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Wirkung ohne Wirksamkeit: Unspezifische therapeutische Wirkungen in der Medizin

by Johannes Köbberling

Die Alternativmedizin boomt. Immer mehr Menschen in Deutschland suchen Rat und Hilfe für ihre vielfältigen Leiden in der sanften Medizin. Angesichts dieser Beliebtheit stellen sich aber auch wissenschaftstheoretische, medizinische als auch ethische Fragen zur Wirksamkeit und Wirkung alternativer Methoden.Das Buch widmet sich einigen dieser Fragen und stellt die Wirksamkeit als Basis der wissenschaftlich orientierten Medizin den Wirkungen ohne Wirksamkeit von alternativmedizinischen Anwendungen gegenüber. Dabei werden trennende Unterschiede von evidenzbasierter Medizin und komplementärmedizinische Methoden wertneutral beschreiben. Der Autor, ein bekannter Verfechter der evidenzbasierten Medizin, will den unspezifischen Wirkungen - den sogenannten Kontextwirkungen - von komplementärmedizinischen Anwendungen auf den Grund gehen und beschreibt, in welchen Situationen diese Wirkungen auch in der wissenschaftlichen Medizin therapeutisch genutzt werden können. Das Buch richtet sich vor allem an Patienten und Ärzte, die sich mit alternativmedizinischen Anwendungen auseinander setzen wollen und dem Spannungsfeld zwischen rationalem Verständnis über die Unwirksamkeit und erlebter Wirkung auf den Grund gehen möchten.

Wisdom and Compassion in Psychotherapy

by Christopher Germer

Bringing together leading scholars, scientists, and clinicians, this compelling volume explores how therapists can cultivate wisdom and compassion in themselves and their clients. Chapters describe how combining insights from ancient contemplative practices and modern research can enhance the treatment of anxiety, depression, trauma, substance abuse, suicidal behavior, couple conflict, and parenting stress. Seamlessly edited, the book features numerous practical exercises and rich clinical examples. It examines whether wisdom and compassion can be measured objectively, what they look like in the therapy relationship, their role in therapeutic change, and how to integrate them into treatment planning and goal setting.

Wisdom Leadership in Academic Health Science Centers: Leading Positive Change

by Margaret Plews-Ogan Gene Beyt

'Patient-centered care is really about finding the thread that connects us as human beings with our patients. Compassion, meaning, gratitude, joy, these are all aspects of that thread that we share. This thread is what connects us to one another in the best possible way...This book on leadership is all about how we, as leaders, can foster capacities that can help us, and our health-care communities, to be our best selves, together.' From the Preface This inspiring new book from the Culture, Context and Quality in Health Sciences Research, Education, Leadership and Patient Care Series directly confronts the challenging times in which the business of health care finds itself. With a specific focus on the concept of wisdom, it considers the critical role of leadership in fostering and developing culture in health care. Each of the chapters reflect a key component of wisdom and ways to nurture wisdom in both individuals and organizations. It features personal accounts, interviews, and case studies demonstrating the benefits of working together as one. Fully referenced and passionately written, this book offers practical solutions for healthcare educators and leaders at all levels.

The Wisdom of Nurses: Stories of Grit From the Front Lines

by Amie Archibald-Varley Sara Fung

From the hosts of the hit podcast The Gritty Nurse, stories of the challenges, heartbreak and humour of life on the front lineOne of the enduring lessons of the pandemic has been the pivotal role that nursing plays in health care—vital work that isn’t widely understood or, sadly, appreciated. Sara Fung and Amie Archibald-Varley started the wildly popular The Gritty Nurse podcast to give voice to nurses all over the world, including more than 400,000 nurses in Canada. The authors have quickly become sought-after speakers and advocates for nurses and are called on regularly by the media to talk about a wide range of issues around the profession. In their first book, they take you to the front line of nursing to show the compassion, selflessness and dedication of professionals who not only give it all for their patients, but get up and do it over and over again.

The Wisdom of Plagues: Lessons from 25 Years of Covering Pandemics

by Donald G. McNeil Jr.

Award-winning New York Times reporter Donald G. McNeil, Jr. reflects on twenty-five years of covering pandemics—how governments react to them, how the media covers them, how they are exploited, and what we can do to prepare for the next one.For millions of Americans, Donald McNeil was a comforting voice when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. He was a regular reporter on The New York Times&’s popular podcast The Daily and told listeners early on to prepare for the worst. He&’d covered public health for twenty-five years and quickly realized that an obscure virus in Wuhan, China, was destined to grow into a global pandemic rivaling the 1918 Spanish flu. Because of his clear advice, a generation of Times readers knew the risk was real but that they might be spared by taking the right precautions. Because of his prescient work, The New York Times won the 2021 Pulitzer Gold Medal for Public Service. The Wisdom of Plagues is his account of what he learned over a quarter-century of reporting in over sixty countries. Many science reporters understand the basics of diseases—how a virus works, for example, or what goes into making a vaccine. But very few understand the psychology of how small outbreaks turn into pandemics, why people refuse to believe they&’re at risk, or why they reject protective measures like quarantine or vaccines. The COVID-19 pandemic was the story McNeil had trained his whole life to cover. His expertise and breadth of sources let him make many accurate predictions in 2020 about the course that a deadly new virus would take and how different countries would respond. By the time McNeil wrote his last New York Times stories, he had not lost his compassion—but he had grown far more stone-hearted about how governments should react. He had witnessed enough disasters and read enough history to realize that while every epidemic is different, failure was the one constant. Small case-clusters ballooned into catastrophe because weak leaders became mired in denial. Citizens refused to make even minor sacrifices for the common good. They were encouraged in that by money-hungry entrepreneurs and power-hungry populists. Science was ignored, obvious truths were denied, and the innocent too often died. In The Wisdom of Plagues, McNeil offers tough, prescriptive advice on what we can do to improve global health and be better prepared for the inevitable next pandemic.

The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats, Brothels, and the Business of AIDS

by Elizabeth Pisani

A flame-throwing epidemiologist talks about sex, drugs, and the mistakes (dismal), ideologies (vicious), and hopes (realistic) of international AIDS prevention. When people ask Elizabeth Pisani what she does for a living, she says, "sex and drugs." As an epidemiologist researching AIDS, she's been involved with international efforts to halt the disease for fourteen years. With swashbuckling wit and fierce honesty, she dishes on herself and her colleagues as they try to prod reluctant governments to fund HIV prevention for the people who need it most--drug injectors, gay men, sex workers, and johns.Pisani chats with flamboyant Indonesian transsexuals about their boob jobs and watches Chinese streetwalkers turn away clients because their SUVs aren't nice enough. With verve and clarity, she shows the general reader how her profession really works; how easy it is to draw wrong conclusions from "objective" data; and, shockingly, how much money is spent so very badly. "Exhibit A": the 45 billion taxpayer dollars the Bush administration is committing to international AIDS programs.

A Wise Birth: Bringing Together the Best of Natural Childbirth and Modern Medicine

by Penny Armstrong Sheryl Feldman

The authors explore the issues that influence the way women give birth: technology, psychology, culture, medications and history. They demonstrate that most hospitals aren't designed to bring out the wisdom of the body at birth and reveal how to find a setting that will help make your child's birth a healthy and powerful experience.

Wissens-Check: Zum Wiederholen: Kompakt und übersichtlich

by Reinhard Larsen

Als Ergänzung zum bekannten Lehrbuch des Autors gibt es nun in kompaktes Buch zum schnellen Wiederholen der wichtigsten Fakten in der Anästhesie. Ob im Bus oder auf dem Sofa, ob mit gedruckten Buch oder ebook: Überall kann der Stoff rasch erfasst und leicht gelernt werden. Für Teilnehmer der Fachweiterbildung Anästhesie und Intensivpflege, für ATAs, Wiedereinsteiger oder einfach zwischendurch zum Auffrischen des eigenen Wissens.Plus: ebook gratis dazu!

Wissens-Check Intensivmedizin für die Fachpflege: Kompaktes Kurzlehrbuch zum Wiederholen

by Reinhard Larsen

Kurz vor dem Ende der Fachweiterbildung und die Prüfung steht bevor? Dann haben Sie hier das ideale Kurzlehrbuch zum Wiederholen der Fakten und zum Auffrischen des Wissens vorliegen: Übersichtlich und prägnant können Sie alles Wichtige rund um die Intensivmedizin für die Fachpflege wiederholen. Die Intensivmedizin aus dem "Larsen" im handlichen Format zum raschen Wiederholen.

Wissenschaft und Willensfreiheit: Was Max Planck und andere Forschende herausfanden

by Stephan Schleim

Unsere Entscheidungen treffen wir selbst und frei. Oder nicht? Für unser Menschenbild ist wenig so bedeutend wie die Erfahrung, sich selbst unter Kontrolle zu haben. Doch was sagen Philosophie und Wissenschaft hierzu?Schon lange vor der Diskussion der Willensfreiheit in der Hirnforschung war man sich dieses Problems bewusst. Stephan Schleim nimmt hier den Vortrag des bedeutenden Physikers und Nobelpreisträgers Max Planck aus den 1930er Jahren zum Anlass, das Thema neu zu beleuchten. Dabei steht im Fokus, wie unsere tatsächlichen Entscheidungen in Alltagssituationen beeinflusst werden. Damit hebt sich das Sachbuch von anderen Veröffentlichungen ab, die nur Laborexperimente mit begrenzter Aussagekraft behandeln.Der Autor erklärt das Problem aus den Perspektiven von Psychologie, Neurowissenschaften, Philosophie, Rechtswissenschaften und Physik. Am Anfang werden Grundlagen vermittelt: Was hat es mit der Diskussion von Determinismus/Indeterminismus auf sich? Welche Begriffe von Willensfreiheit gibt es in der Philosophie? Wie werden Entscheidungen in der Psychologie untersucht?Nach Analyse der einschlägigen Forschung bespricht Stephan Schleim, Assoziierter Professor für Theoretische Psychologie, die praktische Dimension des Problems. Wie und warum machen wir Menschen für ihre Entscheidungen verantwortlich? Wie funktionieren Strafrecht und Moral? Und vor allem: Wie werden wir unbewusst beeinflusst und welche Möglichkeiten haben wir, damit umzugehen?

Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben: Verstehen, Anwenden, Nutzen für die Praxis (Studium Pflege, Therapie, Gesundheit)

by Valentin Ritschl Roman Weigl Tanja Stamm

In diesem Lehrbuch erhalten Studierende von gesundheitsbezogenen Studiengängen einen umfassenden Überblick über die verschiedenen Forschungsmethoden in den Gesundheitswissenschaften. Eignet sich für die Erforschung von Wirksamkeitsbelegen einzelner Interventionen eher die Durchführung einer quantitativen oder einer qualitativen Studie? Was muss bei der Auswahl passender Assessments beachtet werden? Was sind die häufigsten Fehler beim Schreiben eines Abstracts und wie kann ich sie vermeiden? Das erfahrene Autorenteam liefert Ihnen die Antworten!Aus dem Inhalt:Grundlagen zu Forschung und anwendungsbezogener Wissenschaft in GesundheitsberufenQualitative und quantitative Forschung, Reviews, Assessments, ICF-basierte Forschungsmethoden u.a.Themenfindung und Aufbau einer wissenschaftlichen ArbeitPlus: Checklisten zum Fragebogendesign und Vorlage zur Erstellung eines Critical Appraised TopicsÜberwinden Sie Ihre Ängste und gewinnen Sie Sicherheit für Forschung, wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben.

Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben: Verstehen, Anwenden, Nutzen für die Praxis (Studium Pflege, Therapie, Gesundheit)

by Valentin Ritschl Roman Weigl Tanja Stamm

In diesem Buch erhalten Studierende von pflege- und gesundheitsbezogenen Studiengängen einen umfassenden Überblick über die verschiedenen Forschungsmethoden in den Gesundheitswissenschaften. Das Autorenteam erklärt u.a. den grundsätzlichen Forschungsprozess, die ethischen und rechtlichen Besonderheiten klinischer Studien und die Entwicklung von Assessments. Lernen Sie wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse zu verstehen und richtig einzuordnen und profitieren Sie von den anwendungsbezogenen Tipps zur Planung und Erstellung eigener Forschungsarbeiten. So legen Sie den Grundstein für ein erfolgreiches Studium und den Einstieg ins evidenzbasierte Arbeiten.

Wissenschaftliches Publizieren in der Medizin: Ein Leitfaden

by Ansgar Brüning Ioannis Mylonas

Praktischer Leitfaden für Assistenzärzte, Fachärzte und Promovenden aller medizinischen Fachrichtungen, welche die Ergebnisse ihrer wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit publizieren möchten. Dieser Leitfaden bietet Hilfestellung für schnelles und effizientes Verfassen eines wissenschaftlichen Manuskripts und das erfolgreiche Vorgehen bei der Einreichung in einer nationalen oder internationalen Fachzeitschrift. Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung von der wissenschaftlichen Fragestellung bis zur Einreichung des fertigen Manuskripts: Vorbereitungen und Arbeitsplan für den Schreibprozess; wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse kurz und prägnant zusammenfassen; formale Kriterien erfüllen; Auswahl der passenden Zeitschrift; Umgang mit Gutachterkritik und abgelehnten Manuskripten Beide Autoren greifen dabei zurück auf ihre Erfahrungen in der Betreuung von Doktoranden und Assistenten, ihre Tätigkeiten als Gutachter und Mitherausgeber sowie auf insgesamt über 300 eigene Publikationen und Buchbeiträgen. Zahlreiche praktische Beispiele, Tipps, Tricks und Warnungen vor Fallstricken sind leicht auf die eigene Situation übertragbar.

Wissenschaftliches Publizieren in der Psychologie: Ein Praktischer Wegweiser Und Leitfaden

by Winfried Rief Jürgen Barth Beate Ditzen Gregor Domes

Dieser Leitfaden ist gedacht als Wegweiser von der Idee zur erfolgreichen Publikation im Rahmen einer Dissertation, Habilitation oder anderer wissenschaftlicher Projekte – geschrieben für Studierende, Doktorierende, Post-Doktorierende und Forscher in Psychologie, Sozialwissenschaften, Neurowissenschaften und in den Nachbarfächern, welche in peer-reviewed journals publizieren wollen. Das Buch basiert auf zahlreichen erfolgreichen Workshops der Autoren zum Publizieren und den eigenen Publikationserfahrungen und liefert in kompakter Form alles, was man zum Publizieren braucht: kompetent, strukturiert und zielorientiert.Der Inhalt: Als praktischer Leitfaden zum Publizieren enthält dieses Buch Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen zum Aufbau, Schreiben, Überarbeiten, Korrigieren und Einreichen von wissenschaftlichen Artikeln. Es hilft bei Planung, Entwurf und Umsetzung des Publikationsvorhabens und begleitet durch den Review-Prozess, gibt Hinweise zur Kommunikation mit Verlagen und Herausgebern und Tipps zum Umgang mit Rückmeldungen der Gutachter. Weitere Themen sind: Auswahl eines geeigneten Journals, Schreiben eines prägnanten Abstracts, Gestaltung von Abbildungen und Tabellen und vieles mehr.Die Autoren:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gregor Domes, Abteilung für Biologische und Klinische Psychologie, Universität Trier. Prof. Dr. phil. Beate Ditzen, Institut für Medizinische Psychologie, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg. PD Dr. phil. Jürgen Barth, Trainer Academic Writing, Bern, Schweiz.

Wit And Its Relation To The Unconscious

by Freud, Sigmund

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Witches, Midwives, & Nurses

by Deirdre English Barbara Ehrenreich

As we watch another agonizing attempt to shift the future of health care in the United States, we are reminded of the longevity of this crisis, and how firmly entrenched we are in a system that doesn't work.Witches, Midwives, and Nurses, first published by The Feminist Press in 1973, is an essential book about the corruption of the medical establishment and its historic roots in witch hunters. In this new edition, Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English have written an entirely new chapter that delves into the current fascination with and controversies about witches, exposing our fears and fantasies. They build on their classic exposé on the demonization of women healers and the political and economic monopolization of medicine. This quick history brings us up-to-date, exploring today's changing attitudes toward childbirth, alternative medicine, and modern-day witches.Barbara Ehrenreich is author of the New York Times bestsellers Nickel and Dimed and Bait and Switch, and, most recently, This Land is Their Land.Deirdre English, the former editor of Mother Jones, is a professor in the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley.

With a Little Help from Our Friends: Creating Community as We Grow Older

by Beth Baker

In this book, an award-winning journalist tells the story of people devising innovative ways to live as they approach retirement, options that ensure they are surrounded by a circle of friends, family, and neighbors. Based on visits and interviews at many communities around the country, Beth Baker weaves a rich tapestry of grassroots alternatives, some of them surprisingly affordable:• a mobile home cooperative in small-town Oregon• a senior artists colony in Los Angeles• neighbors helping neighbors in "Villages" or "naturally occurring retirement communities"• intentional cohousing communities• best friends moving in together• multigenerational families that balance togetherness and privacy• niche communities including such diverse groups as retired postal workers, gays and lesbians, and Zen BuddhistsDrawing on new research showing the importance of social support to healthy aging and the risks associated with loneliness and isolation, the author encourages the reader to plan for a future with strong connections. Baker explores whether individuals in declining health can really stay rooted in their communities through the end of life and concludes by examining the challenge of expanding the home-care workforce and the potential of new technologies like webcams and assistive robots.This book is the recipient of the annual Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Prize for the best project in the area of medicine.

With a Little Help from Our Friends: Creating Community as We Grow Older

by Beth Baker

In this book, an award-winning journalist tells the story of people devising innovative ways to live as they approach retirement, options that ensure they are surrounded by a circle of friends, family, and neighbors. Based on visits and interviews at many communities around the country, Beth Baker weaves a rich tapestry of grassroots alternatives, some of them surprisingly affordable: • a mobile home cooperative in small-town Oregon • a senior artists colony in Los Angeles • neighbors helping neighbors in "Villages" or "naturally occurring retirement communities" • intentional cohousing communities • best friends moving in together • multigenerational families that balance togetherness and privacy • niche communities including such diverse groups as retired postal workers, gays and lesbians, and Zen Buddhists Drawing on new research showing the importance of social support to healthy aging and the risks associated with loneliness and isolation, the author encourages the reader to plan for a future with strong connections. Baker explores whether individuals in declining health can really stay rooted in their communities through the end of life and concludes by examining the challenge of expanding the home-care workforce and the potential of new technologies like webcams and assistive robots.This book is the recipient of the annual Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Prize for the best project in the area of medicine.

With a Vengeance: Medical Thriller

by Eileen Dreyer

Fantasy Retribution Becomes Harsh Reality in With a Vengeance, a Medical Thriller from Eileen Dreyer—2003 - St. Louis, Missouri—Trauma nurse and SWAT medic Maggie O’Brien has spent years trying to get out from under the shadow of her father, the most infamous cop in St. Louis. Her SWAT team is now her family, and the Blymire Memorial ER staff her friends.But when people in her care start turning up dead, Maggie fears one of her ER friends is enacting a fantasy retribution by systematically killing patients.Caught dead center between justice and loyalty, dare she betray the people she relies on most? If she doesn’t, will she be no better than her father? But if she does, she’ll likely be the next victim.Publisher’s Note: No one writes medical thrillers better than former Trauma Nurse, Eileen Dreyer. This tight medical thriller contains profanity consistent with the salty speech of cops and bad-guys and contains some explicit sexual content.“Turbocharged thriller” ~Kirkus Review“A first-rate, action-packed thriller.” ~Midwest Book Review“As with all Eileen Dreyer books, this one is a keeper.” ~The Mystery Reader“Fast pacing, thorough research and a swaggering cop...” ~Publisher’s WeeklyOther Thrillers From Eileen DreyerA Man to Die ForNothing PersonalBrain DeadBad MedicineIf Looks Could KillCity of the DeadWith a VengeanceHead Games

With Deadly Intent

by Louise Hendricksen

There was no body when Dr. Amy Prescott arrived at her cousin's apartment after an early morning call. But there was chaos and a missing fiancée. Oren Prescott was innocent, Amy believed, although he was nowhere to be found. Working for the Seattle State Crime Lab, where her father is the local medical examiner, Amy is surrounded by trouble. This time, as reporter Simon Kittredge teams up with Dr. Amy Prescott, they find clues leading them from Montana to an abandoned waterfront pier. Lurking behind their every move, someone watches. As the real body surfaces, Amy discovers that she could be the next victim.

With Love from Karen

by Marie Killilea

The Killilea family returns in the heartwarming sequel to national bestseller KarenWith Love from Karen picks up five years after the conclusion of Karen, the miraculous and true story of a girl with cerebral palsy who triumphed against all odds. It follows the Killileas through Karen's teen years and into adulthood. Karen and her family continue to face seemingly insurmountable obstacles: They must fight for Karen's right to attend public school, support Karen in her dream to raise and exhibit champion show dogs, and encourage her in her decision to use a wheelchair or walk on her own. Once again, the Killilea family proves that the power of faith, love, and courage in the face of adversity can make miracles happen.

With or Without You: A Novel

by Caroline Leavitt

&“With or Without You is a moving novel about twists of fate, the shifting terrain of love, and coming into your own. With tenderness and incisive insight, Leavitt spotlights a woman's unexpected journey towards her art.&” —Madeline Miller, author of CirceNew York Times bestselling author Caroline Leavitt writes novels that expertly explore the struggles and conflicts that people face in their search for happiness. For the characters in With or Without You, it seems at first that such happiness can come only at someone else&’s expense. Stella is a nurse who has long suppressed her own needs and desires to nurture the dreams of her partner, Simon, the bass player for a rock band that has started to lose its edge. But when Stella gets unexpectedly ill and falls into a coma just as Simon is preparing to fly with his band to Los Angeles for a gig that could revive his career, Simon must learn the meaning of sacrifice, while Stella&’s best friend, Libby, a doctor who treats Stella, must also make a difficult choice as the coma wears on. When Stella at last awakes from her two-month sleep, she emerges into a striking new reality where Simon and Libby have formed an intense bond, and where she discovers that she has acquired a startling artistic talent of her own: the ability to draw portraits of people in which she captures their innermost feelings and desires. Stella&’s whole identity, but also her role in her relationships, has been scrambled, and she has the chance to form a new life, one she hadn&’t even realized she wanted. A story of love, loyalty, loss, and resilience, With or Without You is a page-turner that asks the question, What do we owe the other people in our lives, and when does the cost become too great?

Within and Without the Nation

by Adele Perry Henry Yu Karen Dubinsky

In some ways, Canadian history has always been international, comparative, and wide-ranging. However, in recent years the importance of the ties between Canadian and transnational history have become increasingly clear. Within and Without the Nation brings scholars from a range of disciplines together to examine Canada's past in new ways through the lens of transnational scholarship.Moving beyond well-known comparisons with Britain and the United States, the fifteen essays in this collection connect Canada with Latin America, the Caribbean, and the wider Pacific world, as well as with other parts of the British Empire. Examining themes such as the dispossession of indigenous peoples, the influence of nationalism and national identity, and the impact of global migration, Within and Without the Nation is a text which will help readers rethink what constitutes Canadian history.

Within Our Grasp: Childhood Malnutrition Worldwide and the Revolution Taking Place to End It

by Sharman Apt Russell

An important, hopeful book that looks at the urgent problem of childhood malnutrition worldwide and the revolutionary progress being made to end it. A healthy Earth requires healthy children. Yet nearly one-fourth of the world&’s children are stunted physically and mentally due to a lack of food or nutrients. These children do not die but endure a lifetime of diminished potential. During the past thirty years, says Sharman Russell, we have seen a revolution in how we treat these sick children and in how—with a new understanding of the human body and approach to nutrition, and new ways to reach out to hungry mothers and babies—we have gone from unwittingly killing severely malnourished children to bringing them back to health through the &“miracle&” of ready-to-eat therapeutic food. Intertwined with stories of scientists and nutrition experts on the front lines of finding ways to end malnutrition for good, Russell writes of her travels to Malawi, one of the poorest and least-developed countries in the world and also the site of pathbreaking, cutting-edge research into childhood malnutrition. (Eighty percent of Malawians are farmers subsisting on less than an acre of land and coping with erratic weather patterns due to global warming; fifty percent live below the poverty line; and forty-two percent of Malawi&’s children are affected by a lack of food or nutrients.) As she writes of her personal exploration of new friendships and insights in a country known as &“the warm heart of Africa,&” Russell describes the programs that are working best to reduce childhood stunting and explores how malnutrition in children is connected to climate change, how vitamins and minerals are preventing these harmful effects, why the empowerment of women is the single most effective factor in eliminating childhood malnutrition, and what the costs of ending childhood malnutrition are. Sharman Russell, much-admired writer of luminous prose and humane heart, whose writing has been called, &“elegant&” (The Economist) and &“extraordinarily well-crafted, far-reaching, and heart-wrenching&” (Booklist), winner of the John Burroughs Medal for distinguished natural history writing, has written an illuminating, inspiring book that makes clear the promise of what is today, gratefully, within our grasp.

Within Our Reach: Ending the Mental Health Crisis

by Rosalynn Carter Susan K. Golant Kathryn E. Cade

In Within Our Reach: Ending the Mental Health Crisis, Rosalynn Carter and coauthors Susan K. Golant and Kathryn E. Cade render an insightful, unsparing assessment of the state of mental health. Mrs. Carter has been deeply invested in this issue since her husband's gubernatorial campaign when she saw firsthand the horrific, dehumanizing treatment of people with mental illnesses. Using stories from her 35 years of advocacy to springboard into a discussion of the larger issues at hand, Carter crafts an intimate and powerful account of a subject previously shrouded in stigma and shadow, surveying the dimensions of an issue that has affected us all. She describes a system that continues to fail those in need, even though recent scientific breakthroughs with mental illness have potential to help most people lead more normal lives. Within Our Reach is a seminal, searing, and ultimately optimistic look at how far we've come since Carter's days on the campaign trail and how far we have yet to go.

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