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Warped Factors: A Neurotic's Guide to the Universe

by Walter Koenig

"Beneath the tinsel of Hollywood," Oscar Levant once said, "is the real tinsel." Beneath that lies a cornucopia of absurd behavior and bizarre experiences that rival the most creative silver screen fiction. As a young transplant from New York in the 1950s and '60s Walter Koenig quickly came to know Hollywood as a place of energy and opportunity where life's uncertainties loomed large. Launching an acting career in this unpredictable cultural cauldron, he wound his way through various misadventures before finding he had attained a degree of success that surprised even him. This is Koenig's story--from growing up as the neurotic child of Russian immigrants in 1940s Manhattan through his rise to Star Trek fame as Pavel Chekov, Russian navigator of the U.S.S. Enterprise, and beyond. Not a typical Hollywood memoir, Warped Factors is anything but aloof. Koenig's very human narrative is full of the kind of insecurities and quirks anyone can relate to. With wry wit, striking candor, and a true gift for storytelling, Koenig takes us on a sometimes bumpy but often hilarious trip through his galaxy. Blind faith and a healthy sense of irony seem to sustain him as he relates a steady stream of anecdotes, including: *** * Pitching a story to an NBC producer who is in the midst of an out-of-body experience; * Having a loaded gun placed in his ear by a jealous manager; * Performing a controversial play that was interrupted by someone believed to be a member of the American Nazi party dressed in the uniform of a Chicken Delight delivery boy; * Getting fired from a CBS movie of the week for staring at the director; * Being mistaken for a bellhop during a public appearance in his Star Trek uniform; * Declining a Star Trek convention attendee's invitation to help sacrifice a chicken in her hotel room. Of course, this amusing memoir also takes us behind the scenes of Star Trek, with fresh perspectives not only on the cast members themselves but also on the development and evolution of the megalithic sci-fi legend. In fact, Koenig includes a number of the script ideas he himself pitched over the years, including a proposed outline for Star Trek VI (one that saw the deaths of several main crew members, including Kirk) and several for The Next Generation series. Also included are Koenig's notes to producer Harve Bennett on Star Trek IT. The Wrath of Khan, as well as his commentary on several other projects. Finally, Koenig offers candid reflections not only on the Star Trek years but on his life and career since. Most notable are his well-received stints on stage and his current role as the insidious Alfred Bester on television's Babylon S. Enjoying both critical and popular success, Koenig has once again confirmed his enduring position in science fiction's acting pantheon.

Warrior Marks

by Alice Walker Pratibha Parmar

How the film "Warrior Marks" was made, which is about female genital mutilation and the sexual blinding of women in Africa.

A Warrior of the People: How Susan La Flesche Overcame Racial and Gender Inequality to Become America's First Indian Doctor

by Joe Starita

"An important and riveting story of a 19th-century feminist and change agent. Starita successfully balances the many facts with vivid narrative passages that put the reader inside the very thoughts and emotions of La Flesche." —Chicago TribuneOn March 14, 1889, Susan La Flesche Picotte received her medical degree—becoming the first Native American doctor in U.S. history. She earned her degree thirty-one years before women could vote and thirty-five years before Indians could become citizens in their own country. By age twenty-six, this fragile but indomitable Native woman became the doctor to her tribe. Overnight, she acquired 1,244 patients scattered across 1,350 square miles of rolling countryside with few roads. Her patients often were desperately poor and desperately sick—tuberculosis, small pox, measles, influenza—families scattered miles apart, whose last hope was a young woman who spoke their language and knew their customs.This is the story of an Indian woman who effectively became the chief of an entrenched patriarchal tribe, the story of a woman who crashed through thick walls of ethnic, racial and gender prejudice, then spent the rest of her life using a unique bicultural identity to improve the lot of her people—physically, emotionally, politically, and spiritually. Joe Starita's A Warrior of the People is the moving biography of Susan La Flesche Picotte’s inspirational life and dedication to public health, and it will finally shine a light on her numerous accomplishments.

A Wartime Nurse

by Maggie Hope

As bombs begin to fall, her strength will be tested...A newly qualified nurse, Theda Wearmouth is delighted to gain a place at Newcastle Hospital. But the onset of war brings tragedy when her young soldier boyfriend is killed in action before he can make good on his promise to marry her.Broken-hearted, Theda finds herself re-assigned to a special unit of the hospital dealing with German prisoners of war. Her duty is clear. But will she be able to cope with nursing the very men her fiancé died fighting...?A gritty family saga from the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Miner’s Girl and An Orphan’s Secret

Warum Ethik in der Wissenschaft wichtig ist: Ein Überblick für Wissenschaftler, Ethiker und Politiker (essentials)

by Heiko Herwald

Unser heutiges Leben ist wie in keiner anderen Epoche in der Geschichte der Menschheit durch technische und wissenschaftliche Erneuerungen geprägt. Beides hat zwar in einigen Teilen der Welt zu verbesserten Lebensbedingungen geführt, aber der Fortschritt hat auch einen hohen Preis. Denn die Menschheit steht vor sehr großen Herausforderungen, wie es beispielsweise die Corona-Krise zeigt. Diese und andere Probleme werden in Zukunft kaum zu bewältigen sein, wenn nicht bald ein drastisches Umdenken stattfindet. Um eine Veränderung zugunsten einer verbesserten Zukunft herbeizuführen, wird die Wissenschaft einen wichtigen Beitrag leisten müssen. Neue wissenschaftliche Konzepte und Maßnahmen können aber nur verwirklicht werden, wenn sie Zielsetzungen für das Allgemeinwohl verfolgen. Um diese durchzusetzen, muss die Wissenschaft sich an ethische Prinzipien halten, weil nur sie garantieren, dass Forschung im Interesse des Gemeinwohls betrieben werden kann.

Warum Gespräche scheitern: Gelassen mit schwierigen Menschen umgehen

by Rainer Sachse

Dieser Ratgeber hilft Ihnen, wenn Sie im Alltag regelmäßig schwierigen Interaktionssituationen ausgesetzt sind. Beispiel: Interaktionspartner kritisieren, werten ab, reagieren ärgerlich aus scheinbar nichtigen Anlässen, geben Anweisungen, ohne dazu berechtigt zu sein, manipulieren usw. Solche Handlungen gehen meist von Personen aus, die sogenannte Persönlichkeitsstile oder Persönlichkeitsstörungen aufweisen. Sie empfinden das als stressig, unangenehm, belastend oder ärgerlich und es ist meist schwierig, konstruktiv damit umzugehen? Dann sind Sie in bester Gesellschaft. Das Buch soll verständlich machen, warum Personen solche Handlungen ausführen, was sie damit wollen und wie Sie konstruktiv damit umgehen können. Geeignet für Partnerschaft, Familie, bei der Arbeit mit Kollegen und Chefs oder auch bei Menschen, mit denen man nur wenig (aber schwierigen) Kontakt hat. Hilfreiche Strategien aus dem Inhalt: Gelassen bleiben, entspannt bleiben – nicht aggressiv reagieren – nicht mit gleicher Strategie aufwarten – nicht defensiv reagieren – souverän bleiben. Über den Autor: Prof. Dr. Rainer Sachse macht komplexe psychologische Sachverhalte allgemein verständlich und stellt sie humorvoll und einfühlsam dar. Das ist für Laien ebenso mit Gewinn lesbar wie für Fachkolleginnen und -kollegen.

Warum Impfungen für Mensch und Gesellschaft so wichtig sind: Ein Überblick für Wissenschaftler, Mediziner und Politiker (essentials)

by Heiko Herwald

In der Geschichte der Menschheit haben Seuchen und Plagen immer wieder eine Spur von Leid und Tod hinterlassen. Auch in der Zukunft werden wir nicht von Pandemien, die über uns hereinbrechen werden, verschont bleiben. Der Ausbruch von COVID-19 kann daher auch als der Beginn einer neuen Bedrohung, die von lebensgefährlichen Infektionskrankheiten ausgeht, angesehen werden. Ursache hierfür sind unter anderem die menschengemachte Zerstörung unseres Lebensraums, der damit verbundene Rückgang der Artenvielfalt und eine aggressive Agrarwirtschaft. Als dies hat jetzt schon zu einer Zunahme von zoonotischen Infektionskrankheiten und antibiotikaresistenten Erregern geführt. Um sich auf diese Gefahren vorzubereiten, muss die Weltgemeinschaft enger zusammenrücken und an gemeinsamen Lösungen arbeiten, bei denen nationale politische, wirtschaftliche, ethnische und religiöse Hürden überwunden werden müssen. Impfkampagnen werden hierzu einen wichtigen Beitrag leisten, da es zurzeit kaum andere Alternativen zur Bekämpfung von Pandemien gibt.

Was die Chirurgie fürs Leben lehrt: Erfolgsrezepte eines erfahrenen Operateurs

by Rüdiger Horstmann

Ärzte gelten als Halbgötter in Weiß und Chirurgen sind für viele so etwas wie die Elite der Ärzteschaft. Der Chirurg hat das Image eines Machers, er fasziniert, sein Alltag erscheint vielen unheimlich spannend und spektakulär. Schließlich verabreicht er keine Pillen, nein, er schneidet in die Haut – und das ist immer eine Grenzerfahrung.Dieses Buch ermöglicht einen Blick hinter die hermetisch verschlossenen Türen der OP-Säle. Was geht dort vor sich? Welche Fähigkeiten muss der Operateur besitzen? Wie fokussiert er sich und wie bekommt er seine Emotionen in den Griff? Fragen wie diese werden in den dreizehn Kapiteln des Buches beantwortet – und das nicht in Form theoretischer Abhandlungen oder fiktiver Geschichten, sondern anhand ganz konkreter Erfahrungen des Autors, die er in seiner über 40-jährigen beruflichen Laufbahn sammeln durfte.Und es zieht Parallelen zum Leben außerhalb der Krankenhäuser, da letztlich in jedem Unternehmen und für jeden Menschen dieselben Fähigkeiten und Eigenschaften wichtig sind: sich fokussieren und Ziele setzen, handeln und Druck von außen managen, innovativ sein und das Team einbinden. Mit den konkreten Handlungsanleitungen gelingt die Umsetzung ganz einfach im Beruf oder privaten Alltag.

Was kommt bei Demenz auf uns zu?: Ein Ratgeber für Angehörige und Betreuende

by Ina Riechert

Eine beginnende Demenz wird oft verdrängt. Die Frage ist immer wieder: Ist das schon dement oder doch nur tüdelig? Die Menschen wollen diese Krankheit nicht wahrhaben und doch nimmt sie ihren weiteren Verlauf. Es fehlt dabei oft die Zeit und die Muße sich umfassend über Hilfsmöglichkeiten und Erleichterungen zu informieren. Dieses Buch ist ein Leitfaden für Angehörige und Betreuende und will Mut machen für einen würdevollen Umgang mit den Betroffenen. Es werden Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, dieser Krankheit durch eine gezielte und begleitende Unterstützung im eigenen Zuhause oder einer Pflegeeinrichtung zu begegnen. Unterschiedliche Stationen werden anhand von Fallerzählungen anschaulich dargestellt und durch aktuelle medizinische und psychologische Informationen ergänzt. Praktische Tipps und Hilfsangebote für Angehörige und Betreuende runden diesen Leitfaden ab.

Was macht ein gelungenes Leben aus?: Weisheiten der Stoiker und moderne Forschung zu Glück und Emotionsregulation

by Sven Barnow

IIn diesem Buch geht es darum, die Annahmen der Stoiker mit der aktuellen Emotions- und Glücksforschung zu verbinden. Das stoische Versprechen, dass mit Übung und Praxis stoischen Denkens der Mensch auch schwere Stürme des Lebens gelassen überstehen und sogar daran wachsen kann, ist ermutigend. Aber ist es auch wahr? Leser und Leserinnen, die sich für den Stoizismus interessieren und sich gleichzeitig einen gut lesbaren Überblick über die aktuelle Glücks- und Emotionsforschung verschaffen wollen, sei dieses Buch ans Herz gelegt. Aus dem Inhalt: Stoische Lebensleitlinien: Prinzip 1: Lebe fokussiert, hüte dich vor Ablenkungen. Prinzip 2: Lebe einfach. Prinzip 3: Lerne die Emotionen zu beherrschen, um glücklich zu sein. Prinzip 4: Minimiere die egozentrischen Bedürfnisse des Egos. Prinzip 5: Hinterfrage dein Verlangen nach Anerkennung. Prinzip 6: Akzeptiere, was nicht deiner Kontrolle obliegt. Prinzip 7: Übe Dich in Dankbarkeit. Über den Autor: Prof. Dr. Sven Barnow leitet den Lehrstuhl für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie am Psychologischen Institut der Universität Heidelberg. Neben seinem wissenschaftlichen Engagement im Bereich der Emotionsforschung interessiert er sich für den Stoizismus, da diese Lebensphilosophie sich unter anderem mit der Frage auseinandersetzt hat: Wie Emotionen regulieren?

Wash Your Hands: Dirty Truth About Germs, Viruses and Epidemics . . . and the Simple Ways to Protect Yourself in a Dangerous World

by Frédéric Saldmann

Did you know that the brown spots on apples are carcinogenic? That gardening can lead to Legionnaire's disease? That a toothbrush can pass on the hepatitis virus, or that an improperly cared-for cavity can endanger your heart? These health risks--the very real results of diminished attention to personal hygiene, especially hand-washing--crop up in every part of daily life, from working and eating out to staying in and spending time around the house. Some threaten us not only on an individual level, but a global one as well. From allergies to the possibility of an avian flu pandemic, Dr. Frédéric Saldmann examines in detail the many dangers that may lie in wait and sets out simple measures for keeping them at a safe distance--his number one mandate being washing your hands as often and as thoroughly as possible.A nationally recognized expert in his native France, Dr. Saldmann introduces readers to new studies that show the incredible range of germs transmitted by our hands in the most commonplace interactions. This book not only concerns the bacterial dangers of bad hygiene, but presents a panoramic survey of health-endangering practices, rumors, and fears amok on the contemporary scene, offering a compendium of answers, advice, and condensed research in a single, handy reference. Other features include sections on psychological health and beating bad habits and on epidemics and worldwide health scares.Dr. Saldmann combines scientific study and practical advice in this veritable handbook for the personal hygiene our times demand. Rich in research, anecdotes, and unexpected humor, Wash Your Hands!, is a no-nonsense manual that is imperative to our daily lives.

The Washing Away of Wrongs: Forensic Medicine in Thirteenth-Century China (Science, Medicine, and Technology in East Asia #1)

by Sung Tz'U Brian E. McKnight

T'zu's The Washing Away of Wrongs (Hsi yüan chi lu), printed in 1247, is the oldest extant book on forensic medicine in the world. Written as a guide for magistrates in conducting inquests, the book is a major source on early Chinese knowledge of pathology and morbid anatomy. Includes a lengthy introductory essay by the translator.

The Washington Manual Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Subspecialty Consult

by Andrew Kau Jennifer Marie Monroy Brooke Ivan Polk Christopher J. Rigell

Concise, portable, and user-friendly, The Washington Manual® Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Subspecialty Consult, Third Edition, provides essential information on inpatient and outpatient management of allergy, asthma, and immunologic disorders. This edition offers practical guidance on diagnosis, investigation, and treatment, including state-of-the-art content on biomedical discoveries and novel therapeutics. Ideal for residents, fellows, and practicing physicians who need quick access to current scientific and clinical information in this fast-changing area, the manual is also useful as a first-line resource for internists and other primary care providers.

The Washington Manual Cardiology Subspecialty Consult

by Justin Sadhu Mustafa Husaini Dominique Williams

Concise, portable, and user-friendly, The Washington Manual® Cardiology Subspecialty Consult, Fourth Edition, provides essential information on inpatient and outpatient management of common diseases and disorders. Edited by Drs. Justin S. Sadhu, Mustafa Husaini, and Dominique S. Williams, this edition offers state-of-the-art content on disease pathophysiology, diagnostic tools, and management options, including new biomedical discoveries and novel therapeutics. Ideal for residents, fellows, and practicing physicians who need quick access to current scientific and clinical information in cardiology, the manual is also useful as a first-line resource for internists and other primary care providers.

Washington Manual Endocrinology Subspecialty Consult: The Washington Manual Of Endocrinology Subspecialty Consult Series (The\washington Manual Ser. #No. 174)

by Janet McGill

Designed for residents cycling through an internal medicine subspecialty clinical rotation or for fellows who need to better understand the fundamentals, this fourth edition offers you updated guidance on the physical exam, diagnosis, management, and treatment follow-up for various endocrine disorders. Written in a step-by-step, to-the-point style, the book covers diabetes mellitus, multi-system disorders, as well as conditions of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid, and more.

The Washington Manual Gastroenterology Subspecialty Consult

by Chandra Gyawali

Concise, portable, and user-friendly, The Washington Manual® Gastroenterology Subspecialty Consult, Fourth Edition, provides essential information on inpatient and outpatient management of common gastrointestinal diseases and disorders. This edition offers state-of-the-art content on disease pathophysiology, diagnostic tools, and management options. Ideal for residents, fellows, and practicing physicians who need quick access to current scientific and clinical information in gastroenterology, the manual is also useful as a first-line resource for internists and other primary care providers. The Washington Manual® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by Wolters Kluwer Health under license from Washington University.

Washington Manual Infectious Disease Subspecialty Consult

by Nigar Kirmani Michael Durkin Stephen Liang

Concise, portable, and user-friendly, The Washington Manual™ Infectious Diseases Subspecialty Consult, Third Edition, provides essential information needed to evaluate patients on a subspecialty consult service. This edition offers state-of-the-art content on the diagnosis, investigation, and treatment of a wide variety of infectious diseases, including coverage of new and emerging pathogens, rapid molecular diagnostics for infectious diseases, and new therapeutic and preventive strategies. Ideal for trainees and practicing physicians who need quick access to current scientific and clinical information in this rapidly changing area, the manual is also useful as a first-line resource for internists and other primary care providers.

The Washington Manual of Cardio-Oncology: A Practical Guide for Improved Cancer Survivorship

by Daniel J Lenihan Kathleen Zhang Joshua Mitchell

Written by experts in cardiovascular disease, hematology, and oncology, The Washington Manual® of Cardio-Oncology: A Practical Guide for Improved Cancer Survivorship is a clinically relevant, easy-to-use primer on the detection, management, and improved cardiovascular-based patient outcomes in adults undergoing treatment for cancer or who have previously survived cancer therapy. Edited by Drs. Daniel J. Lenihan, Joshua D. Mitchell, and Kathleen W. Zhang, this concise yet comprehensive manual provides high-yield information that reflects today’s advances in risk stratification, early diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular disease—all in an easy-access, concisely bulleted format for on-the-go reference.

The Washington Manual of Critical Care

by Marin Kollef

The Washington Manual of Critical Care, similar to other volumes in this vaunted series, features authors and contributors who are faculty members and practicing physicians at Washington University’s School of Medicine. Inside you’ll find comprehensive and current information for bedside diagnosis and management of some of the most common illnesses and problems encountered in the ICU setting.

The Washington Manual of Emergency Medicine

by Mark D. Levine

Each high-quality volume in the esteemed Washington Manual series brings together contributions from faculty and residents at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The Washington Manual of Emergency Medicine, the latest addition to the series, focuses on practical content on how physicians actually practice emergency care. Comprehensive and concise, it also acts as a handy quick-reference, delivering need-to-know information at your fingertips, even in point-of-care situations.

The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics

by Siri Ancha Christine Auberle Cash Devin Mohit Harsh

The Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics, 37th Edition, provides essential information you need for successful patient care, with concise, high-yield content that reflects today’s fast-changing advances in medical technology and therapeutics. Written by faculty, residents, and fellows and edited by chief residents of the distinguished Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, the Washington Manual presents brief, logical approaches to diagnosis and management of commonly encountered medical conditions, including new therapies that improve patient outcomes. Discover why housestaff and faculty around the world depend on this best-selling resource for day-to-day clinical practice in internal medicine.

The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics Paperback

by Zachary Crees Cassandra Fritz Alonso Huedebert Jonas Noe Arvind Rengarajan Xiaowen Wang

Established for more than 75 years, The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 36th Edition , provides concise, high-yield content that reflects today’s fast-changing advances in medical technology and therapeutics. In one convenient, portable resource, you’ll find complete coverage of every area of medicine and the core subspecialties—all at your fingertips for quick review and reference. Discover why housestaff and faculty worldwide depend on this best-selling resource for day-to-day clinical practice in internal medicine.

The Washington Manual of Oncology: Therapeutic Principles in Practice (Spiral Manual Ser.)

by Ramaswamy Govindan Daniel Morgensztern

Focusing on the essential information you need to know for the clinical practice of oncology, this practical volume in the Lippincott Manual series provides concise, high-yield content that reflects today’s fast-changing advances in the field. In one convenient, portable resource, you’ll find complete coverage of cancer management, all at your fingertips for quick review and reference. The Washington Manual® of Oncology, 4th Edition, is an ideal reference for oncologists, residents, fellows, medical students, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.

The Washington Manual of Outpatient Internal Medicine

by Maureen Lyons Peter McDonnell Jennifer Schmidt

Focusing on the essential information you need to know for the most commonly encountered problems in outpatient internal medicine, this practical volume in the Washington Manual® series provides concise, high-yield content that reflects today’s advances in patient evaluation and management. In one convenient, portable resource, you’ll find complete coverage of everything from hypertension and diabetes to sleep disorders, nutrition, and care of the cancer patient—all at your fingertips for quick review and reference. Edited by Drs. Maureen D. Lyons, Peter J. McDonnell, and Jennifer M. Schmidt, The Washington Manual® of Outpatient Internal Medicine, 3rd Edition, is an excellent companion to the Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics, which thoroughly covers inpatient care.

Washington Manual of Pediatrics

by Andrew J. White

Focusing on the essential information you need to know when caring for children in the hospital, ICU, emergency department, or subspecialty outpatient clinic, Dr. Andrew J. White’s Washington Manual® of Pediatrics, 3rd Edition, provides concise, high-yield content that reflects recent advances in the field. This practical volume in the Lippincott Manual series presents brief, logical approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of common inpatient pediatric problems, as well as evidence-based references where they are available. It addresses common challenges faced by residents, interns, pediatric hospitalists, and medical students, plus offers practical solutions and expert guidance – all in one portable and user-friendly resource.

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