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Meningitis: Cellular and Molecular Basis (Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology #26)

by Darryl Hill Roy Weller Sarah Curtis Xavier Nassif Kelly Doran Kwang Kim Marcelo Gottshalk Guy Thwaite Douglas Drevets Wim Ang Diego Cadavid Ronny Beer K Neilsen David Irani Erich Schmutzhard Uwe Koedel Mathieu Coureuil

Examining meningitis mainly from a bacterial perspective, but also including an overview of viral, fungal and chronic meningitis, this book describes the anatomy of the meninges and clinical signs and symptoms of this disease. Individual organisms that cause meningitis worldwide are dealt with in specific chapters, describing in detail how these pathogens interact with the human host at both a molecular and cellular level. The book provides a thorough understanding of bacterial virulence factors, adhesion and invasion mechanisms, the nature of known host cell receptors and the host cell response.


by David Irani Erich Schmutzhard Uwe Koedel Wim Ang Guy Thwaite Ronny Beer Roy Weller Myron Christodoulides Kelly Doran Xavier Nassif Sarah Curtis Marcelo Gottshalk Kwang Kim Douglas Drevets K Neilsen Mathieu Coureuil Diego Cadavid Darryl Hill

Examining meningitis mainly from a bacterial perspective, but also including an overview of viral, fungal and chronic meningitis, this book describes the anatomy of the meninges and clinical signs and symptoms of this disease. Individual organisms that cause meningitis worldwide are dealt with in specific chapters, describing in detail how these pathogens interact with the human host at both a molecular and cellular level. The book provides a thorough understanding of bacterial virulence factors, adhesion and invasion mechanisms, the nature of known host cell receptors and the host cell response.

Meningitis and Encephalitis: Management and Prevention Challenges

by Rodrigo Hasbun

Meningitis and Encephalitis are associated with high rates of mortality and neurological sequelae. The differential diagnosis includes a wide spectrum of infectious and non-infectious etiologies, some requiring urgent therapy for survival. The current management challenges in patients with meningitis and encephalitis include a low sensitivity of meningeal signs, overutilization of unnecessary screening cranial imaging, delays in diagnosis of urgent treatable causes, a large proportion of unknown etiologies, low sensitivity of current microbiological techniques especially in the setting of previous antibiotic therapy, underutilization of available molecular diagnostic tests, and empiric antibiotic therapy and hospitalization for viral meningitis cases. Even though there are published guidelines, compliance with them is not optimal and physicians do not follow standardized algorithms in their empirical approach. As meningitis and encephalitis is associated with high rates of adverse clinical outcomes, prevention, when feasible is of upmost importance. Adherence to protocols to prevent health-care associated meningitis and ventriculitis are effective but compliance with them is not uniformly performed.This book seeks to improve outcomes for meningitis and encephalitis cases handled by physicians who may or may not be thoroughly trained for these challenges. The text introduces the current guidelines but also discusses the gaps that leave clinicians struggling to implement the most appropriate approaches for these particular neurological infections. Each chapter delivers the tools necessary to identify and adhere to the most appropriate diagnostic technique, management protocols, and prevention approach for each situation. All chapters conclude with discourse on future directions in research and quality improvement. Written by experts in infectious diseases, the book covers topics that are the most devastating, including healthcare-acquired infections, autoimmune encephalitis, and infections as they present in HIV patients.Meningitis and Encephalitis is a well-rounded resource for all medical professionals encountering these neurological syndromes, including infectious disease specialists, neurologists, primary care physicians, and immunologists.

Meningococcal Disease

by Andrew J. Pollard Martin C.J. Maiden

Andrew Pollard and Martin Maiden bring together a panel of leading authorities to produce a comprehensive, interdisciplinary survey of recent advances and knowledge about meneigococcal disease. The review and methods-based chapters collected here provide essential information for diagnosis in the clinical microbiology laboratory, isolate characterization, clinical management, and control of meningococcal disease. They also examine the immunopathological mechanisms occurring in the acutely ill, host-pathogen interactions, and the possible components of meningococcus responsible for virulence. Meningococcal Disease: Methods and Protocols integrates the basic science, clinical, and epidemiological aspects of this terrible infectious disease to promote the deeper understanding needed to identify novel targets for therapeutic interventions and vaccines.

Meningococcal Vaccines

by Andrew J. Pollard Martin C.J. Maiden

Andrew Pollard and Martin Maiden have assembled an impressive collection of the latest molecular and cellular techniques for the development, evaluation, and implementation of vaccines to be used against this dreaded disease. The contributors-leading scientists, clinicians, and public health physicians-describe in detail the many approaches to vaccine design, as well as the assessment of immune response to vaccine candidates and novel vaccine formulations. Timely and comprehensive, Meningococcal Vaccines: Methods and Protocols provides the scientist, public health physician, epidemiologist, clinical microbiologist, and clinician with the essential tools to lay bare the secrets of the meningococcus, and to develop, evaluate, and implement successful new meningococcal vaccines.

Meniscal Injuries

by John D. Kelly Iv

Thoroughly discussing the varied elements of meniscal damage and repair, Meniscal Injuries: Management and Surgical Techniques includes the insights and expertise of over 20 leading surgeons and researchers on topics ranging from meniscal anatomy, physical examination, innovative resection and repair techniques, gene therapy, and tissue regeneration. This treatise offers wisdom aimed at assessing true surgical candidates, exploring the intricacies of meniscal composition and function, an overview of meniscal scaffolds and replacements, and patient examination pearls. Also discussed in depth is cutting edge research concerning meniscal repair enhancement, nanofiber technology as a means of meniscal replacement, and biologic agents directed toward chondral protection. All the science presented will direct the sports medicine practitioner to state-of-the-art treatment aimed at knee preservation. Meniscal repair and regeneration is a rapidly evolving science - early attempts at meniscal restoration or repair resulted in short-term gains which often sacrificed long-term joint integrity. Now, the practitioner is afforded numerous means of retaining or restoring meniscal tissue. Breakthroughs in scaffold and allograft replacement, as featured herein, offer the promise of articular cartilage preservation like never before. In addition, tissue regeneration and gene therapy techniques, featured throughout, offer a glimpse into emerging technologies aimed at preserving or replacing meniscal tissue in previously considered "hopeless" cases. As such, Meniscal Injuries will be an indispensible resource to orthopedic surgeons and sports medicine practitioners interested in providing the absolute most contemporary and evidence-based care to their patients.

Meniscal Transplantation

by João Espregueira Mendes Joan Carles Monllau René Verdonk

Meniscal transplantation has become an attractive option in selected patients with incapacitating knee pain. This book discusses all aspects of meniscal transplantation, covering the use of both allografts and meniscal substitutes, including collagen and polyurethane implants. Acknowledged experts in the field review the basic science, explain indications, and describe surgical techniques and the results achieved to date. All the material is up to date, with information on new implants, new techniques, and new surgical approaches. Future trends in the treatment of meniscal lesions are also discussed as we move towards the application of regenerative strategies to restore meniscus function.

The Menisci: A Comprehensive Review Of Their Anatomy, Biomechanical Function And Surgical Treatment

by Elizabeth A. Arendt Robert F. Laprade Alan Getgood Scott C. Faucett

This book is a comprehensive journey through the pathogenesis and treatment of meniscal pathology. It details the elements that are necessary to properly understand, diagnose, and treat meniscal tears, ranging from vertical tears to radial tears and root avulsions. Treatment techniques are thoroughly described and illustrated, with presentation of the latest evidence on outcomes. The algorithmic treatment of meniscal tears has undergone a rapid transformation. We have progressed from the initial treatments involving removal of the meniscus using an open technique, to the performance of partial meniscectomies and complex meniscal repairs by means of an arthroscopic technique. The current treatment goal is to maintain the biology and mechanical integrity of this vital knee structure, an aim too often disregarded by past generations of surgeons. An explosion of new knowledge, coupled with advances in arthroscopic and surgical technology, has paved the way for wider application of approaches that help to preserve the meniscus, in the hope of preventing or delaying the development of knee arthritis. This book will have utility for all clinicians who treat meniscal lesions and will serve as a valuable resource for years to come.

The Meniscus

by Philippe Beaufils René Verdonk

This clinical guide provides a special focus on the normal meniscal mechanism, body and function. Meniscal pathology and therapy are depicted in detail, followed by the presentation of long-term experience of meniscal transplantation and a look into the future of meniscal surgery. During the last few decades, as the management of meniscal trauma has evolved, and knowledge gained on meniscal function, the orthopaedic surgeon has attempted to preserve the meniscus whenever possible. Arthroscopic meniscal repair has become the treatment of choice when the tear is located in the peripheral rim. Partial meniscectomy has become limited to such an extent that the deleterious effect of total meniscectomy is avoided. Meniscal allograft replacement, which has been available for the last two decades, is used when the patient is confronted with a painful total meniscectomy. Future research and experiments may suggest that partial meniscal replacement might be indicated in the presence of a painful knee compartment after failed meniscal repair or partial meniscectomy.

A menjar!: El mètode Estivill per ensenyar els nens a menjar

by Dr. Eduard Estivill Montse Domènech

El mètode del Dr. Estivill per aconseguir que l'hora de menjar dels nens deixi de ser el malson dels pares. «Ja ho he provat tot i no hi ha manera que mengi». Per molts pares, l'hora de menjar dels nens es converteix en un infern. La boca tancada -que no s'obre ni quan traiem totes les joguines, encenem la televisió o disfressem els plats amb la seva salsa preferida- és el nostre pitjor malson. Vist l'èxit del seu mètode per resoldre els problemes de l'insomni infantil, el doctor Eduard Estivill es va preguntar si hi hauria també un mètode que pogués aplicar-se al problema de l'alimentació infantil. Per això va sol·licitar l'ajuda d'una pedagoga, Montse Domènech, i entre els dos varen desenvolupar un mètode senzill, pràctic, amb unes sòlides bases científiques, per ensenyar a menjar bé, i de tot, als nens. Després d'haver-lo posat en pràctica durant tres anys, amb èxit en més del 98% dels casos, s'han decidit a publicar aquest manual tan amè que ajudarà els pares a ensenyar els seus fills a menjar. «La resistència dels nens a menjar és habitual. Forma part del seu esperit de rebel·lia davant allò que se'ls imposa. Però en això consisteix educar-los, oi? Han d'anar aprenent que gairebé tot té un moment i un lloc. I també una manera de fer-se. Per això cal un mètode i un temps d'aprenentatge.»Dr. Eduard Estivill

Menopause: A Self-Help Guide to Feeling Better (50 Things Ser.)

by Wendy Green

Are you going through the menopause? Are you confused by conflicting advice about HRT and unsure which natural alternatives are effective? Wendy Green explains common physical and psychological symptoms and offers a holistic approach to help you deal with them, including simple lifestyle and dietary changes and DIY natural therapies.

The Menopause Companion: A Beginner's Guide to Owning Your Transition, from Peri to Post

by Sasha Davies Tori Hudson

An indispensable primer on menopause that reads like advice from a close friend, co-written by a medical doctor and expert in women&’s health.It&’s one of the most important, least discussed events that happens for half the population. It&’s a physiological and psychosocial event, a cultural construct, and a deeply personal experience all woven together in a jumbled knot. It&’s menopause. But why is there so much mystery surrounding the topic? This accessible and to-the-point guide makes the entire landscape of menopause—not just the physiology—more transparent. If what you need is a level-headed friend to help walk you through the litany of fears to face, questions to ask, and practical decisions to make throughout your transition, this guidebook offers no-nonsense, straightforward, medically backed information about what to expect and what you can do about it. It offers: A refresher course on reproductive system anatomy, life cycle, and physiology—what are hormones, and how do they influence my body?Information on how to recognize and what to do about common symptoms—when should I see a health practitioner and how do I talk to them?Context for the history of menopause medically and culturally—what do scientists actually know and what are the major myths? Advice on how to get ready, notice changes, and call in support—what is available to try in terms of products, tools, medications, holistic support, or self-care practices?

The Menopause Lady: A Menopause Practitioner's Memoir of Life, Love, Breast Cancer, and Her Choice to Return to Estrogen.

by Nancy Siskowic

This memoir is about life, love, facing breast cancer with its challenges and change. Nancy begins this story with segments from her life that helped form her into the woman she is today. As a nurse practitioner with a specialty in menopause for the past 25 years, she knew she was about to face a tumultuous battle. Blindsided by the diagnosis of breast cancer, she had turned to her journal for guidance and calm. Hormone therapy had been a lifeline to her health and sanity for many years, but now she had to reconcile with the thought of letting go of her estrogen patch. As she gradually reduced the size of the patch while awaiting surgery, symptoms she had experienced years before crept back with a vengeance - hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, brain fog, irritability, mood swings. The incredible shifts overwhelmed her, she felt as if her life was falling apart. She could still help her patients, but unfortunately not help herself. Suddenly finding herself in a patient role, she knew she needed to speak up and to be heard. Thus began her process of research, seeking out and speaking with experts in the menopause field about hormones after breast cancer, daring to question medical professionals, and ultimately finding her voice. Finally, after doing her homework, journaling extensively and assuming personal responsibility for her future health, she returned to her beloved estrogen. It was not an easy path.

The Menopause Manifesto: Own Your Health with Facts and Feminism

by Dr. Jen Gunter

In her follow-up to the #1 bestseller The Vagina Bible, Dr. Jen Gunter, Canadian OB/GYN and the internet's most fearless advocate for women's health, brings us empowerment through knowledge by countering stubborn myths and misunderstandings about menopause with hard facts, real science, fascinating historical perspective, and expert advice.The only thing predictable about menopause is its unpredictability. Factor in widespread misinformation, a lack of research, and the culture of shame around women's bodies, and it's no wonder women are unsure what to expect during the menopause transition and beyond. Menopause is not a disease--it's a planned change, like puberty. And just like puberty, we should be educated on what's to come years in advance, rather than the current practice of leaving people on their own with bothersome symptoms and too much conflicting information. Knowing what is happening, why, and what to do about it is both empowering and reassuring. Frank and funny, Dr. Jen debunks misogynistic attitudes and challenges the over-mystification of menopause to reveal everything you really need to know about:* Perimenopause * Hot flashes * Sleep disruption * Sex and libido * Depression and mood changes * Skin and hair issues * Outdated therapies * Breast health * Weight and muscle mass * Health maintenance screening * And much more! Filled with practical tips, useful information and startling insights, this essential guide will revolutionize how women experience menopause--and show them how their lives can be even better for it.

The Menopause Manifesto: Own Your Health with Facts and Feminism

by Dr. Jen Gunter

Just as she did in her groundbreaking bestseller The Vagina Bible, Dr. Jen Gunter, the internet&’s most fearless advocate for women&’s health, brings you empowerment through knowledge by countering stubborn myths and misunderstandings about menopause with hard facts, real science, fascinating historical perspective, and expert advice. &“Gunter mixes sound medical information with a bit of humor and a lot of candor…[this] frank and expert guide provides an informative and reassuring look at a long, often baffling and infuriating phase of life.&” —Booklist The only thing predictable about menopause is its unpredictability. Factor in widespread misinformation, a lack of research, and the culture of shame around women&’s bodies, and it&’s no wonder women are unsure what to expect during the menopause transition and beyond. Menopause is not a disease—it&’s a planned change, like puberty. And just like puberty, we should be educated on what&’s to come years in advance, rather than the current practice of leaving people on their own with bothersome symptoms and too much conflicting information. Knowing what is happening, why, and what to do about it is both empowering and reassuring. Frank and funny, Dr. Jen debunks misogynistic attitudes and challenges the over-mystification of menopause to reveal everything you really need to know about: *Perimenopause * Hot flashes * Sleep disruption * Sex and libido * Depression and mood changes * Skin and hair issues * Outdated therapies * Breast health * Weight and muscle mass * Health maintenance screening * And much more! Filled with practical, reassuring information, this essential guide will revolutionize how women experience menopause—including how their lives can be even better for it!

Menopause Matters: Your Guide to a Long and Healthy Life (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)

by Julia Schlam Edelman

Menopause Matters is a complete guide for improving a woman's physical and mental health from age 35 and on. Gynecologist and menopause specialist Dr. Julia Schlam Edelman has helped thousands of women feel better and enjoy healthier lives. Scientifically sound and clinically tested, Dr. Edelman's advice is a welcome alternative to the often misleading, conflicting, and confusing sound bites in media reports on women's health issues. Menopause Matters covers the full spectrum of topics of vital interest to perimenopausal and postmenopausal women: hot flashes, vaginal dryness, memory loss, mood changes, depression, hormone replacement therapy, sleep, diet, exercise, healthy sex, and contraception. In a class by itself when it comes to menopause books, Menopause Matters:• promotes informed collaboration between women and their doctors,• advises women to improve their health based on findings in respected research studies,• provides clear explanations of physiology and anatomy, and• relates stories from real women who have experienced all stages of menopause.Dr. Edelman includes prevention strategies for lowering the risks of heart disease, osteoporosis, and cancer. And her practical hints about how to take supplements and medication for maximum benefit are invaluable. Menopause Matters empowers women to be active partners with their physicians during midlife and beyond. No woman will read the book without experiencing at least one big wake-up call about how to live a happier, healthier life.

Menopause, Me and You: The Sound of Women Pausing (Haworth Innovations In Feminist Studies)

by Ellen Cole Esther D Rothblum Ann M Voda

Menopause, Me and You will help you put menopause in proper perspective--as a normal and natural developmental process in the lives of women, not as a disorder or state that causes disease. This informative book gives you self-monitoring tools for collecting information and monitoring changes in your body during menopause. These tools will also help you understand the dynamics of the change process. A guideline as to how to best use this information when interacting with care providers--especially those who view menopause as a disorder to be treated--is also included.Menopause, Me and You is filled with information-gathering tools, scientific facts, and stories from the true “experts” on menopause--the women themselves who have experienced or are experiencing menopause. In chapter after chapter, you’ll gain valuable information for viewing menopause from a woman-centered perspective. Specifically, the book includes: detailed information on conception and fertilization, reconceptualizing these events from a woman-centered, feminist perspective a description and reconceptualization of the menstrual cycle and menstruation, providing the knowledge base--the physiological, endrocrinological, and biochemical mechanisms that regulate the menstrual cycle and menstruation--to understand menopause as the closure of menstrual life and not the end of life a journey into the steroid hormone target cell--shows, at a scientific level, that women were genetically programmed to end the production of reproductive hormones a description and clarification of some of the terms used to describe menopause common menopausal changes and diseases attributed to being estrogen-deficient tools for gathering information, for “discovering knowledge,” about yourself--a menstrual calendar card, hot flash body diagrams, a basal body temperature record, a body composition record, a menstrual bleeding scale, and factors to consider when choosing a care providerThe women who share their experiences in Menopause, Me and You represent women at various stages of menopause. They describe for you what they are feeling as well as what it means to be a mid-life woman at the closure of reproductive life; they celebrate the end of menstruation but curse the changes--including mood swings, hot flashes, and vaginal/bleeding changes--they are experiencing. These changes are normal and expected, however, and need to be understood in that context. They are not symptoms of disease or an excuse for care providers to instantly prescribe hormones or drugs. With the information in Menopause, Me and You, women nearing or experiencing menopause, health care providers, such as nurses, health educators, and physicians, and counselors will better understand how women view this transition and come to accept it as another normal, necessary, and beautiful process in the lives of women.

Menopause the Healthy, Happy Way: Nutrition for Change and Growth

by Maria Tránsito López

Yes, you can feel fantastic during menopause! Feel great just by following a few simple lifestyle rules. Eating, exercising, and sleeping well are keys to healthy living at any age, but these and other concerns are even more important during menopause. This guide will set you on the path to wellness and happiness as you embark on this journey.We have been led to believe that menopause is a kind of disorder, but it is not. It is just a new period in the life of every woman—a time when your body and personal life are changing. Hormonal imbalances experienced during menopause can lead to certain difficulties and inconveniences, but you can still live life to the fullest and find your own joy. In this book, you’ll find the guidelines for adapting to this new stage and discovering its many wonders. Among other things, you’ll learn all about:Relieving hot flashesSleeping wellAddressing emotions and mood swingsEnjoying a full sex lifeKeeping skin and bones in good healthNutrition for your changing bodyMaintaining a happy, healthy heartHelpful information and advice on physical changes, eating right, and staying fit make this book a must-read for women who are entering menopause and ready to embrace a new chapter in life.

The Menopause Thyroid Solution: Overcome Menopause By Solving Your Hidden Thyroid Problems

by Mary J. Shomon

From New York Times bestselling author and nationally recognized patient advocate Mary J. Shomon comes a groundbreaking guide to safely managing menopause through a better understanding of and better care for your thyroid.

Men's Complete Health Guide: Expert Answers to the Questions Men Don't Always Ask

by Neil Baum Scott Miller Mindi Miller David Mobley

"This book is a great asset to all men who need to make their own health a priority." --Joe Gibbs, NFL Hall of Fame coach and owner of 4x NASCAR champion Joe Gibbs Racing Everything you need to know about men&’s health in one handy package—updated, revised, and expanded. The authors&’ first edition (2018) concentrated on the male pelvis and health concerns &“down there.&” Urologists Neil Baum and Scott Miller described the male pelvic region and its complex functions before moving on to a comprehensive list of related medical concerns, including pelvic pain, prostate problems, urinary leakage, urinary tract infections, testosterone deficiency, STDs, prostate cancer, and questions about infertility and sexual dysfunction. Both authors approached these very personal and sensitive topics with straightforward, reader-friendly language, using case examples, illustrations, research, and occasional humor to explain the potential causes and cures for each medical challenge. Five years later, the authorship has been doubled to include one more urologist, David Mobley, and a Doctor of Pharmacy, Mindi Miller. With this expanded team of experts, the goal is to provide men with health information—not only from prostate to penis—but from head to toe. Nine totally new chapters address a wide range of topics that altogether equip the reader with key information to assess and improve his mental, physical, and emotional health. The authors even provide step-by-step processes to use when selecting a doctor or surgeon, and what signs might indicate that a doctor&’s visit is a must. Men&’s Complete Health Guide means that men no longer need to suffer in silence or dwell in denial. This valuable resource enables every man to become his own health advocate, more likely to discuss body concerns with family or friends, and more open to seeking a doctor&’s advice for remedy.

Men's Health: How to Do it

by David Conrad Alan White

This work includes Foreword by Ian Banks - President, Men's Health Forum. Traditionally, men have been seen as reluctant to access health services, but getting men to engage with their health isn't an impossible task once you're equipped with a few tricks of the trade. This concise, easy to read guide offers a no-nonsense, practical approach to the development and implementation of men's health programmes. Based on years of wide-ranging experience, the book is designed for anyone who is involved in service delivery for men and boys, and demonstrates what can be achieved with adequate resources, a flexible approach and a sound understanding of men's needs. It is ideal for all healthcare professionals and managers, and medicine and nursing students undertaking specialist men's health and health promotion courses. It is also of great interest to teachers and youth leaders, including school nurses. Healthcare policy makers and shapers will find it enlightening reading. 'This book is for anyone who wants to find out how to successfully set up and deliver health services aimed at men and boys. Traditionally, men have been seen as reluctant to access health services, but getting men to engage with their health isn't an impossible task once you're equipped with a few tricks of the trade. Although this is primarily intended to be a practical guide, much of the book will also be of interest to academics, policy makers and managers. It demonstrates what can be achieved with adequate resources, a flexible approach and a sound understanding of men's needs.' - David Conrad and Alan White, in the Preface. 'As an issue men's health is plagued by myth, ignorance and inequality, but most of all by a lack of solid research based on evidence-based work with men themselves. Lofty academics pontificate endlessly on the meaning of 'masculinity' yet never get their invariably white Caucasian, middle class hands dirty on what really impacts on Y chromosome owners. The Bradford team didn't just wonder about masculinity and scratch male pattern baldness, they did something measurable about men's health and ethnicity so other workers could use their evidence base to actually change the dreadful health status quo. An excellent and unique "Dirty Hands Manual".' - Ian Banks, in the Foreword.

Men’s Health: An Introduction

by Diana And Karczmarczyk

This comprehensive book addresses men’s health and wellness in the context of the male psyche, provides up to date research on men’s health, discusses theoretical frameworks, shares perspectives from men and lists consumer resources and tools. Men’s Health explores social, cultural, physical and psychological approaches to men’s health with sections focusing on the psycho-social issues, the body, relationships, healthy living and aging, while taking into account cultural differences. Each chapter: provides a review of the current science and emerging research of the topic; outlines theoretical frameworks, best practices and recommendations for advancing men’s health through service delivery, research, education, policy and advocacy; features a personal assessment tool on the topic; and includes vignettes from men, their friends and families, and care providers. Suitable for students taking undergraduate courses on men’s health and wellness, this broad-ranging textbook is the ideal introduction to the topic.

Men's Health

by Peter H. Lim

Men's Health is a concise, didactic compendium that covers three important aspects of male sexual health:- Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome; Premature Ejaculation and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). The chapters that deal with Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome cover the epidemiology of the condition in the local context, the science behind the condition, its clinical presentation and treatment choices. The section on Premature Ejaculation advises the health practitioner on how to investigate this condition and describes the various treatment options available to the patient. The chapters on Sexually Transmitted Infections cover special aspects of the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of STIs occurring in Men which are not normally highlighted in the usual texts on STI management. Written by experts in the field, Men's Health is a valuable and timely resource for urologists, andrologists, endocrinologists as well as other health professionals practicing in these areas.

Men's Health 4e: How To Do It

by Roger Kirby Culley C Carson Alan White Mike Kirby

Since its first edition, Men's Health has established itself as the essential reference for practitioners across the spectrum of medicine - including those working in urology, andrology, cardiology, endocrinology, family practice and mental health. For this fully updated fourth edition the editors have again assembled an international team of expert authors to write on an encyclopedic range of topics, making this an invaluable resource for any health professional interested in maintaining and improving the health of their male patients. Comprehensive coverage of every aspect of men's health and the gender gap. Includes the latest research on cardiovascular risks. Assesses the specific issues concerning men and cancer. Examines the often overlooked aspects of mental health as it affects men. Incorporates new developments in metabolic medicine and men.

Men’s Health and Wellbeing

by Kamran Ahmed Sanchia S. Goonewardene David Albala Oliver Brunckhorst

This book provides a concise overview of the latest controversies and advances in men’s health. It covers the male anatomy, physiology, and the metabolic syndromes that most commonly affect males. A range of benign and malignant conditions affecting the prostate, testes, rectum and colon are detailed. Chapters feature an easy-to-follow format and feature learning objectives to highlight the key concepts in each chapter aiding the reader to develop a thorough understanding of fundamental aspects in men’s health.Men’s Health and Wellbeing features insightful reviews of controversies and recent developments in men’s health, and is a valuable resource for all trainee and practicing medical professionals who treat these patients.

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