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by Ij. Jungen De Jong Consulting B.V. M.J. Zaagman-van Buuren

In het basiswerk Pathologie worden de pathologische verschijnselen verklaard vanuit de fysiologie. De student leert de verschijnselen en complicaties van ziekten te herkennen, te interpreteren en er adequaat op te reageren. Daarnaast wordt uitvoerig ingegaan op de werking en bijwerkingen van verschillende soorten medicatie om deze te kunnen herkennen en interpreteren.Het basiswerk Pathologie is zorgvuldig afgestemd op Medische fysiologie en anatomie. Het boek biedt de student (en de al afgestudeerde beroepsbeoefenaar) een gedegen basiskennis. De opbouw van het boek ondersteunt het proces waarbij eigen observaties en interpretaties worden gekoppeld aan de medische kennis. Studenten leren zo te beredeneren welke stappen genomen moeten worden in het verpleegkundig handelen.


by Wolfgang Remmele Hans H. Kreipe Manfred Dietel Günter Klöppel

Der vorliegende Band "Mamma, Weibliches Genitale, Schwangerschaft und Kindererkrankungen" enthält eine systematische Darstellung der pathologischen Veränderungen der genannten Organe, Organsysteme und Erkrankungsgruppen. Dabei werden alle Erkrankungen, die sich in den verschiedenen, zum Teil miteinander funktionell verbundenen, zum Teil unabhängig voneinander existierenden Organen beobachten lassen, beschrieben. Die Verfasser der verschiedenen Unterkapitel sind renommierte europäische Pathologen aus den verschiedenen Arbeitskreisen, die sich mit den o. g. Themen diagnostisch und wissenschaftlich intensiv beschäftigen. Dabei wird insbesondere auf die modernen Entwicklungen der verschiedenen Teilbereiche eingegangen und die neuen Veränderungen in Terminologie, Klassifikation und molekularen Analysen detailliert dargestellt. Dieses stets unter dem Blickwinkel der diagnostischen Pathologie. Insgesamt ist das Ziel der vorliegenden Kapitel, Grundlage und Informationsquelle für die tägliche diagnostische Arbeit auf hohem Niveau zu sein.


by Josef Rüschoff Wolfgang Remmele Manfred Stolte Günter Klöppel Hans H. Kreipe

Der vorliegende Band "Verdauungstrakt und Peritoneum" enthält die Pathologie des Ösophagus, Magens, Dünndarms und des Kolorektums. Die Verfasser sind renommierte gastroenterologische Pathologen. Die Beiträge folgen in ihrer Didaktik und Gestaltung dem Text der vorausgegangenen Auflagen. Ziel ist es, die Pathologie der Erkrankungen des Gastrointestinaltrakts verbunden mit Epidemiologie, Ätiologie, Pathogenese, Genetik, Klinik und Endoskopie darzustellen. Dem praktizierenden Pathologen soll damit ein Instrument an die Hand gegeben werden, das ihn schnell und adäquat diagnostisch berät und auch über den "seltenen Fall" informiert. Da die Beiträge die morphologischen und differentialdiagnostischen Probleme im Zusammenhang mit den wichtigsten klinisch-diagnostischen Informationen darstellen, ist dieses Buch nicht nur für Assistenzärzte in der Weiterbildung zum Pathologen oder Fachärzte für Pathologie, sondern auch für Studenten, Gastroenterologen, Internisten und Viszeralchirurgen sehr attraktiv.

Pathologie en geneeskunde voor fysiotherapie, bewegingstherapie en ergotherapie

by J. H. Vrijenhoek

Pathologie en geneeskunde voor fysiotherapie, bewegingstherapie en ergotherapie is het eerste leerboek dat uitgaat van het medisch onderwijs aan studenten van fysiotherapie- en andere paramedische opleidingen. In tegenstelling tot andere boeken besteedt dit boek speciale aandacht aan de typische invalshoeken van de paramedische beroepen. Daar waar anatomie, fysiologie en/of biochemie falen, is een gedegen kennis van de pathologie van groot belang voor een juist begrip van klinische ziektebeelden. Dit boek vormt de optimale basis voor elke paramedicus. Het boek bestaat uit twee delen: het eerste deel beschrijft de algemene pathologie en geneeskunde, waar ook gekeken wordt naar de oorzaken en processen die het gehele lichaam kunnen betreffen. Het tweede deel, de speciële pathologie en geneeskunde, beschrijft de ziekteprocessen in de verschillende organen. Daarnaast komen hart- en vaatziekten, longproblematiek, aandoeningen van het bewegingsapparaat, huidziekten en niet-medisch ziekmakende factoren uitgebreid aan bod. In deze zesde druk zijn de terminologie en de lijst van infectieziekten met meldingsplicht geactualiseerd. Daarnaast zijn een aantal medisch specialistische onderzoeken en de oorzaken bij de diverse aandoeningen toegevoegd. Tenslotte is het hoofdstuk over dermatologie fors uitgebreid. Elk hoofdstuk wordt afgesloten met toetsvragen (inclusief antwoorden) om kennis en inzicht in de behandelde stof te toetsen. Dit maakt het boek Pathologie en geneeskunde voor fysiotherapie, bewegingstherapie en ergotherapie ideaal als leerboek. Ook is het boek door de overzichtelijke ordening van de inhoud ook zeer geschikt als naslagwerk.

Pathologies of Calcium Channels

by Norbert Weiss Alexandra Koschak

Calcium ions represent Mother Nature's 'ion-of-choice' for regulating fundamental physiological functions, as they initiate a new life at the time of fertilization and guide subsequent developmental and physiological functions of the human body. Calcium channels, which act as gated pathways for the movement of calcium ions across the membranes, play a central part in the initiation of calcium signals, and defects in calcium channel function have been found to result in a plethora of human diseases, referred to as the calcium channelopathies. Pathologies of Calcium Channels brings together leading international experts to discuss our current understanding of human diseases associated with the various calcium channels, from their molecular basis to potential future therapeutic targeting of calcium channels.

Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor

by Paul Farmer

Pathologies of Power uses harrowing stories of life--and death--in extreme situations to interrogate our understanding of human rights. Paul Farmer, a physician and anthropologist with twenty years of experience working in Haiti, Peru, and Russia, argues that promoting the social and economic rights of the world's poor is the most important human rights struggle of our times. With passionate eyewitness accounts from the prisons of Russia and the beleaguered villages of Haiti and Chiapas, this book links the lived experiences of individual victims to a broader analysis of structural violence. Farmer challenges conventional thinking within human rights circles and exposes the relationships between political and economic injustice, on one hand, and the suffering and illness of the powerless, on the other. Farmer shows that the same social forces that give rise to epidemic diseases such as HIV and tuberculosis also sculpt risk for human rights violations. He illustrates the ways that racism and gender inequality in the United States are embodied as disease and death. Yet this book is far from a hopeless inventory of abuse. Farmer's disturbing examples are linked to a guarded optimism that new medical and social technologies will develop in tandem with a more informed sense of social justice. Otherwise, he concludes, we will be guilty of managing social inequality rather than addressing structural violence. Farmer's urgent plea to think about human rights in the context of global public health and to consider critical issues of quality and access for the world's poor should be of fundamental concern to a world characterized by the bizarre proximity of surfeit and suffering.

Pathologisches Horten: Praxisleitfaden zur interdisziplinären Behandlung des Messie-Syndroms

by Nassim Agdari-Moghadam

Das Messie-Syndrom oder pathologisches Horten – eine neue psychische Störung: Fast jeder Mensch kennt Situationen, in denen es schwerfällt, sich von Gegenständen zu trennen, so dass sich rasch Unordnung ausbreitet. Bei manchen ist das nur eine Lade oder betrifft ausschließlich das Auto oder ein Zimmer. Bei manchen Menschen jedoch betrifft es den gesamten Lebensbereich und führt zu einer massiven Einschränkung der Lebensqualität. Was sind die Chancen und Schwierigkeiten einer psychischen Diagnose? Nach welchen Kriterien kann das Phänomen diagnostisch erfasst werden? Wie entsteht und entwickelt sich das pathologische Horten? Wie kann man Betroffene professionell psychotherapeutisch und psychosozial begleiten und behandeln? Die Autorin diskutiert diese und weitere Fragen auf Basis psychoanalytischer Theorien und leitet daraus praxisnahe Behandlungsempfehlungen für Psychotherapeutinnen, Psychiater und Psychologen ab. Auch für weitere Professionisten multidisziplinärer Teams, wie Hausärzte, Sozialarbeiter und Familienbetreuer, sowie Lehrende und Studierende bietet das Buch wertvolle Informationen.

Pathologist of the Mind: Adolf Meyer and the Origins of American Psychiatry

by S. D. Lamb

Illuminating the contributions of Adolf Meyer, the pioneering father of modern American psychiatry.Winner of the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title of the Choice ACRLDuring the first half of the twentieth century, Adolf Meyer was the most authoritative and influential psychiatrist in the United States. In 1908, when the Johns Hopkins Hospital established the first American university clinic devoted to psychiatry—still a nascent medical specialty at the time—Meyer was selected to oversee the enterprise. The Henry Phipps Psychiatric Clinic opened in 1913, and Meyer served as psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins until 1941. In Pathologist of the Mind, S. D. Lamb explores how Meyer used his powerful position to establish psychiatry as a clinical science that operated like the other specialties at the country’s foremost medical school and research hospital. In addition to successfully arguing for a scientific and biological approach to mental illness, Meyer held extraordinary sway over state policies regarding the certification of psychiatrists. He also trained hundreds of specialists who ultimately occupied leadership positions and made significant contributions in psychiatry, neurology, experimental psychology, social work, and public health. Although historians have long recognized Meyer’s authority, his concepts and methods have never before received a systematic historical analysis. Pathologist of the Mind aims to rediscover Meyerian psychiatry by eavesdropping on Meyer’s informal and intimate conversations with patients and colleagues. Weaving together private correspondence and uniquely detailed case histories, Lamb examines Meyer’s efforts to institute a clinical science of psychiatry in the United States—one that harmonized the expectations of scientific medicine with his concept of the person as a biological organism and mental illness as an adaptive failure. The first historian ever granted access to these exceptional medical records, Lamb offers a compelling new perspective on the integral but misunderstood legacy of Adolf Meyer.

Pathology and Epidemiology of Aquatic Animal Diseases for Practitioners

by Laura Urdes Chris Walster Julius Tepper

Pathology and Epidemiology of Aquatic Animal Diseases for Practitioners Comprehensive reference on the diseases and applied epidemiology of all aquatic animal taxa, including invertebrates and vertebrates Pathology and Epidemiology of Aquatic Animal Diseases for Practitioners provides information on the diseases and applied epidemiology of all aquatic animal taxa, including invertebrates and vertebrates, along with information on applied epidemiology, acknowledging the One Health concept, and discussion on probabilities of disease outbreaks occurring and assesses the economic costs of treating those outbreaks, if applicable. Divided into two sections, the book looks at the pathology of major aquatic taxa and their associated infectious diseases—parasitic, viral, and bacterial—and non-infectious diseases. Each includes an overview, their host range and transmission, signs and diagnosis, differentials, and treatment and management. These assets are accompanied by clinical signs-lesion differential charts. Sample topics discussed in Pathology and Epidemiology of Aquatic Animal Diseases include: Echinoderms, including crinoidea (crinoids, sea lilies, feather stars, and asteroidea), sea stars/starfish, and ophiuroidea (brittle stars and basket stars) Reptiles, including turtles (freshwater and marine), crocodilians, marine iguanas, and sea snakes Pinnipeds, including otariidae (eared seals), odobenidae (walruses), phocidae (earless seals), mustelidae (otters), and sirenia (manatees and dugongs) Tropical marine aquarium fish (damselfish, angelfish, gobies, wrasses, parrotfish, butterfly fish, and clownfish) and anemones. A highly useful reference for veterinary practitioners, academic staff, and researchers, Pathology and Epidemiology of Aquatic Animal Diseases is also suitable for those who are interested in aquatic veterinary medicine and serves as a companion to Fundamentals of Aquatic Veterinary Medicine, written by the same editorial team.

Pathology and Epidemiology of Cancer

by Massimo Loda Lorelei A. Mucci Megan L. Mittelstadt Mieke Van Hemelrijck Maura Bríd Cotter

This book integrates the disciplines of cancer pathology and epidemiology to provide a synergistic and complementary approach to understanding the molecular mechanisms of cancer. This book provides relevant information on the diagnostic, prognostic and predictive molecular pathology of cancer. Epidemiological studies, including descriptive epidemiology, risk factors and molecular mechanisms of disease inform on the etiology and progression of cancer. The text concentrates on major cancers that are currently prevalent and those for which substantial molecular, pathological and epidemiological data is available. Each section is designed to provide an overview of that cancer type in terms of basic biology, review the current epidemiological data surrounding that cancer type and provide information on common practices and challenges related to the molecular pathology of that cancer type. Several relevant techniques in molecular pathology, which facilitate diagnosis and treatment are also explored. Pathology and Epidemiology of Cancer provides a succinct and comprehensive overview of multiple cancer types to guide clinicians during patient care and to guide scientists for innovations in research. It represents an integral resource for pathologists, epidemiologists, medical students as well as translational, basic and clinical science researchers who are all working to progress the field of cancer in terms of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Pathology and Visual Culture: The Scientific Artworks of Dr. Jean-Martin Charcot and the Salpêtrière School

by Natasha Ruiz-Gómez

In this book, Natasha Ruiz-Gómez delves into an extraordinary collection of pathological drawings, photographs, sculptures, and casts created by neurologists at Paris’s Hôpital de la Salpêtrière in the nineteenth century. Led by Dr. Jean-Martin Charcot (1825–1893) and known collectively as the Salpêtrière School, these savants-artistes produced works that demonstrated an engagement with contemporary artistic discourses and the history of art, even as the artists/clinicians professed their dedication to absolute objectivity.During his lifetime, Charcot became internationally famous for his studies of hysteria and hypnosis, establishing himself as a pioneer in modern neurology. However, this book brings to light the often-overlooked contributions of other clinicians, such as Dr. Paul Richer, who created “scientific artworks” that merged scientific objectivity with artistic intervention. Challenging conventional interpretations of visual media in medicine, Ruiz-Gómez analyzes how these images and objects documented symptoms and neuropathology while defying disciplinary categorization.Grounded in extensive archival research, Pathology and Visual Culture targets an international audience of historians and students of art, visual culture, medicine, and the medical humanities. It will also captivate neurologists and anyone interested in fin-de-siècle French history and culture.

Pathology at a Glance (At a Glance)

by Barry Newell Asma Z. Faruqi Caroline Finlayson

Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format and in full-colour, Pathology at a Glance is an accessible introduction and revision text for medical students. Reflecting changes to the curriculum content and assessment methods employed by medical schools, this new edition provides a user-friendly overview of pathology to encapsulate all that the student needs to know. Pathology at a Glance, Second Edition: Addresses the key principles of pathology that are central to medicine Contains full-colour artwork throughout, making the subject easy to understand Presents schematic diagrams on the left page and concise explanations on the right Is divided into three sections, covering general and systematic pathology and clinical case examples Contains self-assessment material, including 10 structured case study questions Covers general pathology mechanisms and the clinical pathology of body systems Provides key information on the epidemiology, pathogenesis and clinical features of the major diseases Revision of many chapters, particularly gynaecological pathology, acute cardiac syndromes, paediatric tumours and haematopathology This book is an invaluable resource for all medical students, of equal benefit for those starting their study of pathology or approaching finals; for junior doctors approaching their membership exams and anybody who needs a handy reference.

Pathology for the Physical Therapist Assistant

by Penelope J. Lescher

With other texts written at either too high or too low a level, this book meets the needs of PTA students for usable, understandable pathology related to clinical application. Extensively illustrated, this book allows students to more easily comprehend and maintain interest in otherwise complicated pathological processes. The fourteen chapter format effectively fits within a chapter per week course structure, or each chapter may be used as a stand alone module within any course. And as your students prepare to graduate, encourage them to keep this book to use as a clinically relevant reference as practicing PTAs!

Pathology: Historical and Contemporary Aspects

by Ricardo V. Lloyd

This book provides a broad overview of diagnostic pathology, integrating historical perspectives with the current practice of diagnostic pathology across various sub-fields such as surgical pathology, cytopathology, autopsy and forensic pathology, neuropathology and more. Pathology: Historical and Contemporary Aspects presents contemporary issues that are crucial to the practice of pathology in the 21st century, including the development and application of key techniques and technical aspects such as immunohistochemistry and molecular diagnostics, as well as computer applications such as image analysis and artificial intelligence. The history of the field in the West is covered in detail, including the history and current standing of major pathology societies, in addition to a concise overview of the development of pathology in Eastern countries such as China and Japan. It details the work of some outstanding individuals who have contributed to advances in pathology, from Nobel laureates to traditionally under-represented groups such as women and minorities.

Pathology Of Aging Rats

by Burek

This study presents age-associated pathologic findings in aging rats that had been maintained under similar well-controlled laboratory conditions. The aim of the study was to evaluate two rat strains and their F1, hybrid.

Pathology of Asbestos-Associated Diseases

by Victor L. Roggli Thomas A. Sporn Tim D. Oury

The third edition of Pathology of Asbestos-Associated Diseases builds on the success of the previous editions by fully updating knowledge on diagnostic and epidemiologic aspects and presenting important new insights derived from new epidemiologic studies and animal studies. Background information is first provided on the mineralogy of asbestos, occupational and environmental exposure, and asbestos bodies. The various diseases associated with asbestos exposure are then considered in turn, with detailed description and illustration of pathologic features as well as extensive discussion of etiology, epidemiology, differential diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Further chapters are devoted to cytopathology, experimental models of disease, analysis of tissue mineral fiber content, and medicolegal issues. This book will be an essential reference for pathologists and an invaluable source of information for pulmonologists, radiologists, and occupational medical practitioners.

Pathology of Bladder Cancer: Volume I (CRC Press Revivals)

by George T Bryan Cohen M Samuel

Present classification schemes of bladder neoplasms are based on structural analyses of histologic material, primarily at the light microscopic level. Attempts to identify histologic variables of certain bladder lesions as biologic precursors of malignancy are in progress. Efforts to relate functional attributes of altered bladder tissues to preneoplastic and neoplastic structural changes are in active development. These advances do require a common recognition and communication of histologic patterns that are used as standard benchmarks. This volume is offered to present in detail description of histologic characteristics of bladder cancer in humans and animals. Areas of recent research advances that may extend our knowledge of the pathobiology of bladder cancer are emphasized. Observations derived from experimental animals are related to the pathogenesis of bladder cancer in humans. This book is intended for pathologists, urologists, oncologists, radiation therapists, epidemiologists, environmental scientists, toxicologists, public health scientists, and regulatory officials.

Pathology of Bladder Cancer: Volume II (CRC Press Revivals)

by Bryan T George Cohen M Samuel

Present classification schemes of bladder neoplasms are based on structural analyses of histologic material, primarily at the light microscopic level. Attempts to identify histologic variables of certain bladder lesions as biologic precursors of malignancy are in progress. Efforts to relate functional attributes of altered bladder tissues to preneoplastic and neoplastic structural changes are in active development. These advances do require a common recognition and communication of histologic patterns that are used as standard benchmarks. This volume is offered to present in detail description of histologic characteristics of bladder cancer in humans and animals. Areas of recent research advances that may extend our knowledge of the pathobiology of bladder cancer are emphasized. Observations derived from experimental animals are related to the pathogenesis of bladder cancer in humans. This book is intended for pathologists, urologists, oncologists, radiation therapists, epidemiologists, environmental scientists, toxicologists, public health scientists, and regulatory officials.

The Pathology of Cardiac Transplantation

by Ornella Leone Annalisa Angelini Patrick Bruneval Luciano Potena

This is the first book to focus entirely on the role of pathology in cardiac transplantation, linked to the clinical perspective through clinical-pathological correlation, multidisciplinary team working, and collaborative research. It provides a scientific framework with up-to-date pathological protocols and classification schemes and guides the reader through the chronological phases of the transplant process in a step-by-step approach. Topics include end-stage heart failure with pathologies encountered in the native heart, current issues surrounding donor selection, the multiple faces of rejection pathology correlated with clinical management and immunology, other post-transplant complications, details of pediatric and combined heart/other organ transplantation, and a useful practical appendix. Many high-quality images and illustrative cases are presented, along with learning points and ample references. Transplantation medicine today is continuously changing as collaborative research into novel diagnostic techniques and immunosuppressive therapies translates into improved recipient management and survival. This book is aimed at practicing transplant pathologists and specialist trainees. It will also appeal to general pathologists and to physicians and surgeons involved in cardiac transplantation who need to understand the role of pathology in the clinical management of transplant recipients.

Pathology of Cardiac Valve Disease: Surgical and Interventional Anatomy

by Gaetano Thiene Cristina Basso Stefania Rizzo Mila Della Barbera Marialuisa Valente Uberto Bortolotti

Cardiac valve diseases are a major cause of morbidity and mortality around the globe. In third world countries, inflammatory rheumatic valve disease in the young represents an endemic calamity, while in Western countries, degenerative valve diseases like senile calcific aortic stenosis and mitral valve prolapse as a result of mucoid degeneration with incompetence are major causes of death in adults/the elderly. Since the 1960s, surgical valve replacement has been the only treatment option, requiring sternotomy, cardiopulmonary bypass and cardiac arrest. Permanent anticoagulation for mechanical valves and the limited durability of biological valves constituted significant drawbacks; moreover, these surgeries often requires surgical replacement. The cardiac registry at the University of Padua, Italy, has gathered more than twelve hundred cases of failed prosthetic valves, offering a unique resource for teaching and research. Conservative valve repair using minimally invasive technique showed that replacement of the native valve with sternotomy can be spared. Moreover, in the last decade venous or arterial approaches like TAVI were developed. Presenting the essential surgical and interventional anatomy and pathology in detail, this book offers a valuable tool for cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and pathologists, as well as people in training and scientists working in the field of medical devices and biological compatibility.

Pathology of Challenging Melanocytic Neoplasms

by Christopher R. Shea Jon A. Reed Victor G. Prieto

Melanocytic neoplasms are of capital importance for all surgical pathologists and dermatopathologists. These tumors span a huge range of morphologic expression and biologic behavior, are potentially of the highest medical significance and are often fraught with diagnostic pitfalls and high litigation risk. Pathology of Challenging Melanocytic Neoplasms offers a dynamic text where readers will encounter a broad spectrum of challenging melanocytic lesions, both benign and malignant and will thereby acquire a solid, working knowledge that they can immediately apply to daily diagnosis. The authors aim to clarify this often thorny field, keeping a steady focus on patient-related issues. The volume emphasizes the practical application of basic morphologic principles, immunohistochemistry and molecular methods in order to secure a confident diagnosis. Abundant illustrations display the characteristic features of the most important disease entities. Rather than being yet another encyclopedic work of reference, this volume takes a fresh approach as it resembles a series of stimulating seminars employing exemplary case material to highlight, illustrate, and succinctly discuss the key points. To this end, the reader will be guided through a series of paired cases that pose a significant diagnostic challenge. By comprehensively comparing and contrasting two related entities, each such chapter will illuminate an intellectual pathway through which an important diagnostic puzzle can be solved. To broaden the differential diagnosis even further, additional illustrative cases are added to each discussion. Algorithms and tables summarize key points. Clinically relevant, up-to-date references will be provided to guide further study. Written by experts in the field, this novel text will be of great value to surgical pathologists in practice and dermatologists as well as residents and fellows training in these specialties.

Pathology of Childhood and Adolescence: An Illustrated Guide

by Consolato M. Sergi

This book covers the full range of pathologic conditions encountered during childhood and youth, including tumors and tumor-like conditions of all organ systems, with direct links to developmental biology pathways and genetics. It provides a user-friendly road map to the main diagnostic criteria and combines an organ-related approach with an explanation of the diagnostic approaches to various specific diseases and syndromes, including sequential segmental analysis of congenital heart disease. More than 500 new full-color macro- and microphotographs using more than 500 multi-photographic panels are included to provide a realistic basis for comparison macroscopically and under the lens, and summarizing tables highlight key information in the concise form required for at-a-glance review. Pathologists will find the book very helpful when signing out complex and challenging cases, and it will also prove invaluable for exam preparation and continuing medical education.

Pathology of Female Cancers: Precursor and Early-Stage Breast, Ovarian and Uterine Carcinomas

by Takuya Moriya

This book focuses on precursor lesions, borderline lesions, and early carcinomas of female-specific organs from the standpoint of pathology. In 2012, WHO Classification of Tumours of the Breast was revised and subsequently, in 2014, the WHO Classification of Tumours of Female Reproductive Organs was revised. In these latest versions, several new concepts are addressed that were not described in the previous editions, and many of them are related to the awareness of the specific pathogenesis of tumors in female patients. Although some of these issues are still controversial, several paradigm shifts should be understood by medical scientists. Thus researchers, diagnostic pathologists, and clinicians must share current information about what is taking place in the field and what the next issue to resolve is. This volume greatly broadens the reader’s understanding of the new concepts and paradigm shifts, as it includes information on how to diagnose and make differential diagnoses on a practical basis and also provides a thorough explanation of the molecular–clinicopathologic basis of the new concepts. The book thus benefits gynecologists, breast surgeons, gynecologic–medical oncologists, and cytotechnologists.

Pathology of Genetically Engineered and Other Mutant Mice

by John P. Sundberg Peter Vogel Jerrold M. Ward

PATHOLOGY OF GENETICALLY ENGINEERED AND OTHER MUTANT MICE An updated and comprehensive reference to pathology in every organ system in genetically modified mice The newly revised and thoroughly updated Second Edition of Pathology of Genetically Engineered and Other Mutant Mice delivers a comprehensive resource for pathologists and biomedical scientists tasked with identifying and understanding pathologic changes in genetically modified mice. The book is organized by body system, and includes descriptions and explanations of a wide range of findings, as well as hundreds of color photographs illustrating both common and rare lesions that may be found in genetically engineered and wild type mice. The book is written by experienced veterinary and medical pathologists working in veterinary medical colleges, medical colleges, and research institutes. Covering the latest discoveries in mouse pathology resulting from advancements in biotechnology research over the last 30 years, this singular and accessible resource is a must-read for veterinary and medical pathologists and researchers working with genetically engineered and other mice. Readers will also benefit from: A thorough introduction to mouse pathology and mouse genetic nomenclature, as well as databases useful for analysis of mutant mice An exploration of concepts related to validating animal models, including the Cinderella Effect Practical discussions of basic necropsy methods and grading lesions for computational analyses Concise diagnostic approaches to the respiratory tract, the oral cavity and GI tract, the cardiovascular system, the liver and pancreas, the skeletal system, and other tissuesl As a one-stop and up to date reference on mouse pathology, Pathology of Genetically Engineered and Other Mutant Mice is an essential book for veterinary and medical pathologists, as well as for scientists, researchers, and toxicologists whose work brings them into contact with genetically modified mice.

Pathology of Glomerular Diseases: Atlas of Clinical Case Studies

by Pallav Gupta Ramesh K. Gupta

This book provides clear understanding of morphological appearances of various glomerular lesions encountered in a wide range of diseases involving renal glomeruli. Chapters cover various diseases with each chapter including a brief text and multiple colored microphotographs depicting the distinctive morphological features of glomeruli as may be encountered in these diseases. It presents complete clinical history with thorough lab workup and other related investigations as considered essential for proper evaluation of the patient. The book provides systemic approach for proper diagnosis of the underlying disease condition in view of the clinical workup and renal biopsy assessment. It provides visual understanding of the glomerular pathology that helps the consultant nephrologist to have a clear understanding of underlying renal disease thus helping in proper evaluation and appropriate therapeutic management of the patient. It may also guide to predict the likely prognostic outcome of the patient. This book is not only helpful to renal pathologists and nephrologists but also serves as a valuable resource for clear understanding of the glomerular lesions to the beginners and postgraduates in nephrology and renal pathology and other physicians managing the patients of renal diseases

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