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A Uro-Oncology Nurse Specialist’s Reflection on her Practice Journey
by Beverley AndersonThis book provides a unique insight and background of a uro-oncology nurse’s career from a personal and professional perspective, one that encapsulates the ever changing dynamics in the nursing profession over 40 years - 1970’s to current, 2022. In writing this book, the objective is to devise a beneficial point of reference, one that is conducive to enlightening individuals within the healthcare profession and the wider context, on the art of reflection and acknowledging its benefits in terms of exploring their feelings and understanding their meaning. Reflection is a highly beneficial tool. In this context, the process enables the author to reflect constructively on her nursing career and practice, to highlight the positive as well as the negative aspects within that practice, and illustrate how the experiences gained have contributed to her development, personally and professionally, throughout that journey. Reflection includes deliberate reflection on experience, emotions, actions and responses and acknowledging how essential these have been to informing the author’s existing knowledge base and in ensuring a higher level of learning and understanding. In the continued quest to deliver optimal healthcare, the objective of reflection is in enabling healthcare individuals e.g. nursing students, newly qualified nurses or those considering change of nursing speciality, to better understand their patients from a holistic standpoint (physical, psychological, psycho-social, spiritual, cultural and economic) and ultimately, improving the individual patient’s overall experience – cancer or otherwise, as well as improving and enhancing practice outcomes. The importance of reflection and its contribution to increasing the healthcare professional’s self-awareness – emotional, personal and professional, is also well underlined. Various Modules and Case Studies within the book are used to explain and highlight key issues, and to enhance content and visual acuity.
Urodinâmica e Incontinência Urinária na Prática Clínica
by Jorge Clavijo Eisele Ana DiasA incontinência urinária (IU) é um sintoma comum que se apresenta em diferentes doenças e afeta todos os grupos populacionais, etários e ambos os sexos, apesar de ser mais frequente na mulher do que no homem. É uma patologia importante devido à sua frequência, gravidade, conotações psicológicas, sociais e económicas. Uma em cada 30 pessoas sofre de incontinência. Mulheres, idosos, crianças e doentes neurológicos apresentam um problema médico e social objetivo e também danos psicológicos subjetivos. Será que já existe uma solução para a incontinência? Podemos apresentar soluções definitivas em muitos casos, seja através da medicação ou através de soluções cirúrgicas e tratamentos paliativos que impeçam os doentes de se isolarem. Tentamos fazer com que os doentes que sofram de incontinência urinária sejam corresponsáveis pelo seu próprio tratamento, e sejam ativos relativamente aos seus cuidados. O que é conseguido através das informações e formações sobre a incontinência urinária do doente, e de todos os responsáveis pela sua saúde incluindo: assistentes sociais, auxiliares de enfermagem, enfermeiros, médicos e todos os que estiverem envolvidos nos cuidados da pessoa que sofre de incontinência.
Urodynamic Testing After Spinal Cord Injury
by Jean Jacques Wyndaele Apichana KovindhaThis book aims to provide a guide for urodynamic investigation in individuals who have suffered spinal cord injuries. It is universally acknowledged that this type of investigation is valuable and most international guidelines consider it mandatory in patients with neurogenic bladder dysfunction. The book offers an evidence based knowledge of applicability, clinical value, and limitation, and will give the reader strong diagnostic outcomes that will benefit patients suffering from spinal cord injuries. What is presented in this book is based on expert opinions acquired over decades of urodynamic testing that have taken place in different parts of the world.
Urodynamics for Urogynecologists: A Pocket Guide for Clinical Practice
by Giancarlo VignoliThis book offers gynecologists and urogynecologists a pocket guide to urodynamic testing in women with lower urinary tract symptoms. In female urology, the main indications for urodynamics are urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, urgency-frequency syndrome (also known as overactive bladder), emptying disorders and painful bladder. By collecting quantitative measurements while reproducing the patient’s voiding symptoms where appropriate and possible, urodynamics helps to identify the cause of symptoms, supports management and facilitates prognoses. However, despite the undeniable advantages, the role of urodynamics in female urology is hotly debated. The book starts by describing the physiological background and methodological considerations for urodynamic best practice in the preclinical setting. It then explains how to perform urodynamics correctly – so-called “good urodynamic practice” – to increase the readers’ confidence and ability to perform and interpret urodynamic investigations. Lastly, it reviews the advantages and disadvantages of urodynamic testing in each of the key clinical female urology conditions. A separate chapter focuses on the peculiarities of diagnosis and management for female patients with neurogenic bladder. This guide offers a valuable tool for gynecologists, urologists and urogynecologists, as well as a ready source of information for all physicians involved in diagnosing and treating lower urinary tract disorders in women.
by Axel Haferkamp D. Schultz-Lampel Mark GoepelDas deutschsprachige Standardwerk zur Urodynamik - jetzt in 3. Auflage! Urodynamik - ein für viele Anwender komplexes Verfahren - leicht gemacht? Genau das gelingt diesem Buch. Vertrauen Sie den Experten aus dem Arbeitskreis "Urologische Funktionsdiagnostik und Urologie der Frau" der DGU, die als Herausgeber und Autoren eine detaillierte Darstellung der Grundlagen und ihrer Anwendungsmöglichkeiten geschaffen haben. Hier finden Sie alle wichtigen Informationen zu Indikation, Durchführung der Untersuchung und Interpretation der Befunde. Zahlreiche Beispiele aus der Praxis erläutern die schwierige Materie anschaulich und verständlich. Alle speziellen Anwendungsgebiete werden nochmal gesondert beleuchtet: spezielle Urodynamik der Frau, des Mannes, des Kindes und des alten Menschen sowie Urodynamik bei Patienten mit neurogener Blasenfunktionsstörung. Die Neuauflage des bewährten Standardwerkes wurde komplett neu überarbeitet und aktualisiert: für eine unproblematische Durchführung der Diagnostik und zum Wohle Ihrer Patienten.
Urodynamik: Lehrbuch des Arbeitskreises Urologische Funktionsdiagnostik und Urologie der Frau
by Daniela Schultz-Lampel Mark Goepel Christian HampelDas deutschsprachige Standardwerk zur Urodynamik – jetzt in 4. Auflage! Urodynamik – ein für viele Anwender komplexes Verfahren – wird in diesem Buch praxisnah und strukturiert erläutert. Die Experten aus dem Arbeitskreis „Urologische Funktionsdiagnostik und Urologie der Frau“ der DGU, haben als Herausgeber und Autoren eine detaillierte Darstellung der Funktionsdiagnostik des unteren Harntrakts und ihrer Anwendungsmöglichkeiten geschaffen. Hier finden Sie alle wichtigen Informationen zu Indikation, Durchführung der Untersuchung und Interpretation der Befunde. Zahlreiche Beispiele aus der Praxis erläutern die komplexe Diagnostik anschaulich und verständlich. Auch die spezielle Urodynamik der Frau, des Mannes, des Kindes und des alten Menschen sowie Urodynamik bei Patienten mit neurologischen Erkrankungen werden besprochen. Die Neuauflage des bewährten Standardwerkes wurde komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Ein echtes Praxisbuch und hilfreicher Begleiter in der urodynamischen Diagnostik.
Urogenital Pain
by Michael Sabia Jasjit Sehdev William BentleyThis book provides an up to date, comprehensive, review of the common urogenital painful conditions. It will serve as a valuable resource for clinicians, urologists, surgeons, gynecologists, palliative care physicians, and many other medical providers. The book reviews presenting signs and symptoms, diagnostic workup, differential diagnoses, interventional treatments, and alternative medical therapy for painful conditions that occur in the urogenital region. The text also provides a clear understanding of how pain is transmitted along with what patient populations are at increased risk in suffering these conditions. The risks, benefits, and indications are discussed in detail for the variety of interventional injections that are available to help manage these conditions.
Urogenital Trauma: A Practical Guide
by Said Abdallah AL-MamariThis book is written in a unique style that immediately catches the reader's interest and takes him on an enjoyable and fruitful journey from the kidneys to the male genital organs. Throughout the chapters, the researchers, the practitioners, and the junior doctors under urological training are offered a rare opportunity to rapidly refresh their knowledge with updated information starting from the mythical and historical conception of the involved organ, its embryology and anatomy, and progressing to the epidemiology, etiology, anatomopathology, mechanism, treatment and prognosis of its trauma.It aims to provide the reader with the most complete and practical information possible and includes an abundant and well-selected illustration to help the learning process. A special section on male genital self-mutilations is added at the end of the book as the icing on the cake, treating this phenomenon systematically with a harmonious marriage between mythology, history, and a comprehensive literature review and management strategies. This manual has been reviewed and recommended by an internationally renowned expert in urogenital trauma and reconstructive surgery and is a very useful vade mecum for every Practitioner or resident in Urology.
Urogenital Tuberculosis: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Therapy
by Ekaterina KulchavenyaThis book approaches the classification, pathogenesis, diagnostic, therapy and surgery for kidney tuberculosis as well as male genital tuberculosis. The reader will find recent data on epidemiology, many interesting history cases with illustrations and new methods for the identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Urogynaecologie (Praktische huisartsgeneeskunde)
by Toine Lagro-Janssen Doreth TeunissenDit boek helpt huisartsen bij de diagnostiek en behandeling van 35 veelvoorkomende urologische en gynaecologisch klachten. Het is het eerste leerboek over dit onderwerp dat zich specifiek richt op professionals in de eerstelijnszorg. Tevens is het geschikt voor andere zorgprofessionals. Urogynaecologie verbreedt en verdiept klachten en ziektebeelden, besteedt aandacht aan nieuwe thema’s en ontwikkelingen, en biedt praktische handvatten. Het richt zich op zorg in de eerste lijn. Ook vervolgbehandelingen in de tweede lijn komen in diverse hoofdstukken aan bod. In het eerste deel van het boek leest u over algemene urogynaecologische thema’s als embryologie, anatomie, hormonale (patho)fysiologie bij man en vrouw, seksuele problemen, en aanvullend echo-onderzoek. Het tweede deel richt zich op specifieke klachten en ziektebeelden, zoals menstruatieklachten, subfertiliteit, preconceptiezorg, LUTS, en klachten over de uitwendige genitalia van vrouwen én mannen. In het derde deel komen aandachtsgebieden als genderincongruentie, vrouwenbesnijdenis, seksueel misbruik en urogenitale traumata aan bod. Ongeveer twintig auteurs schreven mee aan Urogynaecologie. De redactie was in handen van Toine Lagro-Janssen, hoogleraar Vrouwenstudies Medische Wetenschappen en kaderhuisarts urogynaecologie np, en Doreth Teunissen, huisarts en kaderhuisarts urogynaecologie.Urogynaecologie verschijnt in de reeks Praktische huisartsgeneeskunde. In deze reeks verschijnen uitgaven met praktische en klachtgerichte informatie over de verschillende deelgebieden in de huisartsgeneeskunde.
Urogynecology: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
by Kate H. MooreUrogynecology: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice 2nd Edition is a fully revised and updated text providing an evidence based approach to the treatment of urinary incontinence and prolapse. This updated version incorporates new evidence in the areas of continence procedures, prolapse management, mesh usage and complications; in addition to new insights into Sacral Nerve Stimulation for refractory detrusor overactivity. Written by a leading expert in the field, Urogynecology: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice 2nd Edition is a handy how-to guide, valuable for the junior registrar assigned to work in a urogynecology department, as well as for those with no previous formal urogynecological training who wish to know more about the subject.
Urogynecology: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
by Kate H. MooreThis heavily revised third edition concisely covers the latest evidence-based treatment strategies for urinary incontinence and prolapse. Chapters cover methodologies relevant to continence procedures, prolapse management, and potential complications. New topics discussed include Colpocleisis, principles associated with managing Mesh complications and the Mirabegron mechanism.Urogynecology: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice 3rd Edition is a vital how-to guide, which is ideal for junior registrars assigned to work in a urogynecology department, as well as for those with no previous formal urogynecological training seeking to develop their understanding of the subject.
Urolithiasis: Diagnostik, Therapie, Prävention
by Thomas Knoll Arkadiusz MiernikEin Buch zum Nachschlagen zu allen Fragen um das vielfältige Krankheitsbild der Harnsteine. Es bildet den aktuellen Stand der Wissenschaft ab mit seinen diagnostischen Verfahren und Therapieoptionen sowie neuen Entwicklungen auf diesem Gebiet. Grundlagen zur Pathogenese und Epidemiologie führen in das Thema ein. Weiterhin werden die Diagnostik und unterschiedliche Therapieverfahren erläutert. Dabei wird auf Harnsteinerkrankungen bei Kindern und Schwangeren gesondert eingegangen. Ein Kapitel widmet sich der metabolischen Diagnostik und Therapie. Tabellen, Übersichten und Algorithmen, erlauben ein schnelles Erfassen der wichtigsten Punkte, und eine strukturierte Diagnostik und Therapie.Für Urologen - niedergelassen oder klinisch tätig - sowie für Weiterbildungsassistenten. Aber auch Nephrologen und Internisten finden hier ein praktisches Nachschlagewerk.
by Michael E. MoranUrolithiasis: A Comprehensive History provides a historical sojourn into the varied manifestations of kidney stone disease. Utilizing historical sources and integrating classic material with new concepts, this new volume provides depth and details on stone disease not found in modern overviews on the topic. This volume serves as a very useful tool for physicians and researchers dealing with kidney stone disease. Written by a renowned expert in the field, Urolithiasis: A Comprehensive History is an in depth resource that heightens our medical understanding of this ancient disease and is of great value to urologists, nephrologists, endocrinologists interested in stone disease.
Urolithiasis: Medical and Surgical Management of Stone Disease
by Margaret S Pearle Stephen Y NakadaUrolithiasis, or stone disease occurs in 7% of women and 12% of men at some point, and these statistics are rising. Furthermore, for those who form a stone, the likelihood of a recurrence is nearly 50% within 5 years of initial diagnosis. Therefore, the need for effective, minimally invasive alternatives for stone eradication and prevention is crit
by Zhangqun Ye Jamsheer J. Talati Hans-Goran Tiselius David M. AlbalaUrolithiasis: Basic Science and Clinical Practice is a comprehensive text that assists urologists in defining the best choice of treatment for each case through a balanced presentation of underlying science, diagnostic methods and practical tips, with additional discussions on educational issues, costs and management of resources. This user-friendly practical resource is replete with full-color illustrations and radiographs, covering all aspects of stone disease, and offering perspectives from Europe, the Americas, China, South Asia, Africa, and Australia. Topics include the biochemical and physiological basis of stone formation, treatment options, complications, assessment of techniques and technologies available, and guidelines on the prevention of stone recurrence. Urolithiasis: Basic Science and Clinical Practice is the definitive text on stone disease and is a must read for young consultants starting a new practice, and urologists in residence and training.
Urologic Oncology: Multidisciplinary Care for Patients
by Kelly L. Stratton Alicia K. MorgansUrologists and medical oncologists have witnessed a rapid growth in systemic therapeutic options for treating genitourinary malignancies that increasingly integrates radiation therapy to primary cancers, nodal beds, and even metastatic sites. The culmination of these advances has been the creation of multidisciplinary teams that expertly provide comprehensive care to patients with urologic cancers. This book provides the framework to create such a multidisciplinary clinical team focused on the treatment of urologic malignancies with representation from urologists, medical oncologists, and additional specialists who work together to provide optimal team-based care. The book integrates advanced systemic therapeutics including immune-based and targeted therapies. Readers gain a better understanding of the benefit of multidisciplinary co-management through specific examples such as hormone sensitive metastatic prostate cancer, neoadjuvant chemotherapy for muscle invasive bladder cancer, and immunotherapy approaches to advanced bladder and kidney cancer. The book also discusses the integration of genomic tumor characterization and personalized medicine into surgical planning, tumor biopsies, and chemo-immunotherapy selection, emphasizing the expansion of new therapeutics for urologic malignancies and the changing definitions of disease progression.Urologic Oncology: Multidisciplinary Care for Patients is a comprehensive resource for urologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, genetic counselors, fellows in urologic oncology and medical oncology, residents in urology and radiation oncology, advanced practice providers, practice managers, and pharmaceutical representatives.
Urologic Principles and Practice (Springer Specialist Surgery Series)
by Christopher R. Chapple William D. Steers Christopher P. EvansThis book fulfils the need for a general urology text primarily urologists in training. It has a novel format by having a clinical chapter always preceded by a scientific foundation chapter. The scientific chapter is geared toward answering questions for boards and understanding pathophysiology, is concise and relevant. The clinical chapter is written around evidence-based medicine and in "how-to" format with algorithms, with reference to AUA & EAU guidelines, well illustrated.
Urologic Robotic Surgery in Clinical Practice
by Prokar Dasgupta Mani Menon J. O. PeabodyRobotics is one of the hottest topics in medicine today, with an international interest that is exponentially growing. The introduction of robotic technology into modern operating theatres has provoked a revolutionary change in the basic surgical approach, with many advantages over traditional open surgical treatment, including faster recovery and a significantly lower risk of surgical trauma. While the benefits of minimally invasive surgery are apparent, the expansion of laparoscopic surgery throughout the field has been relatively slow due to the steep learning curve and the level of practice and specialism required to perform such procedures. Although revolutionary upon conception, standard laparoscopy involves the surgeon working from monitors with no depth perception and also with a surgical motion that is counter-intuitive. The introduction of robotic technology however, has surpassed the traditional laparoscopic approach by providing full three dimensional vision, intuitive motion and wristed instrumentation with motion scaling. These dramatic innovations have broadened the scope of surgeons that can now perform complex laparoscopy, and while still in its infancy, robotic assisted surgery has begun to infiltrate all fields of surgery. However, while the practical adoption of the techniques and procedures has increased over the last 5 years, the educational resources have not, leaving the only available learning tools as videos, case observation and proctorships. There is therefore a severe market void for such a publication as this, with steadily growing sales around the world of robotic surgical systems. A compact book, overseen by such a respected figure and featuring contributions from the field leaders, is sure to be very successful within the next few years.
Urologic Surgery in the Digital Era: Next Generation Surgery and Novel Pathways
by Domenico Veneziano Emre HuriThis book provides a practical guide to the use of the latest applicable surgical procedures and present novel pathways. It details how to utilize a range of techniques including three-dimensional (3D) laparoscopy and those that require robotic assistance. Guidance is also contained on innovative tools including confocal laser endomicroscopy along with the application of biomaterials, artificial intelligence and other exponential technologies, enabling the reader to systematically develop a thorough understanding of these methodologies. Urologic Surgery in the Digital Era: Next Generation Surgery and Novel Pathways systematically reviews the application of the latest surgical techniques and potential future developments in urology. Therefore, it is a critical resource for all practicing and trainee urological surgeons.
Urological and Gynaecological Chronic Pelvic Pain
by Robert M. MoldwinThis text is designed for those clinicians who feel comfortable diagnosing these illnesses and wish to enhance their knowledge base and skill set regarding treatment options. Referrals for pelvic pain are common in urological and gynaecological practice; and may lead to varied diagnoses such as interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome, chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome, pelvic floor dysfunction, chronic orchialgia, and vulvodynia. To make matters more complex, each of these conditions is frequently associated by co-morbidities. The text is unique in being organized by the multiple and multifaceted therapies that are available, rather than by specific disorders. The text is richly illustrated with multiple diagrams, figures, and tables, making it the "go to" and "how to" reference for patient treatment.
Urological Cancer Management
by Said Abdallah Al-Mamari Salim Said Al-BusaidyThe authors aim to provide essential information on various clinical cases on urological cancers. The main messages are well referenced and the texts phrasing is written in a simple and user-friendly style. The book also contains summarizing tables and high quality original pictures. Several expert panels (American Urologists Association, European Association of Urologists, Association Française des Urologues, etc) are proposing guidelines aiming at providing detailed recommendations to the Urologists facing difficult urological scenarios and no significant discordance exist between them since they are all based on the existing published studies dealing with different aspects of the urological cancers.
Urological Care for Patients with Progressive Neurological Conditions
by John T. Stoffel Elizabeth V. DrayThis text creates a framework for the integration of urological care into the long-term management of patients with progressive neurological conditions. It begins with a general review of the neuroanatomy and physiology of the bladder, followed by a discussion of common techniques for evaluating bladder and upper tract function, and the general principles of bladder management in patients with neurogenic bladder disease. Section II narrows the scope of each chapter to focus on specific neurological disorders such as Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia, and Cerebral Palsy. Each chapter begins with a brief synopsis of the neurologic basis of each disease, followed by its most common urologic manifestations, specific recommendations for urologic care in each disease state, and finally a recommended pathway for integrated long-term care of these patients based on available evidence and expert opinion. The final section of the text reviews the generalized care of patients with advanced disease, including palliative and end of life options, focusing on urologic interventions. Urological Care for Patients with Progressive Neurological Conditions will be an invaluable resource for urologists, neurologists, and all health care providers treating patients with neurological diseases.
Urological Care for the Transgender Patient: A Comprehensive Guide
by Dmitriy Nikolavsky Stephen A. BlakelyThis book is designed to familiarize general urologists with the care of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. Written by experts in reconstructive urology, it characterizes the process of gender affirmation and explains the surgical anatomy of both feminizing and masculinizing gender-affirming procedures including vaginoplasty, orchiectomy, hysterectomy, vaginectomy, phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, and prosthetics. Guiding the clinician in identification of immediate and long-term risks of gender-affirming surgery, it instructs clinicians in endocrinological care, options for fertility preservation, evaluation of malignancies after hormonal therapy, appropriate postsurgical follow-up, and the management of common complications involving urethral stricture, fistula, neo-vaginal stenosis, and incontinence. Urological Care for the Transgender Patient: A Comprehensive Guide is a necessary tool to prepare urological clinics and clinicians in serving the growing population of transgender patients presenting at various stages of their transformation.
Urological Emergencies
by Hunter WessellsUrological Emergencies: A Practical Approach, Second Edition provides a concise, evidence based review of common urgent and emergent urological conditions in children and adults. Descriptions of the appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic considerations on topics of traumatic, infectious, obstructive, hemorrhagic, iatrogenic, vascular and congenital urological emergencies in adults and children are provided. The text is organized by pathophysiology rather than organ system, allowing the reader to develop approaches to the care of patients with acute urological conditions based on mechanism of disease. Relevant pathophysiological background and epidemiology are reviewed, necessary diagnostic testing recommended, and detailed medical, surgical and endourological management approaches have been provided. All chapters incorporate published guidelines and best practice recommendations from appropriate organizations including the American Urological Association, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and various International Consultations on Urological Diseases. New or significantly revised chapters in each of the subsections address innovations in trauma care and prevention, new strategies in management of kidney stones, and special care needs of children with acute urological problems. Urological Emergencies: A Practical Approach, Second Edition is of great value to practicing urologists, urology residents, emergency medicine trainees and practitioners, and primary care providers including MD's, PA's, and NP's without immediate access to urological consultation.