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Mistakes in Clinical Neuropsychology: Learning from a Case-based Approach

by Oliver Turnbull Rudi Coetzer Christian Salas

This innovative book uses a case-based approach to discuss mistakes made in the practice of clinical neuropsychology to form a helpful tool in the training of early career clinicians. By allowing readers space for critical reflection during clinical practice, the book teaches competency in clinical neuropsychology, through the examination of errors as a central part of the learning process. The core of this book is a diverse series of mistakes, each embedded as a patient narrative. Each chapter is based around an example error, typically one that was made, by the authors, as early career clinicians. Early chapters focus on mistakes in neuropsychological assessment, and the diagnostic process. Later chapters focus on errors in rehabilitation and management. Each chapter is framed to reflect the situational context, for example the role of history, what constitutes normal performance, the way that complex tasks rely on foundational skills, or the treatment of patients with dysexecutive impairment. Towards the end of each chapter there is reflection on the nature of each error type. As such, each chapter follows the structure SEER (Situation, Example, Error, Reflection), helping the reader to imagine the situation around the mistake, its nature and relevance. The book especially emphasises small phrases of insight (axioms, or gnomes) that are widely used by experienced clinicians. This is valuable reading for students of clinical neuropsychology, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy as well as professionals in these fields such as neurologists, psychiatrists and other rehabilitation therapists. It is especially appropriate for those in the earlier stages of their career in clinical neuropsychology, or in related disciplines which involve the assessment and treatment of patients with neurological disorders that impair cognition or disrupt the regulation of emotion. However, experienced clinicians will also find it includes interesting insights to improve their practice.

Mister Memory: A Novel

by Marcus Sedgwick

In Paris at the end of the nineteenth century, a man with a perfect memory murders his wife. A dazzling psychological puzzle that reveals the strange connection between memory and fate. In Paris in the year 1899, Marcel Després is arrested for the murder of his wife and transferred to the famous Salpetriere Asylum. And there the story might have stopped. But the doctor assigned to his care soon realizes this is no ordinary patient: Marcel Després, Mister Memory, is a man who cannot forget. And the policeman assigned to his case soon realizes that something else is at stake: For why else would the criminal have been hurried off to hospital, and why are his superiors so keen for the whole affair to be closed? This crime involves something bigger and stranger than a lovers' fight, something with links to the highest and lowest establishments in France. The policeman and the doctor between them must unravel the mystery—but the answers lie inside Marcel's head. And how can he tell what is significant when he remembers every detail of every moment of his entire life? For fans of Scarlett Thomas, Carlos Ruiz Zafon and Patrick Suskind, this is a captivating literary mystery about memory, history and fate.

A Mistletoe Kiss for the Single Dad: The Nurse's Christmas Temptation / A Mistletoe Kiss For The Single Dad (Mills And Boon Medical Ser.)

by Traci Douglass

Second Chance……under the mistletoe!GP Nick Marlowe returned to his hometown to focus on raising his young son. The last person he expects to see in Bayside is high-flying Beverly Hills surgeon Belle! The childhood sweetheart he let go so she could pursue her dream of attending medical school. Only working side-by-side to reopen her late aunt’s free Christmas Eve clinic their magical connection returns... Could a mistletoe kiss spark another chance—just in time for Christmas?“This is the third book I’ve now read by Ms. Douglass and I’ve got to say that she pens such heartfelt and wonderful stories….and I loved the path this couple took from start to finish. The way this story started drew me into the story immediately and had me reading quickly….”— Harlequin Junkie on Finding Her Forever Family“…Ms. Douglass has delivered an absolutely engaging and unputdownable read in this book…the chemistry between this couple was powerful; the romance was nicely-detailed and had me loving the special connection these two have….”— Harlequin Junkie on One Night with the Army Doc

Mistletoe Kiss with the Heart Doctor: Christmas Under The Northern Lights / Mistletoe Kiss With The Heart Doctor (Mills And Boon Medical Ser.)

by Marion Lennox

Can just one kiss……really change her life—forever?When Dr. Elsa McCrae rescues a mortified Dr. Marcus Pierce from a fall into an underground cave, planning the usual Christmas party for her local community has to take a back seat! As she’s forced to accept Marc’s offer of help during the busy holiday season, the charming cardiologist soon has Elsa fighting to protect her heart, knowing he’ll return to the city as soon as the festivities are over…From Harlequin Medical: Life and love in the world of modern medicine.

Mistletoe Mother

by Josie Metcalfe

Stranded and pregnant It was snowing, and Seth was cursing himself for coming. When he finally made it inside the front door, he discovered that he wasn't alone. Ella couldn't believe it. Here of all places was the man who had made her pregnant, then abandoned her. He wanted to know why she had run out on him! Why hadn't she said she was pregnant? Ella told him--that when she'd discovered her pregnancy, she'd also learned about his wife! Ella was approaching term, the roads were blocked and Seth was the only gynecologist in sight.They were stuck together for the most emotional Christmas of their lives&#8230.

Mistreated: The Political Consequences of the Fight against AIDS in Lesotho

by Nora Kenworthy

As global health institutions and aid donors expanded HIV treatment throughout Africa, they rapidly "scaled up" programs, projects, and organizations meant to address HIV and AIDS. Yet these efforts did not simply have biological effects: in addition to extending lives and preventing further infections, treatment scale-up initiated remarkable political and social shifts.In Lesotho, which has the world's second highest HIV prevalence, HIV treatment has had unintentional but pervasive political costs, distancing citizens from the government, fostering distrust of health programs, and disrupting the social contract. Based on ethnographic observation between 2008 and 2014, this book chillingly anticipates the political violence and instability that swept through Lesotho in 2014.This book is a recipient of the Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Prize from Vanderbilt University Press for the best book in the area of medicine.

Mistreated: The Political Consequences of the Fight against AIDS in Lesotho

by Nora Kenworthy

As global health institutions and aid donors expanded HIV treatment throughout Africa, they rapidly "scaled up" programs, projects, and organizations meant to address HIV and AIDS. Yet these efforts did not simply have biological effects: in addition to extending lives and preventing further infections, treatment scale-up initiated remarkable political and social shifts. In Lesotho, which has the world's second highest HIV prevalence, HIV treatment has had unintentional but pervasive political costs, distancing citizens from the government, fostering distrust of health programs, and disrupting the social contract. Based on ethnographic observation between 2008 and 2014, this book chillingly anticipates the political violence and instability that swept through Lesotho in 2014.This book is a recipient of the Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Prize from Vanderbilt University Press for the best book in the area of medicine.

Mistreated: Why We Think We're Getting Good Health Care—and Why We're Usually Wrong

by Robert Pearl

The biggest problem in American health care is usDo you know how to tell good health care from bad health care? Guess again. As patients, we wrongly assume the "best" care is dependent mainly on the newest medications, the most complex treatments, and the smartest doctors. But Americans look for health-care solutions in the wrong places. For example, hundreds of thousands of lives could be saved each year if doctors reduced common errors and maximized preventive medicine.For Dr. Robert Pearl, these kinds of mistakes are a matter of professional importance, but also personal significance: he lost his own father due in part to poor communication and treatment planning by doctors. And consumers make costly mistakes too: we demand modern information technology from our banks, airlines, and retailers, but we passively accept last century's technology in our health care.Solving the challenges of health care starts with understanding these problems. Mistreated explains why subconscious misperceptions are so common in medicine, and shows how modifying the structure, technology, financing, and leadership of American health care could radically improve quality outcomes. This important book proves we can overcome our fears and faulty assumptions, and provides a roadmap for a better, healthier future.

Misunderstanding Health: Making Sense of America's Broken Health Care System

by Rohit Khanna

This eminently relevant and thoroughly entertaining book reminds us that understanding more about health care helps us understand the larger world around us.With technological advances and information sharing so prevalent, health care should be more transparent and easier to access than ever before. So why does it seem like everything about it—from pricing, drug development, and the emergence of new diseases to the intricacies of biologic and precision medicine therapies—is becoming more complex, not less?Rohit Khanna's Misunderstanding Health examines some of today's most revealing health care trends while imploring us to look at these issues with alacrity, humor, and vigilance. Over the course of eighteen short, engaging chapters, Khanna explains• how unexamined beliefs can endanger patients, drive cost, and increase bureaucracy• the "Dr. Google" effect on the ways that we seek (or eschew) care • why our health care costs more than in any other country • the unintended consequences of using rating sites like Yelp • what we can learn about health care from hurricanes• how social media influencers impact health care• how artificial intelligence can improve health care• why health screening programs are so complicated• what the industry is doing to combat health care fraud• what the big deal about legalizing medical cannabis is• how to think about behavioral "nudges" designed to improve health • why understanding how data are collected is critical to understanding what they can tell us• and much moreEach provocative and easy-to-read chapter covers a familiar aspect of health care in a clear and succinct way. Offering inquisitive readers a warts-and-all view of American health care, Misunderstanding Health is the book that you'll want to read if you know enough to be frustrated by the system but want a deeper dive into its challenges and opportunities.

Mit ADHS erfolgreich im Beruf: So wandeln Sie vermeintliche Schwächen in Stärken um

by Heiner Lachenmeier

Was ist ADHS, und vor allem, wie verhalten sich Menschen mit ADHS? Was bedeutet das für das Erleben der Betroffenen, welchen Einfluss hat es auf ihren Zugriff auf ihre Fähigkeiten, und wie wirkt sich das auf das Arbeitsleben aus?Ausgehend von diesen Fragestellungen zeigt der Autor erstmals aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht und in leicht verständlicher, gut konsumierbarer und nicht zuletzt humorvoller Form auf, wie sich ADHS auf das Arbeitsleben auswirkt und welche Chancen sich mit einem besseren Verständnis dieser neurologischen Variante auftun können. Denn unter bestimmten Bedingungen kann ADHS in einigen Arbeitsbereichen klare Vorteile bieten! Selbstverständlich werden aber auch mögliche Schwierigkeiten im Berufsleben beleuchtet und dafür konkret umsetzbare Lösungswege aufgezeigt. Leser mit und ohne ADHS werden die spezielle Aufarbeitung dieses wichtigen Themas ebenso schätzen wie die leichte Umsetzbarkeit der vielen praktischen Tipps&Tricks, die aus zahlreichen Studien und der langjährigen intensiven Arbeit des Autors mit Betroffenen – und dem eigenen ADHS - resultieren. Auch Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene sowie deren Eltern finden hier hilfreiche Unterstützung, um möglichst erfolgreich in der Arbeitswelt durchzustarten – mit, trotz oder gerade wegen ADHS!

Mit ADHS erfolgreich im Beruf: So wandeln Sie vermeintliche Schwächen in Stärken um

by Heiner Lachenmeier

Was ist ADHS, und vor allem, wie verhalten sich Menschen mit ADHS? Was bedeutet das für das Erleben der Betroffenen, welchen Einfluss hat es auf ihren Zugriff auf ihre Fähigkeiten, und wie wirkt sich das auf das Arbeitsleben aus?Ausgehend von diesen Fragestellungen zeigt der Autor aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht und in leicht verständlicher, gut konsumierbarer und humorvoller Weise auf, wie sich ADHS auf das Arbeitsleben auswirkt und welche Chancen sich mit einem besseren Verständnis dieser neurologischen Variante auftun können. Denn unter bestimmten Bedingungen kann ADHS in einigen Arbeitsbereichen klare Vorteile bieten! Selbstverständlich werden aber auch mögliche Schwierigkeiten im Berufsleben beleuchtet und dafür konkret umsetzbare Lösungswege aufgezeigt. Leser mit und ohne ADHS werden die spezielle Aufarbeitung dieses wichtigen Themas ebenso schätzen wie die leichte Umsetzbarkeit der vielen praktischen Tipps&Tricks, die aus zahlreichen Studien und der langjährigen intensiven Arbeit des Autors mit Betroffenen – und dem eigenen ADHS - resultieren. Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene und deren Eltern finden hilfreiche Unterstützung, um erfolgreich in der Arbeitswelt durchzustarten – mit, trotz oder gerade wegen ADHS! Für die 2. Auflage wurde das Buch gründlich überarbeitet und erweitert, alle Abbildungen sind nun in Farbe enthalten. Neue Kapitel bieten weitere Anregungen aus dem reichhaltigen Fundus des Autors: Der Leser erfährt, wie Angst und Mut bei ADHS miteinander Hand in Hand gehen, wie Berufsbeziehungen bei ADHS gut gelingen und wie ein Perspektivwechsel gewinnbringend für Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer mit ADHS sein kann. In Anerkennung des Interesses der Vorgesetzten und Arbeitgeber, die dieses Buch lesen, wird mit einer Tabelle ein schneller Überblick der wichtigsten beruflichen ADHS-Situationen, deren Hintergründe und Tipps zum Umgang damit geboten.

Mit Bewegung und Geselligkeit Demenz vorbeugen: Wissenswertes über wichtige Schutzfaktoren fürs Gehirn

by Ernestine Leutgeb Helga Schloffer

Demenzprävention ist in aller Munde. Von allen Seiten werden wir heute mit dem Begriff ‚geistige Aktivierung‘ bestürmt. Dabei sehen wir diesen meist viel zu eng und stürzen uns etwa auf das Erlernen einer Fremdsprache oder anderes, was unser Gedächtnis isoliert trainiert. Wir vergessen dabei aber auf das "symphonische" Ganze! Zur „geistigen Aktivierung“ gehört vieles – wie etwa das Koordinieren von Bewegung, die Orientierung im Raum, das Lesen der Mimik eines Mitmenschen. Geistige Aktivierung bedeutet also viel, viel mehr als nur „Gehirnjogging“&Co – und das lebenslang, nicht erst im hohen Alter! Dieses Sachbuch präsentiert sehr anschaulich Wissen rund um die bereits wissenschaftlich erwiesenen, aber trotzdem noch viel zu wenig beachteten Demenz-Risikofaktoren „Bewegungsmangel“ und „mangelnde Sozialkontakte“. Es zeigt auf, warum unser Gehirn ausreichend körperliche Bewegung und vielfältige Sozialkontakte braucht, um „fit“ zu bleiben, und warum man diese daher als „Schutzfaktoren“ verstehen kann. Denn ausreichend Bewegung und vielfältige Kontakte spielen eine lebenslange Rolle bei der Erhaltung unserer kognitiven Fähigkeiten und Funktionen! Das Buch richtet sich an alle Leser, die sich nicht passiv dem „Schicksal Demenz“ ergeben, sondern frühzeitig aktiv werden und „miteinander“ und „mobil“ der Demenz die Stirn bieten möchten.

Mit Erfolg zur Professur oder Dozentur: Ein Karriereratgeber mit über 180 Fragen und Antworten

by Dieter Frey Karl-Walter Jauch Mariella Theresa Stockkamp

Mit diesem Ratgeber bereiten Sie sich erfolgreich auf eine Professur vor und erkennen Stolpersteine und Hürden auf Ihrem Weg zur Professur. Klar, prägnant, gut strukturiert, unterhaltsam und lehrreich zugleich, basiert diese hilfreiche Lektüre fast 200 Fragen von Jungwissenschaftler*innen auf ihrem Weg zur Professur, die in über 25 Workshops gestellt wurden. Wissenschaftlich fundierte psychologische Exkurse, praktische Checklisten sowie Erfahrungsberichte namhafter Professor*innen runden den Inhalt ab. Dazu ist der Karriereratgeber digital angereichert und so können Sie Ihr neu erworbenes Wissen anhand von 50 Fragen und Antworten auf der Springer Nature Flashcard App jederzeit kondensiert abrufen. Zielgruppen: Das Buch richtet sich an Wissenschaftler*innen jeder Karrierestufe und begleitet Sie auf dem Weg zu Ihrer Traumstelle: Von der Entscheidung für eine wissenschaftliche Karriere bis zu Ihren ersten Tagen in der Professur. Im Mittelpunkt des Buchs steht der Bewerbungsprozess inklusive des Umgangs mit Berufungskommissionen. Zu den Autoren und der Autorin: Prof. Dr. Dieter Frey ist Leiter des LMU Center for Leadership and People Management und Mitglied der Bayrischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Karl-Walter Jauch ist Ärztlicher Direktor und Vorsitzender des Vorstands am Klinikum der Universität München. Mariella Theresa Stockkamp, M.Sc. Psych., ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am LMU Center for Leadership and People Management.

Mitarbeiterbindung ist lernbar

by Dina Loffing Christian Loffing

Nicht fesseln - binden! Wie können Pflegende trotz Arbeitsbelastung und Änderungen im Gesundheitssystem langfristig als Mitarbeiter gehalten werden? Welche Faktoren spielen eine Rolle, damit Mitarbeiter im Unternehmen bleiben - bzw. das Unternehmen verlassen möchten? Welche Steuerungsinstrumente gibt es? Ein Buch für Führungskräfte in der Pflege, das Ihnen praxisnahe Anleitungen, Strategien und Unterstützung bei der Personalbindung vermittelt: Theoretische Grundlagen der Personalbindung, praktischer Teil mit Handlungsstrategien für Krankenhäuser, Pflegeeinrichtungen und Ambulante Pflegedienste, u.a. best-practice-Personalbindungsstrategien, Instrumente, Checklisten, Formulare etc.

Mitarbeitermotivation ist lernbar

by Andrea Kerres Peter Bechtel Detlef Friedrich

Motivierte Mitarbeiter entscheiden über den Erfolg eines Unternehmens. Dies gilt in besonderem Maße für Einrichtungen im Gesundheitswesen, denn Patienten wissen engagierte Zuwendung besonders zu schätzen. Das Handbuch richtet sich an Führungskräfte des mittleren Pflegemanagements in der stationären und ambulanten Kranken- und Altenpflege. Die Autoren erläutern Strategien zur Mitarbeiterführung und -motivation. Dabei vermitteln sie einerseits die theoretischen Grundlagen und geben Lesern andererseits konkrete Instrumente an die Hand.

Mitigating Shipping Emissions in European Ports: Social and Environmental Benefits (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Alexandra Maragkogianni Spiros Papaefthimiou Constantin Zopounidis

The book quantifies the impact of in-port ships’ greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution in adjacent cities, and evaluates the feasibility of implementing shore-side electricity facilities in Europe to reduce the unwanted social and environmental effects of ships at berth. The book also discusses the potential of future “green” ports and the use of shore side electricity as a means of achieving them. Individual chapters focus on the economic and social costs of in-port ships’ emissions by illustrating current environmental policies to mitigate air emissions and the available abatement measures for in-port emissions. It also discusses the external cost of vessel emissions in ports as well as the impacts on air quality and human health. Examining the expected barriers to the implementation of shore- side electricity facilities, it proposes policies to accelerate the implementation of relevant mitigation measures.

Mitigating the Nutritional Impacts of the Global Food Price Crisis: Workshop Summary

by Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

In 2007 and 2008, the world witnessed a dramatic increase in food prices. The global financial crisis that began in 2008 compounded the burden of high food prices, exacerbating the problems of hunger and malnutrition in developing countries. The tandem food price and economic crises struck amidst the massive, chronic problem of hunger and undernutrition in developing countries. National governments and international actors have taken a variety of steps to mitigate the negative effects of increased food prices on particular groups. The recent abrupt increase in food prices, in tandem with the current global economic crisis, threatens progress already made in these areas, and could inhibit future efforts. The Institute of Medicine held a workshop, summarized in this volume, to describe the dynamic technological, agricultural, and economic issues contributing to the food price increases of 2007 and 2008 and their impacts on health and nutrition in resource-poor regions. The compounding effects of the current global economic downturn on nutrition motivated additional discussions on these dual crises, their impacts on the nutritional status of vulnerable populations, and opportunities to mitigate their negative nutritional effects.


by Dario Leister Johannes M. Herrmann

This book offers a broad collection of methods for studying the molecular biology, function, and features of mitochondria. In the past decade, mitochondrial research has elucidated the important influence of mitochondrial processes on integral cell processes. This practical guide presents a wide spectrum of mitochondrial methods, each written by specialists with solid experience and intended for implementation by novice and expert researchers alike.

Mitochondria: The Anti- cancer Target for the Third Millennium

by Jiri Neuzil Shazib Pervaiz Simone Fulda

This book will be focused on mitochondria as very promising targets for anti-cancer drugs, yet to be fully exploited. It will contain chapters focused on aspects of basic research as well as on clinical relevance, which will be written by specialists in the field. That the role of mitochondria in human pathologies goes beyond the neoplastic diseases will be documented by a chapter of the role of mitochondria in Friedreich's ataxia.

Mitochondria and Cancer

by Keshav Singh Leslie Costello

The book begins with a general overview of Warburg Hypothesis, mitochondrial structure and function, and then outline more specifically the metabolic and molecular alterations in mitochondria that are associated with human cancer and their clinical implications. An emphasis is also placed on mtDNA mutations and their potential role in carcinogenesis. The potential use of mitochondria as biomarkers for early detection of cancer, or as unique cellular targets for novel and selective anti-cancer agents will also be discussed.

Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine: The Key to Understanding Disease, Chronic Illness, Aging, and Life Itself

by Lee Know

With information for patients and practitioners on optimizing mitochondrial function for greater health and longevity Why do we age? Why does cancer develop? What's the connection between heart failure and Alzheimer's disease, or infertility and hearing loss? Can we extend lifespan, and if so, how? What is the Exercise Paradox? Why do antioxidant supplements sometimes do more harm than good? Many will be amazed to learn that all these questions, and many more, can be answered by a single point of discussion: mitochondria and bioenergetics. In Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine, Naturopathic Doctor Lee Know tells the epic story of mitochondria, the widely misunderstood and often-overlooked powerhouses of our cells. The legendary saga began over two billion years ago, when one bacterium entered another without being digested, which would evolve to create the first mitochondrion. Since then, for life to exist beyond single-celled bacteria, it's the mitochondria that have been responsible for this life-giving energy. By understanding how our mitochondria work, in fact, it is possible to add years to our lives, and life to our years. Current research, however, has revealed a dark side: many seemingly disconnected degenerative diseases have tangled roots in dysfunctional mitochondria. However, modern research has also endowed us with the knowledge on how to optimize its function, which is of critical importance to our health and longevity. Lee Know offers cutting-edge information on supplementation and lifestyle changes for mitochondrial optimization, such as CoQ10, D-Ribose, cannabinoids, and ketogenic dietary therapy, and how to implement their use successfully. Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine is an invaluable resource for practitioners interested in mitochondrial medicine and the true roots of chronic illness and disease, as well as anyone interested in optimizing their health.

Mitochondria and Their Role in Cardiovascular Disease

by José Marín-García

Over the past two decades, due to dramatic advances in molecular and cell biology, biochemistry, and genetics, our view on mitochondria as a relatively static cellular powerhouse has changed radically. We now know that these organelles play a critical role in the normal and in the damaged heart. Written by Dr. José Marín-García, Director of the Molecular Cardiology and Neuromuscular Institute, Mitochondria and Their Role in Cardiovascular Disease brings readers up- to-date on the many significant advances in the field of mitochondrial cardiovascular medicine. The book begins with a general introduction to mitochondria, followed by laboratory methods to study the structure and function of the organelle, regulation of replication and biogenesis, and the mechanisms and functional consequences of mitophagia and mitochondrial dynamics. Subsequent chapters deal with mitochondrial oxidative stress and the role that the organelle plays in cell signaling and cell death. Discussions will be undertaken on the biochemistry of mitochondrial cell signaling, including the nature of the proteins engaged in these processes, many of them only recently discovered. Later chapters examine the role of mitochondria and mitochondrial abnormalities in cardiovascular diseases, including their diagnosis, therapeutic options currently available, animal models of mitochondrial disease, and new frontiers in mitochondria cardiovascular medicine, including areas of research that are relatively new or developing, such as proteomics, next generation sequencing, and systems biology.

Mitochondria as Targets for Phytochemicals in Cancer Prevention and Therapy

by Dhyan Chandra

This book highlights the importance of phytochemicals and mitochondria in cancer prevention and therapy. Recent scientific discoveries have identified that naturally occurring biologically active compounds (i. e. phytochemicals) target multiple steps of tumorigenesis leading to the inhibition or delay in cancer progression. Mitochondria, organelles within a cell, are a critical target for phytochemicals in regulating the initiation, promotion, and progression of cancer. The book is divided into three parts to better communicate the important findings related to phytochemicals and mitochondria in cancer research. The first part describes updates on environmental and genetic factors causing cancer initiation and progression, the role of mitochondria function in regulating the process of tumorigenesis, and the role of mitochondria in regulating cell death such as apoptosis, autophagy, and necroptosis. The second part focuses on the elucidation of key target proteins that could be exploited for cancer prevention, an the role of phytochemicals in cancer prevention, updates on basic research related to phytochemicals action critical for cancer prevention, and updates on translational knowledge on cancer prevention by phytochemicals. The third part provides updates on phytochemicals targeting mitochondria for cancer therapy, an overview of action of phytochemicals on cancer stem cells, updates on the role of microRNA in phytochemicals-based therapy of cancer, and updates on phytochemicals-based translation research on therapy for metastatic cancer.

Mitochondrial Bioenergetics: Methods And Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #810)

by António J. Moreno Carlos M. Palmeira

This second edition volume expands on the previous edition with chapters discussing the latest developments and research initiatives in mitochondrial functions. The chapters in this book explore topics such as high-resolution fluorespirometry and OXPHOS protocols in human cells, analysis of mitochondrial oxygen consumption, mitochondrial bioenergetics, and mitochondrial dynamics in mammalian cells. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Cutting-edge and practical, Mitochondrial Bioenergetics: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition is a valuable resource for students, and practitioners in the pharmaceutical sciences, environmental sciences, and mitochondrial genetics industries.

Mitochondrial Biology and Experimental Therapeutics

by Paulo J. Oliveira

This book addresses the therapeutic strategies to target mitochondrial metabolism in diseases where the function of that organelle is compromised, and it discusses the effective strategies used to create mitochondrial-targeted agents that can become commercially available drug delivery platforms. The consistent growth of research focused in understanding the multifaceted role of mitochondria in cellular metabolism, controlling pathways related with cell death, and ionic/redox regulation has extended the research of mitochondrial chemical-biological interactions to include various pharmacological and toxicological applications. Not only does the book extensively cover basic mitochondrial physiology, but it also links the molecular interactions within these pathways to a variety of diseases. It is one of the first books to combine state-of-the-art reviews regarding basic mitochondrial biology, the role of mitochondrial alterations in different diseases, and the importance of that organelle as a target for pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions to improve human health. The different chapters highlight the chemical-biological linkages of the mitochondria in context with drug development and clinical applications.

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