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Showing 38,851 through 38,875 of 56,199 results

Orthodontics: Principles and Practice (At A Glance (dentistry) Ser.)

by Daljit S. Gill Farhad B. Naini

This latest addition to the Dental Update books series provides a clear and thorough guide to contemporary orthodontic principles and practice. Written as a highly practical clinical manual, it covers patient assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning of both standard class malocclusions and specific entities such as impacted teeth, digit sucking habits and asymmetries, as well as appliance techniques, complex and multidisciplinary care, and retention. Orthodontics: Principles and Practice is written by a range of international specialists in the field. It is an essential guide to the subject for dentists seeking to improve their knowledge of orthodontics, as well as dentistry students and trainee orthodontists. Key features • Covers the full process of orthodontic treatment from initial patient assessment to post-treatment stability • Provides up to date, evidence based and clinically relevant information • Presented in a clear practical format for use as a clinical manual • Written by international orthodontic specialists • Highly illustrated in full colour throughout

Orthodontics at a Glance (At a Glance (Dentistry))

by Daljit S. Gill

Orthodontics at a Glance is part of the highly popular at a Glance series. It provides a concise and accessible introduction and revision aid. Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format, each topic is presented as a double-page spread with key facts accompanied by clear diagrams encapsulating essential knowledge. Structured over four sections, Orthodontics at a Glance covers: Craniofacial growth and development Diagnosis and treatment planning The management of malocclusion Treatment techniques Orthodontics at a Glance is the ideal companion for all students of dentistry, junior clinicians and those working towards orthodontic specialization. In addition the text will provide valuable insight for general dental practitioners wanting to update their orthodontic knowledge, orthodontic nurses, therapists and technicians.

Orthodontics for Dental Hygienists and Dental Therapists

by Tina Raked

Covers essential orthodontic theory for dental hygienists and dental therapists Clear, comprehensive, and easy to read, Orthodontics for Dental Hygienists and Dental Therapists outlines orthodontic theory and explains clinical techniques, without assuming prior knowledge. By learning the orthodontic mechanics and fundamentals, dental hygiene and therapy students can become valuable team members in an orthodontic practice. Written in a student-friendly style, the text begins by outlining craniofacial growth and tooth development, orthodontic assessment, and biomechanics and anchorage, before introducing fixed and removable appliances, class I, II and III treatment principles, and cleft palate treatment, and ending with a chapter on adult orthodontics. Student-friendly guide to essential orthodontic theory and clinical techniques for dental hygienists, dental therapists, and oral health therapists Superbly illustrated with explanations on terminologies, orthodontic appliances, instruments, and procedures Features multiple choice questions at the end of each chapter and interactive self-assessment questions on a companion website to help you test your knowledge The ideal overall introduction to orthodontics, Orthodontics for Dental Hygienists and Dental Therapists is an indispensable companion for those wishing to pursue a career in orthodontic practices after graduation.

Orthodontics in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients: A Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment Planning, and Interventions

by Su-Jung Kim Ki Beom Kim

This well-illustrated book is an up-to-date guide to orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, and treatment delivery in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The aim is to present the latest knowledge on the important contribution that orthodontic modalities can now make in the management of a disorder that has generally been the preserve of sleep doctors. This book comprises three parts of general understanding of OSA and medical approaches, orthodontic diagnostic process, and orthodontic treatment application. In particular, the treatment parts are subdivided into six chapters depending on the patient’s phenotype and age groups. The readers will come to realize how many modalities are available beyond the previously well-known options, and how important orthodontic contributions are for the treatment of OSA patients. The book will be an excellent resource providing well-organized diagnostic and therapeutic protocols from orthodontic point of view and will also be of value to other practitioners with an interest in OSA.

Orthodontics in the Vertical Dimension

by Laura L. Bonner Steven D. Marshall Thomas E. Southard

This case-based clinical text is an exhaustive review of orthodontic problems in the vertical dimension and evidence-based guidelines for successful diagnosis and treatment. A total of 21 cases address dental deep bites, skeletal deep bites, dental open bites, skeletal open bites, and posterior open bites. Each case includes pre-treatment, interim, and posttreatment orthodontic records, as well as references to provide a solid evidence base for decision making. Written with a clinical focus, Orthodontics in the Vertical Dimension is ideal for the practicing orthodontist and makes an excellent resource for residents in pursuit of board certification.

Orthogeriatrics: The Management of Older Patients with Fragility Fractures (Practical Issues in Geriatrics)

by Paolo Falaschi David Marsh

Open access publication has been possible through an unconditional educational grant from UCB.This new open access edition supported by the Fragility Fracture Network aims at giving the widest possible dissemination on fragility fracture (especially hip fracture) management and notably in countries where this expertise is sorely needed. It has been extensively revised and updated by the experts of this network to provide a unique and reliable content in one single volume. Throughout the book, attention is given to the difficult question of how to provide best practice in countries where the discipline of geriatric medicine is not well established and resources for secondary prevention are scarce. The revised and updated chapters on the epidemiology of hip fractures, osteoporosis, sarcopenia, surgery, anaesthesia, medical management of frailty, peri-operative complications, rehabilitation and nursing are supplemented by six new chapters. These include an overview of the multidisciplinary approach to fragility fractures and new contributions on pre-hospital care, treatment in the emergency room, falls prevention, nutrition and systems for audit. The reader will have an exhaustive overview and will gain essential, practical knowledge on how best to manage fractures in elderly patients and how to develop clinical systems that do so reliably.


by Paolo Falaschi David R. Marsh

This book focuses on orthogeriatrics, a topic that has received little attention in the literature to date. As active members of the Fragility Fracture Network (FFN), the editors and most of the authors of this book have gathered all essential expertise on hip fracture management in a single volume. The 14 chapters provide a complete overview of how to approach fractures in elderly patients, starting with the epidemiology of hip fractures and subsequently addressing osteoporosis, surgery, anesthesia, medical management of frailty, and peri-operative complications. Attention is also given to rehabilitation and nursing, as well as to the psychological evaluation of the patient and the caregivers, thus emphasizing the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. Thanks to its clinical and practice-oriented nature, the book will especially be of interest to residents and young geriatricians, as well as orthopaedic surgeons, anesthesiologists and nurses dealing with elderly fracture patients in all parts of the world.

Orthognathic Surgery: Principles, Planning and Practice

by Daljit S. Gill Farhad B. Naini

Orthognathic Surgery: Principles, Planning and Practice is a definitive clinical guide to orthognathic surgery, from initial diagnosis and treatment planning to surgical management and postoperative care. Addresses the major craniofacial anomalies and complex conditions of the jaw and face that require surgery Edited by two highly experienced specialists, with contributions from an international team of experts Enhanced by case studies, note boxes and more than 2000 clinical photographs and illustrations Serves as an essential reference for higher trainees and practicing clinicians in cranio-maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, plastic and reconstructive surgery and allied specialties

Orthopäden und Wirbelsäulenchirurgen im kritischen Gespräch: 61 freimütige Interviews

by Rainer-Peter Meyer Bruno Brantschen Dezsö J. Jeszenszky Andreas Lütscher

30 spontane Fragen an 61 Orthopäden und Wirbelsäulenchirurgen zu richten, bedarf einer gewissen Unverfrorenheit. Alle diese Persönlichkeiten haben die Herausforderung angenommen. Nichts wurde beschönigt, keiner der Autoren hat sich «versteckt». Lassen Sie sich vom Resultat überraschen.

Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie

by Wolfgang Rüther Christoph H. Lohmann

Das Standardwerk der Orthopädie <P><P>Die Orthopädie ist die Medizin der Stütz- und Bewegungsorgane und ist damit wichtige Grundlage für die Gesundheit der Menschen. Bestens bewährt bietet der „Rüther" seit nunmehr 20 Auflagen einen umfassenden Einblick in das Thema. In „Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie" finden Sie die komplette Orthopädie in konzentrierter Form. Das Standardwerk schlägt dabei die Brücke zwischen prüfungsrelevanten, theoretischen Inhalten und der Arbeit in der Klinik – so ist es optimal geeignet für Studenten, bietet aber gleichzeitig auch dem Hausarzt oder Nicht-Orthopäden schnelle Orientierung. Jetzt in der 20. Auflage umfassend überarbeitet und korrigiert. <P><P>Das erwartet Sie in „Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie": <P><P> <ul> <li>Grundlagen: Anatomie und Pathophysiologie, Untersuchungstechniken und Therapiemöglichkeiten</li> <li>Klinische Orthopädie: Definition, Ätiologie, Klinik, Diagnostik, Differenzialdiagnose, Therapie und Prognose</li> <li>Übersichtlich: Zusammenfassungen nach jedem Kapitel</li> <li>Anschaulich: Über 170 farbige Zeichnungen und Patientenbilder</li> <li>Praxisnah: Mehr als 230 Röntgenbilder, CT- und MRT-Aufnahmen und viele Fallbeispiele</li> </ul>

Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie für Hausärzte und Arbeitsmediziner: Untersuchungstechniken, Diagnosen, Therapie, Überweisung

by Joachim Grifka

Dieses Buch richtet sich ganz gezielt an „Nicht-Orthopäden und Unfallchirurgen“ und vermittelt grundlegende Kenntnisse des orthopädisch-unfallchirurgischen Fachgebiets. Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen haben in der hausärztlichen Praxis und der Arbeitsmedizin große Relevanz; mitunter sind bis zu 40% der Patienten wegen Problemen der Knochen, Gelenke und Wirbelsäule in Behandlung. Zudem rangieren die Erkrankungen der Bewegungsorgane an zweiter Stelle bei Ausfallzeiten auf Grund von Arbeitsunfähigkeit. Für Hausärzt*innen und Arbeitsmediziner*innen ist es deshalb besonders wichtig, dass klinische Untersuchungstechniken mit deren Durchführung und Bewertung geläufig sind. Dieses Buch arbeitet mit dem Konzept der Mehrstufendiagnostik von Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen – ein Untersuchungsprogramm, das einfach, sicher und zeitökonomisch in der täglichen Routine durchgeführt werden kann.Die klinischen Untersuchungstests sind im Einzelnen genau beschrieben und mit zahlreichen Instruktionsvideos hinterlegt. Dieses speziell ausgearbeitete Programm ermöglicht eine systematische Untersuchung als Screening mit darauf aufbauenden weiterführenden Tests bei Auffälligkeiten. Ebenso kann selektiv regionenbezogen untersucht werden, z. B. bei spezifischen Fragestellungen nur ein Gelenk. Die Dokumentation kann handschriftlich oder auch elektronisch erfolgen, bis hin zur Generierung eines individuellen Befundberichtes.

Orthopädie Unfallchirurgie

by Joachim Grifka

Der Lehrbuchklassiker von Grifka und Krämer bringt kurz und prägnant die Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie auf den Punkt. Untersuchungstechniken, orthopädische und unfallchirurgische Krankheitsbilder nach Körperregionen, konservative und operative Therapien, Rehabilitation, Begutachtung und Definitionen aller Krankheitsbilder stellen die Autoren übersichtlich dar. Ein Lernquiz mit 20 typischen Alltagssituationen bietet einen ersten Einstieg in die Praxis. Das Buch ist zur schnellen Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung bestens geeignet.

Orthopädie Unfallchirurgie: Klinische Tests in Videos

by Andreas Roth Peter Melcher Marie Samland Tobias Schöbel

Im vorliegenden Buch sind die wichtigsten orthopädisch-traumatologischen Untersuchungstechniken systematisiert dargestellt. In einem ersten Schritt werden die Untersuchungstechniken sowie die pathophysiologischen Hintergründe aufgeführt. Es erfolgt eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Beschreibung der Durchführung aller relevanten Untersuchungen. Diese schriftliche Darstellung kann als schnelles Nachschlagewerk in der Kitteltasche oder zum theoretischen Erlernen und Wiederholen verwendet werden. Vertieft werden die beschriebenen Techniken durch eine bildliche Darstellung aller Untersuchungsschritte. Außerdem stehen Videos zur Verfügung, in denen der genaue Ablauf visualisiert wird. Alle zeigen einen physiologischen Befund und können im klinischen Alltag somit als Vergleich zu Rate gezogen werden..

Orthopädische Biomechanik: Einführung in die Endoprothetik der Gelenke der unteren Extremitäten

by Heimbert Dittrich Manuel Schimmack Claus-Heinrich Siemsen

Das Lehrbuch bietet Ihnen eine umfassende Einführung in die orthopädische BiomechanikDieses einführende Lehrbuch erläutert, wie mit Hilfe der orthopädischen Biomechanik Einfluss auf das Haltungs- und Bewegungsorgan genommen werden kann. Die Autoren konzentrieren sich in ihrer Darstellung dabei insbesondere auf die unteren Extremitäten und legen Wert auf eine interdisziplinäre Betrachtung der biologischen und mechanischen Systeme. Neben den physiologischen und pathologischen Systemzuständen stellen sie eine Reihe der wichtigsten Berechnungen in der orthopädischen Biomechanik vor. Das Besondere am vorliegenden Werk ist die abgestimmte Darstellung und Erörterung medizinischer Fragestellungen mit Grundlagen der technischen Mechanik und deren theoretischen Hintergründen zum besseren Verständnis biomechanischer Funktionen.Autoren richten sich nicht nur an StudentenDas Lehrbuch über die orthopädische Biomechanik richtet sich vor allem an Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften und der Medizin mit dem Schwerpunkt der Biomechanik. Darüber hinaus möchte es aber auch Auszubildende aller verwandten medizinischen Berufe ansprechen. Dazu zählen auch die folgenden Bereiche:• Orthopädie• Unfallchirurgie• Endoprothetik• Rehabilitation• Physiotherapie• Medizintechnik• OrthopädietechnikIm Fokus stehen die orthopädischen Hilfsmittel für die unteren ExtremitätenDieses Lehrbuch bietet Ihnen einen umfassenden Überblick über die Grundlagen der orthopädischen Biomechanik. Im Speziellen beschäftigt sich das Autorenteam mit den folgenden Themen:• Grundlagen für die Berechnung am Haltungs- und Bewegungsorgan• Knochen, Gelenke und Bindegewebe• Becken-Bein-Stützsystem• Hüftgelenksberechnung• Pathologische Veränderungen und Analyse des Gelenkknorpels• Frakturbehandlung und Osteosynthesen• Anatomie des Kniegelenks und Kniegelenksberechnungen• Oberes Sprunggelenk• Wirbelsäule• Grundlagen der EndoprothetikDie didaktisch wertvolle Aufbereitung des Bewegungsapparats macht dieses Buch zu einem unverzichtbaren Lehrbuch.

Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing: An Evidence-based Approach to Musculoskeletal Care

by Sonya Clarke Mary Drozd

Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing A comprehensive and evidence-based manual for orthopaedic and trauma nurses and students In the newly revised second edition of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing: An Evidence-based Approach to Musculoskeletal Care, a team of accomplished practitioners and educators deliver a straightforward and practical textbook for the practice of neonate, infant, child, young person, adult and older person orthopaedic and trauma nursing. The book explores topics of critical importance to those working in acute wards, clinics, community hospitals, nursing homes, and patients’ homes. Divided into 5 intuitive sections, this book examines central issues in orthopaedic and musculoskeletal trauma care, specialist practice issues, the care and management of common conditions, and the care of infants, children and young people. Each chapter is based on the latest research and offers practical guidance to practitioners around the world. The book also offers: Practical explorations of topics in specialist practice, including assessment, common musculoskeletal interventions, and complications of musculoskeletal conditions and trauma In-depth discussions of common orthopaedic conditions and their management and care, including elective orthopaedic surgery Holistic musculoskeletal trauma care, including the principles of trauma and fracture management Perfect for pre-registration and qualified adult and children’s orthopaedic nurses working in orthopaedic and musculoskeletal trauma units in hospitals and community settings, Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing will also be of use to students seeking post-qualification education in orthopaedic nursing.

Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing

by Julie Santy-Tomlinson Sonya Clarke

Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing provides practitioners working in orthopaedic and musculoskeletal trauma settings with the essential evidence, guidance and knowledge required to underpin effective practice. This comprehensive and contemporary textbook explores the variety of adult and paediatric clinical settings where orthopaedic and trauma practitioners work, including acute wards, clinics, community hospitals, nursing homes and patients' homes. Divided into 5 sections, this book looks at: key issues in orthopaedic and musculoskeletal trauma care; specialist practice issues; common orthopaedic conditions and their care and management; musculoskeletal trauma care; and care of children and young people. Suitable for students at degree level as well as those clinicians practicing in more advanced orthopaedic and trauma care roles, Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing is a foremost authority on orthopaedic and musculoskeletal practice for both students and practitioners. Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing: Is strongly supported by the latest evidence, with chapters summarizing evidence, with reference to relevant and seminal research Offers practical guidance based on the relevant evidence Focuses on the perspective of the patient with patient narrative and case studies throughout Includes a section specifically dealing with children and young people

Orthopaedic Basic Science: Foundations Of Clinical Practice

by Regis J. O'Keefe Joshua J. Jacobs Constance R. Chu Thomas A. Einhorn

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Build your Foundation of Basic Science – from Research to Clinical Application A great tool for MOC preparation! A 'must have' for residency! This fourth edition, developed in a partnership between the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), is your concise and clinically relevant resource for the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and conditions.

Orthopaedic Biomechanics

by Beth A. Winkelstein

Given the strong current attention of orthopaedic, biomechanical, and biomedical engineering research on translational capabilities for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of clinical disease states, the need for reviews of the state-of-art and current needs in orthopaedics is very timely. Orthopaedic Biomechanics provides an in-depth review o

Orthopaedic Biomechanics in Sports Medicine

by Jason Koh Stefano Zaffagnini Ryosuke Kuroda Umile Giuseppe Longo Farid Amirouche

This book presents a fundamental basic overview of orthopedic biomechanics in sports medicine, with a special focus on the current methodologies used in modeling human joints, ligaments, and muscle forces. The first part discusses the principles and materials, including the use of finite element analysis (FEA) to analyze the stress-strain response in the implant-bone interface and design. The second part focuses on joint-specific biomechanics, highlighting the biomechanics of the knee and shoulder joints, their modeling, surgical techniques, and the clinical assessment of joint performance under various kinematic conditions resulting from different repair techniques. Written by international experts working at the cutting edge of their fields, this book is an easy-to-read guide to the fundamentals of biomechanics. It also offers a source of reference for readers wanting to explore new research topics, and is a valuable tool for orthopedic surgeons, residents, and medical students with an interest in orthopedic biomechanics.​

Orthopaedic Biomechanics Made Easy

by Sheraz S. Malik Mrcs Msc Shahbaz S. Malik

Orthopaedic surgeons require not only an understanding of anatomy and clinical sciences, and competence in surgical skills, but also a strong foundation in biomechanics. The application of biomechanics plays an increasing role in modern orthopaedics; for example, correct decisions about the mode of treatment and choice of implants are just as important as operating precisely to reach a specific anatomical landmark. This book simplifies the core principles in orthopaedic biomechanics, giving readers the solid grounding they need to flourish in the specialty. Each topic is covered in a discrete, double-page spread, featuring concise text accompanied by illustrations or tables to give readers a solid understanding of the concepts discussed. This is a must-read guide for orthopaedic trainees at every level, and will be valuable for biomechanical researchers and other professionals in the field.

Orthopaedic Emergencies: A Manual for Medical Students, Physicians, PAs and NPs

by John T. Gorczyca

Based on instructional course material utilized by the University of Rochester's Division of Orthopedic Trauma, this concise manual provides a common-sense overview of common orthopedic emergencies that providers with minimal orthopedic training - medical students, non-orthopedic physicians, NPs and PAs - will need to evaluate and treat these cases. Often, a simple understanding of the injury and the priorities of management will allow the treating practitioner to provide appropriate immediate care with huge clinical benefit to the patient. More than a dozen orthopedic emergency situations are presented in an easily accessible format, from open fractures and joint dislocations to septic joint and compartment syndrome. Clinical cases are highlighted at the beginning of each chapter, which also include relevant questions related to the specific case and full color images. An ideal resource for medical students, non-orthopedic physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, Orthopedics in the Emergency Room is a practical guide to managing these intense situations.

Orthopaedic Examination Techniques: A Practical Guide

by Fazal Ali Nick Harris

Orthopaedic Examination Techniques comprehensively covers the basic examination skills and key special tests needed to evaluate the adult and paediatric musculoskeletal system. Chapters are presented in a clear and logical way to allow readers to understand then master the techniques of orthopaedic clinical examination. Written by a diverse group of chapter authors with extensive experience in teaching clinical examination and who use a uniform system that is taught on national courses, every aspect of musculoskeletal examination is covered in the adult and paediatric patient. Numerous illustrations and new clinical photographs help readers to visualise and understand the key techniques, and five new chapters at the end of the book demonstrate the value of clinical examination through more than 80 clinical case examples. Easy-to-follow throughout, this book is invaluable reading for trainee orthopaedic surgeons, especially those preparing for the FRCS (Tr&Orth) postgraduate examination, practising orthopaedic surgeons, medical students, physiotherapists, and rheumatologists.

Orthopaedic Hand Trauma

by Adam Eltorai Edward Akelman

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. This practical quick reference covers all aspects of acute care of the hand. Structured and formatted for easy, efficient comprehension of up-to-date material, Orthopaedic Hand Trauma helps you assess, evaluate, and treat (including the use of surgical interventions) injuries of the bone, tendon, and nerve that are commonly encountered in the emergency room or urgent care clinic. Each chapter is designed to help you manage patients in an acute care setting.

Orthopaedic Imaging: A Practical Approach

by Adam Greenspan Javier Beltran

Trusted by both radiologists and orthopaedic surgeons for authoritative, comprehensive guidance on the interpretation of musculoskeletal images, Orthopedic Imaging: A Practical Approach is an ideal resource at every stage of training and practice. The fully revised seventh edition retains the large images, easy-to-read writing style, and careful blend of illustrations and text that clearly depict all relevant imaging modalities and all pathological entities.

Orthopaedic Knowledge Update 12 (Orthopaedic Knowledge Update Ser.)

by Jonathan N. Grauer

OKU 12 brings you a comprehensive synthesis of the latest clinical thinking and best practices across all orthopaedic specialty areas. Keep pace with the rapidly changing body of orthopaedic knowledge and clinical practice with OKU’s objective, balanced coverage in easily accessible formats, including new on-demand, fully-searchable digital versions.

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