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Onderbeenklachten: In de praktijk van (sport)fysiotherapeuten, trainers en verzorgers (Orthopedische casuïstiek)
by Koos Van NugterenOnderbeenpijn is vaak moeilijk te diagnosticeren. Er kan sprake zijn van een orthopedische aandoening bijvoorbeeld door overbelasting. Er zijn echter veel andere oorzaken bekend van onderbeenpijn zoals vasculaire of reumatische afwijkingen. Daar komt nog bij dat de achterliggende pathologie zich niet altijd in het onderbeen bevindt maar meer naar proximaal. Dit alles kan voor de orthopedisch georiënteerde (para)medicus verraderlijke valkuilen opleveren. Daarom worden er in deze uitgave van ‘Orthopedische Casuïstiek’ naast orthopedische letsels/blessures ook enkele andere vormen van pathologie besproken die onderbeenpijn kunnen veroorzaken.Aan bod komen: stressfracturen, compartimentsyndroom, mediaal tibiaal stresssyndroom, spierscheur, claudicatio intermittens, a. poplitea compressiesyndroom, diepe veneuze trombose, paralyse van onderbeenspieren door lumbale pathologie, fibrose in de kuit, syndesmoseletsel van de enkel, peesrupturen, proximale tibiofibulaire artritis, tendinopathieën van de achillespees en de mm. peronei, en verschillende enkelfracturen.Zoals gebruikelijk in de boekenreeks van Orthopedische Casuïstiek wordt ieder onderwerp besproken aan de hand van patiëntencasuïstiek uit de dagelijkse praktijk.De tekst is rijk geïllustreerd met educatieve tekeningen en foto’s. Bijlage I achterin het boek toont een handige tabel van moeilijk te differentiëren aandoeningen met hun symptomen. Bijlage II toont twee oefenprogramma’s ter behandeling van de mid-portion achillespeestendinopathie en bijlage III geeft een overzicht van de innervatie en segmentatie van het onderbeen.Het boek is in het bijzonder bestemd voor (sport)fysiotherapeuten, kinesitherapeuten, verzorgers van een sportvereniging, (sport)artsen en orthopeden.
Ondernemen in de fysiotherapie
by Ruud Mastenbroek Ruud Maas Aernout Leezenberg Ad Evers Lidwien Loon Daan SpanjersbergOndernemen in de fysiotherapie gaat over alles wat een ondernemer in de fysiotherapie moet weten om van zijn fysiotherapiepraktijk een succesvolle onderneming te maken. Het boek beschrijft het ondernemerschap in brede zin. Alle kanten van het ondernemerschap worden belicht en toegelicht vanuit de praktijk. Van analyse van de zorgmarkt tot strategisch management, van communicatie tot ICT en verzekeringen. Het theoretische kader is met herkenbare voorbeelden uit de praktijk geïllustreerd.Het boek is speciaal geschreven voor fysiotherapeuten met (interesse in) een onderneming in de eerste lijn. Het is uitstekend geschikt als studieboek voor studenten fysiotherapie die zich willen verdiepen in het ondernemerschap als onderdeel van het beroepscompetentieprofiel. Prikkelende vragen aan het einde van elk hoofdstuk en verwijzingen naar recente literatuur en websites helpen de student. Ook fysiotherapeuten in loondienst die overwegen om voor zichzelf te beginnen, kunnen met dit boek goed uit de voeten. Daarnaast is het een handig en inspirerend naslagwerk voor iedere fysiotherapeut met een eigen onderneming.De redactie van Ondernemen in de fysiotherapie was in handen van doorgewinterde ondernemers in de fysiotherapie die graag hun kennis en ervaring delen. De redactie heeft nauw samengewerkt met gastauteurs die de dagelijkse praktijk van het ondernemen in de fysiotherapie goed kennen.
Ondernemen in de zorg: Kennis en kunde bij het opzetten van een paramedische praktijk
by Marije Poel Henny LiendenWanneer je als paramedicus een praktijk begint, is er veel om over na te denken en veel te om over te beslissen. Hoe je klanten krijgt, bijvoorbeeld. En of je het financieel rond kunt krijgen.In deze tweede druk van Ondernemen in de zorg, die geheel is geactualiseerd, worden acht competenties besproken die je nodig hebt om als ondernemer eengoede kans van slagen te hebben. De drie pijlers hiervan zijn het analyseren van de omgeving (omgevingsanalyse), het afstemmen van vraag en aanbod (marketing) en het formuleren en realiseren van financiële verwachtingen.Deze drie pijlers zijn zeer nauw met elkaar verbonden. Je kunt pas succesvol zijn als je weet wat er in de samenleving leeft, als je weet hoe de voorkeur van klanten bepaald is, en als je kans ziet voldoende klanten te krijgen die voldoende omzet opleveren. Daarnaast zijn er de competenties die randvoorwaardelijk zijn voor ondernemerschap: het werken aan kwaliteit en het toepassen van het juridisch kader horen daarbij. Evenals het kiezen en actueel houden van een rechtsvorm, het adequaat voeren van een administratie en het werken aan ethisch besef. En als basis voor het ondernemerschap geldt de persoonlijkheid van de ondernemer zelf.De onderlinge samenhang tussen de competenties is groot. Verandert er bijvoorbeeld iets in de omgeving, dan kan dat gevolgen hebben voor de financiële, juridische of administratieve situatie. Ondernemen in de zorg toont deze samenhang aan en leert de startende ondernemer op een proactieve manier met de competenties om te gaan.
Ondersteunen van het medisch handelen mbo
by Yvonne MorsinkVerpleegkundige vaardigheden MBO Ondersteunen van het medisch handelen Werkcahier
Onderzoek en behandeling van de heup (Orthopedische casuïstiek)
by J. van Nugteren F.D. WinkelDit praktijkgerichte boek besteedt uitgebereid aandacht aan de diagnostiek en behandeling van veelvoorkomende heupaandoeningen. De aandoeningen worden beschreven aan de hand van concrete patiëntencasuïstiek. Nieuwe wetenschappelijke inzichten over de therapie worden vertaald naar concrete oefenprogramma's.De tekst is rijk geïllustreerd met educatieve tekeningen en foto's. Beschreven worden – onder andere– heupartrose, collumfracturen, liesblessures, laterale heuppijn en avasculaire necrose van de femurkop.
Onderzoek en behandeling van het bekken
by Bram De Lange Didi van Paridon-Edauw Dos Winkel Goof Schep Jan Van Melkebeek Koos Van Nugteren Marc Martens Patty Joldersma Tom HogervorstDit praktijkgerichte boek besteedt uitgebreid aandacht aan de diagnostiek en behandeling van veel voorkomende aandoeningen aan het bekken. De aandoeningen worden beschreven aan de hand van concrete patientencasuistiek. Nieuwe wetenschappelijke inzichten met betrekking tot de therapie worden vertaald naar concrete oefenprogramma's.
Onderzoek langs de meetlat: Onderzoekdesigns voor verpleegkundigen (Hbo Verpleegkunde Ser.)
by Anne M. Eskes Catharina J. van OostveenDit boek helpt bij het begrijpen van wetenschappelijke literatuur, en inspireert het zelf opzetten van praktijkonderzoek. Het maakt lezers bekend met veelvoorkomende en handzame onderzoekdesigns en -methoden in verpleegkundig onderzoek. Daarmee is het een must-have voor alle studenten, verpleegkundigen, verpleegkundig specialisten en verpleegkundig onderzoekers die zich bezighouden met evidence-based zorg.Voor docenten verpleegkunde is het een ideaal naslagwerk om te gebruiken in de lessen en bij het beoordelen van studentprojecten.Onderzoek langs de meetlat; onderzoekdesigns voor verpleegkundigen beschrijft de belangrijkste kenmerken van verschillende designs, aan de hand van herkenbare voorbeelden uit de verpleegkundige praktijk. Daarbij beperkt het zich niet tot de alom bekende onderzoekdesigns als systematische literatuurstudies en gerandomiseerde studies. Het bevat 12 kwantitatieve, 6 kwalitatieve, 5 mixed-methods designs en 5 soorten literatuurstudies. Stuk voor stuk worden die door verpleegkundig onderzoekers voorzien van een kritische beschouwing.De korte teksten en praktische handvatten zorgen dat lezers meteen aan de slag kunnen. Zo helpt het boek met antwoorden op vragen als: wat houdt het design van het onderzoek in dat ik lees? Bij welk type vraag past dit design? Aan welke kwaliteitseisen moet dit onderzoek minimaal voldoen? En wat zijn de voor- en nadelen van het onderzoekdesign? De redactie bestaat uit dr. Anne M. Eskes, senior onderzoeker verpleegkundige zorg bij Amsterdam UMC, en dr. Catharina J. van Oostveen, senior adviseur en onderzoeker bij de Spaarne Gasthuis Academie en de Erasmus School for Health Policy & Management.
Onderzoekend vermogen voor verpleegkundigen: Leerboek voor kritisch en methodisch probleemoplossend denken
by Anneke Jong Marja Legius Lieven MaesschalckEen van de kernpunten van het nieuwe opleidingsprofiel is de ontwikkeling van het onderzoekend vermogen. Dit boek helpt studenten bij het probleemoplossend denken in de context van evidence based practice. Het gaat dus over het zoeken naar en toepassen van bruikbare (vernieuwende) oplossingen door beroepsbeoefenaren die in staat zijn reflectief naar zichzelf en hun omgeving te kijken.
One Born Every Minute: Real Stories from the Delivery Room
by Maria Dore Ros BradburyONE BORN EVERY MINUTE, Channel 4's Bafta-winning documentary series, was the critical and popular smash-hit of 2010. And in February 2011, we'll be back on the maternity ward for twelve brand-new, thrilling episodes.In this wonderful new book, midwives Maria Dore and Ros Bradbury look back over their careers and reveal the extraordinary experiences that fill every their working day - from first-time mums with unusual birth plans to overwhelmed dads who end up on the delivery room floor. And, of course, the beautiful babies who make it all worthwhile. Maria explains, 'To be part of anyone's birth experience is just the best. You never quite get over that miracle.'
One by One by One: Making a Small Difference Amid a Billion Problems
by Aaron BerkowitzIn the spirit of Tracy Kidder’s Mountains Beyond Mountains, and joining the ranks of works by Bryan Stevenson, Matthew Desmond, Abraham Verghese and Oliver Sachs, the inspiring story of a young American neurologist’s struggle to make a difference in Haiti by treating one patient—a story of social justice, clashing cultures, and what it means to treat strangers as members of our family.Dr. Aaron Berkowitz had just finished his neurology training when he was sent to Haiti on his first assignment with Partners In Health. There, he meets Janel, a 23-year-old man with the largest brain tumor Berkowitz or any of his neurosurgeon colleagues at Harvard Medical School have ever seen. Determined to live up to Partners In Health’s mission statement “to bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need,” Berkowitz tries to save Janel’s life by bringing him back to Boston for a 12-hour surgery. In One by One by One, Berkowitz traces what he learns and grapples with as a young doctor trying to bridge the gap between one of the world’s richest countries and one of the world’s poorest to make the first big save of his medical career.As Janel and Berkowitz travel back and forth between the high-tech neurosurgical operating rooms of Harvard’s hospitals and Janel’s dirt-floored hut in rural Haiti, they face countless heart-wrenching twists and turns. Janel remains comatose for months after his surgery. It’s not clear he will recover enough to return to Haiti and be able to survive there. So he goes for a second brain surgery, a third, a fourth. Berkowitz brings the reader to the front lines of global humanitarian work as he struggles to overcome the challenges that arise when well-meaning intentions give rise to unintended consequences, when cultures and belief systems clash, and when it’s not clear what the right thing to do is, let alone the right way to do it. One by One by One is a gripping account of the triumphs, tragedies, and confusing spaces in between as an idealistic young doctor learns the hard but necessary lessons of living by the Haitian proverb tout moun se moun—every person is a person.
One Children's Place: Inside a Children's Hospital
by Lee Gutkind&“A welcome and poignant account of the intense human and political dynamics of a major children&’s hospital that will have a substantial impact on the way you view children and their care.&” —The New England Journal of MedicineLee Gutkind is a master at stepping into the worlds of medicine and revealing the unique desires, characteristics, and stories of the people therein. For One Children&’s Place, he spent two years at Children&’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, observing not just the patients but also their nurses, surgeons, therapists, administrators, and families. What he found was an institution that excelled at responding to the needs of the children who stayed there, from the professionals who dealt with the unique problems of hospital furniture and design, to the nurses and social workers who became unwaveringly close allies to their young charges, to the doctors who undertook risky new procedures to save lives.Brimming with hope and animated by fascinating anecdotes, One Children&’s Place is a powerful portrait of heroism and heartbreak, by one of America&’s foremost nonfiction storytellers.
One Doctor: Close Calls, Cold Cases, and the Mysteries of Medicine
by Brendan ReillyAn epic story told by a unique voice in American medicine, One Doctor describes life-changing experiences in the career of a distinguished physician.An epic story told by a unique voice in American medicine, One Doctor describes life-changing experiences in the career of a distinguished physician. In riveting first-person prose, Dr. Brendan Reilly takes us to the front lines of medicine today. Whipsawed by daily crises and frustrations, Reilly must deal with several daunting challenges simultaneously: the extraordinary patients under his care on the teeming wards of a renowned teaching hospital; the life-threatening illnesses of both of his ninety-year-old parents; and the tragic memory of a cold case from long ago that haunts him still. As Reilly's patients and their families survive close calls, struggle with heartrending decisions, and confront the limits of medicine's power to cure, One Doctor lays bare a fragmented, depersonalized, business-driven health-care system where real caring is hard to find. Every day, Reilly sees patients who fall through the cracks and suffer harm because they lack one doctor who knows them well and relentlessly advocates for their best interests. Filled with fascinating characters in New York City and rural New England--people with dark secrets, mysterious illnesses, impossible dreams, and many kinds of courage--One Doctor tells their stories with sensitivity and empathy, reminding us of professional values once held dear by all physicians. But medicine has changed enormously during Reilly's career, for both better and worse, and One Doctor is a cautionary tale about those changes. It is also a hopeful, inspiring account of medicine's potential to improve people's lives, Reilly's quest to understand the "truth" about doctoring, and a moving testament to the difference one doctor can make.
One Doctor
by Brendan ReillyReminiscent of the eloquent writings of physicians Abraham Verghese, Atul Gawande, and Siddhartha Mukherjee, this compelling story is told by a unique voice in American medicine, Brendan Reilly, a distinguished internist whose work was profiled at length by Malcolm Gladwell in his bestselling book Blink.Only One Doctor is a riveting first-person narrative--a true story that reads like a novel and recreates Dr. Reilly's present-day, moment-to-moment "E.R."-like dramas with patients, families, and medical staff at the Medical Center. At the heart of Only One Doctor is an unsolved medical mystery that haunts Reilly: the loss of a legendary engineer friend and patient, Fred, who died suddenly after he began to see angels and hear voices. Fred was renowned for many inventions, including a navigational device that was removed from Amelia Earhart's plane before she took off on her last flight. As Fred sought to learn Earhart's fate, Reilly searches for the reason behind Fred's death, piecing together his last days to arrive at a chilling revelation. Lessons learned from Fred's case resonate throughout Reilly's experiences with other patients in the book, ultimately leading to the saving of thousands of lives. From the cases in Only One Doctor, patients and caretakers learn what works and what doesn't in today's health care and how to avoid falling through the cracks. As compelling as an episode of House, written with the skill of How We Die and My Own Country, Only One Doctor is a wrenching, brilliant, inspiring read.
One Drop of Blood: A Novel
by Thomas HollandAs the director of the Department of the Army's Central Identification Laboratory, Robert Dean "Kel" McKelvey has made a career solving some of the country's most complex identification cases. The CIL is responsible for identifying all U.S. war dead from battlefields old and new around the world. The caseload is endless, the endgame invaluable. Kel's work -- the examination of a bone or bone fragment -- may bring blessed closure to thousands of military families and loved ones left behind. But after fifteen years at the CIL, Kel is fast approaching emotional meltdown. And that's when he encounters his thorniest case yet: the recovery of Jimmie Carl Trimble, a soldier from Arkansas who died a hero's death during the Vietnam War. When a rare DNA sequence turns up at both the Army and FBI labs, it points to the unthinkable: a link between Trimble and a forty-year-old unsolved racial killing in the Arkansas delta. Partnered uneasily with the volatile FBI Special Agent Michael Levine, Kel must peel back decades of silence to reveal a complex web of stolen identity, betrayal, patriotism, collusion, and lies. Taking readers deep inside the fascinating world of military and civilian forensic science, One Drop of Blood is a pitch-perfect thriller by a talented new author who knows the terrain better than anyone.
One Eye Open: 2021's must-read standalone from the Sunday Times bestseller!
by Paul FinchIf the lies don't kill you, the truth will An electrifying, high-octane thrill ride; the new must-read standalone from a Sunday Times bestseller. Dark, gritty and always at the edge of your seat, this unforgettable new outing from master storyteller, Paul Finch, will appeal to fans of Peter James, Mark Billingham and Angela Marsons.**********************************Readers are already loving ONE EYE OPEN: "Finch does it again! Tightly plotted, well written and pacy as hell" - Netgalley Review"Excellent thriller with great characters." - Netgalley Review"Paul's writing yet again catapults you straight into the book..." - Netgalley Review**********************************YOU CAN RUNA high-speed crash leaves a man and woman clinging to life.Neither of them carries ID. Their car has fake number plates.In their luggage: a huge amount of cash.Who are they? What are they hiding?And what were they running from?YOU CAN HIDEDS Lynda Hagen, once a brilliant detective, gave it all up to raise her family.But something about this case reignites a spark in her... BUT YOU'LL ALWAYS SLEEP WITH...What begins as an investigation soon becomes an obsession.And it will lead her to a secret so dangerous that soon there will be nowhere left to hide.ONE EYE OPEN
One Eye Open: 2021's must-read standalone from the Sunday Times bestseller!
by Paul FinchIf the lies don't kill you, the truth will An electrifying, high-octane thrill ride; the new must-read standalone from a Sunday Times bestseller. Dark, gritty and always at the edge of your seat, this unforgettable new outing from master storyteller, Paul Finch, will appeal to fans of Peter James, Mark Billingham and Angela Marsons.**********************************Readers are already loving ONE EYE OPEN: "Finch does it again! Tightly plotted, well written and pacy as hell" - Netgalley Review"Excellent thriller with great characters." - Netgalley Review"Paul's writing yet again catapults you straight into the book..." - Netgalley Review**********************************YOU CAN RUNA high-speed crash leaves a man and woman clinging to life.Neither of them carries ID. Their car has fake number plates.In their luggage: a huge amount of cash.Who are they? What are they hiding?And what were they running from?YOU CAN HIDEDS Lynda Hagen, once a brilliant detective, gave it all up to raise her family.But something about this case reignites a spark in her...BUT YOU'LL ALWAYS SLEEP WITH...What begins as an investigation soon becomes an obsession.And it will lead her to a secret so dangerous that soon there will be nowhere left to hide.ONE EYE OPEN
One Eye Open: A gripping standalone thriller from the Sunday Times bestseller
by Paul FinchIf the lies don't kill you, the truth will An electrifying, high-octane thrill ride; the new must-read standalone from a Sunday Times bestseller. Dark, gritty and always at the edge of your seat, this unforgettable new outing from master storyteller, Paul Finch, will appeal to fans of Peter James, Mark Billingham and Angela Marsons.**********************************Readers love ONE EYE OPEN: "Finch does it again! Tightly plotted, well written and pacy as hell" - Netgalley Review"Excellent thriller with great characters." - Netgalley Review"Paul's writing yet again catapults you straight into the book..." - Netgalley Review**********************************YOU CAN RUNA high-speed crash leaves a man and woman clinging to life.Neither of them carries ID. Their car has fake number plates.In their luggage: a huge amount of cash.Who are they? What are they hiding?And what were they running from?YOU CAN HIDEDS Lynda Hagen, once a brilliant detective, gave it all up to raise her family.But something about this case reignites a spark in her... BUT YOU'LL ALWAYS SLEEP WITH...What begins as an investigation soon becomes an obsession.And it will lead her to a secret so dangerous that soon there will be nowhere left to hide.ONE EYE OPEN
One for the Road: Drunk Driving since 1900
by Barron H. LernerDon’t drink and drive. It's a deceptively simple rule, but one that is all too often ignored. And while efforts to eliminate drunk driving have been around as long as automobiles, every movement to keep drunks from driving has hit some alarming bumps in the road. Barron H. Lerner narrates the two strong—and vocal—sides to this debate in the United States: those who argue vehemently against drunk driving, and those who believe the problem is exaggerated and overregulated. A public health professor and historian of medicine, Lerner asks why these opposing views exist, examining drunk driving in the context of American beliefs about alcoholism, driving, individualism, and civil liberties. Angry and bereaved activist leaders and advocacy groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving campaign passionately for education and legislation, but even as people continue to be killed, many Americans remain unwilling to take stronger steps to address the problem. Lerner attributes this attitude to Americans’ love of drinking and love of driving, an inadequate public transportation system, the strength of the alcohol lobby, and the enduring backlash against Prohibition. The stories of people killed and maimed by drunk drivers are heartrending, and the country’s routine rejection of reasonable strategies for ending drunk driving is frustratingly inexplicable. This book is a fascinating study of the culture of drunk driving, grassroots and professional efforts to stop it, and a public that has consistently challenged and tested the limits of individual freedom. Why, despite decades and decades of warnings, do people still choose to drive while intoxicated? One for the Road provides crucial historical lessons for understanding the old epidemic of drunk driving and the new epidemic of distracted driving.
One Health: The Theory and Practice of Integrated Health Approaches
by Wiku Adisasmito Cécile Aenishaenslin Seid Mohamed Ali Ian Allen Silvia Alonso Vilda Amir Maurizio Aragrande Sara Babo Martins Zolzaya Baljinnyam William Bazeyo Andrea Beetz Jeffrey Bender Mónica Berger-González Benjamin Blair Barry Blakley Michael Bresalier Martin Bunch Massimo Canali Angela Cassidy Nakul Chitnis Guéladio Cissé Michael Clarke Paul Coleman Kathryn C. Conlon Susan Cork Lisa Crump Soledad Cuevas Solveig Danielsen Anna Dean Paula Dominguez-Salas Colleen Duncan Kaylee Errecaborde Patricia Farnese Thomas Fries Samuel Fuhrimann Christa A. Gallagher Iain J. Gordon Ratna B. Gurung Felix Hafner Barbara Häsler Jan Hattendorf Karin Hediger Barbara Jones Joldoshbek Kasymbekov Julia S. Lankton Huong Le Thi Henrik Lerner Mahamat Bechir Michael Mahero Stephanie Mauti Céline Mbilo Hélène Meier Mary Elizabeth Miranda Hung Nguyen-Viet Vi Nguyen-Viet Brigit Obrist Peter Odermatt Anna Okello Christopher A.L. Oura Katharine Pelican Kristina Pelikan Phuc Pham-Duc Sue Pollock Sangay Rinchen Karma Rinzin Felix Roth Johanne Saint-Charles Esther Schelling Alexandra Shaw Jonathan M. Sleeman Woutrina Smith Keira Spinner Katharina D. Stärk Professor Craig Stephen Arlette C. Szelecsenyi Marcel Tanner Tenzin Tenzin Jimmy Tickel Karin Tschanz-Cooke Rea Tschopp Dennis C Turner Hoang Van Minh Alain Vandermissen Tu Vu-Van Daniel P. Walsh David Waltner-Toews Sylvia Wanzala Susan C Welburn Lenke Wettlaufer C. LeAnn White Maxine Whittaker Andreas F. Widmer Abigail Woods Hind Yahyaoui Christian Zurbrügg Michel de Garine-WichatitskyOne Health, the concept of combined veterinary and human health, has now expanded beyond emerging infectious diseases and zoonoses to incorporate a wider suite of health issues. Retaining its interdisciplinary focus which combines theory with practice, this new edition illustrates the contribution of One Health collaborations to real-world issues such as sanitation, economics, food security and vaccination programmes. It includes more non-infectious disease issues and climate change discussion alongside revised case studies and expanded methodology chapters to draw out implications for practice. Promoting an action-based, solutions-oriented approach, One Health: The Theory and Practice of Integrated Health Approaches highlights the lessons learned for both human and animal health professionals and students.
One Health: The Theory and Practice of Integrated Health Approaches
by Angela Cassidy David H Cumming Vanessa Racloz Hung Nguyen-Viet Vreni Jean-Richard Rea Tschopp Monique Lechenne Simon Reid Susan C Welburn Solveig Danielsen Mahamat Bechir Karin Hediger Bonnie Buntain Bassirou Bonfoh Andrea Meisser Eric Boa Martin Bunch Professor Craig Stephen Carol Rubin Susan CorkThe One Health concept of combined veterinary and human health continues to gain momentum, but the supporting literature is sparse. In this book, the origins of the concept are examined and practical content on methodological tools, data gathering, monitoring techniques, study designs, and mathematical models is included. Zoonotic diseases, with discussions of diseases of wildlife, farm animals, domestic pets and humans, and real-world issues such as sanitation, economics, food security and evaluating the success of vaccination programmes are covered in detail. Discussing how to put policy into practice, and with case studies throughout, this book combines research and practice in one broad-ranging volume.
One Health: The Concept and Examples of a One Health Approach (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology #365)
by John S. Mackenzie, Martyn Jeggo, Peter Daszak and Juergen A. RichtOne Health is an emerging concept that aims to bring together human, animal, and environmental health. Achieving harmonized approaches for disease detection and prevention is difficult because traditional boundaries of medical and veterinary practice must be crossed. In the 19th and early 20th centuries this was not the case—then researchers like Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch and physicians like William Osler and Rudolph Virchow crossed the boundaries between animal and human health. More recently Calvin Schwabe revised the concept of One Medicine. This was critical for the advancement of the field of epidemiology, especially as applied to zoonotic diseases. The future of One Health is at a crossroads with a need to more clearly define its boundaries and demonstrate its benefits. Interestingly the greatest acceptance of One Health is seen in the developing world where it is having significant impacts on control of infectious diseases.
One Health: Food Safety and Security, and International and National Plans for Implementation of One Health Activities (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology #366)
by John S. Mackenzie, Martyn Jeggo, Peter Daszak and Juergen A. RichtOne Health is an emerging concept that aims to bring together human, animal, and environmental health. Achieving harmonized approaches for disease detection and prevention is difficult because traditional boundaries of medical and veterinary practice must be crossed. In the 19th and early 20th centuries this was not the case—then researchers like Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch and physicians like William Osler and Rudolph Virchow crossed the boundaries between animal and human health. More recently Calvin Schwabe revised the concept of One Medicine. This was critical for the advancement of the field of epidemiology, especially as applied to zoonotic diseases. The future of One Health is at a crossroads with a need to more clearly define its boundaries and demonstrate its benefits. Interestingly the greatest acceptance of One Health is seen in the developing world where it is having significant impacts on control of infectious diseases.
One Health: People, Animals, and the Environment (ASM Books)
by Stanley Maloy Ronald AtlasEmerging infectious diseases are often due to environmental disruption, which exposes microbes to a different niche that selects for new virulence traits and facilitates transmission between animals and humans. Thus, health of humans also depends upon health of animals and the environment – a concept called One Health. This book presents core concepts, compelling evidence, successful applications, and remaining challenges of One Health approaches to thwarting the threat of emerging infectious disease. Written by scientists working in the field, this book will provide a series of "stories" about how disruption of the environment and transmission from animal hosts is responsible for emerging human and animal diseases. Explains the concept of One Health and the history of the One Health paradigm shift. Traces the emergence of devastating new diseases in both animals and humans. Presents case histories of notable, new zoonoses, including West Nile virus, hantavirus, Lyme disease, SARS, and salmonella. Links several epidemic zoonoses with the environmental factors that promote them. Offers insight into the mechanisms of microbial evolution toward pathogenicity. Discusses the many causes behind the emergence of antibiotic resistance. Presents new technologies and approaches for public health disease surveillance. Offers political and bureaucratic strategies for promoting the global acceptance of One Health.
One Health: The Human-Animal-Environment Interfaces in Emerging Infectious Diseases
by Juergen A. Richt Peter Daszak Martyn Jeggo John S. MackenzieOne Health is an emerging concept that aims to bring together human, animal, and environmental health. Achieving harmonized approaches for disease detection and prevention is difficult because traditional boundaries of medical and veterinary practice must be crossed. In the 19th and early 20th centuries this was not the case--then researchers like Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch and physicians like William Osler and Rudolph Virchow crossed the boundaries between animal and human health. More recently Calvin Schwabe revised the concept of One Medicine. This was critical for the advancement of the field of epidemiology, especially as applied to zoonotic diseases. The future of One Health is at a crossroads with a need to more clearly define its boundaries and demonstrate its benefits. Interestingly the greatest acceptance of One Health is seen in the developing world where it is having significant impacts on control of infectious diseases.
One Health
by David Waltner-Toews Rea Tschopp Vanessa Racloz Susan Cork Susan C Welburn Bonnie Buntain Bassirou Bonfoh Simon Reid Jakob Zinsstag Carol Rubin Karin Hediger Eric Boa David H Cumming Mahamat Bechir Vreni Jean-Richard Hung Nguyen-Viet Marcel Tanner Solveig Danielsen Andrea Meisser Professor Craig Stephen Esther Schelling Angela Cassidy Monique Lechenne Martin Bunch Maxine WhittakerThe One Health concept of combined veterinary and human health continues to gain momentum, but the supporting literature is sparse. In this book, the origins of the concept are examined and practical content on methodological tools, data gathering, monitoring techniques, study designs, and mathematical models is included. Zoonotic diseases, with discussions of diseases of wildlife, farm animals, domestic pets and humans, and real-world issues such as sanitation, economics, food security and evaluating the success of vaccination programmes are covered in detail. Discussing how to put policy into practice, and with case studies throughout, this book combines research and practice in one broad-ranging volume. Read a chapter for free