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Showing 35,851 through 35,875 of 55,750 results

Nephrology Worldwide

by Claudio Ronco José A. Moura-Neto José Carolino Divino-Filho

This book presents contributions from leading international experts in the field of nephrology. Each chapter is independent and discusses nephrology in the author’s country, including the history of nephrology development, kidney disease epidemiology, clinical nephrology, dialysis practice in acute and chronic renal failure settings (hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration, peritoneal dialysis), pediatric nephrology, and kidney transplantation. In addition, the book covers topics such as the job market for nephrologists, reimbursement, nephrology education, and the number of professionals in the private and public sectors. With 53 chapters and more than 300 authors from all continents offering a unique perspective on nephrology practice, it provides a much-needed information source for nephrologists around the globe. The reader will be able to travel through “Nephrology Worldwide”, a pleasant reading experience with not only relevant information and updated data, but also a comprehensive look at the history, countries’ peculiarities, and a critical analysis of the scenario of nephrology and renal replacement therapy. A valuable resource for healthcare professionals and other stakeholders interested in learning about the status quo of Nephrology Worldwide. “Both the failings and the successes are outlined in a way that should make this book a compelling read, not just for the well-informed renal physician, but also for planners and policy makers whose thinking and actions are integral to the way we practice medicine.” - Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe, Nephrologist and 2019 Nobel Prize WinnerMore information on the Nephrology Worldwide initiative can be found at

Nerve: A Physician Turned Patient and Her Courageous Recovery From Traumatic Brain Injury

by Michele T. Pato

This captivating and clinically illuminating title presents the story of Dr. Michele Pato’s personal experience with traumatic brain injury (TBI). With profound candor and humor, Dr. Pato chronicles her journey through the enormous physical, psychological, and emotional challenges encountered following her accident, treatment, and recovery. After years of rehabilitation and reflection, Pato relays her extraordinary story through an engrossing narrative that simultaneously pedagogically serves clinicians who treat TBI, while also offering important insights for patients and caregivers affected by TBI. Across 18 chapters, Pato addresses each physiological aspect of her treatment and recovery, including her battles with aphasia, neuromuscular and memory issues, tinnitus, and vertigo – to name just several of the setbacks she had to overcome. The book also details Pato’s struggle to recover while negotiating a multitude of roles: maintaining a physician-researcher leadership position in academic medicine; managing relationships with her husband (a prominent physician-scientist as well), interacting with family and friends; and, most of all, overcoming the emotional frustrations associated with long-term physical recovery, such as relearning what were once innate motor and speech skills. A riveting account of personal injury that was met with extraordinary determination, patience, grace, and commitment to recovery, Nerve is a unique and valuable resource for clinicians, patients, caregivers and anyone else whose life has been touched by TBI

Nerve and Muscle

by Richard D. Keynes David J. Aidley Christopher L.-H. Huang

"Written with undergraduate students in mind, the new edition of this classic textbook provides a compact introduction to the physiology of nerve and muscle. It gives a straightforward account of the fundamentals accompanied by some of the experimental evidence upon which this understanding is based. It first explores the nature of nerve impulses, clarifying their mechanisms in terms of ion flow through molecular channels in cell membranes. There then follows an account of the synaptic transmission processes by which one excitable cell influences activity in another. Finally, the emphasis turns to the consequences of excitable activity in the activation of contraction in skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle, highlighting the relationships between cellular structure and function. This fourth edition includes new material on the molecular nature of ion channels, the activation of skeletal muscle and the function of cardiac and smooth muscle, reflecting exciting new developments in these rapidly growing fields"--

Nerve and Vascular Injuries in Sports Medicine

by Stanley A. Herring Venu Akuthota

This book takes a comprehensive approach to diagnosing and treating nerve and vascular injuries in athletes. With guidelines written by experts in the field, readers will learn how to identify the symptoms and accurately diagnose injuries to the spine, including herniated discs, stingers and transient quadriparesis, in addition to peripheral nerve injuries and vascular entrapments in the extremities. Less frequent diagnoses, such as thoracic outlet syndromes, are addressed as well. Chapters cover anatomy and pathophysiology, mechanisms of injury, classification systems, and physical exam and diagnostics. Algorithms aid with differential diagnosis, and cases facilitate the ready integration of concepts into clinical practice. Treatment recommendations include nonsurgical options and therapeutic exercise regimens. Indications for surgical treatments are also discussed. Evidence-based support for recommendations is provided where appropriate. By presenting the essentials for managing nerve and vascular injuries, this book is an ideal resource for sports medicine physicians, athletic trainers and physical therapists.

Nerve Blockade and Interventional Therapy

by Hiroyuki Uchino Kiyoshige Ohseto Hiroki Iida

This book provides physicians practicing at pain management clinics with comprehensive explanations of interventional therapeutic procedures including nerve blockade, as well as pharmacotherapy. Interventional therapeutic procedures including nerve blockade are categorized by devices into landmark (“blind”), X-ray-guided, ultrasound-guided, CT-guided, MR-guided, and endoscopic techniques. In this book, each chapter introduces one type of nerve blockade procedure that involves several different devices. The authors describe the pros and cons of each technique and make recommendations for the best devices to use. This book will also help anesthesiologists and other physicians to improve their treatment techniques.

Nerve Cases

by Amgad S. Hanna

This book addresses the severe knowledge deficit in peripheral nerve amongst neurosurgeons, however this topic represents an integral part of the oral board examination. The book employs a case based approach with the highest-yield scenarios for oral boards, primarily focusing on nerve entrapments, trauma and tumors. Thanks to its question and answer format, the reader is encouraged to think about the cases and questions as if taking the real exam before they check the answers. The work also includes common pitfalls, a section on nerve examinations including video recordings, and a section on important clinical findings that should be diagnosed from the picture. The book not only serves neurosurgeons, but also plastic surgeons, orthopedists, and neurologists.

Nerve Compression Syndromes: A Practical Guide

by Hans Assmus Gregor Antoniadis

The clinic, diagnosis and treatment of all common and rare nerve compression syndromes are also described in detail in the 4th edition of the book. Their treatment is an interdisciplinary task involving neurologists, neuroradiologists and surgeons from different specialties (hand surgeons, neurosurgeons, orthopaedic and trauma surgeons, plastic surgeons).Further chapters deal with the electrophysiological and imaging procedures for diagnosis. Special forms and the differentiation from focal neuropathies of other causes are also included.The surgical techniques are illustrated with numerous drawings and photographs. The SpringerNature MoreMedia app can also be used to access videos on sonographic examinations and surgical procedures.A book that leaves no question unanswered on the subject of nerve compression syndrome!

Nerve-Driven Immunity

by Mia Levite

"Nerve-Driven Immunity: Neurotransmitters and Neuropeptides in the Immune System" summarizes, analyzes and sheds new light on an unrecognized, yet very important role of key neurotransmitters and neuropeptides in the immune system. Each chapter of the book deals with a different neurotransmitter/neuropeptide from the following list: Dopamine, Adrenaline, Noradrenaline, Acetylcholine, Glutamate, GABA, Somatostatin, Neuropeptide Y (NPY), Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), Calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP), Opioids and Cannabinoids. For each of these neurotransmitters/neuropeptides, the following four topics are discussed: The specific receptors for the neurotransmitter/neuropeptide expressed in various types of immune cellsThe direct effects induced by the neurotransmitter/neuropeptide in various types of immune cells (either resting or activated), and the specific immune functions and features it activates/elevates or rather inhibits in specific concentrationsThe production of the neurotransmitter/neuropeptide in, and its release by, various types of immune cellsThe involvement of the neurotransmitter/neuropeptide in various diseases of the immune system (among them autoimmune diseases, immunodeficiency diseases and hematological cancers)The book includes many original figures, overview tables, and proposed models of events which are instrumental, enriching and stimulating for the reader. In light of the above-mentioned aspects, "Nerve-Driven Immunity: Neurotransmitters and Neuropeptides in the Immune System" is ideally suited as a textbook for new courses in Immunology, Neurology, Neuro-immunology or Pharmacology. The book chapters were written by highly skilled authors from 10 countries: the USA, the United Kingdom, Italy, Israel, Sweden, France, Germany, Spain, Serbia and Romania."Nerve-Driven Immunity" is a term first coined by Dr. Mia Levite (the editor of the book).

Nerve Endings: The Discovery of the Synapse

by Richard Rapport

This is the story not only of one of the nineteenth-century's greatest discoveries but also of the frailty, perseverance, and creativity of human beings. <p><p> Two doctors, the Spaniard Cajal and the Italian Golgi, were racing against each other to find out what brain cells looked like and how they managed to communicate with one another. Both did their most important research in labs set up on their kitchen tables, for lack of better facilities; and both made landmark findings that led to their jointly receiving the 1906 Nobel Prize. Yet one man would find that neurons communicated over a gap, later named the 'synapse', while the other would die convinced that every brain cell connected to the next. From Parkinson's to neurosurgery, from the mechanics of memory to clinical depression, modern medicine is ever indebted to the one who interpreted the elusive - and rather extraordinary - anatomy of the nerve cell.

Nerven kitzeln: Wie Angst unsere Gedanken, Einstellungen und Entscheidungen prägt

by Anna Beniermann Michael C. Bauer

Wir schlottern vor Angst, wollen fliehen oder erstarren – keine Frage, Angst ist eine der wichtigsten menschlichen Grundemotionen, und jede*r kennt die Macht, die sie über uns haben kann. So unangenehm sie ist: Evolutionär gesehen hat sie eine wichtige Funktion. Denn sie schützt uns, indem sie unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf mögliche Gefahren lenkt. Angst löst in gefährlichen Situationen angemessenes Verhalten, wie Flucht oder Abwehr, aus, sie schärft unsere Sinne und bringt uns in Höchstform.Welche Bedeutung Angst hat, welche physiologischen Prozesse ihr zugrunde liegen und wie sie insbesondere aus der Sicht der Hirnforschung und Psychologie entsteht und wirkt, steht im Mittelpunkt dieses Buches. Renommierte Experten verschiedener Fachgebiete von Neurologie über Psychologie und Pädagogik bis zur Soziologie beleuchten, wie Ängste unser Verhalten beeinflussen – wie sie für uns zur Belastung werden, aber auch, wie sie uns einen „Kick“ geben können.

Nervenchirurgie: Trauma, Tumor, Kompression

by Thomas Kretschmer, Gregor Antoniadis and Hans Assmus

Läsionen der peripheren Nerven sind eine Domäne der chirurgischen Behandlung. Für die Patienten gehen Nervenverletzungen, Nerventumoren und Nervenkompressionssyndrome häufig mit schweren Funktionsbeeinträchtigungen einher. Entsprechend wichtig sind eine differenzierte, interdisziplinär ausgerichtete Diagnostik und eine gezielt auf den Patienten zugeschnittene Therapie.Alle häufigen und seltenen Läsionen der Nerven und ihre Behandlung sind detailliert und mit zahlreichen Abbildungen illustriert in diesem Buch beschrieben: diagnostische Verfahren und ihre Bewertung, Techniken der offenen und endoskopischen Chirurgie, regionales operatives Vorgehen – Nerv für Nerv, zahlreiche Fallbeispiele und Bildserien, physio- und ergotherapeutische Nachbehandlung.Ein Ausflug in die Möglichkeiten, welche die Ersatzplastiken den Patienten bieten, und eigene Kapitel zu biologischen Grundlagen und technischen Zukunftsperspektiven runden die Darstellung ab. Die aktuelle Literatur und die interdisziplinären S3-Leitlinien sind überall berücksichtigt.Der umfassende Begleiter für den klinischen Alltag – zum raschen und gezielten Nachschlagen ebenso wie für den systematischen Überblick.


by Hans Assmus Gregor Antoniadis

Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie aller häufigen und seltenen Nervenkompressionssyndrome sind auch in der 4. Auflage des Buches fundiert und detailliert beschrieben. Ihre Behandlung ist eine interdisziplinäre Aufgabe, an der Neurologen, Neuroradiologen und Operateure unterschiedlicher Fachrichtungen (Handchirurgen, Neurochirurgen, Orthopäden und Unfallchirurgen, Plastische Chirurgen) mitwirken.Weitere Kapitel behandeln die elektrophysiologischen und bildgebenden Verfahren zur Diagnosestellung. Auch Sonderformen und die Abgrenzung zu fokalen Neuropathien anderer Ursache sind berücksichtigt.Die operativen Techniken sind mit zahlreichen Zeichnungen und Fotografien veranschaulicht. Über die SpringerNature MoreMedia-App können zudem Videos zur sonografischen Untersuchung und zu den Operationsverfahren aufgerufen werden.Ein Buch, das zum Thema Nervenkompressionssyndrom keine Frage offen lässt!

Nervenmobilisation: Neurodynamik in der Physiotherapie

by Kay Bartrow

Dieses Praxisbuch liefert alle wesentlichen Techniken für Befund und Mobilisation des Nervensystems in der Physiotherapie. In welcher Verbindung stehen zentrales und peripheres Nervensystem zu ihren Umgebungsstrukturen? Wie sehen die Spannungstests der oberen Extremität aus? Welche Testpositionen müssen zur Untersuchung und Behandlung des Nervus radialis superficialis eingenommen werden? Der Experte liefert Ihnen die Antworten!Aus dem InhaltZentrales und peripheres Nervensystem: Anatomie und Physiologie Pathophysiologie der wichtigsten Störungen und KrankheitsbilderBefunderhebung und Behandlungstechniken für obere und untere ExtremitätEgal ob in Studium oder Ausbildung, als Anfänger*in oder erfahrene Therapeut*in: Mit diesem Buch bereiten Ihnen Störungen des Nervensystems kein Kopfzerbrechen mehr.

Nervensonographie kompakt: Anatomie der peripheren Nerven mit Landmarks

by Hannes Gruber Alexander Loizides Bernhard Moriggl

​Dieser Taschenatlas stellt erstmals die topographische Anatomie aller peripheren Nerven im Ultraschall mit Fokussierung auf spezielle Landmarken dar: mit den Punkten der optimalen Visibilität (POV). Annähernd alle Nerven des menschlichen Körpers sind mit hochauflösenden Schallköpfen bis zu 24 MHz im Detail dargestellt. Nützlich für den Anfänger wie für den Spezialisten-Nerven-Sonographeur, liefert dieser Atlas klare und schnelle Vorgaben über die Sono-Anatomie der Nerven. Speziell für Neurologen, Anästhesisten, Schmerztherapeuten, Radiologen, Rheumatologen und Chirurgen bietet diese standardisierte Anleitung klare Orientierung bei der Frage „Wo finde ich den Nerv am einfachsten“.

Nerves of Steel (Hart and Drake Medical Suspense #1)

by C. J. Lyons

A deadly new drug epidemic puts an ER doctor in danger: “A perfect blend of romance and suspense. My kind of read.” –Sandra Brown, #1 New York Times–bestselling author of Thick as ThievesDr. Cassandra Hart is fighting a war. And losing. Her Pittsburgh ER has been deluged by young patients who’ve overdosed on a new drug called FX. After Cassie discovers that the source of the FX on the streets is her own hospital, her best friend is killed and Cassie’s life is threatened. She has no choice but to place her trust in Detective Mickey Drake.Drake’s irascible charm eventually penetrates the barriers Cassie has built around herself, and their relationship progresses from professional to passionate. After Cassie discovers the truth behind the thefts, she and Drake must confront a killer. In the end, their only weapons are their newfound love and the courage that it gives them . . .Written by a pediatric ER physician, Nerves of Steel combines gritty realism with the adrenaline rush of the ER. New York Times–bestselling and award-winning author CJ Lyons uses her insider’s knowledge of life behind the scenes to reveal the hidden truth of the medical world: No one is immune to danger.“A page-turner . . . taut, gripping and nonstop.” —Carla Neggers, New York Times–bestselling author of Rival’s BreakPraise for CJ Lyons’ Thrillers with Heart:“Breathtakingly fast-paced.” —Publishers Weekly“Everything a great thriller should be—action packed, authentic, and intense.” —Lee Child, #1 New York Times–bestselling author of the Jack Reacher series“Tense, whip-smart medical scenes . . . gripping.” —Tess Gerritsen, New York Times–bestselling author of the Rizzoli & Isles novels

Nervous Disease in Late Eighteenth-Century Britain: The Reality of a Fashionable Disorder (Studies for the Society for the Social History of Medicine #6)

by Heather R Beatty

This study, based on extensive use of eighteenth-century newspapers, hospital registers and case notes, examines the experience of suffering from nervous disease – a supposedly upper-class malady. Beatty concludes that ‘nervousness’ was a legitimate medical diagnosis with a firm basis in eighteenth-century medical theory.

Nervous Disorders And Character: A Study in Pastoral Psychology and Psychotherapy (International Library Of Psychology Ser.)

by McKENZIE, John G

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Nervous Laughter

by Merton Sandler

Organisational Development in Healthcare introduces the practical ways in which change in health services can be promoted. It includes descriptions of all of the most important approaches to change currently being used in the NHS discussion of when they work best and details of the evidence of their impact. 'The interest in organisational development reflects a growing realisation that many of our previous managerial methods are inappropriate and that a new set of techniques and approaches are required. As this book points out creating a new set of jargon techniques and alchemy will surely mean that organisational development is as divorced from what clinicians do patients experience and the public expects as previous reform programmes. Change ideas such as case management for long term conditions that should directly appeal to what clinicians want to achieve could become yet another project done by management that will pass when the enthusiasm wanes and which totally alienates those it should most appeal to. This book provides a key guide to leaders trying to engage their staff in changing their organisations by bringing together theory and experience. This is important as too often theory is neglected and there is inadequate reflection on experience' Nigel Edwards in his Foreword 'An invaluable addition to every practising health manager's bookshelf. I hope you gain a great deal from reading this book and I hope it helps in the efforts that are underway to transform our National Health Service.' David Fillingham in his Foreword

Nervous System: A Novel

by Lina Meruane

An electrifying novel about illness, displacement, and what holds us together, by the author of Seeing RedElla is an astrophysicist struggling with her doctoral thesis in the “country of the present” but she is from the “country of the past,” a place burdened in her memory by both personal and political tragedies. Her partner, El, is a forensic scientist who analyzes the bones of victims of state violence and is recovering from an explosion at a work site that almost killed him. Consumed by writer’s block, Ella finds herself wishing that she would become ill, which would provide time for writing and perhaps an excuse for her lack of progress. Then she begins to experience mysterious symptoms that doctors find undiagnosable.As Ella’s anxiety grows, the past begins to exert a strong gravitational pull, and other members of her family come into focus: the widowed Father, the Stepmother, the Twins, and the Firstborn. Each of them has their own experience of illness and violence, and eventually the systems that both hold them together and atomize them are exposed.Lina Meruane’s Nervous System is an extraordinary clinical biography of a family, full of affection and resentment, dark humor and buried secrets, in which illness describes the traumas that can be visited not just upon the body, but on families and on the history of the countries—present and past—that we live in.

The Nest in the Stream: Lessons From Nature On Being With Pain

by Michael Kearney

A concise and inspirational book for anyone dealing with chronic or acute pain by a long time palliative care doctor who is greatly inspired by Native American wisdom and the natural world. This book is a celebration of impermanence and what it means to be awake, alive, and connected to the world.The Nest in the Stream is an encouraging and inspiring book for the times we live in. Michael Kearney, a physician whose day job is alleviating the pain and suffering of others, shows that how we live with our pain matters hugely, as it affects our quality of living and our capacity to find healing for ourselves, for others, and for our world. Drawing on engaged Buddhism, the indigenous wisdom of Native American and Celtic spirituality, and the powerful teachings he gained by observing nature, Kearney presents a new model for resilience and self-care. Traditional models of self-care emphasize the importance of professional boundaries to protect us from stress, and time out to rest and recover. The Nest in the Stream offers a way of being with pain that is infused with mindfulness, openness, compassion, and deep nature connection that encourages us to act for the freedom and welfare of all. It will appeal to those whose everyday occupation involves dealing with pain, such as healthcare workers, environmental activists, or those working on the front lines of trauma, but it will also be of interest to everyone who longs to live in our wounded world with an open heart.

Netter's Essential Histology: With Correlated Histopathology (Netter Basic Science Series)

by William K. Ovalle Patrick C. Nahirney

With strong correlations between gross anatomy and the microanatomy of structures, Netter’s Essential Histology, 3rd Edition, is the perfect text for today’s evolving medical education. Concise and easy to use, it integrates gross anatomy and embryology with classic histology slides and state-of-the-art scanning electron microscopy, offering a clear, visual understanding of this complex subject. Additional histopathology images, more clinical boxes, and new histopathology content ensure that this textbook-atlas clearly presents the most indispensable histologic concepts and their clinical relevance. <p>• Helps you recognize both normal and diseased structures at the microscopic level with the aid of succinct explanatory text as well as numerous clinical boxes. <p>• Features more histopathology content and additional clinical boxes to increase your knowledge of pathophysiology and clinical relevance. <p>• Includes high-quality light and electron micrographs, including enhanced and colorized electron micrographs that show ultra-structures in 3D, side by side with classic Netter illustrations that link your knowledge of anatomy and cell biology to what is seen in the micrographs. <p>• Provides online access to author-narrated video overviews of each chapter, plus Zoomify images and Virtual Slides that include histopathology and can be viewed at different magnifications. <p>• Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

Netter's Orthopaedic Clinical Examination: An Evidence-Based Approach (Netter Clinical Science)

by Joshua Cleland Shane Koppenhaver Jonathan Su

Offering a thorough, highly illustrated review of the musculoskeletal physical exam, this practical guide covers relevant anatomy, pathoanatomy, and special tests using the well-known art of Dr. Frank H. Netter as well as clinical photographs. Netter’s Orthopaedic Clinical Examination: An Evidence-Based Approach, 4th Edition, provides the information you need to assess the reliability and diagnostic utility of musculoskeletal physical exams and incorporate evidence into your clinical decision making. Summary tables and carefully selected references highlight best available evidence, providing a practical resource for the busy student and clinician.

Network Pharmacology

by Shao Li

This book introduces “network pharmacology” as an emerging frontier subject of systematic drug research in the era of artificial intelligence and big data. Network Pharmacology is an original subject of fusion system biology, bioinformatics, network science and other related disciplines. It emphasizes on starting from the overall perspective of the system level and biological networks, the analysis of the laws of molecular association between drugs and their treatment objects, reveals the systematic pharmacological mechanisms of drugs, and guides the research and development of new drugs and clinical diagnosis and treatment. After it was proposed, network pharmacology has been paid attention by researchers, and it has been rapidly developed and widely used. In order to systematically reveal the biological basis of diagnosis and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine, we proposed a new concept of "network target" for the first time, which has become the core theory of "network pharmacology". The core principle of a network target is to construct a biological network that can be used to decipher complex diseases. The network is then used as the therapeutic target, to which multicomponent remedies are applied. This book mainly includes four parts: 1) The concept and theory of network pharmacology; 2) Common analysis methods, databases and software in network pharmacological research; 3) Typical cases of traditional Chinese medicine modernization and modern drug research based on network pharmacology; 4) Network pharmacology practice process based on drugs and diseases.

Network Science: An Aerial View

by Francesca Biagini Göran Kauermann Thilo Meyer-Brandis

This book provides an overview of network science from the perspective of diverse academic fields, offering insights into the various research areas within network science. The authoritative contributions on statistical network analysis, mathematical network science, genetic networks, Bayesian networks, network visualisation, and systemic risk in networks explore the main questions in the respective fields: What has been achieved to date? What are the research challenges and obstacles? What are the possible interconnections with other fields? And how can cross-fertilization between these fields be promoted? Network science comprises numerous scientific disciplines, including computer science, economics, mathematics, statistics, social sciences, bioinformatics, and medicine, among many others. These diverse research areas require and use different data-analytic and numerical methods as well as different theoretical approaches. Nevertheless, they all examine and describe interdependencies, associations, and relationships of entities in different kinds of networks. The book is intended for researchers as well as interested readers working in network science who want to learn more about the field – beyond their own research or work niche. Presenting network science from different perspectives without going into too much technical detail, it allows readers to gain an overview without having to be a specialist in any or all of these disciplines.

Network Science

by Desmond J. Higham Gian-Luca Oppo Ernesto Estrada Maria Fox

Network Science is the emerging field concerned with the study of large, realistic networks. This interdisciplinary endeavor, focusing on the patterns of interactions that arise between individual components of natural and engineered systems, has been applied to data sets from activities as diverse as high-throughput biological experiments, online trading information, smart-meter utility supplies, and pervasive telecommunications and surveillance technologies. This unique text/reference provides a fascinating insight into the state of the art in network science, highlighting the commonality across very different areas of application and the ways in which each area can be advanced by injecting ideas and techniques from another. The book includes contributions from an international selection of experts, providing viewpoints from a broad range of disciplines. It emphasizes networks that arise in nature--such as food webs, protein interactions, gene expression, and neural connections--and in technology--such as finance, airline transport, urban development and global trade. Topics and Features: begins with a clear overview chapter to introduce this interdisciplinary field; discusses the classic network science of fixed connectivity structures, including empirical studies, mathematical models and computational algorithms; examines time-dependent processes that take place over networks, covering topics such as synchronisation, and message passing algorithms; investigates time-evolving networks, such as the World Wide Web and shifts in topological properties (connectivity, spectrum, percolation); explores applications of complex networks in the physical and engineering sciences, looking ahead to new developments in the field. Researchers and professionals from disciplines as varied as computer science, mathematics, engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, neuroscience, epidemiology, and the social sciences will all benefit from this topical and broad overview of current activities and grand challenges in the unfolding field of network science.

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