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Vascular Malformations

by Ajay K. Khanna Satyendra K. Tiwary

The book covers all aspects of vascular malformations including classification, embryology, genetics, clinical approach, investigations, management, controversies and key points to remember. Chapters cover recent changes in detail in various aspects, such as classification, genetic decoding, minimal intervention, selective approach and investigations for different types. It offers clear guidance on diagnostic protocol and surgical decision making with changing scenario leading to evolving endovascular and radiological interventions. The book is useful for vascular surgeon, pediatric surgeon, general surgeon, plastic surgeon and intervention radiologist as well as clinical research scholars, surgical oncologists and radiologists.

Vascular Manifestations of Systemic Autoimmune Diseases

by Ronald A. Asherson Ricard Cervera

Not too long ago, it was thought that inflammation of blood vessels was the sole manifestation of systemic autoimmune diseases. Today, however, we know that disorders of coagulation, injuries to both neutrophils and endothelial cells, and certain lipids and amino acids are all intricately involved in the development of vascular disease. How are all

Vascular Mechanisms in CNS Trauma

by Eng H. Lo Josephine Lok Mingming Ning Michael J. Whalen

While there are a number of books on the market that deal with neuronal mechanisms and targets, the proposed book will be the only one to cover the vascular aspects of CNS trauma. The contributing authors will present basic mechanisms, explain cutting-edge experimental models and techniques, and provide several clinical chapters that provide treating physicians with some insight on the cases that they see in the ICU. The table of contents is diverse and comprehensive with chapters on molecular mechanisms, physiology, pharmacology, stem cells, genomics and proteomics, in vivo MRI and PET, as well as the clinical management of vascular parameters. ​

Vascular Mechanobiology in Physiology and Disease (Cardiac and Vascular Biology #8)

by Markus Hecker Dirk J. Duncker

This volume of the series Cardiac and Vascular Biology presents the most relevant aspects of vascular mechanobiology along with many more facets of this fascinating, timely and clinically highly relevant field. Mechanotransduction, mechanosensing, fluid shear stress, hameodynamics and cell fate, are just a few topics to name. All important aspects of vascular mechanobiology in health and disease are reviewed by some of the top experts in the field. This volume, together with a second title on cardiac mechanobiology featured in this series, will be of high relevance to scientists and clinical researchers in the area of vascular biology, cardiology and biomedical engineering.

Vascular Morphogenesis

by Domenico Ribatti

Vascular Morphogenesis: Methods and Protocols provides a range of techniques for studying vascular morphogenesis in vivo and in vitro, reflecting advances in the field. Endothelial cell signaling is currently believed to promote fundamental cues for cell fate specification, embryo patterning, organ differentiation and postnatal tissue remodeling. Understanding the concept of vascular bed specificity represents a major challenge for future investigations. Indeed, one of the most interesting theoretical perspectives and practical applications of endothelial cell signaling is the possibility for these cells to maintain their inductive potential during adult life. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Practical and authoritative, Vascular Morphogenesis: Methods and Protocols will serve as a instructive and useful reference for cell biologists, anatomists, pathologists and physiologists, as well as all those interested in this area of biological study.

Vascular Neurology Board Review

by Hardik P. Amin Joseph L. Schindler

This concise, yet comprehensive review covers the diagnostic and treatment information needed for the vascular neurology board exam. The assembled material is easy-to-read with chapters emphasizing clinically relevant scientific principles that must be mastered by the stroke clinician. Neurology, vascular neurology and neuro-critical care residents and fellows will find this text to be an invaluable preparation guide and a succinct source to complement treatment guidelines and protocols.

Vascular Neurology Board Review: An Essential Study Guide

by Hardik P. Amin Joseph L. Schindler

This book provides a concise review for practitioners in preparation for the Vascular Neurology Boards including the Maintenance of Certification exam. This valuable second edition is expertly written and supplemented with new treatment paradigms as well as new and updated trial results.. Beginning with a general overview on how to prepare for the exam, this practical guide emphasizes clinically relevant scientific principles that must be mastered by the stroke clinician. Subsequent chapters review acute management of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, specific epidemiological risk factors, stroke pathophysiology, stroke classification, and vascular neuroanatomy. This edition also reviews cardiac and hematological considerations in stroke patients, genetic stroke syndromes, vascular malformations, cognitive disorders, stroke rehabilitation, and peri-operative stroke management. Vascular Neurology Board Review, Second Edition, is not only written to act as a guide for the neurology resident and fellow, but also as a useful framework for non-neurologists.

Vascular Neurosurgery

by Samer S. Hoz

This book is a guide dedicated to vascular pathologies affecting the central nervous system. It uses a multiple-choice format with more than 340 genuine MCQs in a convenient format that is ideal for self-study. Seven chapters provide comprehensive coverage of core concepts in vascular neurosurgery. The questions are structured and organized so as to offer a step-by-step description of each disease, from the definition, related anatomy, pathology, clinical features, radiology to surgical decisions and operative tricks. Answers and explanations appear directly below the questions to make reading easy. This book is essential for residents across neurosurgical disciplines as it includes most of the neurovascular information neurosurgical residents need to prepare for their certification exam. It is also beneficial for those seeking a refresher or for those preparing for certification maintenance.

Vascular Neurosurgery in Environments with Limited Resources

by Athanasios K. Petridis Homajoun Maslehaty

Embark on a transformative journey with this groundbreaking guide tailored for seasoned neurosurgeons in developed countries. This book serves as a compass for those inspired to extend their expertise to resource-constrained settings, elevating the standards of cerebrovascular surgery in developing nations. Beyond surgical techniques, it addresses intercultural nuances, language barriers, and the challenges of bridging the medical divide. This is not just a guide; it's a call to action, urging experts to actively share their knowledge with neurosurgeons in less privileged environments.

Vascular Protection: Molecular Mechanisms, Novel Therapeutic Principles and Clinical Applications

by Gabor M. Rubanyi Victor J. Dzau John P. Cooke

Vascular Protection explores advances in vascular biology and how they translate into innovations in drug therapy for vascular disease. It addresses recent advances in the knowledge of endothelial vasoactive factors and other biologically active molecules as well as gene therapy. Written by leading experts in their respective fields, each chapter e

Vascular Proteomics

by Fernando Vivanco

Proteomics is a rapidly expanding investigation platform in cardiovascular medicine. Driven by major improvements in mass spectrometry (MS) instrumentation and data analysis, the proteomics field has flourished in recent years particularly in the study of complex diseases. These recent advances are characterized by the development of quantitative MS-based methods that promoted the field from primarily identifying proteins to also providing measurements of relative changes in protein levels between different cell states. This progress is reflected in the application of proteomic techniques to vascular pathology. Vascular Proteomics: Methods and Protocols provides up-to-date methods and protocols for the analysis of arteries, cells, lipoproteins, body fluids, and metabolites, with a particular focus on MS-based methods of protein and peptide quantification. Written in the successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and easily accessible, Vascular Proteomics: Methods and Protocols is a representative selection of methods that can be a useful resource for experienced proteomics practitioners as well as newcomers interested in becoming acquainted with the practice of proteomic techniques for cardiovascular research.

Vascular Reconstructions: Anatomy, Exposures and Techniques

by Jamal J. Hoballah Carlos F. Bechara

When the first edition of Vascular Reconstructions was published almost twenty years ago, endovascular surgery was still in its infancy. Endovascular approaches became the preferred initial intervention for many vascular pathologies resulting in a major decrease in open vascular surgical procedures. In order to build upon changes in the management of vascular pathology over the past two decades, this second edition of Vascular Reconstructions was conceived. The first part starts with a review of commonly used vascular instruments and an overview of grafts and sutures used in vascular reconstructions. A detailed chapter on vascular anatomy and exposures is provided to serve as a quick reference before starting a vascular procedure. The remaining chapters in the first part of this book review the basic steps usually performed before and after constructing a vascular anastomosis in addition to thrombectomy and endarterectomy. The second part of this book focuses on the various methods used to conduct a vascular reconstruction, which include primary closure, closure with a patch angioplasty, end-to-end, end-to-side, and side- to-side anastomoses. The various possible modifications used are outlined. The third part of this book reviews the various adjunctive methods used when constructing the proximal or distal anastomoses of an infrainguinal bypass. The fourth part of the book reviews the various modifications that are carried out when constructing the proximal and distal anastomoses of an aortic occlusive or aneurysmal pathology. The vascular anastomoses workshop that inspired the conception of this book is included as an appendix. The fifth part focuses on endovascular therapy and imaging.Vascular Reconstructions: Anatomy, Exposures, and Techniques 2nd Edition aims to make the vascular rotation a pleasant experience for surgical residents, the vascular faculty, recent graduates embarking on conducting vascular reconstructions independently, and healthcare providers who wish to be familiar with the various steps involved in conducting a vascular procedure.

Vascular Surgery

by Alan Dardik

Vascular surgery has experienced remarkable growth and diversification in the last decade, especially with its embracing the disruptive endovascular technological revolution. Vascular surgeons remain the only group of specialists capable of total treatment of patients with vascular disease, providing medical, minimally invasive, and surgical therapy. Although vascular surgeons practice in all areas of the world, practice patterns in different areas naturally have both similarities and differences that reflect both regional patterns of disease, genetic characteristics of local peoples, cultural preferences for treatment, local political and economic situations, different access to resources and devices, as well as different training paradigms. Thus, the practice of vascular surgery has diversified and evolved in parallel in many areas, converging and diverging in many ways. Vascular Surgery: A Global Perspective provides the first review and comparison of the diversity of vascular surgery practice around the world. The book is grouped according to common vascular diseases such as aneurysmal and occlusive arterial disease, as well as venous and lymphatic disease and dialysis access. Each major disease topic includes multiple chapters written by expert specialists from around the world, each discussing their local approach to the disease and its treatment. Similarly, the status of vascular surgery practice is addressed, including discussion of the influence of payment systems on practice, patient access to the internet for information, training paradigms, and the legal system including malpractice. This textbook provides the first worldwide summary of the care of patients with vascular disease and will be of interest to a wide audience including vascular surgeons, vascular medical specialists, cardiologists, radiologists, internists, and family practice physicians.

Vascular Surgery: Illustrated Clinical Cases (ISSN)

by James Forsyth

Providing real-world case examples and realistic mock examples of vascular surgery emergencies and clinical scenarios, this illustrated text supports trainees and residents in their daily clinical practice. However, the focus on senior decision-making and complex clinical management scenarios will also help trainees prepare for the FRCS (Vasc) and other specialist Vascular Surgery exams.Indeed, making efficient and appropriate clinical decisions is one of the most important and challenging parts of postgraduate vascular surgical training. These realistic cases will teach trainee vascular surgeons to develop their diagnostic and management skills, expand their experience, and ultimately should empower them to form more advanced clinical management plans that reflect higher level thinking.Key Features Teaches the surgical trainee how to navigate real-world clinical scenarios Reinforces the practical application of basic principles Encompasses challenging cases Provides question and answer options Case reflections indicate the rationale behind the decision-making A broad range of clinical conditions are covered to ensure that the trainee vascular surgeon can respond with confidence when presented with difficult new case scenarios.

Vascular Surgery: Cases, Questions And Commentaries

by George Geroulakos Bauer Sumpio

This updated volume acknowledges new data and techniques in the area of vascular surgery. New chapters have been added and previous chapters have been updated to cover recent developments in vascular and endovascular surgery. The book aims to bring together a unique collection of real life cases that highlight the diversity of problems encountered in vascular surgery. This book is written along evidence based medicine principles and will be relevant to vascular practitioners, as well as medical trainees.

Vascular Surgery

by Jamal J. Hoballah Alan B. Lumsden

Vascular care has evolved from conservative therapy and open surgical therapy to a minimally invasive approach using endovascular techniques, laparoscopic or thoracoscopic techniques as well as hybrids of open and endovascular techniques. This volume provides up-to-the-minute information and details new developments and procedures.

Vascular Surgery

by Bauer Sumpio George Geroulakos

This updated and revised third edition of Vascular Surgery: Cases, Questions and Commentaries provides a unique collection of real-life case histories, written by experts, that highlights the diversity of problems encountered in vascular surgery. With an international panel of contributors, many of whom are also examiners on the UK, European or American Boards in Vascular Surgery, this book familiarizes the reader quickly with day-to-day clinical practice. Case studies are presented in question-and-answer format and have been widely referenced to reassure the reader that their contents are established best practice. Most cases are accompanied by multiple x-rays or color illustrations for visual clarity. This book serves as a teaching resource for vascular trainees or practitioners who are reviewing for the oral board exam or practitioners who wish to refresh their expertise with an interactive source of information. It also provides established practitioners the wherewithal to review the current standards of practice in vascular surgery.

Vascular Surgery: Principles and Practice, Fourth Edition (Oxford Textbooks In Surgery Ser. #Vol. 4)

by Frank Veith Samuel Wilson Juan Jimenez A. Naylor John Buckels

Vascular surgery has seen a remarkable evolution. A discipline focused on the natural history and treatment of vascular disease by open operation is now primarily a minimally invasive specialty. Mastery of the basic pathophysiology has been retained while the transformation by improved imaging and endovascular intervention has been integrated into practice. This fourth edition of Vascular Surgery: Principles and Practice has incorporated these advances building on the specialty’s past assets. Knowledge of natural history and open surgery will always have an essential role in optimal care of patients with vascular diseases. The authors’ exposition of the old and the new will make this edition a valuable resource for vascular surgeons and all others dedicated to the care of vascular patients.

Vascular Surgery in Oncology

by Antonio Eduardo Zerati Kenji Nishinari Nelson Wolosker

Circulatory conditions are involved both in the oncologic disease itself and in its treatment, with a direct impact on therapeutic planning for patients. At the same time, it goes without saying that cancer and its treatment affect the circulatory system, be it arterial, venous or lymphatic.This book explores the interface between vascular surgery and the various clinical and surgical oncological specialties, highlighting which types of neoplasm are most common and focusing on those that more frequently cause or are influenced by vascular diseases. The diagnostic procedures for these tumors and the most suitable types of treatment are also discussed.The content is divided into three sections: I – Surgical Oncology, II – Clinical Oncology and Oncohematology, and III – Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. The first section presents the most common types of tumor in each surgical oncology specialty, and the most frequent tumors associated with vascular complications. The diagnosis, staging, prognosis and oncological treatments are discussed, while associated vascular complications, such as vascular invasion, venous thrombosis, and arterial thrombosis, are described. The second section focuses on general aspects of Clinical Oncology and Oncohematology in addition to the most frequent vascular complications related to solid and hematological cancers and its treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, bone marrow transplantation). The third section includes a more detailed approach to vascular events and diseases commonly found in cancer patients, in addition to technical discussions regarding vascular reconstructions associated with tumor resection, vascular access, among other topics.At the end of each chapter, the editors comment and highlight the most important challenges for vascular surgeons who dedicate their lives to treating cancer patients.Given its scope, the book offers a valuable resource for medical specialists and professionals in training in the fields of vascular surgery and angiology, clinical oncology, oncohematology and surgical oncology.

The Vascular Surgery In-Training Examination Review (VSITE)

by Allen Murga Theodore H. Teruya Ahmed M. Abou-Zamzam Christian Bianchi

The field of vascular surgery has been progressing and developing. The training for vascular surgery has progressed to now encompassing 0+5 residency along with 5+2 fellowship, which will then produce more vascular surgeons, as the need for them continues to be in demand. In the process of progressing through two years or five years of training a comprehensive review book is essential for trainees in preparation for boards as well as everyday practice. This textbook will serve as an extremely useful resource primarily for residents and fellows but also for anyone involved with managing vascular surgery disease. It will be a useful tool in preparation for any vascular examination including the VSITE and vascular boards. It will provide a concise and comprehensive summary of vascular surgery disease and serve as an initial platform for further expanding their knowledge of vascular disease processes. All chapters are written by experts in the field and will include the most up to date scientific and clinical information.

Vascular Surgery, Neurosurgery, Lower Extremity Ulcers, Antimicrobials, Wound Assessment, Care, Measurement and Repair (Recent Clinical Techniques, Results, and Research in Wounds #5)

by Melvin A. Shiffman Mervin Low

This book introduces readers to the latest developments regarding pressure injury wounds, diabetic wounds, and negative pressure wound therapy. The first part exclusively deals with wounds from pressure ulcers, describing in detail their prevention, classification, and treatment. In turn, chapters addressing diabetic wounds form the middle part of the book. Here, the authors provide guidance on the medication and treatment (e.g. stem cells, laser) of patients suffering from this disease. The book’s last part, which focuses on negative pressure wound therapy, addresses all major aspects of this approach, reflecting the latest research. Illustrated with a wealth of high-quality pictures throughout, the book offers a unique resource for both beginners and experienced plastic surgeons.

The Vascular System: Diagnostic Medical Sonography Series (Diagnostic Medical Sonography Ser.)

by Ann Marie Kupinski

Kupinski’s Diagnostic Medical Sonography: The Vascular System, 2nd Edition provides a current, comprehensive treatment of vascular sonography enhanced by six new chapters— Orientation to Ultrasound Scanning (1), Ultrasound Principles (2), Ergonomics: Avoiding Work-Related Injury (3), Sonography in the Venous Treatment Room (21), Evaluation of Penile Blood Flow (31), and Complementary Vascular Imaging (32). And an intregal part of the updated Diagnostic Medical Sonography Series, which includes new editions of Diagnostic Medical Sonography: Abdomen and Superficial Structures, Diagnostic Medical Sonography: Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Diagnostic Medical Sonography: The Vascular System, provides the right content at the right level for the right way to teach and learn.

The Vascular System (Diagnostic Medical Sonography Series)

by Ann Marie Kupinski Glen Schifrin

Part of the highly regarded Diagnostic Medical Sonography series, Ann Marie Kupinski’s The Vascular System, 3rd Edition, thoroughly covers the core content students need to master in today’s rigorous sonography programs. Careful, collaborative editing ensures consistency across all three titles in this series: The Vascular System, Abdomen and Superficial Structures, and Obstetrics and Gynecology, providing the right content at the right level for both students and instructors.

Vascular Tumors and Developmental Malformations

by Paula E. North Tara Sander

This book comprehensively covers the classification, histopathology, pathogenesis, and molecular diagnosis of vascular tumors and malformations, correlating these with current approaches to clinical management. It offers a new multidisciplinary resource for clinicians, pathologists, molecular diagnosticians, and scientists in the field of vascular medicine and biology, fostering cross-cutting collaboration in clinical practice and research. Fundamental background information on vascular tumors and malformation is provided, while also including the most current information available on pathogenic mechanisms underlying this heterogenous group of disorders and the implications for molecular diagnosis and therapeutic intervention. Written by experts in the field, Vascular Tumors and Developmental Malformations: Pathogenic Mechanisms and Molecular Diagnosis provides the medical and scientific community with an essential, practical resource to guide accurate diagnosis, well-targeted therapies, and informed investigation of specific clinicopathological entities within the spectrum of vascular anomalies.

Vascularization: Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering

by Eric M. Brey

A Complex and Growing FieldThe study of vascularization in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM) and its applications is an emerging field that could revolutionize medical approaches for organ and tissue replacement, reconstruction, and regeneration. Designed specifically for researchers in TERM fields, Vascularization: Regenerative M

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