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Meine Frau hat Krebs: Wie gehen wir als Paar mit der Erkrankung um

by Tanja Zimmermann Jochen Ernst

Dieser Ratgeber richtet sich an Paare, bei denen die Frau an Krebs erkrankt ist, und er bietet besonders den PartnerInnen Unterstützung zur Bewältigung der aufkommenden Belastungen und Herausforderungen. Eine Krebsdiagnose hat Auswirkungen auf nahezu alle Lebensbereiche: auf die Partnerschaft, den Alltag, auf das berufliche und soziale Umfeld. Die Krankheit kann aber auch die Sicht auf das Leben und den Tod nachhaltig verändern und mit teilweise schmerzlichen Erfahrungen verbunden sein. Einfühlsam und konkret sprechen die erfahrenen Autoren alle wesentlichen Punkte an. Das Buch ist praxisbezogen und die Kapitel werden durch viele Beispielen und Übungen ergänzt. Rat, Informationen und Hilfe für Betroffene und Angehörige!

Meine kleine Seelenwerkstatt: 50 hilfreiche Tools für Gelassenheit und Lebensfreude

by Natalia Ölsböck

Wer länger im Stressmodus läuft, verliert Selbstvertrauen und den Zugang zu den eigenen Stärken, Ressourcen und Problemlösungskompetenzen. Resilienz ist der Schlüssel, der uns aus schwierigen Lebenslagen heraus hilft. Wer sich selbst stärken kann, den haut der stärkste Sturm nicht um. Das ist das Credo dieses Ratgebers. Mit den hilfreichen Werkzeugen der Seelenklempnerin gelingt es uns gelassener durchs Leben zu kommen. Während die Handwerkzeuge uns aktivieren, etwas Neues auszuprobieren, wie etwa die Dreißiger-Zone oder die Juchee-Haltung, bei der wir durch das Einnehmen einer bestimmten Körperhaltung oder Bewegung in fröhliche Stimmung versetzt werden, regen die Kopfwerkzeuge zum Nachdenken, Vorausschauen, Reflektieren und Imaginieren an. Einige Behelfe aus dem Werkzeugkoffer bieten beides – sie setzen neue Gedanken in Gang und motivieren, Handlungsmöglichkeiten zu erproben. Selbstwirksamkeit gibt uns Selbstvertrauen und ermutigt uns, positiver auf Dinge zu schauen. So wie wir froh sind, wenn wir nicht für jeden Nagel, den wir in die Wand schlagen wollen, einen Handwerker rufen müssen, so tut es uns gut, ein gewisses Maß an Seelenkompetenz zu haben. Mit dieser Fähigkeit kommen wir schneller und leichter aus schwierigen Situationen wieder heraus - oder geraten gar nicht erst in solche belastenden Lagen hinein. Für alle, die gelassener durchs Leben gehen möchten.

Meine Zahnarztpraxis – Ökonomie

by Thomas Sander Michal-Constanze Müller

Planen – Entscheiden - VerantwortenSie wollen Ihre eigenen Ideen und Vorstellungen umsetzen?Sie wollen die ökonomischen Aspekte Ihres Unternehmens „Zahnarztpraxis“ selbst erlernen und verstehen, um Gespräche mit externen Beratern und Geschäftspartnern auf Augenhöhe führen zu können?Sie wollen zum richtigen Zeitpunkt die geeigneten Entscheidungen treffen?Hier sind Sie richtig!Ihr optimiertes Gesamtkonzept von Existenzgründung bis Zukunftssicherung:Entscheidungsfindung bei Praxisgründung und –entwicklungVertragsabschlüsse, Risikoabsicherung, GesellschaftsgründungKonzeptentwicklungTechnische Projektierung, QMBusinessplanGrundlagen: Betriebswirtschaft, Steuern, RechtStrategische Finanz-, Liquiditäts- und InvestitionsplanungProjektplanung und –umsetzung, MarketingkonzeptDas sinnvolle Zusammenspiel und die Wechselwirkungen ALLER dieser Aspekte in einem langfristigen GESAMT-Konzept sind entscheidend:Betriebswirtschaftlich UND zahnmedizinischFür Zahnarztpraxis UND PrivatbereichMit Beispielen, Checklisten, Handlungstipps.Agieren statt reagierenEin Buch aus der Praxis für die Praxis. Sowohl für Einsteiger, die das erste Mal eine Praxis gründen wollen als auch für Zahnärzte, die ihre bereits bestehende Praxis unternehmerisch erfolgreich weiterentwickeln möchten.

Meine Zahnarztpraxis - Marketing

by Michal-Constanze Müller Thomas Sander

Wie kommen neue Patienten in meine Praxis? Fachliche Kompetenz allein garantiert noch lange nicht, dass Sie neue Patienten bekommen. Und die Weiterempfehlung durch zufriedene Patienten ist nur eine der vielen Möglichkeit, immer weiter bekannt zu werden. Nutzen Sie daher zusätzlich das Potenzial eines gezielten und systematischen Marketings, um auf Ihre Praxis aufmerksam zu machen. Denn richtig verstanden und umgesetzt sind auch im Gesundheitswesen Ethik und Marketing kein Widerspruch. Analysen - Konzepte - Umsetzung Was macht meine Praxis einzigartig gegenüber anderen Praxen?Was ist meine Hauptzielgruppe? Welche Bedürfnisse hat sie?Was sind die Schwerpunkte meiner Praxis? (z.B. Kinderpraxis, Hypnose ...)Welche Möglichkeiten zur Umsetzung von systematischem Marketing habe ich?Was sind die Besonderheiten von Marketing im Gesundheitsdienstleistungsbereich?Wie wirksam sind verschiedene Marketingaktivitäten in der Zahnarztpraxis?Werden Sie aktiv! Machen Sie sich und Ihre Dienstleistung erfahrbar und gewinnen Sie die Herzen Ihrer zukünftigen Patienten! Mit Praxistipps und Fallbeispielen. Optimale Positionierung und Wahrnehmung im Markt.

Meinetwegen – nenn es Gott: Sinn und Unsinn von Religion und Religiosität

by Werner Gross

Dieses Sachbuch widmet sich der Frage, welchen Sinn Religiosität heute noch hat und wo Psychologen Warnschilder aufstellen. Religionen haben heutzutage ein janusköpfiges Gesicht: Einerseits sind sie für viele Menschen seelische Unterstützung und Hilfe (nicht nur) in Krisensituationen – andererseits geschehen in ihrem Namen Selbstmordattentate und unter ihrem Deckmantel blüht(e) der sexuelle Missbrauch an Kindern. Religionen haben weltweit ihre Unschuld verloren. Aber was sind eigentlich Religionen? Wie sind sie entstanden? Wie haben sie sich im Laufe der Zeit verändert? Was sind die positiven Seiten der Religionen – was die problematischen? Wo helfen sie und wo schaden sie? Wodurch unterscheiden sie sich – und was ist ihnen gemeinsam? Aus dem Inhalt: Religionen: Welterklärungs- und Sinnsysteme, die sich (fast) immer für das einzig wahre, ewige und endgültige Erklärungssystem halten. – Sie strukturieren diffus-subjektive innere Wahrheiten und unstrukturierte Situationen und versuchen Unbegreifliches begreifbar zu machen. – Urvertrauen, Symbole, rituelle Handlungsweisen. – Was sind spirituelle Erleuchtungserfahrungen? – Ursprung aller Religionen ist die Angst, die Leere, das Sinnlose, der Tod. – Religionen sind gute Führer in dunkler Nacht – tagsüber sollte man sich besser auf die eigenen Augen verlassen. Über den Autor: Werner Gross, Dipl.-Psych., Psychotherapeut, Supervisor und Coach.

Mejor prevenir que curar: Ganarle años a la vida y llenar de vida los años

by Jesús Sánchez Martos

El libro del médico más popular de España, el Dr. Jesús Sánchez Martos, te ayudará a prevenir enfermedades y te enseñará lo que es el autocuidado en salud ¿Por qué me duele tanto la cabeza? ¿Cuál es la mejor alimentación para estar sano? ¿Cómo sé si estoy teniendo un ataque al corazón? ¿Qué hago si alguien sufre un atragantamiento? ¿El cáncer es hereditario? ¿Qué tengo que tomar si no puedo dormir por las noches? ¿Cuáles son, en definitiva, los mejores consejos para llevar una vida saludable? En esta suerte de guía práctica, el popular y respetado doctor Jesús Sánchez Martos responde a estas y otras preguntas frecuentes sobre salud y comparte con los lectores los conocimientos que ha ido acumulando a lo largo de sus años de experiencia en el ámbito de la medicina. De manera simple y didáctica, el autor nos enseña a prevenir las enfermedades y malestares más comunes que podrían poner en jaque nuestra salud. El doctor Sánchez Martos está convencido de que es posible vivir más y mejor, y de que para ello son esenciales el autocuidado y el acceso a información de calidad. Gracias a este libro podremos dar el primer paso para llevar una existencia saludable y feliz durante muchos años. «Una persona bien informada es mucho más difícil que enferme, y un enfermo bien informado es mucho más fácil que pueda controlar su enfermedad y, en muchos casos, llegar a curarse». Reseñas: «Este libro es una joya. Un auténtico lujo al que podremos acudir siempre que tengamos alguna duda sobre nuestra salud».JORGE JAVIER VÁZQUEZ «Jesús Sánchez Martos aborda el complejo lenguaje de la medicina, poniendo al alcance de todos términos y conceptos difíciles. Su propósito en este libro es llevar hasta todos nosotros la idea clara de que la salud debe ser una ocupación de cada uno de nosotros».RAMÓN SÁNCHEZ-OCAÑA

Melancholy and the Care of the Soul: Religion, Moral Philosophy and Madness in Early Modern England (The History of Medicine in Context)

by Jeremy Schmidt

Melancholy is rightly taken to be a central topic of concern in early modern culture, and it continues to generate scholarly interest among historians of medicine, literature, psychiatry and religion. This book considerably furthers our understanding of the issue by examining the extensive discussions of melancholy in seventeenth- and eighteenth- century religious and moral philosophical publications, many of which have received only scant attention from modern scholars. Arguing that melancholy was considered by many to be as much a 'disease of the soul' as a condition originating in bodily disorder, Dr. Schmidt reveals how insights and techniques developed in the context of ancient philosophical and early Christian discussions of the good of the soul were applied by a variety of early modern authorities to the treatment of melancholy. The book also explores ways in which various diagnostic and therapeutic languages shaped the experience and expression of melancholy and situates the melancholic experience in a series of broader discourses, including the language of religious despair dominating English Calvinism, the late Renaissance concern with the government of the passions, and eighteenth-century debates surrounding politeness and material consumption. In addition, it explores how the shifting languages of early modern melancholy altered and enabled certain perceptions of gender. As a study in intellectual history, Melancholy and the Care of the Soul offers new insights into a wide variety of early modern texts, including literary representations and medical works, and critically engages with a broad range of current scholarship in addressing some of the central interpretive issues in the history of early modern medicine, psychiatry, religion and culture.

Melancholy, Medicine and Religion in Early Modern England

by Mary Ann Lund

The Anatomy of Melancholy, first published in 1621, is one of the greatest works of early modern English prose writing, yet it has received little substantial literary criticism in recent years. This study situates Robert Burton's complex work within three related contexts: religious, medical and literary/rhetorical. Analysing Burton's claim that his text should have curative effects on his melancholic readership, it examines the authorial construction of the reading process in the context of other early modern writing, both canonical and non-canonical, providing a new approach towards the emerging field of the history of reading. Lund responds to Burton's assertion that melancholy is an affliction of body and soul which requires both a spiritual and a corporal cure, exploring the theological complexion of Burton's writing in relation to English religious discourse of the early seventeenth century, and the status of his work as a medical text.

Melanin Chemistry Explored by Quantum Mechanics: Investigations for Mechanism Identification and Reaction Design

by Ryo Kishida Susan Meñez Aspera Hideaki Kasai

This book discusses recent advances in theoretical–computational studies on the biosynthesis of melanin pigment (melanogenesis). These advances are being driven by the development of high-performance computers, new experimental findings, and extensive work on medical applications involving the control of pigmentation and the treatment of challenging dermatological diseases. Understanding the elementary processes involved in chemical reactions at the atomic scale is important in biochemical reaction design for effective control of the pigmentary system. Accordingly, the book focuses on the elementary steps involved in melanogenesis, which crucially affect the composition of the resulting melanin pigment by means of competitive reactions. The book also addresses reactions analogous to melanogenesis, with a focus on o-quinone reactions, which are especially important for understanding melanogenesis-associated cytotoxicity.

Melanin-Concentrating Hormone and Sleep: Molecular, Functional And Clinical Aspects

by S. R. Pandi-Perumal Pablo Torterolo Jaime M. Monti

This book offers a compilation of papers on the role of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) in sleep, sleep disorders and neuroendocrine functions. Leading experts in sleep medicine, psychiatry and neuroendocrinology provide a broad perspective on the field, from the anatomical structure and physiology of the MCH system to the connection with other systems influencing sleep and diseases like anxiety and depression. The potential of MCHR-1 antagonists as anxiolytic/antidepressant drugs is also reviewed. The book will represent an interdisciplinary guide for sleep disorder specialists, sleep researchers, psychiatrists, neurologists, psychologists, and behavioral sleep medicine specialists.

Melanocytic Lesions

by Mai P. Hoang Martin C. Mihm

Melanocytic Lesions: A Case Based Approach provides a concise yet comprehensive guideline on how to diagnose common as well as problematic and challenging melanocytic lesions. In the first 11 chapters, each entity is illustrated by an actual case; followed by discussion of how the diagnosis is reached, of the histologic differential diagnoses and of diagnostic pitfalls and ends with bulleted teaching points Pertinent and up to date references are included at the end of each chapter. The latter chapters cover current microstaging and classification of melanoma, ancillary techniques including immunohistochemistry as well as available molecular assays and molecular targeted therapy. All figures and glass slides of the discussed cases are hosted online for easy viewing and access. Melanocytic Lesions: A Case Based Approach will serves as a useful resource for pathologists, dermatologists and researchers dealing with melanocytic lesions.

The Melanocytic Proliferations

by Cynthia M. Magro Martin C. Mihm A. Neil Crowson

A thorough updating of the best-selling, vital reference and textbook on melanocytic proliferationsPRAISE FOR THE FIRST EDITION:"Well-written and entertaining"--Modern Pathology"An extremely helpful guide for the practicing dermatopathologist or general pathologist"--Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine"An incredibly relevant clinical-histopathologic text"--Doody'sMelanocytic proliferations comprise a large number of pigmented lesions of the skin and muscosa. Of these, melanoma is of particular interest to clinicians and their patients. The rising number of incidences of melanoma has led to increased interest in the disease from diagnostic, management, and basic science perspectives.The Melanocytic Proliferations: A Comprehensive Textbook of Pigmented Lesions is the most complete single-source treatment of the subject available--thoroughly updated to reflect the very latest studies and clinical experience in diagnosing and treating melanocytic proliferation. This new edition of the bestseller presents an experience- and evidence-based review of pigmented lesions that encompasses the biology, diagnosis, and treatment of melanocytic proliferations and disorders, including melanoma. It comes with over 300 new color images--bringing the total to over 600--and contains two completely new chapters: Dermatoscopic Diagnosis of Melanoma; and Reflectance Confocal Microscopy.Chapter coverage includes:* An approach to the clinical diagnosis of melanoma, its precursors, and its clinical mimics* Freckles and lentigines* Benign acquired nevi* Dermal dendritic melanocytic proliferations/dermal melanocytoses* Spitz nevus* Combined nevus, deep penetrating nevus, plexiform spindle cell nevus, and borderline tumors of the deep penetrating nevus variant* Recurrent melanocytic nevus* Congenital nevi* Dysplastic melanocytic nevi, de novo intradermal epithelioid and lentiginous melanocytic dysplasias, and nevi at specific anatomic sites* Melanoma* Conjunctival melanocytic proliferations* Use of adjunctive immunoperoxidase, molecular, and ultrastructural studies in the diagnosis of melanocytic proliferations* Biology of melanoma* Borderline melanocytic proliferation* Dermatoscopic diagnosis of melanoma* Reflectance confocal microscopy* Therapy of melanomaThe Melanocytic Proliferations: A Comprehensive Textbook of Pigmented Lesions is an incredibly important text for all clinical pathologists, dermatopathologists, surgical pathologists, dermatologists, cosmetic physicians, and surgeons.

Melanoma: Translational Research and Emerging Therapies (Translational Medicine Ser. #Vol. 8)

by Sanjiv S. Agarwala Vernon K. Sondak

Assembling, reviewing, and synthesizing state-of-the-art information on translational research and therapies of melanoma into one convenient source, Melanoma: Translational Research and Emerging Therapies provides clinicians and researchers the necessary context and perspective to intergrate and effectively deploy cutting-edge therapies into daily

Melanoma: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2265)

by Kristian M. Hargadon

This extensive book brings together leading melanoma researchers from across the world and highlights many of the cutting-edge protocols and experimental systems currently being used to investigate questions surrounding this disease. The volume opens with sections on 2D and 3D cell culture-based approaches for studying melanoma biology, and continues with collections of chapters examining various approaches for detecting, isolating, and characterizing circulating melanoma cells, circulating tumor DNA, and exosomes, as well as experimental procedures for studying and detecting melanoma metastasis in both pre-clinical and clinical settings, bioinformatics-based approaches, protocols for quantifying and characterizing immune cell infiltrates in both melanoma tumors and tertiary lymphoid structures, and development and evaluation of therapeutic strategies for melanoma treatment. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and comprehensive, Melanoma: Methods and Protocols aims to serve basic research scientists and clinicians who bring questions from the clinic into the lab in order to translate observations in the laboratory into improved patient care for this highly malignant form of cancer.Chapter 14 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via


by Howard L. Kaufman Janice M. Mehnert

Melanoma is one of the most types of cancer. When melanoma is detected at an early stage, treatment is highly successful, but outcomes can be poor when the disease is advanced. There has been significant progress in our understanding of the molecular biology, genetics, and immunology of melanoma over the past decade. This has been accompanied by rapid advances in therapeutic strategies for patients with melanoma. This book provides the clinician and the researcher with a broad understanding of the molecular and cellular pathogenesis of melanoma, explores the clinical characteristics and criteria for clinical and pathological staging of the disease, and provides an overview of current and evolving treatment strategies in the adjuvant, metastatic, and preventive settings. The treatment of special populations and rare variants of melanoma that often present particular clinical challenges is also covered. Authored by international experts in melanoma biology and clinical management, this volume concisely explains how to diagnose, treat, and prevent melanoma while reviewing advances in basic science and providing an overview of innovative approaches still under development.

Melanoma: From Diagnosis to Therapy

by Albert Lee Susana Ortiz-Urda Wilson Ho

This book aims to provide more nuanced diagnostic information beyond the standard ABCDEs of melanoma diagnosis to help screen atypical presentations alongside common presentations. By providing up-to-date diagnosis, staging, and therapy information with an emphasis on dermoscopy, this unique guide provides what longer, more comprenhensive texts cannot - a succinct and concise educaitonal guide for ease of use. While there are other longer references regarding melanoma, this book attempts to provide only essential information for optimal usability across disciplines. Though small in size, the book is comprehensive in its coverage, offering chapters on staging and diagnosis while going more in depth on chapters covering melanoma in childhood and during pregnancy. Images are primarily sourced from actual patients through extensive use of the dermatoscope to get the highest definition photo available. Melanoma - From Diagnosis to Therapy is a valuable resource for practicing dermatologists and residents as well as practitioners who work in general clinical settings and patients looking for a more detailed understanding of the disease.

Melanoma: A Modern Multidisciplinary Approach

by Adam I. Riker

This text serves as a very useful clinical guide and realistic approach to the clinical management of melanoma. Primary care physicians, specialists from varying areas of medical practice and numerous other healthcare providers will find this text to be quite useful as a standard daily reference and use in the office setting. It provides a clear and concise source of information in order to make real-life, evidence-based decisions for all aspects of management for cutaneous melanoma. This book also provides the latest breakthroughs in melanoma research, ranging from recent discoveries in genomics and epigenetics, to newly identified genes that have been selectively targeted for the development of a personalized approach to treatment. All chapters are written by specialists and true experts within their respective fields, incorporating the latest scientific, clinical and evidence-based medicine for melanoma (and non-melanoma skin cancers). This up-to-date information can be easily applied and translated to the clinical setting for the melanoma patient.

Melanoma Development

by Anja Bosserhoff

The book provides comprehensive insights into molecular changes in malignant melanoma. The general mechanisms of melanoma growth and development are described, as well as new research findings. Our current knowledge on the molecules involved in cell transformation and tumor progression will soon lead to sophisticated, targeted therapies. Recent studies with targeted b-RAF inhibitors have given us grounds to hope that these therapies will be successful. Melanoma Development- Molecular Biology, Genetics and Clinical Application aims to contribute to this knowledge. Summarizing the newest data and presenting upcoming research areas in the field, the book will be of great interest to basic researchers and physicians working in the important fields of melanoma, cancer research, therapy and dermatology.

Melanoma Development

by Anja K. Bosserhoff

This book focuses on malignant melanoma, discussing the current state of scientific knowledge and providing insights into the underlying basic mechanisms, the molecular changes, genetics and genomics. Human Melanoma is a dangerous type of skin cancer affecting an increasing population, and a better understanding of its development will help in finding sophisticated targeted therapies. The second revised edition features the latest research findings and offers updates on the latest advances and potential novel melanoma therapies. It is a valuable resource for researchers and clinicians working in the fields of melanoma, cancer research and therapy as well as dermatology.

Melanoma in Clinical Practice

by Rhoda M. Alani Debjani Sahni

This book provides a concise practical guide to melanoma enabling the reader to develop a thorough understanding of the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of melanoma. It features easy to digest instructional text that describes a variety of techniques for detecting and staging melanoma including total body photography. Surgical, radiation and systemic therapy treatment options as well as prevention strategies are also covered.Melanoma in Clinical Practice represents a thorough guide on how to diagnose treat and prevent melanoma, and provides a valuable resource for the trainee and experienced clinical dermatologists who are seeking a reference guide to use in their clinical practice.

Melanoma Techniques and Protocols

by Brian J. Nickoloff

In Melanoma Techniques and Protocols: Molecular Diagnosis, Treatment, and Monitoring, a broadly diverse group of researchers and clinicians offer not only reviews of the most important recent advances in melanoma oncology, tumor immunology, and pathology, but also state-of-the-art molecular techniques for probing its basic biology. These readily reproducible methods can be used to develop new diagnostic approaches, therapeutics, and status monitoring of patients suffering both early- and late-stage melanoma. With emphasis on the experimental details critical to experimental success, each method is described in step-by-step fahion by hands-on masters, often those who have developed hem in their own laboratories. Comprehensive and highly instructive, Melanoma Techniques and Protocols: Molecular Diagnosis, Treatment, and Monitoring offers both clinicians and basic scientists concerned with malignant melanoma both new clinical perspectives and the wide ranging experimental protocols essential for achieving more rapid breakthroughs in this near-epidemic disease.

The Melanotropic Peptides: Volume III: Mechanisms of Action and Biomedical Applications

by M.E. Hadley

The three volumes on "The Melanotropic Peptides" are the outcome of a conference of the same name that was held in Tucson, Arizona, from October 11-12, 1986. Volume III discusses the known mechanisms of action of the two melanotropic peptides, and concludes with a discussion of the possible biomedical applications of the melanotropins.

The Melanotropic Peptides: Volume I: Source, Synthesis, Chemistry, Secretion, Circulation and Metabolism

by M.E. Hadley

The three volumes on "The Melanotropic Peptides" are the outcome of a conference of the same name that was held in Tucson, Arizona, from October 11-12, 1986. The format of the three volumes provides a complete coverage of what is known about the Melanotropic Peptides. Volume I provides information on the source, synthesis, chemistry, mechanism of secretion, control of secretion, and the circulation and metabolism of the melanotropic peptides.

The Melanotropic Peptides: Volume II: Biological Roles

by M.E. Hadley

The three volumes on "The Melanotropic Peptides" are the outcome of a conference of the same name that was held in Tucson, Arizona, from October 11-12, 1986. Volume II disdcusses the diverse putative physiologial roles of MSH and MCH. A concluding chapter of this volume provides a discussion of the possible evolutionary relationships between MSH and MCH in the control of color change.

Melasma and Vitiligo in Brown Skin

by Evangeline B. Handog Maria Juliet Enriquez-Macarayo

This book sheds new light on pigmentary disorders in people with brown skin. Brown skin encompasses many races and ethnicities. Due to migration, people with brown skin are seen almost everywhere in the world. A wide variety of pigmentary disorders exists among this population but the most disturbing and challenging are melasma and vitiligo This book covers these two disorders, among people of brown skin, from the epidemiology to management, in a detailed yet easy-to-read and easy-to-use style.

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