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Large-Scale Organizational Change: An Executive's Guide

by Christopher Laszlo Jean Francois Laugel

Large Scale Organizational Change provides the principles by which large scale organizations reinvent themselves not once, but on an ongoing basis. Continual reinvention allows leading companies to learn, adapt, and innovate faster than competitors in complex and fast changing environments. These action principles are based on first-hand experience at the world's leading Fortune 500 companies using emergent models of living systems.The context for large scale organizations is one of information overload, complexity and constant change. This book reduces the sense of vulnerability felt by managers. It provides a guide to piloting change in ways that lead to constant renewal and a capacity to survive frequent and often brutal changes in the operating environment. It describes a leadership concerned with the capacity to learn, inflection points, emergent strategies, knowledge management, the ability to anticipate, and tapping into the distributed intelligence resident in the organization. Large Scale Organizational Change provides managers with a framework for making their organizations highly adaptive in the complex market systems in which they operate, thereby reducing or eliminating the need for periodic episodes of traumatic restructuring and sometimes fatal reengineering processes.

Large-Scale Quantum-Mechanical Enzymology

by Greg Lever

This work establishes linear-scaling density-functional theory (DFT) as a powerful tool for understanding enzyme catalysis, one that can complement quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) and molecular dynamics simulations. The thesis reviews benchmark studies demonstrating techniques capable of simulating entire enzymes at the ab initio quantum-mechanical level of accuracy. DFT has transformed the physical sciences by allowing researchers to perform parameter-free quantum-mechanical calculations to predict a broad range of physical and chemical properties of materials. In principle, similar methods could be applied to biological problems. However, even the simplest biological systems contain many thousands of atoms and are characterized by extremely complex configuration spaces associated with a vast number of degrees of freedom. The development of linear-scaling density-functional codes makes biological molecules accessible to quantum-mechanical calculation, but has yet to resolve the complexity of the phase space. Furthermore, these calculations on systems containing up to 2,000 atoms can capture contributions to the energy that are not accounted for in QM/MM methods (for which the Nobel prize in Chemistry was awarded in 2013) and the results presented here reveal profound shortcomings in said methods.

Large Simple Trials and Knowledge Generation in a Learning Health System

by Board on Health Sciences Policy Roundtable on Value and Science-Driven Health Care Claudia Grossmann Institute of Medicine Julia Sanders Rebecca A. English Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation

Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) are often referred to as the "gold standard" of clinical research. However, in its current state, the U.S. clinical trials enterprise faces substantial challenges to the efficient and effective conduct of research. Streamlined approaches to RCTs, such as large simple trials (LSTs), may provide opportunities for progress on these challenges. Clinical trials support the development of new medical products and the evaluation of existing products by generating knowledge about safety and efficacy in pre- and post-marketing settings and serve to inform medical decision making and medical product development. Although well-designed and -implemented clinical trials can provide robust evidence, a gap exists between the evidence needs of a continuously learning health system, in which all medical decisions are based on the best available evidence, and the reality, in which the generation of timely and practical evidence faces significant barriers. Large Simple Trials and Knowledge Generation in a Learning Health System is the summary of a workshop convened by the Institute of Medicine's Roundtable on Value & Science-Driven Health Care and the Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation. Experts from a wide range of disciplines--including health information technology, research funding, clinical research methods, statistics, patients, product development, medical product regulation, and clinical outcomes research--met to marshal a better understanding of the issues, options, and approaches to accelerating the use of LSTs. This publication summarizes discussions on the potential of LSTs to improve the speed and practicality of knowledge generation for medical decision making and medical product development, including efficacy and effectiveness assessments, in a continuously learning health system. Large Simple Trials and Knowledge Generation in a Learning Health System explores acceleration of the use of LSTs to improve the speed and practicality of knowledge generation for medical decision making and medical product development; considers the concepts of LST design, examples of successful LSTs, the relative advantages of LSTs, and the infrastructure needed to build LST capacity as a routine function of care; identifies structural, cultural, and regulatory barriers hindering the development of an enhanced LST capacity; discusses needs and strategies in building public demand for and participation in LSTs; and considers near-term strategies for accelerating progress in the uptake of LSTs in the United States.

Laron Syndrome - From Man to Mouse

by Zvi Laron J. Kopchick

Laron syndrome (LS), or primary growth hormone (GH) insensitivity, was first described in 1966. Since then, many patients worldwide have been diagnosed with LS, which involves defects in the GH receptor that cause combined congenital deficiency of GH and IGF-I activities. In this comprehensive book the authors draw upon 50 years of multidisciplinary clinical and investigative follow-up of the large Israeli cohort of LS patients. The genetic basis of the syndrome is fully considered, and all aspects of the pathophysiology of IGF-I deficiency are described. Data derived from the recently generated mouse model of LS are reviewed and compared with the human LS experience. Valuable advice is provided on treatment, and treatment effects, such as metabolic effects, adipose tissue alterations, and impact on aging, are fully explored. Together, this book condenses, consolidates, compares, and contrasts data derived from the human and mouse LS experiences and provides a unique resource for clinical and basic scientists to evaluate and compare IGF-I and GH actions.

Larone's Medically Important Fungi: A Guide to Identification (ASM Books)

by Randall T. Hayden Thomas J. Walsh Davise H. Larone

The definitive guide for identifying fungi from clinical specimens Medically Important Fungi will expand your knowledge and support your work by: Providing detailed descriptions of the major mycoses as viewed in patients' specimens by direct microscopic examination of stained slides Offering a logical step-by-step process for identification of cultured organisms, utilizing detailed descriptions, images, pointers on organisms' similarities and distinctions, and selected references for further information Covering nearly 150 of the fungi most commonly encountered in the clinical mycology laboratory Presenting details on each organism's pathogenicity, growth characteristics, relevant biochemical reactions, and microscopic morphology, illustrated with photomicrographs, Dr. Larone's unique and elegant drawings, and color photos of colony morphology and various test results Explaining the current changes in fungal taxonomy and nomenclature that are due to information acquired through molecular taxonomic studies of evolutionary fungal relationships Providing basic information on molecular diagnostic methods, e.g., PCR amplification, nucleic acid sequencing, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, and other commercial platforms Including an extensive section of easy-to-follow lab protocols, a comprehensive list of media and stain procedures, guidance on collection and preparation of patient specimens, and an illustrated glossary With Larone's Medically Important Fungi: A Guide to Identification, both novices and experienced professionals in clinical microbiology laboratories can continue to confidently identify commonly encountered fungi.

Larone's Medically Important Fungi: A Guide to Identification (Asm Bks.)

by Gary W. Procop Lars F. Westblade Eileen M. Burd Shawn R. Lockhart

Larone’s MEDICALLY IMPORTANT FUNGI The definitive guide for identifying fungi from clinical specimens With a new team of authors, Larone’s Medically Important Fungi, Seventh Edition, continues the longstanding tradition of high-quality content to expand your knowledge and support your work in clinical mycology by: Providing detailed descriptions of the major mycoses as viewed in patients’ specimens by direct microscopic examination of stained slidesOffering a logical step-by-step process for identification of cultured organisms, utilizing detailed descriptions, images, pointers on organisms’ similarities and distinctions, and selected references for further informationCovering more than 150 of the fungi most commonly encountered in the clinical mycology laboratory, including new entries for Emergomyces, Metarhizium anisopliae, Rasamsonia argillacea, Rhinocladiella mackenziei, Schizophyllum commune, and Thermothelomyces thermophilusPresenting details on each organism’s pathogenicity, growth characteristics, relevant biochemical reactions, and microscopic morphology, illustrated with photomicrographs, unique and elegant drawings, and color photos of colony morphology and various test resultsExplaining changes in fungal taxonomy and nomenclature that are due to information acquired through molecular taxonomic studies of evolutionary fungal relationshipsProviding basic information on molecular diagnostic methods, e.g., nucleic acid amplification and sequencing, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, and other commercial platformsIncluding an extensive section of easy-to-follow lab protocols, a comprehensive list of media and stain procedures, guidance on collection and preparation of patient specimens, and an illustrated glossary With Larone’s Medically Important Fungi: A Guide to Identification, both novices and experienced professionals in clinical microbiology laboratories can confidently identify commonly encountered fungi.

Larsens Anästhesie und Intensivmedizin für die Fachpflege: Plus: kostenfreier Zugang zum E-Learning-Modul

by Reinhard Larsen Tobias Fink Tilmann Müller-Wolff

Mit dem „Larsen“ haben Sie das Standard-Lehrbuch in der Hand, das Sie durch die Fachweiterbildung und in der Praxis begleitet! Alle Inhalte systematisch aufbereitet, verständlich und nachvollziehbar erklärt, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen und Tabellen ergänzt. Praxisnahe Tipps für den Umgang mit dem Patienten, aktuelle Literatur für Wissbegierige und ein übersichtliches Glossar machen das Werk besonders praxistauglich.Aus dem InhaltGrundlagen und Verfahren in der Anästhesie und Anästhesiepflege Postoperative VersorgungGrundlagen der Intensivmedizin und IntensivpflegeLunge, Atmung, Beatmung, WeaningHerz-Kreislauf-Funktion und ihre StörungenNiere, Wasser-Elektrolyt- und Säure-Basen-HaushaltSpezielle Intensivmedizin in den verschiedenen FachgebietenDie 10. Auflage, nun unter interprofessioneller Herausgeberschaft. Komplett aktualisiert und um folgende Themen erweitert: Anästhesie in der Gynäkologie und bei geriatrischen Patienten, innerklinische Reanimation, spezielle Intensivpflege, Intensivbehandlung der Covid-19-Krankheit. Ein Muss für alle Pflegekräfte auf Intensivstation oder in der Anästhesie, Fachweiterbildungsteilnehmer und Lehrkräfte. Auch für Ärzte zum Lernen und Lehren ein bewährtes Nachschlagewerk! Plus: kostenfreier Zugang zum E-Learning-Modul mit Fragen und Antworten!

Laryngeal Cancer: An Interdisciplinary Resource for Practitioners

by Jennifer Campion Friberg Lisa Vinney

Laryngeal cancer is a complex medical condition, and its treatments, both surgical and nonsurgical, typically affect a variety of life functions. These complex consequences of laryngeal cancer necessitate that many different medical specialties work together as a cohesive, collaborative care team to support patients and their caregivers/families.Despite the interdisciplinary treatment that laryngeal cancer requires, many resources offer the perspective of only one specific profession. Laryngeal Cancer: An Interdisciplinary Resource for Practitioners caters to the team approach that is needed to provide patients with evidence-based treatment and maximize outcomes.To fill this need for an interdisciplinary text, Drs. Jennifer Campion Friberg and Lisa Vinney bring together a wide range of medical professionals to represent their unique perspectives on the treatment of patients with laryngeal cancer. Each chapter addresses a different critical aspect of the interdisciplinary care and how they impact the other aspects, written by experts in each field.Sample Chapters Include: Medical and Surgical Diagnosis Airway and Respiratory Challenges Nutrition and Swallowing Challenges Psychosocial Care of the Patient Bonus! A supplemental website is available for healthcare providers to share with their laryngeal cancer patients and their caregivers/families. This resource provides critical information about all aspects of their care and treatment, presented in a simple, digestible way for the layperson to understand.When the whole team of health care professionals involved in laryngeal cancer management understands the big picture of care, they can tailor individual treatment priorities to the needs of each unique patient and maximize quality of life. Because of this, Laryngeal Cancer: An Interdisciplinary Resource for Practitioners is designed to be a comprehensive guide for any professional involved in the many facets of interdisciplinary care for patients with laryngeal cancer.

Laryngektomie: Von der Stimmlosigkeit zur Stimme (Praxiswissen Logopädie)

by Mechthild Glunz Cornelia Reuß Eugen Schmitz Hanne Stappert

Das Lehr- und Fachbuch zur Stimmrehabilitation nach einer Kehlkopfresektion vermittelt einerseits die Grundlagen (Anatomie, Ätiologie, Klinik von Kehlkopftumoren, medizinische Therapie, prä- und postoperative Behandlung, Therapieaufbau in der Stimmrehabilitation), andererseits das notwendige Praxiswissen in Form von Therapiebausteinen. Für die 2. Auflage wurde u.a. ein Kapitel zur Umsetzung der Internationalen Klassifikation (ICF) und Informationen über pathogenetische Faktoren und Operationstechniken ergänzt. Arbeitsmaterialien sowie Video- und Audiobeispiele zu Behandlungsmaßnahmen sind im Internet als Download erhältlich.

Laryngopharyngeal and Gastroesophageal Reflux: A Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment, and Diet-Based Approaches

by Craig H. Zalvan

This text comprehensively reviews the current state of the art in Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) together with a comprehensive explanation and description of the known gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) literature. With chapters written by experts from around the world, this text aims to deliver what is current in reflux recognition, diagnosis, reflux related complications, and the various treatment modalities. This is the first textbook to combine the most up to date knowledge of both LPR and GERD meant for both specialties and the general medicine population. Completely unique to the reflux literature is a section detailing the substantial benefits of a mostly plant based, Mediterranean style diet in the treatment of reflux disease. Encouraging patients to read and learn about diet and health is likely the most important step in improving their disease. The text provides direction to the caregiver on how to transition to a mostly plant-based diet. Review of myths, effects of diet in the setting of other disease states, and dietary consequences are explained. Guidelines on how to transition diet, dining out while maintaining a plant-based diet, and how to wean off medication, such as PPI, are also provided.Laryngopharyngeal and Gastroesophageal Reflux: A Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosis Treatment, and Diet-Based Approaches will provide the medical community with a resource to understand, teach, and provide the latest in LPR and GERD information to the caregiver and subsequently the patient.

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease: Integrative Approaches

by Nausheen Jamal Marilene B. Wang

This comprehensive text provides the reader with an in-depth understanding of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR), and presents a practical and readable evidence-based approach to the diagnosis and management of patients with this condition. It highlights options for management of those patients who fail to improve with traditional reflux treatment and assists in determining the next steps in the management of this population. Information is presented from an inter-disciplinary perspective, including input by otolaryngology, gastroenterology, speech pathology, and complementary/integrative medicine.The first section of the book is dedicated to understanding the fundamentals of laryngopharyngeal reflux as a condition. It begins with a review of the fundamental anatomy and pathophysiology of LPR and summarizes the landmark and most recent advances in the scientific understanding of this condition. Subsequent chapters delve into the typical symptoms and clinical presentations of patients, with information provided on cost-effective work-up strategies to confirm the diagnosis. The second section focuses on management of this condition. It begins with a thorough review of traditional medical management, including use of proton pump inhibitors, histamine receptor antagonists, neutralizing agents, low acid diet, alkalinizing agents, and alginates. Surgical management is reviewed as well, including partial and full fundoplication operations. It concludes with “non-traditional” treatment options for LPR, with chapters dedicated to voice therapy, probiotics, herbal therapies, and integrative East-West medicine approaches. Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease will be a definitive guide for otolaryngologists, gastroenterologists, speech pathologists, and general physicians with an interest in traditional and complementary/integrative treatments for patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux.

Laser and IPL Technology in Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine

by Syrus Karsai Christian Raulin

The editors have gathered 15 laser experts from the United States, Europe and Asia to present the most up to date information in cutaneous laser surgery and intense pulsed light technologies. This innovative book describes new laser techniques (laserlipolysis, fractional photothermolysis, among others) and provides expert guidance on using lasers successfully in over 80 clinical indications.

Laser Capture Microdissection

by Graeme I. Murray

Laser microdissection techniques have revolutionized the ability of researchers in general, and pathologists in particular, to carry out molecular analysis on specific types of normal and diseased cells and to fully utilize the power of current molecular technologies including PCR, microarrays, and proteomics. In second edition of Laser Capture Microdissection: Methods and Protocols, experts in the field provide the reader with practical advice on how to carry out tissue-based laser microdissection successfully in their own laboratory using the different laser microdissection systems that are available and to apply a wide range of molecular technologies. The individual chapters encompass detailed descriptions of the individual laser based micro-dissection systems. The downstream applications of the laser microdissected tissue described in the book include PCR in its many different forms as well as gene expression analysis including application to microarrays and proteomics. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Laser Capture Microdissection: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition is an ideal resource for researchers striving to move forward our understanding of normal physiology and pathology.

Laser Dentistry: Current Clinical Applications

by WFLD World Federation for Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry: Current Clinical Applications by the World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD) is a comprehensive guide the state of the art, principles and practices of laser dentistry. This collection of articles were compiled by Professor Aldo Brugnera Junior DDS, MS, PhD and Professor Samir Namour, DDS, MS, PhD, is written for all those interested in the clinical use of laser technology related to dentistry, research, development and biology, and medicine and surgery. Topics include: Laser, history and physics; Laser periodontics; Laser applications in implantology; Laser in oral soft tissue surgery; The laser management of oral leukoplakias; Treatment of bone necrosis caused by biphosphonates, Treatment of vascular malformations; The role of lasers in caries prevention; Dentinal adhesion and cavity preparation; The power of the bubble Erbium laser generated cavitation; Pre-emptive dental anaesthesia by Nd:YAG photobiomodulation; Non-invasive diagnostic methods using lasers; Clinical use of laser/LED phototherapies; Laser photobiomodulation (PBM) with low level laser therapy (LLLT) in esthetic dentistry; Laser phototherapy & oral mucositis; Lasers in dentin dehypersensitivity; Photobiomodulation therapy and dentoalveolar derived mesenchymal stem cells; Dental bleaching without gel; Hard tissue modification, cavity preparation and caries removal using erbium lasers; Laser safety; Optical fluorescence; World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD) progress and history.

Laser Dermatology

by David J. Goldberg

This is the second edition of a well-received book that has been revised and updated to reflect the state of the art in laser and light source technology. After an initial chapter describing the latest understanding of laser physics and safety, subsequent chapters consider laser treatment of vascular lesions, laser treatment of pigmented lesions and tattoos, laser removal of unwanted hair, ablative and non-ablative fractional resurfacing, and use of laser treatment for medical purposes. The book is extremely practical and reader friendly. All chapters are very well illustrated, include quick and clear bullet points, and feature a homogeneous structure covering core concepts, currently available technologies, indications and contraindications, an example of a consent form, and the author's personal treatment approaches. The authors are without exception world experts in the field from North America or Europe.

Laser Dermatology: Pearls and Problems (Procedures In Cosmetic Dermatology Ser.)

by David J. Goldberg

The first all-inclusive text on the pitfalls, complications and controversies surrounding the use of lasers in dermatology and aesthetic medicine Each chapter starts off by highlighting the key points and essential concepts, followed by a review of the associated pearls and problems Provides the reader with tips on how to improve the safe and effective use of lasers Images focus on the pearls and problems Laser Dermatology: Pearls and Problems is different from other laser dermatology books. Each of the five chapters begins by highlighting key points and essential concepts, then focuses on the pearls and problems for each area – based on the author’s vast experience in the field of laser dermatology. Dr. Goldberg addresses: Vascular Lasers Laser Hair Removal Pigmented Lesions, Tattoos, and Disorders of Hypopigmentation Ablative Lasers and Devices Non-Ablative Photorejuvenation and Skin Remodeling Dr. Goldberg goes beyond the standard “before and after” approach to use actual images to demonstrate the pearls and pitfalls discussed in the text.

Laser Doppler Vibrometry for Non-Contact Diagnostics (Bioanalysis #9)

by Kristian Kroschel

This book presents recent outcomes of the collaborative “Tricorder” project, which brings together partners from industry, research institutes and hospitals to deliver an easy contactless alternative for electrocardiograms (ECG).Featuring contributions investigating the possible applications of laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV) signals for the remote measurement of vital parameters of the heart, the book provides insights into the vision and the history of the "Tricorder" project and the basic differences between the vibrocardiograms and electrocardiograms. It also discusses topics such as signal processing, heartbeat measurement techniques, respiration frequency and oxygen saturation determination, with a particular focus on the diagnostic value of the method presented, e.g., diagnosis of atrial fibrillation and estimation of the oxygen saturation in premature infants. Further, the authors review the advantages and drawbacks of the new method and the specific fields of application.This book will appeal to researchers and industry leaders interested in laser remote sensing for medical applications as well as medical professionals curious about new healthcare technologies.

Laser-Driven Particle Acceleration Towards Radiobiology and Medicine

by Antonio Giulietti

This book deals with the new method of laser-driven acceleration for application to radiation biophysics and medicine. It provides multidisciplinary contributions from world leading scientist in order to assess the state of the art of innovative tools for radiation biology research and medical applications of ionizing radiation. The book contains insightful contributions on highly topical aspects of spatio-temporal radiation biophysics, evolving over several orders of magnitude, typically from femtosecond and sub-micrometer scales. Particular attention is devoted to the emerging technology of laser-driven particle accelerators and their application to spatio-temporal radiation biology and medical physics, customization of non-conventional and selective radiotherapy and optimized radioprotection protocols.

Laser Hair Removal (Series in Cosmetic and Laser Therapy)

by David J Goldberg

The author of the best-selling text on Laser Hair Removal now returns to the subject. The topic has moved on immensely in the period between editions: of course, there have been technological innovations with lasers themselves - and this text notes the implications of these - but the most important developments have been in the nuance

Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Biological, Forensic and Materials Sciences

by Gábor Galbács

This book offers a comprehensive overview of recent advances in the area of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), focusing on its application to biological, forensic and materials sciences. LIBS, which was previously mainly used by physicists, chemists and in the industry, has now become a very useful tool with great potential in these other fields as well. LIBS has a unique set of characteristics including minimal destructiveness, remote sensing capabilities, potential portability, extremely high information content, trace analytical sensitivity and high throughput. With its content divided into two main parts, this book provides not only an introduction to the analytical capabilities and methodology, but also an overview of the results of recent applications in the above fields. The application-oriented, multidisciplinary approach of this work is also reflected in the diversity of the expert contributors. Given its breadth, this book will appeal to students, researchers and professionals interested in solving analytical/diagnostic/material characterization tasks with the application of LIBS.

Laser Interaction with Biological Material

by Kirill Kulikov

This book covers the principles of laser interaction with biological cells and tissues of varying degrees of organization. The problems of biomedical diagnostics are considered. Scattering of laser irradiation of blood cells is modeled for biological structures (dermis, epidermis, vascular plexus). An analytic theory is provided which is based on solving the wave equation for the electromagnetic field. It allows the accurate analysis of interference effects arising from the partial superposition of scattered waves. Treated topics of mathematical modeling are: optical characterization of biological tissue with large-scale and small-scale inhomogeneities in the layers, heating blood vessel under laser irradiation incident on the outer surface of the skin and thermo-chemical denaturation of biological structures at the example of human skin.

Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy in Neurosurgery

by Veronica L. Chiang Shabbar F. Danish Robert E. Gross

​This book serves as a foundation for MRI guided laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT) across neurosurgical diseases. It provides state-of-the-art information on the latest indications and results for LITT in CNS applications, as well as prerequisite historical perspective and technical fundamentals. Written by experts in the field, the text reviews the historical development of LITT, the technical and technological components required to perform LITT, its indications and contraindications, areas that still require investigation, LITT complications, and challenges to starting up LITT within one’s practice. As early adopters of the technology, the authors provide sage advice that reflects the initial learning curves of many of the users. The book then concludes with a practical guide to starting up a LITT practice in the current medical socioeconomic environment. Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy in Neurosurgery is a guide that will allow all neurosurgeons interested in LITT to successfully adopt the technology and incorporate its use seamlessly, safely and appropriately into their individual practices.

Laser Management of Scars

by Kayvan Shokrollahi

This book addresses the management of scars using lasers and light. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of the current laser modalities and the science and evidence behind them. They also present various treatments, including those using carbon dioxide lasers, Erbium:YAG lasers, pulsed dye lasers and Q-switched lasers. The book includes detailed information on the treatment of burn, acne, keloid and hypertrophic scars, as well as discussions of the complications of laser treatments and ethical and medico-legal issues. Scars have many causes, including trauma and burns, but also medical treatments themselves - scars are an inevitable consequence of most surgery. There have been significant advances in laser and light technology over the last decade, and the management of scars with a variety of lasers has been adopted both in traditional healthcare settings and in the cosmetic sector. Edited by a respected burns and plastic surgeon, this book is a valuable resource for a variety of clinicians including dermatologists, laser practitioners, physiotherapists and occupational therapists, burn care professionals, as well as multidisciplinary teams working with patients with scars of all aetiologies.

Laser Polarimetry of Biological Tissues: Computer Algorithms for Data Processing in Forensic Age Determination of Injuries (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Zhengbin Hu I.L. Bezhenar O.Y. Vanchulyak A. G. Ushenko Yu. A. Ushenko Mykhailo P. Gorsky Igor Meglinski

This book highlights the results of numerical computer-aided smart methods as part of a comprehensive statistical, correlated, and fractal analysis of laser polarimetry. It includes a comprehensive approach to differentiation of lifelong or postmortem origin of injuries and determination of their antiquity based on the analysis of statistical and spatiotemporal frequency evolution of photometric, polarization, and phase parameters of laser images of histological sections of the skin of biomannequins. It discusses the relationship between the coordinate distributions of the intensity of laser images from skin tissues of biomannequins and the nature of its damage. It presents the analysis of relationships between changes in the mean and variance of coordinate distributions of azimuths and ellipticity of polarization images of histological skin sections and the time intervals after injury. Complex differentiation of lifelong and postmortem skin injuries of biomannequins and establishment of their time intervals throughout the entire monitoring interval of changes in the mean and variance of coordinate distributions of phase shifts between orthogonal components of the amplitude of laser images of a series of corresponding histological sections are also presented in this book.

Laser Scanning Microscopy and Quantitative Image Analysis of Neuronal Tissue

by Lidia Bakota Roland Brandt

Laser Scanning Microscopy and Quantitative Image Analysis of Neuronal Tissue brings together contributions from research institutions around the world covering pioneering applications in laser scanning microscopy and quantitative image analysis and providing information about the power and limitations of this quickly developing field. This detailed volume seeks to introduce key questions, to provide detailed information on how to acquire data by laser-scanning microscopy, and to examine how to use the often huge digital data set in an efficient manner to extract maximum information. Thus the book not only provides a compilation of diverse protocols but aims to bring together biological bench work, laser scanning microscopy, and mathematical, computer-assisted data analysis to grasp novel insights of form, dynamics, and interactions of microscopy-sized biological objects. Written in the popular Neuromethods series format, chapters include the kind of practical implementation advice that promises successful results. Wide-ranging and innovative, Laser Scanning Microscopy and Quantitative Image Analysis of Neuronal Tissue will stimulate the reader to make efficient use of the application of laser scanning microscopy for his or her own research question.

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