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Urological Emergencies In Clinical Practice
by Dan Wood Hashim Hashim John Reynard Nigel C. Cowan Noel ArmenakasUrological Emergencies in Clinical Practice, Second Edition, is a well-researched pocket book that provides a comprehensive summary of urological emergencies and their management, in a form that is concise, relevant to the target audience and readily available. While the description of each emergency condition is comprehensive, the emphasis is on the practical approach to the conditions which are likely to be encountered. Since the first edition, there have been new guidelines published by the European Association of Urology which are incorporated in the new edition of this book. Furthermore this edition contains a chapter on pediatric urological emergencies. For the doctor or nurse expected to provide the initial assessment and management of a condition with which he or she has had very limited experience, Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice, Second Edition will provide an invaluable source of information and advice.
Urological Men’s Health
by Daniel A. ShoskesUrological Men's Health: A Guide for Urologists and Primary Care Physicians covers the major urologic conditions that have an impact on the health and well being of the adult male. It opens with an overview of general men's preventative health, as practiced by a world leading Executive Health center. The volume covers the major genitourinary malignancies and addresses the latest controversies in screening and treatment selection. This is followed by coverage of the conditions that don't shorten life but have major impact on quality of life and health care expenditure: BPH, urinary incontinence, infertility, urethral strictures, erectile dysfunction, urinary tract infections and chronic pelvic pain. Also included are chapters on herbal and complementary therapy, psychological and spousal support in urologic illness and the links between genitourinary disease and general vascular endothelial dysfunction. Urological Men's Health: A Guide for Urologists and Primary Care Physicians will be of great value to Urologists, Internists, General Practitioners and the residents and fellows who train within these specialties.
Urological Oncology
by Vinod H. Nargund Derek Raghavan Howard M. SandlerAs a professional resource for all doctors, oncologists and urologists involved in the care of uro-oncology patients, this book puts emphasis on developing advanced practice with in-depth discussions to support evidence based, patient focused care. Urological Oncology, Second Edition offers an updated multi-disciplinary and multi professional approach to the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care of patients being investigated and treated for urological malignancies. Mainly aimed at oncologists and urologists, it is also useful for general physicians as well as trainee nurses and nurse practitioners in urology / urological oncology.
by J.L.H.R. Bosch C. H. BangmaKlachten van de urinewegen en de voortplantingsorganen komen voor in elk levensstadium. Urologische aspecten van de menselijke fysiologie zijn van belang in verscheidene kritische processen tijdens de puberteit, de bevruchting, de zwangerschap en het senium, waarin men ernaar streeft gezond oud te worden. De ontwikkelingen in het vak urologie gaan snel. Daarom is actuele kennis over de werking en de afwijkingen van de tractus urogenitalis essentieel voor elke arts. In deze editie van Leerboek urologie zijn de nieuwste ontwikkelingen in de diagnostiek en therapie opgenomen. De meest voorkomende urologische klachten vormen de basis, net als in vorige drukken van dit leerboek. Hierbij is steeds de relatie met de anatomie en de (patho)fysiologie aangegeven. Ook de recente technologische ontwikkelingen komen aan de orde. Moleculaire achtergronden gaan immers een belangrijke plaats innemen in de diagnostiek van morgen. In compacte tekst met overzichtelijke schema's geeft dit handzame boek een heldere weergave van de stand van het wetenschappelijke onderzoek. Aanschaf van het Leerboek urologie biedt de lezer toegang tot de website extras. bsl. nl/urologie met extra materiaal, zoals instructiefilms over het urologisch onderzoek en katheterisatie en een interactieve leermodule over het urodynamisch onderzoek. Ook bevat de website de volledige inhoud van dit boek, waardoor het overal online te raadplegen en snel te doorzoeken is. Leerboek urologie is onmisbaar voor studenten geneeskunde en basisartsen en vormt daarnaast een handig naslagwerk voor specialisten en huisartsen.
Urologische chirurgie (Operatieve zorg en technieken)
by Hendries BoeleDit leerboek geeft aankomende operatieassistenten een helder beeld van operatietechnieken binnen de urologische chirurgie. Ook geeft het achtergrondinformatie bij verschillende ziektebeelden. Daardoor is het ook zeer geschikt als naslagwerk voor andere beroepsgroepen in de gezondheidszorg. Urologische chirurgie is onderdeel van de reeks Operatieve Zorg en Technieken. Die bestaat uit het basisboek en uit een aantal vervolgdelen, waarin de verschillende subspecialismen van de chirurgie worden behandeld. Ieder hoofdstuk begint met een inleiding, gevolgd door een uitwerking van de pre-, per- en postoperatieve fase van de operatie. De opstelling van het operatieteam wordt per operatiebeschrijving verduidelijkt door een afbeelding. Achter in het boek staat altijd een selectie van veelvoorkomend specifiek instrumentarium. De reeks ‘Operatieve Zorg en Technieken’ benadert de beroepsuitoefening van de operatieassistent zo dicht mogelijk. De talrijke afbeeldingen onderbouwen deze benadering. Deze editie van Urologische chirurgie is aangepast aan de meest recente ontwikkelingen in het specialisme. Door de enigszins gewijzigde opzet is deze uitgave overzichtelijker geworden. Ook is er een aantal nieuwe technieken opgenomen, zoals de robotgeassisteerde radicale cystectomie (RARC), de endoscopische transvesicale adenomectomie van de prostaat (ETAP) en de Urolift-procedure.
Urologische chirurgie (Operatieve zorg en technieken)
by Maaike van Tol Hendries BoeleDit leerboek biedt inzicht in de theoretische en praktische aspecten van urologische operaties. Daarnaast wordt er in dit boek aandacht besteed aan de anatomie van de verschillende organen die behandeld worden binnen het urologische vakgebied en wordt er stilgestaan bij verschillende ziektebeelden.Het boek begint met een uitgebreid algemeen deel waarin een aantal algemene richtlijnen en verschillende specifieke benodigdheden en apparatuur worden besproken. De daaropvolgende delen behandelen de diverse operaties aan de nier, ureter, blaas, prostaat, urethra en de uitwendige geslachtsorganen van de man. Ieder deel begint met een beschrijving van de anatomie en de pathologie die horen bij het orgaan dat centraal staat in dat deel. De volgorde van de ingrepen die aan bod komen loopt van laag complex naar hoog complex. Voor een overzichtelijke beschrijving van de operatietechnieken worden deze, net als de andere boeken uit de reeks Operatieve zorg en technieken, opgedeeld in een preoperatieve, een peroperatieve en een postoperatieve fase.In deze editie van Urologische chirurgie is meer aandacht gekomen voor de oncologischeziektebeelden binnen het urologische vakgebied en de behandeling daarvan. Daarnaast wordt er stilgestaan bij incontinentie bij mannelijke patiënten en ook de behandeling van impotentie komt uitgebreid aan bod. In deze uitgave worden tevens een aantal ingrepen beschreven waarbij het gebruik van een operatierobot centraal staat, aangezien deze techniek inmiddels niet meer weg te denken is binnen de urologie.De reeks ‘Operatieve Zorg en Technieken’ is bestemd voor de opleiding tot operatieassistent.Naast het basisboek bestaat de reeks uit een aantal vervolgdelen, waarin de verschillende chirurgische specialismen worden behandeld. Deze reeks benadert de beroepsuitoefening van de operatieassistent zo dicht mogelijk, waarbij de gebruikte illustraties en afbeeldingen deze benadering ondersteunen.
Urologische Rehabilitation: Praxisbuch für die interdisziplinäre Behandlung
by Michael Zellner Thomas SeyrichObwohl sich zahlreiche Fachgruppen als auch die Deutsche Rentenversicherung und die Krankenkassen an der Rehabilitation von Patienten mit urologischen und uro-onkologischen Erkrankungen beteiligen, existiert für diese Patienten kein standardisiertes Rehabilitationsprogramm. Zurzeit ist es den Rehakliniken noch weitgehend selbst überlassen, welche Beratungsangebote und Leistungen sie zur Behandlung von charakteristischen postinterventionellen Beschwerden und sozialen Situationen unabhängig von vorgehaltener fachspezifischer personeller und apparativer Infrastruktur und Kompetenz anbieten.Dieses Buch verbindet Praxis- und Fachwissen aus der Rehabilitation von urologisch Erkrankten und stellt es interessierten Kollegen zur Verfügung.Dazu zählt sowohl die Rehabilitation von Störungen der Blasenfunktion als auch von Störungen der Sexualfunktion. Weiterhin werden die Maßnahmen aufgrund der spezifischen Veränderungen nach einer Zystektomie mit den verschiedenen Formen der Harnableitung besprochen. Auch Komplikationen und Folgeschäden nach invasiver Intervention, z.B. einer Operation wie z.B. Lymphödeme im Bein- und unteren Rumpfbereich sollten mit behandelt werden. Für die uro-onkologische Rehabilitation werden sowohl bewegungstherapeutische Maßnahmen als auch psychooonkologische Angebote erläutert. Aber auch flankierende Themen wie Ernährung und eine gesunde Lebensweise sind wichtige Bausteine für eine interdisziplinäre Rehabilitation dieser Patientengruppe. Ein kompaktes Praxisbuch für Ärzte aller Fachrichtungen, die Patienten mit urologischen Erkrankungen in der Rehabilitation bestmöglich versorgen möchten.
Urology at a Glance
by Hashim Hashim Prokar DasguptaFollowing the undergraduate curriculum set by the British Association of Urological Surgeons, Urology at a Glance offers practical advice on diagnosis and management of one of the most rapidly developing medical specialties. Building on basic science, the book provides an overview of clinical approaches to assist the medical student or junior doctor on rotation, as well as looking at practical procedures and specific details of the most commonly encountered urological disorders. Vibrantly illustrated and containing common clinical scenarios, Urology at a Glance provides all the information and latest guidelines needed for a medical student or junior doctor to excel in this field.
Urology at a Glance
by Axel S. Merseburger Markus A. Kuczyk Judd W. MoulUrology at a Glance is a concise, practical guide to diagnostic and therapeutic decision making. The book is divided into two parts. The first focuses on the pathway from symptom to diagnosis and covers the full range of symptoms commonly encountered by the urologist. Any particular symptom can be located within a matter of seconds and in each case differential diagnosis is explained with the aid of a flow chart. The second part of the book is devoted to the pathway from diagnosis to therapy, with each short chapter devoted to a specific diagnosis. Basic information is provided on the disease in question, along with an outline of state of the art treatment options and possible complications. Again, flow charts are used to help the reader to reach the correct therapeutic decision in different circumstances. Numerous high-definition photographs and illustrations are also included. This book will be a great asset for urologists and practitioners in related disciplines.
by Herbert RübbenDas Standardwerk der urologischen Onkologie aktualisiert in 6. Auflage!Die „Uroonkologie" bietet dem Leser vollständige und umfassende Information zu allen Bereichen des Themas:alle Grundlagen für eine erfolgreiche Therapie von Molekularbiologie über Studienplanung bis zu alternativen Therapieansätzen,alle Details zur Diagnostik, Indikationen, Durchführung und Ergebnis der verschiedenen Therapieansätze aller urologischen Tumorerkrankungen.Zusammenfassende Bewertung der Therapien am Ende jedes Kapitels.NEU: Neugliederung des Inhalts zur besseren Orientierung mit neuen und komplett überarbeiteten Kapiteln zu Themen wie:· Inkontinente- und Rektale Harnableitung· Komplikationsmanagement bei Immun- und Chemotherapie· Sexualität und Krebs· PharmaökonomieEine praxisnahe, klare Sprache, viele Tabellen und instruktive Abbildungen erleichtern das Lesen. Zahlreiche Therapie- und Nachsorgeschemata sorgen für eine schnelle Orientierung und ermöglichen die direkte Umsetzung in die tägliche Praxis.Als Autoren wirken die anerkannten deutschsprachigen Experten zum Thema.Rübben: Uroonkologie - Das Buch, an dem kein onkologisch tätiger Urologe vorbeikommt!
Urothelial Carcinoma: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2684)
by Michèle J. Hoffmann Nadine T. Gaisa Roman Nawroth Thorsten H. EckeThis fully updated volume explores recently improved avenues to study urothelial carcinomas. Beginning with several novel chapters on molecular characterization and urothelial carcinogenesis, the book continues with sections on cellular and animal models, biomarkers, and approaches for targeted therapy. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step and readily reproducible laboratory protocols, as well as tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Urothelial Carcinoma: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition serves as a valuable resource to further increase our knowledge on urothelial carcinoma and also to aid research on numerous other cancers.
Urothelial Malignancies of the Upper Urinary Tract: A Textbook of Step by Step Management
by Majid EshghiThis book addresses all aspects of upper urinary tract urothelial tumors. It represents the first dedicated text to address solely the symptomatology, diagnostic tools, staging, radical and conservative treatment of these tumors. It describes all new diagnostic tools ranging from radiologic to endoscopic and biopsy techniques, antegrade and retrograde methods of conservative endoscopic resection of tumors. Treatment is described in several chapters including open segmental resection, radical total nephroureterectomy, laparoscopic and robotic assisted procedures. Minimally invasive endoscopic approaches are detailed including ureterscopic retrograde and percutaneous antegrade techniques for larger lesions. Intracavitary chemotherapy and immunotherapy and palliative treatments is also covered. The text is richly illustrated and contains links to video clips for visual impact. Chapters also reflect the current technology and new trends on the horizon.
Urticaria and Angioedema
by Marcus Maurer Torsten Zuberbier Clive GrattanThis book provides a practical and comprehensive review of all types and aspects of urticaria and angioedema important to the clinician. Its content is completely up-to-date, taking into consideration both current guidelines and all recent literature. This clinical guide highlights current knowledge about pathophysiology, and focuses on the clinically relevant aspects of diagnosis and treatment. It also includes a full range of standard operating procedures, as well as patient information leaflets in a copy-ready format, thus offering invaluable assistance in the daily practical management of urticaria patients. This book provides indispensable assistance to all physicians specializing in dermatology, allergy, internal medicine, pediatrics and general medicine.
Urticaria and Angioedema
by Torsten Zuberbier Clive Grattan Marcus MaurerUrticaria is one of the most common diseases encountered in dermatology. The fleeting nature of wheals often makes a first diagnosis by both patients and physicians seem easy. The disease itself is of a highly complex nature, with a variety of clinical manifestations ranging from pinpoint sized wheals to extensive angioedema. Further complexities include the diversity of possible eliciting and aggravating factors, the many different clinical subtypes and the therapeutic responsiveness.This second, extensively revised edition includes the indications listed in the most recent international guidelines, provides a practical, comprehensive review of all clinical aspects and causes, and addresses the diagnosis and therapy of different types of urticaria. Specific chapters are devoted to classification, aetiopathogenesis, patient reported outcomes, acute urticaria, chronic urticaria and its comorbidities, angioedema without weals, inducible urticarias, special populations including children, treatment with antihistamines and omalizumab, other interventions and looking ahead to new therapies. This new edition is a must read for dermatologists, allergists, pediatricians and practitioners of all disciplines who want their patients to benefit from cutting-edge diagnostics and treatments.
Us Against Alzheimer's: Stories of Family, Love, and Faith
by Marita GoldenThis groundbreaking multicultural anthology shares moving personal stories about the impacts of Alzheimer’s and dementia. An estimated 5.7 million Americans are afflicted by Alzheimer’s disease, including 10 percent of those over sixty-five, and it is the sixth leading cause of death. But its effects are more pervasive: for the nearly 6 million sufferers, there are more than 16 million family caregivers and many more family members. Alzheimer’s wreaks havoc not only on brain cells; it is a disease of the spirit and heart for those who suffer from it but also for their families. This groundbreaking anthology presents forty narratives, both nonfiction and fiction, that together capture the impact and complexity of Alzheimer’s and other dementias on patients as well as their caregivers and family. Deeply personal, recounting the wrenching course of a disease that kills a loved one twice—first they forget who they are, and then the body succumbs—these stories also show how witnessing the disease and caring for someone with it can be powerfully transformative, calling forth amazing strength and grace. The contributors, who have all generously donated their work, include Edwidge Danticat, Julie Otsuka, Elizabeth Nunez, Meryl Comer, Greg O’Brien, Dr. Daniel Potts, Sallie Tisdale, and Nihal Satyadev. Reflecting the diversity and global nature of the dementia crisis, this anthology is published in collaboration with UsAgainstAlzheimer’s.
US Health Policy and Health Care Delivery: Doctors, Reformers, and Entrepreneurs
by Carl F. AmeringerThe unique composition and configuration of doctors and hospitals in the US is leading to a crisis in primary care provision. <P><P>There are significantly more specialists than generalists, and many community hospitals and outpatient facilities are concentrated in affluent areas with high rates of comprehensive insurance coverage. These particular features present difficult challenges to policymakers seeking to increase access to care. Carl F. Ameringer shows why the road to universal healthcare is not built on universal finance alone. Policymakers in other countries successfully align finance with delivery to achieve better access, lower costs, and improved population health. <P>This book explains how the US healthcare system developed, and why efforts to expand insurance coverage in the absence of significant changes to delivery could make things worse.
US of AA: How the Twelve Steps Hijacked the Science of Alcoholism
by Joe MillerIn US of AA, Miller shares the never-before-told story of how in the aftermath of prohibition America's top scientists helped launch a movement that would give rise to a multi-million-dollar treatment industry and a new government agency devoted to alcoholism that has made available millions of dollars for research. Despite the fact that this research showed that alcoholism is a complex disease requiring an array of treatment strategies, among which Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is one of the least effective, money continued to flow to treatment facilities using approaches similar to AA. Five years in the making, his brilliant, in-depth investigative reporting into the history, politics and science of alcoholism will show how AA became our nation's de facto treatment policy, even as evidence for more effective remedies accumulated. US of AA is a character-driven, beautifully written exposé, full of secrecy, irony, liquor industry money, the shrillest of scare tactics and, at its center, a grand deception. In the tradition of Crazy by Pete Earley, and David Goldhill's Catastrophic Care, US of AA shines a much-needed spotlight on the addiction treatment industry. It will forever change the way we think about the entire enterprise.
Usability, Accessibility and Ambient Assisted Living
by Alexandra Queirós Nelson Pacheco da RochaWorldwide, the population ageing is a reality. The concept of Active Ageing, adopted by the World Health Organization, aims to guarantee quality ageing and appears as a strategy to solve this demographic challenge. The technological solutions might have a key role in the promotion of human functioning and in the mitigation of disabilities, particularly those resulting from the natural ageing process. This perspective is evident in the development of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solutions. In this context, it is relevant to know about the recent developments in AAL and discuss future trends and challenges in this area. One of the objectives of this book is to do a systematic literature review on AAL, not only considering the technology used, but also the health condition that is intended to improve. For this purpose, we consider the human functioning, in particular the conceptual model of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Considering that the ICF conceptual framework is accepted within the healthcare domain, the use of its concepts and terminologies to promote multidisciplinary approaches for AAL solutions development processes can help to overcome difficulties of communication between users, careers and technological developers. AAL solutions must consider in their development the needs of the person that will use AAL solutions. The development must be user-centred and usability questions cannot be forgotten. In addition, the acceptance of the AAL solutions is closely related to the quality of the systems, so it is necessary to appropriately assess these solutions.
Usability-Engineering in der Medizintechnik
by Claus BackhausErgonomisch gestaltete Medizintechnik führt zu effizienteren Arbeitsabläufen, erhöht die Patientensicherheit und reduziert die Arbeitsbelastung. Das Buch erläutert, wie Medizintechnik an die Bedürfnisse der Nutzer und Anwender angepasst werden kann. Durch das beschriebene Vorgehen ist es möglich, sowohl die Anforderungen der harmonisierten Normen DIN EN 62366 und DIN EN 60601-1-6 umzusetzen als auch neue Lösungsansätze für die Entwicklung innovativer Medizintechnik zu erarbeiten. Die Umsetzung wird anhand ausgewählter Praxisbeispiele erörtert.
Usability Testing of Medical Devices
by Michael E. Wiklund P.E. Jonathan Kendler Allison Y. StrochlicUsability Testing of Medical Devices covers the nitty-gritty of usability test planning, conducting, and results reporting. The book also discusses the government regulations and industry standards that motivate many medical device manufacturers to conduct usability tests.Since publication of the first edition, the FDA and other regulatory groups h
The Use and Effectiveness of Powered Air Purifying Respirators in Health Care: Workshop Summary
by Catharyn T. LivermanProtecting 18 million United States health care workers from infectious agents - known and unknown - involves a range of occupational safety and health measures that include identifying and using appropriate protective equipment. The 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic and the 2014 Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa have called raised questions about how best to ensure appropriate and effective use of different kinds of personal protective equipment such as respirators, not only to promote occupational safety but also to reduce disease transmission. "The Use and Effectiveness of Powered Air Purifying Respirators in Health Care" is the summary of a workshop convened by the Institute of Medicine Standing Committee on Personal Protective Equipment for Workplace Safety and Health to explore the current state of practices and research related to powered air purifying respirator (PAPRs) and potential updates to performance requirements. Presentations and discussions highlighted current health care practices using PAPRs and outlined the research to date on the use and effectiveness of PAPRs in health care settings with a focus on the performance requirements. "The Use and Effectiveness of Powered Air Purifying Respirators in Health Care" focuses on efficacy, current training, maintenance, supplies, and possible enhancements and barriers to use in inpatient, clinic, nursing home, and community (home) settings. This report also explores the strengths and weaknesses of using various approaches to health care PAPR standards.
The Use and Misuse of Psychiatric Drugs
by Joel Paris"Dr. Paris has written an honest, balanced presentation of the ways in which psychiatric drugs are evaluated and prescribed. He highlights the complexity of the task, the limits of what is known and the mixed picture that research often produces. His conclusions are refreshing because they are built from an even-handed, pragmatic assessment of the empirical evidence. The result is a stimulating look at the world of treatments for emotional disorders that acknowledges the usefulness of both biological and psychosocial explanations where appropriate. His recommendations provide helpful roadmaps for patients, practitioners and researchers alike. The book is sure to serve as a welcome catalyst for the continuing debates about which treatments are likely to produce the best outcomes."--Roger P. Greenberg, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor and Head, Psychology Division Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science SUNY Upstate Medical University, NY, USAThe message of this book is that psychiatrists have some very good drugs, but can expect bad results when they are over-used, prescribed outside of evidence-based indications, or given to the wrong patients. While acknowledging that many current agents are highly effective and have revolutionized the treatment of certain disorders, Joel Paris criticizes their use outside of an evidence base. Too many patients are either over-medicated or are misdiagnosed to justify aggressive treatment. Dr. Paris calls for more government funding of clinical trials to establish, without bias, the effectiveness of these agents. He has written this book for practitioners and trainees to show that scientific evidence supports a more cautious and conservative approach to drug therapy.After describing the history of psychopharmacology, including its early successes, Dr. Paris reviews the relationship between psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry. This problem has received considerable popular attention in recent years and Dr. Paris documents initiatives to increase transparency and decrease the influence of pharmaceutical marketing on diagnosis and prescribing habits.Dr Paris then examines some major controversies. One is the fact that newer drugs have not been shown to be superior to older agents. Another is that while the number of prescriptions for antidepressants has increased dramatically, meta-analyses show that their value is more limited than previously believed. Still another is the widespread prescription of mood stabilizers and antipsychotic drugs for patients, including children and adolescents, who do not have bipolar illness. Polypharmacy is an especially contentious area: very few drug combinations have been tested in clinical trials, yet many patients end up on a cocktail of powerful drugs, each with its own side effects.Dr Paris briefly considers alternatives to pharmacology and again calls for more clinical trials of these approaches. He also discusses the current trend to medicalizing what many would describe as normal distress and states succinctly: Some things in life are worth being upset about.
Use of AI, Robotics and Modelling tools to fight Covid-19
by Arpit Jain Abhinav Sharma Jianwu Wang Mangey RamThe COVID-19 pandemic has hit the global at a colossal scale. With worldwide reported cases of 5.34 million it has led to severe impact on humanity. Being a highly contagious disease, it has given global health services their most severe challenge. Various countries are fighting to minimize the losses due to the outbreak, however a common trait is enforcing lockdown, which has become the main defence mechanism. Researchers are working around the clock to find a breakthrough in the diagnostics and treatment of the pandemic.AI technology is useful for fast drug development and treatment. In the starting phase of COVID-19 pandemic, the medical fraternity in China diagnosed the virus using computed tomography (CT) and X-ray images due to the limitation of testing kits. Deep learning neural network model have also been used for COVID-19 diagnosis. AI assisted intelligent humanoid robots can be used to reduce the human contact and spread of COVID-19. In Italy robots have been used for measuring blood pressure, oxygen saturation and temperature of patients. Robots have also found applications in disinfecting and sterilizing of public places, COVID-19 testing, food and medicine delivery as well as entertaining patients in hospitals and quarantine centers, thereby reducing the workload of doctors and nurses.Prediction of the spread of virus and providing the guidelines or prevention measures is another AI application in COVID-19. Kaggle and GitHub are the two websites where the real-time data of COVID-19 is aggregated. This includes confirmed cases, active cases, cured cases and deaths in each country. This data set can be used for predicting the active cases across different regions of the world so that appropriate amount of health infrastructure can be made available to these places.
The Use of Aquatics in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Rehabilitation and Physical Conditioning
by David Joyner Kevin WilkThe Use of Aquatics in Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Rehabilitation and Physical Conditioning is a definitive and scientifically based text on the use and application of aquatic methodologies in both rehabilitation and physical conditioning appropriate for the general population to the elite athlete.The Use of Aquatics in Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Rehabilitation and Physical Conditioning represents a new generation of rehabilitation that is informative enough to be injury and sports specific. Dr. Kevin E. Wilk and Dr. David M. Joyner, along with noted domestic and international leaders in the field, explore the aquatic techniques and principles detailed in the work, while presenting this scientifically based material in an understandable and user-friendly format. Ten chapters take the reader from the history of aquatic rehabilitation and progress to discuss all parameters of aquatic rehabilitation.Some chapter topics include:• History, theory, and applications of aquatic therapy• Pool selection, facility design, and engineering considerations• Rehabilitation for the upper and lower extremities and spine• Sports-specific training• Research evidence for the benefits of aquatic exercise• Appendices, including 4 specific protocols for various lesions and disordersThe Use of Aquatics in Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Rehabilitation and Physical Conditioning represents a new era in the use and development of aquatic therapy in sports medicine rehabilitation and is perfect for physical therapists, athletic trainers, strength and conditioning coaches, personal trainers, and sports medicine professionals alike.
Use of Biocidal Surfaces for Reduction of Healthcare Acquired Infections
by Gadi BorkowThe notion that contaminated environments in hospital settings significantly contribute to the risk of an individual acquiring an infection while hospitalized is continuously gaining recognition by the medical community. There is a clear correlation between the environmental bioburden present in a clinical setting and the risk of patients acquiring an infection. Thus using self-disinfecting surfaces can be a very important adjunct in the fight against nosocomial pathogens. This book reviews the increasing evidence that contaminated non-intrusive soft and hard surfaces located in the clinical surroundings are a source of nosocomial pathogens and focuses on the utility of copper containing materials in reducing bioburden and fighting hospital acquired infections. It also reviews other biocidal surface alternatives and the economics of using biocidal surfaces in a hospital environment. Finally, it discusses the pros and cons of existent disinfection modalities other than biocidal surfaces.