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Training Physicians For Public Health Careers
by Institute of Medicine of the National AcademiesPublic health efforts have resulted in tremendous improvements in the health of individuals and communities. The foundation for effective public health interventions rests, in large part, on a well-trained workforce. Unfortunately there is a major shortage of public health physicians who are prepared to face today's public health challenges. Training Physicians for Public Health Careers focuses on the critical roles that physicians play in maintaining and strengthening the public health system, identifies what these physicians need to know to engage in effective public health actions, explores the kinds of training programs that can be used to prepare physicians for public health roles, and examines how these training programs can be funded. Medical schools, schools of public health, health care and public health care professionals, medical students and students of public health will find this of special interest.
Training to Change Practice: Behavioural Science to Develop Effective Health Professional Education
by Jo Hart Lucie Byrne-Davis Wendy Maltinsky Eleanor BullBehavioural science to develop effective health professional education serves as a practical guide in the cutting-edge area of health professional education and behavioural science. This textbook will provide practical evidence-based guidance to enhance the real world impact of your health professional training, To aid in seamless reader comprehension, chapters work through clear step by step stages, with boxes to verify understanding, along with examples to work through and links to further reading if readers want to understand more about underlying theory. The book also contains a series of templates which can be adapted for use by the reader. Sample topics covered in Behavioural Science to develop effective health professional education include: Education and training as a behaviour change intervention, covering language of learning and behaviour change, with examples of behaviour change intervention approaches Defining the behaviours that you want to change, intended behavioural outcomes (IBOs), and specifying your IBOs Exploring the influences on behaviours, covering Influences on practice, and how to explore influences on each IBO Developing training to change behaviour, covering active ingredients of behaviour change activities, and the process of creating behaviourally informed trainingFor postgraduate and undergraduate health professional courses, continuing professional development providers, and providers of health professional training in medicine, nursing, dentistry, and allied health professions, Behavioural Science to develop effective health professional education is an essential resource on the subject that helps make education and training more effective.
Training to Deliver Integrated Care: Skills Aimed at the Future of Healthcare
by C. R. Macchi Rodger KesslerThis unique trainer’s resource offers a comprehensive blueprint for preparing clinicians for practice in the changing and challenging environment of integrated care. Based firmly in new evidence-based models of behavioral care in medicine, it sets out the aims and objectives of modern integrated care delivery in a streamlined pedagogy-to-practice framework. Teaching strategies for developing core skills and competencies, suitable across diverse educational and workforce development settings, are presented with data-based rationales and guidelines for design and implementation. Chapters also cover the range of essentials, from research support to business acumen to program evaluation methods, needed to meet bedrock goals of improved quality of care, clinical outcomes, and patient satisfaction. The book’s comprehensive coverage: Reviews the evidence base for integrating medical and behavioral care.Provides empirically sound guidelines for training learners in integrated practice.Breaks down skill development into critical training objectives.Offers detailed content of a current degree program in integrative behavioral medicine.Recommends measures to support responsive, patient-centered, and sustainable training programs. A robust guide to a more inclusive and effective future, Training to Deliver Integrated Care expands the healthcare horizon to accommodate trainers working in health psychology, general practice, primary care medicine, and consulting, as well as supervision and coaching professionals.
Training van spierkracht enspierfunctie 1
by J.L.M. van Gestel C.M.C. Hoeksema-BakkerEen duurzaam herstel van aandoeningen vereist een zorgvuldige training en opbouw van de belastbaarheid, maar ook het onderhouden ervan is essentieel. In het basisboek Training van spierkracht en spierfunctie, deel 1 uit de reeks Paramedisch trainingsbegeleiding, staat training van spierkracht als therapie centraal. Het boek gaat in op de wetenschappelijke (fysiologische) achtergrond van krachttraining en beschrijft de begeleidingsaspecten bij krachttraining. Ook apparatuur, materiaalgebruik en het opzetten van trainingsprogramma's komen aan de orde. Het boek biedt op een verantwoorde manier handvatten om krachttraining in de praktijk te realiseren. Het is een compleet en rijk geïllustreerd naslagwerk over krachttraining als therapie voor het Nederlandse taalgebied.
Trainingskonzeption für Patienten mit Rückenschmerz: PhysioNovo - Angewandte Rehabilitation und Sporttherapie
by Paul GeraedtsDieses Praxisbuch liefert alles Wesentliche für Befund, Differenzialdiagnostik, Prävention und motorische Behandlung in Physiotherapie, Sporttherapie und Rehabilitation bei Patienten mit Rückenschmerzen. Wie behandele ich idealerweise eine Skapuladyskinesie in Zusammenhang mit Nacken- oder Schulterschmerzen? Welchen Einfluss hat das Hüftgelenk als motorisches Zentrum auf das Iliosakralgelenk? Wie hängen paradoxe Anspannungsmuster der Bauchmuskulatur mit der Arm- und Beinmotorik zusammen? Der Experte liefert in diesem Buch die Antworten!Aus dem Inhalt:• Artikuläre (Nozi-)Sensorik und motorische Steuerung bei Rückenschmerzen• Radiologische und klinisch-motorische Diagnostik• Integrale Schulter-, Hüft- und Rumpfmotorik sowie Lokomotorik• Regionale Interdependenzen wie z. B. das Hip-Spine-Syndrom und die Korrelation Hüfte-BeckenbodenPlus: Über 50 Videos zu den einzelnen Übungen via Springer Nature More Media-App.Verstehen Sie Gelenk- und Muskelfunktionen bei Rückenschmerzen und tragen Sie mit den richtigen Übungen zur Schmerzreduktion und Verbesserung der Lebensqualität Ihrer Patienten bei.
Trainingswissenschaft für die Sportpraxis: Lehrbuch für Studium, Ausbildung und Unterricht im Sport
by Alexander FerrautiDieses motivierende und reichhaltig illustrierte Lehrbuch wendet sich an Studierende im Fach Sportwissenschaft sowie an Trainer, Auszubildende und Schüler in sport- und fitnessbezogenen Berufen und dient diesen als ideale Prüfungsvorbereitung. Es ist besonders geeignet als Begleit- und Vertiefungslektüre für Vorlesungen im Fach Trainingswissenschaft.Trainingswissenschaftliche Themen werden anschaulich, gut verständlich und praxisrelevant dargestellt. Auch interessierte Leistungs- und Freizeitsportlerinnen und -sportler erhalten eine ausgewogene Mischung von evidenzbasierten sportwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und praktischen Trainingstipps.Wertvolle Hinweise zu den Bereichen Leistungsdiagnostik, Trainingssteuerung, Monitoring und Wettkampfanalyse bilden das Rückgrat des Buches. Das Grundlagenwissen zum Kraft-, Schnelligkeits-, Beweglichkeits-, Ausdauer- und Techniktraining wird durch angemessene biologische Vertiefungen und durch Exkurse zu modernen Trainingsinterventionen erweitert. Dem klaren Plädoyer für Individualisierung und Sportartspezifität des Trainings wurde durch gesonderte Kapitel zu ausgewählten Sportarten Rechnung getragen. Neben dem Leistungssport, stehen auch die Besonderheiten des Trainings mit Kindern und Jugendlichen, mit Aktiven im mittleren Lebensalter oder mit älteren Masterathletinnen und -athleten im Fokus. Das Buch wagt den Spagat zwischen einer international ausgerichteten forschungsorientierten Trainingswissenschaft und der unweigerlich damit verknüpften Sportpraxis. Abgerundet wird das didaktische Konzept durch interaktives Zusatzmaterial in Form von Videobeispielen, die einfach mit der Springer Nature More Media App abgerufen werden können.
Traits of Civilization and Voice Disorders
by Abdul-Latif Hamdan Robert Thayer Sataloff Mary J. HawkshawThis book reviews the interface between the traits of civilization and voice. It addresses concepts such as where the human voice stands in society and what the impact of civilization is on voice as a means of communication across diverse cultures, social hierarchies, and religious practices.Understanding voice disorders in the context of civilization traits and changes, and analyzing the impact of those traits is invaluable for otolaryngologists, speech language pathologists, voice teachers and others engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and/or training of patients with dysphonia. The book highlights cross-cultural variations in voice acoustics and self-perceived dysphonia, and the impact of religious observance on voice. This information is crucial in differentiating the normal voice from the abnormal, given differences associated with various civilizations and cultures.Traits of Civilization and Voice Disorders provides a far-reaching perspective on the interface between the human voice and its surroundings; as a result, this book is situated as an invaluable resource for otolaryngologists, speech language pathologists, and voice teachers in the diagnosis, treatment and training of patients with voice disorders.
The Trajectory of Discovery: What Determines the Rate and Direction of Medical Progress?
by Mark P. KhuranaMedical research works in trajectories. Scientists and researchers must choose to pursue certain scientific pathways and omit others, limited by resources, attention, and time. The trajectory of medical progress is therefore characterized by two crucial characteristics: rate and direction. These two components form the foundation for this book - what are the forces that determine the rate and direction of progress in medicine? This book brings together the worlds of scientific policy, economics, sociology, philosophy, and innovation to describe why the world of medical research looks the way it does. The book also addresses fundamental contemporary issues in medicine, how they influence progress, and how we might improve medical research going forward. The contemporary issues discussed include: flawed incentive structures, a concentration of power and resources among few actors and disease groups, the potential distortionary effects of lobbying by different scientific actors, and missing novelty in drug development.
Trans and Gender Diverse Ageing in Care Contexts: Research into Practice
by Michael Toze, Paul Willis and Trish Hafford-LetchfieldGender diversity and non-conformity are becoming increasingly visible within society. As more trans and non-binary service users ‘come out’ and trans populations age, practitioners and service providers working in health care, social care, welfare services and housing, will begin to see a growing number of older gender-diverse service users. With contributions from trans and non-binary scholars and practitioners and those with lived experience, this book outlines what good care and support looks like for older trans and non-binary people. This book provides a range of reflective learning activities that can be used by educators, policy makers and practitioners in healthcare, social care, public and community services to develop their knowledge and skills to ensure their practice is affirmative and inclusive.
Trans Medicine: The Emergence and Practice of Treating Gender
by Stef M. ShusterA rich examination of the history of trans medicine and current day practice Surfacing in the mid-twentieth century, yet shrouded in social stigma, transgender medicine is now a rapidly growing medical field. In Trans Medicine, stef shuster makes an important intervention in how we understand the development of this field and how it is being used to “treat” gender identity today. Drawing on interviews with medical providers as well as ethnographic and archival research, shuster examines how health professionals approach patients who seek gender-affirming care. From genital reconstructions to hormone injections, the practice of trans medicine charts new medical ground, compelling medical professionals to plan treatments without widescale clinical trials to back them up. Relying on cultural norms and gut instincts to inform their treatment plans, shuster shows how medical providers’ lack of clinical experience and scientific research undermines their ability to interact with patients, craft treatment plans, and make medical decisions. This situation defies how providers are trained to work with patients and creates uncertainty. As providers navigate the developing knowledge surrounding the medical care of trans folk, Trans Medicine offers a rare opportunity to understand how providers make decisions while facing challenges to their expertise and, in the process, have acquired authority not only over clinical outcomes, but over gender itself.
Trans People in Love
by Katrina Fox Tracie O'KeefeTrans People in Love is a illuminating resource for members of the trans community and their partners and families; gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, and intersex people; sexologists; sex therapists; counselors; psychologists; psychotherapists; social workers; psychiatrists; medical doctors; educators; students; and couples and family therapists. Trans People in Love provides a forum for the experience of being in love and in relationships with significant others for members of the trans community. This honest and respectful volume tells clinicians, scholars, and trans people themselves of the beauty and complexity that trans identity brings to a romantic relationship, what skills and mindsets are needed to forge positive relationships, and demonstrates the reality that trans people in all stages of transition can create stable and loving relationships that are both physically and emotionally fulfilling.
Trans Reproductive and Sexual Health: Justice, Embodiment and Agency (Women and Psychology)
by Damien W. Riggs Jane M. Ussher Kerry H. Robinson Shoshana RosenbergFocusing on reproductive and sexual justice, this important book explores in detail both the challenges that trans people face when negotiating reproductive and sexual health in restrictive social contexts, and their agency in advocating for change. Chapters cover a breadth of topics such as intimacy, sexual violence, reproductive intentions, sexuality education, oncology, and pregnancy, introducing readers to the latest research in the field as well as key emerging concepts. The authors identify core principles for trans reproductive and sexual justice, providing a broad overview of what is currently succeeding and what can be built on going into the future. Trans Reproductive and Sexual Health offers a comprehensive exploration that is essential reading for academics and students in psychology, sociology, gender studies, and related areas, as well as clinicians and policy makers, offering direct implications for professional audiences working in health and social care.
Trans Women and HIV: Social Psychological Perspectives
by Rusi JaspalThis book explores the social psychological aspects of trans women’s experiences of living with HIV in the UK. Drawing on theories from social psychology, the author provides a fine-grained analysis of the EXTRA Study – one of the first in-depth empirical studies of trans women’s experiences of living with HIV in the UK.Trans Women and HIV: Social Psychological Perspectives examines issues of identity, threat and coping among trans women – a key population in the HIV epidemic – and presents a model for describing and predicting health outcomes in this population. Underpinned by the Health Adversity Risk Model, this book examines the role of psychological constructs, such as identity, risk and stigma, in behaviour and psychological wellbeing. This informative and thought-provoking text is an invaluable resource for scholars, clinicians and students working in the fields of HIV and trans health.
Transactional Perspectives on Occupation
by Malcolm P. Cutchin Virginia A. DickieAn occupation is, most simply put, any activity we participate in that engages (occupies) our attention, interests, and/or expectations, at any point throughout the life course. This book offers an emerging and innovative perspective on occupation, based in the work of American philosopher John Dewey and other pragmatists, that challenges accepted ideas. Each chapter presents a lively and multifaceted dialogue on transactional perspectives on occupation. Scholars from Europe, North America, and Australasia have written a diverse set of arguments and case studies about occupation, covering theoretical, methodological and applied issues relevant to the topic. In addition, contributors make connections with significant authors from various disciplines that make clearer the roles of occupation and occupational science across many cultures and contexts. The transactional perspectives articulated in this book both implicitly and explicitly suggest that occupations are forms of activity that create and re-create a multitude of our relationships with the world. Often taken for granted by some academic disciplines, occupation is a core element of human life. This book is a provocative and critical analysis of the focal concept for occupational therapy and science.
Transalveolar Extraction of the Mandibular Third Molars
by Dr Darpan BhargavaThis practical manual provides details on the clinical and radiographic evaluation, classification, principles of suturing and flaps, intricacies of the transalveolar surgery, newer advances in mandibular third molar surgery and complications that may be encountered during mandibular third molar exodontia. It presents vital surgical skills for the mandibular third molar exodontia in a concise and to-the-point manner. This book is a user-friendly resource for students of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, as it brings together information from various reputable resources to one single platform for easier understanding and application. Key Features: Addresses the necessary gap in the literature with a concise yet comprehensive approach. Overhauls and updates the content to provide an exam-oriented text for students of oral and maxillofacial surgery, and professionals.
Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery
by Peter Cataldo Gerhard F. BuessTransanal endoscopic microsurgical techniques have recently been proven a safe and effective way to remove tumors from the rectum. Patients with small (4 cm in diameter or less), early malignant tumors are candidates for TEM as are patients with benign tumors of any kind. Preoperative biopsies and staging are essential, and patient selection is key to achieving successful outcomes with these procedures. Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery covers indications/contraindications, equipment, operative techniques, oncologic results, and an evidence-based comparison of TEM and traditional approaches. Written by the innovators of these techniques, this book is an essential reference for surgeons who want to incorporate TEM into their practice.
Transanal Stapling Techniques for Anorectal Prolapse
by Angelo Stuto David JayneThe time is right for a textbook addressing transanal stapling techniques for anorectal prolapse. Both stapled haemorrhoidopexy and STARR have recently enjoyed widespread exposure and their application is spreading rapidly both through Europe and the USA. However, many areas of controversy remain and warrant comprehensive discussion. Current thinking on anorectal prolapse has evolved significantly in recent years and this needs to be updated in the literature. In addition, it is essential that the correct principles of transanal stapling are documented to aid training in techniques and to avoid unwanted complications. There is no other surgical textbook on the market that deals with this expanding area of Coloproctology.
Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE)
by Pierleone LucatelliThe book thoroughly presents Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE), a procedure representing the standard of care for several clinical oncological indications.Thanks to the considerable technological advances in the available instrumentation (guidewire, microcatheter, guiding imaging modalities) as well as the different platforms utilized to perform treatment (conventional TACE, drug eluted TACE, degradable starch microsphere TACE) indication for treatment has been broadened and results significantly improved.By clearly depicting the procedure, with technical details, advantages and limitations, the book provides a unique and most updated source on TACE procedures. Clinical cases regarding crucial parts of the procedure are also provided.Expert users as well as novel clinicians interested in the most recent aspects of this interventional radiology procedure will find in this book a valuable tool and guide for their clinical routine.
Transboundary Animal Diseases in Sahelian Africa and Connected Regions
by Moustafa Kardjadj Adama Diallo Renaud LancelotThis book primarily focuses on the African Sahel region, shedding new light on the epidemiology, socio-economics, clinical manifestations and control approaches of transboundary animal diseases (TADs) in this specific region. In addition to the description of TADs in Sahelian Africa and connected regions, several issues regarding the burden of TADs, the role of national/regional/international veterinary organizations in the surveillance process, animal mobility, one health and TADs in the dromedary are discussed. The book contains 22 chapters and is structured in three parts, i- general features and commonalities, ii- viral diseases, iii- bacterial diseases. Each chapter was written by a group of experts specialized in the topic. This work will be of general interest to researchers, veterinarians, veterinary public health officers, and students engaged in the surveillance and control of animal infectious diseases, included those of zoonotic nature and that are prevalent in the Sahel.
Transbronchial cryobiopsy in diffuse parenchymal lung disease
by Venerino PolettiThis book presents both theoretical and practical aspects of transbronchial cryobiopsy, a new diagnostic technique for the detection of diffuse parenchymal lung disease that is attracting great interest in the scientific community. In the context of a multidisciplinary discussion, comprising radiologic-pathologic correlations, the authors examine the technical and safety issues – such as equipment, endoscopic setting, anesthesiologic approaches and bleeding control – on one hand, and the diagnostic yield and clinical meaning on the other.The volume offers several case studies – including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, granulomatous disorders, interstitial pneumonias, rare lung disseminated tumors– that illustrate the high diagnostic yield and safety of this innovative technique. The book appeals to a wide readership, including residents, pulmonologists with expertise in diffuse parenchymal lung diseases, interventional pulmonologists, thoracic radiologists, pathologists, anesthesiologists, internists and rheumatologists.
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: Clinical, Interventional and Surgical Perspectives
by Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai Arturo Giordano Giacomo FratiThis book provides comprehensive information on transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), which was introduced for the treatment of aortic valve disease less than two decades ago. It explains how TAVI has delivered satisfactory results even in high and intermediate risk patients and outlines how it continues to evolve, thus requiring awareness of state of the art approaches to indication, risk stratification, device choice, procedure, and follow-up. In addition, it reports on the complex and multidisciplinary approach needed to maximize the efficacy, safety, and appropriateness of TAVI, providing detailed clinical, interventional and surgical perspectives focusing on the development of this cardiovascular intervention. Starting with the history of TAVI, addressing the interventional anatomy of aortic valve disease, and reporting on the expert authors’ day-to-day experiences, this highly informative book offers an essential update for all cardiologists and surgeons interested in transcatheter aortic valve implantation, as well as any clinician, decision-maker and stakeholder involved in patient selection, procedural management, and follow-up.
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: Current and Future Developments
by Yoshinobu Onuma Raj Makkar Patrick W Serruys Alain Cribier Hélène Eltchaninoff Eberhard Grube John G Webb Martin B LeonWritten by pioneers in the field of interventional cardiology, this new edition provides readers with the information and expert guidance needed to perform safe and effective transcatheter aortic valve implantation/replacement (TAVI/TAVR). The book is supplemented by visual aids, including more than 300 illustrations and videos.
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: A How-to Guide for Cardiologists and Cardiac Surgeons
by A. Claire Watkins Anuj Gupta Bartley P. GriffithThis concise manual describes in detail how to perform a transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) procedure and provides cardiac surgeons and cardiologists with the foundation necessary to begin practicing TAVR. It includes background on the landmark data establishing the field of TAVR, instructions in the pre- and post-operative management of TAVR patients, and technical descriptions of the newest and most common devices and how to use them. Written by leaders in the field, it offers an unbiased, academic review and describes the experience of colleagues who have learned through trial and error. The Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Manual is an essential resource for physicians and related professionals, residents, fellows, and graduate students in cardiology, cardiac surgery, thoracic surgery, and vascular surgery
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Program Development: A Guide for the Heart Team
by Marian C. Hawkey Elizabeth M. Perpetua Sandra Lauck Amy SimonePublisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Launch and cultivate a successful program for the innovative procedure poised to become the standard for patients with aortic stenosis (AS) with Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) Program Development: A Guide for the Heart Team. Written by leaders in the field, this clinical instruction manual is the first to consolidate evidence, guidelines, and best practices for the TAVR care pathway from referral to follow-up. This is a must-have for clinicians—nurses, physicians, and allied health professionals—as well as administrative leadership and staff involved in TAVR programs. The text offers a comprehensive view of the TAVR program organized to support staff and quality, and positioned to grow on pace with evolving indications, regulations, technology, and patient needs.
Transcatheter Embolization and Therapy
by David Kessel Charles RayLee and Watkinson's Techniques in Interventional Radiology series of handbooks describes in detail the various interventional radiology procedures and therapies that are in current practice. The series covers procedures in angioplasty and stenting, transcatheter embolization and therapy, biopsy and drainage, and ablation. Forthcoming are volumes on pediatric interventional radiology and neurointerventional radiology. Each book is laid out in bullet point format, so that the desired information can be located quickly and easily. Interventional radiologists at all stages, from trainees through to specialists, will find this book a valuable asset for their practice. Transcatheter Embolisation and Therapy approaches the procedure in two ways . Section I systematically describes the techniques of transcatheter embolization and addresses the issues surrounding embolization procedures. Section II presents specific organ systems and pathologies that undergo embolization therapy. Dr. David Kessel is a Consultant Radiologist at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals, UK, and Dr. Charles Ray, Jr. is Professor of Radiology and Co-Director of Research at the University of Colorado Denver Health Sciences Center, USA.