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Showing 40,051 through 40,075 of 56,146 results

Pearls and Tricks in Pediatric Surgery

by Martin Lacher Shawn D. St. Peter Augusto Zani

Providing core information on pediatric surgery, this book serves as a supplement to standard pediatric surgical textbooks. It offers pearls of wisdom that will help those who participate in pediatric surgical care, as well as to provide state-of-the-art insights based on physiological principles, literature reviews, and clinical experience. This book is an ideal tool to help readers prepare for questions they will be asked on ward rounds, in the OR, or in oral exams. The depth of exploration is intended for medical students, residents in pediatrics and pediatric surgery, pediatric surgical trainees, pediatric nurse practitioners, primary care pediatricians, and family practitioners.

Pearls for Primary Care: Integrating Biochemistry, Physiology, and Clinical Skills To Optimize Outpatient Medicine

by Michael B Jacobs

Pearls for Primary Care is unique, integrating pertinent basic science information with clinical medicine. The resource bridges the information gap and provides insights for providers and students. Additionally, there are succinct yet comprehensive

Pearls of Glaucoma Management

by Joann A. Giaconi Simon K. Law Kouros Nouri-Mahdavi Anne L. Coleman Joseph Caprioli

This concise and comprehensive guide is written by international experts of the field who are familiar with the world's literature. Based on the world's literature and their own experience, authors state and explain how they prefer to manage patients and problems clinically. Each chapter author gives the reader numerous clear and specific tips and pearls for the diagnosis and management of Glaucoma. The reader-friendly structure of this book ensures that the necessary information is quickly found and remembered. This book ensures a pleasant learning experience on Glaucoma management with the goal of an improved treatment outcome.

Pearls of Glaucoma Management

by Simon K. Law Joann A. Giaconi Joseph Caprioli Anne L. Coleman

This concise and comprehensive guide is written by international experts of the field who are familiar with the world's literature. Based on the world's literature and their own experience, authors state and explain how they prefer to manage patients and problems clinically. Each chapter author gives the reader numerous clear and specific tips and pearls for the diagnosis and management of Glaucoma. The reader-friendly structure of this lavishly illustrated 4-colour book ensures that the necessary information is quickly found and remembered. This book ensures a pleasant learning experience on Glaucoma management with the goal of an improved treatment outcome.

Pearson Reviews And Rationales: Comprehensive Review For Nclex-rn

by Mary Ann Hogan

New and updated, the Third Edition of the best-selling Pearson Reviews & Rationales: Comprehensive Review for NCLEX-RN® offers a comprehensive outline review of the essential content areas tested on the NCLEX­-RN® exam, including critical areas such as management, delegation, leadership, decision­-making, pharmacology, and emergency care. These topics are incorporated throughout, with ample practice questions that simulate actual difficulty levels on the NCLEX­-RN® exam. Organized by the Categories of Client Needs, each unit represents one of the Categories of Client Needs and contains chapters that integrate concepts from across the nursing curriculum, providing a uniquely synthesized approach to preparing for the real exam. The Third Edition provides students with access to Pearson Test Prep–a new web-based application that enables students to practice for the NCLEX anytime and anywhere using their smartphone, tablet, or computer. Pearson Test Prep includes all 1,600 questions from the book, plus an additional 4,000 questions, and features all NCLEX-style question formats. Students can customize their practice experience to focus on specific topics, question types, and areas of difficulty, or simulate a realistic NCLEX-RN® exam. Detailed reporting features help students identify and focus on improving the areas where they need the most attention so they arrive prepared and confident on test day.

Pectus Excavatum and Poland Syndrome Surgery: Custom-Made Silicone Implants by Computer Aided Design

by Jean-Pierre Chavoin

This book with accompanying videos focuses on pectus excavatum correction using custom-made silicone implants. It discusses patient evaluation, the minimally invasive procedure and follow-up care. It also describes in detail, and in a way that is comprehensible for practicing clinicians, the procedure for creating silicone implants using a scanner (computer-aided design). Further, the book presents the possibility of using fat grafting to correct this congenital deformity and highlights secondary surgical procedures and complications (e.g. infections). Correcting pectus excavatum using a computer-aided design silicone implant is a simple and reliable technique that yields high-quality, aesthetic results. In the medium term, the approach may render invasive techniques obsolete, however, these operations remain risky.

The Peculiar Institution and the Making of Modern Psychiatry, 1840–1880

by Wendy Gonaver

Though the origins of asylums can be traced to Europe, the systematic segregation of the mentally ill into specialized institutions occurred in the United States only after 1800, just as the struggle to end slavery took hold. In this book, Wendy Gonaver examines the relationship between these two historical developments, showing how slavery and ideas about race shaped early mental health treatment in the United States, especially in the South. She reveals these connections through the histories of two asylums in Virginia: the Eastern Lunatic Asylum in Williamsburg, the first in the nation; and the Central Lunatic Asylum in Petersburg, the first created specifically for African Americans. Eastern Lunatic Asylum was the only institution to accept both slaves and free blacks as patients and to employ slaves as attendants.Drawing from these institutions' untapped archives, Gonaver reveals how slavery influenced ideas about patient liberty, about the proper relationship between caregiver and patient, about what constituted healthy religious belief and unhealthy fanaticism, and about gender. This early form of psychiatric care acted as a precursor to public health policy for generations, and Gonaver's book fills an important gap in the historiography of mental health and race in the nineteenth century.

Pedagogiek in beeld: Een inleiding in de pedagogische studie van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening

by L. Rosmalen M. H. IJzendoorn

Pedagogiek in beeld biedt een kijkje in de wetenschappelijke keuken van de pedagogiek en is daarmee een inleiding in de studie van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening. Het boek geeft een helder beeld van enkele belangrijke uitkomsten van pedagogisch onderzoek in Nederland en laat zien hoe die resultaten tot stand zijn gekomen. Daarbij komen de belangrijkste werkvelden aan bod: algemene pedagogiek, gezinspedagogiek, orthopedagogiek, leerproblemen en onderwijspedagogiek. Concrete voorbeelden van onderzoek maken duidelijk wat de pedagogiek heeft gepresteerd en wat in de toekomst van deze discipline mag worden verwacht.

El pediatra en tu casa: Todas las respuestas sobre la salud de tus hijos

by Martín Gruenberg

En este libro, el doctor Martín Gruenberg responde las consultas más frecuentes que escuchó en su consultorio a través de años de dedicación a la pediatría ambulatoria, esas preguntas que todas las madres y los padres alguna vez se hacen sobre la salud de sus hijos, desde la etapa prenatal hasta el comienzo de la adolescencia. ¿Cuál es la mejor forma de medir la fiebre? ¿Cuánto tiempo puede estar mi bebé sin tomar el pecho? ¿Cómo le explico a mi hijo que lo van a operar? E pediatra en tu casa es una guía pensada para todos aquellos padres que intentan despejar las dudas sobre la salud de sus hijos buscando en internet las causas de los síntomas y las explicaciones terminan generándoles siempre mayor angustia y preocupación. En este libro, el reconocido pediatra y autor de ¡Vamos a dormir! Martín Gruenberg responde las preguntas más frecuentes que escuchó en el consultorio a través de los años -esas que todas las madres y los padres alguna vez se hacen- y que abarcan desde la etapa prenatal hasta el comienzo de la adolescencia. De fácil lectura y doble vía de acceso a la información: puede consultarse según las etapas de desarrollo (prenatal, menores de tres meses, el primer año de vida, el segundo año de vida, de tres a seis años, mayores de seis) o por temas (infecciones, problemas digestivos, problemas respiratorios, del aparato locomotor, neurológicos y psicoemocionales, problemas genitales). «Consultar siempre genera serenidad. Y cuando los padres se sienten tranquilos y seguros, pueden contener y acompañar mejor a sus hijos.»Martín Gruenberg

Pediatria amb seny: per a pares i mares amb seny

by Dr. Eduard Estivill Gonzalo Pin

Pediatria amb seny, que reuneix tres llibres en un (guia mèdica + guia educativa + fitxes i resum), us ajudarà a ser més bons pares o cuidadors i, sobretot, a tenir uns fills sans, física i mentalment. Tot això amb una bona sodi de seny. Criar un fill és un repte bonic però difícil, perquè demana certes dosis de reflexos i recursos personals que no s'aprenen a cap escola. Aquest és un llibre diferent i innovador. Aquestes pàgines són les vostres companyes de viatge. Pediatria amb seny és una obra rigorosa, senzilla, directa i sobretot molt amena. Exposa cada etapa del creixement dels nens, l'alimentació, el son, les seves actituds i els possibles problemes de salut. Per mitjà de la consulta de les fitxes que descriuen les malalties més freqüents, aprendreu quan cal visitar el pediatre. Aquest llibre també ajuda en temes fonamentals, com els aspectes emocionals de l'educació dels fills. Parla de l'autoestima, els valors, la socialització adequada, el col·legi, la disciplina, l'educació sexual, els jocs, les noves tecnologies, l'ecologia, els esports, els estudis i les activitats extraescolars. Ressenya:«Un viatge en tots els sentits del creixement del nen, físic i emocional, i un extens catàleg de fitxes mèdiques.»El País

Pediatría con sentido común: para padres y madres con sentido común

by Dr. Eduard Estivill Gonzalo Pin

Pediatría con sentido común reúne tres libros en uno -guía médica, guía educativa y fichas y resúmenes- y es, en definitiva, el mejor apoyo que podemos ofreceros para mejorar como padres o cuidadores y, sobre todo, para tener un niño sano, física y mentalmente. Criar a un hijo es un reto bonito pero difícil, porque exige ciertas dosis de reflejos y recursos personales que no se aprenden en ninguna escuela. Con la esperanza de que se convierta en vuestra compañera de viaje os ofrecemos esta obra rigurosa, sencilla, directa y sobre todo muy amena que expone cada etapa del crecimiento del niño, su alimentación, el sueño, sus actitudes y sus posibles problemas de salud. El libro habla de temas fundamentales como la autoestima, los valores, la socialización adecuada, el colegio, la disciplina, la educación sexual, los juegos, las nuevas tecnologías, la ecología, los deportes, los estudios y las actividades extraescolares. Esta obra os ayudará a encarar los aspectos emocionales de la educación de los hijos y, mediante la consulta de las fichas que describen las enfermedades más frecuentes, aprenderéis cuándo hay que acudir al pediatra. Reseña:«Un viaje en todos los sentidos del crecimiento del niño, físico y emocional, y un extenso catálogo de fichas médicas.»El País

Pediatric Abdominal Organ Transplantation: An Introduction and Practical guide

by Nigel Heaton Sergio Assia-Zamora

Pediatric abdominal organ transplantation is a complex procedure that requires a multidisciplinary team to ensure that outcomes are consistently excellent. This book highlights the surgical point of view of the surgical aspects of multiorgan transplantation. It is intended to deepen the knowledge of these types of transplants for medical students, nurses, doctors, and anaesthetists. This book will serve to expand the understanding of the general concepts of pediatric abdominal transplantation, focusing on the indications, surgical techniques, and complications of each type of graft for all multidisciplinary team members.

Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

by Motohiro Kato

This book discusses key aspects of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), presenting the latest research on the biology and treatment of the disease and related issues. The cure rate for ALL has improved dramatically due to advances such as supportive care, treatment stratification based on relapse risk, and the optimization of treatment regimens. Gathering contributions by eminent scholars Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia is a valuable resource for pediatric hematologists as well as for medical students, interns, residents and fellows. It not only offers comprehensive insights, but also provides a springboard for future research.

Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Clinical Guide

by Steven L. Shein Alexandre T. Rotta

This book provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome (PARDS). The text reviews the emerging science behind the new PARDS definition; explores epidemiology, pathobiology, etiologies, and risk factors; reviews state-of-the-art treatment modalities and strategies; and discusses clinical outcomes.Written by experts in the field, Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Clinical Guide is a valuable resource for clinicians and practitioners who specialize in pediatric critical care.

Pediatric Advanced Life Support: Provider Handbook

by Dr Karl Disque

The Save a Life Initiative has just released its newest course: Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS). This manual is based on the 2015-2020 Pediatric Advanced Life Support guidelines published by the American Heart Association. The Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Provider Handbook is a comprehensive resource intended for health care professionals currently enrolled in a Pediatric Advanced Life Support Certification or Recertification Course. It serves as the primary training material for PALS Certification and Recertification courses. Although it is primarily intended for use during certification courses, the handbook was also created to serve as daily reference material for health care professionals. Information covered in the handbook includes EKG and electrical therapy review, pediatric respiratory failure and more. Specific PALS Algorithms and more are also included within the handbook. All material included in this handbook is delivered in a manner meant to enhance learning in the most comprehensive and convenient way possible.

Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider Manual

by Leon Chameides Ricardo A. Samson Stephen M. Schexnayder Mary Fran Hazinski

This is the student text for the classroom-based Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) course.

Pediatric Airway Surgery

by Philippe Monnier

This book provides detailed insight into the difficult problem of pediatric airway management. Each chapter focuses on a particular condition in a very practical manner, describing diagnostic procedures and precisely explaining surgical options with the help of high-quality illustrations. Both established treatment modalities and new management concepts are considered in depth, and controversies relating to the most difficult airway reconstructions are discussed. To help the reader, boxes are included to summarize procedures and to list tips, tricks, and traps relevant to daily practice. The contributors to the book have all been directly involved in the management of children with airway disorders and write on the basis of their vast experience. Otolaryngologists, pediatric surgeons, and thoracic surgeons involved in the management of pediatric airway problems, and in particular airway stenosis, will find this book to be a treasure trove of invaluable information and guidance.

Pediatric Allergy: A Case-Based Collection with MCQs, Volume 1

by Nima Rezaei

This book comprises a collection of case-based chapters, submitted by physicians and pediatricians in all specialties and meticulously refined and selected to cover the most common and important aspects of Pediatric Allergy knowledge. Commonly encountered disorders such as allergic rhinitis, food allergy, and atopic dermatitis are covered among many others. Each chapter starts with a brief of the initial presentation and lab data of the patient, followed by a series of 3-6 multiple choice questions (MCQs), leading the reader to the diagnosis and best of practice in a step-wise manner. Clinical pearls presented as "practical points", and the MCQ format along with detailed answers, makes Pediatrc Allergy an essential reading material that a pediatric allergologist cannot afford to miss.

Pediatric and Adolescent Andrology (Trends in Andrology and Sexual Medicine)

by Carlo Foresta Daniele Gianfrilli

This book addresses and summarizes the main andrological disorders (genital, reproductive or sexual diseases) that may originate in childhood or adolescence. Since many of the andrological diseases that occur in adulthood originate before the age of 18 and sometimes even during gestation, andrological evaluation is essential during childhood to highlight anomalies in the genital organs. During puberty, evaluation can help to monitor growth and secondary sex characteristics, and to assess e.g. the possible presence of an eunucoid habitus, gynecomastia, testicular hypotrophy or varicocele, a very common pathology in young people. During adolescence, the assessment of risk factors, such as those related to certain lifestyles, is of fundamental importance for primary prevention. Moreover, in late adolescence the focus shifts to preventing sexually transmitted infections, or to dealing with possible discomforts related to the sexual sphere. Finally, ensuring young people’s genital and sexual health also means protecting their fertility. Written by respected experts in the field, this book constitutes an innovative resource, combining updated, reliable and comprehensive information with agile consultation in order to provide a streamlined approach to the care of children and adolescents with such disorders.

Pediatric and Adolescent Concussion

by Jennifer Niskala Apps Kevin D. Walter

Between the growing numbers of children and adolescents playing sports and the increased attention to head injuries by the larger sports community and the general public, pediatric concussions are emerging as a major concern. And as practitioners are seeing more young clients with head injuries, questions arise about age-appropriate assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and return to activity. Pediatric and Adolescent Concussion: Diagnosis, Management, and Outcomes offers evidence-based guidelines where few previously existed. This comprehensive volume clearly explains the effects of traumatic injury on the developing brain in sports- and non-sports-related contexts, and establishes a framework for immediate and long-term management, especially the crucial first 24 hours. Chapters provide a basic grounding in its subject with a history of concussion as a medical entity and a review of definitional and classification issues, take the reader through the steps of a neuropsychological evaluation, pinpoint post-injury issues, and offer strategies for the prevention of further or future injury. Pediatric and Adolescent Concussion: Diagnosis, Management, and Outcomes serves as both educational resource and practical framework for a wide array of professionals, including neuropsychologists, sports medicine physicians, child psychologists and psychiatrists, pediatric and family physicians, athletic trainers, social workers, and educators.

Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology: A Problem-Based Approach

by Sarah M. Creighton Adam Balen Lesley Breech Lih-Mei Liao

This book provides a multidisciplinary overview of developmental anomalies, disorders and intersex conditions. These are complex conditions that demand high standards of care and treatment by all healthcare professionals involved with the management of these psychological, medical and surgical problems. Contributions from leading international experts from a wide range of disciplines, aims to distil their wealth of expertise and to provide the best possible advice and recommendations for medical intervention. Issues such as the psychological well-being of the patient, the need for informed consent and the right to know one's diagnosis. Patients and their families expect high standards of care, communication and consultation, and this book will help doctors achieve this. Emphasising the multidisciplinary approach to healthcare, this is essential reading for specialists in paediatric and adolescent gynaecology, reproductive endocrinologists, paediatric and plastic surgeons, and clinical geneticists.

The Pediatric and Adolescent Hip: Essentials and Evidence

by Sattar Alshryda Jason J. Howard James S. Huntley Jonathan G. Schoenecker

This book provides an evidence-based approach to treating the increasing number of children and adolescents presenting with hip disorders. It integrates the most up-to-date data with essential knowledge, gleaned from decades of previous research and practice. Each chapter provides a comprehensive text which integrates relevant pathophysiology, clinical assessment, and imaging, with an evidence-based approach to non-operative and operative management, authored by globally recognized experts in the field of pediatric hip surgery. Detailed surgical techniques, illustrated with original medical drawings and accompanied by their respective indications, anticipated outcomes, and potential complications, are also featured, in this first orthopedic text dedicated solely to the pediatric and adolescent hip. The Paediatric and Adolescent Hip: Essentials and Evidence will be an indispensable resource for wide spectrum of audience including paediatric orthopaedic surgeons, general practitioners, general orthopaedic surgeons, trauma surgeons, orthopaedic residents, emergency department doctors, and physiotherapists seeking a clear and consistent evidence-based guide to treating the paediatric hip.

Pediatric and Adolescent Oncofertility

by Teresa K. Woodruff Yasmin C. Gosiengfiao

Reflecting the increasing interest in fertility management for pediatric and adolescent patients and fulfilling an urgent need to have a comprehensive guide to the management of these individuals, this is the first book of its kind to present a comprehensive discussion of pediatric and adolescent oncofertility. It carefully examines the impact of pediatric cancer and cancer therapy on fertility and presents both current and emerging fertility preservation techniques for both males and females, such as cryopreservation. Fertility concerns beyond cancer are also discussed, including disorders of sexual differentiation, gender dysphoria and thalassemia. Practical chapters on pediatric oncofertility in the clinic round out the book, covering setting up a practice, counseling and consent, disclosure and insurance considerations. Concluding chapters document fertility preservation techniques and outcomes internationally, with contributions from Portuguese, Brazilian and Japanese authors. Timely and wide-ranging, Pediatric and Adolescent Oncofertility is an ideal resource for reproductive medicine specialists, pediatric oncologists, and primary care physicians treating pediatric and adolescent cancer patients looking to protect fertility options.

Pediatric and Adolescent Osteosarcoma

by Oyvind S. Bruland Norman Jaffe Stefan Bielack

Pediatric and Adolescent Osteosarcoma provides a historical review of the nature of osteosarcoma and the conflict that accompanied the introduction of adjuvant therapy for osteosarcoma culminating in accepted and prevailing methods of current therapy. It outlines concepts in Epidemiology and Etiology, and provides chapters on pathology and radiologic characteristics of osteosarcoma, surgical therapy tailored specifically for treatment of primary tumors in pediatric/adolescent age group, treatment of pulmonary and extra pulmonary metastases and complications, as well as the role of radiation therapy. The volume concludes with a review of differences and similarities in the management of osteosarcoma in adults as compared to pediatrics / adolescents and new laboratory and animal investigations currently in progress to develop effective diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to improve the outcome. In essence the scope and intensive coverage of the book provides a historical perspective of the advances made over the past 30 years and emerging concepts and prospects for new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. This is based upon past experiences and new discoveries. It also provides a unique opportunity for pediatric and adult medical oncologists, physicians in training, orthopedic surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, radiotherapists, oncology nurses and allied professionals involved in the care of pediatric/adolescent patients with osteosarcoma to become acquainted with prevailing methods of treatment and new and evolving concepts and developments.

Pediatric and Adolescent Plastic Surgery for the Clinician

by Aleksandar M. Vlahovic Emir Q. Haxhija

This book describes plastic surgery treatments in children for e.g. cleft lip and palate, polydactyly and syndactyly, pigment lesions, benign and malign skin and soft tissue tumors, and vascular anomalies. Every chapter starts with a short introduction, followed by sections on patient evaluation, treatment options and postoperative care. Supporting images and pitfalls are also included. Based on the authors experience, the book offers pediatric plastic surgeons a valuable guide in their everyday work, while also introducing interested practitioners to the field. Pediatric plastic surgery is a specific field of surgery which includes reconstructive and aesthetic-cosmetic procedures in children. The majority of procedures are reconstructive in nature, making aesthetic considerations especially important. As aesthetic procedures in children are not so frequent, only a small group of clinicians are familiar with this part of surgery.

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