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Patients, the Public and Priorities in Healthcare (Radcliffe Ser.)

by Peter Littlejohns Michael Rawlins

Sharing the costs of ill health is the mark of a civilised society. However, every society has limited healthcare resources, and must therefore make finely balanced decisions on how best to allocate them. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has been responsible for the UK's health resource allocation for a decade. To inform its decisions, a Citizens Council of 30 members of the general public was established by NICE to gauge the underlying values of the society it serves. A number of national and international organisations and governments have asked NICE to share its experiences in establishing and running the Citizens Council, and encouraging and supporting patient involvement. As part of NICE's response, this book provides an up to date 'position statement' on the Citizens Council, an exploration of how patients interact with NICE and how their views are taken into account, and a national and international perspective on new issues facing the interaction between patients, the public and healthcare provision. 'Reading this volume will enable you, the reader, to assess how well NICE is acting as a means of fostering responsible public choice. I hope you profit from its chapters as much as I have.' - Albert Weale in his Foreword

The Patient's Voice: Experiences of Illness

by Jeanine Young-Mason

Do you need to add caring to your course? Do your students need to become more aware of the process patients and families go through as they adapt to an illness or death? Sixteen contemporary autobiographical case studies written by children and adults who have experienced psychiatric and physical illnesses are contained in this unique text. Each case study begins with a brief description of the patient's clinical situation. Chapters are followed by points for discussion and study questions to further direct the exploration of the accounts and enhance students' critical thinking skills.


by I. P. Leistikow K. Ridder Den B. Vries De

De auteurs hebben in Patiëntveiligheid, Systematische Incident Reconstructie en Evaluatie (SIRE) de ervaringen verwerkt die zij hebben opgedaan bij het uitvoeren van, en onderwijs geven in, SIRE. Daarnaast is de scoop verbreed met voorbeelden uit de huisartsenpraktijk, GGZ en care sector.

Patiëntveiligheid in de verpleegkunde

by Annelies Bon Yvonne Tuijn Yvonne Asten Karien Ridder

Dit boek biedt de nodige basiskennis over patiëntveiligheid voor verpleegkundigen en andere zorgprofessionals die betrokken zijn bij de directe patiëntenzorg. Het is opgebouwd uit drie delen. Deel 1 bespreekt de systeembenadering. Waar liggen de risico’s en wat kun je doen om het zelf als verpleegkundige veiliger te maken voor je patiënten? In dit deel is een nieuw hoofdstuk over Patiëntveiligheid in België opgenomen. Deel 2 geeft inzicht in het MOTTO-model (voorheen het SEIPS-model). MOTTO staat voor de structuur Mens, Organisatie, Taak, Techniek en Omgeving. Deel 3 behandelt de specifieke zorg vanuit verschillende perspectieven, bijvoorbeeld de zorg op de ok, de polikliniek, de thuiszorg en de psychiatrie. In Nederland is de afgelopen jaren veel geïnvesteerd om de zorg veiliger te maken. De WHO heeft Patiëntveiligheid hoog op haar lijst staan omdat onveiligheid in de zorg veel schade berokkent. Het kan zelfs leiden tot overlijden en beschadiging van patiënten. Veilige zorg begint bij de directe zorg rond het bed. Voor het onderwijs aan alle zorgprofessionals zijn patiëntveiligheidscompetenties ontwikkeld die in dit boek zijn vertaald naar praktisch verpleegkundig handelen. Diverse casussen helpen dit te visualiseren. Patiëntveiligheid in de verpleegkunde is bestemd voor verpleegkundigen in de zorg, zowel intramuraal (ziekenhuizen, zorginstellingen, psychiatrie) als extramuraal (huisarts, thuiszorg) of in opleiding op hbo- en mbo-niveau. Het volledige boek is ook digitaal beschikbaar met samenvattingen en toetsvragen per hoofdstuk en interessante en verdiepende links. De redactie bestaat uit: Karien den Ridder, Yvonne Tuitert, Yvonne van der Tuijn en Annelies van Bon. Aan deze druk hebben bijna vijftig professionals meegewerkt, die allen werkzaam zijn in de zorg en daar veel te maken krijgen met patiëntveiligheid in hun specifieke werkgebied. De auteurs kennen de dagelijkse werkelijkheid en zien het als een grote uitdaging hun bijdrage te leveren aan een veiligere patiëntenzorg.

Pattern Analysis for Histopathologic Diagnosis of Melanocytic Lesions: A Guide to Practical Dermatopathology

by Almut Böer-Auer Harald Kittler Philipp Tschandl

Pattern analysis is a powerful method that changed dermatopathology, nowadays an indispensable tool in the diagnostic workup of inflammatory and neoplastic lesions. The diagnosis of melanocytic lesions can also be mastered by pattern analysis, which is the link between pathology, dermatoscopy, and clinical dermatology and supports the integration of all views. The histopathologic diagnosis of melanocytic lesions can be challenging for novices and experts alike. While classifications of melanocytic lesions come and go, pattern analysis is timeless; it can be assigned to any classification, current or future, and provides a framework that allows to address complex and uncertain cases in a repeatable manner. While uncertainty cannot be totally eliminated, pattern analysis helps to express this uncertainty in a meaningful way. Written by expert dermatopathologists with experience in dermatoscopy, this book is dedicated to young colleagues and to those who have not yet settled on one of the competing schools of thought; it is intended as a practical guide to help making correct observations, to describe them with a well-defined terminology, and to yield critical decisions in the face of incomplete or conflicting information. The illustrations contained in the volume are all original pictures in high-quality and full-color: reproductions of histopatological cuts in low and high magnification will assist pathologists, dermatologists, and dermatopathologists in interpreting histological slides of melanocytic skin lesions.

Pattern Analysis of the Human Connectome

by Dewen Hu Ling-Li Zeng

This book presents recent advances in pattern analysis of the human connectome. The human connectome, measured by magnetic resonance imaging at the macroscale, provides a comprehensive description of how brain regions are connected. Based on machine learning methods, multiviarate pattern analysis can directly decode psychological or cognitive states from brain connectivity patterns. Although there are a number of works with chapters on conventional human connectome encoding (brain-mapping), there are few resources on human connectome decoding (brain-reading). Focusing mainly on advances made over the past decade in the field of manifold learning, sparse coding, multi-task learning, and deep learning of the human connectome and applications, this book helps students and researchers gain an overall picture of pattern analysis of the human connectome. It also offers valuable insights for clinicians involved in the clinical diagnosis and treatment evaluation of neuropsychiatric disorders.

A Pattern Approach to Lymph Node Diagnosis

by Anthony S-Y Leong

While a pattern approach to diagnosis is taught and practiced with almost every other tissue or organ in the body, the lymph node remains a mystery to most residents starting out in pathology and those pathologists with limited experience in the area. A Pattern Approach to Lymph Node Diagnosis demonstrates that a systematic approach to lymph node examination can be achieved through recognition of morphological patterns produced by different disease processes. It presents a combination of knowledge-based assessment and pattern recognition for diagnosis covering the major primary neoplastic and non neoplastic diseases and metastatic tumors in lymph nodes. This volume demonstrates that lymph node compartments can be recognized histologically especially with the aid of immunohistological markers and how this knowledge can be employed effectively to localize and identify pathological changes in the different compartments in order to facilitate histological diagnosis. It also defines histological features that, because of their pathological occurrence in lymph nodes, are useful pointers to specific diagnoses or disease processes. The volume is organized in accordance with the primary pattern of presentation of each diagnostic entity. Differential diagnosis is discussed and each diagnostic entity is accompanied by color illustrations that highlight the diagnostic features. Immunohistochemistry, clinical aspects, relevant cytogenetics and molecular information of each entity is provided by authors who are experts in lymphoproliferative diseases. An algorithmic approach to diagnosis is adopted at the end of each section by listing a set of questions that help to consider diagnostic entities that can present with the morphological features observed. A Pattern Approach to Lymph Node Diagnosis will be of great utility to residents and fellows in pathology and general pathologists making first hand lymph node diagnoses as well as to hematologists and physicians who treat patients with lymphoprolifeative diseases.

Pattern Classification of Medical Images: Computer Aided Diagnosis

by Xiao-Xia Yin Sillas Hadjiloucas Yanchun Zhang

This book presents advances in biomedical imaging analysis and processing techniques using time dependent medical image datasets for computer aided diagnosis. The analysis of time-series images is one of the most widely appearing problems in science, engineering, and business. In recent years this problem has gained importance due to the increasing availability of more sensitive sensors in science and engineering and due to the wide-spread use of computers in corporations which have increased the amount of time-series data collected by many magnitudes. An important feature of this book is the exploration of different approaches to handle and identify time dependent biomedical images. Biomedical imaging analysis and processing techniques deal with the interaction between all forms of radiation and biological molecules, cells or tissues, to visualize small particles and opaque objects, and to achieve the recognition of biomedical patterns. These are topics of great importance to biomedical science, biology, and medicine. Biomedical imaging analysis techniques can be applied in many different areas to solve existing problems. The various requirements arising from the process of resolving practical problems motivate and expedite the development of biomedical imaging analysis. This is a major reason for the fast growth of the discipline.

Pattern Formation in Morphogenesis

by Annick Harel-Bellan Misha Gromov Linda Louise Pritchard Nadya Morozova Vincenzo Capasso

Pattern Formation in Morphogenesis is a rich source of interesting and challenging mathematical problems. The volume aims at showing how a combination of new discoveries in developmental biology and associated modelling and computational techniques has stimulated or may stimulate relevant advances in the field. Finally it aims at facilitating the process of unfolding a mutual recognition between Biologists and Mathematicians of their complementary skills, to the point where the resulting synergy generates new and novel discoveries. It offers an interdisciplinary interaction space between biologists from embryology, genetics and molecular biology who present their own work in the perspective of the advancement of their specific fields, and mathematicians who propose solutions based on the knowledge grasped from biologists.

Pattern Recognition Neuroradiology

by Scott E. Forseen Neil M. Borden

Faced with a single neuroradiological image of an unknown patient, how confident would you be to make a differential diagnosis? Despite advanced imaging techniques, a confident diagnosis also requires knowledge of the patient's age, clinical data and the lesion location. Pattern Recognition Neuroradiology provides the tools you will need to arrive at the correct diagnosis or a reasonable differential diagnosis. This user-friendly book includes basic information often omitted from other texts: a practical method of image analysis, sample dictation templates and didactic information regarding lesions/diseases in a concise outline form. Image galleries show more than 700 high quality representative examples of the diseases discussed. Whether you are a trainee encountering some of these conditions for the first time or a resident trying to develop a reliable system of image analysis, Pattern Recognition Neuroradiology is an invaluable diagnostic resource.

Patterns of Parental Behavior: From Animal Science to Comparative Ethology and Neuroscience (Advances in Neurobiology #27)

by Gabriela González-Mariscal

Modern neuroscience has presented new opportunities for exploring the molecular and neural mechanisms controlling specific social responses. This book reviews insights into the neural circuits underlying a particularly fascinating form of social interaction, parental behavior. This book presents a detailed review of maternal and paternal behavior of particular mammalian species. It offer neuroscientists a spectrum of specific mammals that can be used as experimental models to explore particular topics on the functions of the nervous system. It shows that results coming from the laboratory can be translated into useful information for raising mammals on the farm, and it stimulates biologists to gain insights into the underpinnings of the complex mechanisms governing mammalian behavior in the wild. It also discusses the implications of this research for human parental behavior.

Patterns of Plague: Changing Ideas about Plague in England and France, 1348–1750 (McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services Studies in the History of Medicine, Health, and Society)

by Lori Jones

For centuries, recurrent plague outbreaks took a grim toll on populations across Europe and Asia. While medical interventions and treatments did not change significantly from the fourteenth century to the eighteenth century, understandings of where and how plague originated did.Through an innovative reading of medical advice literature produced in England and France, Patterns of Plague explores these changing perceptions across four centuries. When plague appeared in the Mediterranean region in 1348, physicians believed the epidemic’s timing and spread could be explained logically and the disease could be successfully treated. This confidence resulted in the widespread and long-term circulation of plague tracts, which described the causes and signs of the disease, offered advice for preventing infection, and recommended therapies in a largely consistent style. What, where, and especially who was blamed for plague outbreaks changed considerably, however, as political, religious, economic, intellectual, medical, and even publication circumstances evolved.Patterns of Plague sheds light on what was consistent about plague thinking and what was idiosyncratic to particular places and times, revealing the many factors that influence how people understand and respond to epidemic disease.

Patterns of Practice: Mastering the Art of Five Element Acupuncture

by Nora Franglen

Rather than simply a different version of western medical practice, acupuncture, as the author of this thoughtful and challenging book shows, is based on a different philosophy and leads down directly into the deepest areas of human experience. Based on many years as a five element practitioner, Nora Franglen explores the way in which the practice of acupuncture enlarges the experience and understanding of the practitioner. She shares, through case study and reflection, some of the larger questions and insights that emerge from a dedicated approach to this form of healing work. Her insights and astute observations will encourage acupuncturists of any style as well as other therapists to reflect on their own practices, their relationships with their patients, and their fears. They also shed further light on the expression of the five elements within us all.

Patterson's Allergic Diseases: Treatment And Prevention

by Leslie Grammer

Since 1972, Patterson’s Allergic Diseases has been the go-to reference for healthcare practitioners looking for a comprehensive and practical guide to the diagnosis and treatment of allergic disorders. This eighth edition focuses on patient evaluation and management, and covers immunologic mechanisms, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and diagnostic techniques. Many contributors hail from outside the field of allergy-immunology, providing an invaluable non-specialist perspective on essential clinical practices.

Paul Ehrlich - Ein Lebensweg von der Histologie über die Immunologie zur Chemotherapie (Klassische Texte der Wissenschaft)

by Axel C. Hüntelmann

Paul Ehrlich war einer der bedeutendsten Lebenswissenschaftler seiner Zeit. Er hat unser heutiges Verständnis zum Ablauf immunologischer Prozesse maßgeblich geprägt. Ebenso geht die Idee der modernen Arzneimittelforschung, systematisch nach Substanzen zu suchen, ihre Wirkung auf Krankheitserreger und Zellen zu prüfen und ggf. die Zusammensetzung der Substanzen zu modifizieren, auf Paul Ehrlich zurück. Der vorliegende Band präsentiert eine Auswahl von Ehrlichs Publikationen, die das gesamte Spektrum seiner Arbeitsthemen abbilden, von seinem 1877 publizierten Artikel über die Anilinfärbungen bis zu den 1910 veröffentlichten „Schlußbemerkungen“ zum Salvarsan. Es wurden Publikationen gewählt, über die das Verbindende seiner Forschungen deutlich wird. Vorangestellt ist eine Einleitung, die den Lebensweg Paul Ehrlichs skizziert, in seine wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten einführt, die Textauswahl erläutert und die seine verschiedenen Arbeitsfelder miteinander in Bezug setzt.

Paul J. Crutzen and the Anthropocene: A New Epoch in Earth’s History (The Anthropocene: Politik—Economics—Society—Science #1)

by Hans Günter Brauch Paul J. Crutzen Susanne Benner Gregor Lax Ulrich Pöschl Jos Lelieveld

This book outlines the development and perspectives of the Anthropocene concept by Paul J. Crutzen and his colleagues from its inception to its implications for the sciences, humanities, society and politics.The main text consists primarily of articles from peer-reviewed scientific journals and other scholarly sources. It comprises selected articles on the Anthropocene published by Paul J. Crutzen and a selection of related articles, mostly but not exclusively by colleagues with whom he collaborated closely.• In the year 2000 Nobel Laureate Paul J. Crutzen proposed the Anthropocene concept as a new epoch in Earth’s history • Comprehensive collection of articles on the Anthropocene by Paul J. Crutzen and his colleagues• Unique primary research literature and Crutzen’s comprehensive bibliography• Paul Crutzen’s scientific investigations into human influences on atmospheric chemistry and physics, the climate and the Earth system, leading to the conception of the Anthropocene• Reflections on the Anthropocene and its implications• Bibliometric review of the spread of the use of the Anthropocene concept in the Natural and Social Sciences, Humanities and Law

Paul Lauterbur and the Invention of MRI

by M. Joan Dawson

The story behind the invention of the most important medical diagnostic tool since the X-ray.On September 2, 1971, the chemist Paul Lauterbur had an idea that would change the practice of medical research. Considering recent research findings about the use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signals to detect tumors in tissue samples, Lauterbur realized that the information from NMR signals could be recovered in the form of images—and thus obtained noninvasively from a living subject. It was an unexpected epiphany: he was eating a hamburger at the time. Lauterbur rushed out to buy a notebook in which to work out his idea; he completed his notes a few days later. He had discovered the basic method used in all MRI scanners around the world, and for this discovery he would share the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2003. This book, by Lauterbur's wife and scientific partner, M. Joan Dawson, is the story of Paul Lauterbur's discovery and the subsequent development of the most important medical diagnostic tool since the X-ray.With MRI, Lauterbur had discovered an entirely new principle of imaging. Dawson explains the science behind the discovery and describes Lauterbur's development of the idea, his steadfastness in the face of widespread skepticism and criticism, and related work by other scientists including Peter Mansfield (Lauterbur's Nobel co-recipient), and Raymond Damadian (who famously feuded with Lauterbur over credit for the ideas behind MRI). She offers not only the story of one man's passion for his work but also a case study of how science is actually done: a flash of insight followed by years of painstaking work.

Paula: A Memoir (Ave Fénix Ser. #Vol. 23)

by Isabel Allende

Newly ReissuedNew York Times Bestselling Author“Beautiful and heartrending. . . . Memoir, autobiography, epicedium, perhaps even some fiction: they are all here, and they are all quite wonderful.” —Los Angeles Times When Isabel Allende’s daughter, Paula, became gravely ill and fell into a coma, the author began to write the story of her family for her unconscious child. In the telling, bizarre ancestors appear before our eyes; we hear both delightful and bitter childhood memories, amazing anecdotes of youthful years, the most intimate secrets passed along in whispers. With Paula, Allende has written a powerful autobiography whose straightforward acceptance of the magical and spiritual worlds will remind readers of her first book, The House of the Spirits.

Paul's Fundamental Immunology

by Martin Flajnik

Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022! Defining the field of immunology for 40 years, Paul’s Fundamental Immunology continues to provide detailed, authoritative, up-to-date information that uniquely bridges the gap between basic immunology and the disease process. The fully revised 8th edition maintains the excellence established by Dr. William E. Paul, who passed away in 2015, and is now under new editorial leadership of Drs. Martin F. Flajnik, Nevil J. Singh, and Steven M. Holland. It’s an ideal reference and gold standard text for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, basic and clinical immunologists, microbiologists and infectious disease physicians, and any physician treating diseases in which immunologic mechanisms play a role.

The Pause (Revised Edition): The Landmark Guide

by Lonnie Barbach

Since its original publication in 1993, The Pause has become known as the authoritative guide to menopause--a previously overlooked topic of great importance to women. The significant amount of new research on menopause and perimenopause amassed in recent years has led bestselling author Lonnie Barbach to completely revise and update this groundbreaking classic. Important additions include eight entirely new sections on topics such as SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators), phytoestrogens, and the impact of menopause on the female immune system. This additional research is combined with new information about menopause and mood, weight gain during menopausal transition, breast cancer survivors taking estrogen, the positive effect of estrogen on dementia and Alzheimer's, and new alternatives to traditional HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for managing hot flashes, improving bone density, and assisting breast cancer survivors. All together, the latest edition of The Pause is a must-have resource for any woman facing the "next third" of her life.

Paws & Effect: The Healing Power Of Dogs

by Sharon Sakson

Seamlessly weaving scientific research with compelling narrative, "Paws & Effect" tells incredibly moving stories of beloved pets who have supported their people through periods of ill health and other crises--with miraculous results.

Paying for Medicare: The Politics of Reform (Social Institutions And Social Change Ser.)

by David G. Smith

** Paying for Medicare received the American Risk and Insurance Association's Elizur Wright Award for itsoutstanding contribution to risk management and insurance literature.The Prospective Payment System and the Medicare Fee Schedule, two of the most effectively sustained and successful efforts at policy innovation in history continue to shape decisions about Medicare and cost containment efforts.Smith shows how particular policy alternatives were developed; why chosen or rejected; and how provider interests and American political institutions have shaped their design and implementation.

Paying Out-of-Pocket for Drugs, Diagnostics and Medical Services: A Study of Households in Three Indian States

by Moneer Alam

In India there is a high incidence of morbidity and malnutrition coupled with low standards of public health and expensive medical care. Despite several policy initiatives and many attempts to promote a healthy society, health remains an issue of concern. Policy-makers recognise that the country suffers unacceptably high levels of disease and premature death. A 2005 report from the National Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (NCMH) claims that private out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenditure often has a catastrophic effect on the consumption of basic goods and services for low-income households, forcing many below the poverty line and often blocking private intergenerational flows, severely affecting family members including the co-residing elderly, especially women. As poverty, malnutrition and enormous disparities are widespread, particularly in rural areas and urban slums, reliance on private health providers is fraught with serious economic consequences. Disease prevalence among these groups is particularly high. The market plays an increasingly important role in delivering health and diagnostic services. Infrastructural bottlenecks faced by central, state and local government health services force public health service users to access private medical care and incur very high out-of-pocket (OOP) expenses. All these issues are in direct contradiction to India's National Population Policy (2000) and National Health Policy (2002). This book highlights some of these neglected issues, and focuses largely on private expenditure on drugs and medicines for the treatment of ailments both with and without hospitalisation. It examines private OOP health expenditures in rural and urban households after breaking them down into the various healthcare service components including drugs and medicines (which constitute about 75 to 80 percent of OOP health expenditure), and assesses the extent of capital sample households borrow to finance medical expenditure and the effect on their basic food and non-food consumption requirements.

PBX Security and Forensics

by I. I. Androulidakis

PBX Security and Forensics presents readers with theoretical and practical background for Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs). PBX is privately owned equipment that serve the communication needs of a private or public entity making connections among internal telephones and linking them to other users in the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Targeted damages and attacks in PBXs can cause significant instability and problems. The author provides examples of these threats and how to prevent against such attacks in the future. Readers will also be shown where to find forensics data and how to conduct relevant analysis.

PCAT Prep Plus: 2 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online (Kaplan Test Prep)

by Kaplan Test Prep

Kaplan's PCAT Prep Plus, Third Edition is up-to-date with the latest test changes and includes all the content and strategies you need to get the PCAT results you want. Kaplan Test Prep is the only Official Provider of PCAT Prep, as endorsed by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP). We are so certain that PCAT Prep Plus offers all the knowledge you need to excel at the PCAT that we guarantee it: After studying with the online resources and book, you'll score higher on the PCAT—or you'll get your money back.The Best Review2 full-length, realistic practice tests online that provide you with scores and percentilesA guide to the current PCAT Blueprint to show you exactly what to expect on Test DayAdditional practice questions for every subject, all with detailed answers and explanationsComprehensive review of all the content covered on the PCATKaplan's proven strategies for Test Day successExpert GuidanceKaplan's experts ensure our practice questions and study materials are true to the test.We invented test prep—Kaplan ( has been helping students for 80 years. Our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams.

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