and describes the physical and mental rehabilitation process in complete detail, providing all the guidance you need to decrease pain and increase fitness after knee surgery. Millions of people have knee surgery each year, and in the years to come millions more will head to the O.R. Chances are, you or someone you know has had or will undergo knee surgery. Busy doctors, therapists, and athletic trainers have limited time to spend on quality physical and mental rehabilitation education, yet this is the key to full recovery.Written by renowned knee surgeon and Sport Psychologist Daniel F. O'Neill, M.D., Ed.D., this comprehensive and accessible guide presents what you'll want and need the most after knee surgery: a scientifically-based recovery program you can understand that will get you back to work and sports as quickly as possible.

Knee Surgery using Computer Assisted Surgery and Robotics

by Fabio Catani Stefano Zaffagnini

This book discusses the full range of current applications of computer-assisted surgery and robotics in the field of knee surgery, and also considers potential future applications. The impact of computer-assisted surgery on a wide range of surgical procedures is clearly explained. Procedures considered include total knee arthroplasty, unicompartmental knee arthroplasty, cruciate ligament reconstruction, patellofemoral arthroplasty, and revision surgery. In each case, technical aspects are thoroughly addressed in a readily understandable manner. Knee Surgery Using Computer-Assisted Surgery and Robotics will be an ideal guide to this exciting field for both novice and more experienced surgeons who treat knee injuries and disorders.

The Knife Man: Blood, Body Snatching, and the Birth of Modern Surgery

by Wendy Moore

The vivid, often gruesome portrait of the 18th century pioneering surgeon and father of modern medicine, John Hunter. In the gothic horror story, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, the house of the genial doctor turned fiend is reputedly based on the home of the 18th century surgeon and anatomist John Hunter. The choice was understandable, for Hunter combined an altruistic determination to advance scientific knowledge with dark dealings that brought him into daily contact with the sinister Georgian underworld. In 18th century London, Hunter was a man both acclaimed and feared. John Hunter revolutionized surgical practice through his groundbreaking experiments. Driven by an insatiable curiosity, he dissected thousands of human bodies, using the knowledge he gained to improve medical care for countless patients, including some very illustrious people, Joshua Reynolds and Lord Byron among them. He was appointed Surgeon Extraordinary to King George III. InThe Knife Man, Wendy Moore unveils a world characterized by hangings at the Tyburn Tree, by gruesome expeditions to dank churchyards, and by countless human dissections in attic rooms — large sums were paid to body-snatchers for stolen corpses which were delivered to his back door. Meticulously researched,The Knife Manis a fascinating portrait of a scientist determined to haul surgery out of the realm of superstition and into the dawn of modern medicine.

Knife Music: A Novel

by David Carnoy

Kristen Kroiter was sixteen, a high-school sophomore, when she was injured in a car accident. Dr. Ted Cogan had saved her life when he treated her in the ER six months ago-but now police detectives were questioning Cogan about her, in intimate detail. What was going on? What had she told them? That's just it, the cops said. She hadn't told them anything. She had died. Looked like a suicide. And Cogan was in a heap of trouble. Tense and twisting, Knife Music is the story of a doctor struggling to clear his name after being accused of raping and causing the suicide of a young girl. The novel pits Cogan, a forty-three-year- old surgeon and self-described womanizer, against Hank Madden, a handicapped veteran detective. From the outset it's not clear who is victim and who is victimizer, as the usually dispassionate. Madden grapples with his long- suppressed prejudices and his obsession with bringing Ted Cogan to justice at any cost. It all leads up to the most stunning surprise ending since Scott Turow's Presumed Innocent.

A Knight for Nurse Hart

by Laura Iding

Nurse Raine Hart has a painful secret, and the one man she wants to keep it from is the only person she can tell--her ex, Dr. Caleb StewartRaine and Caleb dated for two wonderful months--bliss that ended only when Caleb couldn't unlock his brooding heart. He wanted to be with Raine, but something deep inside just wouldn't let him. Now Caleb wants another chance, but he can see something has changed Raine. She's hiding a secret that has hurt her more than Caleb knows. But Caleb is a man of strength, and he's changed, too. He just needs to prove to Raine that he's a man a woman can rely on--no matter what. If anyone can give her the happiness she truly deserves, it's him.

Knight's Forensic Pathology

by Pekka Saukko Bernard Knight

The fourth edition of Knight's Forensic Pathology continues to be the definitive international resource for those in training and in practice, covering all aspects of the medico-legal autopsy, including the cause and time of death, interpretation of wounds and every other facet of the investigation of a fatality.The contents are intended to lead th

Knochenmarködem: Formen, Pathogenese, Diagnose und Therapie

by Reiner Bartl Christoph Bartl Harald Marcel Bonél Emmo von Tresckow

Heute kann die Diagnose eines Knochenmarködems (KMÖ) nicht mehr als eine „gutartige, selbstlimitierende Erkrankung“ eingestuft werden. Vielmehr wird das KMÖ-Syndrom als Warnsignal für den möglichen Übergang in langwierige, schmerzhafte Erkrankungen (z.B. CRPS) oder gar in eine Osteonekrose mit der Konsequenz einer endoprothetischen Versorgung angesehen. Einer klinisch/radiologisch orientierten Klassifikation des lokalen KMÖ mittels MRT kommt daher besondere prognostische Bedeutung zu. Während früher eine Anbohrung des ödematösen Bezirkes als „Mittel der Wahl“ galt, stehen heute effektive Medikamente, biophysikalische Verfahren und Kombinationstherapien zur Verfügung, die zu einer Ausheilung des Ödems und auch der zugrundeliegenden Erkrankung führen.Die vier Autoren des Buches Knochenmarködem haben bei der Abhandlung der klinischen Fächer, die mit der Diagnose und Therapie eines KMÖs konfrontiert sind, großen Wert auf eine multidisziplinäre Betrachtung gelegt. Beteiligte Fachdisziplinen wie Innere Medizin, Hämatologie und Onkologie, Osteologie, Orthopädie, Traumatologie und Sportmedizin sowie Radiologie und Pharmakologie werden fachkundig abgedeckt.

Knocking on Heaven's Door: The Path to a Better Way of Death

by Katy Butler

An exquisitely written, expertly reported memoir and exposé of modern medicine that leads the way to more humane, less invasive end-of-life care--based on the author's acclaimed New York Times Magazine piece. This is the story of one daughter's struggle to allow her parents the peaceful, natural deaths they wanted--and to investigate the larger forces in medicine that stood in the way. When doctors refused to disable the pacemaker that caused her eighty-four-year-old father's heart to outlive his brain, Katy Butler, an award-winning science writer, embarked on a quest to understand why modern medicine was depriving him of a humane, timely death. After his lingering death, Katy's mother, nearly broken by years of nonstop caregiving, defied her doctors, refused open-heart surgery, and insisted on facing death the old-fashioned way: bravely, lucidly, and head on. Against this backdrop of familial love, wrenching moral choices, and redemption, Knocking on Heaven's Door celebrates the inventors of the 1950s who cobbled together lifesaving machines like the pacemaker--and it exposes the tangled marriage of technology, medicine, and commerce that gave us a modern way of death: more painful, expensive, and prolonged than ever before. Caring for declining parents is a reality facing millions who may someday tell a doctor: "Let my parent go." A riveting exploration of the forgotten art of dying, Knocking on Heaven's Door empowers readers to create new rites of passage to the "Good Deaths" our ancestors so prized. Like Jessica Mitford's The American Way of Death and How We Die by Sherwin Nuland, it is sure to cause controversy and open minds.

Knots: A Realistic Novel In Collage (Selected Works of R D Laing #Vol. 7)

by RD Laing

Originally published in 1970, Knots consists of a series of dialogue-scenarios that can be read as poems or brief plays, each complete in itself. Each chapter describes a different kind of relationship: the "knots" of the title: bonds of love, dependency, uncertainty, jealousy. The dialogues could be those between lovers, between parents and children, between analysts and patients or all of these merged together. Each brilliantly demonstrates Laing's insights into the intricacies of human relationships.

Knots in Orthopedic Surgery: Open And Arthroscopic Techniques

by Umut Akgun Mustafa Karahan Pietro S. Randelli João Espregueira-Mendes

This well-illustrated book presents the state of the art in suture materials and provides clear, step-by-step guidance on how to tie the most frequently used knots. The opening section addresses terminological issues and describes how the biological and mechanical properties of suture materials may impact on healing potential. The basics of knot biomechanics are explained, highlighting the risk of failure of knots and sutures if their capacities are exceeded. Subsequent sections give precise instructions on the tying techniques for the various open and arthroscopic knots, including the square knot, the surgeon’s knot, half hitches, and sliding and non-sliding knots. The special instruments available to facilitate the tying of arthroscopic knots are thoroughly discussed, equipping the surgeon with the knowledge required to ensure optimal handling of the soft tissues and manipulation of sutures in arthroscopic surgery. A literature review on suture materials and arthroscopic knots completes the coverage. This book is published in cooperation with ESSKA. It will be a valuable instruction manual for surgeons in training and will supply more experienced surgeons with an excellent update that will further enhance their practice.

Knotted Tongues: Stuttering in History and the Quest for a Cure

by Benson Bobrick

Two and a half million Americans - fifty-five million people worldwide - stutter. Though their baffling malady has been subjected to endless analysis for over 2,500 years, most endure it without hope of a cure. The very anticipation of stuttering can dominate a victim's social and emotional life. If the majority suffer in anonymity, famous figures down through the ages - Moses, Charles I, Lewis Carroll, Henry James, W. Somerset Maugham, Winston Churchill, and Marilyn Monroe among them - have also known the isolation and trauma of living with knotted tongues. Indeed, Charles Dickens once aptly described stuttering as "a barrier by which the sufferer feels that the world without is separated from the world within.". In this fascinating and original social history, which combines literary scholarship with historical research, Benson Bobrick explores one of the great conundrums of medical history, its impact on the lives of the afflicted, and the astonishing therapeutic practices it has spawned. Demosthenes was obliged to labor up steep inclines with lead plates strapped to his chest and to declaim over the roar of the ocean with pebbles in his mouth; one 16th-century Italian physician prescribed nosedrops combining beetroot and coriander to help "dehumidify" the brain; and a Native American tribe had stutterers spit through a hole in a board "to get the devil out of their throats.". At one time or another, stuttering has been popularly traced to childhood trauma; sibling rivalry; suppressed anger; infantile sexual fixations; deformations of the tongue, lips, or jaw; chemical imbalance; strict upbringing; vicious habit; guilt; approach-avoidance conflicts; and so on, and has been treated by hypnosis, drugs, conditioning, electric shock, and of course, psychoanalysis. Mounting clinical evidence today, however, indicates that stuttering is a neurological problem, possibly involving anomalies of sound transmission through the skull. Genetic research suggests a familial link. While a definitive cure remains elusive, certain therapeutic techniques are effective, as the author explains in a compelling account of his own successful quest for deliverance

The Know-How of Face Transplantation

by Maria Z. Siemionow

The book is laid out in 6 sections:1. Preclinical Approaches to Face Transplantation2. Clinical Aspects in Preparation to Face Transplantation in Humans3. Approval Process of Face Transplantation in Humans4. Social and Public Relations in Face Transplantation5. World Experience with Face Transplantation in Humans6. Future Directions in Face TransplantationThis book spans the entire process of a face transplantation, from detailing the anatomy of the face to considering the social and ethical challenges of the procedure. This rigorous presentation of face transplantation also includes the anesthesia involved, the role of Institutional Review Boards in approving the operation, the financial aspects and media response. Since the authorship is international, the book considers the different perspectives, approaches and responses from across the world.

The Know-How of Face Transplantation

by Maria Z. Siemionow

The book is laid out in 6 sections: 1. Preclinical Approaches to Face Transplantation 2. Clinical Aspects in Preparation to Face Transplantation in Humans 3. Approval Process of Face Transplantation in Humans 4. Social and Public Relations in Face Transplantation 5. World Experience with Face Transplantation in Humans 6. Future Directions in Face Transplantation This book spans the entire process of a face transplantation, from detailing the anatomy of the face to considering the social and ethical challenges of the procedure. This rigorous presentation of face transplantation also includes the anesthesia involved, the role of Institutional Review Boards in approving the operation, the financial aspects and media response. Since the authorship is international, the book considers the different perspectives, approaches and responses from across the world.

The Know-It-Alls: The Rise of Silicon Valley as a Political Powerhouse and Social Wrecking Ball

by Noam Cohen

The world&’s tech giants are at the centre of controversies over fake news, free speech and hate speech on platforms where influence is bought and sold. Yet, at the outset, almost everyone thought the internet would be a positive, democratic force, a space where knowledge could be freely shared to enable everyone to make better-informed decisions. How did it all go so wrong? Noam Cohen reports on the tech libertarians of Silicon Valley, from the self-proclaimed geniuses Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, Reid Hoffman and Mark Zuckerberg to the early pioneers at Stanford University, who have not only made the internet what it is today but reshaped society in the process. It is the story of how the greed, bias and prejudice of one neighbourhood is fracturing the Western world.

Know Your Blood, Know Your Health: Prevent Disease and Enjoy Vibrant Health through Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis

by Kristin Grayce McGary

A guide to accurate, individualized blood test analysis for improving personal health and avoiding disease • Explains the differences between conventional lab reference ranges for blood tests and functional analysis and why the difference is important to your health • Reveals what healthy blood should look like and the critical markers that signal the very beginnings of a health problem, including thyroid dysfunction and inflammation • Provides recommendations for bringing blood markers back to an optimal healthy range through diet and supplementation Your blood holds the clues you need to maintain vibrant health. Yet a standard blood lab panel--the most widely used diagnostic tool in Western medicine--may not reveal subclinical imbalances or the earliest beginnings of disease. Your lab work results may come back &“normal,&” even though you have lingering symptoms of allergies, pain, headaches, fatigue, inflammation, depression, food cravings, PMS, or gas and bloating. This is because the reference ranges, to which you are being compared, are gathered from sources such as textbooks, averages based on outdated guess-work, or a small number of people who aren&’t even well. You could be a tenth of a point away from a disease pattern, but diagnostic protocol won&’t sound the alarm until you are &“lab high&” on a particular test. In Know Your Blood, Know Your Health, Kristin Grayce McGary explains the benefits of a Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA), which looks at far more markers than standard blood tests and interprets your results against healthy ranges. Using real-life stories and examples, the author explains the basics of healthy blood and how a functional blood test provides a baseline for personal health and a powerful tool for disease prevention. You will learn what is meant by a standard Complete Blood Count (CBC), find clues to strengthen your immune system, and discover which markers indicate inflammation. McGary details what different reference ranges mean and highlights the importance of a full thyroid panel for women. She reveals how health issues such as insulin resistance, high cholesterol, and anemia have specific patterns in blood chemistry. She also provides recommendations for bringing markers back to an optimal healthy range through diet and supplementation and offers a road map to using your unique blood chemistry to design a customized healthcare plan to optimize your health.

Know Your Remedies: Pharmacy and Culture in Early Modern China

by He Bian

A cultural history of the concept of pharmacy, both the material nature of drugs and the trade in medicine, in early modern China Know Your Remedies presents a panoramic inquiry into China’s early modern cultural transformation through the lens of pharmacy. In the history of science and civilization in China, pharmacy—as a commercial enterprise and as a branch of classical medicine—resists easy characterization. While China’s long tradition of documenting the natural world through state-commissioned pharmacopeias, known as bencao, dwindled after the sixteenth century, the ubiquitous presence of Chinese pharmacy shops around the world today testifies to the vitality of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Rejecting narratives of intellectual stagnation or an unchanging folk culture, He Bian argues that pharmacy’s history in early modern China can best be understood as a dynamic interplay between elite and popular culture.Beginning with decentralizing trends in book culture and fiscal policy in the sixteenth century, Bian reveals pharmacy’s central role in late Ming public discourse. Fueled by factional politics in the early 1600s, amateur investigation into pharmacology reached peak popularity among the literati on the eve of the Qing conquest in the mid-seventeenth century. The eighteenth century witnessed a systematic reclassification of knowledge, as the Qing court turned away from pharmacopeia in favor of a demedicalized natural history. Throughout this time, growth in long-distance trade enabled the rise of urban pharmacy shops, generating new knowledge about the natural world.Bringing together a wealth of primary sources, Know Your Remedies makes an essential contribution to the study of Chinese history and the history of medicine.

Know Yourself: The Individual's Guide to Career Development in Healthcare

by Anita Houghton

If you work through this book I can guarantee that by the end of it two things will have happened - you will be in a much better position to plan and execute your future career and you will feel a lot better than you do now This user-friendly guide will help health professionals take control of their careers. By involving the reader in a personal journey of positive reflection the book focuses on abilities enjoyment and personal satisfaction in the workplace then based on this new-found knowledge offers advice on practical ways forward. Know Yourself is unique in using two types of therapeutic approaches to self-development; understanding the relationship between job satisfaction and personality type based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and understanding how both external indicators and internal thought patterns contribute to career problems using the principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Every healthcare professional who may be dissatisfied with some aspects of their work or work/life balance and will find this book inspirational and potentially life changing. It will also be of use to career advisors and counsellors.

Knowing Practice: The Clinical Encounter of Chinese Medicine (Studies in the Ethnographic Imagination)

by Judith Farquhar

This book examines the theory and practice of traditional medicine in modern China. Farquhar describes the logic of diagnosis and treatment from the inside perspective of doctors and scholars. She demonstrates how theoretical and textual materials interweave with the practical requirements of the clinic. By showing how Chinese medical choices are made, she considers problems of agency in relation to different forms of knowledge. Knowing Practice will be of value not only to anthropologists interested in medical practice but also to historians and sociologists interested in the social life of technical expertise and traditional teachings.

Knowing what Works in Health Care: A Roadmap for the Nation

by Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

There is currently heightened interest in optimizing health care through the generation of new knowledge on the effectiveness of health care services. The United States must substantially strengthen its capacity for assessing evidence on what is known and not known about "what works" in health care. Even the most sophisticated clinicians and consumers struggle to learn which care is appropriate and under what circumstances. Knowing What Works in Health Care looks at the three fundamental health care issues in the United States--setting priorities for evidence assessment, assessing evidence (systematic review), and developing evidence-based clinical practice guidelines--and how each of these contributes to the end goal of effective, practical health care systems. This book provides an overall vision and roadmap for improving how the nation uses scientific evidence to identify the most effective clinical services. Knowing What Works in Health Care gives private and public sector firms, consumers, health care professionals, benefit administrators, and others the authoritative, independent information required for making essential informed health care decisions.

The Knowledge: Your guide to female health – from menstruation to the menopause

by Dr Nighat Arif

THE ESSENTIAL WOMEN'S HEALTH BIBLECelebrated GP Dr Nighat Arif brings women's health to the forefront in this extensive guidebook designed to help everyone better understand each of the three key stages of a woman's life: the puberty years, the fertility years and the peri/menopausal years. Every step of the way, Dr Nighat will help you get to know the female body by explaining what is normal, what to expect, how to care for yourself and when to seek help. This book tackles many important topics: from the help available for people with conditions like endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome to the symptoms of heart disease to look out for in women.The Knowledge is for everyone - and this book encompasses all experiences, including the perspectives of women of colour, people of all abilities and cultures, and the transgender community to ensure that all groups affected by female health concerns are a part of vital conversations. This is a life-saving book for all genders, ages and communities. From the young preteen hoping to understand their first period, to the couple experiencing fertility issues, to the single father raising teenage daughters, to the person unknowingly experiencing early signs of gynaecological cancer: this book is an indispensable asset for us all.

The Knowledge: Your guide to female health – from menstruation to the menopause

by Dr Nighat Arif

THE ESSENTIAL WOMEN'S HEALTH BIBLECelebrated GP Dr Nighat Arif brings women's health to the forefront in this extensive guidebook designed to help everyone better understand each of the three key stages of a woman's life: the puberty years, the fertility years and the peri/menopausal years. Every step of the way, Dr Nighat will help you get to know the female body by explaining what is normal, what to expect, how to care for yourself and when to seek help. This book tackles many important topics: from the help available for people with conditions like endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome to the symptoms of heart disease to look out for in women.The Knowledge is for everyone - and this book encompasses all experiences, including the perspectives of women of colour, people of all abilities and cultures, and the transgender community to ensure that all groups affected by female health concerns are a part of vital conversations. This is a life-saving book for all genders, ages and communities. From the young preteen hoping to understand their first period, to the couple experiencing fertility issues, to the single father raising teenage daughters, to the person unknowingly experiencing early signs of gynaecological cancer: this book is an indispensable asset for us all.

Knowledge-Based Bioinformatics

by Gil Alterovitz Marco Ramoni

There is an increasing need throughout the biomedical sciences for a greater understanding of knowledge-based systems and their application to genomic and proteomic research. This book discusses knowledge-based and statistical approaches, along with applications in bioinformatics and systems biology. The text emphasizes the integration of different methods for analysing and interpreting biomedical data. This, in turn, can lead to breakthrough biomolecular discoveries, with applications in personalized medicine.Key Features:Explores the fundamentals and applications of knowledge-based and statistical approaches in bioinformatics and systems biology.Helps readers to interpret genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic data in understanding complex biological molecules and their interactions.Provides useful guidance on dealing with large datasets in knowledge bases, a common issue in bioinformatics.Written by leading international experts in this field.Students, researchers, and industry professionals with a background in biomedical sciences, mathematics, statistics, or computer science will benefit from this book. It will also be useful for readers worldwide who want to master the application of bioinformatics to real-world situations and understand biological problems that motivate algorithms.

Knowledge-Driven Board-Level Functional Fault Diagnosis

by Fangming Ye Zhaobo Zhang Krishnendu Chakrabarty Xinli Gu

This book provides a comprehensive set of characterization, prediction, optimization, evaluation, and evolution techniques for a diagnosis system for fault isolation in large electronic systems. Readers with a background in electronics design or system engineering can use this book as a reference to derive insightful knowledge from data analysis and use this knowledge as guidance for designing reasoning-based diagnosis systems. Moreover, readers with a background in statistics or data analytics can use this book as a practical case study for adapting data mining and machine learning techniques to electronic system design and diagnosis. This book identifies the key challenges in reasoning-based, board-level diagnosis system design and presents the solutions and corresponding results that have emerged from leading-edge research in this domain. It covers topics ranging from highly accurate fault isolation, adaptive fault isolation, diagnosis-system robustness assessment, to system performance analysis and evaluation, knowledge discovery and knowledge transfer. With its emphasis on the above topics, the book provides an in-depth and broad view of reasoning-based fault diagnosis system design. * Explains and applies optimized techniques from the machine-learning domain to solve the fault diagnosis problem in the realm of electronic system design and manufacturing; * Demonstrates techniques based on industrial data and feedback from an actual manufacturing li≠ * Discusses practical problems, including diagnosis accuracy, diagnosis time cost, evaluation of diagnosis system, handling of missing syndromes in diagnosis, and need for fast diagnosis-system development.

Knowledge in the Time of Cholera: The Struggle Over American Medicine in the Nineteenth Century

by Owen Whooley

Vomiting. Diarrhea. Dehydration. Death. Confusion. In 1832, the arrival of cholera in the United States created widespread panic throughout the country. For the rest of the century, epidemics swept through American cities and towns like wildfire, killing thousands. Physicians of all stripes offered conflicting answers to the cholera puzzle, ineffectively responding with opiates, bleeding, quarantines, and all manner of remedies, before the identity of the dreaded infection was consolidated under the germ theory of disease some sixty years later. These cholera outbreaks raised fundamental questions about medical knowledge and its legitimacy, giving fuel to alternative medical sects that used the confusion of the epidemic to challenge both medical orthodoxy and the authority of the still-new American Medical Association. In Knowledge in the Time of Cholera, Owen Whooley tells us the story of those dark days, centering his narrative on rivalries between medical and homeopathic practitioners and bringing to life the battle to control public understanding of disease, professional power, and democratic governance in nineteenth-century America.

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