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Trauma Centers and Acute Care Surgery: A Novel Organizational and Cultural Model (Updates in Surgery)
by Osvaldo ChiaraThis book offers an overview of acute care surgery around the world, focusing on the four main branches of this novel subdiscipline: trauma, general emergencies, critical care, and rescue surgery. The book’s primary goal is to provide a general view of acute care surgery, while addressing the most important issues in depth.The content is divided into three parts, the first of which is dedicated to the general organization of trauma centers, including the composition of modern trauma teams. Protocols of activation and action for the trauma team, as well as damage control procedures both in the emergency room and in the surgical theatre, are described. The book also addresses the development of a trauma registry, together with the quality assessment process that can be applied.In turn, the second part describes the principal protocols for making diagnoses, with special attention to circumstances such as unstable hemodynamics, neurological deterioration, normal vital signs, and penetrating injuries. The book subsequently deals with the most important aspects of trauma to the abdomen, chest, and pelvis, with notes on both surgical and intensive care issues. Practical descriptions of how to treat principal injuries to various organs are also provided. Finally, the third part of the book is dedicated to the most frequent general surgical emergencies and rescue surgical approaches, and includes information on diagnostic support with point of care ultrasound and endoscopic advanced techniques. Presenting cutting-edge strategies, this book will be of interest to professionals involved in surgical and intensive care for emergency conditions, such as colonic perforations, obstructions, acute pancreatitis, biliary tree stones, and caustic injuries.
Trauma Computed Tomography
by Friedrich KnollmannThis book covers the use of computed tomography in trauma care. Over the last two decades, advancements in CT technology have significantly changed the technique and utilization patterns of computed tomography in trauma imaging. This book covers the entire spectrum of this application, structured by organ systems/body areas, corresponding to the subject structure and practice pattern of large academic radiology departments in the US. As a result, the reader benefits from the most advanced currently available sub-specialty expertise in the performance and interpretation of trauma CT studies. The book is intended to serve as an introduction to the subject as well as a reference to the trauma radiologist. Since current post graduate education in radiology does not offer any formally regulated fellowship training in this area, fellowship trained radiologists are typically not trained to cover the entire spectrum of trauma imaging that the practitioner may encounter when covering call assignments, especially outside of highly subspecialized academic medical centers. This book is intended to fill a need to provide subspecialized trauma CT training by integrating contributions from all involved radiology subspecialties in a single volume. This is an ideal guide for radiology residents, fellows, practicing radiologists, trauma surgeons, emergency medicine specialists, surgery residents and fellows, and interested medical students.
Trauma Counseling: Theories and Interventions
by Lisa Lopez LeversTrauma Counseling: Theories and Interventions is a much-needed textbook that focuses on relevant issues of traumatic, crisis-related, and disaster events from a systemic paradigm. The book discusses evidence-based trauma assessment and intervention techniques and integrates the latest findings from neuropsychology and psychopharmacology.
Trauma, Culture, and PTSD
by C. Fred AlfordThis book examines the social contexts in which trauma is created by those who study it, whether considering the way in which trauma afflicts groups, cultures, and nations, or the way in which trauma is transmitted down the generations. As Alford argues, ours has been called an age of trauma. Yet, neither trauma nor post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are scientific concepts. Trauma has been around forever, even if it was not called that. PTSD is the creation of a group of Vietnam veterans and psychiatrists, designed to help explain the veterans' suffering. This does not detract from the value of PTSD, but sets its historical and social context. The author also confronts the attempt to study trauma scientifically, exploring the use of technologies such as magnetic resonance imagining (MRI). Alford concludes that the scientific study of trauma often reflects a willed ignorance of traumatic experience. In the end, trauma is about suffering.
Trauma Doc to Redeem the Rebel
by Charlotte HawkesSparks fly with the trauma doc…but could she be the one to heal him? Find out in Charlotte Hawkes&’s latest Harlequin Medical Romance novel! WILL LETTING GO SET HIM FREE? Former army surgeon Connor is instantly drawn to ER doc Nell. She&’s beautiful, intelligent and the first person to really see him—ever. Rebel Connor has spent years running away from his painful past, relationships and himself. But since Nell understands being abandoned in childhood, as he was, could she be the one woman to finally break through his barriers…and redeem his barricaded heart?From Harlequin Medical: Life and love in the world of modern medicine.
Trauma: A Epidemia Invisível
by Paul ContiPrefaciado por Lady Gaga, um livro essencial para compreender, tratar e prevenir todas as feridas emocionais. Partindo da investigação mais recente, das melhores práticas clínicas e de dezenas de histórias reais, este é um livro essencial para perceber a pandemia traumática que vivemos. «Sensatez e paciência prevalecem neste olhar único sobre um assunto amplamente ignorado pela comunidade médica durante anos. É uma leitura obrigatória para profissionais, bem como para quem tenha vivido um trauma ou outro sofrimento psicológico.» Tommy Hilfiger, estilista e empresário «O Dr. Conti é psiquiatra, e alguém que também passou por muita coisa. Isto dá-lhe uma perspetiva única acerca de como as pessoas funcionam e de como os traumas nos modificam, e, especificamente, como o trauma nos leva a pensar e a agir de modo diferente sem que percebamos porquê. O Dr. Conti explica como o trauma interage com a forma como o nosso cérebrotrabalha, e como o trauma é afetado por certos aspetos da sociedade, através de vívidas ilustrações de pessoas reais e das suas vidas. Mas o livro não fica por aí. Fornece também soluções reais — soluções que as pessoas poderão usar para si próprias e para os seus entes queridos,e soluções para ajudar a que o mundo se torne um sítio mais bondoso e seguro.» Kim Kardashian, modelo e empresária «Posso agora dizer com certeza que o Dr. Paul Conti me salvou a vida. Fez com que ela valesse a pena ser vivida. Mas, mais importante, deu-me a capacidade de me redescobrir e de me recuperar.» Lady Gaga, cantora e atriz, in Prefácio «Depois de ler o excelente livro de Paul Conti, percebo agora que o trauma existe em todos nós. Às vezes lembramo-nos dele, mas mesmo quando não conseguimos, ele lembra-se de nós, impedindo-nos de viver as nossas vidas com plenitude. Até que o possamos identificar e clarificar, vivemos com medos, ansiedades e máscaras. O livrode Paul Conti ajuda-nos a identificar o(s) trauma(s) que sofremos nas nossas vidas e a avançar em direção à cura – uma tarefa nada fácil no mundo traumático de hoje.» Carole Bayer Sager, cantora e compositora
Trauma, Ethics and the Political beyond PTSD: The Dislocations of the Real
by Gregory BistoenTrauma, Ethics and the Political beyond PTSD.
Trauma-Focused CBT for Children and Adolescents: Treatment Applications
by Judith Cohen Anthony P. MannarinoFeaturing a wealth of clinical examples, this book facilitates implementation of trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) in a range of contexts. It demonstrates how assessment strategies and treatment components can be tailored to optimally serve clients' needs while maintaining overall fidelity to the TF-CBT model. Coverage includes ways to overcome barriers to implementation in residential settings, foster placements, and low-resource countries. Contributors also describe how to use play to creatively engage kids of different ages, and present TF-CBT applications for adolescents with complex trauma, children with developmental challenges, military families struggling with the stresses of deployment, and Latino and Native American children. Also see Cohen et al.'s authoritative TF-CBT manual, Treating Trauma and Traumatic Grief in Children and Adolescents.
The Trauma Golden Hour: A Practical Guide
by Adonis Nasr Flavio Saavedra Tomasich Iwan Collaço Phillipe Abreu Nicholas Namias Antonio MarttosThe Golden Hour is a well-established concept in emergency medicine, related to the critical period of one hour after an injury, accident or trauma. This term implies that the mortality rates increase substantially if efficient care is not provided within 60 minutes after the trauma. This book is intended as a practical manual in Trauma Care within the context of the golden hour, addressing all trauma types and all body parts. Readers will find essential decision-making algorithms and protocols with commentary for traumas, along with easily accessible information on how to treat patients in a very practical and handy fashion. Furthermore, the content is presented in a didactic way suitable for a wide audience, from medical students who want to learn about the basics of trauma care to experienced surgeons seeking a comprehensive guide to trauma-related interventions.The book combines contributions from experts at two renowned Trauma Centers, the Hospital do Trabalhador at Curitiba, Brazil, and the Ryder Trauma Center in Miami, USA. Therefore, considering the different local environments and resources, the book provides distinct perspectives for several injuries, presenting the state of the art in Trauma Care. The diversity of perspectives in this book contributes to a global health care approach suitable for trauma-related events from developed countries to remote areas. The Trauma Golden Hour – A Practical Guide celebrates the Centennial Anniversary of the Federal University of Parana (Brazil), the 25th Anniversary of the Ryder Trauma Center (USA) and the 20th Anniversary of the Hospital do Trabalhador (Brazil).
Trauma in Otolaryngology
by Jayita DasTrauma is an important aspect of all clinical care specialties. As a rule, each specialty has its own approaches to and protocols for dealing with trauma. This book focuses on the various aspects of trauma in ENT for all groups of practitioners - students, trainees and independent professionals alike - and provides an essential guide to the optimal management of ENT trauma.
Trauma Induced Coagulopathy
by Eduardo Gonzalez Hunter B. Moore Ernest E. MooreThis text is aimed at defining the current concepts that define trauma induced coagulopathy by critically analyzing the most up-to-date studies from a clinical and basic science perspective. It will serve as a reference source for any clinician interested in reviewing the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of the coagulopathic trauma patient, and the data that supports it. By meticulously describing the methodology of most traditional as well as state of the art coagulation assays the reader will have full understanding of the tests that are used to study trauma induced coagulopathy. The evolving use of blood products as well as recently introduced hemostatic medications are reviewed in detail. Trauma Induced Coagulopathy will also be a valuable source for quick reference to the clinician that is faced with specific clinical challenges when managing coagulopathy.
Trauma Induced Coagulopathy
by Hunter B. Moore Ernest E. Moore Matthew D. NealThe first edition of this publication was aimed at defining the current concepts of trauma induced coagulopathy by critically analyzing the most up-to-date studies from a clinical and basic science perspective. It served as a reference source for any clinician interested in reviewing the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of the coagulopathic trauma patient, and the data that supports it. By meticulously describing the methodology of most traditional as well as state of the art coagulation assays the reader is provided with a full understanding of the tests that are used to study trauma induced coagulopathy. With the growing interest in understanding and managing coagulation in trauma, this second edition has been expanded to 46 chapters from its original 35 to incorporate the massive global efforts in understanding, diagnosing, and treating trauma induced coagulopathy. The evolving use of blood products as well as recently introduced hemostatic medications is reviewed in detail. The text provides therapeutic strategies to treat specific coagulation abnormalities following severe injury, which goes beyond the first edition that largely was based on describing the mechanisms causing coagulation abnormalities.Trauma Induced Coagulopathy 2nd Edition is a valuable reference to clinicians that are faced with specific clinical challenges when managing coagulopathy.
Trauma-Informed Health Care: A Reflective Guide for Improving Care and Services
by Dr. Karen TreismanThis comprehensive reflective resource explores the values, principles and practical applications of trauma-informed and -infused health care. Trauma-Informed Health Care introduces the different types of trauma - including medical and health trauma - and the impact of adversities, social inequalities and stressors. It explores their effects on health and the body, and on people's relationships with health providers. Key issues addressed include the importance of cultural humility, the effects of secondary and vicarious trauma, burnout and moral injury. It also covers the critical issue of organizational trauma: how to avoid practice which has potential to traumatize or retraumatize, and the role of cultural understanding, language, leadership, staff wellbeing and the physical environment.Drawing substantially on the experiences of people who use services and active practitioners, this book spans diverse settings -- from doctor's surgeries to hospitals and allied health services. It reveals how "every interaction can be an intervention" and provides you with practical examples, graphics and reflective exercises to support you to bring about positive change.
Trauma-Informed Healthcare Approaches: A Guide for Primary Care
by Megan R. GerberInterpersonal trauma is ubiquitous and its impact on health has long been understood. Recently, however, the critical importance of this issue has been magnified in the public eye. A burgeoning literature has demonstrated the impact of traumatic experiences on mental and physical health, and many potential interventions have been proposed. This volume serves as a detailed, practical guide to trauma-informed care. Chapters provide guidance to both healthcare providers and organizations on strategies for adopting, implementing and sustaining principles of trauma-informed care. The first section maps out the scope of the problem and defines specific types of interpersonal trauma. The authors then turn to discussion of adaptations to care for special populations, including sexual and gender minority persons, immigrants, male survivors and Veterans as these groups often require more nuanced approaches. Caring for trauma-exposed patients can place a strain on clinicians, and approaches for fostering resilience and promoting wellness among staff are presented next.Finally, the book covers concrete trauma-informed clinical strategies in adult and pediatric primary care, and women’s health/maternity care settings. Using a case-based approach, the expert authors provide real-world front line examples of the impact trauma-informed clinical approaches have on patients’ quality of life, sense of comfort, and trust. Case examples are discussed along with evidence based approaches that demonstrate improved health outcomes. Written by experts in the field, Trauma-Informed Healthcare Approaches is the definitive resource for improving quality care for patients who have experienced trauma.
Trauma Informed Supervision: Core Components and Unique Dynamics in Varied Practice Contexts
by Carolyn Knight Di BordersSurvivors of trauma are disproportionately represented in agencies providing a broad range of behavioral, social, and mental health services. Practitioners in these settings must understand and be able to respond to survivors of trauma in ways that are empowering, normalize and validate their experiences and reactions, and minimize the risk of retraumatization. Practitioners also will be indirectly traumatized as a result of their work with trauma survivors. <p><p> Practitioners’ ability to help clients with histories of trauma depends upon clinical supervision that is trauma-informed. The trauma-informed supervisor has the dual responsibility of enhancing supervisees’ skills as trauma-informed practitioners and helping them manage the impact their work has on them. <p> Nevertheless, many clinical supervisors only have limited knowledge and training in trauma and may not recognize either the needs of those whom they supervise or the clients their supervisees serve. This book compiles important recommendations from trauma-informed practitioners, supervisors, and researchers who share their professional reflections and personal stories based on their hands-on experiences across mental health and medical contexts.
Trauma Informed Support and Supervision for Child Protection Professionals: A Model For Those Working With Children Who Have Experienced Trauma, Abuse And Neglect And Their Families
by Fiona OatesThis book presents a narrative approach to creating a supportive environment for health and human service practitioners who work with vulnerable children and their families—one of the most difficult and complex areas of practice. People working in these environments are routinely exposed to violence and trauma and commonly experience symptoms of traumatic stress as a result. Traditionally, human service and health care service organisations have struggled to support practitioners who experience primary and secondary trauma in either a preventative context or post exposure. Using contemporary trauma theory, this book provides a trauma-informed support and supervision framework for supervisors and managers of practitioners that recognises the uniqueness of the practice field, the diversity of practitioners who undertake the work and the diversity of contexts in which they work. It will be required reading for all human service and health professionals, including social workers, psychologists and nurses as well as teachers, counsellors and youth workers.
Trauma Junkie: Memoirs of an Emergency Flight Nurse
by Janice HudsonMemoirs of a flight nurse on a helicopter sent out to take trauma patients to hospitals in California.
Trauma Management in Orthopedics
by K. Mohan IyerThis book has been written by established Orthopedic Surgeons who have become dedicated specialists within their particular subspecialty. They have contributed by writing highly detailed chapters that educate the reader with the basic science, accepted fundamentals and most recent trends within the full range of trauma management in orthopedics. It is intended that this well illustrated and highly informative text book to provide orthopedic surgeons in training with comprehensive and relevant core knowledge on all aspects of trauma management orthopedics, and will become an essential guide for surgeons in training, providing step by step approaches to performing initial diagnosis, surgical procedures and post operative management.
The Trauma Manual: Trauma and Acute Care Surgery (Spiral Manual Ser.)
by Andrew B. PeitzmanCovering all areas of trauma, critical care, and emergency surgery, The Trauma Manual: Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 5th Edition, brings you fully up to date with recent changes in the field. This pocket manual is an indispensable resource for everyone on the trauma/acute care team, with practical, easy-to-read coverage of the wide range of patients seen daily with urgent presentation – whether from injury, emergency general surgical disease, or a major complication. This user-friendly manual is one that every trauma surgeon, surgical resident, surgical critical care specialist, emergency medicine physician, and emergency or trauma nurse will want to keep close at hand for daily use.
Trauma, Occupation, and Participation: Foundations and Population Considerations in Occupational Therapy
by Amy Lynch Rachel Ashcraft Lisa TekellChildren and adults with complex trauma histories need to feel safe, be able to regulate emotions, develop relationships, and gain mastery over their environment and important occupations. Occupational therapy practitioners are valuable members of the complex trauma treatment team because of their expertise in the cognitive, social, emotional, and sensory components of occupation. This comprehensive text guides occupational therapy practitioners in applying trauma-responsive care with their clients across contexts with evidence-based models of assessment and intervention.
The Trauma Of Birth (International Library Of Psychology Ser.)
by Rank, OttoFirst Published in 1999. This text outlines developments in psycho-analysis, from the consistent application of the method created by Freud and from the dotrine based on the method. The authors seek to gain a general and wider knowledge of the Unconscious.
The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care, An International Handbook
by Yael DanieliLearn intervention strategies to counter the effects of terrorismIn the twenty-first century, terrorism has become an international scourge whose effect devastates individuals, weakens societies, and cripples nations. The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care, An International Handbook and Shared Care provides a compreh
Trauma Plan (Grace Medical Ser. #1)
by Candace CalvertSidelined by injuries from a vicious assault, chaplain Riley Hale is eager to return to her former duties as an ER nurse. But how can she show she's competent when the hospital won't let her attempt even simple tasks? Determined to prove herself, Riley volunteers at a controversial urban free clinic despite her fears about the maverick doctor in charge. Dr. Jack Travis defends his clinic like he's commander of the Alamo. He'll fight the community's efforts to shut its doors, even if he must use Riley Hale's influential family name to make it happen. As Riley strives to regain her skills. Jack finds that she shares his compassion--and stirs his lonely heart. Riley senses that beneath Jack's rough exterior is a man she can believe in. But when clinic protests escalate and questions surface about his past, Jack goes into battle mode, and Riley wonders if it's dangerous to trust him with her heart. Heart-stopping and... heart melting. A great read and one for your keeper shelf."--LYNETTE EASON, award-winning, bestselling author of the Women of Justice series--
Trauma Practice: A Cognitive Behavioral Somatic Therapy
by Anna B. Baranowsky J. Eric GentryThis popular, practical resource for traumatologists has been fully updated and expanded. It remains a key toolkit of cognitive behavioral somatic therapy (CBST) techniques for clinicians who want to enhance their skills in treating trauma and for those in training. The authors focus on helping practitioners find the right tools to guide their traumatized clients towards growth and healing but now also lay a deeper emphasis on the preparatory phase for therapists, including the therapists’ own ability to self-regulate their autonomic system during client encounters.
Trauma Red
by Peter Rhee Gordon DillowThe incredible life story of the trauma surgeon who helped save Congresswoman Gabby Giffords--from his upbringing in South Korea and Africa to the gripping dramas he faces in a typical day as a medical genius.Congresswoman Gabby Giffords is a household name: most people remember that awful day in Arizona in 2011 when she was a victim of an act of violence that left six dead and thirteen wounded. What many people don't know is that it was Dr. Peter Rhee who played a vital role in her survival. Born in South Korea, Rhee moved with his family to Uganda where he watched his public health surgeon father remove a spear from a man's belly--and began his lifelong interest in medicine. What came next is this compelling portrait of how one becomes a world class trauma surgeon: the specialized training, the mindset to make critical decisions, and the practiced ability to operate on the human body. Dr. Rhee is so eminent that when President Clinton traveled to China, he was selected to accompany the president as his personal physician. In Trauma Red we learn how Rhee's experiences were born from the love and sacrifices of determined parents, and of Rhee's own quest to become as excellent a surgeon as possible. Trauma Red chronicles the patient cases Dr. Rhee has handled over two decades on two distinct battle fronts: In Iraq and Afghanistan, where he served as a frontline US Navy surgeon trying to save young American soldiers, and the urban zones of Los Angeles and Washington, DC, where he has been confronted by an endless stream of bloody victims of civilian violence and accidents. Tough and outspoken, Dr. Rhee isn't afraid to take on the politics of violence in America and a medical community that too often resists innovation. His story provides an inside look into a fascinating medical world, a place where lives are saved every day.