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Men's Health in Primary Care

by Joel J. Heidelbaugh

This book fills a major gap in the literature by providing comprehensive guidelines for the care of male patients through the lifecycle and across healthcare settings. Devoted solely to improving men's health, this book serves as an accessible, practical reference for clinicians treating these patients. It focuses on the psychosocial challenges that men encounter in obtaining healthcare as well as acute and chronic medical and psychological diseases. The book also offers current evidence-based guidelines for wellness and health maintenance. Topics include the problem of help seeking, preventative services, sexual dysfunction, cardiovascular health, prostate cancer screening, and testosterone deficiency. Men's Health in Primary Care is a valuable resource for primary care clinicians and students in family medicine, internal medicine, and adolescent medicine.

Men’s Issues and Men’s Mental Health: An Introductory Primer

by Rob Whitley

Traditionally, men’s mental health woes have been attributed to male stubbornness and rigid notions of masculinity. However, there is growing recognition that mental health issues in men are socially determined by a range of factors including family, educational, occupational, and legal issues. These and a variety of other social issues have been collectively labelled ‘men’s issues’ and are being increasingly linked to negative men’s mental health outcomes. This book gives an overview of men’s mental health as well as related men’s issues, adopting a public-health-inspired approach examining the research linking social exposures and mental health outcomes. The book is unique in that it synthesizes and explores men’s issues, men’s mental health, and social determinants in a holistic and integrated manner through assessment of the social scientific and psychiatric literature.In this book, the author discusses the social determinants of men’s mental health and accompanying psychosocial interventions, moving beyond one-dimensional discussions of masculinity. Among the topics covered are:The Social Determinants of Male SuicideAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Young Males: The Medicalization of Boyhood?Why Do Men Have Low Rates of Formal Mental Health Service Utilization? An Analysis of Social and Systemic Barriers to Care, and Discussion of Promising Male-Friendly PracticesThe Gender Gap in Education: Understanding Educational Underachievement in Young Males and its Relationship to Adverse Mental HealthEmployment, Unemployment and Workplace Issues in Relation to Men’s Mental HealthMen’s Issues and Men’s Mental Health: An Introductory Primer is essential reading for healthcare practitioners and social service providers including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, counsellors, teachers, charity workers, health promotion specialists, and public health officers. It is also a useful text for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in health care, social services, public health, epidemiology and social sciences, particularly sociology, psychology, and gender studies. Finally, the book can be read and understood by an intelligent lay reader, making it accessible for the wider public.

Men's Sexual Health and Fertility

by John P. Mulhall Wayland Hsiao

In the last decade, much of the clinical interest in the field of infertility has focused on advancing reproductive techniques and has often under-appreciated the role that male sexuality plays in reproductive problems. Male sexual function is an integral part of reproduction, and the treatment of sexual dysfunction is an important component for any couple seeking fertility. In some cases, treatment of sexual dysfunction may obviate the need for more invasive cures through advanced reproductive techniques. Thanks to recent clinical and scientific advances in male sexual medicine, the management of men's sexual dysfunction is often more effective and less invasive than how it was historically described. Men's Sexual Health and Fertility is the only resource that focuses on the interplay and interconnections between male sexual dysfunction and male factor infertility, gathering insightful data from a panel of experts in male sexual medicine for clinicians who treat couples with fertility issues due to male sexual dysfunction. Chapters discuss advances in the field of men's sexual medicine, including the latest treatment for erectile dysfunction, the most up-to-date understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of ejaculation, and the growing body of evidence that low testosterone and male infertility are intimately related. As such, this book provides important information in order to be able to better understand the link between sexual dysfunction and infertility and, most importantly, to better treat male sexual dysfunction in the infertile couple.

Mensch – Beziehung – Störung: Aktuelle Konzepte zu Borderline und strukturell verwandten Störungen (Psychosomatik im Zentrum #3)

by Friedrich Riffer Elmar Kaiser Manuel Sprung Lore Streibl

Der dritte Band der Buchreihe des Psychosomatischen Zentrums Waldviertel (PSZW), Universitätsklinik für Psychosomatische Medizin der Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität, beschäftigt sich mit Borderline und strukturell verwandten Störungen aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln. Michael Köhlmeier eröffnet mit einem Gastbeitrag über die Fachgrenzen hinweg anhand von Märchen über Liebe und Aggression, zwei wichtigen Schlüsselelementen für das Verständnis der Borderlinestörung. In den anschließenden fachspezifischen Beiträgen wird ein Überblick über aktuelle Konzepte zur Ätiologie, Pathogenese und Therapie von Menschen mit Borderline und strukturell verwandten Störungen gegeben. Des Weiteren werden neueste Aspekte und Erkenntnisse zu genetischen und neurobiologischen Grundlagen dieser Störung vorgestellt. Der Konnex bzw. die Schwierigkeit der Abgrenzung zu Traumafolgestörungen wird ebenso diskutiert, wie die Beziehungsgestaltung von Menschen mit Borderlinestörung und der Umgang mit Kränkung und Gegenübertragung. Das Panorama ist der Rolle von Akzeptanz in der Therapie von Menschen mit chronischen Schmerzen gewidmet. Dieses Buch richtet sich in erster Linie an Ärzte, Psychotherapeuten, Klinische- und Gesundheitspsychologen sowie verwandte Berufsgruppen, die Patienten mit Borderline- oder strukturell verwandten Störungen behandeln.

Mensch! Erstaunliches über den Körper

by Martina Kahl-Scholz

Dieses Buch klärt interessierte Laien über erstaunliche Fakten und Prozesse bei Medizin und Gesundheit auf. Warum würden wir ohne Schlaf sterben? Wie kommt es zum Jojo-Effekt? Wieso haben alle unsere Körperzellen im Grunde ihre eigene Nase? Warum altern wir und lässt sich das wirklich aufhalten? Wie entwickelt sich das Denken? Und warum kann ein Placebo bei der Heilung so effektiv sein wie eine Operation? Diesen und weiteren Fragen rund um verschiedene Vorgänge im menschlichen Körper geht die Autorin nach. Erfahren Sie von faszinierenden medizinischen Zusammenhängen – und warum wir doch natürliche Feinde haben, Schmerz empfinden, was uns aus dem Gleichgewicht bringt und unsere Stimme anders klingen lässt. Und wussten Sie eigentlich schon, was genau Intuition ist? Tauchen Sie ein in die Vielfalt Mensch und lassen Sie sich von Ihrem eigenen Körper verblüffen.

Menschenführung und Leadership in der Pflege (Top im Gesundheitsjob)

by Joel Smolibowski

Der Schlüssel zum professionellen Umgang mit Menschen! Die Fähigkeit, professionell mit Menschen umzugehen, ist essenziell für die Beschäftigten der Gesundheitsfachberufe. Der erfahrene Autor vermittelt hierzu auf einfache und sofort umsetzbare Weise das notwendige Basiswissen. Ob als Schichtleitung, mit Angehörigen oder im interprofessionellen Team - lernen Sie die Grundlagen und Methoden, um richtig zu agieren und sich gut auszudrücken. Die drei wichtigen Kompetenzen Authentizität, Verantwortungsbewusstsein und die Fähigkeit, klar zu kommunizieren, können erlernt und trainiert werden. Denn Menschenführung bedeutet mehr, als nur zu sagen wo „es langgehen soll“. „Leadership“ bedeutet das Vorleben von Werten und Verantwortung zum Wohl eines guten und gesunden Miteinander.

Menschliches Leid - Perspektiven der Philosophie und Theologie, des Buddhismus und der Medizin: Medizinische Gesellschaft Mainz e.V.

by Theodor Junginger Monika Seibert-Grafe Mechthild Dreyer Tonke Dennebaum

In diesem Buch werden die Sichtweisen der Philosophie, der christlichen und jüdischen Theologie, des Buddhismus, der Medizin sowie der Psychologie und Psychotherapie auf das Leid der Menschen dargestellt. Das eigene und das fremde Leid gehören grundlegend zum Leben der Menschen dazu, ebenso wie Freude und Glück. Den körperlichen oder seelischen Belastungen können viele Ursachen zugrunde liegen und oft werden Fragen nach dem Warum oder dem Sinn gestellt. Betroffene hadern damit, dass ausgerechnet sie die Erfahrung von Leid machen müssen. Diese Fragen nach den Ursachen, der Erklärung und der Bedeutung von Leid sowie die Möglichkeiten der Linderung und der Bewältigung von Leid diskutieren die Autoren im Kontext ihrer jeweiligen Fachgebiete, so dass sich dem Leser eine breite, und interdisziplinäre Sicht auf das menschliche Leid eröffnet.Weiterhin wird die Perspektive eines unmittelbar von Leid Betroffenen durch seine einprägsame Schilderung des Erlebten vermittelt.

Menstrual Bleeding and Pain Disorders from Adolescence to Menopause: Volume 11: Frontiers in Gynecological Endocrinology (ISGE Series)

by Andrea R. Genazzani Tommaso Simoncini Steven R. Goldstein

This book focuses on menstrual cycle bleeding and pain disorders from menarche to menopause. Hormonal and tissue basis of menstrual cycle are described as well as the role of ultrasound in the evaluation of normal and abnormal endometrium and sex steroid hormones used in the treatment of such disorders. How to identify patients with coagulation disorders, the correlation of AUB in early menarche and PCOS later in adolescence and adolescent menorrhagia are extensively analysed for their clinical and therapeutic implication.Anovulatory syndromes and luteal phase defects are explained for their pathogenesis and role in women health. Dysmenorrhea and other pain syndromes as well PMS and PMDD are analysed for their diagnosis and management and the impact of endometriosis, adenomyosis and uterine myoma for the linkage of these organic diseases, inflammation and bleeding and pain disorders related to menstrual cyclicity. Endometrial hyperplasia and malignancy are also extensively examined for their pathogenesis, symptoms and role in uterine bleeding and pelvic pain as well as how to face oncological therapies induced amenorrhea. The last part of the book analyses and discuss the causes of menorrhagia in menopausal transition and the management of bleeding disorders under menopause hormone therapy.Written by experts in the field, this book will be of benefits to residents, general practitioners and specialists, gynaecologists, endocrinologists, paediatricians and GPs who deal with women’s health care.

Menstrual Bodies and Gender: The Transnational Business of Menstruation from Latin America

by Eugenia Tarzibachi

This book interrogates how the so-called “Feminine Care” industry travelled from the United States to Latin America via manufactured and disposable menstrual management technologies and certain narratives about menstrual bodies. The author focuses on Argentina as a case study to deepen the analysis of transnational politics and business practices around menstruation, drawing on women’s voices to unveil why menstruation is still a bodily process that is natural yet taboo in Latin America. This fascinating volume is a must-read for anyone interested in how the “Feminine Care” industry helped reify the insidious social mandate of shame and secrecy over women’s bodily experiences.

Menstrual Cycle Related Disorders: Volume 7: Frontiers in Gynecological Endocrinology (ISGE Series)

by Sarah L. Berga Andrea R. Genazzani Frederick Naftolin Felice Petraglia

This volume discusses menstrual cycle related disorders, which are a major concern from adolescence to menopause. Starting from hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis regulation, it analyzes the characteristics and treatments of hypothalamic amenorrhea and eating disorders, as well as polycystic ovary and adolescent hyperandrogenism. It also examines the importance of body composition and physical performance. The book particularly focuses on the diagnosis of and therapies for hormone-related headaches, the management of trans sexuality in the gynecological outpatient area, dysfunctional uterine bleeding and premature ovarian insufficiency. Further, it analyzes the basic, clinical and therapeutic aspects of endometriosis, as well as the important opportunities that SPRMs (selective progesterone receptor modulators) offer in contraception and fibroid therapy. This book is a useful tool for gynecologists, endocrinologists and general practitioners, and is a valuable resource for all physicians involved in women’s health.

Menstrual Disorders

by Graham Scambler

What does modern medical science know about menstruation? Less than is commonly assumed, according to Annette and Graham Scambler. In this thought-provoking book, they challenge orthodox thinking on menstruation and disorders associated with it. Based on women's own experience and accounts of menstruation and menstrual disorders, their study will prompt health workers to rethink their approaches to menstrual phenomena. It shows how women are conditioned to regard menstruation as problematic, highlights the disadvantages as well as the advantages of progressive medicalization of menstrual phenomena, and discuss how menstruation is perceived within male culture.

Menstruation, Health And Illness (A Health Care for Women International Publication)

by Diana L. Taylor and Nancy F. Woods

The seventh conference of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, held at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in June 1987, continued the work of previous meetings to provide a forum for research and knowledge about menstrual cycle phenomena. Founded in 1978, The Society for Menstrual Cycle Research is an organization of scientists, scholars, clinicians, students, and consumers who share an interest in women's lives and health needs as these relate to the menstrual cycle. In addition to the main theme, the seventh conference focused on (a) psychosocial, cultural, and historical aspects of the menstrual cycle, (b) theoretical issues and management considerations for premenstrual syndrome, and (c) future directions in menstrual cycle research.First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Menstruation in Nepal: Dignity Without Danger

by Madhusudan Subedi Kay Standing Sara Parker

This book examines the complexities of menstrual beliefs and practices in Nepal. Taking an interdisciplinary and intersectional approach, it explores and promotes the rights of women, girls, and people who menstruate to a dignified and healthy menstruation.The volume• collates current research in Nepal from local academics, early career researchers, and the Dignity Without Danger research project;• provides a more nuanced understanding of the complex stigmas and taboos that surround menstruation;• highlights the importance of rethinking ideas of religion, gender, menstruation, stigma and taboos, cultural practises, and discrimination;• proposes a counter-narrative that places sociological studies at the heart of the discussion surrounding menstruation; and• calls for more collaborative action research to strengthen the links between academia and activism across disciplines.An authoritative contribution, the book will be of interest to scholars and researchers of gender studies, public health, sociology, human rights, South Asian studies, medical sociology, cultural studies, and social medicine, particularly for those concerned with Nepal.

Menswetenschappen & communicatie en interactie in de verpleegkundige beroepsuitoefening

by Hilde De Vocht J.H.J. de Jong

In dit boek wordt ingegaan op psychologie, sociologie, antropologie, filosofie en agogiek, zodat een compleet boekwerk voor de menswetenschappen ontstaat. Het boek kent drie delen: theorie, toepassing in de beroepsuitoefening, toepassing bij specifieke zorgcategorieen

Mental Capacity Legislation: Principles and Practice

by Rebecca Jacob Michael Gunn Anthony Holland

Crucial to health and social care practice, the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 safeguards decision-making within a legal framework. This book provides theoretical, practical and up-to-date guidance on mental capacity legislation. It focuses on the theory underpinning the principles of the MCA 2005, including historical background, and the practical challenges in applying legal statute in varied clinical settings, from hospitals to social care in community settings. Recent case law is detailed and examples of ethical dilemmas and medico-legal challenges feature, along with guidance to navigate these in clinical practice. Applying mental capacity principles in end-of-life decision-making is an area of discussion, as well as the future of legislative changes in the field. To be read alongside the MCA 2005 Code of Practice, this guide will support mental health and social care professionals in clinical settings.

Mental Conditioning to Perform Common Operations in General Surgery Training: A Systematic Approach to Expediting Skill Acquisition and Maintaining Dexterity in Performance

by Raul J. Rosenthal Fernando D. Dip Armando Rosales Emanuele Lo Menzo

This book is intended for medical students and surgical trainees such as surgical residents and fellows. It provides a practical preparation guide for common surgical procedures. Operations are divided into twelve sections that cover commonly performed general surgery operations such as bariatric, breast, cardiothoracic, colorectal, minimally invasive, and more. The chapters included in these sections aim to assist residents and fellows in facilitating memorization of the operation sequence and movements required to perform a given task. It will also help enhance skill development in the operating room.Written by residents and highly experienced attending surgeons, Mental Conditioning to Perform Common Operations in General Surgery Training: A Systematic Approach to Expediting Skill Acquisition and Maintaining Dexterity in Performance provides a comprehensive systematic approach to performing surgical procedures.

Mental Conflicts And Misconduct

by Healy, William

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Mental Development of the Child: A Summary of Modern Psychological Theory

by Buhler, Karl

This is Volume VI of thirty-two in the Developmental Psychology series. First published in 1930, this study presents a summary of the psychological theory of the time, on the mental development of a growing child considering memory, development of perception, imagination, ability to draw and evolution.

Mental Disorder Among Prisoners: Toward an Epidemiologic Inventory

by Nathaniel Pallone

What do we know about the mental health of inmates? What are the implications of what we know? Nathaniel J. Pallone characterizes opinion on these questions as falling into two broad camps: the "tender-hearted," those who see an overlap between mental illness and criminal behavior, and are treatment-oriented; and the "tough-minded," those who have little confidence in psychiatric categories, do not really accept arguments about diminished responsibility, and who feel the emphasis should be on punishment. Which is closer to the truth?When this book was first published, the incidence of mental disorder among prisoners was nearly four times greater than among comparable groups in the general population in part because prisoners are disproportionately drawn from demographic groups with a high incidence of mental disorder—nonwhite and from lower socioeconomic strata. But other data is equally dismaying: mental retardation is 50 percent higher; alcohol and drug abuse is between five and eight times greater; and neurogenic disorders may be 1,700 times greater. In all categories of mental illness, the incidence among prisoners is far higher than among the general population.Pallone asserts that evidence suggests that the design and implementation of mental health care needs serious reevaluation, particularly in view of Supreme Court decisions mandating mental health care despite obstacles with implementation. Palone saw mental health care as the primary issue for those who manage prisons. Sadly, this remains as true as when this book was first published.

Mental Disorder in Canada

by David L. Streiner John Cairney

Canada has long been recognized as a leader in the field of psychiatric epidemiology, the study of the factors affecting mental health in populations. However, there has never been a book dedicated to the study of mental disorder at a population level in Canada. This collection of essays by leading scholars in the discipline uses data from the country's first national survey of mental disorder, the Canadian Community Health Survey of 2005, to fill that gap.Mental Disorder in Canada explores the history of psychiatric epidemiology, evaluates methodological issues, and analyzes the prevalence of several significant mental disorders in the population. The collection also includes essays on stigma, mental disorder and the criminal justice system, and mental health among women, children, workers, and other demographic groups. Focusing specifically on Canadian scholarship, yet wide-reaching in scope, Mental Disorder in Canada is an important contribution to the dissemination and advancement of knowledge on psychiatric epidemiology.

Mental Disorders in Older Adults, Second Edition

by Steven Zarit Judy Zarit

Illustrated with abundant clinical material, this book provides essential knowledge and skills for effective mental health practice with older adults. It demonstrates how to evaluate and treat frequently encountered clinical problems in this population, including dementias, mood and anxiety disorders, and paranoid symptoms. Strategies are presented for implementing psychosocial interventions and integrating them with medications. The book also describes insightful approaches for supporting family caregivers and addresses the nuts and bolts of consulting in institutional settings. Combining their expertise as a researcher and an experienced clinician, the authors offer a unique perspective on the challenges facing older adults and how to help them lead more fulfilling and independent lives. Three reproducible forms can also be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.

Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical Social Work

by Sonia Austrian

Written for social workers by a social worker, Mental Disorders, Medications, and Clinical Social Work discusses the etiology, epidemiology, assessment, and intervention planning for common mental disorders. Looking at disorders from an ecosystems perspective, Austrian goes beyond a linear classification approach and DSM-IV-TR categories and encourages social workers to analyze the internal and external environmental factors that contribute to a disorder's development. Austrian's discussion of effective intervention(s) for a particular client also stresses the importance of working with families in treating disorders.In addition to information on new medications, biochemical data on the causes of disease, and diagnostic tests, the revised third edition discusses therapies such as motivational interviewing, cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, and dialectic.

Mental Health

by Nicholas Procter Helen P. Hamer Denise McGarry Rhonda L. Wilson Terry Froggatt Nicholas Procter Helen P. Hamer Denise Mcgarry Rhonda L. Wilson

Mental ill health represents not only an immense psychological, social and economic burden to society, but also increases the risk and complexity of physical illnesses. Recognising that neuropsychiatric conditions account for 13% of total Disability Adjusted Life Years lost globally, and are estimated to increase to 15% by 2020 (WHO 2004), this book addresses the dynamic nature of professional mental health nursing across the lifespan. Effective mental health care delivery is brought into sharp focus with the release of the Australian Senate Select Committee Report on Mental Health in March 2006. This specially commissioned issue of Contemporary Nurse considers mental health nursing from consumer, nursing practice and community health perspectives. It concludes with recommendations for nurse education, workplace training, and delivery of community care. Violence, 'difficult to treat' disorders, cultural sensitivity, safety of psychotropic medications and application of mental health services in non-mental health settings are addressed from North American, Australian and New Zealand perspectives, which work to build evidence-based research to inform effective mental health practice.

Mental Health 3ed: A Person-centred Approach

by Nicholas Procter Rhonda L. Wilson Helen P. Hamer Denise McGarry Mark Loughhead

Mental Health: A Person-centred Approach equips students with the tools they need to provide exceptional person-focused care when supporting improved mental health of diverse communities.The third edition has been updated and restructured to provide a more logical and comprehensive guide to mental health practice. It includes new chapters on trauma-informed care, different mental health conditions and diagnoses, suicide and self-harm and the mental health of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Significant updates have been made to the chapters on the social and emotional well-being of First Nations Australians and mental health assessment. Taking a narrative approach, the text interweaves personal stories from consumers, carers and workers with lived experience. Each chapter contains 'Translation to Practice' and 'Interprofessional Perspective' boxes, reflection questions and end-of-chapter questions and activities to test students' understanding of key theories. Written by experts in the field, Mental Health remains an essential, person-centred resource for mental health students.

Mental Health Across the Lifespan: A Handbook

by Michael Thomas Mary Steen

Mental wellbeing is an integral part of being, and feeling, healthy, and it is estimated that one in four people will suffer from some form of mental illness during their lifetime. In spite of this, it is often overlooked in mainstream healthcare. The overall aim of this book is to provide knowledge and understanding of how mental health affects human beings from conception through to end-of-life, and the challenges that society as a whole has to address in the treatment of mental health. Beginning with an exploration of historical, social and cultural contexts, the book then goes on to discuss mental health care, and mental health promotion, during pregnancy and early parenthood, childhood, adolescence and young adulthood, adulthood for both men and women, and in older people. Containing reflective exercises, the chapters are designed to provide an easily-accessible and engagingly-written introduction to mental health. Containing chapters that can be read and reviewed in isolation, or used as an entire text, Mental Health Across the Lifespan: A Handbook provides a solid introduction to mental health for students. The book will also act as a useful reference for doctors, nurses, midwives, health visitors, allied health professionals, and health and social care support workers who have no specialist mental health training but often work in partnership with, and care for, people suffering from mental health issues.

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