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Metabolism and Epigenetic Regulation: Implications in Cancer (Subcellular Biochemistry #100)

by Tapas Kumar Kundu Chandrima Das

Metabolic programs of individuals are key determinants for disease susceptibility and immune response. This book, edited by experts in the field, summarizes epigenetic signaling pathways that regulate metabolic programs associated with cancer and cancer-related secondary diseases.The first part of the book highlights key metabolic pathways that are implicated in cancer and provides a comprehensive overview on the carbohydrate, protein, lipid, amino- and nucleic acid metabolic pathways that are deregulated in cancer. Special attention is paid to the altered tumor micro-environment that is influenced by the metabolic milieu. Furthermore, the fundamental relationship between the cellular metabolic environment and cell death-mediated autophagy is discussed.The second part of the book covers our understanding of the fundamental epigenetic regulations that are implicated in controlling the metabolic programs in cancer cells. Many aspects of epigenetic regulation of non-coding RNAs as well as DNA/RNA methylation, which influencing metabolic homeostasis in cancer, are discussed in detail. Special emphasis is placed on the epigenetic regulation of the amino acid, glucose/carbohydrate metabolism and epigenetic regulation during hypoxia and its connection to cancer.Last but not least, the third part of the book covers small molecule modulators of histone modifying enzymes, which can be used as therapeutic tools. The readers learn about the cross-talk between epigenetics and immunometabolims, as well as the epigenetic regulation of oncometabolites to combat cancer. Given its scope, the book will appeal to a broad readership interested in epigenetic, cancer and metabolic research.

Metabolism and Medicine: The Physics of Biological Engines (Volume 1) (Foundations of Biochemistry and Biophysics)

by Brian Fertig

Chronic disease states of aging should be viewed through the prism of metabolism and biophysical processes at all levels of physiological organization present in the human body. This book describes the building blocks of understanding from a reasonable but not high-level technical language viewpoint, employing the perspective of a clinical physician. It brings together concepts from five specific branches of physics relevant to biology and medicine, namely, biophysics, classical electromagnetism, thermodynamics, systems biology and quantum mechanics. Key Features: Broad and up-to-date overview of the field of metabolism, especially connecting the spectrum of topics that range from modern physical underpinnings with cell biology to clinical practice. Provides a deeper basic science and interdisciplinary understanding of biological systems that broaden the perspectives and therapeutic problem solving. Introduces the concept of the Physiological Fitness Landscape, which is inspired by the physics of phase transitions This first volume in a two-volume set, primarily targets an audience of clinical and science students, biomedical researchers and physicians who would benefit from understanding each other’s language.

Metabolism and Medicine: The Metabolic Landscape of Health and Disease (Volume 2) (Foundations of Biochemistry and Biophysics)

by Brian Fertig

Chronic disease states of aging should be viewed through the prism of metabolism and biophysical processes at all levels of physiological organization present in the human body. This book connects these insights to what causes them to go awry in the context of unhealthy human behaviors and aging, aiming to buttress scientific creativity. It also provides links between the art and science of medicine that strengthens problem-solving in patient care. New and important discoveries in the area of metabolic health and metabolic diseases are discussed in exquisite detail. Key Features: Broad and up-to-date overview of the field of metabolic aspects of health and chronic disease development, especially connecting the spectrum of topics that range from molecular clocks to stress response to nuclear hormone receptors and the role of microbiota in human health Provides a deeper basic science and interdisciplinary understanding of biological systems that broaden the perspectives and therapeutic problem solving by elaborating on the usefulness of the Physiological Fitness Landscape Describes the importance of insulin resistance in metabolic disease, especially diabetes but also includes links to cancer and Alzheimer’s disease Examines the process of aging from the perspective of metabolic decline illustrating it with the Physiological Fitness Landscape This book, the second volume in a two-volume set, primarily targets an audience of clinical and science students, biomedical researchers and physicians who would benefit from understanding each other’s language.

The Metabolism Miracle

by Diane Kress

Do you keep gaining weight, despite your efforts to diet? Do the pounds accumulate around your tummy? Do you feel tired, irritable, and unable to focus? If you answered "yes" to any of the above, you may be one of the millions who have Metabolism B, an inherited condition that causes your body to overprocess carbohydrate foods into excess body fat. There is a reason that some people can eat all they want (and seemingly never gain a pound), while the rest of us fret over every carb. Diane Kress, a registered dietitian and weight-loss specialist, has helped thousands with Metabolism B lose weight--and keep it off--with her revolutionary, scientifically based program. Now she shares its secrets here. Among the many life-changing elements of The Metabolism Miracle, you will discover: * The reason why cookie-cutter approaches to dieting (subtracting calories burned from calories consumed) cannot work for those with Metabolism B * The tools to lose weight and reprogram your metabolism permanently * A foolproof method to improve your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar * The return of your energy, focus, and sense of well-being * Sample menus to help you take it one day at a time * Delicious recipes (including vegan) tailored to match each step * An active lifestyle plan to maintain your newfound body weight. As someone who struggled with Metabolism B for years, Diane Kress knows firsthand the frustration of diets that don't work. Based on the latest research, her own experience, and the experiences of her clients, she has developed this groundbreaking plan to help you take back your life--starting today.

The Metabolism Miracle

by Diane Kress

Do you keep gaining weight, despite your efforts to diet? Do the pounds accumulate around your tummy? Do you feel tired, irritable, and unable to focus? If you answered yes to any of the above, you may be one of the millions who have Metabolism B, an inherited condition that causes your body to overprocess carbohydrate foods into excess body fat. There is a reason that some people can eat all they want (and seemingly never gain a pound), while the rest of us fret over every carb. Diane Kress, a registered dietitian and weight-loss specialist, has helped thousands with Metabolism B lose weight-and keep it off-with her revolutionary, scientifically based program. Now she shares its secrets here.

Metabolism of Alimentary Compounds by the Intestinal Microbiota and Health

by François Blachier

This book provides an overview of the metabolism of dietary compounds by the intestinal microbiota, and on the consequences of such metabolic activity on host metabolism and physiological functions; both in intestinal and peripheral tissues.Over the last years, our understanding of the causal links between microbiota metabolic activity towards dietary and endogenous substrates and human health status has evolved extensively. In this context, the book starts with a comprehensive introduction devoted to the physiological and metabolic functions of the intestinal epithelium, followed by a part dedicated to the way intestine offers board and lodging for microbes being on a short- or long-term stay. The next chapters focus on the utilization of the available substrates from diet by the intestinal bacteria to produce numerous bacterial metabolites, and on the impact of such microbial activity, in the first place for communication between microbes, and for communication between microbes and lodging host. As will be detailed, this latter process of interkingdom communication leads to either beneficial or deleterious effects on intestinal physiology and metabolism. Special attention is given to selected pathophysiological processes namely chronic intestinal inflammation, colorectal carcinogenesis, and diarrhea. Then, the effects of modifications of bacterial metabolites and other bioactive compounds by the host after intestinal absorption, and consequences for peripheral tissue functions are presented.Summarizing the state of the art on what is known about the metabolic crosstalk between gut microbiota and human metabolism, as well as perspectives for further experimental and clinical research, this book provides a useful resource for researchers, professionals, and students with a background in biology, and/or nutrition, medicine, pharmacology, and for those which are involved in the agriculture and food production. By explaining technical terms all along the text, this book should be understandable also for interested non-specialists.

The Metabolism of Arsenite (Arsenic in the environment)

by Joanne M. Santini; Seamus A. Ward

Up to 200 million people in 70 countries are at risk from drinking water contaminated with arsenic, which is a major cause of chronic debilitating illnesses and fatal cancers. Until recently little was known about the mobility of arsenic, and how redox transformations determined its movement into or out of water supplies. Although human activities contribute to the release of arsenic from minerals, it is now clear that bacteria are responsible for most of the redox transformation of arsenic in the environment. Bacterial oxidation of arsenite (to the less mobile arsenate) has been known since 1918, but it was not until 2000 that a bacterium was shown to gain energy from this process. Since then a wide range of arsenite-oxidizing bacteria have been isolated, including aerobes and anaerobes; heterotrophs and autotrophs; thermophiles, mesophiles and psychrophiles. This book reviews recent advances in the study of such bacteria. After a section on background—geology and health issues—the main body of the book concerns the cellular machinery of arsenite oxidation. It concludes by examining possible applications. Topics treated are: The geology and cycling of arsenic Arsenic and disease Arsenite oxidation: physiology, enzymes, genes, and gene regulation. Community genomics and functioning, and the evolution of arsenite oxidation Microbial arsenite oxidation in bioremediation Biosensors for arsenic in drinking water and industrial effluents

Metabolism of Brain Peptides

by Gerard O'Cuinn

Metabolism of Brain Peptides discusses neuropeptide metabolism in light of recent research. It describes the processing mechanisms in the production of biologically active peptides. It details distribution of the variety of neuropeptides in the brain and comprehensively reviews the effects of these neuropeptides on behavioral and physiological functions. The book also examines termination mechanisms for the biological activities of neuropeptides in light of recent knowledge of their distribution, their receptors and their possible inactivation enzymes in various functional regions of the brain and at the blood-brain barrier.

Metabolism of Drugs and Other Xenobiotics

by Pavel Anzenbacher Ulrich M. Zanger

A practice-oriented desktop reference for medical professionals, toxicologists and pharmaceutical researchers, this handbook providessystematic coverage of the metabolic pathways of all major classes of xenobiotics in the human body. The first part comprehensively reviewsthe main enzyme systems involved in biotransformation and how they are orchestrated in the body, while parts two to four cover the threemain classes of xenobiotics: drugs, natural products, environmental pollutants. The part on drugs includes more than 300 substances fromfive major therapeutic groups (central nervous system, cardiovascular system, cancer, infection, and pain) as well as most drugs of abuseincluding nicotine, alcohol and "designer" drugs. Selected, well-documented case studies from the most important xenobiotics classes illustrate general principles of metabolism, making this equally useful for teaching courses on pharmacology, drug metabolism or moleculartoxicology.Of particular interest, and unique to this volume is the inclusion of a wide range of additional xenobiotic compounds, including food supplements, herbal preparations, and agrochemicals.

Metabolism of Human Diseases

by Martin Zeeb Eckhard Lammert

"Metabolism of Human Diseases" examines the physiology of key organs (e. g. brain, eye, lung, heart, blood vessels, blood, immune system, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver, fat tissue, kidney, reproductive system, teeth, bone and joints) and how defective metabolism and signaling pathways within these organs contribute to common human diseases. The latter include depression, schizophrenia, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, migraine, multiple sclerosis, Down syndrome, macular degeneration, glaucoma, asthma, COPD, pneumonia, atherosclerotic heart disease, heart failure, stroke, varicose veins, Sickle cell disease, hyperlipidemia, fever, sepsis, allergies, peptic ulcer, gastroenteritis, lactose intolerance, colon cancer, diabetes, cirrhosis, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, gout, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, dental caries, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, breast cancer and prostate cancer. The book also describes commonly used drugs and explains their molecular targets. It provides the first comprehensive and detailed summary of the metabolism of individual organs and their physiological and pathological functioning. Thus it serves as a useful supplement to previous textbooks of human physiology "Metabolism of Human Diseases" is a must-have, state-of-the-art textbook written by International experts for graduate students, postdocs and scientists in metabolic research, biochemistry, physiology and pharmacy as well as for physicians interested in molecular mechanisms underlying common human diseases.

Metabolism of Trace Metals in Man Vol. I: Developmental Aspects (CRC Press Revivals)

by Owen M. Rennert Wai-Yee Chan

A vast literature exists dealing with trace metals and a number of outstanding monographs deal with the biological, biochemical, or clinical effects of a specific trace metal or trace metals in general. However, newer aspects of trace metal research, i.e. the developmental aspects and generic implications, have not been systematically discussed in any existing texts. The present two volumes will summarize the present status of research in these areas and serve as milestones for future development in these areas of trace metal research.

Metabolism of Trace Metals in Man Vol. II: Genetic Implications (CRC Press Revivals)

by Owen M. Rennert and Wai-Yee Chan

A vast literature exists dealing with trace metals and a number of outstanding monographs deal with the biological, biochemical, or clinical effects of a specific trace metal or trace metals in general. However, newer aspects of trace metal research, i.e. the developmental aspects and generic implications, have not been systematically discussed in any existing texts. The present two volumes will summarize the present status of research in these areas and serve as milestones for future development in these areas of trace metal research.


by Frans C. Schuit

Het metabolisme ofwel de stofwisseling van de mens is een complex chemisch proces dat van invloed is op veel facetten van gezondheid en ziekte. Het vormt dan ook een onmisbaar onderwerp in opleidingen als geneeskunde, biomedische wetenschappen, farmacie en mondzorg. Studenten en docenten hebben lange tijd moeten putten uit een geringe keus aan duidelijk medische georiënteerde leerboeken over het menselijke metabolisme. Dit boek vormt een welkome aanvulling op dit titelaanbod. Metabolisme bestaat uit twaalf hoofdstukken, verdeeld over twee lagen. De eerste laag biedt de student de kernleerstof en wordt ondersteund door 260 afbeeldingen, concrete leerdoelen en studeeraanwijzingen. De tweede laag gaat nader in op bepaalde onderwerpen en tast hierbij de grenzen van wetenschappelijk verantwoorde vakkennis over het menselijk metabolisme af, bespreekt de rol van pioniers in vroeger onderzoek, benoemt het belang hiervan voor huidige medische toepassingen en beschouwt het onderwerp voorts vanuit de evolutieleer. Deze verdieping in de stof is herkenbaar gemaakt in vier thema’s en met ruim 600 verwijzingen naar recente wetenschappelijke literatuur.De veelzijdige samenstelling van deze tweede informatielaag biedt studenten de mogelijkheid een leerpad te volgen dat bij de eigen interesses aansluit. Door deze opzet fungeert het boek als een handige leidraad voor studenten aan alle bovengenoemde opleidingen. Zo dient Metabolisme als gids tijdens een reis op weg naar onafhankelijk en kritisch nadenken over een complex proces.

Metabolite Safety in Drug Development

by Dennis A. Smith Suzanne L. Iverson

A reference on drug metabolism and metabolite safety in the development phase, this book reviews the analytical techniques and experimental designs critical for metabolite studies. It features case studies of lessons learned and real world examples, along with regulatory perspectives from the US FDA and EMA.* Reviews the analytical techniques and experimental designs critical for metabolite studies* Covers methods including chirality, species differences, mass spectrometry, radiolabels, and in vitro / in vivo correlation* Discusses target pharmacology, in vitro systems aligned to toxicity tests, and drug-drug interactions* Includes perspectives from authors with firsthand involvement in industry and the study of drug metabolites, including viewpoints that have influenced regulatory guidelines

Metabolomics: Recent Advances and Future Applications

by Vijay Soni Travis E. Hartman

This book Introduces the extensive applications of metabolomics from all possible areas of research and development so that not only an undergraduate can understand the advancement of metabolomics, but an entrepreneur can harness the knowledge to address possible problems to make a perfect tool to address their research question. Topics covered include the role of metabolomics in the development of agriculture, plant pathology, and their applications; the generalized application of the metabolomics and use of related technologies in various sectors of industries; and the future of metabolomics and upcoming related technologies that can fill the gap between different -omics and their applications for the betterment of humankind. This is an ideal book for university professors, researchers, and advanced-level scientists who are exploring different avenues in metabolomics. Availability of this concise information in one place will aid scientists by expanding their arsenal of techniques and can be helpful to bring more collaborations and to identify the expert at the global level.

Metabolomics (Neuromethods #159)

by Paul L. Wood

This volume discusses the latest analytical approaches used to sample defined molecular populations of metabolites via functional group derivatization, specialized chromatographic methods, and ionization techniques. Chapters cover key methods for sample introductions to the ion source, including direct flow, gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, and capillary electrophoresis. Chapters also explore non-targeted and targeted analyses, as well as the emerging field of metallomics. In the Neuromethods series style, chapters include the kind of detail and key advice from the specialists needed to get successful results in your laboratory. Cutting-edge and authoritative, Metabolomics is a valuable resource for students, researchers, practicing physicians and veterinarians, and administrators involved in the funding of research.

Metabolomics and Its Impact on Health and Diseases (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology #277)

by Veronica Ghini Kathleen A. Stringer Claudio Luchinat

This volume of the Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, which celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2019, addresses the rapidly growing and evolving field of metabolomics. It has been compiled and designed to broaden and enrich your understanding as well as simplify a complicated picture of the diverse field of metabolomics. This is accomplished by chapters from experts in the field on basic principles as well as reviews and updates of analytical techniques. The variety and different perspectives of the NMR approaches are described in the chapters By David Wishart, Daniel Raftery and Ryan McKay, while mass spectrometry advances are covered by Charles R. Evans and Stefan Kempa. This book also reflects the state of the art in the application of metabolomics to cell biology (Marta Cascante and Ulrich Guenther) and chapters that share insights into the application of metabolomics in various diseases (Paola Turano and Claudio Luchinat, Rachel S. Kelly and Jessica Lasky-Su, Paige Lacy, and Angela Rogers. Relationships of metabolomics with drugs are highlighted by Robert Verpoorte (natural products drug discovery), by Oscar Millet and by Turano and Luchinat (perspectives in precision medicine) and by Daniel L. Hertz (drug-induced peripheral neuropathy). From the above list of diverse topics, we believe this book has interdisciplinary appeal and scholars with an interest in the role of metabolomics in achieving precision medicine will find it of particular or special interest.

Metabolomics Tools for Natural Product Discovery: Methods and Protocols

by Daniel Anthony Dias Ute Roessner

Classical natural product chemistry is transitioning to modern day metabolomics as a result of the advent of comprehensive analytical platforms and sensitive analytical instrumentation. Therefore, it is worthwhile to summarize recent developments with current analytical platforms and highlight how metabolomics is being integrated into this classical field to dereplicate and profile natural product extracts. Metabolomics Tools for Natural Product Discoveries: Methods and Protocols aims to unite diverse and recently developed methodologies and protocols in order to identify bioactive secondary metabolites for the purpose of drug discovery. Some topics covered in this volume include applications for the extraction of selected natural products from less common sources such as bryophytes and hard corals, various biological assays, comprehensive applications and strategies for GC-MS, LC-MS, and NMR, as well as protocols and strategies for the structure elucidation of isolated natural products. Written in the successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and easily accessible Metabolomics Tools for Natural Product Discoveries: Methods and Protocols seeks to serve both professionals and research students with its well-honed methodologies for natural product isolation, biomarker discovery, dereplication, biological assays, and comprehensive metabolomic platforms available for high-throughput analyses.

Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Technologies (Neuromethods #164)

by M. Foster Olive Brian T. Burrows Jonna M. Leyrer-Jackson

This volume highlights various techniques used to study multiple aspects of mGlu receptor function. Chapters in this book cover topics such as modern approaches for the development and screening of allosteric modulators; fluctuations in intracellular calcium induced by mGlu receptor activation; dopamine-glutamate interactions in the central nervous system; methods for assessing mGlu receptor localization; and common techniques for evaluating mGlu modulation in behavior in rodents, including stress and alcohol drinking. In the Neuromethods series style, chapters include the kind of detail and key advice from the specialists needed to get successful results in your laboratory.Cutting-edge and practical, Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Technologies provides researchers with a starting point to address important questions regarding mGlu and its importance. Researchers working in the fields of neuroscience and physiology of multiple peripheral systems will find this volume most useful.

Metabotropic GPCRs: TGR5 and P2Y Receptors in Health and Diseases

by Senthilkumar Rajagopal Murugavel Ponnusamy

This book will provide current understandings about two ubiquitously expressed metabotropic GPCRs, G-coupled purinoreceptor type 2 (P2Y) and Takeda G-protein-coupled bile acid receptor 5 (TGR5). G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest family of proteins implicated in majority of cellular responses. The two receptor sub-families play a central role in many physiological functions as well as in many pathological conditions. This book offers up-to-date information on the physiological functions, signaling pathways and regulatory mechanisms of P2Y and TGR5 receptors. In addition, this book provides a comprehensive overview about the abnormalities of P2Y/TGR5 receptors and their contribution in the development and progression of pathological conditions. It also covers the currently available natural, chemical and pharmacological agents targeting these two receptor families and their therapeutic implications in P2Y and TGR5 associated disorders. This book is a valuable source for beginners and researchers to follow the rapidly progressing field of these two GPCR subfamily members.

Metacognitive Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

by Steven Hollon Adrian Wells

This groundbreaking book explains the "whats" and "how-tos" of metacognitive therapy (MCT), an innovative form of cognitive-behavioral therapy with a growing empirical evidence base. MCT developer Adrian Wells shows that much psychological distress results from how a person responds to negative thoughts and beliefs-for example, by ruminating or worrying-rather than the content of those thoughts. He presents practical techniques and specific protocols for addressing metacognitive processes to effectively treat generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and major depression. Special features include reproducible treatment plans and assessment and case formulation tools, plus a wealth of illustrative case material.

Metadata-driven Software Systems in Biomedicine

by Prakash M. Nadkarni

While the use of database technology is ubiquitous throughout IT (and health IT in particular), it is not generally appreciated that, as a database increases in scope, certain designs are far superior to others. In biomedical domains, new knowledge is being generated continually, and the databases that must support areas such as clinical care and research must also be able to evolve while requiring minimal or no logical / physical redesign. Appropriately designed metadata, and software designed to utilize it effectively, can provide significant insulation against change. Many of the larger EMR or clinical research database vendors have realized this, but their designs are proprietary and not described in the literature. Consequently, numerous misconceptions abound among individuals who have not had to work with large-scale biomedical systems, and graduates of a health or bioinformatics program may find that they need to unlearn what they were taught in database and software design classes in order to work productively with such systems. A working knowledge of such systems is also important for individuals who are not primarily software developers, such as health informaticians, medical information officers and data analysts. This book is, in a sense, intended to prepare all of the above individuals for the real world.

Metagenomic Systems Biology: Integrative Analysis of the Microbiome

by Shailza Singh

The book serves as an amalgamation of knowledge and principles used in the area of systems and synthetic biology, and targets inter-disciplinary research groups. The readers from diversified areas would be benefited by the valuable resources and information available in one book. Microbiome projects with efficient data handling can fuel progress in the area of microbial synthetic biology by providing a ready to use plug and play chassis. Advances in gene editing technology such as the use of tailor made synthetic transcription factors will further enhance the availability of synthetic devices to be applied in the fields of environment, agriculture and health. The different chapters of the book reviews a broad range of topics, including food microbiome in ecology, use of microbiome in personalized medicine, machine learning in biomedicine. The book also describes ways to harness and exploit the incredible amounts of genomic data. The book is not only limited to medicine but also caters to the needs of environmentalists, biochemical engineers etc. It will be of interest to advanced students and researchers in life sciences, computational biology, microbiology and other inter-disciplinary areas.


by Rolf Daniel Wolfgang R. Streit

Metagenomics has proven to be a powerful tool for exploring the ecology, metabolic profiling, and comparison of complex microbial communities as well as its important applications in the mining of metagenomes for genes encoding novel biocatalysts and drug molecules for bioindustries. In Metagenomics: Methods and Protocols, expert researches provide an overview and introduction to basic methods commonly used in laboratories that have a strong background in microbial metagenomics. The book attempts to address all of the working steps involved in this crucial field, beginning with DNA isolation from soils and marine samples and continuing with the construction and screening of libraries, along with key advise involving bioinformatic tools available to analyze large metagenomic sequence data sets. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, chapters include brief introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Metagenomics: Methods and Protocols serves as a very complete guide to available screening protocols for all major biocatalysts in order to allow for the easy setup of these screens in any microbiology lab.

Metagenomics: Techniques, Applications, Challenges and Opportunities

by Reena Singh Chopra Chirag Chopra Neeta Raj Sharma

This book summarizes the various areas of research in metagenomics and their potential applications in medicine, the environment and biotechnology. The book presents the recent advances in theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of metagenomics and highlights their applications in the fields of environmental microbial forensics, bioremediation, drug-discovery and agriculture. In addition, the book discusses various metagenomics approaches used for understanding the microbial physiology and biochemistry. Lastly the book describes a range of bioinformatics tools and computational methods for metagenomics analysis as well as the functional diversity and dynamics of microbial communities colonizing the human skin.

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