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Voorlichting en advies in de tandartspraktijk (Basiswerk AG)

by Nienke van Os Rianne Schotsman

Dit studieboek biedt een theoretische basis voor het geven van voorlichting en advies door de tandartsassistent. De auteurs gaan in op het proces van gedragsverandering aan de hand van het zogeheten Model van Balm. Dit model is leidend in dit boek en uitermate geschikt om te gebruiken tijdens het geven van voorlichting, instructie en advies in de tandartspraktijk om gedragsverandering teweeg te brengen. Het geven van voorlichting en advies wordt voor de tandartsassistent steeds belangrijker. Voorlichten lijkt op papier vrij simpel, in de praktijk is het nog niet zo eenvoudig. Iedere patiënt is anders en ieder probleem is anders. Met behulp van Voorlichting en advies in de tandartspraktijk kan de tandartsassistent uitleg en advies geven over bijvoorbeeld het voorkomen van tandheelkundige problemen, het bevorderen van mondgezondheid, mondzorgproducten, tandheelkundige voorzieningen en tandheelkundige behandelingen. Met behulp van casuïstiek worden situaties verduidelijkt. Rianne Schotsman en Nienke van Os zijn beiden mondhygiënist en docent. Zij hebben jarenlang samengewerkt aan de opleiding voor tandartsassistenten in Utrecht. Momenteel is Rianne Schotsman verbonden aan ROC Nijmegen als onderwijsadviseur Leven Lang Ontwikkelen (LLO). Nienke van Os is werkzaam als zelfstandig learning specialist en ontwerpt en ontwikkelt educatieve content en e-learnings voor onderwijsinstellingen en bedrijven.

Vordere Kreuzbandplastik (Operationstechniken Orthopädie Unfallchirurgie)

by Björn Rath Jörg Eschweiler Markus Tingart

Das Buch beschreibt den Ersatz des vorderen Kreuzbandes mit einer Semitendinosussehne (4-fach) in der „all inside“ Technik. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Praxis: die Operation wird Schritt für Schritt beschrieben und zahlreiche brillante Grafiken und Fotos visualisieren die Operation. Darüber hinaus demonstriert ein 10-minütiges Video den Operationsverlauf. So ist die Umsetzung der Theorie in die Praxis auf kurzem Weg möglich.


by Desiderius Sabo

Indikationen und Techniken der Vorfußchirurgie haben sich in den letzten Jahren stark weiterentwickelt - nicht zuletzt aufgrund neuer Implantate. Die Autoren beschreiben die Operationstechniken für die wichtigsten Eingriffe, erläutern Indikationsstellung und Nachbehandlung. Die Operationstechniken sind mit Zeichnungen und Fotos illustriert. Für die 2. Auflage wurde die Darstellung bewährter Verfahren aktualisiert, ergänzt wurden Beiträge zu Revisions-Arthrodese, angiologischem Quick-Check vor elektiver Fußchirurgie, Podologie und Abrechnung.

Vorm en beweging: Leerboek Van Het Bewegingsapparaat Van De Mens

by A.H.M. Lohman A. Zuidgeest

Vorm en beweging is het leerboek over het bewegingsapparaat voor medische en paramedische studenten. Dit fraaie boek valt op door zijn helder geschreven tekst en de grote hoeveelheid anatomische tekeningen. Niet voor niets wordt Vorm en beweging al ruim veertig jaar door vele opleidingen gebruikt als het studieboek op het gebied van de functionele anatomie van het bewegingsapparaat. Bij de uitgave Vorm en beweging hoort ook een website die exclusief toegang geeft tot ondersteunend foto en videomateriaal, diagnostische toetsen en een e-module. In deze dertiende druk zijn nieuwe illustraties toegevoegd . Daarnaast is deze druk uitgebreid met het onderdeel embryologie. Hiermee is het boek up-to-date en past ook deze druk uitstekend in het huidige onderwijssysteem van medische en paramedische opleidingen. Drs A. Zuidgeest heeft bewegingswetenschappen gestudeerd aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en werkte als docent Anatomie en Kinesiologie aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam en de Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie Thim van der Laan.

Vorm en beweging: Leerboek van het bewegingsapparaat van de mens

by A. Zuidgeest A.H.M. Lohman

Vorm en beweging is hét leerboek over het bewegingsapparaat voor medische en paramedische studenten. Dit fraaie boek valt op door zijn helder geschreven tekst en de grote hoeveelheid anatomische tekeningen. Niet voor niets wordt Vorm en beweging al bijna vijftig jaar door vele opleidingen gebruikt als hét studieboek op het gebied van de functionele anatomie van het menselijk bewegingsapparaat.Voor dit boek is een website ontwikkeld die exclusief toegang geeft tot de complete tekst, ondersteunende video’s, fotomateriaal en diagnostische toetsen.In deze veertiende druk zijn 7 illustraties toegevoegd of gewijzigd. Daarnaast zijn teksten inhoudelijk aangepast. Aan het hoofdstuk “Stand en beweging” is bij de paragrafen “Analyse van het gaan” en “Analyse van het hardlopen” het onderwerp “de plantaire druk” toegevoegd.Drs .A. Zuidgeest heeft bewegingswetenschappen gestudeerd aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en werkte als docent Anatomie en Kinesiologie aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam en de Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie Thim van der Laan.

Vorsicht Heilpraktiker: Eine kritische Analyse

by Edzard Ernst

Seit 1939 gibt es in Deutschland Heilpraktiker. Heute sehen ihn immer mehr Konsumenten als eine echte Alternative zur konventionellen Medizin. Doch was steckt wirklich hinter diesem Beruf? Edzard Ernst geht dieser Frage auf den Grund. Er erläutert die Geschichte, Befugnisse, Methoden und Therapieansätze der Heilpraktiker. Sein Ziel ist es, dem Verbraucher durch klar verständliche, evidenzbasierte Analysen einen Zugang zur Thematik zu ermöglichen, Missverständnisse auszuräumen, und kritisches Denken zu fördern. Die Gefahren, die er dabei aufdeckt, stellen die dringliche Frage nach der Sinnhaftigkeit des Heilpraktiker-Berufs in den Raum. Der Faktencheck zum aktuellen Gesundheitsdisput.

Vortex Formation in the Cardiovascular System

by Arash Kheradvar Gianni Pedrizzetti

Vortex Formation in the Cardiovascular System will recapitulate the current knowledge about the vortex formation in the cardiovascular system, from mechanics to cardiology. This can facilitate the interaction between basic scientists and clinicians on the topic of the circulatory system. The book begins with a synopsis of the fundamentals aspects of fluid mechanics to give the reader the essential background to address the proceeding chapters. Then the fundamental elements of vortex dynamics will be discussed, explaining the conditions for their formation and the rules governing their dynamics. The main equations are accompanied by mathematical models. Cardiovascular vortex formation is first analyzed in physiological, healthy conditions in the heart chambers and in the large arterial vessels. The analysis is initially presented with an intuitive appeal grounded on the physical phenomena and a focus on its clinical significance.In the proceeding chapters, the knowledge gained from either clinical or basic science literature will be discussed. The corresponding mathematical elements will finally be presented to ensure the adequate diligence. The proceeding chapters ensue to the analysis of pathological conditions, when the reader may have developed the ability to recognize normal from abnormal vortex formation phenomenon. Pathological vortex formation represents vortices that develop at sites where normally laminar flow should exist, e.g. stenosis and aneurisms. This analysis naturally leads to the interaction of vortices due to the surgical procedures with respect to prediction of changes in vortex formation. The existing techniques, from medical imaging to numerical simulations, to explore vortex flows in the cardiovascular systems will also be described. The presentations are accompanied by the mathematical definitions can that be understandable for reader without the advanced mathematical background, while an interested reader with more advanced knowledge in mathematics can be referred to references for further quantitative analyses. The book pursues the objective to transfer the fundamental vortex formation phenomena with application to the cardiovascular system to the reader. This book will be a valuable support for physicians in the evaluation of vortex influence on diagnosis and therapeutic choices. At the same time, the book will provide the rigorous information for research scientists, either from medicine and mechanics, working on the cardiovascular circulation incurring with the physics of vortex dynamics.

Voyeurism: A Case Study

by Simon Duff

This book is amongst the first of its kind in presenting a case study of voyeurism from a forensic psychology perspective and within the societal context. Simon Duff provides an in-depth description of the assessment, formulation, and treatment of a voyeur and offers a theoretical basis for the behaviour. The book begins by covering a variety of explanations and previous treatments for voyeurs, including learning theories and the aversive treatments that they give rise to. It then moves on to focus on one specific case study, a young man who has exhibited diversity in his voyeuristic offending, before examining relevant details of his experiences in order to develop a formulation of his thinking and behaviour. The formulation and resultant intervention are clearly and accessibly presented, followed by a discussion of how this case provides direction for further research, developments in our theoretical basis for understanding voyeurism, and directions for assessment and intervention.

Vrese van 'n jong moeder

by Dr Gilbert Adimora Adri De Necker

Die boek is geskryf vir jong ouers, veral die wat nog nie ervare is in die kuns van moederskap om te help om die angs te verlig wat die geboorte en die sorg van ‘n pasgebore baba volg totdat hulle een jaar oud is. Al lyk dit of die titel op moeders fokus, word vaders nie uitgesluit nie en met ook deur hierdie boek gaan omdat hulle ook betrokke is in die bekommernis en begeleidende slapelose nagte. Babas is veronderstel om ‘n gewensde geskenk van God te wees en ‘n bondel vreugte en geluk aan hulle ouers, maar dikwels is hierdie vreugde afgekap deur angs as gevolg van die tekort aan kennis, ‘ou vrou stories’,mites en kulturele gelowe wat dikwels nie baie akkuraat is nie, en stuur dan die jong ouers van plek tot plek in die soeke na oplossings. Snaaks genoeg, meeste bekommernisse is gewonlik ‘n normale proses wat moet gebeur soos wat die nuutgeborene aanpas by die lewe buite die baarmoeder. Party is klein probleempies wat opgelos kan word deur ‘n Pediater of ‘n goeie Huisdokter dikwels deur berading, en bring ‘n gewensde verligting en ‘n ontspanne omgewing in die huis. ‘n Reis na die verkeerde plek of die verkeerde raad van verkeerde mense, kan nie net permanent die kind beskadig nie , maar kan ook lei tot die ondergang van die pasgeborenne of baba met baie rou in die familie. Die feite in hierdie boek is saamgesit om hierdie jong ouers te help om die kennis te kry wat hulle nodig het om hulle pasgebore babas te kan hanteer, om angstigheid te verlig en om goeie gepasde maatreëls toe te pas wat sal help dat die babas ‘n gesonde begin geniet. Dit is ‘n resultaat van baie jare se oefening in kinder gesondheid in beide publieke en private hospital omgewings. Dit sal baie vrae antwoord wat deur jong moeders aan konsultasie pediaters,ander dokters,verpleegsters of ander gesondheids praktisyne gestel word, en soms kwaksalwers oor die sake wat hulle nie nodig het om oor bekommerd te wees nie of uitgesor

VRx: How Virtual Therapeutics Will Revolutionize Medicine

by Brennan Spiegel

A leading doctor unveils the groundbreaking potential of virtual medicine.Brennan Spiegel has spent years studying the medical power of the mind, and in VRx he reveals a revolutionary new kind of care: virtual medicine. It offers the possibility of treating illnesses without solely relying on intrusive surgeries or addictive opioids.Virtual medicine works by convincing your body that it's somewhere, or something, it isn't. It's affordable, widely available, and has already proved effective against everything from burn injuries to stroke to PTSD. Spiegel shows how a simple VR headset lets a patient with schizophrenia confront the demon in his head, how dementia patients regain function in a life-size virtual town, and how vivid simulations of patients' experiences are making doctors more empathic.VRx is a revelatory account of the connection between our bodies and ourselves. In an age of overmedication and depersonalized care, it offers no less than a new way to heal.

Vulnerabilities: Rethinking Medicine Rights and Humanities in Post-pandemic (Integrated Science #18)

by Stefania Achella Chantal Marazia

Drawing from a wide array of disciplinary perspectives and geographical contexts, this volume offers new insights for critically engaging with the problem of vulnerability. The essays here contained take the move from the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to explore the inherent vulnerability of individuals, but also of social, economic and political systems, and probe the descriptive and prescriptive import of the concept.Each chapter provides a self-contained perspective on vulnerability, as well as a specific methodological framework for questioning its meaning. Taken together, the chapters combine into a multi-disciplinary toolkit for approaching the various forms and structures of vulnerability, with a special attention to the intersectional factors shaping the individual experience of it: from gender to age, from disability to mental illness, from hospitalisation to incarceration. The book explores the theoretical richness and complexity of the concept and proposes new analytical approaches to it, before illustrating its multifariousness through empirically grounded case studies. The closing section engages with “the future of vulnerability”, as a hermeneutic, epistemological, and critical-normative perspective to be deployed beyond the domain of global crises and emergencies.The volume is primarily intended as a reference for scholars in the human, social and health sciences. The accessible structure and plain language of the chapters make it also a valuable didactic resource for graduate courses in philosophy, the social sciences and public health.

Vulnerabilities, Impacts and Responses to HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa

by Getnet Tadele Helmut Kloos

This book examines HIV/AIDS vulnerabilities, impacts and responses in the socioeconomic and cultural context of Sub-Saharan Africa. With contributions from social scientists and public health experts, the volume identifies gender inequality and poverty as the main causes of the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa.

The Vulnerability of the Human World: Well-being, Health, Technology and the Environment (Philosophy and Medicine #148)

by Elodie Boublil Susi Ferrarello

This book contains the most recent papers problematizing the notions of health, vulnerability, and well-being for individuals and their environment. Organized in 5 sections the book takes into consideration the critical and phenomenological history of well-being and health, their technological manipulation, how these notions connect with the body and the specific vulnerability of the human being, and what responsible direction we can take to improve people's relation to themselves, to other living beings and their environment. In order to address the issue of the vulnerability of the human world and how to respond to its specific challenges, the contributions in this book discuss the topic from a broad range of perspectives, including anthropological, psychological, sociological, philosophical, and environmental.

Vulnerability Revisited: Leaving No One Behind in Research (SpringerBriefs in Research and Innovation Governance)

by Doris Schroeder Roger Chennells Kate Chatfield Hazel Partington Joshua Kimani Gillian Thomson Joyce Adhiambo Odhiambo Leana Snyders Collin Louw

Open access. This open-access book discusses vulnerability and the protection-inclusion dilemma of including those who suffer from serious poverty, severe stigma, and structural violence in research. Co-written with representatives from indigenous peoples in South Africa and sex workers in Nairobi, the authors come down firmly on the side of inclusion. In the spirit of leaving no one behind in research, the team experimented with data collection methods that prioritize research participant needs over researcher needs. This involved foregoing the collection of personal data and community researchers being involved in all stages of the research. In the process, the term ‘vulnerability’ was illuminated across significant language barriers as it was defined by indigenous peoples and sex workers themselves. The book describes a potential alternative to exclusion from research that moves away from traditional research methods. By ensuring that the research is led by vulnerable groups for vulnerable groups, it offers an approach that fosters trust and collaboration with benefits for the community researchers, the wider community as well as research academics. Those living in low-income settings, in dire situations that are summarized with the term ‘vulnerability’ know best what their problems are and which priorities they have. To exclude them from research for their own protection is a patronizing approach which insinuates that researchers and research ethics committees know best. The team from this book have shown that minimally risky and minimally burdensome research tailored towards the needs of highly marginalized and stigmatized communities can be scientifically valuable as well as inclusive and equitable. I congratulate them. Prof. Klaus Leisinger, President Global Values Alliance, Former personal advisor to Kofi Annan on corporate responsibility

Vulnerability to Depression

by Rick Ingram Ruth Ann Atchley

Providing a cutting-edge examination of the mechanisms underlying depression, this volume integrates important areas of research that have largely remained separate. The authors explore both the cognitive and neurological processes that make some people more vulnerable than others to developing depression and experiencing recurrent episodes. They also probe how these processes interact-how negative life experiences, maladaptive belief systems, and patterns of thinking may actually affect neural circuitry, and vice versa. Explaining sophisticated theory and research in an accessible style, the book highlights the implications for improving clinical practices and patient outcomes.

Vulnerability to Psychopathology, Second Edition: Risk across the Lifespan

by Joseph Price Rick Ingram

This state-of-the-art work has been highly praised for bridging the divide between adult and developmental psychopathology. The volume illuminates the interplay of biological, cognitive, affective, and social-environmental factors that place individuals at risk for psychological disturbance throughout development. Childhood-onset and adult forms of major disorders are examined in paired chapters by prominent clinical researchers. An integrative third chapter on each disorder then summarizes what is known about continuity and change in vulnerability across the lifespan. Implications for assessment, treatment, and prevention are also considered.

Vulnerable: The Law, Policy and Ethics of COVID-19

by Katherine Fierlbeck Lorian Hardcastle Aimée Craft Deborah McGregor Jeffery Hewitt Michelle Giroux David Robitaille Amir Attaran Adam R. Houston Bryan Thomas Carissima Mathen Alexandra Flynn Mel Cappe Grégoire Webber Tim Caulfield Jeffrey Simpson Paul Daly Marie-France Fortin Jennifer A. Quaid Dr Kumanan Wilson Teresa Scassa Kelly Bronson Jason Millar Vardit Ravitsky Daniel Weinstock Terry Skolnik Martha Jackman Delphine Nakache Yves Le Bouthillier Martine Lagacé Linda Garcia Leilani Farha Kaitlin Schwan Adelina Iftene Jamie Chai Liew Y. Y. Chen Anne Levesque Dr Kwame McKenzie Jennifer A. Chandler Dr Mona Gupta Yasmin Khaliq Simon Hatcher Olivia Lee Tess Sheldon Ravi Malhotra Pat Armstrong Hugh Armstrong Ivy Bourgeault Katherine Lippel Louise Bélanger-Hardy Vanessa Gruben Sarah Berger Richardson Anis Chowdhury Jomo Kwame Sundaram Sam Halabi Chidi Oguamanam Steven J. Hoffman Patrick Fafard Céline Castets-Renard Eleonore Fournier-Tombs E. Richard Gold Jeremy De Beer Matthew Herder Jason W. Nickerson Jane Philpott

The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes the disease known as COVID-19, has infected people in 212 countries so far and on every continent except Antarctica. Vast changes to our home lives, social interactions, government functioning and relations between countries have swept the world in a few months and are difficult to hold in one’s mind at one time. That is why a collaborative effort such as this edited, multidisciplinary collection is needed. This book confronts the vulnerabilities and interconnectedness made visible by the pandemic and its consequences, along with the legal, ethical and policy responses. These include vulnerabilities for people who have been harmed or will be harmed by the virus directly and those harmed by measures taken to slow its relentless march; vulnerabilities exposed in our institutions, governance and legal structures; and vulnerabilities in other countries and at the global level where persistent injustices harm us all. Hopefully, COVID-19 will forces us to deeply reflect on how we govern and our policy priorities; to focus preparedness, precaution, and recovery to include all, not just some. Published in English with some chapters in French.

Vulnerable Children

by Deborah J. Johnson Robert K. Hitchcock Debrenna Lafa Agbényiga

They are laborers, soldiers, refugees, and orphans. In areas of the world torn by poverty, disease, and war, millions of children are invisible victims, deprived of home, family, and basic human rights. Their chances for a stable adult life are extremely slim. The powerful interdisciplinary volume Vulnerable Children brings a global child-rights perspective to the lives of indigenous, refugee, and minority children in and from crisis-prone regions. Focusing on self-determination, education, security, health, and related issues, an international panel of scholars examines the structural and political sources of children's vulnerabilities and their effects on development. The book analyzes intervention programs currently in place and identifies challenges that must be met at both the community and larger policy levels. These chapters also go a long way to explain the often-blurred line between vulnerability and resilience. Included in the coverage: Dilemmas of rights-based approaches to child well-being in an African cultural context.Poverty and minority children's education in the U.S.: case study of a Sudanese refugee family.The heterogeneity of young children's experiences in Kenya and Brazil.A world tour of interventions for children of a parent with a psychiatric illness.An exploration of fosterage of Owambo orphans in Namibia.UNICEF in Colombia: defending and nurturing childhood in media, public, and policy discourses. Vulnerable Children is a must-have volume for researchers, graduate students, and clinicians/professionals/practitioners across a range of fields, including child and school psychology, social work, maternal and child health, developmental psychology, anthropology, sociology, social policy, and public health.

Vulnerable Populations in the United States (Public Health/Vulnerable Populations #2)

by Leiyu Shi Gregory D. Stevens

An in-depth look at disparities in health and health care, fully updated for 2021 Vulnerable Populations in the United States, 3rd Edition provides a general framework for studying vulnerable populations and summarizes major health and health care disparities by race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and health insurance coverage. This updated contains the latest statistics and figures, incorporates new information related to Healthy People 2020, analyzes the latest data and trends in health and health care disparities, and provides a detailed synthesis of recent and increasingly expansive programs and initiatives to remedy these disparities. In addition, the Third Edition offers new coverage of health care reform, the "deaths of despair" (suicide, opioids, etc.), and the global primary care initiative. Based on the authors' teaching and research at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, this landmark text is an important resource for students, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers for learning about vulnerable populations. The book's Web site includes instructor's materials that may be downloaded. Gain a general understanding of health and health care disparities related to race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and health insurance coverage Access online resources including editable PowerPoint slides, video, and more Delve into the programs and initiatives designed to remedy inequalities in health and health care, including Healthy People 2020 updates Enjoy new coverage of health care reform, the "deaths of despair" (suicide, opioids, etc.), and the global primary care initiative End of chapter revision questions and other pedagogical features make this book a valuable learning tool for anyone studying at the advanced undergraduate or graduate levels. Additionally, it will prove useful in the field for medical professionals, social and community workers, and health educators in the public sphere.

Vulnerable Populations in the United States

by Leiyu Shi Gregory D. Stevens

Based on the authors' teaching and research at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, the second edition of this landmark text offers a general framework for students, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers for learning about vulnerable populations. It contains in-depth data and information on major health and health care disparities by race or ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and health insurance coverage. It is thoroughly updated to include the latest data and trends and provides a detailed synthesis of recent and increasingly expansive programs and initiatives to remedy these disparities. To keep current with recent trends it incorporates the latest Healthy People 2020 objectives, includes new sections on real-world clinical examples, and discusses the impact of health care reform on vulnerable populations. The book's Web site includes instructor's materials that may be downloaded.Praise for the First Edition of Vulnerable Populations in the United States"An excellent primer for undergraduates and graduate students interested in vulnerable populations and health disparities."--New England Journal of Medicine"Combines thoughtful, coherent theory with a large amount of information available in a single source. It will prove to be a valuable resource for policymakers, researchers, teachers, and students alike for years to come."--Journal of the American Medical Association"A very worthwhile read for health care administrators, health policy analysts, public health and health promotion practitioners, students of public health, and health researchers."--Inquiry"It makes clear that, for political, social, and economic (as well as moral) reasons, the country must increasingly make vulnerable populations a national health policy priority."--Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved"I have reviewed a number of books looking for meaningful content to help my students understand and work with vulnerable populations. This is the most comprehensive, yet understandable book on the topic."--Doody's Reviews"Provides much-needed guidance to policymakers challenged with providing solutions to this embarrassing issue in the United States."--F. Douglas Scutchfield, MD, Peter P. Bosomworth Professor of Health Services Research and Policy, University of KentuckyCompanion Web site:

The Vulture and the Phoenix: Neurosurgeon, Garven Wilsonhulme, the final great fight

by Carl Douglass

Arthur Koestler, the notable twentieth century playwright said, Nothing is more sad than the death of an illusion." Carl Douglass, neurosurgeon turned author, writes with gripping realism about the point in Garven Wilsonhulme, M.D., F.A.C.S's life when he turns the hopes and aspirations of his family, friends, colleagues, and opponents into illusions. In so doing, he realizes that he has become both The Vulture and The Phoenix in his own life. He scrambles to the heights of fame, prestige, riches, and cruelty. There, he meets a wall of opposition and begins the final great fight of his complicated life and career. What he does will surprise and amaze you. This is the finale of the successful Saga of a Neurosurgeon series."

The Vulva

by Gayle Fischer Jennifer Bradford

This practical handbook reviews the important, but complex, area of vulval disease and will help busy clinicians help their patients. The authors have a fresh and evidence-based approach to dealing with everything from common to rare vulval conditions. Their take on vulvodynia and dyspareunia represents an important breakthrough in the understanding of vulval pain. The first edition of this book appeared in 2010, at a time when there was very little published evidence on vulval disease. The entire text has been updated in line with modern practice. A reading list and references are included at the end of each chapter. There is further information on management, particularly in the field of long-term treatment of lichen sclerosus and on newly described conditions. The text is designed for gynaecologists and dermatologists but will also be readily understandable to primary care and family practice physicians, nurse practitioners and others working in women's health.

The Vulva: A Practical Handbook for Clinicians

by Gayle Fischer Jennifer Bradford

Conditions of the vulva are very common but often taboo, and can badly affect people's sex life, comfort and self-confidence. Despite this, clinicians receive little training in these conditions. This comprehensive yet handy third edition has been fully updated with research giving new insights into vulval diseases, vulvo-vaginal pain and vaginitis. Full-colour clinical photographs and illustrations demonstrate the clinical appearance of a wide spectrum of conditions. Chapters are organised by clinical presentation for ease of reference and information is presented practically, covering misconceptions and common patient questions. Co-written by a dermatologist and a gynaecologist - both specializing in vulval conditions - the handbook provides a unique visual and written guide to the diagnosis, treatment and management of both acute and chronic vulval presentations and explores the latest opinions on causation and classification of neoplasia in the vulva.

The Vulva: Physiology and Clinical Management, Second Edition

by Miranda A. Farage and Howard I. Maibach

A unique compilation of expertise on anatomy, physiology, clinical issues, and current research, this textbook analyzes the range of presentation with age, ethnicity, symptoms, disorders, diagnoses, and toxicity. The second edition of this essential resource for anyone taking care of female patients has been doubled in scope to include additional chapters. All physicians, whether dermatologists or gynaecologists, as well as those researching the scientific evidence and symptoms, will benefit from the experience of the expert contributors and editors gathered here.

The Vulva and Vaginal Manual

by Graeme Dennerstein James Scurry John Brennan David Allen Maria-Grazia Marin

This is a new book on the integrated management of vulvovaginal disease. The authors come from a variety of backgrounds - gynaecology, dermatology, pathology and psychology - and describe a multidisciplinary approach to these conditions. The book has the most complete classification of vulvovaginal disease published, based on the etiology of 275 conditions; coverage includes benign, malignant, and functional (including psychosexual) diseases. Each disease has a descriptive summary, pathological features, and treatment guidelines. The book is illustrated in full color throughout.

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