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Visualized Medicine: Emerging Techniques and Developing Frontiers (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1199)

by Zhe Liu

This book summarizes the recent advancements for visualized medicine in terms of fundamental principles, rapidly emerging techniques and developing frontiers. Especially with the combination of artificial intelligence (AI), medical imaging agents and medical robots, smart medical technologies have been innovated and applied to the clinical uses to serve the fatal human diseases diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and data analysis. This philosophy comprehensively revolutionizes the treatment strategy of human healthcare, and will enable precision medicine and precision surgery further intuitively detectable, smartly analyzable and accurately operational. This book will discuss and conclude: 1) state-of-the-art definition of visualized medicine; 2) advanced techniques and clinical applications of visualized medicine in the past decade; 3) novel frontiers and brand-new technologies, e.g. artificial intelligence (AI), surgical robots, etc. 4) revolutionary impacts on disease diagnosis, treatments and prognosis; 5) future challenges and perspectives.

Visualizing Immunity

by Dorian Mcgavern Michael Dustin

The immune system is not bound by a single tissue but is instead bestowed with the challenge of warding off invading pathogens throughout the body. Constant surveillance of the body requires that the immune system be highly mobile and able to purge pathogens from all tissues. Because each tissue presents its own unique architecture and milieu, it is necessary for the immune system to be as malleable as it is dynamic. For example, how the immune system handles a pathogen in the lung can differ significantly from a pathogen encountered in the gut. Understanding immune complexity in diverse tissue environments is a challenge for researchers. However, advances in imaging have greatly improved our ability to probe the immune system. From snap-shots in time to 4D movies, imaging systems have been used to generate stunning visualizations of immune cells in action throughout the body. These visualizations are not only aesthetically pleasing but they have yielded great advances in our understanding of immune function. This volume provides a synopsis of major insights in immunology revealed using imaging approaches. "Seeing is truly believing", and this volume was assembled to recognize past accomplishments and to provide visions of what the future holds in store in this exciting field.

Visualizing the Body in Art, Anatomy, and Medicine since 1800: Models and Modeling (Science and the Arts since 1750)

by Andrew Graciano

This book expands the art historical perspective on art’s connection to anatomy and medicine, bringing together in one text several case studies from various methodological perspectives. The contributors focus on the common visual and bodily nature of (figural) art, anatomy, and medicine around the central concept of modeling (posing, exemplifying and fabricating). Topics covered include the role of anatomical study in artistic training, the importance of art and visual literacy in anatomical/medical training and in the dissemination (via models) of medical knowledge/information, and artistic representations of the medical body in the contexts of public health and propaganda.

Visuelle Wahrnehmung: Grundlagen, Clinical Reasoning und Intervention im Kindes- und Jugendalter (essentials)

by Andreas Leschnik

In diesem essential werden die Grundlagen des physiologischen/neuronalen Sehens und die Wahrnehmungsverarbeitung erklärt. Außerdem gibt es einen kurzen Überblick über die kindliche Entwicklung des visuellen Systems. Weiterhin zeigt dieses essential auf, welche Formen von visuellen Wahrnehmungsstörungen es gibt. Im weiteren Verlauf wird das hypothetisch-deduktive Clinical Reasoning zum Erstellen einer therapeutischen Diagnose bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit visuellen Wahrnehmungsstörungen eingesetzt. Abschließend bietet dieses essential Interventionsmöglichkeiten für Kinder und Jugendliche mit visuellen Wahrnehmungsstörungen.

Viszeralchirurgie Fragen und Antworten: 1250 Fakten für die Facharztprüfung Viszeralchirurgie und Allgemeinchirurgie

by Michael Heise Katharina Schulte

Bereit für die Facharztprüfung und den chirurgischen Alltag?Wie ist das Behandlungsschema beim Rektumkarzinom?Welche chirurgischen Therapieoptionen bestehen beim Gallenblasenkarzinom?Wie werden postoperative Komplikationen erkannt und behandelt? Mehr als 1250 Fakten aus den aktuellsten Leitlinien und Empfehlungen, nach Themenkomplexen geordnet zusammengefasst in über 250 Multiple-Choice-Fragen. Alle Antworten sind kurz, prägnant und nach aktuellsten Leitlinien kommentiert. Neu in der 2. Auflage sind Kapitel zur perioperativen Medizin, chronisch-entzündlichen Darmkrankheiten, onkologischen Chirurgie, palliativen Medizin und zum Komplikationsmanagement. Alle Fragen können zusätzlich mit der Springer Nature Flashcards App aufgerufen werden, welche auch die systematische Wiederholung und die Auswertung des eigenen Wissensstands ermöglicht.

Viszeralchirurgische Fälle für die Facharztprüfung: 38 Fallgeschichten mit Fragen und Fakten

by Benjamin Bock Carsten J. Krones

38 Kapitel bieten Alltagssituationen aus allen Bereichen des Fachgebietes als lebendige Beschreibungen: die Ärztinnen und Ärzte einer fiktiven viszeralchirurgischen Abteilung, die Patienten untersuchen, Diagnosen stellen und die richtige Therapie mit ihren Kollegen diskutieren, sind individuelle Menschen mit eigenen Ansichten, Plänen und Reaktionsweisen. Aber auch die Sorgen und Fragen der Patienten kommen nicht zu kurz. Die Fallgeschichten bieten den Rahmen für harte Fakten: präzise und kompakte Wissensportionen informieren zu Fragen, wie sie der Oberarzt während der Operation oder der Prüfer bei der Facharztprüfung stellen könnte; im Kontext der Geschichten prägen sie sich ins Gedächtnis ein. Tauchen Sie ein in die Atmosphäre und das konzentrierte Fachwissen einer chirurgischen Abteilung!

Viszeralchirurgische Operationen und technische Varianten: Ösophagus - Leber - Pankreas - Endokrine Chirurgie - Metabolische Chirurgie

by Michael Korenkov Christoph-Thomas Germer Hauke Lang

Zu wichtigen Operationsverfahren werden bewährte technische Varianten von internationalen Experten Schritt für Schritt in Wort und Bild dargestellt. Ihre Kenntnis ermöglicht bei unerwarteten intraoperativen Situationen oder Komplikationen den Rückgriff auf ein breites Spektrum von Techniken. Sowohl konventionelle als auch minimalinvasive Eingriffe sind berücksichtigt. Das Buch umfasst Operationen aus der Ösophagus-, Leber- und Pankreaschirurgie, der endokrinen und der bariatrischen und metabolischen Chirurgie. Nach dem gleichen Konzept und mit den gleichen Herausgebern ist der Band "Gastrointestinale Operationen und technische Varianten" mit Operationsvarianten an Magen, Gallenorganen, Dünndarm, Kolon und Rektum erschienen. Zu ausgewählten Operationen sind Videos verfügbar, die mit der kostenlosen SN MoreMedia App durch Scannen der Abbildungen im Buch aufgerufen werden können.

Vital Conversations: Improving Communication Between Doctors and Patients

by Dennis Rosen

The health-care system in the United States is by far the most expensive in the world, yet its outcomes are decidedly mediocre in comparison with those of other countries. Poor communication between doctors and patients, Dennis Rosen argues, is at the heart of this disparity, a pervasive problem that damages the well-being of the patient and the integrity of the health-care system and society. Drawing upon research in biomedicine, sociology, and anthropology and integrating personal stories from his medical practice in three different countries (and as a patient), Rosen shows how important good communication between physicians and patients is to high-quality—and less-expensive—care. Without it, treatment adherence and preventive services decline, and the rates of medical complications, hospital readmissions, and unnecessary testing and procedures rise. Rosen illustrates the consequences of these problems from both the caregiver and patient perspectives and explores the socioeconomic and cultural factors that cause important information to be literally lost in translation. He concludes with a prescriptive chapter aimed at building the cultural competencies and communication skills necessary for higher-quality, less-expensive care, making it more satisfying for all involved.

Vital Conversations: Improving Communication Between Doctors and Patients

by Dennis Rosen

&“Engaging . . . provides patients tools they can use to improve dialogue with their doctors and, ultimately, improve their ultimate medical outcomes.&”—The Times of Israel The health-care system in the United States is by far the most expensive in the world, yet its outcomes are decidedly mediocre in comparison with those of other countries. Poor communication between doctors and patients, Dennis Rosen argues, is at the heart of this disparity, a pervasive problem that damages the well-being of the patient and the integrity of the health-care system and society. Drawing upon research in biomedicine, sociology, and anthropology and integrating personal stories from his medical practice in three different countries (and as a patient), Rosen shows how important good communication between physicians and patients is to high-quality—and less-expensive—care. Without it, treatment adherence and preventive services decline, and the rates of medical complications, hospital readmissions, and unnecessary testing and procedures rise. Rosen illustrates the consequences of these problems from both the caregiver and patient perspectives and explores the socioeconomic and cultural factors that cause important information to be literally lost in translation. He concludes with a prescriptive chapter aimed at building the cultural competencies and communication skills necessary for higher-quality, less-expensive care, making it more satisfying for all involved. &“An excellent source of ideas on how to enhance treatment.&”—Joseph Shrand, Instructor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School &“[Dr. Rosen] delivers much of his advice through anecdotes that take readers on a journey through a career filled with both positive and negative instances of doctor-patient communication.&”—Health Affairs

Vital Man: Natural Health Care for Men at Midlife

by Stephen Harrod Buhner

Vital Man is the first book to provide a comprehensive overview of natural health care for men entering middle age. Through meticulous research and his own experience as an herbalist and psychotherapist, Stephen Buhner offers practical knowledge to help men navigate the forty-five most common disorders that occur at age forty and above. He presents irrefutable evidence that many of the primary medical conditions from which men suffer can be attributed to abnormal changes in hormone levels caused by environmental pollutants. These pervasive chemicals enter men's bodies and disrupt the natural progression into midlife. They can wreak havoc on a man's health, causing erectile dysfunction, lowered sperm count, prostate disorders, cancer, heart disease, and many other problems. Vital Man offers hundreds of herbal remedies and healing foods to boost natural testosterone levels and to prevent or reverse disease. Sensitive and provocative, it will assure the successful transition into a vital, healthy middle age for men.

Vital Organs

by Suzie Edge

The remarkable stories of the world's most famous body parts.Louis XIV's rear end inspired the British National Anthem. Queen Victoria's armpit led the development of antiseptics.Robert Jenkin's ear started a war.All too often, historical figures feel distant and abstract; more myth and legend than real flesh and blood. These stories of bodies and its parts remind us that history's most-loved, and most-hated, were real breathing creatures who inhabited organs and limbs just like us - until they're cut off that is.Medical historian Dr Suzie Edge investigates over 40 cases of how we've used, abused, dug up, displayed, experimented on, and worshipped body parts, including why Percy Shelley's heart refused to burn; how Yao Niang's toes started a 1000 year long ritual; why a giant's bones are making us rethink medical ethics; and the strange case of Hitler's right testicle.

Vital Organs

by Suzie Edge

The remarkable stories of the world's most famous body parts.Louis XIV's rear end inspired the British National Anthem. Queen Victoria's armpit led to the development of antiseptics.Robert Jenkin's ear started a war.All too often, historical figures feel distant and abstract; more myth and legend than real flesh and blood. These stories of bodies and its parts remind us that history's most-loved, and most-hated, were real breathing creatures who inhabited organs and limbs just like us - until they're cut off that is.Medical historian Dr Suzie Edge investigates over 40 cases of how we've used, abused, dug up, displayed, experimented on, and worshipped body parts, including why Percy Shelley's heart refused to burn; how Yao Niang's toes started a 1000 year long ritual; why a giant's bones are making us rethink medical ethics; and the strange case of Hitler's right testicle.

Vital Organs

by Suzie Edge

The remarkable stories of the world's most famous body parts.Louis XIV's rear end inspired the British National Anthem. Queen Victoria's armpit led to the development of antiseptics.Robert Jenkin's ear started a war.All too often, historical figures feel distant and abstract; more myth and legend than real flesh and blood. These stories of bodies and its parts remind us that history's most-loved, and most-hated, were real breathing creatures who inhabited organs and limbs just like us - until they're cut off that is.Medical historian Dr Suzie Edge investigates over 40 cases of how we've used, abused, dug up, displayed, experimented on, and worshipped body parts, including why Percy Shelley's heart refused to burn; how Yao Niang's toes started a 1000 year long ritual; why a giant's bones are making us rethink medical ethics; and the strange case of Hitler's right testicle.

The Vital Psoas Muscle: Connecting Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being

by Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones

Located deep within the anterior hip joint and lower spine, the psoas major (usually just referred to as the psoas) is critical for optimal postural alignment, movement, and overall well being. The psoas is the only muscle in the human organism that connects the upper body to the lower body, and its importance extends to the nerve complex and energy systems. As modern-day populations grow more sedentary, psoas-related lower back and hip pain, and the ailment of "sitting too much," are on the rise. Even the most active of athletes can suffer from psoas imbalance and pain. The Vital Psoas Muscle demonstrates how to keep the muscle in balance through specific exercises designed to strengthen and utilize this amazing muscle, and discusses its vital role in the emotional and spiritual state of the human being. The interconnection between the psoas and the root chakra is explored, along with yoga poses and postures that stimulate the psoas. Eighty full-color illustrations depict anatomical details, and show the key stretching and strengthening exercises in this practical and comprehensive treatment of the most important skeletal muscle in the human body.

Vital Pulp Treatment

by Henry F. Duncan Ikhlas A. El-Karim

Vital Pulp Treatment A comprehensive reference work covering all aspects of vital pulp treatments in clinical practice Vital Pulp Treatment offers a comprehensive overview of existing and developing vital pulp therapies, the science that underpins them as well as their clinical applications. Preserving dental pulp tissue is critical to oral health and vital pulp treatments are designed to maintain, repair, and regenerate this tissue. With a focus on clinical practice, this book begins with the diagnosis and causes of pulpitis before elaborating on the application of vital pulp treatment after trauma, caries, or dental procedures. Later chapters cover a variety of extent treatment modalities including caries removal, pulpotomy, direct or indirect pulp capping and regenerative endodontic therapies. Vital Pulp Treatment readers will also find: Clinical photographs to support and highlight key parts of the text Detailed discussion of topics including pulp diagnostics, deep caries, and pulp exposure management, as well as controversial and clinically relevant discussions Dedicated treatment of each therapeutic modality with a summary of the state of the art in each caseOutcome measures and follow-up guidelines Rooted in evidence-based dentistry and robust scientific research, Vital Pulp Treatment is ideal for dentists, endodontists, restorative dentists, and dental students looking for information on this critical component of modern minimally-invasive dentistry.

The Vital Shoulder Complex: An Illustrated Guide to Assessment, Treatment, and Rehabilitation

by John Gibbons

A comprehensive guide to understanding the complexities of the shoulder and treating shoulder injury and painThe area of the body we commonly refer to as "the shoulder" is in fact a complex of interconnected systems--bones, tendons, muscle, and joints that together work to move our arms, hands, and fingers. Because the shoulder must trade stability for mobility, it is also one of the weakest joints of the body, which explains why it is one of the most common areas of physical pain; injury located in the shoulder can affect areas throughout the entire body. The Vital Shoulder Complex is designed for anyone interested in understanding, treating, and healing shoulder-related pain. Author and renowned bodyworker John Gibbons explains and illustrates the dynamics of the shoulder complex in ways that are accessible and enlightening. The theory and principles described in this book can assist physical therapists in formulating effective treatment protocols towards quick rehabilitation for their patients. These include: • Differential diagnosis of shoulder pathology • The relationship of the pelvis, the SI joint, and the gluteals to the shoulder complex • Pathologies of the shoulder and cervical spine • Special tests associated with the shoulder complex • Rehabilitation and exercise protocols for the shoulder complex <

Vital Signs

by Robin Cook

Pediatrician Melissa Blumenthal will try any scientific method available to conceive--until the horrible secrets of an urban clinic erupt in a nightmare of staggering proportions...

Vital Signs For Cancer: How to prevent, reverse and monitor the cancer process

by Xandria Williams

In VITAL SIGNS, Xandria Williams explains why current medical treatments for cancer are having so little effect. She draws on her research findings, scientific background and work as a nutritionist and naturopath specialising in cancer to help you to understand the cancer process and give expert advice on how you can detect and reverse the cancer process long before a tumour appears. She gives accessible and practical advice on how to avoid cancer and monitor good health, what to do if you are afraid you may have cancer or be at risk of developing cancer, and complementary and alternative (CAM) approaches to follow if you currently have cancer or have just been diagnosed. These can be used safely alongside medical treatment. She also advises on how you can remain cancer free if you are in remission and want to avoid a recurrence.

Vital Signs for Nurses

by Rachel Roberts Joyce Smith

Accurate clinical observations are the key to good patient care and fundamental to nursing practice. Vital Signs for Nurses will support anyone in care delivery to enhance their skills, reflect upon their own practice and assist in their continuing professional development. This practical introductory text explores how to make assessments of heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, pain and nutrition. It also looks at issues of infection control, record-keeping and legal and ethical considerations. With case studies and examples throughout, this text will be invaluable to all healthcare assistants, student nurses, Trainee Assistant Practitioners and students on foundation degrees.

Vitalism and Its Legacy in Twentieth Century Life Sciences and Philosophy (History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences #29)

by Charles T. Wolfe Christopher Donohue

This Open Access book combines philosophical and historical analysis of various forms of alternatives to mechanism and mechanistic explanation, focusing on the 19th century to the present. It addresses vitalism, organicism and responses to materialism and its relevance to current biological science. In doing so, it promotes dialogue and discussion about the historical and philosophical importance of vitalism and other non-mechanistic conceptions of life. It points towards the integration of genomic science into the broader history of biology. It details a broad engagement with a variety of nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first century vitalisms and conceptions of life. In addition, it discusses important threads in the history of concepts in the United States and Europe, including charting new reception histories in eastern and south-eastern Europe. While vitalism, organicism and similar epistemologies are often the concern of specialists in the history and philosophy of biology and of historians of ideas, the range of the contributions as well as the geographical and temporal scope of the volume allows for it to appeal to the historian of science and the historian of biology generally.

Vitalism and the Scientific Image in Post-Enlightenment Life Science, 1800-2010

by Sebastian Normandin Charles T. Wolfe

Vitalism is understood as impacting the history of the life sciences, medicine and philosophy, representing an epistemological challenge to the dominance of mechanism over the last 200 years, and partly revived with organicism in early theoretical biology. The contributions in this volume portray the history of vitalism from the end of the Enlightenment to the modern day, suggesting some reassessment of what it means both historically and conceptually. As such it includes a wide range of material, employing both historical and philosophical methodologies, and it is divided fairly evenly between 19th and 20th century historical treatments and more contemporary analysis. This volume presents a significant contribution to the current literature in the history and philosophy of science and the history of medicine.

Vitals (Nova Ser. #Vol. 163)

by Greg Bear

A harrowing thriller based on real-life discoveries in cell theory and the battle against aging and death by the bestselling author of Darwin's Radio and War Dogs Scientist Hal Cousins is on the brink of success in his quest to determine the biological underpinnings of immortality. Funded by angel investors, the brilliant researcher makes a trip by submersible to the bottom of the sea, searching for primitive one-celled organisms that may be related to the earliest life forms on Earth. But the trip turns into a nightmare when Cousins's pilot goes berserk and turns on him. The homicidal attack is only the first in a series of events that sends the biochemist on the run, pursued by faceless enemies who want his studies terminated and Cousins dead. Cousins must face the realization that his research has brought him into contact with a vast conspiracy. Across the country, scientists are being murdered to cover up the fact that someone has discovered how to control minds through bacterial manipulation--and that the trigger bacteria now infects much of the world's population. Discredited and not knowing whom to trust, Cousins must gamble everything with Earth's very survival at stake. Award-winning author Greg Bear creates a tense, stunningly plausible thriller all too firmly rooted in scientific fact.

Vitamania: Our Obsessive Quest For Nutritional Perfection

by Catherine Price

"A hidden, many-faceted, and urgent story." --Booklist, *STARRED*Most of us know nothing about vitamins. What's more, what we think we know is harming both our personal nutrition and our national health. By focusing on vitamins at the expense of everything else, we've become blind to the bigger picture: despite our belief that vitamins are an absolute good--and the more of them, the better--vitamins are actually small and surprisingly mysterious pieces of a much larger nutritional puzzle. In Vitamania, award-winning journalist Catherine Price offers a lucid and lively journey through our cherished yet misguided beliefs about vitamins, and reveals a straightforward, blessedly anxiety-free path to enjoyable eating and good health.When vitamins were discovered a mere century ago, they changed the destiny of the human species by preventing and curing many terrifying diseases. Yet it wasn't long before vitamins spread from labs of scientists into the realm of food marketers and began to take on a life of their own. By the end of the Second World War, vitamins were available in forms never before seen in nature--vitamin gum, vitamin doughnuts, even vitamin beer--and their success showed food manufacturers that adding synthetic vitamins to otherwise nutritionally empty products could convince consumers that they were healthy. The era of "vitamania," as one 1940s journalist called it, had begun.Though we've gained much from our embrace of vitamins, what we've lost is a crucial sense of perspective. Vitamins may be essential to our lives, but they are not the only important substances in food. By buying into a century of hype and advertising, we have accepted the false idea that particular dietary chemicals can be used as shortcuts to health--whether they be antioxidants or omega-3s or, yes, vitamins. And it's our vitamin-inspired desire for effortless shortcuts that created today's dietary supplement industry, a veritable Wild West of overpromising "miracle" substances that can be legally sold without any proof that they are effective or safe.For the countless individuals seeking to maximize their health and who consider vitamins to be the keys to well-being, Price's Vitamania will be a game-changing look into the roots of America's ongoing nutritional confusion. Her travels to vitamin manufacturers and food laboratories and military testing kitchens--along with her deep dive into the history of nutritional science-- provide a witty and dynamic narrative arc that binds Vitamania together. The result is a page-turning exploration of the history, science, hype, and future of nutrition. And her ultimate message is both inspiring and straightforward: given all that we don't know about vitamins and nutrition, the best way to decide what to eat is to stop obsessing and simply embrace this uncertainty head-on.By exposing our extraordinary psychological rela¬tionship with vitamins and challenging us to question our beliefs, Vitamania won't just change the way we think about vitamins. It will change the way we think about food.From the Hardcover edition.

Vitamin B-6 Metabolism in Pregnancy, Lactation, and Infancy

by Daniel J. Raiten

This book provides a comprehensive review of our knowledge of vitamin B-6 requirements and metabolism throughout pregnancy and lactation. It concentrates on two primary points: adequacy of available methodologies and a presentation of the extant knowledge on vitamin B-6 metabolism and requirements in pregnancy, infancy, lactation, and in women of childbearing age. Many of the chapters offer new perspectives on how decisions have been and are being made with regard to the establishment of dietary recommendations about vitamin B-6 and the adequacy of research to support these decisions.

Vitamin B12: Advances and Insights

by Rima Obeid

Cobalamin (vitamin B12) was discovered in the first half of the 20th century. Vast amount of information on the role of the vitamins in human health and disease became available. Cobalamin science was, however, based on theoretical concepts that have been accepted without further proof of facts and hypotheses. Recently, the breath-taking pace of development in research technologies has changed our understanding for the role of nutrients and the complex interaction between diet, environment and diseases. Conditions like aging, diet and drugs increase the risk of developing cobalamin deficiency, probably because of diminished ability to liberate, absorb or distribute the food-derived vitamin. From a basic science point of view, understanding of the transport and function of the vitamin, may pave the road for using this system for drug delivery. This book represents up-to-date literature on the discoveries and developments in the field of cobalamin. It includes multifaceted aspects of the vitamin in health and disease conditions. The book has been written by leading scientists who have significant contributions in this field and represents therefore, a timely unique encyclopaedia on cobalamin.

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