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by Ulrich Lemm Christine Von Reibnitz Katja BallsieperWer Patienten eine gute Nachversorgung bieten will, ist auf strukturierte Abläufe, gebündelte Informationsweitergabe und eine gute Zusammenarbeit mit in- wie externen Partnern angewiesen. Das Praxisbuch unterstützt Pflegeteams in Krankenhäusern und stationären Pflegeeinrichtungen dabei, alle ärztlichen, pflegerischen und therapeutischen Informationen besser miteinander zu verknüpfen. Tipps, Formulare und Checklisten helfen, Standards für die Informationsweitergabe und die Überleitung zu entwickeln und in die Arbeitsabläufe zu integrieren.
Übertriebene Verantwortlichkeit und psychische Störungen: Behandlungsleitfaden für Psychotherapie und Beratung (Psychotherapie: Praxis)
by Nils SpitzerDas Buch informiert darüber, wie eine individuell stark ausgeprägte Verantwortlichkeit psychisch belasten kann und mit welchen Interventionen Psychotherapeut:innen und Berater:innen das hypervalente Verantwortungsgefühl wieder ausgeglichener gestalten können. Es versucht die Rolle übertriebener Verantwortlichkeit bei psychischen Störungen deutlich zu machen, stellt wichtige therapeutische Ansatzpunkte vor und bietet konkrete Interventionen dafür. Das Thema Verantwortung hat seit einigen Jahren Konjunktur. Alle Bürger sollen immer mehr Verantwortung übernehmen – für das Klima, die eigene Altersabsicherung und vieles mehr. Die dunkle Kehrseite der Verantwortung wird dabei häufig außer Acht gelassen: Eine übertriebene Verantwortlichkeit kann auch krank machen. Zwangsstörung, soziale Phobie, Depression, generalisierte Angststörung, Hypochondrie, Psychose: Übertriebene Verantwortung ist dabei, als wichtiger transdiagnostischer Faktor wahrgenommen zu werden. Aus dem Inhalt: Mögliche Ursachen übertriebener Verantwortlichkeit – Gesellschaftlicher Hintergrund – Psychische Folgen – Therapieziele – Exploration – Interventionen. Über den Autor: Nils Spitzer ist Psychologischer Psychotherapeut (kognitive Verhaltenstherapie) in freier Praxis, Dozent psychotherapeutischer Ausbildungsinstitute, Autor von Büchern, zahlreichen Artikeln und Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift für Rational-Emotive & Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie (2010-2020). Neben Psychologie hat er Soziologie und Literaturwissenschaft studiert.
The Ubiquitin Proteasome System: Methods And Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #1844)
by Gary Kleiger Thibault Mayor“This volume explores numerous techniques used to study the ubiquitin proteasome system. The chapters in this book are organized into five parts and cover topics such as determining the mechanisms of action for E2s, E3s, and DUB enzymes; the latest advances to study the formation of poly-ubiquitin chains as well as their linkage types; the binding partners of proteins in the UPS; methods for structure determination by x-ray crystallography, cryo electron microscopy and SAXS; screening assays to select for degrons or modulators of E3s and DUBs; proteomics approaches in the ubiquitin field and methods to study 26S proteasome function. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Thorough and authoritative, The Ubiquitin Proteasome System: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource for both experienced and novice scientists who are interested in expanding their knowledge in this field.
The Ubiquitin System in Health and Disease
by Stefan Jentsch Bernhard HaendlerThe ubiquitin system plays an essential role in numerous cellular processes by controlling protein stability and function. A deregulation of this system has been reported in various pathologies including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and immune disorders. Most of the enzymes involved in adding or removing ubiquitin chains have been identified, but often their direct substrate and the type of ubiquitylation remains to be clarified. A better understanding of the mechanisms governing these processes is likely to allow the identification of novel targets for pharmacological intervention and pave the way for improved therapies. The latest developments in this rapidly moving field are presented in this book.
Übungen zu Public Health und Gesundheitsökonomie
by J.-Matthias Graf von der Schulenburg Jan Zeidler Anne PrenzlerDer Band enthält vielfältige Übungsaufgaben zur Epidemiologie, zur deskriptiven und induktiven Statistik sowie zur Gesundheitsökonomie. Dabei sind alle Aufgaben von ausführlichen Lösungen begleitet. Das Übungsbuch ist für alle Public-Health-Studiengänge und gesundheitsökonomischen Lehrveranstaltungen geeignet, ob an wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen oder medizinischen Fakultäten von Universitäten und Fachhochschulen.
Übungsbehandlungstechniken und -methoden in der Physiotherapie: Überblick über gängige Therapieansätze bei muskuloskelettalen Erkrankungen (essentials)
by Paul GeraedtsPaul Geraedts führt in diesem essential in die wichtigsten Übungsbehandlungsmethoden der Physiotherapie ein. Der Autor betrachtet den aktuellen Stellenwert der medizinischen Übungsbehandlung im gesamten Behandlungsspektrum der Physiotherapie und gibt einen Ausblick auf eine inhaltliche Weiterentwicklung der medizinischen Übungsbehandlung im Rahmen der derzeitigen Akademisierung der Physiotherapie. Alternative passive kurative Verfahren wie manuelle Techniken, alternative Medizin und die immer noch zunehmenden Wirbelsäulen- und Gelenkoperationen drohen immer mehr, die Bewegungstherapie zu verdrängen. Dennoch konnten sich in Deutschland viele Übungsbehandlungsmethoden etablieren, womit sowohl die wichtige Rolle von Bewegung bei der Behandlung als auch bei der Prävention von Rückenbeschwerden für alle Altersgruppen bestätigt wird.
Übungsbuch Chemie für Mediziner
by Jürgen SchatzDieses Übungsbuch liefert GK-orientierte Inhalte und ist die perfekte Vorbereitung auf das Physikum. Das Konzept hat sich in der Praxis bewährt.
Übungsbuch EEG bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Atlas mit 370 Beispielen
by Gerhard Kurlemann Hubertus KursaweDieser Übungsatlas für Neuropädiater und Neurologen beinhaltet eine didaktisch aufgearbeitete Sammlung von EEG-Beispielen mit wissenschaftlichen Definitionen und knappen Fallbeschreibungen. Das breite Spektrum an Kurvenmaterial reicht vom Neugeborenen bis zum jungen Erwachsenenalter und hilft dem EEG-Lernenden, eigene Befunde zu erheben und zu bewerten.
Übungsbuch Klinisches EEG
by Hubertus Kursawe Isolde Flemming St. Karol KubickiDieser Übungsatlas beinhaltet eine didaktisch aufgearbeitete Sammlung von EEG-Beispielen mit wissenschaftlichen Definitionen und knappen Fallbeschreibungen. Die Inhalte sind unverzichtbarer Bestandteil der Weiterbildungen für Neurologen, Psychiater und Funktionsassistenten im Bereich der klinischen Enzephalographie. Ein breites Spektrum an Kurvenmaterial und wissenschaftlichen Kriterien ermöglicht dem EEG-Lernenden, eigene Befunde zu erheben und zu bewerten. Kurven aus drei Laboren zeigen, dass jeder Interpret eine eigene EEG-Handschrift haben kann: Beispiele mit Provokationsmethoden, epilepsietypischer Aktivität sowie Herden bzw. regionalen Funktionsstörungen helfen die Flexibilität in der Auswertung zu schulen.
Übungsbuch Physik für Mediziner (Springer-Lehrbuch)
by Ulrich HartenFrage? Antwort!Sie kreuzen und kreuzen und kommen trotzdem auf keinen grünen Zweig? Dann hilft Ihnen das Übungsbuch Physik für Mediziner! In diesem Buch werden alle Themenbereiche der Vorlesung nochmal ganz knapp und verständlich zusammengefasst. Anschließend können Sie im Frage-Antwort-Teil überprüfen, ob Sie das Thema wirklich verstanden haben. Dabei wird jede Frage nochmal ausführlich beantwortet und zu den ganz kniffligen Themen gibt es Erklärvideos, die Sie sich mit der kostenlosen MoreMedia-App von SpringerNature anschauen können. Damit sind Sie rundum gut vorbereitet auf die Semesterprüfung und das Physikum.Der InhaltKurze, leicht verständliche WiederholungÜber 200 Fragen, Aufgaben und AntwortenÜber 20 Erklärvideos über die kostenlose MoreMedia-AppDer AutorProf. Dr. Ulrich Harten ist Professor für Physik an der Hochschule Mannheim und Autor mehrerer Lehrbücher.
UCL Hospitals Injectable Medicines Administration Guide: Pharmacy Department
by University College London Hospitals"I would definitely recommend this book to all staff with an interest and involvement in intravenous drug therapy." —The Pharmaceutical Journal "There is no doubt that nurses will find this small book useful. It should be available for consultation in any clinical area where drugs are administered to patients by the injectable routes." —Journal of Clinical Nursing The safe administration of injectable medicines is key to patient safety. The NPSA recognises the use of injectable medicines is a high risk activity and recommends written information about injectables to be available at the point of preparation. The UCL Hospitals Injectable Medicines Administration Guide is a practical, accessible guide covering many important aspects of administering medicines by injection. It provides clear, concise information on the preparation and administration of over 245 injectable medicines for adults, paediatrics and neonates. It is an essential resource for nurses and other healthcare professionals: it provides the key information and advice needed for the safe and effective administration of injectable medicines. The Guide’s introductory section provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of injectable therapy, including the risks and benefits of IV administration, infusion devices, and pharmaceutical aspects of injectable therapy. For each drug the alphabetically tabulated monographs provide: A practical method of preparation and administration via the IV, IM and SC routes, with risk reduction in mind at every step Expert advice from the team of specialist pharmacists at UCLH to ensure safe and pragmatic use of each medicine Monitoring advice for the management of reactions that may occur during administration Y-site and syringe driver compatibility data Minimum infusion volume data for fluid restricted patients Extravasation warnings, pH, sodium content, displacement values, stability and flush data New to this edition: 40 new monographs including recently marketed, unlicensed, rarely used and specialist medicines Detailed advice for the administration of high risk medicines such as heparin, with access to UCLH’s medicine related guidelines at www.wiley.com/go/UCLH A colour-coded NPSA risk assessment for every mode of administration for every medicine, to highlight the safest method of administration A user guide and tutorial to give new readers confidence in using and understanding the Guide Revised chapters on administration methods and devices, aseptic non-touch technique, and latex allergy Fully revised and expanded Y-site compatibility section Spiral binding to allow the book to be left open at the relevant page The Guide is also available electronically at www.uclhguide.com.
The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals (UFAW Animal Welfare)
by Huw Golledge Claire RichardsonThe UFAW Handbook on The Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals The latest edition of the seminal reference on the care and management of laboratory and research animals The newly revised ninth edition of The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals delivers an up-to-date and authoritative exploration on worldwide developments, current thinking, and best practices in the field of laboratory animal welfare science and technology. The gold standard in laboratory and captive animal care and management references, this latest edition continues the series’ tradition of excellence by including brand-new chapters on ethical review, the care of aged animals, and fresh guidance on the care of mole rats, corvids, zebrafish, and decapods. The book offers introductory chapters covering a variety of areas of laboratory animal use, as well as chapters on the management and care of over 30 different taxa of animals commonly utilised in scientific procedures and research around the world. It also provides: A thorough introduction to the design of animal experiments, laboratory animal genetics, and the phenotyping of genetically modified mice Comprehensive explorations of animal welfare assessment and the ethical review process Practical discussions of legislation and oversight of the conduct of research using animals from a global perspective In-depth examinations of the planning, design, and construction of efficient animal facilities, special housing arrangements, and nutrition, feeding, and animal welfare The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals Ninth Edition is essential for laboratory animal scientists, veterinarians, animal care staff, animal care regulatory authorities, legislators, and professionals working in animal welfare non-governmental organizations.
Uflacker's Atlas of Vascular Anatomy
by Marcelo GuimaraesOffering detailed, well-illustrated coverage of the vascular anatomy seen on all imaging modalities, Atlas of Vascular Anatomy: An Angiographic Approach, 3rd Edition, presents the complete anatomy of the arteries, veins, and lymphatic system by body region. Experts in the field, each trained by Dr. Andre Uflacker, provide thorough updates throughout the text, including new slides and anatomical variations. This edition reflects recent advances in technology as well as new understandings of anatomy, making it an invaluable resource for vascular interventional radiologists and fellows, as well as surgeons, cardiologists, residents, and medical students.
Ugly: The Australian bestseller
by Robert HogeThe unique and inspiring story of a boy born with the odds against him and the family whose love and support helped him overcome incredible hardships.Robert Hoge was born with a giant tumour on his forehead, severely distorted facial features and legs that were twisted and useless. His mother refused to look at her son, let alone bring him home. But home he went, to a life that, against the odds, was filled with joy, optimism and boyhood naughtiness.Home for the Hoges was a bayside suburb of Brisbane. Robert's parents, Mary and Vince, knew that his life would be difficult, but they were determined to give him a typical Australian childhood. So along with the regular, gruelling and often dangerous operations that made medical history and gradually improved Robert's life, there were bad haircuts, visits to the local pool, school camps and dreams of summer sports.Ugly is Robert's account of that life, from the time of his birth to the arrival of his own daughter. It is a story of how the love and support of his family helped him to overcome incredible hardships. It is also the story of an extraordinary person living an ordinary life, which is perhaps his greatest achievement of all.'There is much to be learned from this ugly man whose spirit is truly beautiful' - Saturday Age'This is an incredible life story that will no doubt attract much publicity and discussion about beauty, ugliness and how we value ourselves' - Australian Bookseller + Publisher'If Robert Hoge reckons he belongs to the Ugly Club, then "ugly" must mean humour and courage, love and decency' - William McInnes'[A] frank, wry and funny memoir...' - Sunday Age'This fabulous easy-to-read tale is a treasure for anyone who has ever given their looks a second thought. Ugly offers a bracing perspective on life, love and the real definition of beauty. - Good ReadingAuthor BiographyRobert Hoge has worked as a journalist, a speechwriter, a science communicator for the CSIRO and a political advisor to the former Queensland Premier and Deputy Premier. He has had numerous short stories, articles, interviews and other works published in Australia and overseas. He also enjoys photography, and is interested in disability advocacy and social engagement. While he never went far with his professional lawn bowls career, Robert did carry the Olympic torch in 2000. He is married and lives in Brisbane. He has an eleven-year-old daughter who thinks his Olympic torch would make a really great cricket bat.
UICC Manual of Clinical Oncology
by Martin Fey Raphael E. Pollock James Brierley Brian O'Sullivan Anil D'Cruz Jan Vermorken Shao Hui HuangThe ninth edition of the UICC's Manual of Clinical Oncology supports oncology practice across the globe by providing a concise, accessible and feasible reference to state of art multidisciplinary clinical oncology. Packed with bullet points, tables, and flow charts intended to facilitate quick reference for day-to-day clinical practice in busy oncology environments Demonstrates multidisciplinary care for site specific management Takes evidence-based approaches to management, including specific treatment recommendations and investigations guided by clinical practice guidelines Provides state of art evidence-based recommendations as well as taking into consideration the lack of availability of certain medications or resources, as well as practice variations, throughout the world Includes contemporary topics on cancer treatment, such as, cancer informatics, evidence levels, principles of prognostication, survivorship, and cancer in pregnancy
by A. StrijbosVaardigheden in inhoudelijke analyses: het geven van een pohet aanbrengen van een condoomkatheterhet geven van een (micro)klysmahet geven van een zetpilVaardigheden in studieopdrachten: observatie van uitscheidingsproductenlaboratoriumonderzoek van uitscheidingsproductenhanteren van hulpmiddelen bij uitscheidinghet in kaart brengen van het uitscheidingspatroonde manoeuvre van Credétraining van mictiegewoontenbijhouden van een mictiedagboekmanueel verwijderen van feceshet inbrengen van een rectumcanulehet verwisselen van een katheterza
Uitscheiding – vervolg
by A. StrijbosVaardigheden in inhoudelijke analyses: het inbrengen van een eenmalige katheter bij de man het inbrengen van een verblijfskatheter bij een vrouw het instilleren van de blaas met behulp van een gesloten systeem het instilleren van de blaas met behulp van een gesloten systeem het verwijderen van een verblijfskatheter het verzorgen en verwisselen van een suprapubische katheter het verzorgen van een stoma met een tweedelig systeemVaardigheden in studieopdrachten: het voorbereiden en instrueren van zelfkatheterisatie het verzorgen van een zorgvrager met een blaaskatheter blaasspoelen met een urotainer het herkennen van verpleegkundige diagnosen bij een zorgvrager met een stoma eerste opvang van een zorgvrager bij de confrontatie met een stoma het bespreken van voedingsadviezen met een zorgvrager met een stoma het geven van informatie over stomamaterialen het spoelen van de endeldarm het instrueren over irrigeren van de stoma het adviseren in het hanteren van een stoma
Ukrainian Healthcare Law in the Context of European and International Law (European Union and its Neighbours in a Globalized World #7)
by Roman Maydanyk André Den Exter Iryna IzarovaThis is an increasingly timely book, focusing on issues arising from the impact of COVID-19 on the health care law of the Central and East European countries. It deals with dualism and system of health care law, depicts legal personality in the field of health care, examines property rights and turnover of human tissues, considers moral rights in this field, intellectual ownership in the field of medicine and pharmacy, contracts on health care and contracts on rendering medical services, the legal relationships of transplantology, post-mortem reproduction and donorship, features of family personal property rights in the field of health care, problems of legal regulation of medical workers labour, investigates private legal relationships of surrogate motherhood with foreign element. Special attention is given to the alternative resolution of health care disputes and impact of pandemic on the effective health rights protection. The book is intended for wide auditoria of scholars and practitioners, who engaged in health care rights protection, as well as judges and practicing lawyers, graduate and undergraduate students.
ÚLCERAS GÁSTRICAS: Como curar úlceras gástricas con recetas naturales. Guía paso a paso.
by Laurie J. LoveUna guía completa de las úlceras: síntomas, causas, dietas, tratamientos herbarios y remedios caseros. Con este libro aprenderá: •Las diferentes técnicas de diagnóstico y tratamiento •Tratamientos convencionales •Los diferentes tratamientos herbarios •La relación entre los tratamientos herbarios y los convencionales. Explicaremos los diferentes efectos secundarios y propondremos medidas y sustitutos para evitarlos. •Las mejores dietas para pacientes con úlceras estomacales. •Recetas para pacientes con úlceras estomacales. Por favor háganos llegar su opinión tras leer el libro. Remedios caseros para las úlceras de estómago. Si no desea sufrir los efectos secundarios de los tratamientos convencionales debe probar alguno de los remedios naturales sencillos de preparar que se detallan en este libro. Son muy fáciles de seguir y muy efectivos. Un adelanto de lo que aprenderá: •Las causas subyacentes y los síntomas más comunes de las úlceras. •Remedios físicos que aliviarán sus síntomas. •Remedios herbarios populares para el sistema digestivo. •El papél que juegan los ácidos digestivos en el desarrollo de una úlcera. •Cambios en la dieta y en el estilo de vida para prevenir las úlceras. •Comidas que deberá evitar comer para tener una mejor salud
Ulcerative Colitis: The Complete Guide to Medical Management
by Gary R. LichtensteinUlcerative Colitis: The Complete Guide to Medical Management serves as the definitive source for medical management of ulcerative colitis (UC).Dr. Gary R. Lichtenstein, along with Dr. Ellen J. Scherl, have collaborated with over 60 experts from around the world to provide gastroenterologists and those in training with the necessary information to successfully manage the patient with ulcerative colitis. Sections Include:• Generalo The role of the FDA in drug development; pediatric considerations; disease modifiers; and more• Medicationso Antibiotic use in treatment of UC; oral novel biological therapies for UC; calcineurin inhibitors use in UC; novel biologic and non-biologic therapy for UC; and more• Specific Clinical Presentationso Medical management of toxic megacolon; management of extraintestinal manifestations; medical therapy of left-sided UC; use of prebiotics and probiotics; maintenance of remission; and moreFeatures:• Color images, graphs, and tables• Extensive index that includes cross-referencing to Crohn’s Disease: The Complete Guide to Medical Management• Comprehensive references at the end of each chapterOrganized into an easy-to-reference format, Ulcerative Colitis: The Complete Guide to Medical Management threads theory into practice and provides gastroenterology professionals with the most comprehensive information available. The other side of inflammatory bowel disease is covered in Drs. Gary R. Lichtenstein and Ellen J. Scherl’s Crohn’s Disease: The Complete Guide to Medical Management. All gastroenterologists will find both books to be essential for future practice in the treatment and care of their patients with either Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, as well as in the overall management of those with inflammatory bowel disease.
Ulcerative Colitis (Updates in Surgery)
by Gilberto PoggioliThis book reviews the latest advances in treating ulcerative colitis. Its structure is designed to reflect the natural presentation of the disease; accordingly, it starts with the symptoms and the clinical picture, before addressing the use of radiological and endoscopic studies that are performed to make a diagnosis, and the role of the pathological examination. The book also includes detailed information on the medical treatment of the disease, written by some of the most expert gastroenterologists in the field, while also paying considerable attention to the latest medical treatments and to expected future developments.The book describes various surgical techniques for ulcerative colitis in detail, providing readers with concrete guidelines on which is the most appropriate operation to perform in any given case. It also presents extensive information on the most important operation, the formation of the IPAA (ileal pouch-anal anastomosis), together with helpful tips and tricks. A closing chapter addresses the long-term complications that can occur after a pouch formation, and what to do for each case. As such, the book offers a unique and comprehensive guide for surgeons, gastroenterologists, researchers and students alike.
Ulcers of the Lower Extremity
by Ajay K Khanna Satyendra K TiwaryThis book focuses on the clinical evaluation and management of ulcers of the lower limbs. There are numerous causes for ulceration in the lower limbs and each variety requires careful clinical evaluation and management approach. In 29 chapters, written by highly experienced surgeons, the book covers prevalence, types, healing mechanisms, clinical evaluation and microbiology of the ulcers, followed by detailed review of each ulcer variety. Chapters on pyoderma gangrenosum, diabetic foot, grafts and flaps, amputation, pain control strategy and documentation of these cases provide a complete coverage from management stand-point. The book is essential reading not only for general surgeons and vascular surgeons, but also has relevance for orthopedic surgeons, podiatrists, dermatologists and oncologists who manage such cases. Also serves as reference guide for post-graduate examination.
Ullmann's Pharmaceuticals
by Axel Kleemann Bernhard KutscherBased on the WHO's Anatomical Therapeutical Chemical drug classification system, virtually all marketed therapeutics are covered here in 46 topical and systematic articles. Each carefully selected section contains a general introduction to the therapeutic class, current developments and challenges, followed by a systematic listing of all important products. For each therapeutic, up-to-date information on compound structure, mechanism, pharmacology, clinical use, time on market, and production methods is provided, complete with references to the scientific and patent literature. With all articles either rewritten or completely updated to include marketed drugs up to 2021, this unique reference provides reliable data on more than 2,000 products, making it an indispensable guide for every professional in the pharmaceutical and medical sector.
The Ulnar Nerve
by Giuliano Gentili Mario Di NapoliThis book systematically reviews sensory and motor nerve conduction studies on the ulnar nerve, from pilot human studies of peripheral nerve conduction in the 1950s through to the most recent scientific evidence. Precise descriptions are provided of approx. 70 nerve conduction techniques that were reproduced in the laboratory, with organization of the techniques according to practical criteria for ease of reference. Particular attention is devoted to those techniques that have shown higher sensitivity and specificity in diagnosis of compressive mononeuropathies, such as ulnar neuropathy at the elbow or wrist. Normal and pathological values derived from the original articles and the subsequent literature are presented, and the wealth of illustrative material facilitates comprehension and reproduction of each technique. The volume is completed by a detailed, well-illustrated glossary explaining the more commonly used terms in electrodiagnostic medicine. This book will appeal to novice and experienced neurologists, students, clinical neurophysiology technicians, and rehabilitation physicians. It represents a logical extension of the volumes on the median nerve recently published by Springer.
The Ultimate Enhancement of Morality (SpringerBriefs in Ethics)
by Vojin RakićThis book deals with good, evil, happiness and morally enhanced post-humans. It offers a succinct historical elaboration of philosophical stances towards morality and happiness, focusing on Kant's ideas in particular. Human augmented ethical maturity in a futuristic version of Kant’s Ethical Commonwealth implies, among else, voluntary moral bio-enhancement (VMBE); consequently, more happiness – as morality and happiness are in a circularly supportive relationship; ultimate morality (UM). UM is in its own way a universal morality. In line with the contention that Kant’s vision of the (not immediate but more distant) future of humanity is one of a cosmopolitan moral order in which humans act virtuously in the broadest possible community, that is, humanity, it is justified to conclude that successful VMBE is conducive to Kant’s vision. In this context the book is of great interest to a broad audience, such as those interested in VMBE and novel conceptions of morality, and those with an interest in the historical development of morality and happiness, in philosophy (specifically, ethics) and in post-humanity.